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What do you think about satanism?

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What do you think about satanism?
real ones or the fags that play pretend?
jewish atheism for autist
Atheistic Satanism is pretty logical at its core. Anyone doing rituals for any reason is fucked in the head.
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It's real
It's pretty much jewish
>anton (((levey)))
It's more real than people like to admit.

Satanism was made up by a degenerate bisexual brit as a way of justifying all the sick sexual shit he wanted to experiment with.

Good question. Real Satanists covertly rule the world, but most people who call themselves 'Satanists' are just teenagers trying to be edgy.
satanism is by definition jewish because jews invented satan
jews invented satan
look at the etymology
it's straight from hebrew
there needs to be an amendment in the constitution that clarifies separation of church and state, that church can also mean the occult.

Same bullshit as the other 3 desert death cults.
are you talking about Toby Fox?

Yeah but nobody was actually worshiping him until LaVey began his little larping club. He was just a secondary talmudic character.
It's a pretty good dogma

I'm actually reading the satanic bible now and, so far, it's been pretty insightful

Strength and intellect are prized characteristics in satansism as well as self determination. Pretty libertarian shit.

Not a sex cult like some would have you believe.

Just a dogma that states that the individual is his own master and the ultimate sin is stupidity.
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"This non-human force exists, and be assured that behind the scenes, they control everything." - Bill Cooper (he predicted 9/11 3 months before it happened and was killed by the Feds shortly after 9/11).
the same can be said about YHWH and Jesus (minus LeVay)
Satanism isn't problematic primarily because of what it says, but what it omits.

What does your book say about the golden rule, about love of neighbor, respect and proper treatment of other human beings, brotherly love?

It's the omissions that glaringly make satanism problematic and ultimately abhorrent.

This is why satanists have no problem with usury, with slavery, with abuse of position or authority, and so forth.
In Judaism Satanism is the low (2nd) path to God. The intention is to provoke Gods attention by perversion.
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The Bible describes Satan as a 'dragon'. Here is something that Christine Fitzgerald told David Icke:

"The Queen Mother..... now that's a serious piece of wizardry. The Queen Mother is a lot older than people think. To be honest, the Royal Family hasn't died for a long time, they have just metamorphosised. It's sort of cloning, but in a different way. They take pieces of flesh and rebuild the body from one little bit. Because it's lizard, because it's cold-blooded, it's much easier for them to do Frankenstein shit than it is for us. The different bodies are just different electrical vibrations and they have got that secret, they've got the secret of the micro-currents, it's so micro, so specific, these radio waves that actually create the bodies (holograms)."

What I think is interesting here is that Christine Fitzgerald said "They take pieces of flesh and rebuild the body from one little bit.". In the ancient Indian epic poem known as the 'Mahabharat', there is a group of one hundred royal brothers known as the 'Kauravas'. The Kauravas are the antagonists of the Mahabharat. Do you know how the Kauravas were born? The Kauravas were born from a piece of lifeless flesh which was cut into one hundred pieces and then each of these one hundred pieces of flesh were put into one hundred jars filled with oil. After two years, the jars were opened and the Kauravas were released from the jars. If Christine Fitzgerald does not know about this story from the Mahabharat (which the Mahabharat ITSELF claims to be an account of actual historical events), then in my opinion, that gives more credibility to the things that Christine Fitzgerald has said to David Icke.
That's retarded.

>rapes little girl
>"It's my religious right to, stop oppressing me, separation of church and state"
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Dunno, because there is no clear definition of "Satanism".

Very believable.
Satanism has some good points. Currently reading the LaVey's satanistic bible and I love how logical and knowledgeable of human nature they are, not giving two fucks about PC.
Isaac Newton was Lucifer incarnate.
Green nigga has a face on his fanny. 10/10
>edgy teens and 100 year old Jews like Soros
>not the two worst groups on the planet
I'm pretty sure the paganistic version of Satanism existed before Judaism. If anything, one turned into the other.
Anton La Vey was a clever guy who presented some pretty insightful philosophical arguments in his writings, modern Satanism however is just some Wiccan-tier bullshit for edgy weirdos
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Reptilians have taken over and infiltrated every level of human society (including our governments) for many thousands of years. The reason they've gotten away with it for so long is that they can assume a human form. They don't come from another physical planet per se, but from another band of frequency that vibrates very closely to this one (which enables them to flit back and forth from their dimension to ours).
Credo Mutwa called this frequency band/dimension 'the heaven between heavens'.
Their 'food' is our fear, our hatred, our suffering, our anger and our despair.
Shifting into a human form and entering into our dimension takes a lot of energy for them, so they can't stay here for long unless they possess the body of a human who is in vibrational resonance with them.
These humans are of a hybrid nature, their DNA is different from ours in that it is compatible with the reptilians (which is what allows them to be possessed). These humans are your kings, your banking dynasties (like the Rothschilds, for example), your presidents, etc. They have certain traits in common, like a lack of empathy, an obsession with being in control, lack of imagination, etc.
Oh, and they love lolis and gold.
These reptiles are pedophiles.
I mean, it is odd that all ancient culture has lore with either dragons, serpants, reptillians, etc.
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What we call 'the world' is an infinitely small frequency band. It is not solid as most people think it is, because the atoms that compose 'the world' are made of empty space. Furthermore, 'the world' as we know it does not even exist 'out there' - it exists only 'in here' and is projected by us only when we tune in to it. What we call 'ghosts' are beings that are so close to our frequency band that they can 'bleed' through like a form of broadcasting interference. A radio accurately tuned to a radio station frequency will produce a clear, sharp reception with no interference, but when the dial is slightly off-centre, another station or stations can be heard alongside the main one. What we call 'ghosts' are based on the same basic principle and reptilians are basically beings that we could think of as 'ghosts' in that they inhabit a frequency band that vibrates very closely to the one we inhabit. To us, a 'ghost' would not look solid - but to that 'ghost', we are the ones who would not look solid. There are an infinite number of frequency bands and they all share the same space usually without interfering with each other.

