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I've been wondering, /pol/. Are we pro circumcision

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I've been wondering, /pol/. Are we pro circumcision or against it?
pro it would cure my frenulum breve
Idk TBQH famalam
fuck genital mutilation
Pro, I had a very severe phimosis when I was a kid, now my penis looks clean & good

it should be against the law until you are of consenting age, why did you fail Germany?
>Are we pro circumcision or against it?
lol. guess.

>Started by the kikes
You tell me.
No such thing.
I'm pro just because I am circumcised. Can't imagine my peen with the foreskin. But frankly I've heard uncut guys get more sensation and between (((porn)) deathgrip syndrome and being circumcised I sometimes have trouble achieving orgasm and even "fake it". I wonder sometimes if I'd have this problem if I still had my foreskin.
>that damage control
fuck off, kike
femanon here

sorry but girls like it cut

we dont want disgusting dick cheese phimosis abominations in bed

thx bai
wtf I hate South Korea now
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It's being practiced by the two most dysfunctional people in the world: Muslims and Jews.
Why would you want to emulate these people?
I'd actually want to get rid of my foreskin, but I don't want to be considered Jewish so I'll keep it.
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Against of course. Anyone for it is either JIDF, MIDF, or a self apologizing burger, rationalizing that the kikes made him his shabbos goy cattle.
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It's almost like a religious minority made it culturally acceptable so that they wouldn't be one day asked not to do it like another religious minority that does it on a different sex
how else will i deal with it
Completely ok to have circumcision done if you have some condition like short frenulum or phimosis, otherwise a very meaningless procedure.
if you think it is a good idea to cut your child in the its you deserve death
>femanon here
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I think at this point circumcision is a medical necessity for americans as the majority of them is so fat that they are physically unable to reach their dicks with their hands to wash it

Doing it to newborns is just a preventive measure do prevent them from getting the dick rot when they get fat
in its genitals
Anti, it's a barbaric semitic tradition that robs men of pleasure.

I had a jewish family doctor who tried to get my parents to circumcise me because it's "more hygienic". My parents took swift measures and got a new doctor.
>if you have some condition like short frenulum or phimosis
There are natural ways to fix 99% of this cases without chopping off part of your dick
Naturally I'm against child genital mutilation like any non-Jew would be.
Are Americans retarded? Do they not understand that phimosis can be prevented with basic personal hygiene? Just clean your dick INSIDE AND OUT with soap, you unwashed barbarians.

Honest question here. What is the purpose of doing this? I am uncircumsized and to be honest I just recently really figured out how that works. I still can't imagine the feel of that. My dick is so sensitive to even the softest touch and then to imagine constantly rubbing that into clothes and shit... I would go crazy within a week.

It's a topic nobody here bothers about. Why do you do even it? Like, what is the plus side? Is it more hygenical or prevents diseases?
pls tell me m8
Pro, and while your at it don't forget to let black guys fuck your wife so you can raise their kids while your sister gets gang raped by a pack of Muslim immigrants for wearing a short skirt and your tuning in to MTV and Buzzfeed to learn how evil you are for having white skin. .
Yes, just in the cases where steroidal creams and stretching don't help you. Surgery is a completely ok way to rectify it.

Maybe it's a concious decision to show their eternal serfdom to Israel
before modern medicine the semetic texts advised it because it would reduce disease cause no water and shower consistently in 2000bc

so its a tradition that just continued henceforth into modern era

nowadays with soap and water its redundant but they still do it because its religiously required
>I am every girl on the planet

Fuck you, tranny. I am every girl in the universe and beyond. Mutilated cocks are absolutely revolting.
wtf i love romania now
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>femanon here
>I am penis
>21 cm

>open cam
But most of the benefits of circumcision are during infancy and childhood, there would be almost no reason to do it once you make it through those stages
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circumcised turk roach damage control
>Dick cheese

Do people not shower? oh yea it's Turkey
I'm uncircumcised and my penis has way more skin than that on the tip. It's literally a ball. I'm still a virgin but will a woman laugh when she sees it? Should I just pull all the skin back before she looks at it?

