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This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 305
Thread images: 125

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I u ironically believe this is what will lose Hillary the election. For Hillary to win its necessary that enough mile nails come out to vote for her, all the experts agree with this. However she's called what is practically the bugs bunny or Mickey Mouse of this generation a nazi symbol and called it "dangerous". Even the fucking sjw's will cringe at this. I'm sure there will be a few cucks n that still go out to vote for her however any normies were on the fence about voting for her or would actually have to make an effort, such as taking the day off from work or school just won't. She's destroyed whatever belief they had that"hey maybe she's not to bad".
CNN - symbol of hate
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>I got people to think pepe was an existential nazi threat

is what we will tell our grandkids and robo waifus and robo kids
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man grinning at small clouds.jpg
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Why do anything but lulz at this shillfaggery? Normies can't do anything but wank to their prolefeed when they're not earning cublicle shekels.
Where did you get the red pepe? I only can see the green one.
the land down under where everyting is opposite
normies will actually think CNN is going off the rocker now. " a fucking frog is a hate symbol? these liberals are saying trump is racist because his fans use a frog? trump was sure right about the liberal media."
wtf i hate hate now
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literally trying to censor an internet meme because trump tweeted it. The left wing are fucking extremist retards. This is fucking america! We fight for fucking freedom only to become the thing all these people died to repel.
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whoops sorry fellow haters
Wait, Turner is a racist?
The Turner Diaries is a kid's book man.
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>try to say pepe is hate
>pick the most calm and normal picture he has
What the fuck
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he looks slightly confused, and slightly concerned for the well being of his accusors
Old lady yells at frog.jpg
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thread theme
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After ten thousand hours of investigative journalism I can officially say that CNN are infact the Fourth Reich.
The only hate symbol here is CNN itself

They've been running a smear campaign against donald trump since day 1 showing their bias every step of the way
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Here is the other decades of my research added to the compendium.
CNN are obviously anti-semitic.

>N N

>Neo Nazis

The C is just there for disguise because it would be too obvious otherwise
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It's not even funny anymore.
___UM____ HELLO?????????? SOURCE_____==== NIGGER NIGGER nigger NIGGER nigger NIGGER nigger NIGGER nigger NIGGER nigger NIGGER nigger NIGGER nigger NIGGER nigger NIGGER nigger NIGGER nigger NIGGER nigger NIGGER nigger NIGGER nigger NIGGER nigger NIGGER nigger NIGGER nigger NIGGER nigger
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The C must stand for concealed then.
>liberals hate memes
>memes are racist
>no fun allowed

Its official. Liberals are the real Nazis. I mean come on, war against the memes? Afraid of little smug cartoon frogs? Who are the real fascists?

Really. Makes. You. Think.
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I honestly wonder if this is the way members of al qaeda feel when they read the news.

Is the whole thing just made up?
"Once again, racists and haters have taken a popular Internet meme and twisted it for their own purposes of spreading bigotry and harassing users," Jonathan A. Greenblatt, ADL CEO said in a statement. "These anti-Semites have no shame. They are abusing the image of a cartoon character, one that might at first seem appealing, to harass and spread hatred on social media
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Contributing. It's all so fucking clear now
And they don´t even see it themselves because they are so fucking caught up in their percieved moral superority trough virtue signalling

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what about confidential?
>multi-billion dollar company
>can't even re-create a simple illustration as a vector image, for a piece dedicated to supporting a political narrative
>can't even bother fucking google image searching for one
>not a company comprised of yellow journalists to the extreme
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>Pepe was manipulated over time to capture the range of the human experience, including Sad Frog, who was often paired with the phrases" Not Good Man," "Feels Bad Man," or "You Will Never..." to Smug Frog, Angry Pepe, Keith Haring Pepe, even Rare Pepes in the form of trading cards in an effort to cash in on the mania.
>even Rare Pepes in the form of trading cards in an effort to cash in on the mania.
>Rare Pepes in the form of trading cards
>trading cards

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Also, can Matt Furie sue these companies?
It not easy being greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen...
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at last, i truly see
>he doesnt have his own Pepe battlecards collection
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pepe's for normie /pol/ amoebae
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holy fucking kek

the retard leg version was better
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I love this.
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> according to KnowYourMeme.

