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New state propaganda by German TV

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> live in Germany
> pay nearly 29 Euros/month for state tv
> get ultra shitty propaganda comedy for this


The most sad thing is that this video has more up- than downvotes...

caliphate soon
I mean nearly 20 Euros/month, and before you ask, YES, every household has to pay this, even if you don't own any electronics.

Before they changed this, there were searchers who (no joke) tried to hear or see that you have devices like tv, radio or computer.
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>State TV in Germanistan is allowed to mock a political party like that
Shouldn't they at least pretend to be neutral?
And I thought media in Poland were shit.
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Petry looks a bunch better than that sloot
>more up votes than down votes
Not for long
Well she isn't completely off.

Petry is a whore that slept her way up the party ranks and eventually divorced her husband to marry a high ranking AFD member.

Just make sure not to tell pol.
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I can't stand this new race of humans with those oddly punchable faces I've never seen before and I wanna wonder how they appeared. It causes me stress. Why do they look so off ? Please help me ok
You gonna deny Petry being a cock and power hungry slut?
Yeah we had the same shit. I'm too poor so I'm exempted from this tax though.
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I was once in a German cinema to watch a movie, where they showed a "short movie" before (as they apparently often do).

That was a German short trying to make fun of a jew visiting for christmas at Germany, where the senile grandma had swastikas on the christmas decoration.

The cringelevel physically hurt me watching that movie..
>german """""comedians"""""
In a normal world, this unfunny, untalented clunt wouldn't even be on TV.
state tv is propaganda everywhere,
but petry is a whore who should be hanged
>implying women that don't use their sexuality in any way to climb up the corporate ladder even exist
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Hey, I'll be willing to ally with the mudslimes if we agree to kill the Jews first
wait a minute people in europe have to pay the goverment for a state runned channel of they get fined?
lmao top fucking kek
I'll just leave this here.
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That's not even the worst. State TV is literally 1984 propaganda, and the private media is mostly just as bad. I haven't read and watched it for a few months now, it's pure cancer. And 2/3s of the journalists and media makers are leftists to radical, raging super marxists. And they don't need to hide anything.
So.... You have to pay even if you dont have any TV or Radio in your home? how about PC?
Context behind that image, pls, desu.
Antifa leaflet.
Yes, to all. You have to pay or go to jail. --- Just typing this out makes Germanistan look like a dictatorship.

Disgusting country. I hate it so fucking much here. Can't wait to get out.
I would love to fuck Carolin Kebekus. I had a teacher that looked like a better version of her in english, if I was good looking I coulda fucked her, I swear.
What is the general sentiment of that song? I get that they are mocking AFD, but what are they saying about them? I don't speak German.
Why would you actually want to buy what amounts to condensed corruption

Why the fuck would you pay for state TV?
>a picture of our god emperor on her wall

I bet she masturbates to that shit.
Im pretty sure its either your fault or the jews

We in the west have 20% less testosterone than we did 100 years ago.

We are literally too pussified to do anything.
you are forced to
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>You have to pay or go to jail.
top kek
Translation for the civilized world please.
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Good one. Those kind of video usually do the opposite of what they want to. Free advertising for the AfD I guess.
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>woman sleeps her way through gaming media to get her game positive press, is called out for it. She becomes a martyr and is called a hero being attacked by "the sexist patriarchy of gaming" and becomes a calling poitn for feminists that a woman's sexual life/looks shouldn't be a focus of the public.

>State German TV sexually mock and ridicule a political leader in an extremely sexist way
>this is fine

The double standard of liberals disgusts me, they claim the moral high ground on everything but as soon as they don't like something they will stoop lower than anyone possibly can while still clamining moral high ground.
im going to take a guess
im the bitch of the AfD, i want to punch merkel in the face
something something hitlery
Germans gonna German
At least in Germany.
Carolin Kebekus is hot
You are disgusting. Kill (you)rself.
You can thank the eternal Anglo for that
You are disgusting. Kill (you)rself.
I know how you feel anon, finishing up my studies and bolting the fuck out of here
Nimm deine Medizin, Bernd
Same here if you own a tv - we are at cuck levels that should be illegal
EVERY citizen has to pay, even if you live in a cabin in the woods (which is not allowed in Germany...).

But every citizen needs an address, and this address has to pay the charge.

So even if you would get an official address for your 1qm2 wood cabin, you would have to paaayyy...
I wish the bombing of Dresden was more widespread
Why can't you live in a cabin in the woods?
>even if you live in a cabin in the woods (which is not allowed in Germany.
oh man i hope there's a funny reason for that
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Every household is obliged to pay the GEZ because everyone can receive state TV

Let it be through your phone, tablet, TV, radio, computer etc.

And even if you don't own any of these things you still have to pay because fuck you.
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You're the same autist who sperged out about romanians aren't you?

You need to be under state control at all time, that's hard to do if you are living all on your own somewhere in the woods.
islam Nummer 1!
man I despise the AfD but this is isn't even funny
Yes but only idiots pay tho

You need to know that they send letters randomly to people with ridiculously high prices for your alleged tax evasion

If you don't respond to the letters they won't bother you
>If you don't respond to the letters they won't bother you
Wrong. If you don't pay, they drag you to court. Since they changed the system, it has become a lot stricter.
if you don't pay won't it give them a reason to enter your home whenever they want
There's really no reason to. As long as you have a household, you are forced to pay the fee. Since everyone is living somewhere, everyone's somehow forced to pay.
The whole thing is shady, that's for sure. It doesn't count as a tax, but a fee for something I did not order. Illegal my any means.
This is not really an answer. What's the law?
at least our comedians are funny
vagina lache meinen arsch ab
Fuck, 20 euraz, this is half of minimum wage in my city.
>What's the law?
As far as I know, there is a document called building plan for every city around here. Years ago, many of them decided that land outside of the city limits, which still belong to the city, are to be barred from being inhabitable as a main home. That step was taken to reduce costs, since it's expensive to have lone houses out in the wild that you as a city are still required to supply with basic needs.
Now, most of these houses have people living in them, since they lived there before the change. Once they die or move, now owners can't move in since the local government won't allow you to register on that address. Same goes for cabins.
I'm not shitting you. There have been several cases of people who in fact refused to pay and they are in jail right now. To me they are political dissidents, the regime and their propaganda machine branded them as Nazis of course. Huffpost blew in the same horn - big surprise...not.

I've been thinking about leaving for eight months now. I'm torn inside, because I love the history of Germany and its culture, on the other hand it is a catastrophe to see what has become of the country AND the people.

But whatever the decision, I will be prepared either way.
It's expensive to produce bad TV shows, leftist propaganda and buy soccer lincences.
>big surprise...not.
you type like a girl
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>The party is always right!
slogan of the GDR

>It's not wrong, if we do it!
any people in power since forever
Well i have to pay 6 euros for one pack of cigaretts.
Same in Sweden. So we don't pay. Simple as that
our state tv literally aired cartoon for little children about women being ashamed of being white and thats why she found black guy and had kids with him.
>czech rep.
>not subhuman liberal shithole full of cucks
kek we are dun.
>Simple as that
We go to jail, if we don't pay.
I don't know the exact law, but you need for every shit you wanna do here an approval. And nobody gets an approval to build a cabin in the woods, even if it's your own property. And still less you don't get a permission to live there.
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Really? Somehow this doesn't fit to your president, who is a socialist afaik, who said during his christmas speach, that the Czech Republic belongs to the Czechs, they won't take muslims and antifa, Merkel et al can fuck off.
This is bullshit. Source. My grandpa build a cabin in the woods, within our property. It's your fault if you ask for premission on everything.
Even Beatrix von Storch (AfD) nearly gone to jail because she refused to pay this shit...