I'm half Polish btw, so is this just an example of shitty slav genes?
why not get an erection
you know the rules
tits or GTFO
oh wait, you're a """""femanon"""""
Why does it have to be pro circumcision I prefer that rusty scissor amateur circumcision
Poast pics Mathieu please
Hi Anzu!
Which turk let you out of your cage women
>I'm still a virgin but will a woman laugh when she sees it?
Fortunately no woman will see it unless they get payed. So no worries ;)
I'd rather have erectile dysfunction than premature ejaculation
so because you had a disease everyone should get the cure?
How could anyone be for cutting off pieces of baby dick? Shit's totally deranged.
This is the boat I'm in pretty much.
Guys, guys, guys

You know when I said that jews developed circumcision to harvest stem cells I was joking, right?
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>How could anyone be for cutting off pieces of baby dick?
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Last time I posted my benis here I got banned for 3 days
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You guys can't go a day without discussing penis
This, only subhuman shitskins have their cock mutilated
>Why do you do even it? Like, what is the plus side? Is it more hygenical or prevents diseases?
Burgers and kikes do it for purely cultural / religious reasons but there is some protective benefit.

For example some major studies have shown that it reduces the risk of UTI by 90% ... which sounds impressive, but something like 99% of men won't ever have a UTI anyway so you'd have to cut the dicks of over a hundred babies to prevent one minor infection.
It may also slightly reduce the risk of picking up HIV which is why the (((UN))) is pushing it so hard in Africa ... but I'd rather just not fuck AIDS-infected whores.

And, of course, there are risks. The complication rate for circumcision is something like 2-10% (if performed in an appropriate 1st world facility) ranging from minor bleeding and surgical site infection to complete penile amputation.
>t. doctor
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Here's the thing:

Uncut guys have the choice, and most of them don't bother with circumcision unless it's for medical reasons
Cut guys got their choice taken away when they were kids. So they convince themselves that it wasn't a horrible thing, or they hate themselves

In conclusion: cut guys got screwed and have to live with it
superior rape tool checking in

some societies like mine need rape
against, it makes sex less pleasurable


Post on /soc/ and cross-link here, I wanna see it m80
Amputation is hardly a cure desu
Map is wrong.

Slovenia: 4.5% overall, being 7% for Catholic, 92% Muslim, 0% Orthodox, Evangelical, other religious, and 7% (no religious affiliation) [Klavs & Hamers, 2007].
lol you never heard of this shit because before the internet you lived in your american echo chamber full of jews telling you it was good

It's the same as soccer. Now every World Cup you'll start hearing about it more and more as you learn thanks to the internet that there's more to the world than americans

thats not true and each person has a right to decide what idiot barbaric rituals they want to participate in
cite sources

t. will go through methodology and show why that statistic is wrong
It's a nigger and mudslime habit and they jews trick you to do it, dumb ass sharts.
>mutilating your newborn baby because the jews say to
>literally branding your baby's cock with "property of the kikes"
>is /pol/ for this?

Unless you have a medical condition there is no good reason for circumcision
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Wow another thread about cutting dicks. Really love these threads about politics and news that keep cropping up ever since the debate. I doubt this has anything to do with Correcting any Records or anything.
>circumcision is a ploy by Jews
>even though they do it to themselves

I will never understand /pol/ logic.
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Only if you have Jewish or Muslim parents.
No you wouldn't
>This is a man putting the freshly sliced genitals of a baby into his mouth
Since you mention it...

>Genital neonatal herpes simplex virus infection was observed in a series of neonates after traditional Jewish ritual
>1 infant (identified in the examined cohort) developed a herpes infection of the brain with subsequent neurological damage

Ritual Jewish circumcision that includes metzitzah with direct oral-genital contact carries a serious risk for transmission of HSV from mohels to neonates, which can be complicated by protracted or severe infection
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I'm pro circumcision. I got circumcised at age 20. Best decision I've EVER made.

>I last for 30-40 minutes during sex, as opposed to 1-2 minutes before
>my GF thinks it looks better cut when compared to being uncut
>no more dick cheese
Against now.
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Wait until you get older, then you will wish you had feel.
Go ahead
>Drumpfats 400 pounds shilling
good goy
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30-40 minutes is fucking silly, you must be a virgin

There is no way any girl will want you fucking pumping her for 40 minutes, you spastic, you will make her vag incredibly sore.

Not to mention you would be worn the fuck out at that point, unless you're a fucking athlete.
Wherefore art thou?
Don't mutilate your penis.