>kym is now a reliable source

Should we laugh ? Should we cry ?
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I can't tell if it's memes or reality anymore
Wait, racism is bad?
Scary times we're living in, anon.
Turner sold CNN a looooong time ago
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The Great (((Culture))) War
All to join the Club of Rome
Yes, most terrorism in the west is staged by intelligence agencies. ISIS is a CIA backed proxy army. Most beheading videos are produced by the west on a sounder stage. Shakespeare told us the all the world is a stage and that's still true.
I love how even when they try to go after memes they adhere to the same failing mainstream media standards
What if reality...
>is just a meme
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>its true

Would /pol/ believe this picture a if it was posted a year ago?
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>be Malaysian fingerpaint aficionado
>Hitlerly Clinton declares you the most dangerous group in the world
Feels good, man.
Honestly, I dont even know what to say about this.
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MSM has officially turned into a crazy old cat lady.
What anime is that from?
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>>90722443 → #
>>90722443 → #
>>90722443 → #
>>90722443 → #
Hearing that womans voice saying pepe reminds me of that "chicken tendies" mom porn webm

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Well I hope you pigfuckers are proud of yourselves.
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Lol the normies are rejecting the article bc to them they see nothing but CNN reporting on a cartoon frog. Comments are gold

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>appropriations of Pepe

A fundamental misunderstanding of what Pepe is all about. Pepe is SUPPOSED TONBE APPROPRIATED

Jesus wept, CNN slate whoever in the media is browsing here. Go get somebody on your staff under thirty to explain this to you. This is the dumbest thing I have ever seen in my life
I'm actually beginning to question my reality all over the place.

I knew the media was biased but I could have never expected this.
What's anti defamation league?
I shouldn't have sold all my rare Pepe trading cards.
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Stop... it's too much

Oh im laffin

>because so many pepe memes are not bigoted in nature it is important to examine uses of the meme only in context. The mere fact of posting a Pepe meme does not mean that someone is racist or white supremacist. However, if the meme itself is racist or anti-Semitic in nature, or if it appears in a context containing bigoted or offensive language or symbols, then it may have been used for hateful purposes
Thanks, ADL. I didn't know context mattered.
My mom sold mine when I went to college. Typical.
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fresh meme.png
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I like that they're all using the classic sadfrog face, it makes him look so confused to be there.
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A (((Clinton's))) association that claims everyone to be racist just for not being one of (((them))).
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> TFW they must be stopped.
Is it time to make hundreds of I STAND WITH ISRAEL pepes to confuse the fuck out of everyone?
>former rival Vegeta returns to help Goku train for the next debate
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>tfw on cnn
>constantly post pics of pepe in full nazi regalia
>get bootyblasted when people start associating your faggy frog with nazism

/pol/ is shit
That's pretty funny. He's wondering... What the hell did I supposed to do? Why everyone is complaining about me if I I did nothing to them.
How come this shit is on Snapchat out of all places?
You are shit Pepe is literally associated with everything

Hell there is a thread right now where Pepe has been "appropriated". To communist idols

Fuck off you joyless crab-apple
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How to incorporate the adl logo into racist memes? In such a way that if the same standards applied to pepe they'd have to add their own logo to the list of hate symbols.
Wtf I hate cartoon frogs now
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>Hiliary Clinton is accusing a cartoon of racism

Think of the optics of this for two seconds

90 million Americans are without jobs, home ownership is at its lowest in 45 years, average incomes are down, our debt is at 20 trillion, ISIS is beheading journalists...

And she's spending time complaining about a cartoon that might be racist

She's so done
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leave pepe alone
>Even the fucking sjw's will cringe at this
you don't know SJWs
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The meme magic will not be stopped.

I feel like there should be something between 2014 and 2015...you dont get that smug overnight
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Will CNN show this pepe? Probably not.
thats exactly what happened though
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whenever I see these pictures I think about all the anon whom didn't make it to see the light of dawn

rest peace you weak cowards
kek be with you
Will they show the thousands of poopoo pee pee Pepe's?

What about Pepe as ice cube?
You're realizing that you never knew the difference. You just assumed you could tell between reality and fiction.

Welcome to the world of the memes.
That fucking gleeful frog from Bulgaria strikes yet again.
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Shadilay my brother
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Rip in peace


> pepe is a symbol of peace co-opted
> lets ban it
> islam is a religion of peace co-opted
> banning it is racism
There's something sinister about that cartoon frog...
Seriously their narrative is so fucked and hypocritical

