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What's /pol/'s opinion on Serbia?

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Thread replies: 314
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2Pac lives there, must be good.
Its a shithole.
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I think that Serbia is based. Though i might be biased.
Russian puppet state
Personally I think Serbia is responsible for most of the world's evil. But /pol/ likes you.

The ideas that are prevalent in Serbian culture are the same that are shared on this image board. The difference, of course, is that /pol/ is full of do-nothing NEETs laughing behind their keyboard, whereas Serbs actually kill people over this ideology.
its a shithole we should have bombed more.

Kosovo is Albania and soon all of serbtrashland will be Albania too.

then there will finally be peace

did you hear that from king nigger obama or read it on buzzfeed?
its pretty bad. wish youd kill kosovo and albanian already
International Flag of CTR shitposting and shilling.
hvala ti arkane

t. alboshit
I heard you guys have a zoo filled with Croatians
There are smart ones working in my city

Their children are in their 20s, have more money than god, and the IQ of eggplants
serbs are good at killing muslims

so serbs are my friends.
usually the case with spoiled brats tbf
Got a Serbian coworker, guy's cool but I don't like their quasi-patriotism
friendly people
i enjoy their hilloliposts
high unemployment, low workforce participation rate, enormous taxes on salaries;

economy is broadly in poor shape, although currency is stable atm; manufacturing in shambles, four of more lively sectors are energy, construction, agribusiness and IT.

climate is ok, four seasons, coldish winters (zeroish), mostly with little snow, hot summers, (high 30s in july and august);

Unresolved political issues include status of Kosovo and Bosnia, as well as occasional spats with Croatia.

Overall a meh country. Not a shithole like Somalia, not civilized like Iceland.

Bottom ten in GDP per capita in Europe, Slovernia much richer, Croatia richer, Bulgaria and Romania similar (but higher), Bosnia Albania, Kosovo*, Macedonia lower .high-middle income globally

>le CIA World Factbook faec

Le epig kebab removal meme is wrong as far as Turkey is concerned, no one gives a shit about (modern) Turkey, people go there for holidays, while Ottomans get blamed for all backwardness. Ethnic conflict and distance is highest with Albanians, then Bosniaks, then Croats.

All serbs I've met have been total white trash. Maybe it's just the scum who move abroad and the smart ones stays there
Pretty ok opinion about you guys.

>calling another country a shithole
Go steel some more copper gypsy
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Total shithole. Over aggressive nigger tier people. Would not visit.
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I know a serbian refugee. His mother is a top doctor at our best university.

He is a degenerate frat boy who smokes drinks parties and falls off the top deck of holy ship while blackout wasted and mom has to get him the best emergency airlift and rehab treatment. He works for microsoft.
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Thank you for correcting the record, Leaf. In fairnes, you and your NATO allies killed plenty of Serbs as well, but these killings dont count right? Somehow killings in Srebrenica are abhorrent, but bombing civilians isnt.
nah friend
smart ones usually try to leave serbia but they are either engineers or doctors
though you might have met those that go abroad to clean toilets and be garbageman
My mom is a Serb (dad is Slovenian), so obviously I have to respect, because my mom is red pilled as fuck.
>Trei prieteni – spune înţelepciunea populară – au românii: Dunărea, Marea Neagră şi sârbii

We love you Best Neighbour.
Total bros
Nice women
Delicious cousine
This is a good serious answer to a copy paste thread. Hope you guys do better in due time m8.
Bah.. There are good and bad people in all cultures to be real. But he you must remember that if he was born in US he is not Serbian and especially he is alienated from Serbian culture.

Though if he ever was to return here in Serbia, accept his Ancestry and start local buissness, he would be worshiped with that amount of money.
Balkan niggers. They have tan skin, black hair, shit colored eyes and look basically like turks.
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we need a land border with greece again

Ungrateful thieving cunts who are no better than sandniggers.