Circumsision is only understandable if you have a medical condition
pro like a good christian with a normal looking cock

the anti-circumcision fags here never use their cocks anyway. a board full of neets pushing shit about dicks they don't use?

fuck off
>I last for 30-40 minutes during sex, as opposed to 1-2 minutes before

Whats keeping you from having sex twice?

>no more dick cheese

this is a meme I've literally never had it

>my GF thinks it looks better cut when compared to being uncut

Lol fucking cuck cutting off parts of your penis for "cool"
>no more dick cheese
Why can't you just bathe like a normal person, too busy sharting in marts?
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>thinking 30 minutes is imporessive
kek, you cut off a part of your dick to be average. Good job, cuck.
Against it, uncut dicks are way better then cut dry ones.
Mutilating baby dicks is for kikes and mudslimes, fuck that shit.
You mean you can't get it hard. Man's just shouldn't be pleasing prostitutes.
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>92% Muslim
I don't really get the look factor with circumcision. I mean the only difference in looks is when they're not erect. And who gives a shit about dicks that aren't hard?
>I'd rather have erectile dysfunction than premature ejaculation

I dunno . Anon. It's not erectile dysfunction. I can stay hard and fuck for ages. I just get told "please cum. Please cum" and I feel under too much pressure and lose my groove and they take it all personal because they think I didn't cum because I didn't want them. I do want them. I just can't sometimes. Shits fucked up. So I fake it.

Maybe I overthink things or I feel under too much pressure but maybe I just don't get the full range of sensation I would if I was uncut.

Things got better when I was using a fleshlight instead of jerking off but I made the mistake of talking about it and got ridiculed by my then fiance.

I'd highly recommend fleshlights for any male Anon. But the stigma is hard to deal with.
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>fags here never use their cocks anyway
what is anime loli tentacle porn?
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Let me lick your anus hole while you do it, I bet you will come then.
You are suffering from anxiety during sex. Basically you are thinking too much about if you are sexing right. That is why you can still get off masturbating because you are under much less stress and can relax more. Basically the only way to fix it is to either boost your confidence somehow so you don't worry too much about how you are performing or seeing a ((shrink))
>>>90719756 (You)
>This is the boat I'm in pretty much.

I dunno what to do. I took SSRI's for a while and that pretty much made me totally anorgasmic. I'd rather deal with the occasional depression than never be able to cum. I'm a very sexual person and I can't live without it. But I don't get enough sex even in a relationship where not jerking off is an option. And I can easily get by on memories and fantasies for that but (((porn))) is just too easy.
Slimey anteater dicks look and smell disgusting.

Cut dicks are aesthetically pleasing and don't smell like ass an hour after a shower.
It is also a self enforcing problem. You get anxiety and can't orgasm which causes more anxiety and makes it even harder to cum.
againts it, like the religion cancer

Good one, Chaim. You memorized your lines well, but you forgot "women prefer it" must try to make the goy feel insecure
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Well, we DO prefer it
bathing once a week < superior nerve endings

lazy muricans
that's the ugliest dick I've ever seen, Anon

>hair on the glans

Only for medical reasons
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There we go

The goyim must continue to circumcise, lest another Shoah occur and people are easily able to tell the Chosen from the Goy.

I believe its a tranny's re-modeled genitals
that looks like it was reconstructed with arm or thigh skin. Jesus christ, i honestly pity the anon
That's not a real glans. It's a reconstructed penis for a FTM transgender.
get a preputioplasty.
Yeah, if you're a Jewish whore maybe. Real women don't care.
>infants should get part of their penis cut off without anesthesia because you think it looks better
>pointless genital mutilation because mu cultures Jewish roots
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Take a fucking guess
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They won...
The leftists won...
Oh so women want men's penis to be mutilated because you don't like how it looks?

You do realize that it removes 90%. Of the sensation felt during sex?

Just another symptom of our gynocentric society
There are a few studies that suggest it *might* have a part in reducing some STD transmission, but anyone with a basic knowledge of fundamental medical ethics knows that that's not even close to a justification for removing healthy, functional, sensitive tissue from infants without the use of proper anesthesia. What's more, some of those studies are completely inapplicable to the situation because they were conducted in such radically different circumstances.
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Being circumcized is the ultimate slave tool of the jews, every time you look down your reminded that they own you, fuck that.
This, when I fuck a girl for the first time it takes me over an hour to cum generally or I can't cum at all. It's because of nerves. Once I'm comfortable with a girl I could cum in a minute if I wanted to.

