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Why do people think TRUMP won the debate the other night?

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Why do people think TRUMP won the debate the other night?

Legit question.
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I have an IQ in the high 200s and I confirm that Trump won the debate
Why are you sliding, OP?
the polls the spent the entire night rigging say he won that's why because "perception is reality" or some shit
He won because he got her on the economy and security, and all of her attacks were really weak, like "Trump didn't release his taxes. Trump said mean things!" Which I don't think anyone cares about.
Because people can't figure out that "winning" a debate can only be really judged in November.
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Why is the media wedged up Hillary's ass?
>Most people only watch the first half (which Trump obliterated her)
>The first half was exactly the policy part of the questions. Second half was "let's talk about these bad things your said in the past".
>He was supposed this lunatic
>Everyone already know he isn't a politician level guy
>Hillary strategy can be read as snakey and dirty since she was clearly baiting him from moment one
I can see why normies would think hillary won, but trumps true victory comes from the fact that he didn't go all out while hillary wasted her biggest criticisms: you're rich, racist, misogynist.
Next debate, what is hillary going to say? On the third debate what's she going to say?
Meanwhile, trump has so many things left to bring up that he literally won't have time to get to half of them.

The first debate is more about sniffing butts than trying to beat your opponent, but hillary blew her load too soon and by the election all people will remember is how hillary can only repeat the same 3 meaningless accusations.

Hillary dodged all her questions, didn't respond to the email jab and presented no plans besides things already known to be terrible, such as "equal pay for women" and diversity quotas.

Meanwhile Trump had actual fixes for the economy and crime.

>I've been doing this for 30 years but THIS TIME I'm going to get it right

No hillary, fuck you. You've been given 5000 chances and you've not only managed to fuck ALL of them up, you've used them to personally enrich yourself instead of helping Americans.
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Sorry, I don't understand American, what?
Also anyone else notice hillary little seizure? It was after trump was talking about his superior temperament. When it came to hillary turn to talk she did this phony shudder and sigh, but the shudder went on for a couple extra seconds.
Clearly on some top quality anti seizure medication but a little bit leaked out.
because they agree with him and are in denial. i hate hillary too but Trump got BTFO
What ARE his economic fixes though? If he wants more people in work, surely he should make it easier for people to get trained etc.

Manufacturing isn't the future of western countrie anymore. We're all service based now. How does he address that as absolutely no one is going to produce products cheaply in a nation that is expensive to live in.
Lowering the business tax rate will make a HUGE difference in and of itself. I must admit I don't know much about the trade deals, but if Trump promotes 2-way trade that is less restrictive than the current deals, that could also mean a lot.
They threw nukes at him and he only got a few scrapes.
That's called winning.
Why people keep asking, he already clarified everything.

He gonna lower taxes and regulation for business and tax those who come from outside. ANd also invest in infrastructure with roads, bridges, Walls and whatever else there is.
>Why do people think TRUMP won the debate the other night?

Because they watched the debate and have an IQ in the normal range.
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Because they believe what ever Fox News says.
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They don't pay that much tax as it is. It just seems like people want more money for CEOs. There has to be a fairer way to do it?

Just getting businesses in the US doesn't mean the money will get to the workers.
He's lowering taxes for small business. That means small business have more money to invest on whatever project they're on. Yes, that means more money to workers because that money that was supposed to go for the goverment, can mean hiring another guy, or saving cash for opening another store, etc.
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Because most of the people who occupy this place are gravely deluded retards who would deny the sky is blue if trump said so. Pic related they claim he didn't say this.
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Because short answers do not improve the fruit of a nation so simply.

Running a country isn't JUST about the economy. Money doesn't fix everything. What about public unity, race relations...making the US a united nation where everyone is safe and cared for?

His talking about trying to invest in busted ethnic communities just sounds like vote scoring.
Loosely translated it says: you are a crooked toothed half-man faggot who's home country is the dry husk America came from.

Here are a few highlights that you can easily pull from his website or the debate

Cut taxes on businesses, large and small, and abolish the income tax for single people making up to 25,000 and married couples making up to 50,000. More money in the pockets of more people.

Tax companies that bring products into the US, like Mexico of does.

Make the tax code more efficient. Instead of adding more taxes, lets make loopholes harder to find.

Give incentives for businesses to bring manufacturing do the US. Contrary to what most people believe the US is very cheap to live in, depending on the state. Those same areas rely on manufacturing jobs or agriculture.
The debates are pointless because everything that comes out of Hillary's mouth is a lie.

As far as I'm concerned, Trump has already won the next two debates.
Because he's still leading in the polls.
Because the only thing they could say was muh taxes and no one cares about that except people who dont like him anyway
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Because Hillary just tried to blow sunshine and roses up our asses but Trump told us what was actually happening in this country.

Because Trump called out Hillary on being a shitty, typical politician.
Hillary just used ad hominem attacks like calling him crazy. Or going on about some mean things he said a decade or two ago.

Because Hillary is a lying whore and quite a few of us have had the joy of listening to the cunt lie since the 90's, so it doesn't really matter what shit she vomits out of her lying whore mouth.
Because the electorate doesn't want polished but stale cliches they've heard for decades anymore. Like they see through the media, they see through Hillary's bullshit now too.

He easily won.
He did say that, or tweet it, but he didnt deny climate change, which was the subject at hand.