I still supported you in the Yugo wars though.
based and dank
greatest country ever. Glorious history. red-pilled. orthodox. Literaly the saviours of Europe. Romania is glorious too
We are better than Muslims and that should be enough. You will understand us when you get the same Muslim problem we had, we aren't that bad..
which will be soon as europe is going
Autism truly runs in the finns blood
You brought the downfall of the world thanks to your Stupid Black Hand. Fucking Slavaboos, YOUR ACTIONS CAUSED THE LOSS OF 20 MILLION.
ull get one when the shiptars conquer the rest of your country

Ehh, sorry if it seems like an intentional copy paste.. I am relatively new here and I was curious about how the world sees us without the media related bullshit (racists, slaughterers, savages, etc.)
Born in serbia
Your bombing made his family come here when he was a boy
What do we do with the FYROMesians though?
Displace them to Albania?
thanks swedebro
i blame all the gommie statism here
We have Scandinavian taxes without Scandinavian state services
our political class are all statists regardless of alleged ideology
Thats how I discoverd /pol/ in its Ron Paul days
t. Habsburg shill. Kill yourself
Leafs are always a bunch of hypocritical bastards, as one I'd know.
I can't say I'm opinionated on that specific conflict, but what I do know is Serbias history has almost always been fighting for a just cause.
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I have a Serbian uncle. He hates Croats, Jews and Kebabs. Pretty based.
Unlucky slav fellows who were being raped by turks for centuries.
FYROM already is conquered
>We have Scandinavian taxes without Scandinavian state services
Ottoman state mentality at its finest
We never recovered ideologically
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You're really fucking subtle, you gypsy nigger.

Fuck off back to your shitstain nation.
Maybe but there were many cases of Serbs backstabbing eachother as well
We lost our empire to that and opened the gates to a ottoman invasion
Can someone explain the Serb-Croat hate bantz. What did the Croats do?
Based kebab removal.
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they will all become refugees in serbia, bulgaria and greece anyways, before another balkan league destroys greater albania this time

serves them right for recognizing Kosovo
oh shut up. we even backed you for the name Macedonia before you went full retard with antiquisation. And recognized Kosovo. Enjoy you Shqiptars now.
Being edgy germanaboo faggots
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Fuck off muslim shit..
>US bombs Serbia
>Sebian family moves to the US
I have never understood that logic.
But yea spoiled brads are worst.
Serbs are always nice to Russia even though it makes me fell uncomfortable, because i don't know if we deserve it.
Geroyam slava
It's ukrainian slogan though
Yeah I figured that was it.

It's better to ask what did we do to them.
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What's wrong?
As a wise man once said, bees fly to honey, flies to excrement, and filth to 4chan.
Just wanted to say that we aren't black. Some of us have dark hair, but aren't darkskined. You can meet gypsies that emigrated to Europe and they will say they are from Serbia, but they aren't Serbian..
Fuck off. Serbs are good people.
Actually flies fly to honey too if there are no bees around
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This one was just a teenager, can't say that I care much
Greece has the highest tax rates of any Balkan country and was not even communist.
im not even romanian. They are a nation worth mentioning when discussing the topic of the balkans.
I don't especially care but they sure fucked up when they ended up making the muslims actually religious and being in the pocket of the Saudis.
Love it
i dislike it. Slava x Slavic nation works better, i think.
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http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=af6_1264072676 <3

Stay mad ahmeed
not really but eh
you helped us in some wars
during our time under the ottomans whenever Russia had a war with them we rebelled and got fucked up once you signed treaties
GB and SSSR backing the commies in WW2 fucked us up bigtime
tho i don't blame you guys for not being able to help during sanctions, since you were shit at the time as well
we do like russia though, have a few relatives from Petrovgrad
Pretty good country. Also very nice sights from what I have heard
Greeks don't pay taxes. That's the reason why their economy sucks
>muh opression 1918-1938
>Yugoslavia was just greater Serbia
>we re NOT SERBS guise totally not Serbs, we re civilized Germanic Europeans not orthodox balkan barbarians

>Ustashe 1941-1945
>Oluja 1995
>Croats are just Catholic Serbs

Serbs tried and failed to separate a part of Croatia in Yugoslav wars then denied Albanians the same in Kosovo (muh hypocrisy lol) and ended up losing both.