What a bunch of buffoons
They are working pretty fast to sideline a new wave of conservative thinkers. If they can define this (whatever this shitheap on 4chan is) and dissuade others from joining it. The leftists will effectively under cut the right and remove an entire generation worth of voters from the right wing. Look how fast Pepe went from Trump meme to literally Hitler. The only trouble is the more they call people racist and this phobic and that phobic the more people are realizing that it doesn't hurt to be called those things and for the most part isn't even true. The effect of this will be a new right wing that can not only defend itself from such attacks,but thrive in a hostile leftist environment. All you really have to do is point to the world and say " look what you did, you made this mess, got those kids killed, and those women raped." The left has spurned social convention because we live in a fundamentally safe world and they have invented their own traumas in order to continue their "fight." Soon enough though the world will not be safe and they will be forced to eat their values for dinner in order to stay alive while we pick up the pieces and put it all back together just so they can do it again. /Rant
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Where Did everything go so reich.png
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can't make this shit up
But purple is the opposite of green
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tumultuous kek
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They have such an intense fear of Trump, that they are now going after LITERALLY ANYTHING that has been even tangentially related to him or "bad qualities" (like Nazism). I swear to god this is all stemming from that guy who shouted "PEPE" during the clinton rally. Some guy had to google what that was and somehow came under the impression that guy shouting pepe was sending a code word to other trump-supporters / hate criminals.

That's why this is happening, because they are trying to scare "the alt-right" and manipulate baser, dumber people into thinking Trump is a neo-nazi or whatever so they will vote for Hilarry.

even if she wins by like 0.1% that's all the higher powers want. because Trump is a cartoon, he is too impulsive and contradictory, there is no guarantee that he could be properly controlled. and he seems to have the support of a 'fringe' voting demographic that the Normalfags don't understand (internet junkies and memespamming 4chan/reddit types)
Shadilay brother

I think their gig is already up



Honestly don't NE of my friends who voted for Gary Johnson Hanson in 2012 and was pretty anti Trump has decided he's so sick of Hillary's ads and shit like calling out pepe that he's now voting Trump, even though he doesn't like Trump.
Pepe the frog is the 21st century god
Dumb frogposter
gas yourself back to ribbit where you belong
if you're unironically using peepee poopoo frog after 2013, kys
>having that guy on my operating team
Please someone make an Amanda-Todd-like video with Pepe showing sheet of paper where he is explain he is a good frog
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Fuck off kike.
Seriously. I was at the gym the other day when msnbc ran their hit piece on Pepe. It was extremely disorienting to see Pepe irl. It kind of broke a wall in my mind.
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I'd be mad if I lived in Estonia too
Are they actually talking about Pepe or does there happen to be something in Hebrew that sounds like Pepe?
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no such luck.

It's obvious hill and friends are aware of us and how we've directly impacted this election.

This is stage two of the psy op to take us down. Defining us as the "alt-right" was stage one.

Normies will be introduced to us through the lens of their narrrative step by step until they can convince everyone to "ban 4chan lol".

Literally shitposters are what keeps Crooked Hillary up all night.

This is the funniest thing I've ever seen in my entire life
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Symbol of hate doesn't mean it's a symbol that represents hatred, rather it's a symbol hated by Jews.

Holy fuck you're stupid.
the jewish elites fear meme magic. why else would they spend so much time and effort on a cartoon frog?
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>even Rare Pepes in the form of trading cards in an effort to cash in on the mania

>not holding to the rares.
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So we can make anything into a symbol of hate, correct?

Why not just meme the Jewish Star into nothing but Hilter/Nazi/KKK shit to make IT a hate symbol then?

We're breaking the conditioning.
wtf i love cnn now!
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don't be bad esti
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>go away to rebbit REEEEEE

you don't realize you're the first person to mention reddit ITT`??

How the fuck are you guys right so much.
Holy shit
Truth cuts through lies like a light in the darkness
>pepe is a green frog in the news
>former miss universe called miss piggy by trump is in the news simultaneously

Just cut the A out.
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>He starts shilling his 1-800-MEME at the end and gets cut off

Guy's it's obvious that pepe has been made into a hate symbol by shillbots. /pol/ is a board of peace and love and we just express our views without being know. Due to this shillbots have totally destroyed pepes image and posted him here so we are seen as a bunch of racist. We've been framed by the left because we're a tolerant, peace-loving board and we dindu nuffin
Is this doable?Seriously I could get behind this
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Is there a way to legally convert to Judaism?

The ultimate play would be for us to literally act like Jews making "stupid goy" memes all day- then when we get found out, it's revealed that we're all legally registered Jews.
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Why don't we start referring to Hitler as CNN? I mean...close enough.