And no, with the new system that every household has to pay, you can't ignore the letters anymore. In the old system you could say that you don't own devices, but this is over, so you have to pay. Everybody who denies this is a Hartzer or idiot.
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This is also another thing I really dislike about this fucking country. Overregaluation and "grammer Nazi the legal system". But then the government breaks the constitution to flood the country with 1.5 million able bodied, muslim men, so your tax payer can pay for the deserters to fuck your women and trash your country.
You don't have to pay here if you don't own a TV. So I just left my television when I moved to my new apartment. I was tired of paying for propaganda.

Sucks to be you. Here we just get letters asking us to please pay if we have a TV or computer or smartphone.

I say I don't.
well its not about politicians right now, its about "itelectual class" who is currently getting their hands to power. generation which is getting degrees at UNI right now are as bad as those in the west. we have a lot of young lefstisnt in politics already. making antiracist laws etc. Media just keep bombarding people about how multiculturalism is good and how whites are guilty of everything. even here, when we had no collonies or shit they just keep doing it. its over lad.
>(((They))) noticed us
I don't even understand what she's saying, but seriously....

>German humour
>I was tired of paying for propaganda.
That's exactly why they changed the law to bind the GEZ to your household in the current year of internet, I presume.

Probably before WW2...

I am speaking let's say about the last 30 years, and within this time nobody gets an approval for a cabin in the woods. Otherwise there would be some for sale, but I never found some besides some old ones.

Give me a nice immobilienscout24.de link for a cabin.

Germans are so fucking weird

From Nazis to this in about 80 years

And don't try pinning it all on the kikes either. Only weird ass Germans would stagger from one extreme to the other like this
>It's your fault if you ask for premission on everything.

Uuuuh, seems like we have a rebel here! Have fun when they destroy your cabin or whatever because you don't have a permission.
>I say I don't.
Absolute Madman!
>Only weird ass Germans would stagger from one extreme to the other like this

Have you ever looked at yourself my dear Nigel?
It was the same in Germany. They tried to come into your flat/house but there was no law for this. They also tried to find the cars of people who didn't pay to bring an evidence that they had a radio...

But for I think 2 years now it doesn't matter anymore if you have electronics or not.
its no the "state tvs" fault that ther arent any funny right wing commedians...
There is no reason to air political propaganda, leave that to private broadcast stations. State TV should limit itself to unbiased news, cultural education and emergency broadcasts.
After WW2.
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>bring in millions of muslims
>force house them among locals in cities
>have laws in place to stop white flight
Oh boy :^)
Maybe it was (like I said) possible also after WW2, but today, it is nearly impossible.

Otherwise give me a link where I can buy a nice cabin.
>Paying for state TV

How cucked can you get
Someone post the pic of Petry, You know the one.
>within our property
not getting the point
which flag is that ??
Germans aren't known for being funny, so that's ok.
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Yea.. But this one was hilarious actually..

not us

also PBS is funded by taxes
where the fuck is that...
huh... how come i never heard of that
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Terrible, but not unexpected. IF the west falls to the ideologeus of the left, mass immigration and Islam, sooner or later it will catch up to Poland, Hungary and every Balkan country.

I am just shocked every time when I realize how effective they were by infiltrating and controlling academia, mass media, the civil institutions and at last the politics.

Only two years ago I had hoped, it was just Germany because of literally Hitler, but I see now that it is indeed a global problem. A fight against a global ideology, an enemy behind our own gates, in our own countries. Traitors are everywhere and the enemy can wear the face of your countrymen, your brothers and fathers and mothers. It is a global war, against a global ideology.
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Is Wilders genetically Jewish or only by faith? He is huge like a decend Nederlander is supposed to be.
Wait a minute, let me get this straight, you actually telling me that all germans MUST pay every month 30euros for cable tv even though you dont have TV or any other electronics in your house? And if you dont pay the tax because lets say you are bum-poor you go to court?

>2016 still paying for the telly License
Why haven't you become a telly freerider yet?
yes. its fucking insane. fuck those assholes.
yes pl0x. i'm into women who look like men

He is half Indonesian and half Dutch.
you got any jews in aland?
Im first time genuinely scared for germans. Pls snap out of it, pls snap out of it for sake of the white race.
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Yeah. But what did you expect from Germanistan?
Extra 3 is the greatest shit on german TV, it made me leave the country to go to the spud fuckers instead. What makes me lose faith in humanity though is the fact that it was on "Das Erste"
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If only you know how bad things really are: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4F-bv9zTpo

This is the future Germans are voting for: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qb9QAUsUA98

And this is what they have: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-O8EQFbqu-8
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This. The absurdity of it all and how submissive Krautcucks are about it fucking blows my mind.

>mfw Goymanians will never experience actual freedom
At least our state channel isn't degenerated
Wenn they wanted to be insulting with this... they utterly failed. Shure she gets called a bitch, but the rest of the song and video isn`t really insulting. If I would`t be so sure that our media and everybody working for it (as this female comedian) hates the Afd guts... You could happen to even interpret this as a "just funny" comedy sketch without a political massage behind it.

Jesus christ, it was supposed to be /pol/ memes, what happened, how did it happend so suddently? How did this degeneracy reachd such critical level without anyone interfereing and saying "stop, this is going too far" ??

What the fuck, it was supposed to be only memes....
Only gypsies.
There is no such thing as unbiased news
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Not degenerated at all
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>pussy terror
It didn't really go fast. It took the regressive left all the decades from 1968 to become this powerful. And before that it was the Frankfurt School. Before that the anarchist and marxist thinkers of the 19th century. And this actually goes all back to the enlightenment and cultural currents in the Christian West itself. Slowly and steadily (hello Jeb) they took over the media, the education, the NGOs, the civil institutions and the parties.

Even back in the 1980s the Greens were still seen as an obscure joke. But they influenced the narrative pretty quickly, with shock and scare tactics, with propaganda, with all the control I just mentioned: at least 2/3 of all journalists and media makers are leftists for example. And once the 1990s came, PC culture and cultural marxism got into overdrive. In the entire west.
I see, but still, why has no one stepped up and stopped this lets say in 2000s? Has no one noticed the warning signs? How is this even possible to oppenly say such things as >>90754449 posted. This blows my mind how can anyone say such things and have no repercussions.
The thing is that being labled as a Nazi in germany can cause trouble for you, and your family, for various reasons. The antifa will pin your adress and photos of you etc. at the black board in the universities and your friends will turn their back on you if you are unlucky.
I believe a lot of people who weren't in the 68s and hippy movement retired at this time leaving a space to fill for these left orientated shitheads who are in charge now. They were smart enough to change the schools educational plans etc. creating a generation that supports bernie sanders and think that disagreeing with them should be a crime.
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>PussyTerror TV

Is public burning of newspapers legal?
heck, i thought having to fund the BBC in order to legally watch Dave was bad over here
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As for normies I think the answer is not really revolutionary in any way. Most people do not care about politics at all, they are apathetic and ignorant. So you only need an aggressive and determined enough minority to change the way things are handled. And most conservatives are cuckservatives, as you probably know. They also felt too safe after 16 years of Helmut Kohl. They didn't read the writing on the wall when people like Joschka Fischer became our foreign minister, who of course was painted in the brightest colours by our leftist media aswell.