Difference between the two in reality is Bavarian to Prussian, and language is more similar. Croatians chose as official the dialect which is the same as official Serbian, even tho they claim the language is different.
my parents are serbian

ja volim srbije
>and was not even communist
I am telling you this is Ottoman mentality leftovers
Pay taxes and the state wont bother to even apply basic laws that cannot benefit from them through getting money
Why you think vendettas are so populars in the Balkans?
If you didnt murder a Turk the state wouldnt lift a finger leaving us a long tradition of killing the murderer ourselves
You still have to make a mini riot for the municipality fix potholes
Just one of many examples
The serbs ive seen do not have dark pigmentation at all. Quite the opposite, they look abnormaly light compared to their geography. Like average central europeans.
It's lack of jobs caused by rigorous taxsation that kill buissnises which in turn have to pay less, which makes income tax even smaller.

Aka Economic regression.
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Not even from Bosnia or a muslim
The Croats are despretly trying to be 'special, no we are not related to them' but at the end of the day they are just Catolic Serbs.
still brainwashed...Slobo did a good job I see
dont try reasoning with autists.
And the croat enters. Lets bantz this thread with no survivors.

Diaspora war when?
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Here they are an equivalent to blacks in the us. Leach off welfare, commit a unproportional amount of crime. They even have think they are superior because they ran Yugoslavia. We wuz Yugoslavia n shiet
i also blame the Ottomans for this, but I blame gommies more up here.
The point of high taxation is not just getting monies for the rulling elite (gommies or turks). Its also for the state to have your balls, so if you complain they can always pull some back tax on you. So you keep quiet. Oh and also blame your weird ethnic neighbors.
How about blaming yourself. Neither Ottomans nor Jugoslavia hasn't been around for ages
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I like croatians much better tbqh famalam
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So that bring us to either croatian or albanian.

We are progressing are we not diaspora traitor.

You are probably shiptar since more of you live in diaspora than in your shihole of a country.
Bulgar here. One great-grandfather died near Nis. But it's past, I like Serbia. I listen to Bijelo Dugme. All in all, a great country.
>pic rel

we love you slobro. you should have ran Yugoslavia, prolly would be more succesful, possibly still alive.
t. serb sewer cleaner in muslim london
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>Being this deluded
I guess it's genetics, like your identity delusion.

>pic related 100k croats disapeared from vojvodina, 0 shots fired.
hey soon to be sand nigger
m8 its the same fucking politicians (or their literal heirs) inherited from Yugoslavia. They all claim to be nationalist or liberal or socialist or whateverthefuck but they are all statist regardless of ideology.
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all they do is line their pockets and find cushy state jobs for their sons girlfriends aunts and all their friends. while i break my back for that shit.
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>Destroy Albania
The butthurt is real
Croatia already is
well at least you can afford internet
you're a smart young scholar just like Jovan Deretic
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This was an entire family, truly amazing.
Fuck off Sven
its not like it even exists in the first place
We don't have more similar nation than Croatia.. Do we hate each other? Yes. We all have our reasons, but it always made me sad why we can't arrange something with Croatia and clean the Bosnia out of Muslim scum and split Bosnia between us.. We don't want to look at covered women anymore, and we don't want that pedophile worshipers yelling from the mosques in the morning..
t. german kebab polisher
Its ok dude we get it you are an edgy 14 yr old Albanian kid living in Norway. Now go and make me a kebab...
shhh, its ok. Take a walk. Stop being plauged by this evil swede taunting you.
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>It's not like you even exist in the first place
Ok Ahmed
Literally (and I do mean literally) the only thing I think about when I hear the word "Serbia" is "A Serbian Film". I've never even seen the movie, all I know is that a guy fucks a baby in it. Other than that I don't know shit about the country.
Stop it with the gore faggot.
You mean the thing that Milosevic and Tudjman did in secret, but boht failed cause Bosnia was a shitstorm on itself...
The beautiful moment of enlightment
Made this post to discuss Serbia with people who possess more historical/economic knowledge than myself.

Suddenly shitload of Croats start acting offended and bashing my country, and shitload of disgusting Shqips posting completely unrelated pictures of decapitated bodies.

Just showing off your modern European sophisticated culture I guess.
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Fuck off niggerlover
Serb loving Albanian? Kill yourself.
Youre a yank. You dont know shit about anything to start with,
Why do balkans hate eachother? Wasn't everything ok under Tito?

I haven't actually studied much about the balkans wars
the beautiful moment of Alahu Akbar in Malmo
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It's an attempt by our libtarded film industry and directors to make some form of abstract art.