Yes, even our Abbos have serpents in their myths.
it's all semitic garbage
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The Demiurge is the 'god' of the Abrahamic religions and the Archons (self-replications of the Demiurge) are the 'gods' of the polytheistic religions. Kings, banking dynasties, presidents, etc. are ALL puppets of the Demiurge.
The puppets of the Demiurge are ALL victims of the Demiurge, even though most of them don't think they are. The Demiurge is the 'god' of the Abrahamic religions AND Satan, so it doesn't matter if you worship the 'god' of the Abrahamic religions or Satan (if you worship any of them), since your energy is being vampired by the Demiurge either way. Energy flows where attention goes.

Demiurge as Abrahamic 'God' = Supreme Chancellor Palpatine

Demiurge as Satan = Darth Sidious

Also, this universe is akin to a computer simulation and the Demiurge is akin to a computer virus. The Demiurge is the original 'virus' and the Archons are replications of the original Demiurge 'virus'.

The 'God' of the Abrahamic religions (i.e. Judaism, Christianity and Islam) is actually the Demiurge, as I mentioned earlier. Worshipping the Demiurge and praying to the Demiurge gives energy to the Demiurge. The Demiurge receives an energy bonanza from Muslims in particular, who pray to him five times a day. Energy flows where attention goes.

Human dynasties = Darth Vader

Archons = Emperor Palpatine

Demiurge = Dark Side of the Force

The simulation can be hacked. The original virus of the simulation (i.e. the Demiurge) was born due to the simulation being hacked. The Demiurge then self-replicated itself (and continues to do so), these self-replications of the virus are the Archons. The Demiurge and the Archons together constitute a hive-mind. The simulation pre-hack was what many deeply ancient cultures worldwide referred to as 'the Golden Age'. According to the Gnostics (BOTH the pre-Christian Gnostics AND the Christian Gnostics), the Archons appear to favour assuming two particular forms over any others - one that resembles a human fetus (like the 'Greys' of modern 'alien abduction' accounts) and another that resembles a lizard.
The older I get, the more I sympathize with anyone that hates humanity and wants to watch the world burn.

But I'll be DAMNED if Le Ultimate Douchebag is any sort of role model. Evil is the odd duck out - evil will eventually do evil to itself, and that, in someone's definition, will be called good. This will happen until the pendulum eventually swings the other way. Good will always triumph.

So I'll stick to not being an asshole to people (or goats, for that matter), and follow the far-wiser words of God.
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The Demiurge seeks to infest and infect all that exists. The Demiurge's only goal is the complete assimilation of everyone, everything, everywhere and everywhen..... forever.
Their just fedora atheists that like to antagonize christcucks.
I recently attended David Icke's wake up tour and learned about this. It seems pretty wild but I'm open to the possibility.
...... Replace the word "lizard" with "Jew" and your story makes more sense. All the problems of this world is anything and I mean anything but the Jews. So thanks goy for keeping the dream alive.
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I'm jelly as fuck, man. I wanted to attend David Icke's Worldwide Wake-Up tour when he was in Australia, but I missed the chance. I'm seriously considered going to some other part of the world just to see him speak at that tour. David Icke is based as fuck. David Icke was right about former UK Prime Minister Ted Heath being a child molester SEVENTEEN YEARS before the London Police were investigating claims that Ted Heath molested children in August of last year. If Icke was right about that (and he WAS, of course), he's right about interdimensional shapeshifting lizard-people. David Icke overdosed on red-pills. Truth is stranger than fiction.

* seriously considering
WTF I hate reptiles now
Pretty gay
>What do you think about satanism?

Jewish bullshit like Christianity.
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It's long over due for Jewish/Semeitc religions to be destroyed in the West.

In the news, all we hear about is Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Satanism with their statues, temples, and school groups.

All this mindless bullshit that distracts and distorts reality.
our government has been compromised by satanists. It doesn't matter whether or not you believe in it what matters is that THEY believe in it
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more of a meme religion then kekism
It was amazing. I'm sure it will be on youtube like the lion series at least. I really want a copy of his entire slide show because it has most of the information. Is there a good site or forum to discuss these ideas that you know of?
Its just a religion.
Everybody is free to practice whatever religion they want or to be irreligious.
LaVeyan Satanism is essentially a branch of nihilism and a valid, if trite and unseemly, school of thought.

Devil worship is just another supernaturalist religion. No less valid than Christianity or Sikhism (though, naturally, no more). Equal parts edgy teens and ageing rockers.
Basically if you are against satanism you are an actual cuck since the entire premise is for individualism and self reliance.
That's fucking retarded.
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Hey, I followed satan and now I am set up for ritualistic murder. I am not even joking my whole family is in on it, in fact my whole town seems to be in on it. I know it sounds crazy but do not follow Satan he is a deceiver. Anything satan gives you, you will only pay for with your own happiness and in my case your life.

LaVeyan Satanism is just Atheism with a larger Fedora.
>What does your book say about the golden rule, about love of neighbor, respect and proper treatment of other human beings, brotherly love?

Satanic golden rule: 'Do unto others as they do unto you'. With the caveat 'You should do unto others as you would have them do unto you, but if your courtesy is not returned, they should be treated with the wrath they deserve.'
These are good values that can't be found in any abrahamic religion.
>David Icke
Fucking wack-job, but I think he's pretty close to the truth
>Le fedora meme xD

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>What do you think about satanism?

That it should go back to reddi.t where it belongs or get ass-blasted by the Jewish alliance of 4chan. Get rekt by Jamal and his Syrian refugee gang faggot.

>It was amazing.

I'm sure it was, I've seen many of David's speeches on Youtube and in my honest opinion, he is BY FAR THE MOST INTERESTING PERSON IN THE WORLD. I got his latest book 'Phantom Self' in July of this year, so that makes up for me not going to his Worldwide Wake-Up tour (for now, at least).

>Is there a good site or forum to discuss these ideas that you know of?