And then you have general deception: Martin Schulz of the SPD was marketed in this patriotic way "Do you want a German to lead the EU? Vote SPD!" - Well what actual oppinions does Martin Schulz have?

>pic related

You also have to realize that Merkel is actually of the conservative party which she successfully dragged to the regressive left and a "cultural marxist" policy. - The real interesting answer to me is how a person like her, and the cronies surrounding her, could become so influential in the CDU and what is really going on behind closed doors.

But TL;DR: "If you fall asleep in a democracy, you will wake up in a dictatorship." TADA
but it's better if the news eliminates their biases to the best of their ability, yes?
doesn't mean they should throw their integrity to the wind
The kike diaspora has a role in all of this, too, of course. But I am not sure how large their role actually is. See this for reference and put it in Jewgle translate:


Beck is an anti German, cultural marxist, pedophilia normalizer and drug addicted, homosexual degenerate: https://jungefreiheit.de/politik/deutschland/2016/beck-unterstuetzer-setzen-gruene-unter-druck/

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It seems we have probems to renew our institutions, etc. Either people already in power play office roulette and just switch between stuff (looking at you Von Der Leyen) or all offices get switched at roughfly the same time leaving no time for constant change but one idiolegy shift to the next.
This seems to happen on every level though
no its not lmao
people donate to that shit and the rich fags throw a fuck ton of money into it as well as an easy tax write off
also regular people donate since sesame street has become a right of passage
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And I thought the UK was bad...
PBS is constitutionally valid, though I would like the grants to be a one time thing, not annual. Sesame Street is franchised enough to be its own syndicated program. The rest of it is just european re-runs and local history public access-tier production. Pretty much all of it can be moved to a youtube-style medium and have the same effect for pennies on the dollar.
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A fucking leaf...is actually correct.
>State TV is literally 1984 propaganda

Thats because its still owned by occupying powers
You write like a dumbass and your shit's all retarded.
It's partially funded by taxes. You're probably too young to even remember the Mitt Romney Big Bird thing.
Yes, but in France you just has to say you don't own a tv and you don't pay. But it's opt-out each year, if you forget you have to pay forever.
But every government for at least 10 years tries to have a mandatory tax for every household (except for rapefugees: they are busy fucking leftist whores in Calais so they can't watch TV)
you have to pay even when you are blind or a potato.

>when you need to fire up the gulags again but you dead and in a cloud n shit
You should join the AfD to make a change. They need qualified politicians. At the moment they actually have more mandates than people qualified for them, because of their immense rise in the votes.

They aren't saviours, but they are our only realy opposition who aren't either part of the machine or retarded communists and anti-Germans aswell.

Theoretically you could also wait a few years until CSU becomes an independent party, but by then it may very well be too late - it might already be too late - and then a good deal of them are just cuckservatives aswell.
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I´ll just leave this here... the rest is just your imagination.
Stars and Stripes is
Till I made the pic big I thought it was a blue wall of dicks behind her
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with pleasure Aryan blood
>> "What is the Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany?"

Why is pol so fucking stupid?
Because it is rightful Russian clay.
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First time I bursted out laughing about this, beady.
>Stars and Stripes
Stars and Stripes is a daily newspaper published for the U.S. military, DOD civilians, contractors and their families.
im fine with that
prove to me PBS is funded by taxes, tax exemptions don't count
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you cant even metal detect anymore without having a costly approval.
also a recent developement under merkel...
> 2016
> not binning your tv and de-registering GEZ
I haven't turned on my TV for 3 or so years. Nobody I know in my age range watches tv anymore. My parents only watch pay tv sports and think the state channels are biased propaganda. My sister even gave away her tv.

The worst part is that it doesn't fucking matter.
Because you have to pay about 20€ per month anyway.
is your sister hot?
Pretty much. I'm more or less of the TV Jew for five years now. "Cancer, poison, drug, brainwashing, propaganda, lies and anti-german hate machine" comes to mind when thinking of the state television Jew.
Slightly relevant:
That's western freedom of speech.
Summary here:

but it's Epoch Times so I doubt that anybody will read that.
>all those left, liberal sjw, gutmenschen subhumans comments

there are worse than rapefugees. Day of the rope will come for them
Er no-one has asked this. What the fuck did she say? Can someone translate
and does it applies to household with a second house (for vacation)? Is it possible to say you live legally at your parents and in fact live in their (in fact your) secondary house?
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I don't think civil war will start before we turn 30% muslim. If at all. And even a new seperation of Germany is more realistic.
I wonder when someone finally drags this shit to the court of human rights.

You are forced to pay a company. (that's the law)
Which produces profit even though it is not allowed to. (they should have paid back all the money but they didn't)
Whose executives are paid a lot. (couple million euros)
It is biased. (objectively)
You have NO right to demand that they change their services (court ruling).
You have NO right to choose to not use their services (that's the law)
You don't pay the fee as a tax, so it is not proportional to your income and you are ONLY exempt after YOU make the effort to prove that you don't earn enough to be able to afford it. (the law and the company standpoint)

The state is thus artificially altering the market and your ability to get information, because your budget for media is being depleted monthly by being paid to something you have no choice in in any way.

And the fact that there is no actual necessary value you receive just "the option to ..." And yet you are being forced to pay, AND the company doesn't actually have to submit to your audit or even state audit.
This just makes it extortion of protection money.
You have to pay someone money so you don't get jailed without them owing you anything. Anything else is entirely optional
This shit is Hungary level state propaganda.
frauke is mommy tier
People already tried, and the judges were like "get fucked, goy!"
If it is a vacation property (because it's not a housing property if it's in the woods), you can build a small cabin without council approval for construction. At least in hungary. And our legal systems are quite quite similar.
But yes if you actually live there, as a property with a building on it it too would get mail from the Rundfunkbeitragsservice.
AfD wants to abolish it and wants to turn ARD/ZDF into private channels.

Obviously they are in overdrive to shit on the AfD now. I think this should be mentioned in every propaganda broadcast about the AfD they do.
nasao sam partizanska govno
dusman, bjezi jebemu mater komunjare
ZDS =U= Uz Poglavnika i Krista protiv komunista =U=

You Krauts are so fucked.
what if you don't put a mailbox, and don't declare you live in it, and live off the grid?
And if you live in a movable property (mobile home), does it count as a building?
Surely there has to be some liberty for the hobos to live without being bothered by the state, r-right?
She deserves the gallows.
Sorry I don't speak nazi, can you translate
Someone pay for my plane ticket so I can go over their and beat the dogshit out of some antifa fucks.
The Jews really did a number on you guys after the war
that bitch in the video think she is a comedian and can into satire.

She just insults Petry as "bitch". Braindead "comedy" on a channel we germans HAVE to pay, State Propaganda
only thing you need to know is the people being mocked are the righties
Gee maybe the Yuropeon Union should start a debate about the state of democracy in Germany.