If the girl is into fucking for long periods of time it can actually be kinda nice because if you fuck her brains out like that she will definitely wanting it again at a later date. The biggest downside is every time I haven't been able to finish they always ask if it's because you're not attracted to them, girls don't get it.
That's a commonly mentioned point, but I doubt its authenticity, seeing as if you're without clean water and modern medical knowledge, creating a sizable open wound on an infant in a place where the wound will be regularly exposed to pathogens and contaminants from human waste is quite possibly the stupidest thing you could do.
fuckin saved that gif. Curb is good shit, despite being unabashedly Jewish
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>Are we

fuck off Groupthink Greg
[One post by this ID]
cutting your dick is a foul skype tradition so naturally, we are against it newbro.
Even if that were true (it's not; most of the WHO trials on HIV transmission were performed on consenting adults), there's still not adequate justification for performing such a procedure on those who can't consent. Not only is there no need, but the procedure itself is barbaric.
Lol I'm all for waiting until the child is an adult before so they can choose for themselves but it does not remove 90â„… of sensitivity, in fact it barely removes any.
We? Make up your own mind about it.
If you have been circumcised you are marked as property by the jews.
Yes, that'd be Bosniaks and Albanians.
Technically that's part of what the removed flesh is used for. It's also used as a source of fibroblasts and collagen, which are then used in making cosmetic skin products used by vain, entitled women who don't know and probably wouldn't care if an infant had to go through agonizing pain simply so they could buy a product that's most likely a scam anyway.
t. cuck country who can't avenge its putin murdered 340 civilians

you are marked for cowardice bro




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>Turk manlets mutilating themselves
it removes a lot if you get the frenulum removed, which is that line on the underside of your cock connecting to the head.

90% is probably bullshit. also i'm circumcised for reference.

you should be able to get free circumcisions, if you're over 18. and free tranny surgery, free fake tits, etc. but all over 18, none of this getting your babies dicks cut without their consent, or having your little gay kid fuck up his puberty hormones for life shit.
That's so disgusting that even 99.9% of Jews hate it. The only reason it's still legal is because the ultra-Orthodox morons scream "literally Hitler" at any criticism.
t. rump state nobody carved up into nothingness

still mad I see serbbro?

>this is why cutfags can't fap without lube
I don't like circumcision but why does everyone against it always spout at least one lie about it?
It's largely a bullshit excuse used by shallow, self-centered morons with little to no sense of morals.
Anyone knows how it became a tradition in the US? Was it under the guise of hygiene and such that parents got convinced to do it to their non skype or sand nigger children?
Was it a ploy to render Americans closer to their skypish brethren?
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>it's a turk tries to defend his mutilated dick to superior nations over the internet episode
It's true only to varying degrees depending on the amount of skin removed.
Show me your tits and cunt
This is why you don't circumcise.
I aggree with everything except the free part. If someone wants to mutilate their bodies they can do it on their own dime.
Karkat pepe?
it should be illegal to execute it on minors in first world countries(countries with low hygiene standards could still found it useful).
it should be somewhat discouraged by medical associations.

religious beliefs should never be an exception to this ( and other laws); medical reasons such as >>90719436 are the only exception.

given the medical evidence i hae, I do not tolerate any other opinion, aside for anarchic-minded people who think parents should be able to sign up their willing kids to any kind of operation, including stuff like breast-enhancing surgeries. i wouldn't agree with them but i do get their thinking.

Very much against.

It's the most degenerate thing a parent can do.
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Circumcision is the only legitimate Jewish conspiracy I can prove.
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Frankensteins dick...
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If men outnumber women in the Congress, then we need to pass a law against it.
>It's the most degenerate thing a parent can do.

i can think of way worse stuff anon...like killing your child for no good reason.
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The medicalization of circumcision is a provable conspiracy.
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Before 1830, 0% of the U.S. population was cut.
If the doctor fucks up, the baby can die from circumcision. Usually they die by bleeding out. Imagine how little blood there is in a baby. Also babies are too small for anesthetic so the only comfort they get during circumcision is going into shock and shutting down.
I know this is bait, but I've seen women out there who actually think like this.

They think that it's okay for babies to have their penis mutilated while they are awake and screaming because they think that it's more attractive.
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Burgers today are the only country stupid enough to do it without a sandnigger religion.
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Hey look, Goyim! It cures masturbation! No shit, because it cuts over half the nerve endings from your dick, and makes it difficult to masturbate without lotion.
why the hell would you want your dick mutilated like some kike?
I pity those fools. Frictionless masturbation without needing lube is the greatest.
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Did you know?