I'm not sure, man. The official David Icke forum is okay, GLP and ATS are pretty shit though.
LaVeyan satanism is literally a CIA Psyop

google the Franklin scandal, Dutroux affair, Presidio rape. Shit was covered up by Ted Gunderson who was a controlled op fbi agent. All the silicon valley faggots are satanists too.
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Anton Lavey was a kike. Fuck him and his shitty materialist religion.
I was considering getting his book concerning the nwo but I may buy a few different ones. And ok, I'll check out his forum but I really wish there was a forum dedicated to this sort of stuff, not just reptilians but also Rothschild, fed reserve, satanistic pedos, etc. I guess I'll keep searching.
LaVeyan satanism is essentially an extension (and, in some ways, a plagiarism) of Stirnerian, Nietzschean and Objectivist ethics. Two of those three predate the CIA.
A. Wyatt Mann aka Nick Bougas attending the satanic celebration for the Sharaon tate murders


go to 26:46
Ya the swastika has nothing to do with satanism
Wtf, story on this??

His forum is actually has sections where you can discuss not just reptilians, but also the Rothschild family, the Federal Reserve, satanistic pedos, etc. It's just a shame that there aren't many other forums like that elsewhere on the internet (that I know of, at least).

* His forum actually has
Yes it's real, yes like others in this thread have said, the Illuminati, the kikes, the bankers, the "industries", nearly every country's government all fall under this umbrella. They are lead by the same forces who are ultimately lead by Satan himself.

Whether or not Christianity as an organized religion has been massively subverted, God is real and he is the antithesis of Satan, he is the essence of the good and the light in our existence. Jesus Christ is our lord and savior, God's mortal presence. Follow them in your heart and you will be okay. People will try to tell you that the entire thing is a ruse and that they aren't real but it's a lie. Just watch how triggered a kike or a Satanist becomes when you mention Jesus.

Also, Trump like literally everyone else is a controlled puppet and by worshiping him as some "god king" white savior you're falling into their trap and contributing to their power and evil energy.
I think thoose are just sand monkeys
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It's a Jew trick.
>More Crowley slandering

Pick up a book gyspy
Satan is enemy of jewish "god", but information about him and ideas about him people take from the Bible, so his image is demonized by jew-propaganda and doesn't correspond to reality.
Cool pic
Mind if I save it.
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LaVeyan satanism is pretty cool

Pretend satanists are worse than wiccans or muslims. I met a girl who claimed she was a satanist and wore a pentagram. I started asking her questions and it was clear she was doing it to be edgy. Literally calling herself a satanist because it spoops people.

Real satanists that are in positions of power boggle my mind, I wish we could know more
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anton LaVeys son who got booked for kidnapping and raping a girl with his girlfirend. The charges got dropped.

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strongly disagree
something about Muslims killing christiand in the middle east, cant remember any more about it
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There is nothing inherently wrong with nationalism and there is nothing inherently wrong with globalism. Globalism could be good if everyone was civilised - but we don't live in a perfect world, so the version of globalism that we're getting right now is one that is planned to end Western Civilisation and cause the extinction of the white race. This is obviously unjust, so we ought to adopt nationalist principles to prevent this globalist plan from succeeding even while REMEMBERING who and what we REALLY ARE - Pure Consciousness (which is INFINITE AND ETERNAL) having an experience in a temporary human form. You can do ANYTHING YOU WANT TO DO and you can be ANYTHING YOU WANT TO BE. There's only one of us here. If you hit yourself on the head with a baseball bat, they'll put you in a mental hospital yet that's EXACTLY what people are doing on a global scale. You can call Pure Consciousness 'God' if you want, but I don't because the word 'God' has religious connotations that I would rather avoid. Religion is the McDonald's of spirituality.
What we need is to raise our level of consciousness, both individually and collectively. If even one person raises his or her level of consciousness, it has a ripple effect that benefits EVERYONE ELSE, even if they don't believe any of this stuff - and this is because 'reality' itself is HOLOGRAPHIC in nature. One of the ways that they have manipulated us so deeply for so long is by suppressing our sense of the possible. What we call 'reality' is COMPLETELY ILLUSORY and thus MALLEABLE - and they KNOW THIS, while most other people do NOT. EVERYTHING IS ILLUSORY, EXCEPT PURE CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF. NOTHING is impossible in a universe that is ILLUSORY to begin with. We have the power to transform this prison illusion into a PARADISE ILLUSION, so let's USE that power.

We're all one - and the beauty of this is that we don't have to be cucks despite this fact (and it IS a fact). We can STILL protect Western Civilisation and save the white race from extinction. We're all actors in a cosmic movie and I think of people like the Rothschilds as playing the role of villains and ourselves as playing the role of heroes (when we're not being dicks).
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Meme magic is real because what we call 'reality' is holographic in nature. The late scientist Emoto used to put written messages next to containers of water, then freeze the water and examine the crystals that had been formed using microscopic photography. The water that had been placed next to positive messages like "I love you." turned into visually pleasing crystal formations, while the water that had been placed next to negative messages like "You make me sick, I want to kill you." turned into irregular crystal formations. In the ancient Indian poem 'Ramayana', a bridge to Lanka is being built with stones for Rama by an army of monkey-like humanoid beings. However, the stones don't stick together to form a continuous structure. Hanuman, Rama's devotee, suggests that Rama's name be written onto the stones so that they stick together. This is done and the stones then stick together to form the bridge that they want to build. In both Emoto's experiments and that story from Ramayana, it's not the mere act of writing that accomplishes those seemingly miraculous results but the VIBRATING ENERGY FIELDS OF INFORMATION of what was written. One of the COMPLETELY FALSE assumptions of modern mainstream science is that our internal world (i.e. our thoughts, our emotions and our intentions) has NO EFFECT WHATSOEVER on our external world. But the truth is that there is NO BOUNDARY between our 'internal world' and our 'external world'. They're BOTH movies that originate from the SAME projector room.
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What we call 'reality' is holographic in nature, so we are in fact smaller versions of the whole (which you can call 'God', if you want). Every part of the whole contains the whole and, to be more accurate, IS the whole. And just as a drop of water contains the same qualities as an entire ocean of water, we likewise contain all that exists within us - but merely on a smaller scale.

"To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour." - William Blake

Not only did our ancestors know about the holographic nature of 'reality', but there is also scientific evidence for the holographic nature of 'reality'.