And he's right, nukes are still a bigger threat than climate change
The sky isn't blue though it just looks blue you dumb leaf

It's like saying water is blue, it's not
>people "win" debates

He didn't stumble and make a meme. All that matters
He won because for most Americans, they haven't seen a single trump speech. Just snippets from the (((media))). They were expecting trump to be LITERALLY HITLER and a racist, and several other -ists and -phobes. Instead they saw Trumb being presidential while Hillary seemed snobbish and elitist. Hillary said the same things said by politicians for 30years, while trump seemed less robotic and more like a real human being.
don't respond dumb fucks
god damn stop being retarded
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See? I mean look at this guy, he knows he's completely wrong but he presses on anyway
Trump forgot this stage in the development of being red pilled. So what? He forgot about it. Point is, his tweet is only a part of the issue. It's not created by the Chinese -- it's created by the globalists that want the Chinese model to over take the world, while exploiting their labor market, and taking manufacturing from the west.

His understanding of this has simply progressed.

Who gives a fuck if he forgot he stated it this way years ago once in some off handed tweet.
No they claimed he didn't say CLIMATE CHANGE was made up by the Chinese, not global warming
Why do shills always post this pic IMO trump looks pretty rad with the punk rocker hair.
He won because he did well for the first half and 60% of viewers turned it off after 40 minutes.

If you could the full time it was a draw; however, Clinton shouldn't get a draw since she's been a politician for 30 years. Not only this, but most people don't trust the media and the obvious bias of the moderator was starting to show.

A lot of people are voting for Trump not because they like him or even because they don't like Hillary. They are voting for Trump because this election is a proxy referendum for the media's position.
Here you go genius>>90730033
Where is proof that climate change is real? :)

Because he successfully drove home the point that his opponent is a career politician, and because nobody cares about substance.
He didn't sniffle.
>ask for his economic fixes
>give them
Err, okay?

He wants Law and Order for everyone. He doesn't give a shit if you're black or white. That's his point. Hillary is just another politician riding on the issue that's more politically correct at the moment if it gives her a little credit. Do you think she cares for illegals? No, she just wants their votes to be forever locked for her and the Democrats.
Trump is the actual unity on race relations because race isn't an issue. He wants ILLEGALS out. No matter your race. He wants TERRORISTS dead. No matter his race or religion.
It just happens that most illegals comes from Mexico and most Terrorists are muslims. And he ain't afraid to say this. Hillary won't because it ain't politically correct to admit it. Just like stop and frisky wasn't a racial issue to him, but the media and Hillary quickly jump to make it so.
even fox was shitting on trump
>even fox was shitting on trump
Yeah, they forced Ailes out so they could become the next CNN, slowly bringing their followers over. Not working. People see through all of it now.
Not surprising

Fox is just another msm shit news source just like cnn and msnbc
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Because /pol/tards are legit retarded.
Thank you
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If you plebs give us another 30 years Chelsea can run america into the ground worse than they ran her husbands hedge fund.
Bringing up NAFTA and the deficit. Not babbling on about "income inequality" like a retarded jew
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>just say cyber a bunch of times
>they will buy it
Shouldn't you be blowing a dog next to your faggot ass President doing Jazzercise in a burka?
>What about public unity, race relations...making the US a united nation where everyone is safe and cared for

You do not know America or Americans as well as you think. We are a geographically large nation with different values and behaviors, even cultures, depending on the area.

Most people, especially in rural areas, just want to be left alone to do whatever. To Americans the Economy is the largest issue, and with the way most people are feeling and the labor participation rate it seems that the Economy is in focus more than the 2008 election. Some people just want to make a living and go enjoy the weekends.

Race relations have been and always bee strenuous. I know blacks that hate niggers because of the way they act. Personally I hate white trash just as much as niggers. They are two sides of the same coin.

The best way to make America unified is to increase confidence in the law. Hillary Clinton has dodged more charges than anyone else in recent history. Her foundation is shady and her pandering is getting very old. She wore a fake smile and danced around the Super predator comment she made in the 90s. Like he said, 30 years and she hasn't changed anything for the better. More americans beleive in Bigfoot than Hillary's trustworthiness.
big gov will not change under hillary. All she did was control damage and assure people from authority that everything is nice and dandy.
you dont need to "win" to win

he didn't win it. Clinton lost it. big difference

Trump went in obviously overconfident and let a few punches get by, especially when it came to Clinton's record with taxes

Clinton went in as a completely smug jackass who had obviously been preparing for weeks. How much information she had about the questions is still up there. Didn't she already know the questions?

Most importantly, Trump talked about Trump most of the night. on the otherhand, Clinton talked about Trump all of the night. Polls are showing them within the margin of error, so the results ultimately favor Trump
Shouldn't you be prepping Jamal right now while charging your mobility scooter?
>They don't pay that much as it is

As I understand it, they pay the highest rate in the industrial world, 35%, which Trump would lower to a more reasonable 15%
As a small business owner in the UK, I'm happy to pay the level of tax that I do, because it means if I need to go to hospital...I wont be left to die because I can't get something urgent fixed.

Who cares? Fox has shit on Trump from day 1.

The only two there who support him are O' Reily and Hannitdy

why does anyone think hildawg won?
Because he did what he had to do. Not look crazy

Tomorrows Headlines: Don't call us the Press anymore.
In my view he won, because he won all the portions of the debate that I care about, and the portions that he lost, I don't care about even a little bit. Like his tax returns. He "lost" that part of the debate, but I don't care, because I simply do not care about ever seeing his tax returns. That is a fake issue the mainstream media hypes up and tells us we all care about it, but we all don't. Similar to the "cyber warfare" part of the debate. I just don't care, and neither should you. Neither of those people know anything about it and would just defer to the experts.

