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If this got trending on Twatter, what are the odds that SJWs

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If this got trending on Twatter, what are the odds that SJWs would actually go with it?
At least some of them would join. Enough to give us something to laugh about.
It is a rule that whites go first
That's what I was thinking. It's just stupid enough to possibly seem real.

these black pawns only play checkers.
also the white ones.
kekd and checked
>sjw's would ban something they know nothing about

hmmm ... seems familiar
ppl is awakening..
>white priviledge
>sadly it does not increase the chances to win at all
>sadly it does not increase the chances to win at all

>getting to go first

If you're not a complete retard you can easily win if you go first.
Do it

the white SJW would run with it

minorities love chess more than white people in previously white countries
actually going first gives you inititive, while it's the blacks job to act retroactivly and identify the opening play and counter the play
Actually it's been studied and it does add a small advantage.
Enough to entertain one thread, probably not enough to get media attention and entertain everyone.
>If you're not a complete retard you can easily win if you go first.

You know shit about chess. Yes, starting gives you an advantage when you're playing against unskilled retards. But real chess players aren't set back just because they can't open

>implying being smart isn't white privilege
man, I'm embarassed because of you know.
It does provide a different playstyle so depending on the person it sometimes does
While games are pretty much 50-50 overall, games for specific players tend to derive significantly
>If you're not a complete retard you can easily win if you go first.
If we count this argument as a game then you might be right since I am going to call you out for using ad hominem without proving any supplementary arguments to the discussion. Check mate
You have earned those trips, sir.
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I really hope this is bait.
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See >>90719982
let's see
Yes. I mean it's a war simulation comparable to counter strike.
And we all know that gun crimes only happen because of those killer games.
We did it before.

It statistically proven, you dumb fuck. You have internet, i'm sure you can find the proof yourself.
>whites go first
>the queen must protect the king

idk might work desu
How much longer must we tolerate this Oppressive Patriarchy in Game Form??????

I mean seriously, the "KIng" just sits there while the "Queen" does all the work! What is this game supposed to teach young Womyn?
You'd actually suceed in getting chess banned. Not at a national level, but in schools and colleges across the land it would be synonymous with white privilege, and even if the game was allowed to stay, the players would have to be "diversified" and every Jack, John and Adrian would have to wait his turn behind mohammed, abdul and Nbumbo. Please don't.
>tfw never played chess

Is it fun? I've played checkers abunch of times
Impossible, niggers and women don't know how to play chess
You give these fucks way too much credit.

"They" were just as successful in getting Father's Day banned.

I am pro-EU and pro-Hillary
Beat me in chess or u and what u support cannot in 5d chess

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Fun fact
The Queen was named Prime Minister and could move only one tile at any direction like the king
Its role was to mainly screen for the King
Modern day movement derives from a Spanish version named "The Mad Queens Chess" and was played for more fun and quick game
Game gained popularity quick, and after continuous buffs and nerfs of other pieces to keep up with the OP Queen brought modern day chess
The whole history explains how "weird" moves came into being like En Passat and Castling
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Not to mention the fact that this disgusting "game" is based on logical reasoning and strategy! Why not print "WHITES ONLY" on the board!?!

Wjy can't our children be taught traditional African games like .... uh um ... well, Traditional African Games?
en.lichess.org go learn, it's awesome
that's why they gona want to ban it.
> It'z onlisz withzs and shitzse playiung this
White has anywhere from a 52-56:48-44% Chance to win based on emperical data of grandmasters. General consensus is that gms think white has a small advantage if both sides play perfect chess. Even GMs blunder consistently tho

>/pol/ is now a tajikistani chess strategy discussion board
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You need to stop seeing yourselves as part of the general populous and start working to DRIVE the general populous to the edge of the cliff.

It is only when they are facing cultural oblivion that they will turn and fight. Most are currently walking around in a daze, immersed in trivia, in decadence, in self absorption.

Get them to ban chess and you will motivate a larger portion of the population to speak out.
Do it, get on it right now
yes it can be quite fun, i was taught by my grandfather and father, sadly finding people who can play chess, nevermind play it well, seems to become more and more difficult, i usually play against the computer or the missus (but desu she is shit at it).
"Psychological studies show that children who are taught and play chess from a young age are significantly more likely to have views that being white is better than being black"
>Be black
>Open Scandaniavian
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mfw when preferring to go second
It's settled, then. Fire up the fake twitters, /pol/.
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Meanwhile, in Saudi Arabia...

>mfw /pol/ failed to defeat the liberals on 5d chess

and they say they are intelligent
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fact is stranger than fiction!

>Be white
>Bypass french defense

are you able to defeat a globalist kike in a 1v1 chess game?
>seeing that chessboard
>instantly starting a game on https://en.lichess.org/
holy shit.
>Headmaster of Checkerton High School, Chek Mayt
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You can't make this shit up

Its sexist because women are allowed to compete against men on the tournaments and men dont ever let them win
>Queens on the wrong color.
Jesus Christ, they can't even get their shitty racist propaganda right.
Gg senpai i was SHAKING HOLY FUCK such a good game

gg i crumbled first under the pressure
M80 do you even follow GM tournaments? The fact that s draw is considered ok for black is the reason every fucking King's pawn game is a Berlin nowadays.