"That is whole, this is whole.
From that wholeness, this wholeness comes.
Add the whole to the whole and the whole still remains.
Remove the whole from the whole and the whole still remains.
The whole remains the whole." - Isha Upanishad

"Know the world is a mirror from head to foot,
In every atom a hundred blazing suns.
If you cleave the heart of one drop of water,
A hundred pure oceans emerge from it.
If you examine closely each grain of sand,
A thousand Adams may be seen in it.
In its members a gnat is like an elephant;
In its qualities a drop of rain is like the Nile.
The heart of a barley-corn equals a hundred harvests,
A world dwells in the heart of a millet seed.
In the wing of a gnat is the ocean of life,
In the pupil of the eye a heaven;
What though the grain of the heart be small,
It is a station for the Lord of both worlds to dwell therein." - Mahmud Shabstari

Not odd at all.

The dinosaurs did not completely die out. They've been on this planet for a long time, and as such, they've had lots of time to evolve.

The base state of all things is energetic wave-form information, which has been confirmed by quantum physics. This is why everything can be perceived in an infinite number of different ways, because nothing can exist without being perceived and to be perceived, there must be a perceiver. When you see a rose as being red, a bee sees that same rose in shades of ultra-violet and a bat perceives that same rose as vibrations of sound. It all depends on the way that the information is 'read' (so to speak). We not only decode/re-decode information with our senses into what we call 'people', 'places' and 'things', but we can also ENCODE/RE-ENCODE information with our senses into what we call 'people', 'places' and 'things' - this is the basis of meme magic. We're encoding 'people', 'places' and 'things' with different information to what was there before, we're altering its informational substrate. The base state of EVERYTHING in the universe is ENERGETIC WAVE-FORM INFORMATION. EVERYTHING. We are literally information decoding information. Energy flows where attention goes.

"If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is - infinite." - William Blake

Group meditation has been correlated to a reduction in terrorism and crime:


What we're doing (i.e. meme magic) works on the same principle (which is collectively focusing on something and thus energising that 'something' with our collective focus), except our focus is not to reduce terrorism and crime per se but to meme Trump's presidency into 'reality' (among other things). What people call 'reality' is MALLEABLE. WE have the power. WE are the ones we've been waiting for. It's ALWAYS been us. All we're doing right now is REMEMBERING who we REALLY ARE. Now let's have some fun with our collective power! :D
>shifty shifty shape
got me
Oh wow, yeah I'm looking at it atm and it's not bad, even seemingly active. Are you on it?
You're right in many respects. If people worship to Satan, then he is kind of the evil Demiurge. But the real "satan" is a rebel, who resists against tyranny of the Demiurge. He doesn't need to worship and to enslavement of peopleconversely, a supporter he is for freedom and independence. He is a supporter of the knowledge, technology, biological immortality, leaving the "matrix", space expansion.

I tried to join last year, but my account didn't get activated for some reason. I might try again.
Believe in Christ.
It's the only way.

Nope. ALL religions are prisons of the mind. Religion is a vibrational veil, a frequency fence.
Another sect of kek worship
Its for faggots.
Despite neither being religious or into the occult, I prayed to Satan some years ago when I was just really unhappy with my life and job and entire situation.

Like lightning I got an idea suddenly that seemed so simple, yet hadn't occurred to me before. Doing it solved my problem, and my life has, since that day, improved ten-fold.

I'm being vague because it was illegal but I'll be damned if "le génie du mal" didn't save me. Satan truly is the greatest power the world has ever known. But despite this happening, when I look at modern Satanic movement they just seem childish and silly to me. I would like to witness a real black mass, the kind described in Là-Bas, but I don't think they exist anymore.
There is a mathematical substrate to the universe, it's a level of the universe that is pure mathematics. It's why things like the golden ratio are found in nature. This is what numerology taps into and the ruling families know this.
We live in a virtual-reality universe:


inb4 "Hurr, James Gates is a nigger!". No, James Gates is NOT a nigger. James Gates is based as fuck.
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It's more of a Nietzscheian and Randian social philosophy. And it's completely atheistic as well.

I don't much see the point of things like ritualistic curses and prayers, even if LaVey was fairly explicit in saying that the purpose of those things are rooted in psychology, not the supernatural. The fact that it's a secular philosophy and calls itself "Satanism" just makes it look like an edgelord ideology to me.

It's basically a religion for atheists that are drawn to ritual and roleplay. Not for me.
>virtual-reality universe
uh huh
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Light is the enemy. Darkness is our ally. Remember that inversion is the modus operandi of Satanists. What greater inversion than to associate light with goodness and darkness with evil? Darkness can make us calm. It is literal darkness that most people experience when they are meditating. Also, you need darkness to see stars in the sky. Light can be used to make people blind, most people can only perceive an extremely narrow frequency-range called 'visible light' and the so-called 'speed of light' is what supposedly prevents us from having unrestricted access to the universe. Light is a prison.
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>Inviting the ultimate form of deceit that has no care for humans, even his instruments of evil
Why are demons the only ones who answer prayers? Are we already in hell?
How exactly did you pray?

Get on your knees and simply asked for something, promising nothing in return?

Or did you involve blood?
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ITT people having no idea what they're talking about
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Alright well I saved everything you said but if there were a way you'd like to leave for contact, I'd gladly be willing to learn more.
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Off by one, black wizard.
Wtf, Hitler was Catholic. What do you think Gott mit uns means?
A miss is a miss.
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>Hitler was Catholic
>You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?
sure yea
No. Of course not. I was walking into my house from my car, and I was just fed up. In my yard I thought "Satan, you are the greatest power the world has ever known. Please help me get out of X Y and Z and I will do anything you ask." It wasn't the words though, I'd tried praying to god in the past, because I mean, everyone does, though I've never been religion. But this time, I felt it in my balls. I felt like I had the ear of Power itself and it was willing to help. So I asked, and he did.

Despite getting a glimpse at the Genius of his Evil for just a moment, I never felt the urge to perform rituals. I honestly think he doesn't care about that at all. I think he wants people with the right temperament, the right collection of qualities. If you have those qualities you just have to open the door.
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do i need to say anything more?
Edgy bullshit, yet still better than Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.