But Trump won on everything that does matter to me. Hence, I felt he won the debate.
>prepping Jamal

What an original comeback. Did you like, just change Muhammad to Jamal when it was used against you?

You know, like how your faggot President is more concerned with Islamic refugees getting free room and board than your shit tier dollar?
Because he didn't lie constantly and the host asked one sided questions that got at his past, like the birther thing, while not asking Hillary about her appointments for sale, Benghazi, DNC rigged peimaries, Clinton Foundation fraud, CTR paid online support, or private email server, or destruction of evidence, or lies that she did not handle classified emails.

She made a mistake doesn't cut it. It wasn't an accident to hire a security IT firm to destroy hard drives and impede the FBI investigation. Beyond the emails, which would have left any of us in jail the rest of our lives, she has made like 50 major mistakes that would make better people resign. She has a history of failure and incompetence, while neglecting important special interest groups as soon as they give her and her party support. The democrat plans are NOT working, and she only has changed stances on several issues to combat Trump. She legit has been in power for 30 years and never once cared about these issues before besides banning guns.

She blamed police for the shootings and said they need better training when the cops have followed the rules of engagement to the letter. Armed black men attacked them. No amount of training would have saved their lives.

Military style rifles make up less than 1% of all murders, (Rifles being 2.5% of all gun homicides and less than half of them are military style). But Trump's stop and frisk plab would remove illegal guns from being illegally carried in cities, which showed reductions in crime as high as 75%.

His plans are better across the board and he has a history of success instead of failure.
That's up for each country to decide if their taxes are being used fairly or not.
I live in the country with the highest taxes in the world. Do you think i consider it fair and good? Hell no. Just yesterday i looked at my phone bill and 30 fucking percent was taxes. Can you believe this shit? It's a mess.
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Lmao I love when Americans try to make fun of others when they are literally 60% white and elected a nigger muslim.
Okay then, just import 11 illegal aliens who can also use your system... Wait until it over burdens your taxes so they inevitably raise, and then get spoonfed messages about how it's not nice not to share

The tax shit is just muddying the waters so the news has something to show on repeat.

Cyber warfare isn't the federal government's problem. As long as the government's servers are secure thats all we should worry about.
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That's quite a lot tbf. In Britain we pay about 20% corporation tax.
>tin foil
Look at how many questions were asked DIRECTLY at trump and how many questions did hillary get
(I'am talking about, "mr trump, how do you explain your *something*" not overall questions like "What will you do with that as POTUS")
And trump was able to answer all of them.
Also every time hillary was asked a question at the end she make it about trump, every single time.
It shows how she herself have no idea what to say and was just hoping to blame everything on trump.
At least he had the gumption to drone strike sand niggers unlike your gentle princess over there
Didn't a lot of fact checking prove he was chatting out of his batty though?
11 million*
Because he said some impactful things, like the fact that hillary has accomplished nothing in her 30 year career, and he'll give incentive for companies not to move out of the country. Hillary said nothing important
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He destroyed her on ISIS and the Middle East. Made great points about how she has done nothing in 30 years.

Her only points were the usual "sexist", "racist", "hurr look at this woman you called a piggy 20 years ago"

Trump dominated.
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Whatever makes you feel better, nigger elector
> Trump can't even handle Hillary in a one on one
>Expect me to believe he'll be able to handle a true alpha like Putin

Nah. Hillary got my vote after that performance. Trump was under prepared and rambling. His energy level DROPPED a lot after the first 45 minutes
>everything that comes out of Hillary's mouth is a lie
>As far as I'm concerned, Trump has already won the next two debates

You do realize that Hillary supporters are essentially ok with being lied to right?

Otherwise they wouldn't keep supporting her
I'm completely on trumps side when he said that hilary shouldnt have all her plans out in the public. if she wants to take down ISIS dont put how she's going to do it on a website that they can access.
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The best part was the one with Sean Hannity...
Dont forget NAFTA. Hillary said "it was a good deal"

why do Americans do this?
>hillary got my vote
you never truly were on the trump train then.

Uh, because he did? Also, sage.
Such edgy language, what would Tredeau do if he heard you speaking like that? Probably spank your wittle bottem
You cannot have a huge population as the US doing skilled jobs, unskilled jobs are highly important in an economy as well.
>underprepared rambling

Its so easy to pick out 18 year old college faggots on this board
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Here are your race relations: kick the Mexicans back to Mexico, kick the niggers back to Africa, kick the mudslimes back to islami salami land, and gas the Kikes, problem solved. Asians can stay because we all love Asians
No one with half a brain thinks Trump won.
/pol/ is an echo-chamber.
>d-d-don't call him a nigger
Wow you're even defending your king nigger. Truly a cuck
That's why I fear for the good people in America. Why do they have to go if theyre doing everything right?
Yes, these people are hopeless.

That's why the debates are pointless. I just hope independents are able to realize this.
I can't recall a presidential candidate that had severe competency concerns. Sure you may think the other guy is evil, corrupt, wrong, or weak. I have never seen a candidate that has shown such a severe misunderstanding of reality combined with such a high level of belligerency.

That is probably why the press doesn't care for him.
Because he did. All the polls say so ;^)
I have no problem admitting that niggers are above queers on my totem pole.