The European court of human rights?

I doubt they have. they generally seem consistent and rational.

>Martin Schultz
>anywhere but a closed psychiatric clinic

seriously wtf.

Turning them into private channels is not a good idea.
Just make it actual state media.
Controlled by an independent board for bias.
Few entertainment programs and all decided on by the people.
Actually funded from the Staatskasse instead of out of private pockets.
The notion that i as a poor student should somehow pay just as much money in my one room apartment with no radio and no TV as some billionaire in a mansion.....
I would immediately rule it unconstitutional, since it goes against the definition of Germany as a sozialer Bundesstaat.

>and live off the grid?
You are not allowed to do that.
You actually need an address or you can get arrested if you attempt to go back into civilisation.
>And if you live in a movable property (mobile home), does it count as a building?
interesting question let me check.

>Das Sozialrecht besagt, dass für Menschen ohne festen Wohnsitz lediglich eine postalische Erreichbarkeit sichergestellt sein muss (z.B. für Obdachlose, digitale Nomaden).
So you can actually live off the grid but you need an address where mail can arrive if you plan to actually g into civilization and do business.
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It should. But the political establishment of the EU is equally corrupt and an embarassement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPgiI46FCDU
you don't see this in """"polish""""" tv
Wow... a fucking child having fun by driving the EU into the ground.
I love how much of a cuck Tusks appears to be next to him.
I've seen it long ago m8

Germans are screwed. This is the consequence of philosophical and anthropological mistakes that Germans have made over centuries, they've been piling up and lead to the contemporary collapse. Right now Germans are too proud to confront their mistakes, but they will have to anyway
Being völkisch is bad but calling someone a name on TV is pure democracy
i laughed for a minute straight and i have tears in my eyes from amusement and sadness at the same time

that woman would be hartz 4 recipient without all this lefty media pushing her.
>Controlled by an independent board for bias.
They exist. Not sure of their exact names. But there again you have the problem that people affiliated with political parties fill these boards. And so you have the same bias for the political establishment again.

In the end there is no other way than to fight the entire political establishment as the AfD has to do atm: the printing press, electronic media, the parliaments, the unions, the NGOs and this also includes the churches in Germany.

I don't know where all of this will end... Especially now that the geo-political situation between Russia and the USA worsens even further. And I just wanted to play vidya, live in peace and have a family some day.

But if Germany indeed falls to Islam and mass immigration, the long term consequences will be worse than both world wars combined.
Either way. Useful Idiots get killed first, and traitors get killed first.
Fun fact: Martin Schulz is an alcoholic aswell. """"dry"""" alcoholic officially. And his biography and qualifications are a disaster.

People like this should be trusted to run a second hand clothing shop at best.
Fucking europoors and their tv licenses
Well, that was enraging. Fuck this whore
>The instrument (the telescreen it was called) could be dimmed, but never turned off completely.
Taxation is theft
Wait so so you literally get a mandatory bill in the mail? Why do governments do this, why not just have your income or sales taxes cover it, why does it have to be a separate mandatory payment?
>And don't try pinning it all on the kikes either. Only weird ass Germans would stagger from one extreme to the other like this
Mind control and psyops work, especially when reinforced by social shaming and group psychology. People who blame Germans or whites for this are a joke.
i've looked into it and sure enough there is no way around it
interesting fact though, the bbc protects pedos
there was this comedian who got exposed by bbc scotland and the bbc main channel killed the program
what is crazy is this guy was just a run of the mill talented comedian and they had no reason to protect him yet they did
really makes you think
Martin Schultz has made remarks in the EP that are just ...
let's just say no person who isn't a complete piece of shit would've said those things.
of course only against people he considers enemies=right wing people.
>mfw pic related is true
>He really did say "Germany exists only in order to ensure the existence of the State of Israel and the Jewish people"
>I have no face
I'm a Jewish Zionist, and here's my message to you: you need to take your country back, Germanbro. What's the % of whites in Germany?
because income taxes would mean that it is state run and therefore you could demand some oversight
this way you are sold the "opportunity" to watch TV as is. no refunds

This makes it strictly speaking unconstitutional as the burden of payment affects people with lower income proportionally heavier than people with higher income and also limits their free choice of media, since they don't have the money to actually buy different types of media.
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Yes, I know. Now imagine you couldn't look at this shit from the outside, but have to live with the fact that people like that are part of your own political establishment. And as I said he was marketed in a patriotic fashion for which I fell back then and voted for them.

People say Orbán is corrupt. I don't know. But even if he is, I can't imagine anyone being on the level of Merkel or Schulz. And I loved his speeches.
Cleopatra 2.0

I can believe this, but I'm surprised it didn't trigger /pol/ more
Ich bin Ungarndeutscher. Sollte ich zumindest.
Bloß wurde mir die Staatsbürgerschaft verweigert obwohl ich in D-land aufgewachsen bin und Uni und Stipendium und wasnoch hab.
Tja kann man nichts machen, die Immigranten brauchen halt Platz. :^)

>patriotic fashion
And this is why you don't vote based on that.
The leader of the "ultra right wing, nazi awful ban-them-right-now" party Jobbik (maybe you've heard of them :^) ) was in turkey to visit our turkish "brothers".
And apparently said that islam is Europe's only hope.
That depends on the definition of white. American white is 95% and above. A lot of them are slavs and Turks though. Afaik the migration background percentage is around 20. Most of it is intereuropean migration and then you have people like the Russiangermans who also make up millions in the country. I am not certain. But where I live I am surrounded by headscarfs and blacks everyday and you see a lot of Ninjas, too. Now after 2015 there's literally no remote town without "enrichment". The critical demographic, the young generation, which is going to have babies, is terrible. I see stone old Germans and young mudslimes with tons of children. And several times I have been the last German in a public place or square - IN Germany. I was also assaulted in the street, in front a protestant church, by a mob of "enrichment". Could be dead now.

It looks really bad... Being German means living in an authoritarian state which is forcefully trying to replace you. White genocide is real. I didn't believe it. But it's real.
Nazis were always traitorous Muslim shills
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>Ich bin Ungarndeutscher. Sollte ich zumindest.
Bloß wurde mir die Staatsbürgerschaft verweigert obwohl ich in D-land aufgewachsen bin und Uni und Stipendium und wasnoch hab.
Tja kann man nichts machen, die Immigranten brauchen halt Platz. :^)

Meanwhile any kebab gets dual citizenship and the pro-Erdogan rally was initiated by a Germanturk who joined the SPD in 2014, which was attended by German dual-citizen and Turkish minister of sports.

>White genocide is a right-wing conspiracy theory they said. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkpmUx-ye7U
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Not really. Hitler just said, if Islam had been victorious we wouldn't be cucked by (((Christian values))). But the Moors would have never been able to hold down the stronger nordic races forever, so they would have made their own version of Islam as with Christianity. So the Aryans would have conquered the world with the warrior religion of Islam.

I actually agree tbqh.
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damn nigga
it's true.

He wasn't even a nazi.
Apart from that cunt constantly acting like one and saying that they are nationalist, their actual plans for government were right wing conservative.

i don't think it's white genocide as much as collateral damage.
Race actually isn't important. Not to anyone besides deluded people lacking education and experiences.