That the natural oils and stuff under the foreskin prevent infection and prevent the glans from nerve damage and from being a dry cracked disgusting mess.

In b4 "muh dickcheese"

You live in a first-world country with clean, running water. Bathe, retard, and bathe your children you stupid cunt.
That's horrible.
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>Hey look at all this stuff circumcision does!

Daily reminder that if you are pro or even apathetic about circumcision, you are as dumb as the people who believed this shit less than 200 years ago, making this possible.
Manon here.

I dont care.
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Did you know?

That circumcision is actually more painful for an infant than it would be for an adult because the foreskin is fused to the glans? This causes tested and proven damage to the brains of infants. Don't worry, goyim, it's all safe.
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Honestly, this is the most black-and-white issue in the United States. There is absolutely no compromise or gray area in this. There are two kinds of people in this country: anti-circumcision people and retards.
Were those even real doctors?!? Reads like barber surgeons handbook from the middle ages...
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Just look at those ratings! The Goyim suspect nothing!
>implying having less of them procreate is somehow bad
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Thanks, Kelloggs. I hope there really is a hell.
Unless you masturbate so violently that you tear your foreskin. It hurts as fuck.
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Just the opposite, my friends.
Circumfiction is stupid tradition.
Apriory, it used for masturbating prevention in retarded and idiotic puritanian society
Are you pro or contra puritanian?.
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Did you know?

That circumcision causes erectile dysfunction. Don't forget to take your ED prescription, Goyim!
Stop making this place so gay!
Simple prevention. Don't have anger problems while masturbating.
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Circumcision takes away a part of the body that literally nobody wants to lose. So what's the only way to convince someone to lose it?

The answer is that there is literally no way.

You have to sit down the Goyim and trick them into doing it to a new generation in it's most vulnerable, defenseless stage: the infant.
I'm circumcised. When I read up about the procedure and learned about the things I lost I got real depressed. When I asked my parents about it they told me I was being stupid and I just got more depressed. I don't think I've ever been so frustrated. I couldn't get the people who I always thought had my best interests at heart to understand that I felt betrayed by them.

My mom said she'd never do anything to hurt me knowingly. I asked her if the same goes for acting out of ignorance. She just got angry and stopped talking to me.
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/pol/ might actually get a kick out of this one

mods - not politics
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Did you know?

That circumcision causes actual health issues in adult men? ED, feelings of inadequacy and frustration, and sexual frustration to name 0% of it.
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good bait
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This one worked, by the way.
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>tfw (((Circumcised)))

I'd be mad at my mother, but it's not her fault. She was brainwashed into it by (((them)))
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>mfw big white uncut cocks
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I can prescribe redpills all day.

But it's up to the Goyim to actually swallow them.
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Burgers are retarded, and this conspiracy is the number one source of shame I have in my country.
finally, after 100 years of try and error, a success...
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Got a cold? Come here, I promise to cut half your dick off.
how do you fake orgasm?
you get a bottle of mayo and spray it on her?
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Here is one of the lies that liberal retards will defend today, despite having no evidence. But even if this work, which it very provably does not, it would still be a horrible trade and an infringement on the liberties and rights of human beings.
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one cures all...

>"Doc i got kicked in the head by a mule."
>*snip snip*
>Thx doc.
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Get ready, because the paper comes soon when the scientific community comes together, tests these claims, and finds them all to be lies.
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you're not even trying anymore
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(((((G O L D S T E I N))))) invents one of the three machines that, if you are cut, you were very likely cut with! Jews are still making huge bank on your genital mutilation!
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And it worked! Enjoy your less-sensitive dick, retard Goyim!
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This on worked too!
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Jewish lies for me and you!

Let's all get together and mutilate the genitals of children!
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Wow, that happened nearly word for word when I asked, except my mother asked if I was molested and if I was also gay. She then brought it back to herself by saying she had no choice because she has periods. As if that even compares.
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Another lie! Do you know what actually cuts your risk of prostate cancer by one third and is actually a widely accepted fact in the medical community? Masturbation! That's right! It is a medical fact that ejaculating at least five times a week cuts your risk by one third. Circumcision factually makes masturbation more difficult and less pleasurable. Therefore, circumcision literally leads to cancer. The literal opposite of this claim.
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Male Genital Mutilation needs to be banned and considered a severe crime.
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And it prevents CAPTCHA! And makes red lights less frequent! And it makes less leaves fall on your lawn in autumn!