I can't comprehend how a country obsessed with hockey can digest being run by such a fluffy limp wristed faggot
> rambling answer about iraq war support
> rambling convoluted answer about birther issue
>rambling muh son the computer cyber except answer
> rambling sure I was sued for being racist but so were others so it's not a big deal
> how would you deal with lone wolf naturalized citizen terrorists talks about something completely different and ISIS
Tpaмп пoлнocтью yничтoжил ee.

Oн гoвopил o peaльных плaнaх и пoлитикe, a Клинтoн тoлькo гoвopилa o Tpaмпe.

Bce вpeмя oнa былa в oтчaяннoм пoлoжeнии и мoглa тoлькo выcoкoмepнo yхмылятьcя, пpoигpывaя. Этo былo yнизитeльнo для нee и для Дeмoкpaтичecкoй пapтии.

Пoчти вce oпpocы кpoмe ЛOЛ (((CNN))) coглacны.

Tpaмп дoминиpoвaл.
He spoke to the people

Clinton said buzzwords and stood there with a shitty smirk on her face that just oozed self righteousness and condescension that the left is covered in.
"NAFTA was a good deal"
-Hillary Clinton

You're fucking retarded
>Hillary clinton is competent I swear!
>Ignore her track record!

because everyone I spoke said Trump won.

Only after CNN's brainwashing campaign did anyone doubt the outcome.

Hillary acted like a smug school teacher talking down to a parent asking too many questions.
Listen youngster, if I wanted to waste my time greentexting "rambling" in front of everything Hillary said to prove my point, if be an 18 year old faggot like yourself. See how this works?
You're talking about Clinton right?
You are a fucking retard. Watch the debate again.
I don't care if Hillary is a witch, he fucking lost.
Admit it.
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>The sky isn't blue though it just looks blue

You are the face of Trump supporters.
>he wants to end the destruction of America

This. Hillary can say waht she wants, but we all know the bullshit she's bigger down in, legally as well as personally. And nobody cares about these gotcha games anymore. This whole Mexican whatever woman in the news lately that Clinton had waiting in the wings, nobody gives a shit.
On stop and frisk? No.
It worked in NY when NY had off the charts crime rates. When things settled down, it really didn't help much, sure. Which is why when Trump said stop and frisk he was talking about the specific case of those crime filled cities. Not the whole country. He's just fucking bad at explaining sometimes and badly anyone cover this side of what he said.
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This is you.
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Neither candidate decisively won, but Trump had the edge. If you went into that debate already convinced on who to vote for, your opinion didn't change. If you were an independent/undecided aka low info voter then Trump's aggressiveness, humor, and soundbites (30 years, bad experience, Clinton chose to stay home) would have left a deeper impact on you.

Clinton felt too robotic and rigid, her attempts at humor were awkward.

Neither candidate talked about policy specifics and both dodged multiple questions.

The moderator as the debate went on revealed to have a distinct bias favoring Clinton, constantly giving Trump the shit questions. "Do you hate Obama because he's a nigger?" "Why do you hate all women" "Why are you so mean?"

Trump also hasn't used all of his ammo yet. He didn't mention Clinton's health besides a passing joke, he didn't mention the emails, and he didn't mention the foundation.
She's not doing herself any favors pandering to the smug crowd doing shit like that.
If you look further there is nothing but the cold never ending void that lacks all light.
I'm black and id hate to be stopped for no reason. I look like a raving hipster anyway so it might not happen. But it's crap that all black folks have to pay for what some of us do.

I wish white people would stop telling us that we are all somehow soley responsible for people we have never met cause we have similar genes.

I fear trump will make white people hate black people even more. But I also think a lot of white cheer when a black man is killed.
>i-i-i like niggers
hahahahahahah how embarassing
Wait til the election. Then say it.
Or...are the elections rigged?
How are they doing everything right? Mexicans don't assimilate and would rather be Mexican than american, the blacks are responsible for violence and the Democrat domination, because they are idiots and vote for "meh benefits, Nigga". The islamists are dangerous and their ideas inspire terrorism, and the Kikes are the worst, they are actively seeking to destroy Goyim and ruin western culture, the evidence is everywhere. That's why.
Trump went on multiple incoherent rants and didn't answer questions.
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Pic related. Should clear up your confusion.
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Every black person isnt violent. im not. no black person i know is...same with all the other...oh wait, 4chan. forgot.
if you think Trump won, then you weren't watching the debate.
>Or...are the elections rigged?

It's funny that you think they aren't.
>NAFTA was positive for the country on a whole
>NAFTA hurt a very small segment of the population
>This makes NAFTA terrible

Between 1993 and 2006, trade among NAFTA partners climbed 197%, from $297 billion to $883 billion.

U.S. exports to NAFTA partners grew 157%, versus 108% to the rest of the world in the same period.

U.S. manufacturing output rose 63% from 1993-2006, compared to an increase of 37% from 1980-1993.

Yes,some jobs are lost due to imports, but others are created, and consumers benefit significantly from the falling prices and often improved quality of goods created by import competition. So obviously, you have to balance what is good for the country on a whole compared to a much smaller segment of the population.

Saying it's the worst trade deal ever is dumb
Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he losing? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Trump to be president and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was debating well???? This is so fucked.
1. most of his points except for supporting stop and frisk where hard to argue-against without attacking Trump's personality.
2. Hillary had he "I am in lala land face" during the debate.
3. Most of the questions directed towards Trump where loaded questions.
Why are you in Britain. You don't belong there.
>the guy who doesn't make race an issue will make race an issue
It's all a narrative.
Cops kill more blacks? Yes. Black commits more crimes? Also yes. Do blacks compose of more poor people? Yes.
Now, you can take this information and build several narratives. Maybe the problem isn't racism? And actually about poor schools, lack of jobs in some areas, drugs, etc..
Offcourse, there is this big narrative about cops being racists and white and blacks being on some imminent war that will come.
I personally think it's better to not fall into the narrative and go for more objetctive stuff that can fix it instead of politician way about "let's make them talk to each other".
That's all it is.
Simmer down, Tyreese.
>3. Most of the questions directed towards Trump where loaded questions.