Instead they made a disgusting movie that no one liked but vast majority pretended to because it's 'Western art' as they were told.
No, i don't care who or what they are, just stop posting this disgusting shit.
Your serbian ethnicity is showing :DD you should delete this milovan :D
That was easy.

So it's that easy to triger you XD

>look mom, i am posting dead bodies on mongorian guro forum

Truly a representacion f Kosovar Albanian.
They're murderous rapist dogs. Serbia is the shameful face of radical Christian terror.
Sandnigger detected. This gore shitposting is really subhuman tier.
Yes, unfortounatley northern Denmark is problematic. But not as problematic as Croatias obsessive sucking of German dicks.
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no. the FUCKING AMERICAN dogs meddled in balkan politics. they wanted MUH BOSNIA STATE because AMERICA and Americans love muslims so much. I'm kinda happy the muslims blow up the twin towers! Happy 9/11 shit americans.

greetings from a hrabre ustasa! =U=
no one fucking pretended to like it
a lot of people were offended because they thought the name would stick in peoples minds as the first and only thing associated with Serbia
like this burger
I actually think Martyrs is a lot scarier film
A Serbian Film is just dumb gorefest
America is the cancer of geopolitics.
I never got that meme. Heard of it but no context.
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Learn to spell Serbnigger
SerbLoving piece of crap
Stay mad
fuck off, subhuman scum.
the reason they fight is because they believe they are somehow 'entitled' to more land simply because they are Serbian.
If I chould i woult destroy that retarded movie out of existance, literally destroys our already low prestige.

>Hey do you know that country named Serbia?
>No. But i remember a movie called a Serbian film, it was gruesome, baby was fucked.
>Do you know that there are serbs...
>So are they all fucked up, are they pedophiles, why would anyone make....

You get it. They chould have named it todler XXX and it would have been betterly recived here in Serbia.
Isnt that what canadians have been doing from the start? Believing they are somehow entiteld to more land simply becuase they contain leafs?
something something it was actually the Germans again
Fuck off honestly
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Cry more
It's pretty cold
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Why should I listen to a SerbLoving traitor.
jebem vas majku shiptarski dubre
Serbs are ok I guess. All south Slavs I've met were bro tier. Except Albanians and Bosniaks but those aren't even Slavs. They look like inbred gypsies really. Also dumb as fuck

Oooga booga albanian mafia xDDDDD
Do you know where to buy some weed brother? xDD

Fucking shitskin googles.
keep posting bruh
show /pol/ what Albanians really do.
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Makes me contemplate...
Tito's Yugoslavia survived because of the cold war tensions. It served for both sides as a tampon zone of sorts. Both sides gave it money. When the cold war ended there was no need for it, stoped caring. Germany was emerging united and didnt want a rival in Europe so they armed the Croats and got good startbup capital as a newly united state. Yugoslavia was a true socialist state that can work, that infurieted the West, so it had to die...It did and now every ex Yu state is a debt prisoner to the IMF. Yugoslavia as a whole had less debt then a single exYu state.
Canadians have been giving away land to the chinks if anything
That's all you need to know. Vojvodina Serbs are mostly white and based, southern Serbs are basically a mixture of Turks, gypsies and Albanians.

Their culture is a mix between Turkish and Orthodox/Byzantine culture. It's sad what happened to Serbs, specifically southern/central Serbs.

Soon they'll lose Vojvodina. Sad!

I think Vojvodina Serbs would do much better without the savage serbroaches to the south.
Nigger, just because i hate gore doesn't mean i love Serbs, it just means i hate seeing people blown open.
vojvodina je hrvatska
>Vojvodina meme
Try harder
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>Look mom i am posting random gore lying it's actually serbs dead.
>Am i a national hero now?
Yea I've read the socialist system was quite different from USSR and the eastern block

Is there any old fags here who would tell how was it Yugoslavia
If only
Dugo te nije bilo na 4čenu Fredi
Vojvodina Serbs are based and I don't think they're Croatian at all. They represent what Serbia could have been if turkroaches hadn't been raping them for 420+ years.
>6261 ▶>>90736441 >>90736571 >>90737030 >>90737157 >>90737684 >>90738110 >>90738322
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stay mad
Okay I will
Lol look into that picture more, dumb Serbnigger
He was a Bosnian Serb lol, check your facts moron.
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Have some, calm down, you seem upset
Fine, I will stop
Send more Zastava M76's, please.
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>He actually researches every gore pic he posted.