It's almost too good to be true, Goyim.
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It is a fact the hundreds of infants in the United States are directly killed every year through circumcision.

When this was first brought to public light, the UK responded with reduced rates of circumcision seem here, while the US kept being retarded burgers who mutilate genitals on infants and keep downing burgers.
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Circumcision is the only thing that makes me hate Jews.
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Top tier Jew shit right here.
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America is literally Africa tier but with technology
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Jew Industries LLC keeps inventing the things to sell to the Goyim to cut the baby Goyim.
>cok cok seks seks in pusi

circumcision is faggotry

foreskins are amazing
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The greatest Jewish lie of the 20th century.

I was literally mutilated because of this.

What happened to your penis?
I can imagine the letters sent from the USA to relatives still in the Ukraine or Poland in the 1870s to early 1900s:
"Moishe, seriously, you've got to get over here! The goyim here are the stupidest most naive goyim on the planet! They'll believe ANYTHING!"

holy fuck you adl kike faggots

if you have a retarded, disabled fucking dick then cut it off
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There is nothing I hate more in a woman than her being in favor of circumcision. Scold retards when you meet them in real life. You may just save a child.

fuck you kike

sex is better with foreskin, gookikegle that shit you fuck ugly fat cunt
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Look at the UK. I'm so proud.

I found it actually. "loli cheerleader" really narrowed it down.
We are against having these threads every single day.
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Did you know?

That there is not a single medical association in the world that recommends circumcision of infants.
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1984 field guide right here.

If you disagree with the Jewish lies, you are [label here]!
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The scientific and medical communities decide once and for all that everything pro circumcision of infants is a lie.
>Are we pro or against
That's for you to decide for yourself because you're an individual, you faggot.
shame i'm too dumb to make that site work on chrome
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Human beings who actually think about it realize America was making a terrible mistake, and that circumcision is the single worst thing a parent can do to their child.

Why stop at the foreskin you fucking cucks, just cut off the rest of that useless meat while you're at it.
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Are you pro cutting my leg off? Is there something about the human body that upsets you?
I have two kids. A son and a daughter.
To disfigure them is morally abhorrent. My purpose is to be a good dad, protect and provide.
My children shall never be subject to unnecessary surgery.
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>But it's not worth getting upset about, Goyim! Go back to watching the television.

No. I have changed the minds of many, many people by getting upset about it, doing research, sitting down and talking about it, and giving a very fucking brave talk on it at Uni, changing people minds.
Its important part of the judeoamerican culture so we are for it. Its tradition.
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Another lie that people cite today, which has no evidence.

Don't worry, fampai, I got you.
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Good work, UK.

It isn't important, and there is a portion of the international Jewish community that is currently fighting against it. They are called human beings.
The foreskin is there for a reason.

If it didn't serve a purpose it wouldn't have been there.
Is there anything wrong with an adult getting himself circumsized?

Is there anything wrong with forcing genital surgery on your babies?
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This lie was extremely temporarily recommended. In a few panels, the same organization takes it back and apologizes.
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Rates start dropping in the U.S., and thankfully continue to drop forever. It is unfortunate how long this is taking.

>It may also slightly reduce the risk of picking up HIV which is why the (((UN))) is pushing it so hard in Africa

No, jews just made up some bullshit to push circumcision.
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Hello European Goyim! Why won't you bend like the burgers???

i keked a little

Why do nederkankers have short foreskins?
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Jewish Industries LLC fails to mention conflict of interest.

The Jews selling circumcision tools are revealed to be the same people writing and promoting the "scientific" papers and pushing the laws that cause circumcision.
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In 1999, it's too late because I was born in 1992.

At least the medical community finally, permanently, unanimously agreed by then that circumcision should not be done to children.

Too bad most doctors are as dumb as other Goyim, because this shit is still happening.

Why does Australia have so many jews?

Who could know, maybe they like the heat and spiders

3 of the 3 dutch guys I've slept with have had "short" foreskins ie CI-5's at most.

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Bill Gates should kill himself and burn in hell.

You think you have it bad when he forces you into Windows 10? Try having half your dick cut off.