Just looked it up, you literally have to be approved by a "Jewish Court" to be considered Jewish. Goddamn these Skype bastards are good.
Hitler was right!
you also have to get your dick snipped if it isn't already. have fun with that.
a real scholar of pepeology and pepeonomy.
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We did it boys
>Hillary, Soros, and the entire mainstream media establishment lose to a cartoon frog
>This is real life
>By Emanuella (((Grinberg))), CNN
why the bigotry?
Pepe is a meme of peace
>legally registered Jews.
Yeah, I really don't think you know how to America. Guessing you're some kinda central europoor cabbagenigger
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>there's a literal penis inspection
They only have to draw blood you don't have to remove your cocksock

>they prick your prick
Can someone make CNN anchors with Reich garb so we can make them hate symbols too?
There was an sjw in my astronomy class last year who wore a Pepe tshirt and had Pepe as her desktop home screen (unfortunately was also in my group for a project). I'm sure she doesn't appreciate Pepe being called a nazi.
By Jode he is on to something!
>everything I don't like is a slide thread
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I would unironically buy Pepe trading cards just for the lulz
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Memes are real.
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Mfw when I am put into a concentration camp for having pictures of a cartoon frog on my phone.
This guy knows what's up.

This goes beyond Hillary and the current election. The problem the Democrats have is that modern young conservatives don't fit the negative stereotypes currently employed. Framing pepe and the "alt-right" is stage one of smearing the next generation of conservatives in the media and education.
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>mfw already on my way to the sven concentration camps for frog images

At least the states has a chance to survive with Donald.

Sweden is the canary in the coalmine by now.
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Symbol of hope.
Where the women glow and the men plunder?
>Cable Nazi Network
Let's meme this, and make CNN apologize.
>my face when when
>(C)onfidential Nazi Network
>pepe being a tumblr meme
>"good times"
Those were the worst times!

fucking normies trying to grab our prize.
fucking sides
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Everyone in this thread should read this.
Pic related.
this need a holocaust parody
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March ever onwards brothers.
It's not easy being green (white)
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pepe is not racist, he is RACIALLY AWARE
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Amen, my man from down under

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numbers are anti-semitic
CNN is a joke. Stop taking them seriously.
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>putting a red filter over pepe
>green + red = brown
cnn is turning pepe black

>tfw pepe dindu nuffin

Cant wait to see how Cambridge and Harvard ban the use of those numbers for being hatespeech.
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>Many variations of the meme became rather esoteric, resulting in the phenomenon of so-called "rare Pepes."
We got the anti-defamation league to talk to about rare fucking pepes
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oxford better update their dictionary, this word is clearly an anti-semitic slur.
What did the artist meant by this?
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Fucking genius
This is great, once pepe is outlawed I can start selling my collection to normies for big bux
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Pepe the Great.jpg
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Thats a /b/ Pepe.
this board will get close eventually. and the one we open after that too. and the other one. and so on.

we already lost.
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looks like CNN took the bait, bros
We all will die one day, does that mean everything we do is pointless?
fuck, anon. you're right.
>meme bane
>plane crashes
>meme happenings
>building fires
>meme pepe
>pepe becomes meme

what did you expect, KEK is too strong.

>In this age, we can only apprehend the world historically. Since history is like a play, it therefore works esthetically, and thus our world-outlook can only be an aesthetic one, rather than a moral one.
>This is the answer—although of course they will not understand it—to the small minds who wail,
>“If Western Culture will die in any event, why should we try to accomplish anything whatever in it, or with it?”

>even though we know it to be only a role, a part of an agreed game. It is also permitted us to leave the stage if we are not assigned the role that we feel rightfully, aesthetically, belongs to us.
>Once more: the highest formula of affirmation: the world-as-drama.

- Francis Parkey Yockey, 1953

The only reason why they continue to exist is because we or at least some of us havent gotten to work at being even more sjw than them.

Literally every single thing they spout and every excuse they give can be turned back to them and they can be framed for doing the same.

I once got a nigger to hate a feminist for being racist.
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>We already lost.

That means there's nothing to lose from now on.

So rev up the meme machine, we can only win
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>yfw there are anons that have literal died in the darkness before the don

Can we get an F?
Oh shit that anon who was mailing all the pepes is going to get v& for sending hate symbols to Jews.
No, the c stands for Communists. CNN=Communist Neo Nazis.
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Oh, this is just too delicious
jews did this

he should
Hentai, those aren't clouds.
No but that's one of the examples on the ((ADL)) website
Lads, now more than ever we need to craft the dankest, most subversive Pepes ever created. All eyes are on him. Plaster His image all over the city. Shadilay.
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Trust me kid, you don't wanna know...
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a force for good.png
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We're doing it, lads.
I know that chick. Wut. Moar please.
>Once again, racists and haters have taken a popular Internet meme and twisted it for their own purposes of spreading bigotry and harassing users,
we created the sadfrog
you merely adopted it
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cosmotheist manifestations.png
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one more excerpt:

>Music presupposes the attitude: “Let’s pretend the world of sound is orderly, pleasing, and beautiful—like this: . . .”
>The inner-world of symbols is then projected into sounds.