Now that is what i call autism.
REMOVE KEBAB remove kebab
you are worst turk. you are the turk idiot you are the turk smell. return to croatioa. to our croatia cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,bosnia we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole turk stink bosnia sqhipere shqipare..turk genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead turk..ahahahahahBOSNIA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 .albiania we kill the king , albania return to your precious mongolia….hahahahaha idiot turk and bosnian smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE KEBAB FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. russia+usa+croatia+slovak=kill bosnia…you will ww2/ tupac alive in serbia, tupac making album of serbia . fast rap tupac serbia. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac… you are ppoor stink turk… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt

tupac alive numbr one #1 in serbia ….fuck the croatia ,..FUCKk ashol turks no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the turk farm aminal with rap magic now we the serba rule .ape of the zoo presidant georg bush fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and bosnia wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. serbia greattst countrey
My uncle's dad saw Croats executing normies in his village. I guess he passed the hatred onto his son.
It's going to happen eventually and you know it.
Of course a Serb criticises me for research
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fuck you too

orthodox trash
>here drink this
>its your moms tears
:>He researches dead people, saves them on computer and posts them o derail threads he does not like.

Maybe I was to harsh, you must be a teen between 18-12.
Kek, a national hero would be Oso Kuka or Mic Sokoli.
Why is Arkan so famous in Serbia?
>privatised half of Serbia
>did war crimes
>leader of Belgrade mafia
>killed bunch of Serbs that were against him

and even after that his family is mega popular?
Wtf Serbia?
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You retards need to wake up and understand that our common enemy is America and NATO. Their globalism and economical enslavement is the root of all evil. You are just brainwashed into hating each other while they rule you and piss on you.
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they weren't normies. but cetniks
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You guys are based, but can't forgive what you did in Macedonia
Respect for Serbian brothers
they are okay, they are kinda like kurds, legitimately oppressed, but absolute cunts at the same time

Bosnian music > Serbian music
Keep telling yourself that Serbnigger
It's a vast wasteland. It reeks off broken down, unclean, and leftover. You go there and you will have to look really hard to find a nice spot. Their mentality is that if something is broken, you don't fix it. People are okay and friendly, but high crime rate. As far as Serbs living in germany go they are in some areas highest in crime rate (if you ignore all the trash from muslim countries, of course). Most noticeable thing is that almost every man is baldheaded, dark skinned like a mixed race person, and almost no pretty girls or young people.
Same goes for all the criminals on all 3 sides during that period. All of them got rich and robbed their respective countries starting with your national heroes Tudjman and Gotovina all the way to Milosevic and Izetbegovic.

2/10 for bait
hvali ti, braco milo polak

Literally a turkroach name. Look it up.
Goog at removing kebab, best warsongs
Not at that way "popular" but a royal family popular,having five pages of Kurir daily dedicated to you popular.
All I know is that we bombed you and you have funny music videos.

I do not think your country deserves the title of kebab removers when you basically killed kebab slavs in your backyard. We invaded two fully kebab countries and murdered literally hundreds of thousands of feral, tribal kebabs who were not slavs. But I guess we don't get credit for that because King Nigger is a crypto kebab
>le Macedonia
You had Thrace up to Enos-Midia (pretty much up to Constantinople) but you wanted Macedonia as well. In the end you lost both AND the Aegean cost.
Mate, what the fuck are you on?
Can you share some of what you've got?
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Sup guys
wow, this is /pol/? our country may be shit in terms of living there because it is run by jewish puppets (just like the USA, kek), but the culture is everything you faggots wish your country was. a great deal of right-wingers, nationalists, traditionalists, red-pilled people who grew up hard-boiled. slavs are generally pretty based, although maybe not abroad. if you base your opinion on CNN reports and other western media, go suck on clinton's cock. even fuckin dr. william pierce has a speech on serbs. but even you who allegedly hate the kikes are very good goyim yourselves. questions?
>burgers still mad their "stealth plane" got shot down

you know that an interviewer once asked an american general
"Why are our good christian boys out there, bombing other christian boys, to protect muslims?"
and the general had no answer?
we predicted a long time back that beograd will be bombed. thank you yanks for doing that
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I don't have time to research every fucking countries history you worthless Swede cuck. What I do know though is that YOUR country is being cucked to death by muslims, feminism, and tons of other multi culti propaganda bullshit. That's probably why you're in this thread raging so hard. Stay cucked Sven.
>>best war songs