Edgy atheist wannabees.

Real satanists wouldn't have a public presence.
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>Real satanists wouldn't have a public presence.
This is true 100%.
I believe in it. I don't know how much is symbolism or literal, but the elite are sick psychopathic people, that's why they became the elite in the first place. And I'm not a strict atheist, I think there are some things science hasn't realized, subtle influences of reality.
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That would have to actually be in the consintution before they could amend it ;)
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Kek > Moloch.

You can email me here if you want:

[email protected]

>I'd gladly be willing to learn more.

Thanks, but what I've said isn't my information. It's information I've gotten from other people and I've decided to spread it around as much as I possibly can because this information is very obscure in mainstream society (and not by accident, by the way).
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It's appreciated, thank you.

>Real satanists wouldn't have a public presence.

I completely agree with you. In fact, I hesitate to even use the term 'Satanist', since it's loaded with Christian connotations and there are people that could be described as 'Satanists' who have probably never even heard of Christianity. But I'll keep using the term 'Satanist' simply for the sake of convenience.
When god wanted to speak to mankind, he had to tailor make the message, using things they already understood, otherwise he'd reveal himself as a giant fractal speaking in chiming tones and everyone would shit their pants for all eternity.

Satan doesn't bother to reveal himself in any special, uniform way. When he pops in, you get a sense of him that kicked you in the dick and knocks you to the floor. That momentary glimpse doesn't inspire you to kill, or rob, to rape kids, etc (though those things are fine to do if you don't get caught) and it certainly doesn't inspire you to wear black and listen to heavy metal.

He doesn't care about "the elites", this is an Alex Jones/alt-right fantasy, that of the "satanic elites". It's someone to blame so you can justify living in the basement. Satan is Power, he doesn't need human power. The world is already his. The entire world follows him whether they know it or not. What does he need with politics? He has the heart of everyone in his grasp. Not that he cares really, it's not about that.
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the vast majority of people on earth live in harmony with the tenets of Satanism without knowing it.

that's why this earth is so fucked up.

take it from a former priest in the Church of Satan.



"Satanists are peculiar people. They aren't ignorant peasants or semi-literate natives. Rather, their ranks are filled with doctors, lawyers, businessmen and basically highly responsible citizens..... They are not a careless group who are apt to make mistakes. But they are secretive and bonded together by a common need and desire to mete out havoc on society. It was Aleister Crowley who said: "I want blasphemy, murder, rape, revolution, anything bad.""
Should be burned at the stake like all heretics.

I'm not sure how I feel about an overall satanic world conspiracy, but I do believe that there is a small faction that is allowed to operate without involvement from government agencies to carry out the dirty work they cannot.

Read "Programmed to Kill" by David McGowan.
Everything is right except for that last part. We would want society to continue, constant murder/rap etc. would ruin it. We want it to continue, but be slightly off. It should be stable enough to perpetuate but off enough to give you an uneasy feeling.
Did you read the book of the law? If so, is it a book you recommend a lay man like myself?
By the way, I tip my hat to you for liking David. I agree with you, he is a fascinating man. I've watched most of his shows on youtube.
youre an idiot,
>"bleeeh bagan version of satanism came before j00s, duurrrrr"
satan was literally invented by jews
>b-but satanic "version" of "paganism" came before judaism
no it didn't, if any form of paganism predates semetic influence, it'd just be ordinary paganism, without any influence from the judeo invention of satan. derp.

if a post-judeo "version" of paganism has elements of satanism, it'd be a mixture of pre-judeo paganism and post-judeo satanism, end of story.

That reminds me of the first Matrix movie when Morpheus said: "What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad."
What are the tenets of satanism? I'm looking on satanic temple website these seem like a front though
self preservation, social darwinism, moral relativism, and eugenics
one way or the other evil and useless.

A self proclamation of being a complete asshole by decision.
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But you know, in the end you have to give something back. He's not a charity.

Most likely something you hold dear. Until that day comes, enjoy the gifts he bestows.
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Trump is a christian nigger-lover, vote Hillary2016
no one invented satanism they become infected with demons and start spreading propaganda
I won't hear a word against Father Christmas.
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Legit Satanists are incredibly rare. To be one, you have to not only accept the Biblical Lord as real, but then reject Him at the same time in favor of His enemy. That's too cumbersome a requirement to lure lost souls in with, so Satan gains his recruits by some proxy, like Moloch.

If he can't convince people to turn away from God though an idol deity, he'll convince them to just worship themselves instead though hedonistic self-pleasure. As long as the person rejects Jesus, Satan is content. The end result will be the same no matter what method he uses.

Talmudic Judaism is the most evil of them all by a long shot. Nothing in the world even comes close. It isn't an empty claim either, just take a look though history, you'll see it to be true. Faggots playing pretend with new age Satanism are just clowns, but damned all the same.
Nietzsche made even edgier
separation of church and state just means that the federal government couldn't declare a single church for the whole country

The states still had their own special official churches, but they weren't allowed to force people to belong them because of the freedom of religion and by the 1860s all states had removed their official church
Satanism is edgy judaic shit mixed with objectivism

>Did you read the book of the law?


>By the way, I tip my hat to you for liking David.


>I agree with you, he is a fascinating man.