~ S H A D I L AY ~ / ~ h a i l allfadr KékR ~
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part 2
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Praise kek!^^
This is so ridiculous that anyone under 30 will have to know that the media is in league with Hillary.
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>A decade later he had solidified his place among "normies" in mainstream internet circles, becoming one of the biggest memes on Tumblr in 2015.

>The good times couldn't last. As the meme proliferated in venues such as forchan, atechan and leddit, criticized as a breeding grounds for all manner of inflammatory imagery, a subset of Pepe memes came into being that centered on racist, anti-Semitic or other bigoted themes

Why is reactionary bad?
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>literally pic related
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Yockey did not live to see his Idea manifest vivdly, but he fought for a Western World [Culture-Nation-Religion-Imperium] still standing in the future

He must smile at Brexit tea-b-h
Holy shit this is too good.

>anonymous hackers at 4chan claim CNN are nazis(we're not)

They've not died in vain. R.I.P.
So...are the people that post peeps going to be put on a list?
Those anons are smilling upon us, can normies say the same?
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thanks guardian , now i understand that im actually a neo-nazi
this is such blatant kekophobia. dont they know about the freedom of religion?
>not recognizing it

Lurk more, newfag.
capped for future generations

>Calling us Neo-Nazis
/pol/ thinks Neo-Nazis are literally degenerate subhumans
and i agree, drop the neo and its a bit better

>freedom of religion

just like how Sweden exercise objective Freedom of Speech, until

>Gothenburg Bokmässan-gate

happened and (((they))) staunchly refuse to make conversation with (or disprove valid criticism from) a newspaper that has already got press support abiding the law. :^)

even normies such as (((Aftonbladet))) question this treatment, so KEK is working its Will good
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why do they always claim that we "appropriated" memes. They can't even give us the credit of turning pepe from a boys club character into a great meme, they have to insinuate that it's a Tumblr meme instead.
i doubt that neo nazis even know what a high quality rare pepe is... yet maymays

>they have to insinuate it's a Tumblr meme instread

In this Current Year we live in, it's only deemed Accepted Fat if the 400lbs person is not-Male

May KEK restore Order on this issue. Shadilay!
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These fucktards can't be serious.
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symbol of hate.png
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Guys we need to be using this as a symbol of "hate". Them to list their own logo as a hate symbol.
I really feel like I'm living in bizarro world
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)))luckily keyboards aren't banned yet(((



>what religions have been enemies with the Natural World thus far in History
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>Declare pepe a hate symbol
>Pepe trading card prices plummet
>Buy all pepe trading cards
>Redeem pepe
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I have no fucking idea what you meant by a good bit of this, but I hope they keep pushing the pepe thing.

Imagine being a single mother living paycheck to paycheck and seeing that the left media's biggest concern is these weird frog pictures from the internet or something.

Nice phone wallpaper
>mfw CNN reports on Happy Merchant next
so if all it takes is to dress a frog like hitler to make the frog be considered a hate symbol, then all we should do next is morph pepe face into hillary's and dress hillary pepe as hitler and spam it all over the place.

after all, hillary is the true hitler
i have a few pepes only posted once a couple years ago, do i post them now?
Does this increase or decrease the value of my rare Pepes, that is the real question.

The fuck? Lol they cant even come up with modern haters?
>comprised of

Hernandes pls
This just shows how protected the Jews have become as a group of people. Because the Jews can't be acknowledged as having anything to with anything whatsoever, they have to invent persecution. No mainstream journalist, researcher or any person talks about the Jews, and yet they still pretend to be the "persecuted" tribe. It has gone so far, that they have to designate a anthropomorphous cartoon frog as anti Semitic.
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these (((people))) are a special kind of retarded
Shadilay. Praise KEK!
>a viewer just sent this in

lmao, he legit looked sad at that part
because you lose focus on issues that are important for a longer period and only go about fixing issues that just started to piss you off recently
at least that's their logic
It cracks me up every time I see that phrase hate figure and Pepe's stupid little face next to it.
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This is how much power we have anons.

Can't wait for them to start listing skype and Google on that list
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lol, pepe cannot be stopped

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Pepe the Redeemer
you idiots have already crashed the market, they're worthless now

Shadilay laddy
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>pls, googles and skypes be next
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