So yeah it will just be an item of collateral damage along the way to get some rich people even more rich by the cheap labor brought into europe and the subsequent destabilization of the EU and the stockmarket problems
>man I despise the AfD
>Race actually isn't important. Not to anyone besides deluded people lacking education and experiences.

With how many blacks, Arabs and Turks do you interact on a daily basis?
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Do not despare. Remember that after WW2, 3 millions of Germans live in my small country a we got rid of them all. Combined power of all European nation would be sufficient to deal with mass immigration and islam.
Are ethnic statistics legal in your country? In France they're not.

By ethnic statistics I mean publishing the breakdown of rape & other crime statistics by race, like they are in the US. If the statistics are legal, it's an easy redpill to use on normies.

Also, do you have any leading reactionary intellectuals shaping public discourse? We have quite a few in France, though they're not extremely influential yet: Zemmour, etc. I'd like to practice my German by reading/listening to them if that's a thing.
I used to interact with one who was my classmate.
And one from the other type who went to my school.
Plus the owner of my favorite pizza joint.

Anyway i'm not speaking from personal experience since i don't generally interact with anyone.
I'm saying statistically. Scientifically.
And most importantly: financially.
forgot to quote
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>Crime statistics by nationality are legal. (some anon coloured and labeled them by muslim percentage)

Although the left is trying to ban that of course.

As for leading reactionary intellectuals. Well for the regressive left they are reactionaries probably, but they are actually social democrats: Thilo Sarrazin "Deutschland schafft sich ab" was pretty famous and Heinz Buschkowsky, mayor of "muslim ghetto" Neu Köln.

Michael Klonovsky is the media advisor of Frauke Petry and AfD whom I would consider an actual reactionary. He is married to an Israeli pianist and even he gets denied public events, if his affiliation with Frauke and the AfD becomes known. here is his blog: http://www.michael-klonovsky.de/acta-diurna

Antifa also attacked people with migration background and one guy who was Jewish from ODessa, but I think it was an accident, they didn't know he was. They just wanted to attack an AfD guy.
U know we went from parlamentarian democracy (Weimar) to fascism in just 15 years.
>Do not despare. Remember that after WW2, 3 millions of Germans live in my small country a we got rid of them all.

Yeah well. My grandparents were actually part of the people "you got rid off"... They were children at the time and got deported in cattle wagons. They were never affiliated with the Nazis and were still lucky the Red Army or Czechs didn't kill them, even though my Great-Grandfather defended Jews, was friends with them and helped Soviet War prisoners.

So I am extremly skeptical of "identity labels" by the state.
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>Twice more likes than dislikes
>Reading through the comments, every single one of them is shitting on the Afd and Germany, shitskins saying that Germany will be islamic with many likes

WHat the actual fuck? That anti-Trump commercial with all the leftist actors at least had a very high dislike ratio, and every comment was against Hillary and her propaganda.

Wieso ist das? Gibt es wirklich NIEMANDEN megr in Deutschland der noch einen Kopf auf den Schultern hat? Oder schweigen einfach die guten Personen?

Ich dachte wirklich dass das "Deutschland" ist tot Mem einfach nur ein Mem war, ich bin mir nicht mehr so sicher. Tut mir wirklich leid, Brüder. Kraft euch.
I'm sorry, but I really can't believe the "race isn't important" meme after I had to stare into that Turkish face, overflowing with cold racial hatred against me, which was ready to kill me on the spot.

Also relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxMd80RSpAY
>after I had to stare into that Turkish face, overflowing with cold racial hatred against me, which was ready to kill me on the spot.

Face of that turkish individual

generalizing is bad, because you can't focus on the actual things the individuals committing sch things have in common and can't be taken seriously be intellectuals or normies because you're oversimplifying things.
You also obviously can't effectively combat the actual threat if you generalize.

It's like the black people in america knowing that their ancestors were oppressed by some whites, so therefore ALL WHITES ARE RACIST and they all need to pay reparations.

Same with feminists and "the patriarchy".

Nazis and jews.

Leftists and anyone from the right

It's not about assimilation, but about the Nordic races driving out the Moors sooner or later and adopting the Islamic values of war, instead of the pacifist values of Christianity.

I don't say it's good or bad, but it is more likely that the Europeans would have conquered the world with it.

Today however, Islam would probably dominate European countries, and looking at their birthrates and family structure, they will simply outbreed us in a few generations.

Granted, I don't know, how the Europeans would react once Germany or France becomes 30%+ Islamic.
Good that you have statistics. And I'll check these people out.

>White genocide
Yup. This is 100% real. By the way, a year ago, French right-wing politician Nadine Morano (not even Front National) said France was a white country. Charles De Gaulle said exactly the same thing, and it wasn't controversial back in 1958, but when she said all the media went bersek and called for her exclusion, and nobody on the right defended her (though she wasn't excluded).

I've just found a Ph.D guy who's on our side kek

Lurk more newfag
It's going to be the same with muslims. A lot of children will be deported and a lot of those who escaped the madness in the middle-east will go back. But you cannot let them in your country because it's too dangerous. With muslims it'll be even easier. The german colonisation began in the 13th century, for hundereds of years germans and czechs lived next to each other realively in peace. And then one fucker came along, lost his cause and dragged everyone with him. Funny thing is - it was the Germans who were against Henlein's soldiers in the begining.
Don't call people newfags just because they don't spout memes and pretend to be racist edgelords.
/pol/ isn't like that.

There are 15% trolls
15% edgelords
15% people who shitpost it ironically
10% genuine mislead nazis
Have you watched the video I linked? Have you experienced racial hatred against you, because you are white European by a minority living in your country?
Come back to me after you had to live in an area which has 30% Arabs/Blacks/Turks in it, or is even predominantly consisting of them. Come back to me when you are the last Hungarian in a shopping mall or cinema IN Hungary. And then and only then tell me "race isn't important".

I only understood it then aswell. But that mindset "race isn't important" is very, very dangerous. It's ignoring reality.

>can't be taken seriously be intellectuals or normies because you're oversimplifying things.
That's not even true. Sarrazin made good arguments for it. So does Molyneux. And my actual experience teaches me. So does it teach a lot of German normies.
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>Pussy Terror TV
Really makes you think huh.
Junker called Orban a dictator, is he? I think he's a great leader but I've heard people call him Putin light
I think, I wouldn't be so worry about the "white genocide" issue, if I hadn't live to its demographic consequences every single day and start to know what it means. AND if I didn't have to look at our abyssmal European demographics and the exploding demographics of the Middle East and Africa.

This is much more dangerous than Islam alone, although it can't be seperated, if we have mass immigration from these areas.
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I'm sure they are just pulling our leg here. I aint falling for the ruse.

How would it even be possible to force on every citizen a monthy 30 EUR payment for something they don't use or want? Nobody would green light it.
Why does women speaking krautspreche turn me on so much?
Brussels would!
I hate women who cut their hair short to make a """""statement""""".
I don't know. It might be possible in Poland, or even Hungary, although I am not sure. In Western Europe...probably not. A civil war is more likely than mass deportation of muslims by now.