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Not so much the actual land, but the extensive serbianisation of the locals and demonisation of bulgarians.
But I love your music!
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You do realize you get the worst of the guns yeah?
>yellow skin
>slanted eyes
>buck teeth
>straw hat
do you think they hate us because nobody is flying planes into our buildings,shoots up the schools and run people over with trucks?
Or is it maybe because we don't have niggers and brainwashed transgender attack helicopter children??
>a great deal of right-wingers, nationalists, traditionalists, red-pilled people who grew up hard-boiled
Then why do you vote for jewish puppets?
yes, what are your plans for your 15th birthday?

Also, Israelis are bros. Once you grow up a bit you will understand that.
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>Criticising other countries for being cucked
No strong opinion of the country, but my experiences with Serbian immigrants here have been very positive.
You forgot two things:

Widespread genetic contamination and gypsies.

The only actually white part of the country is Vojvodina, everything south of the Petrovaradin fortress is too far gone in terms of mixing with t*rkshit blood, per-province IQ heatmaps show this quite clearly.

Gypsies also contribute towards lowering our average IQ to just five points above the average of the common North-American nigger.

This inherently results in a multicultural state of sorts, there are more low-IQ t*rkspawn mongrels and gypsies voting in matters of politics than there are Austro-Hungarian whites, naturally this can only result in a slow decline towards a low-trust 'gibsmedat' society where the state has to overtax the productive members of society in order to pay gibs to their dysfunctional low-IQ voting blocs.

The last real chance we had at greatness was joining the Axis powers while that offer still stood, but at the time our kingdom was thoroughly subverted and sabotaged by (((communists))) and as a result no such alliance was made, we've been in a slow and steady decline ever since.

There is no future here for young whites and very little worth saving, I for one will be renouncing my citizenship the moment I get out of this shithole.

Our friends forever. Like a a bad ass little brother.
>kill 87 kids
>we accept the fact and will forgive him
>we're n-not cucked
My country is better than yours.

I was born in Serbia, I so have a clear bias.
Best bros, great chicks, but they need to stop littering everywhere.
We have one of the lowest rates of criminals committing crimes after being released, also those kids were socialist scumbags who would grow up to be future leaders of our liberal party.
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For you
Serbia is in the Balkans and all countries in that area are little better than an African nation.
.t Ruski
I live in the western Serbia, it's pretty good here.
Why did your country bomb a European country for removing kebabs?

I like the US but fucked up there.
doesnt change the fact that 80some kids died to a mentally unstable, balding Nord Manlet

>uuuh uuuh, i-it's okay! t-they dont do it again!!
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We didn't get a say in that and honestly the whole region should be purged. Turkey as well of course.
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This thread lacks based Roki



System is working, people come out productive members of society.
Why do balkans hate each others?
I think Serbia should be divided by Albania and Hungary. And the people to chose one of this two countrys to integrated.
The average Serb knows about 9/11, some of you celebrate it. It's good to know we are in your thoughts.

Do you know how much of a non issue the 1999 bombing was to most Americans? I mean literally what is Belgrade tier. Nobody cared and it meant nothing. I remember watching CNN for a couple minutes on my couch, seeing your city in flames then switching back to Fox to watch the first episode of Futurama.
Why does serbian music sound like turkish
mhmm, of course they do buddy, whatever you say
1 reformed criminal really adds more to society than 80 other, non criminals ever would.
Good thinking !!
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Religion, backstabbing, different idealogies and many conflicts.
Let me hear from you when your kids get shot in school lmao
Oh thats right you are kissless faggot that will never reproduce lol
One of those country's you hear about and don't really know. It probably would be a good place for a horror story because it's believable that your people still eat each other, compared to somewhere civilised, like GREAT Britain
Stupid moron, 1: Liberals damage our country 2: They were already dead, locking one up because ''hurr durr has to be punished'' is a bad way to go.
Because why not?
>yellow skin
>slanted eyes
>worst teeth in the world
>straw hat
You mean that GREAT Britain where mayor of capital city of GREAT Britain is sandnigger? toplmao
long live le queen and british f4ms
Uh buddy have you seen your birthrate lately?
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America has it's cucked cities but they are nothing more than a spec of dirt in an ocean of sand. And even if you were to compare our most cucked cities to any place in Sweden it wouldn't even be a contest. Sweden would win cuck king (or queen) by a landslide. Do you think Sweden would let somebody like Trump even consider running as a political leader? Lol