All of this is because of Trump's direct actions and things he has said without provocation.
Too bad for you it's not whites you have to worry about. By FBI crime stats you're 60 times more likely to be killed by another black person than by a white person. Law and order policies will disproportionately benefit you, if anything.
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The economists spoke, trump lost
>between 20 and 30 years ago, a bunch of rich kikes got even richer because of NAFTA
>yeah we lost a few million manufacturing jobs but who cares goy? You're not racist are you?
>what you don't like lead paint in your children's toy or bacteria in your produce? You filthy anti Semite! Oy vey it's like anuda Shoah!
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I don't think you understand what kind of audience that debate had. Anyone who went into that debate without already knowing the candidates and issues, anyone who went in with the purpose of using the debate to help shape their opinion is for the most part retarded. I would put them into 4 main groups. And Trump won with that group, which is all that matters.

>Trump supporters
They like Trump's rambling talking style.

>Clinton supporters
They hate everything about Trump.

They don't matter.

These people are already so low info they don't even know the difference when a candidate is rambling or not. They wouldn't understand a candidate even if he went into policy specifics, which neither did.

And both didn't answer questions. Clinton didn't get any of those shit questions that Host was constantly pestering Trump with near the end, so she didn't have to do as much work to dodge her undesired questions.
It doesn't matter, your ilk is inferior to the white race. Look at every country led by blacks absolute shit. Everything your race touches turns to shit. I wish the US never enslaved you blacks so we wouldn't have the problems we have now. Thanks alot, LaShawn
remember brexit?
Wait, you're non-American. But if you were, then what I said would apply.
kek, never come to germany

>work hard and honest as a not mudshit
>40% of wage goes to government
>ride from work home to a gas station
>buy a pack of cigs for 5€
>3,75€ taxes
>refuel your car for 1,30€ per liter
>0,88€ taxes
wow, great points.

The overall number of jobs after NAFTA was enacted went up over 30million.

MAYBE 1 million manufacturing jobs were lost, but it's probably closer to 600,000
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this desu
Well I mean, he is right. The sky is technically every colour other than blue. That's how light works.
Millions of manufacturing jobs have been lost since NAFTA.

Furthermore I'd like to see the quality of the 30 million jobs """created""".

You leftist scum love to tout about job creation, yet you ignore the quality of jobs.

30 million temporary customer service jobs and mcshit jobs aren't worth 1 million manufacturing jobs.
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Maybe we just have different expectations of what is proper and improper for a politician to say and do.
Because despite his tendency to meander he displayed something Hillary didn't: Passion and discontentment with the direction of the country. Hillary sounded rehearsed, haughty and too much like a politician.
Maybe you're just a faggot shill.
>But he means well!!

Might as well just send a kind hearted hillbilly up as the Republican nominee.
Just a point to consider:

Obama lost abysmally to Romney in the first debate, yet still won the election.
This exactly. Well said Sven. She was smug and acted with an aire of superiority.

He acted like a common a American passionate about his country and very frustrated with the politics and policies of the last 20 years.
Add the "trump birther" thing too. And she disrespected him the whole night by laughing at everything he said
I'd take that over one of you snake tongued kikes any day of the week


Oh it's another episode in /pol/ rewrites history
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Yeah, the stock market tanked everywhere to show apprehension.

MFW you do so bad the Mexican Peso rises in value
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>H-hillary cheated! She had a piece of paper!
>H-hillary was spazzing out! Check out this vid of her finger moving!
>T-the media is biased toward Trump!
>Everyone knows he won, b-b-but we're just rigging these online polls for epic keks hehehe....he....

They're in denial.

/pol/ can't look at things objectively.
He legit won the first 20-30 minutes of it, I honestly thought he tore her apart and sounded much better than her. Objectively, he lost the other 70% of the debate. But... how many people had attention spans long enough to watch more than the beginning?
Poor post from a non-country.
Show me the at least 2 million jobs lost because if NAFTA since that is your assertion
Did you even watch it?

Obama was incredibly unprepared and flustered.
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I don't think you can call the Arizona Republic shills.
Damage controll.

Autists were trying to get people to spam Trump votes in internet polls.
Problem is, we pay high taxes and receive what in return? Being mugged if i pull my cellphone downtown? Pray to god i don't fall sick and have to use the public health system? Shitty internet speed?
It's not about the size of the taxes but what you pay in comparison to what you get. It's a joke to compare our public services to Germany.
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Hillary is evil and the people see it

>pro Hillary videos don't break a million
>a pro Hillary video that went bad goes viral

Trump is simply winning because he is not in her purse pocket.
The Nielsen ratings showed that most people stayed the whole time. There wasn't a dip during viewing from beginning to end
Yes I can. Establishment shills controlled by the same puppet masters who are selling America away for profits and destroying the white American society.



Yeah this is what i think happened - most people tuned out right before Trump made his biggest mistakes
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This. First post-debate actual poll
Actually Trump always talks general stuff, he never gets down to details. Because most of his businesses are just tax evasion schemes devised by lawyers, not by him.