The West has really been incredibly demoralized and the demographics in the West work in their favour. Their families have more children, they are younger, more aggressive, their males haven't been "castrated". And they are very, very tribal while the average Westerner is an atomized individualist with no connection to the community or organized in any group which could deterr a violent threat against him.
She's always been more influental in the AfD than her now-husband.
>Auf dem Höhepunkt der Einwanderungswelle sagte Angela Merkel, wenn die Deutschen sich diese Last nicht weiterhin brav aufbürden ließen, dann sei das nicht mehr ihr Land. Nun müsste sie eigentlich sagen, Europa sei nicht mehr ihr Kontinent. Wenn sie tatsächlich eines hoffentlich nahen Tages UNO-Generalsekretärin wird und der Weltplan es auch dort anders will als sie, könnte sie sich immerhin noch steigern auf die Aussage, das sei nicht mehr ihr Planet.

i'm crying
oh god based frauke

That's not about race.
Race is just physiological differences.
Nothing else.
You don't have to feel threatened by people who look different from you or you could feel threatened by the irish with their pale skin and red hair.

The point is that even if i was threatened i wouldn't just ascribe that to a characteristic of a certain RACE more than a characteristic of that person or some group he's affiliated with.

You also have to differentiate between conscious precaution and judging by race.

It's one thing to switch sides on the street if a huge black thug walks towards you in downtown detroit.
And a different thing to say that black people need to be deported.

>Sarrazin made good arguments for it. So does Molyneux
Don't know them. Please enlighten me.
Also there can be no arguments for putting blame on a group of people instead of individuals or a group that's ACTUALLY responsible.

Kollektivstrafen sind unethisch und irrational.

That's because he made a comment once about how putin manages to keep his country from falling apart and that was admirable.
Which MSM of course immediately jumped on to claim that orban was loving putin.
It also didn't hurt that the russians offered the best conditions to build a strategically important nuclear powerplant and now everyone says that the government is pro russia.
kek, just look it up, if you don't believe it. Shouldn't be hard to confirm.

And it's really fucking nothing against the 2 million more muslims which were forced on us and for which the tax payer has to pay now. Long term estimates of the costs reach up to 900 billion in total.
Here's an article from back then I just found: "no, the white race doesn't exist".

Really fucking funny how they go on about how "France isn't an ethnicity, it's an idea, an ideal, a set of values" and then turn around and say "Ramadan is a French/Swedish/German tradition". So transparent.

This is even better: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_remplacement
A few years ago, the media widely ridiculed "Grand remplacement" ("Large-scale replacement") and said it didn't exist. Basically the idea that Europeans are being replaced in their own countries by African and Middle-Eastern populations. "Experts" said that was bunk and factually false, and literally most people ate it up, including my parents. 100% proves my point re: >>90771799

True. And this is something that'll be very hard to reverse, for obvious reasons. Demographics keep changing, the window of opportunity for nationalism will close soon. I bet soon Merkel will propose a right to vote for refugees, she's too afraid of AfD to stay idle.
PBS is great. Best channel for election coverage by far. I don't know whats the deal with NPR. It's far left propaganda
tfw your fake shops are posted regulary
feels good (btw i deleted the uncensored version)

What else, control. Little does he know it doesn't matter because pretty much all the banks that matter and produce the money already belong to one owner.
Civil war would not mean a genocide. After that muslims will be deported. And yes, it is true that they live more tribal lives but that's their problem as well. Have you seen arabs organize themselves? Westerners are individualists but they do not lack the ability to unite under efficient rule. Muslims have more quarrels with other muslims than the whole EU has.
I can't quote Sarrazins 400 pages book with tons of statistics. Or Molyneux many hours of videos on r/k selection and race and IQ.

And there is a difference between a collective punishment and objecting mass immigration of millions of people whom you believe to be incompatibel with your own population. Based on ethnicity. The most simple example is to believe that if you exchange the German people with sub-saharan Africans with an average IQ between 80 and 65, that you could somehow give them a western education, and it would be the same country. Or that it simply would be the same country, if you exchanged the entire population.

But this is all theory in the end. My suggestion is: come to Germany, in a city like Frankfurt, Cologne, Berlin and Munich. And experience the life there. Don't avoid the bad parts of town.

Multi culturalism is an illusion. People are tribal by nature. And sooner or later, if the differences become to large, the country will break apart and balkanize. - Something Josef Joffee, a leftist Jewish intellectual dreamed of in Die Zeit: the balkanization of Germany.

Looks like someone hasn't given up on the good old Morgenthau Plan.
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okay.. man
This is insane. What a bloated government propaganda machine

>900 billion
>Greece debt is €360 Billion

So you artificially manufactured 2.5x Greece's. It's like Germany wants this EU think to crash and burn as fast as possible.
Romans were afraid of Furor Teutonicus, but in the current year Humor Teutonicus is way worse.
Yes, it will be irreversible. IF Europe turns black as this fine gentleman desires: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oi3tXaTev6I

That is not just colonization through culture and technology. That is completely erradicating Europe. Forever. Pretty much like the Chinese also try to erase the Tibetans in Tibet by settling millions of Han Chinese in there.

But I can't believe, Merkel will try to pass a bill for refugees to vote. If it happened, the social democrats would push for it. And the 2 millions wouldn't make too much of a difference. But if she or the Social Democrats did, AfD would get millions and millions of more votes, which would kill the CDU and the SPD forever. It#s too much out in the open.
You might be correct. But I can't bring myself to hope for a civil war, although we have a civil war of the ideologies on our hand already and the signs for a physical civil war are creeping in the shadows...

Despite the Nazi meme, Germans are actually too good for their own good and I can't hope for people, women and children to die, because of the incompetence, ignorance and delusion of our political leadership. Especially European lives.
It's more like Germany, or rather the welfare state of Germany will crash. Which might cause a lot of them to self-deport: once the gibs run out, no more tax funded birth jihad, so Fatimah and Abdul actually have to work to pay for their own children. Which these certain people can't do, because they literally have nothing to offer.
These ppl should be gassed. Srs
Jesus fucking christ and I thought the British telly license was bad.

At least with that you can make up some bullshit about how you use your tv is for videogames and get the license men to fuck off.
Damn the AfD is great and shit at the same time.
>family voting
>direct democracy
>strengthening of families
>german borders protected
these are things you don't see with any others this much
>minimum income
>more children instead of immigration
>pro life
>anti PC
>no foreign funded islamic shit
>no broadcast fee
>anti genderquotas
>refugee politics
>immigration politics with duty to integrate
>anti bureaucracy
>open source software
>product lifetime lengthening
>no limitless privatisation
>anti corrupt greenerergy pro nuclear
>animals treated nicely
>rational about GMO

>leave the EU possibly
>anti federal EU
>anti euro
>tough on punishment of crime
>pro weapon
>pro russia
>compulsory military service
>traditional family
>no BSc MSc
>differentiating school system
>anti sex.ed.
>immigration policies restricting EU immigration
>no dual citizenship
>upper limit on taxes
>anti green energy
>anti forced publictransport
>Molyneux many hours of videos on r/k selection and race and IQ.
If this is in any way related to what i think it is, it's been disproven.
Number of children correlates with income literally nothing else.
There's some TED talk about this hang on.
either that or a different one by the same guy.

>a collective punishment and objecting mass immigration of millions of people whom you believe to be incompatibel with your own population.
This is not what i'm against.
>Based on ethnicity
This is what i'm against.