It's not enough to make up for a 200 point deficit, sure, but for similar levels white has better chances.

t. 1900 FIDE
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blunder of a lifetime
the elo system is oppressive and biased too.
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Chess is an example of enforcing patriarchal norms because whenever the Queen approaches the King he automatically assumes she’s “checking” him out and wants to “mate” with him.
btw, there's even an organization to promote chess in schools called . wait for it , CIS
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forgot link
>racist propaganda

baka nippon
if you were black how did you not see that coming?
not going first allows you to react
Kek lets make this happen

i saw that threatening his king to take the knight would result in white to take my pawn and gain an initiative

out of pure panic i moved the pawn forward
i was also low on time
>>>90716732 (OP)
>>tfw never played chess
>Is it fun? I've played checkers abunch of times
Yes. Make sure you pick up a book or visit some online learning environment in addition to playing games. The better you get, the more fun it is.
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About fucking time.
I got in his head, i made one blunder the whole game with losing a tempo on a queen move but other than that i made the kike crack with a bunch of neat forks. It was time pressure too and i guess he didnt want to play H3, i spent about 5-6 seconds thinking for the net if he pushed, he was a bit of a jumpy 1500 in endgame and i took advantage of it. His opening and mid game were very strong though.
>not picking up a free knight with Qc1+
>Traditional African games

Mancala is pretty fun, not gonna lie
Thankfully LOL
>Mfw knight was hanging for 3 turns :|
You're right, when I lived in Brooklyn I would play chess in the park and it was mostly old black men.

Who cares

Chess is a mudslime-poo game
Chess has literally been around longer than the religion of Islam

absolutely problematic
It does give you a small advantage.

Yep it was the designated street shitting sport.
How do I get good in Chess?

Be white.
play a lot
>being wrong on the internet
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be jewish
play a lot of games. don't worry too much about reading books aside from learning piece values and basic stuff like that.
I'm down to see this be a thing. Either they'll agree with it like idiots or they'll just get triggered that their beliefs are being shown to be the jokes they are.

We could even say shit like it was invented and sustained by ruling class white elites during the height of their power and shit like that
What happens when two whites are playing the game? Do they flip a coin?
wtf is this post
This game obviously has a progressive stack rule set on who goes first, so I'm interested in how it works. Do white males get to toss a coin or does their financial status decide who goes first?
btw anyone as any chess books for recommendations?

there cannot be 2 whites
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Well then lets make jews live in the same neighborhoods as blacks to bring their average IQ down to diversity/equality levels then.
when you go pro you're required to do a test like the one on ancestrydotcom to determine your whiteness
autism: the post
Can there be two Slavs? I want to try this game with my non-binary friends. Does that mean they go first?
I see, thank you.
>Retardation:The post
Fixed that for you Schlomo
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nobodys mentioned Bobby yet?
114 is pleb tier , kikes . Someone find me a cross .
Not seeing enough tweets here, faggots. i can't do this myself.
I audibly laughed. Not loudly, but a little air through the nose and slight smile. Nice one, Slovenia.
this is actually pretty good. do it plz. i work at a place FULL of SJWs and will gladly spread this around there
Leftists wouldn't want to outright ban chess, they would want to wither change the rules so whites don't always go first or just change the colors entirely. Dressed up in sterile academic language of course.
Not on average, dumbass.

>Doesn't understand how averages work
was he the messi of chess?
>mfw jews are the actual master race
Finally someone who recognizes the legend Bobby Fischer!
You're welcome, United states of Mexico.

moderate to large kek
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>Be me, shit hot bad motherfucker.
>Playing against mom over the internet.
>Tell gf mercy is for the weak, Mom's gonna be crushed. etc.
>Type in the chat to mom, 'You don't play so good considering how much time you spend on here. Kiss your knight goodbye!'
>Remove horsey
>Mom replies, 'Maybe if spent more time thinking instead of talking shit in the chat, you wouldn't be kissing your queen goodbye in two moves.
>Mfw judgement day was inevitable.

his anti-semetism really ruined his life
kinda sad about him
Play against a computer
Money is not always in bank but most of it is.

Some people have some money too but number change with person.

Thats your arguement you fucking Greek. Fucking explains everything.

Vs me on lichess if you disagree.
The brown eyed one goes last
#banchess is right. Not only is it racist but it is a game to oppress the less intelligent people.
Wasn't there on SJW blog on Tumblr unironically arguing that "intelligent privilege" is a thing? Does anyone still have the link?
it's remarkable how jewish is accent and flow of speech sounds while he says all this shit lol
Very low, it's so stupid it might be funny enough to RT, but otherwise no
>starting with tempo isn't an advantage

wew lad.
He was jewish, the self hating kind
Play with a lot and ideally with a stronger friend, the academy of Josh Waitzkin in Chessmaster was pretty fun and useful to me too
>TFW a perfect game is a tie in chess
Bobby Fisher RIP in pawns
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If you wanted to get it moving "#banchess" is the least creative and least catchy thing you could come up with. I'm not claiming #Checkhate (instead of checkmate) would be any better, but my point is that, if it's not catchy, and doesn't roll off the tongue, like #Brexit or #GamerGate etc, it's not gonna go anywhere.
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