Indeed. I've heard people speculate that David himself might be a reptilian shape-shifter, but if he is, then I'm sure he'd be a benevolent one. In fact, David himself said that he's sure that not all reptilians are evil and I completely agree with him. #NotAllReptilians

It's not like I was dealing with a kike merchant who said "I'll give you this for this". When I asked him for help, it was in my mind, and it wasn't in literal words. What I posted was a close approximation at best. I felt, "This situation sucks" and I felt the pain and all the recent memories, then I thought of Satan, his power and his freedom, then I thought "everything i have and everything i am is yours" I didn't expect to get anything, I wasn't offering anything in trade, I was just fed up. It was like an outpouring. There's nothing he can ask of me, I gave myself and everything I am fully in that moment of release. How can he ask for something that is already his. This isn't Faust.
The idea of Satan is borrowed from Zoroastrianism, where Ahriman is the evil king of the material world who will be defeated by Ahura Mazda, the true god, whenever he feels like it
Satanism is pretty much what a previous person said is " Atheistic Autism"
This imageboard will always be a congregation of these people.. the only question is how do we get rid of them?
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blackwolf approved
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Pierre Sabak is a man who has spent over a decade going through dictionaries, he's obsessed with words as well as their etymologies and derivatives. Pierre discovered that if we follow back the derivatives of the words in the languages we use now to their origins, then they tell a story of reptilian beings taking over the human species and also how they symbolised these reptilian beings not as they really are but instead as eagles, hawks, owls and angels. If you take the word 'angel' back to its origin in Sabak's research, you get a word meaning 'snake' or 'serpent'. And so we have the eagle on the coat of arms, flags and logos of so many countries. We also have the so-called 'owl god' Moloch, who is worshipped at Bohemian Grove. Read 'The Murder of Reality - Hidden Symbolism of the Dragon' by Pierre Sabak.
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So you're just labeling this experience as satanic minus the goat legged boogieman in red tights?

Interesting. Had you asked God for the same kind of help with the same kind of intensity prior to the above experience?
Like, I do believe that Satanism is what thing, but what is the solution then? I'm a deist and christianity in itself is flawed while Islam is seen poorly since the last decade and let's not even bring Judaism up since the Talmud is literally born from witchcraft.
Most of them are edy atheist LARPing and trying to trigger Christians. real Satanist I don't think even exist, I never heard of any.
Some, like Styxhexenhammer666, are just pagans and occultists.


What's LARPing? Excuse my newfagness.
No. Prayer to god has just been routine. Boring. Something about the whole god thing always bothered me, and I never got into it. I always find the villain more interesting in books, and Satan was no exception. I'd say I was fascinated with Satan from the moment I learned about him. God in contrast held no fascination for me. Maybe it was because all the people I knew who worshiped God were such artless idiots.

In that moment, I think, if you follow my thoughts to their origin, I had simply given up on the world. It manifested to the core of my beings and brought up the things I felt were at the center of my being. Satan was just kinda there in my thoughts. I didn't get out of my car and say "I am going to pray to Satan over by that tree in 30 seconds", it just happened. After the initial outpouring, my thoughts confirmed it, I thought "Yea, Satan, why haven't I done this before?" and it felt like an old man slipping into a warm bath. It felt like home.

And then came the answer I'd been seeking like lightning. Nothing in my life has ever worked as perfectly as this did. It fixed everything, and in the months and years to come, it continued working for me in ways I'd never even dreamed. The phrase "genius of his evil" stuck with me after that, because of how perfectly one idea of his worked.

If you wanna get philosophical, God and Satan are both Noumenon, God is Thing-In-Itself, a being with no unrealized potential, and Satan is the Will-To-Power or the Freedom-Through-Power aspect of that being. Jesus would be the logos, or the Expression of that being. etc.
This is pretty accurate. I think the description of self-worshipers who don't "believe" much outside of the world of flesh would profile a decent portion of Satanists, at least those deliberately and properly practicing Satanism. As for "gaining recruits via proxy", Judeo demonology paints a good picture of the processes in which a man strays from the pursuit of semetic virtue, via different means, laziness, greed, what have you. Of course this can be intentionally sought out as well, not just a result from "a fall from grace" so to speak, but it is through a semetic system of virtue ethic to begin with.
It's when autists get together and play role playing games in real life, hitting each other with swords that kind of stuff. so it just means autistic role playing.
live action role play

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Name satanism ain't about praying Satan, It's about being opposite of some Bible ("God's") rules.
/pol/ please.
its just like where people believe people are inheritenly a little evil and carnal and have bad chi and energy and karma and u gotta fight evil with evil and turn it into something good
Overt satanism is maybe 5% of the population of people who actually serve satan, and don't even know it.
It's pretty much taking over the world
Roman Catholicism and Islam give the Jews a run for their money.
Satanists (the real ones, no those faggots that are just edgy) will be ally of Muslims in Great World War III
for edgy children and emos
You sound like a Lokean. kek. Funny bastard. Not sure if this applies to you, but most people who're trying to establish some kind of virtue ethic in the modern world (either by honoring your own free will, or pursuing some path of intellectual/sensual development) will generally run into problems with anyone and everyone, being that we live in a largely Christianized society that believes in order to grow beyond being a sheep led to the slaughter, one must forfeit all glory attained in their efforts to an Abrahamic concept of God to avoid the pitfalls of selfishness etc. It's basically really annoying, and a constant nuisance. I think this is what most Satanists prey upon, in their plight to convert the general masses, the perpetual presence of discouragement from attaining a higher moral understanding of life without sticking your ass in the air for YHWH to fuck at any given moment. But there are many alternatives to Satanism in terms of self-development. I honestly think it's a simpler way of finding self-empowerment, not necessarily a cop-out, but like the first shortcut off the beaten path of modern toxic christ-cucked society, where people can redirect themselves according to their own will, etc. My ramblings aside, Lokeans and Satanists have similarities in that they're sick of encountering road blocks on the road of self-development, and resort to "fuck everyone that isn't me" mentality, which I find to be pretty humorous and amusing. kek
Most Satanists are opportunistic, and are of a chaotic neutral alignment, so I wouldn't doubt this. Arguably, there is more strength in a populous that is unified under a shared moral purpose stemming from morality, rather than a shared goal stemming from selfishness.
As someone interested in religious studies (and the only way to be unbiased is a secular qualification on the topic, so fuck yourself if you'd go the 'might as well drink this mister Hyde potion myself to see if it works!' path),
I'm not saying you're -wrong-, I'm saying that what you say challenges MY understanding of the topic,
namely that satans depictions are vague, if ever given.

I mean, you're not talking about the talking snake in Eden, which was punished to slither, and Satan walks with Yaweh and has chats with him later in the mythos,

and you're not talking about Leviathan either
(who had scales, was unafraid of bronze spears, and had 'a mouth like hinged doors', which in my opinion sounds like a pretty accurate description of a big fucking river crocodile)

with a LITTLE bit of respect (which tends to flee pretty quickly in these sorts of discussions. "You're a flat EARTHER? You retard")
Ill ask, why do you say Dragon? I DO know dragons and unicorns are mentioned in the bible, I'm just missing what led -you- to this.