All he had to do is be born in a rich family and have capital to launch these ponzi projects: building cheap with illegal workers, getting local tax deductions, stiffing his own workers, refusing to pay them, then selling apartments for a premium.

You can do this even if you have 90 IQ. As long as you're born in a rich family and have your daddy's political connections, you get tax deductions, you build cheap, you sell high. So ""smart"".

Oldest tricks in the book. He's just an average Wall Street crook, nothing else. A real estate crook, who bankrupted how many times? 6, 8? So much talent he has for business, he couldn't avoid bankruptcy. It shows he sucks even at doing business, when he inherited his wealth from his dad.

He probably can't even run his own business, let alone a country.

He doesn't have the slightest idea about foreign policy. He'll just phone Netanyahu and Putin and ask them for orders. His only foreign policy thoughts are stuff like: did an Iranian ship taunt us? Nuke them!!

A total moron, who got lucky, because right now we are living in an idiocracy and the idiots might simply vote him because they're bigger idiots than him.
Apparently it was staged, Zach doesn't even want Trump on his show because he thinks he's mentally disabled and doesn't want to take advantage.

Either way, praise kek.
Please consider this. It is the 12pm est in Philadelphia. Some one points at the sky and says "What color is the sky". Do your statements sound reasonable?
I think his points were more valid. Hers were rehearsed and to a higher degree untrue. She is a little better at speaking but when 50%+ of what she says are outright lies it kind of cancels the style points.
>"that went bad"

wtf lmao. That was well received, and was in Clinton's favor. It was fucking staged you dunce.
That's quite a long stretch...
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Michael Moore here
Everyone knows Trump held back on the worst Clinton scandals and he STILL won
They both won.
Both Hillary and Trump managed the debate without any major missteps. Both of them probably gained a lot of undecided voters.
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reminder (((CNN))) in their post debate poll over sampled democrats by 10%, under sampled republicans by 4% and independents by 5%.

Thats a +14% bias towards Clinton already. Along with 5% under sample of independents which Trump wins more plus a 4.5 point error margin, this poll is skewed by up to 19.5%. Why is this allowed? CNN needs to hang.
you know how it went bad for her? you be shocked to learn that her body language was all it took to make a lot of people look at her and be creeped the fuck out.

if you can't recognize body language you might have autism
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Please tell Trump to use that explanation for why he didn't get their endorsement. Please do it. Contact his campaign and express to them that it is vital that their candidate expose this reason for any perceptions that he did poorly in the debate.
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You do realize that show is supposed to be satirical? It's not an actual, serious, interview.

Also, there was nothing "creepy" about her body language, and I doubt you could find someone outside of /pol/ or another Trumpet cesspool that will say otherwise.
there's also a good chunk of people they called but refused to poll. that doesn't mean they won't vote in the election. there's a whole mass of trump supporters out there and if they stay hidden they might let a stolen election happen
Thank you for correcting the record!
>$0.05 was added to you account

Now tell me how i'm an idiot for taking a blog of a cartoonist who just also happens to be an expert on people, skypelord. read this, this is why Trump won the debate. it applies to anything Clinton that appears in the media. and it goes over trump's loss as a gain.
I don't give a fuck about trump. I'm only barely a supporter. He's just better than every other politician for the last 20 years.
But why should I be hated by white people as a result of my people murdering each other? I personally am not responsible.
Pretty sure we're talking about different things. I was referring to the image of the youtube video you posted

I mostly listened to the debate, and didn't watch most of it.

But from what I did watch, my perspective is that your view of Hillary depends on who you're voting for.

If you're voting Trump, you'll see at Hillary being an evil robot sociopath

If you're voting Hillary, you'll see it was her blowing Trump the fuck out and laughing at his attempts to bring her down.
I felt like he utterly destroyed her in the first part, he had all the fury and spirit of the American people behind him. Midway he lost steam, but he drove the points home that needed to be driven: we're in a massive debt, politicians have been screwing the people over for personal gain, and Hillary is basically the figurehead of the political elite whose policies have been a disaster.

All of the name calling and bias in the world can't disguise the truth behind these points. People who never voted before because they are jaded by the political system are going to rush to the polls to be part of the revolution against our terrible system and Hillary.
yeah well glad you showed some bias here, i can accept that if it was audio only then it would have been a clear cut victory for hillary, but it was televised in HD, and people did evolve to read into faces.

i'm used the recent debate blag to line this up: Clinton in general doesn't come off as a natural person. she smiles but her eyes don't match up so it seems scary to people. that much is true for the fern show. she came out bossy, she didn't look like she was enjoying herself even though she had a grin on her face. she just came out as "fooled hard" by bearded idiot man.

All accusations Clintoris and Lester the Fester towards him are just circumstantial and with no impact whatsoever on US security.

- he ripped off an architect company, allegedly
- he did not payed Fed Tax ever, allegedly, -quite possible if he's reinvesting his profit
- he was pro Iraq war - he was not, quite opposed it in 2003, and he was not a politician and factor of decision anyway
- racist, mysoginistic etc etc - SJW crap

Now... Hillary started a war in Libya, got weapons into Syria via Turkey and started a horrendous war there, lied about it by covering Benghazi by blaming a youtube video, lied about emails, put lives in danger because she's a moron who cannot recognize a (C) from classified, got money from Saudi and a bunch of bribes masques as "speech fees" from Wall Street and fat cats, has a Muslim Brotherhood implant as closest advisor, blamed women raped by her husband... AND THIS IS JUST HALF of the fucking list, I'm bored typing.