Also, Norway is basically just Sweden-Lite. That's why Anders went crazy.
serbian posters seem to be in a constant butthurt I've noticed
yeah you must be as mentally retarded as AB himself

>>yellow skin
>>slanted eyes
>>worst teeth in the world
>>straw hat
>none of these apply to britain
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>Kosovo is Serbian
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Waiting for kebab to reply
Christian fundamentalist medieval shithole in the year 2016. Basically Europe's answer to Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Classic shill watching CNN...

On the other hand, I don't know anyone here who cares about 9/11 or your nigger infested country.. There are some subhumans listening to your pop musicians but considering your whole cucked population does that, I don't really give a shit.
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Purge the Balkans and give it to Austria again IMO.

>>yellow skin
>>slanted eyes
>>worst teeth in the world
>>straw hat
>none of these apply to finland

we tried to Serbanize them 1918-1941 but they wouldnt have it. Dont blame us for the Macedonian ethnicity!

>pic rel we fought but we know we are brothers Tataria
Remove Kebab
those grills look like sandniggers
>>none of these apply to finland
See >>90738630
hugs and kisses for the serbian film, top notch documentary
Your people want to be like us, you wear our jeans, buy our products, emulate our lifestyle, we have even turned your traditional folk music into turbofolk with electronic music, every Serb I've ever met here in the States was glad he moved out.

You are like every other European country that tries to deny US influence. I bet 9/11 was a day of special celebration for you. I bet you watch our presidential debates with glee hoping that not another Clinton goes into office.
As opposed to any other export product where a nation sells its best products overseas? Yeah, until Russia can send us more Dragunovs I will take what I can get.
That description fits Romania too.
>dark haired means arab

dont worry Khan my gf is blonde
ahhahahah wew lad
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most of Croatia was under Turkish rule as well m8
t. southern Serbroach
They're alright.
It's true that US pop culture has great influence in most western countries, you're really exaggerating.
Curious if you've been to the balkans and seen the things you talk about or did you watch a show or something?
They hate roaches as much as we do. That makes them pretty based in my book.
Oh,and Kosovo is Serbia.
>areas where literally no one lives
>150 years as opposed to 430 years
every time I met a serb they told me that we are slavic brothers. I don't know if we actually deserve it, but God bless you based serbs
>called croatian guy a catholic serb
>he went apeshit
Can't say for balkans but poles and baltics are really americanized
In some sense more than we are
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Literally a bunch of dicksuckers
They sucked Ruskie dick in ww1
They sucked German dick as hard as possible during the occupation in ww2
And now they suck 2 dicks at the same time ("The west" and Russia) while getting bum slapped at every turn.

tl;dr worst slav(e)s
Only Orthoniggers like Serbs.
Yeah how about no? They still have some slavic culture shit going on.
I don't see any reason for that photo but a caliphate-tier cuck country like yours doesn't really have a say in the matter anyways.
Je suis Lorry
that flag and that post dont match

where did you come from?
That's what I meant. They destroy their nice old districts and built those ugly skyscrapers
They want to be so american
Big Trump supporters, Christian, hates Muzzies. I like Serbia.
My regret is the war, and i should take a second to explain. We were pre-internet, the information we received was heavily filtered and controlled. If it were to happen today, there would be next to zero public support for going to war against fellow Christians in defense of the Muzzy.
I want to apologise for supporting America who were doing their Saudi masters bidding.
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>They sucked German dick

Who were the chetniks?

a shame that you actually paid for a vpn to make posts like this
Yes I agree on that. They want to be american but are eternal soviets.
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I don't actually give a shit, could have easily been the other way.
>Le if he isnt MUH KOSOVO E SERBIJA then he isn't a Serb!