>come to germany
have you like... not read what i wrote earlier. i have experienced life there.
And multiculturalism works perfectly if you have working assimilation.
The huge cities don't have that because you have communes of people who never leave their own culture within the culture.
This could only work with an almost totalitarian police force

>morgenthau plan
idiots and irrelevant cunts with no realism behind it.
Come home white man
The loss of lives is not that bad.he morning after is what I fear. Chinese will buy everything, Russians will meddle and who know what power will be given to UN. War will come and Europe will loose either way. Even if political leadership is changed, it will be costly. And let's not forget how much hatered is among European nations. And considering Germans - I think you are the embodiment of bipolar. You have great moments of goodness and then it hits you a you start eliminating everyone in sight.

Same here.

Our government funded TV is nearly 24/7 marxist anti Australian propaganda with some shows for farmers and aboriginals thrown in and some foreign produced news and entertainment.
top kek
Come on m8, if you watch the ABC you deserve everything you get. Australian TV is shit in general, I don't know anyone that watches it except the older folks who don't know how to get their information elsewhere.
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>And multiculturalism works perfectly if you have working assimilation.
Yeah, this is something I absolutely don't believe in. And there is nothing you could do, to convince me otherwise. I also don't know what kind of life you've experienced, that led you to believe multi culturalism works in Germany. If it was the one black guy in your class or the person making your pizza - that doesn't count.

And the international environment in a elite university isn't representative of daily social life at all. There, where IQ levels are all above average and people share a certain work ethic and attitude, race may in fact be only skin deep.

>Number of children correlates with income literally nothing else.
No. Just no.

But anyway: do you deny that subsaharan African or Middle Easterners have a lower IQ on average?

Do you believe life would be still worth living in Germany and it would still be a German country, if it was no longer a majority German population?

Do you believe, you have any hope of keeping your rights or your sovereignity in your country, if you become the minority in it, if you couldn't even prevent to become the minority when you were factually at 85% of the population?

Do you deny that there are conflicts, wars and even genocide based on race? Do you think the biological, behavioral and cultural factors which cause these would just vanish, because we are in Europe?

Do you believe different ethnicities within the same country couldn't be exploited and agitated against each other by outside groups to serve their interests? But wait, that's already happening. Thanks Soros: http://www.neuemedienmacher.de

I really, really dislike the tendency of the left to reduce every overrepresentation in crime or Islam for that matter to income. And it sounds awfully like marxist doctrine: it's all just class! History is a history of class warfare. One key to answer all.
>It's like Germany wants this EU think to crash and burn as fast as possible.

Putting Europe on its knees is a Germany past-time, you should know this already
In my honest opinion there are several optionf for states

>Multiculti MAX
-lots of people with their own culture
-even segregated communes of people who are free to do and speak whatever they want
-however everyone has to accept a few basic core tenets of society
-if someone / a community is found acting or talking against these they are smitten with the full force of the law, disintegrated and jailed
-continue this until no one questions the core tenets
-the punishments are extreme. someone talking to terrorists will never see freedom again

>Multiculti MIN
-same as above except
-police have the right to search and tap into communications and know where you are at all times.
-you don't need life imprisonment for the slightest misstep this way, and
-police can also catch people before they slide down the road to extremism, but
-police will know everything about everyone
-thus you need massive amounts of safeguards against them using the information in the wrong way
-and laws which are definitely not arbitrary but rational in every way

-instead of the multiple cultures existing separately, they are more or less forced to mingle.
-culture can never be more than superficial, as
-everyone has to adopt and value and like the value system of the host culture
-your "foreign culture" is basically jut a flavor you are allowed to keep over a basically completely [hostnation] mindset
-extreme effort required of immigration and naturalization agencies

-little to no cultural mixing, fewer options to become naturalized citizens.
-naturalization only occurs for either complete assimilation into the host culture where someone is virtually indistinguishable from a member of it
-or for economic/public special interests
-exchange of ideas and mindsets as well as revigoration of scientific and cultural community would become difficult

These are the only options.
It's possible that some of these can be mixed though.

also as a response to >>90778258
>and then it hits you a you start eliminating everyone in sight.
I think that is physically impossible by now. As Gunnar Heinssohn, whom you might also find very interesting, put it: during WW1 Germany could stomach 10 million losses on the battlefield. Today it couldn't stomach 1,000. And with every single child that dies in battle, an entire family line is erased.

Not sure, if it is factually this extreme. But the abysmal demographics and aging population does indeed not make a lot of good soldiers.

Europe ending as some Russian and Chinese colonies is indeed more realistic than Germany ever conquering anyone in Europe.

Maybe that's where it all ends in the end: a Eurasian empire.
so progressive i know!
So.. they are basically doing the exact same thing like in other countries.. which in the end only boosts the anti-immigration party further.
See it like that anon.
WTF neither boris nor Geert are white.
>german "humor"

I would hate to pay for that too.
Oh wait, we still fund half of Arte.
Why is the left so corny and unfunny?
>exchange of ideas and mindsets as well as revigoration of scientific and cultural community would become difficult

I really don't see how you could believe that. When Germany was a "patriarchical, mono cultural" nation state it produced Thomas Mann, Heisenberg and Planck. When German culture was clearly defined and shared by several smaller and larger countries it produced Beethoven, Goethe and Wagner and thousands of other names. Practically the entire modern thinkers, the scientific methods, everything we build upon today was founded in European, more or less mono cultural (nation) states. France, Britain and the German Empire specifically. Multi cultural, "post national" post-modern Germany produced Feuchtgebiete and Fack Juh Göhtä 2.

And the scienitifc, philosophical and cultural avantgarde was always internationalized. That doesn't need to have much to do with the general population and massive population exchange by the millions.
What channel is "PussyTerrorTV" on?
>And there is nothing you could do, to convince me otherwise
That is irrational and this despicable.
>what kind of life
The kind of life where i had been in three different countries before i was even born.
The kind of life where i grew up bilingual, and am more in touch with a third culture and language (american) than the previous two.
The kind of life where i speak four languages fluently.
The kind of life where i have met scientists from all walks of life and from all sorts of cultures before being out of kindergarten.
The kind of life where i experienced both moderate poverty and moderate wealth.
The kind of life where my english teacher was south african, my best friend spanish, a rival russian, a long time family friend french, a good acquaintance american, all while being in a german school in hungary after having previously been in one in finland, together with swedes.

People weren't above average IQ in these places. At all.
But it still worked. You know why?
Because of shared european values.

Whether people adapt a certain value system is their choice.

You seem to have misunderstood me earlier.
Assimilation is not facultative.
Do it or gtfo.
Not "let's bring all these people in they'll notice how great it is to be european sooner or later".

>No. Just no.
Hey if you want to put your hands on your ears and deny facts that's your choice.

>on average
And this invalidates your whole point.
And everything after it.

>being cautious because of a trend
>denying someone something because of a trend
are two completely different things

>wars based on race
yes, because people do the LATTER of the two options i mentioned above.


He was right though.
Where he wasn't right was the idea that you could just create a system where you simply abolish this.
It's at its best when Reschke - a regular newstime bitch - suddenly interrupts reading the news for a totally """""unscripted""""" personal opinion piece on how this country needs more niggers.
To add to that: You even have to pay for it if you are literally blind and deaf.
Because it relies on clichés and fallacies. Good comedy is truthful.
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You know the video is good when you have all the far right babydicks here swarming like mad hornets.