>why do you say Dragon?

I don't. The Bible does.
I KNOW you said that dood, I was asking for clarity, such as which passage leads you to believe that. Because I'm reading the same book as you here.
>can't google: dragon bible
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Your'e A Fucking Wyatt Mann!!!

"And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world — he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him." - Revelation 12:9
I mean, self bump, we could be talking about the stolen character Ahriman 'the Accuser', who appears in other mythos here. What passages lead you to conclude it says "Satan is Dragon" because I will defend the case that, even if the Bible IS accurate on matters, the Leviathan is not Satan, and Leviathan is a good description of a crocodile/dragon.
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Right. Unlike sarcasm boy from the states you actually have your source. Thank you for being able to provide citation.

(What do you think, by the way? "Unicorn"? Or more likely "bad description of Rhinoceros"?)
Leviathan is mentioned in the Old Testament as a primordial monster, in Job I believe
The Dragon is specifically called Satan in Revelation, a New Testament book written in Greek
They're not the same
This is a fucking bot.
It posts the exactly same post, with the exactly same fucking picture.

edgiest possible religion.

Because it rejects christianity within christianity's paradigm.

That's what makes it so edgy. It's not even a religion. It's a sub-religious interpretation through the lense of christianity.

Really gay senpoo
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The ruling families are based in Europe, not America nor Israel. They are controlling America (and, indeed, the rest of the world) from Europe for its economic prosperity and military might via their secret society networks. These secret society networks hoard many things (like money - which they create anyway, natural resources such as gold and herbal medicines, and, most importantly of all, KNOWLEDGE). These secret societies hoard knowledge of TRUE history, TRUE mathematics, TRUE astronomy, TRUE health, TRUE physics, etc. and, most importantly of all, knowledge of the TRUE nature of 'reality' itself while teaching a false, incomplete and distorted version of those subjects to the general public, who usually unquestioningly accept all of it. They want people to point the finger of blame at America (and Israel, in the Muslim World), while not focusing on Europe in the belief that it is a faded superpower (which it is at the level of individual European countries, but that's not the point). The point is that these people are based in Europe (for historical reasons), but have set themselves up globally. They're found mainly in the City of London, Bavaria, Paris, Frankfurt, Rome and Geneva. The ruling families knew about the so-called 'New World' before individual European colonial empires even 'discovered' them, due to the ancient knowledge of geography hidden in their secret societies. The ruling families still control so-called 'former European colonies' via their secret society networks via the individual European countries that originally colonised those countries. (end of part 1)
Too much bots shilling here, where the hell do these fuckers come from

(start of part 2) There are secret societies controlling all of the major aspects of human civilisation, such as politics, the media (both mainstream AND alternative, yes, they have infiltrated the alternative media community too), international banking, corporations and entertainment. The secret societies have a FIERCELY compartmentalised, hierarchical structure and there is ultimately only ONE secret society that has ALL of the knowledge of the other secret societies, this secret society has dominion over ALL of the other secret societies and thus, the whole world. (end)

The Freemasons are low in the hierarchy of secret societies (that's why you even know that they exist in the first place). I doubt that the highest secret society calls itself 'the Illuminati' (it's a meme name anyway), it probably doesn't even have a name so that it's super-hard to know that they exist (let alone to research them). Only secret societies that are low in the hierarchy are semi-known in the public arena (like Freemasonry, for example). Compartmentalisation is the name of the game. No-one spills all of the secrets because no-one KNOWS all of the secrets (except the TINY FEW at the top of the hierarchy of secret societies). If you want to know the structure of these secret societies and the networks they form, think of a multi-national corporation. These secret societies are structured like multi-national corporations (although it would be more accurate to say that multi-national corporations are structured like these secret societies, because these secret societies are MUCH OLDER than any multi-national corporation). Like a multi-national corporation (like McDonald's, for example), these secret societies have a headquarters somewhere (like the City of London, for example) and subsidiaries in other parts of the world. Those subsidiaries get their instructions from the headquarters and that's why you can walk into any McDonald's restaurant anywhere in the world and enter almost the same place (with only minor variations, like an obvious difference in the language being used there). It's the same with these secret societies.
from Australia apparently
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The people who secretly control this world have genes that are extraterrestrial in origin. They believe that this gives them 'the divine right to rule'. I do not adhere to any religion, but here's an interesting verse from the Bible about all of this:

"There were giants in the Earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." - Genesis 6:4

People like the Rothschilds and the royal families of Europe are related by blood. Major world-leaders and banking dynasties are related by blood. They breed only among themselves to maintain their genetics. If they breed outside their circle, then their genetics will be diluted. Pic related (it's from a MAINSTREAM magazine, if I remember correctly).

I'm not a bot, you ape. kek
To be fair, I'm W's 9th cousin, 3 times removed. We had some common ancestor back in Connecticut. There's proabably tens of thousands of people related to W in the U.S.
why would a lizard have tits?
This guy gets it
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>drákōn (from derkomai, "to see," the root of the English term, "dragon") – properly "seeing one," used of mythical dragons (huge serpents) seeing their prey from far away; (figuratively) Satan (Rev 12:7,9) exercising his subtle (indirect) impact on heathen governments (powers) – i.e. accomplishing his hellish agenda from "behind the scenes."
So Satan is the Seeing One, and his fallen angels are grigori, or "Watchers"
OMG they're watching me right now
It's about as real as chritianity
No to the first thing
Satan simply means adversary. He is the adversary of the Abrahamic god. Thus, Satan is the liberator from the Demiurge.
Pagan Satanism, the ultimate edge religion
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>pagan satanism
>my name is nido and I am e-vil
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It's a bunch of edgy bullshit
It's like family ran business. Nothing goes in and nothing comes out. Tightly knit family.
Think about it. You and your senpai were the only inhabitants first. That's a strong bond of trust. You don't "join" them because you have centillion shekels. You'll be laughed at for your stupid newfagness.
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Where does Giygas fall on the hierarchy?
>love thy neighbour
>brotherly love
Sounds pretty fucking gay to me m8
The same thing I think of every other religion and cult: It's fucking retarded.
You seem to know about things. What's your take on who runs the world?
Thanks. I think he's a Pleiadian.
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What if I told you that Kek is Satan and that the Jewish "god" is the truly evil one?
Pol is a Christian board.
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Non draco sed mihi dux, satanas
Except for the fact that we resurrected an Egyptian god of primordial chaos. Chaos is naturally the enemy of order, order that the Jewish Demiurge created.
>1 post by this ID
and you still fall for this shit /pol/?
>Chaos from order
How is this good
fuck off satanist cuck
Order is created by the Jews. Do you not see it? Our whole society is based off of (((their))) ideals and schemes. What better way to get back at them than by being an adversary to (((their))) Lord?
It's just the problem(they create), reaction(they control), solution(the original action they wanted in the first place.) framework.