In b4 >muh but it still works

It literally does not. Your dick does not grow to it's maximum potential size, your ED develops earlier and is more likely to develop, your nerves of the glans are damaged, and you're missing over half your dick by nerve endings. Even castrated people can take a piss; that doesn't mean "it wurks".
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Jews try to force opinions on the public again.

The only reason people haven't figured this shit out yet is because Jews control Hollywood and everything else people consume.

By fucking a woman multiple times.

I had it. Eventually it stretched out
Please post these again when the next thread gets made. Can't save right now
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>If we cut up niggers, we can lie and say it helped them.
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reminder that yanks will unironically defend jew mutilation of their genitals rather than admitting that it's probably not something they need to do to their children
No we fucking aren't, at most we might be slightly higher than New Zealand
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Did you know?

That the Jews convinced this guy to recommend cutting children in less than 24 hours using nig nog & Jew magic together?
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Equal sensitivity theory is permanently sent to the shadow realm. It is a proven fact that sensitivity is destroyed by circumcision, which people knew to begin with, and was the original cause of circumcision.

It used to be quite high, though if you're mid-20s and younger it is like 10% rate.

Hence the numbers are quite skewed compared to NZ/Europe,.
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Only the disgusting Jewish religion that teaches people to hate themselves can make this happen in the U.S.
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End circumcision. Stand up and say something.
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How Circumcision Happens.jpg
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I got myself a partial circumcision and I have find recently that its growing back

Should I go full cut or become uncut again?

Spic boy, stop tryin to play me like Willie Lump Lump
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Can someone post a video of a circumcision?

I am too weak to even watch one. It repulses and nauseates me to watch infants suffer. I am a human being, God damn it.

I've done my part.
Im still waiting for the
"Mass hanging of Jews over centuries of lies leading to the mutilation of children" slide

As someone who has been circumcised, that kind of masturbation has caused me to tear my skin and bleed too. You're lucky AF senpai.
is /pol/ pro or con the jews?
always that one fucking leaf that posts his dick on /pol/
not laugh maybe disgusted

Killing your child makes you not a parent anymore. Assaulting your child with genital mutilation and claiming to still love them is the most degenerate.
Long story short
>long nose knife ready
>foreskins feeling heavy
>palms weak, moms spaghetti
>the synagogue calm and ready
>snip back to reality

I've never posted these before. I need people to save and repost. I can't always be there.

You are literally lying.

If you aren't, you are literally retarded.

Either way, you made that decision AS AN ADULT.

Not as a child. You had the independence to make that decision FOR YOUR FUCKING SELF.
Australian Circumcision stats were 10% in 2010
How can you justify breast-feeding a child? They can't consent!
How can you justify pulled a child SCREAMING AND KICKING, from his home of 9 months?

Absolutely disgusting.

Is your willy cut or uncut?

>t. virgin
Cutting your liver out is proven to reduce the risk of liver cancer by 100%.
Cutkikes should be gassed.
>Cutting the useless foreskin off the top of the dick is equivalent to completely removing the body part.
I'm cut. My dick skin is so dry I would receive circumcision number two if a maiden yanked at it thus it must always be plastered in lubricant before I begin my day.


why cut, seamus?
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>all the cutfags in this thread

I love riding uncut english cock, lad, you got some for me?
>Useless foreskin
Kike, go home. For one, it's not useless. For two, my comparison is apt - removing part of an organ is obviously going to decrease the risk of cancer, because there's fewer cells to become cancerous.

Go cut your own children's foreski- oh wait you do.

do gypsy such as yourself ever cut or all uncut?
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>phallus symbolism

Father issues Australia?

ey lad, I just admire a nice uncut willy and like to sit on one, you got an issue with that lets wrap hands and we'll get in the ring (pun intended) for a bout

Otherwise lets get these guns to clappin
was born in america to two irish parents who moved back immediately after having me and went on to have another son who is not cut
i am the only cut guy in my family
Only kikes and mudslimes cut over here. Not even gypsies are that stupid.
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So because you were born in a US hospital your parents let the doctors cut your willy up?

And they paid them to do it!!!!
i am told it was custom there and it was for my own good because of health related issues

kek, your parents be stupid as fuck yo


Outrageous, will you let me sit on your uncut willy, lad?
>comparing tying a baby to a table and lopping his dick to natural animal existence

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