Odjebi četniče
lmao bunch of unorganised >serbs who fought the GERMans while hiding in the hills, and ye, they sucked Brittish dick but ended up getting cucked by Tito hehe ;^)
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You one of those ethnic croats thats mad you didnt get your "free land!!!" ?
Romanians (aka Roma/Romani) love Serbs because they're both gypsy roaches. Russians love their little Servian pets for obvious reasons. Bulgarians pretend to like Serves because they're both orthodox. Same goes for greaseball Greeks and other orthodox countries.

It's a fact that orthodox """"""""Christians""""""""" are the niggers of the Christian world and they stick together like jewish rats.

There's also millions of serbroaches outside of Serbia and they're very active on /pol/. They propagated the le kebab remover meme. Pay special attention to "Norwegian", "German" "Swedish" and "American" posters. These countries are infested with serbroaches.
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Im not a Croat but most of them are cool
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>he, h-he isn't defending his countrymen, he must be a croat!
Pic related, mobile Serbian division (2014)
>literary karlobag ogulin karlovac virovitica line
you dont mind if we annex them then?
they were what remained of the yugoslav army after the country capitulated, don't listen to this fucking commie
/srpska/ general when?
You tried and got utterly BTFO just like the roaches before you.
1450 - 1880
This is a +18 site.
>They sucked German dick as hard as possible
>pic rel
too lazy to post more than two links:


literary no one was pro-German in Serbia. Not even the Chetnik traitors. Even when they collaborated late in the war, they were still saving British and American pilots.
Too brainwashed by Tito to hate us, forgetting we fought and bled together against the roaches for centuries, forgetting their own army literally refused to fight us when their mad king made war on us the last time (the fucker actually told the army they were going to help us fight the t*rks initially).

We are too similar to afford any sort of animosity. Culture, language, society, even individual character are almost the same (despite the Serbs being pure slav and we are 50/50 Slav/Bulgar).

I hope we can forget the communist propaganda that instilled animosity in both our countries toward each other and stand together against the anti-Christian liberal and muslim hordes. Balkans will be the last to fall to the muslim invasion.

Also, Macedonia is to Bulgaria what Kosovo is to Serbia, literally.
forgot pic lel
Jasenovac je bio obicna vojna bolnica. Ljudi koji su tamo umrli su umrli od tifusa
no one hates Bulgaria nowadays m8
Maybe some old people in the south, but all IRL Bulgarians I met IRL were brotier never had anything bad. There is no hatred or anything.
I think two countries should be better connected, even after all the Yugoslav wars all the former Yugoslavs even Kosovo are a lot more connected with us than Bulgarians. Legacy of communism no doubt.

>pic rel monument to bulgarian serbian friendship in one of the downtown Belgrade parks
>Too brainwashed by Tito
it seems you are the one who is brainwashed
since no one here cares a single bit about bulgarians or bulgaria
the 90s are more recent to even care what happened during the balkan wars
>despite the Serbs being pure slav and we are 50/50 Slav/Bulgar
no one in the balkans looks like the slavs up north
we are slavicized balkan natives
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That makes me feel really good, honest.

I have been to Serbia twice this year and felt like home desu.

There's a lot of hate both on /pol/ and on /int/
When will we reunite?

I want serbia-kun to dominate me.
Every time I encounter a Croat on 4chan its a shitfest but every time I met one in person it was super chill. Im guessing it would be same with anyone
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A Balkan mini-NATO would be better desu. Shut down all borders with t*rkey, ours and Greece's, BTFO any muzzies trying to get it, work with V4m etc.

Yeah I can see that
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>albanians were considered as aryan people of dinaric branch by glorious Führer
>albanians removed kebab and slav undemenschen in the balkans before it got cool
>albanian comes from latin "alba" = white, roughly translates to white people
>being called a google by a kazakh slav/mongorian mixed undemernschen
>pic related, 21st waffen mountain division SS Skanderbeg entering Novi Pazar to remove kebab and kikes
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armenian guy here.

this is my keychain, even though im not a serb, I display it proudly.
From what I've heard the country got done in by NATO and should still have Kosovo and Montenegro both of which are completely irrelevant countries. Otherwise my brother has said that it's pretty cheap and one of the best places he's been to.
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>constructing a opinion of a country and people based on posts on 4chan
>manlets of the balkans
albanians are tide whit turks
what a joke
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