I have, it's called The Lesser Key of Solomon you sweaty edgelord.
Fuck off nigger. Your Jewish tricks work no longer.
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good question. need to think
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Order was created by us before we got infiltrated due to weak faggots and he advancement of degenerate beliefs faggots
sure to change things there needs to be chaos (ie revolutions) but when everything is done it's back to normal
without order there is no civilization
now fuck off
I don't think you understand what I said. This is what the control system does in order to control us.
Until (((they))) infiltrate the order once again. It will be a never ending cycle of liberation and infiltration. The only way to defeat (((them))) for good is to destroy them from their source: their Lord and his creation.
>dragons and unicorns

dinosaurs and asian rhinos
Leviathan reminds me more of Predator X
the wicked one, for the time being
that's why we need a solution
a final solution if you will
and no being a Satanist is not that solution
yeah well, the jews are controlled by abrahamic religion. Which was created by the demiurge.
4chan is for +18
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Very insightful and extremely interesting. Sets clear rules and makes sense. I'm a satanist myself but I don't go around being an edge lord. Keep it too myself.
Satanism is so universally disliked that I never thought it really existed. I always thought Anton LaVey was just some edgy guy
Satanism is garbage-tier.
It's one of the only redpill paths because its basically being agnostic and not sucking jewgod dick like everyone else
He is just an edgy guy. He's an atheistic satanist. He's an atheist playing dress up.
Is that a medieval dick-butt?
ask a satanist anything
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>tfw I'm a Satanist who wrote this song, and some of the music, and I was on set when it was recorded and it turned out so perfect, and only a few years ago I was a faggot working at paycom and Satan saved me, damn. That feel.

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Bunch of retards who worship science instead of understand it.
Mike Crossey is a real nigger
>move to LA
>have your song bout and made
>aww yisss that feel
>tfw you have the play the drum machine on your own single because Fickle Friend's drummer is a christian who is too artless to play it
>ffw its the defining moment of the song and people come up and complement you
>tfw you got 40k to play the song, more than a years wages in Shit Oklahoma all because Satan took care of you
This guy gets it. That's the satan I support
i also hand-picked the girl who gets pinched because I liked her the most
bless him, bless the First Luminary
Natasha is real as fuck, ask me any thing
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This video takes place at the end of the railroad tracks because it's the very end of my life. When I was writing it. The glowing picture on the wall is because I used to at at Yukon Super Buffet in Yukon OK during my work breaks, and I wanted something different. Dat feel when your dreams come real, damn....
Eating the body and drinking the blood of christ is fine though.
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I found the scientific, physical evidence of "god" (is another story), so I don't believe in God.
1.biological neural network.
>It has been suggested that a bacterial colony loosely mimics a biological neural network. The bacteria can take inputs in form of chemical signals, process them and then produce output chemicals to signal other bacteria in the colony.
Bacteria communication and self-organization in the context of network theory has been investigated by Eshel Ben-Jacob which developed a fractal model of bacterial colony and identified linguistic and social patterns in colony lifecycle see moar: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microbial_intelligence
2.the impact on the consciousness. 2 articles with scientific research for example:
The Tantalizing Links between Gut Microbes and the Brain
Neuroscientists are probing the idea that intestinal microbiota might influence brain development and behavior
Microbes can play games with the mind
God is an ancient intelligent colony of bacteria that affect people through the microflora of body and environment. People are tools to interact with the material world. Colonia evokes thoughts, desires, emotions, etc. If desired, voice and hallucinations (Personality changes, apathy, poor judgment. About 10% to 20% of people with neurosyphilis general paresis experience psychotic symptoms that include hallucinations and paranoia. Some people display what we think of as the classic symptoms of grandiose delusions. I have met people who thought they were kings, presidents and prime ministers. https://www.verywell.com/neurosyphilis-98756) This synthetic biology. People are controlled by bacterial immortal neural network through self-replicating nanomachines (microflora)
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To get rid of the divine influence on body and mind need to construct "plasma shirt" (Based on the generator Van de Graaff
1000 000 DC negative voltage.) It's another story
You will never understand the Third Reich if you don't understand Spiritual Satanism. The goal is to perfect humanity. To create godmen, the ubermensch, to be equal to our creator gods. Satan, Prometheus, Lucifer, different names for the same god, tried to elevate man. The Jews are the creation of enemy ETs meant to make gentiles cattle for their use. Our gods, the nordic gods, want to help us and haven't given up on us. They lost a battle but have won the war and this victory will soon manifest on Earth. Hitler and the Thule society knew and so did other key people throughout history. But now the time has come for ultimate victory. The Jews time is ending.
This. Down with the Jewish god.
extreme edgelording
Kek, that shit was pretty funny.
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>pristine my nigga
Kek. We have lost drone signs here in California. Pic related is on a light pole right outside my house.
I live in OK and have never lost one. This girl has used i multuple times. Her dad was like "Oh don't mind?" I was like, in my head, "Nigga she could shit in my bed and I wouldn't mind." No one cares about drones here, and I live right by the highschool.

my song when she's left for college
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it is synonymous with judaism

fuck satanists
get our sign off your gay flag
quote is fake
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