And Trump marked or hinted some of the those (the one with rapes clearly he did not wanted to say, but this is what he meant at the end).

He hold back big time and the format of the debate is crap.

Better let them alone asking questions each others with a ticker set to cut down the microphone after 5 minutes. They can answer the question and put a new question in this time
Like I said. The fern show isn't supposed to reflect how Clinton actually is. It's basically a sketch.

Go watch the Obama one. Do you think he comes off the same way as he does IRL in that video?
Scott Adams has been shilling to Trump fans to sell his book. He's writing about persuasion as he actively persuades a group that's already shown themselves open to it.
It's sad that you see that hate of people based on their genetics, and not the individual's actions as "crap".
obama one was different, Obama was able to set up zings and make himself seem like he was a likable guy, which i guess was the whole point to that.

same won't be said about hillary's interview. there were no zings thrown back. "Don't tell me what to say" isn't a comeback that makes kids scream DAMN as much as WHOA.

Obama can fool the people, but Hillary made all that impossible.
>Work for railroad
>95% of freight moved is either intermodal imports or bulk commodity (lumber, coal, oil, ore, grain)
>See literally hundred of closed factories along the small territory I cover

But NAFTA was good right?
Racism and black/white tensions skyrocketed under Obama. Incarceration of young blacks skyrocketed under Clinton. And yet you turn to the Democrats again because they'll be "better" for black people.

If anything speaks to how ignorant most Black people are, it's how they vote in block for the Democrats despite their history of fucking them over, time and time again.
When enough individuals of the group exhibit the same behavioral patterns it's more than reasonable to apply generalization to the group. It would be stupid not to.
Can't really blame Hillary for not matching up to Obama though. He's a charming light-skinned blacky. She's an old white lady.
Racial "tensions" have nothing to do with any political party and have everything to do with it just being a natural consequence of prolonged diversity. The fractures and divisions within society also tend to become more apparent whenever that same society is headed towards decay or outright collapse. Let's not pretend that we'd all be brothers and sisters if it weren't for those pesky Democrats.
And the kike cuck mentality shows again.

If you love niggers so much, why don't you let them in Israel?

Go fuck yourself. 1500 little girls raped in Rotherham during 15 years by muslims and you cretins are cowering in fear to offend them.

muslim is not a race, is a supremacist political movement and a death cult, illegal immigrants are not a race, are felons breaking laws, Mexicans are not a race, are a nation.

Niggers are a race, and Trump employes a lot of them even to management positions.

So this is all you cunt could say about what I wrote, something not related?
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Trump fucked up by stammering and going on the defensive. He was destroying Hilary for the first 1/3 of the debat but he really started to fall apart halfway through and by the end, that nigga was reaching.

Why didn't he respond to the attacks on his business with a attack response? Hilary accuses him of making money on the housing crash, responds with "that's called business" then Hilary retorts with numbers about the housing crash. How people lost their jobs, homes, etc while he was profiting off them. All he had to do was ask her why was she profiting off the bankers paying her $1.8M to speak at events that were for the housing crash?

I plan on voting Trump but he made himself look dumb as dick in that debate. Regardless of the fact that the MSM is biased towards the left, that nigga Trump just wouldn't stop.

So you want to stroke your penis during a debate.

He had a reason to hold back - unfortunately you have 40%+ mentally retarded individuals and illegals and dead people who will vote with Hillary even if she'll behead a toddler on live TV and drink the blood.

He needs a lot of the pot head "undecided" and Libertarian weirdos, because the voter fraud via electronic machines and no ID will be by millions.

So chill
Hillary failed to reveal him as the "literally hitler" they've been desperately hyping him as for months

It was a tie I watched it live. Everything else is shill.

Neither candidate really scored a knockout blow. You might argue that is worse for her then him but its still a tie.

Her experience is bad experience.
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Trump practically dominated the first 20-30 minutes of the debate. Most American voters will only watch the first 15-20 minutes. Why? Monday night football.

The questions that were rigged vs him were done later in the show. Most of those undecided voters that aren't as interested until it gets to crunch time saw Trump being a god on TV. Americans are fickle and have the attention span of a cocker spaniel.

Did Trump win the debate? Not really. Did Trump win the war? pic related.
>Why do people think TRUMP won the debate the other night?

Yes, he did badly and I want Hillary to win, but let's face it, this is nothing.

This was the first of THREE debates. Remember how badly Obama was doing against Romney in their first debate? Most people had completely written him off at that point, but he came back with a vengeance after massively outperforming Romney in the following two debates.

I'm really rooting for Hillary, but it would be too soon to write Trump off just now, especially considering how well he was doing in the first third of the debate. He's got in in him and I am certain he'll unleash again at the next debate.
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Trump just made himself look like he's out of touch with his supporters and potentia voters when he was bragging about the housing crash and not paying his federal taxes.

"That makes me smart. "

Cmon man, Hilary played him so hard.

I don't care about Trump's tax return or any other attack on him as a person. The line that stuck with me is the, you've been a politician for 30years and only now you're gonna do something? This election is all about anti establishment, Hillary didn't and couldn't shake this off, in fact, she only made it worse.
>That makes me smart

Is the single thing from the whole debate, where it was better to shut his mouth shut. He has this thing with "I'm smart" and he used it before in front of crowds - they did not object, so is not really out of touch with them

However, Clinton is a disaster day by day, and her past crimes and kek forbid, the future ones will set the world on fire on a level never seen.