Let's get this straight, okay? There are only two classes of political parties in Western countries now.

There's the far right, knuckle dragging, babydicked pantshitters. And then there's everybody else.

Yes, it really is that simple. So simple, in fact, that even a MAGA capped neanderthal can understand.

Choose wisely. At least 50% of the pantshitters will give up after Drumpf loses and realize how stupid and wrong they were. Now is a really good time to save yourself some embarrassment and get over the fact that women and brown people deserve to be treated like human fucking beings.
Could someone give me a two sentence rundown on what this is?
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>pay nearly 29 Euros/month for state tv
Into the chamber you go.
THIS! I thought I was the only one who thought this. It's with Amerifats as well to an extent but something about European (Mostly western and northern) media and entertainment is so off...I can't describe it accurately but it just gives me a weird feeling, it's fake or too forced with its narrative.

Dunno, it is a different continent and countries, but what's the deal guys.
Better the t*rks than the jews
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Oh, look, an impotent neo-nazi. I'm sooo fucking scared. You ran out of viagra back in what, 1944? I bet a communist is fucking your sister right now, pantshitter.
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>That is irrational and this despicable.
No. I just don't ignore my life experience. And convictions always appear to be "irrational" for the scientific mind. I certainly won't throw away real life experiences of life and death for elaborate thought of "intellectuals" for that matter.

But don't worry, you shall meet a far more irrational conviction than mine soon, which has to do with a pedophile who died over thirteen hundred years ago.

I expected you to have this life you described. And I don't expect you to understand people like me. Or other people voting for the AfD who believe in "völkisch" ideals.

I also don't believe in the shared European values meme. Neither do I believe in the American culture or it's melting pot ideal.

And I think, it is you who is ignoring facts. Because you have had this upbringing. None of the ethnicities you mentioned was also a subsaharan African (I assume the Southafrican was a white one) or a Turk or an Arab. But other Europeans and there it can work.

But if you let millions of subsaharan Africans, Arabs and Turks immigrate into Europe, they will never assimilate. Even if you drain their host countries from their elite, their sons or grandsons will just go back to their tribal identity. Which is not European at all. And if they are muslims, reradicalize. Which is exactly what has happend in Germany.

A multi ethnic society, is a low trust society, which further atomizes and isolates individuals in it, builds parallel societies - based on ethnicity - and strengthens the state as the only common structure. It breeds social nihilism and authoritarianism.

He was right though.

Yeah well...commies get free helicopter rides.
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>tfw you're so socialist you got your cuck Sanders to endorse the candidate backed by Goldman Sachs, Saudi Arabia and the neo cohens

So anti-establishment, I'm literally shacking. You came a long way from "occupy wall street".
we dotn have to pay shit to GEMA aka gibsmedats.

we have a TV i told em we dont own cable just telekom and hung up.

never ever had to pay 20-30€ per month for radio or TV ever.
only retards do that don´t know the grey loopholes.
their audience is stupid and will laugh anyway, because they feel obligated to do it
>I really don't see how you could believe that.
Because hungary was a multinational state for over half a millennium and thanks to this Budapest was the Paris of central Europe.
Mozart would've lived instead of dying in poverty from preventable diseases had he gotten his invitation to come to hungary a bit sooner.
We have defended the southern part of europe for 1000 years against the barbarian hordes.
We had lots of inventions in the 20th century and there were more hungarian scientists in famous american projects than germans.

This multi culti nation produced the inventors von Neumann, Kármán, Eötvös(he studied in the university i went to in germany and the university i'm going to is named after him), Rubik, Teller, Bíró (biro), Szilárd, Simonyi, Semmelweis, de Hevesi, Zipernowsky, Bolyai, Szent Györgyi, Wigner, Erdos,
The musicians Liszt, Kodály, and we were the safe haven for Haydn, Bartok, Fischer
The cinema personalities Zsa Zsa Gabor, Béla Lugosi, Houdini, Andrew G. Vajna,

Writers Jókai Mór, Petőfi Sándor, Arany János, each with a larger vocabulary than Shakespear.

The BibliothecaCorviniana, one of the most renowned and second largest library during the renaissance.

Our First King Stephen who was a saint and started the nation by marrying a german.
And Soros.
Can't forget Soros. The reason half the threads are there on this very board.

>Fack Juh Göthä
4 degrees (STEM) in my family think it's a great movie.
We do this too with NPR its gay
Down-voted....thank you for bringing this to our attention Germany.
Holy shit....is that a fucking real picture?
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>No. I just don't ignore my life experience
you don't have to ignore it but you have to see it in context.
And if something is irrational it is not good. scientific mind or not, the world works in a rational way so either you have rational reasons for shit or you won't be doing what you actually want to happen and are thus dangerous to people around you.

>don't believe in
This is kind of like a creationist arguing that they don't believe in the THEORY of evolution.
It's a scientific fact and it's there whether you believe in it or not. How exactly it works is up for debate.

>will just go back to their tribal identity.
Again you are refusing to even try to understand what i'm saying.
> is a low trust society,
because of people like you
and because of niggers who refuse to assimilate and haven't been sent back.

>Yeah well...commies get free helicopter rides.
I am loving your cold hard facts against my liberal dreams.
this is almost bringing tears to my eyes every time i think about it.
Your shitty Tumblr memes invalidate your perspective far more than your low quality shitposting
Well congratulations on that long praise of Austria-Hungary. But I certainly hope you will not try to compare it to a mix of a German, or an arabized Europe, with a large population of subsaharan Africans, Islam as its dominant religion and white Europeans being the minority.

And listing Teller as a good example: seriously?

>Fack Juh Göthä
4 degrees (STEM) in my family think it's a great movie.

Another indicator that you can have shit taste with a stem degree?
Science couldnt measure testosterone ubtil 50 years ago
The relationship between income inequality and child wellbeing has nothing to do with birthrates though.

>> is a low trust society,
because of people like you

Yes, thank you. I really love being accused by a person who thinks Marx was right, never lived among Turks, Arabs and Blacks, to be the problem when I take it personal to be almost killed in front of a church in my own country and dislike being the last German on several occasions in Germany.

Seriously: go fuck yourself.

This discussion is over.
those people came from the kingdom of hungary

but yes
austria hungary was a proto EU

>But I certainly hope you will not try to compare it to a mix of a German, or an arabized Europe, with a large population of subsaharan Africans, Islam as its dominant religion and white Europeans being the minority.
the important qualifier being arabized
the arabs should be europized or they can go back to africa

atomic bomb prevented vilent hot instead of cold war with russia

>Teller was one of the first prominent people to raise the danger of climate change
>Teller was one of the strongest and best-known advocates for investigating non-military uses of nuclear explosives,

>shit taste
no fuck you.
my parents have great taste
birthrates are in the tED video i linked
>Yes, thank you. I really love being accused by a person who thinks Marx was right, never lived among Turks, Arabs and Blacks, to be the problem when I take it personal to be almost killed in front of a church in my own country and dislike being the last German on several occasions in Germany.
if you distrust an entire race based on that incident in perpetuo then yes.

didn't mean to insult you though or say you'r a bad person
nice talking to you anyway!
thread over
good night
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