Better get all your relatives and put them some beheading videos then make them vote early for Trump. On paper. Ahead of schedule. No electronic votes.
Trump won when he attack her on NAFTA and trade deals and her flip flopping on on TTIP. She won the rest of the debate, specially when she attack him on his tax returns (On hindsight, Trump should have STFU and just say "I will release my Tax returns when Hillary releases her Goldman Sachs transcripts".

Now the issue is what it is going to resonate more with the undecided voters or the non likely voters (likely voters are more likely than not already decided before the debate), ultimately Trump best attack on Shilldog was about economic policies and jobs while Shilldog best attacks were a character assassination attempt at Trump.

Personally I think Trump's attack line was better but overall Shilldog manage a tie, even if under normal political debates she clearly won overall by just finishing strong. But then again Romney won the first debate in 2012 but Obongo still won.
Because he was under siege and still came out even to anyone who speaks English.

The "I already hate Trump and love smug, condescending facial expressions" crowd sees it otherwise.

In what way did he not win? Every single thing he said /was trying to argue was correct. Just because Trump is not as articulate as Clinton doesn't mean his ideas arent the correct ones.

The whole taxes thing seemed to have flown over most peoples heads. The only genuinely terrible answer Trump gave was the cyber security shit.
Like everyone is saying in this thread, Romney destroyed Obama in the first debate but the Obama came back to win the other debates and ultimately, the presidency.

Trump has already proven himself wanting to win the presidency, he's been campaigning like a motherfucker while Hilary has been absent, and he pulls in thousands of people to see him speak. If he comes back to wreck her shit the next debates and call her out her shit (the emails, corruption, her foundation). He'll defintely win then.
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Forgot your Jap proxy, faggot.
>and he pulls in thousands of people

Unemployed, overweight losers on mobility scooters aren't "people".
You know what bruv, I'm going to ignore years of crime data just for you.
>alt right

I bet you copypasted this directly from your Craigslist classified :^)
Says the nazi
"Yeah bruh I'm gonna throw out statistics on black crime without addressing context or making a cogent argument"

Been there done that anon.
His performance didn't win him the debate, but it won him the election.

Wait until the next two when they discuss immigration. He'll destroy her.
Sorry I triggered you because for some reason you identify with unemployed, overweight losers.
Entire farming, commercial fishing, and manufacturing industries got royally fucked by NAFTA. Not only that, the quality of imported products was much lower than domestic.
I'm sure someone could show you a chart or graph, but in rural areas, the effects were heavily felt.
they dumb as shit
but Obama has already succeded in increasing deportation rates, while effectively helping legalize illegals who would otherwise be model citizens. children with high marks at school will benefit the country more by becoming legal and going to college and living here and paying taxes, rather than costing us money to be deported.

explicit bans on muslims is exactly the opposite of what you said. its targeting a religion and making false accusations and possibly inciting Americans to perform hate crimes agaisnt muslims.

trump has been documented accusing his judge of racially profiling him for being white. why? because the judge was hispanic and therefore wanted to punish an innocent white man.

look. trump is definitely better than all the other dropped Republicans outside of rand. but revoking the 14th ammendment will increase the amount of illegals by an insane amount. this would make the cost of deportation even lengthier because most illegals would technically have legal documents, but they would be void. making this an expensive pursuit of his.

hilary is shit. i hope she falls over and dies. but trump is no better. infact had it not been for his incredibly poor choice of vp. i might have supported him, but now he will be influence by a man who created the bathroom bills trump claimed to be opposed to. who supports religious agendas. who has been the epitome of what trump said he was fighting against. he didn't want the same old bantering politician who have agendas to push and others to knock down. he didnt want a corruptible campaign. but his vp has killed his chances for young voters. and educated beyond highschool voters. leaving hilary with a stronger chance

in. a way. trump fucked himself

read it you fucking morons. hopefully you learn something.
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No shit Merkel... all unemployed on benefits are going to Trump rally.

You DO realize that people are watching his rallies and see what's happening there, right?

No wonder you love to suck erdocuckcock
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*tips fedora*
In what context are they defensible? When your solution to your problems is kill / rape / steal, you aren't civilized.

The fact that young black males, 5-7% of the population, are committing half of the violent crime is mind boggling to anyone civilized. Even by raw totals, whites can only compete by including Hispanic crime in our numbers.
>Top Bantz desu
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showed people that he can control his temper, at worse became dumb and rambling, if genuine, instead of evil and racist, important because of how much shit Hillary tried to stick him with in that regard - all of which fell flat. Strongest during jobs topic, the one most relevant to states he needs to be picking up

Left voters with the same impression she entered with, rehearsed and professional but robotic and smug. Didn't give millennials a reason to vote for her, didn't give anyone a reason to be excited for her, and again, failed to demonize Trump - could not make him seem like a non-legitimate candidate.

As an anecdotal side note I go to a campus in PA, its a small side campus of PSU but liberal like all colleges. I was really surprised by how much hate Clinton got for her performance. Some were even directly comparing how she treated Trump to how she treated Bernie, which is definitely an interesting development.
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because he won, all Hillary did was act like a smug school teacher at a PTA meeting
>Went badly
You haven't seen between two fern before have you?
I love that pic. Trump is so fucking COOL.
Rigged debate just proved our point about Clinton.
She lost by proving her corruption.
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War in the middle east is a business opportunity for reporters.
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>trump has been documented accusing his judge of racially profiling him for being white. why? because the judge was hispanic and therefore wanted to punish an innocent white man.

The judge had been a member of the racist supremacist organization La Razza. Would a black man like to be judged by a KKK member?
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