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>le french always surrender meme >le french cowards meme

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>le french always surrender meme
>le french cowards meme
>le french can’t win wars meme

Wars won by france: 117
Lost: 71
Draws: 1

That gives us a 61.9% success rate.

>le Napoleon meme.

With Napoleon wars included we get a success rate of 61.9%, without Napoleon it’s 62.7%. Napoleon was a military genius who won many wars but he also lost many wars, and ultimately was beaten and thrown out of power at the end.

Compared with Italy’s 61.3% success rate and Austria's 50% success.

/POL/ GTFO. FRANCE IS THE WHITE RACES ONLY HOPE. Marion Le Pen will unite the last bastions of white nationalism into a final stand against the brown hordes, I expect each and every one of you to volunteer as a foreign fighter as this is your duty as a /pol/ user. The US won’t do shit, the vatican won’t do shit, the slavs won’t do shit, BET ON FRANCE


>Australian flag
This is some advanced shitposting
People still try to bully France about being surrender monkeys in those parts? Whenever I see France get bullied i't rather have to do with their big amount of Muslims or something like that, not about them being surrender monkeys. But that's maybe just me?
When people want to bully someone for sucking at war they seem to aim at Italy.
Just out of curiosity do you know the success rate when led by Joanne De Arc? I heard she commanded like she knew what the enemy was thinking.

its not mate

britain and the slav nations are

only person who can save france is le pen and sarkozy
France fucked us pretty good but in return the guacabowle became a michelin awarded dish.
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I thought it would be our average butthurt french poster but not even.

Please help us.
You killed Jeb with your guac too
France started loosing wars as soon as Switzerland stop sending mercenaries.

As simple as that.

You are still cool France... just a bit useless.
Major wars won by France in the last 100 years: 0
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>and sarkozy
>save france
Hey fellow franchies check this site

>check every option in quartier.

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>Quartiers Cucs

Anyway, it's Paris and cities near, it's not France anymore.
>Italy’s 61.3% success rate
>Compared with Italy’s 61.3% success rate and Austria's 50% success.
Get fucked Austria, you will never see south tyrol again
French no go zones ?
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>living in a town
kek, who /countrysideandcomfy/ here?
Yes every official ones, but you can have shitskin in other area as well.
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French can't fight for shit tbqh
I'm from Orléans, the map is a bit outdated, since most of our sandniggers are gradually sent to Paris since the 2005 riots.

French hatred is stupid. We put aside our dumb tribalist shit when something threatens all of us.
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> australia's 50%
> won Boer, WWI, WWII, Korean, Iraq wars
> lost Vietnam and Afghanistan

More like a 70% success rate m80.
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The only reason the surrender meme became gay is because it got too mainstream for 4chan and normies started using it.

Not because it's not true.
Major battles won by Ottomans: 522
Lost: 103
Draws/Indecisive: 91

That gives us a much fucking better percentage rate.

But somehow slavshits and austrians think they were anywhere CLOSE to us.

Learn to live with ignorance best (renaissance) ally. We know you were good.

French stats are about wars not battles.
In the real world, stats don't mean shit.

Different wars are weighted differently and result in different levels of world dominance.
wars are a relative concept

battles is what matters

we trashed french, english, anzac in gallipoli, we were outnumbered 3:1, ataturk pulled through

we lost the war, but the battle is Legend.

You guys won WWII, but look at your rep from WWII

Battles is the true clutch stat
for instance you only had to win the 7 years war to be powerful. and it's not even like you won it, more like sea storms didn't screw your fleet.
6,9% immigrants in my neighbourhood, 9,7% in my city.
Also I'm sure that half of them are portuguese.
>battles is what matters

Oh boy
shut up anglo rat

we know how you had an (((empire))) and a great (((warrior))) tradition

fuck off and have gurkhas and anzacs die for your colonies your worthless cowards
>lose all battles
>win 1 decisive battle that wins the war
>lost the war

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>you only had to win the 7 years war to be powerful

shut up turk roach

we know how you had an (((empire))) and a great (((warrior))) tradition

fuck off and have gurkhas and roaches die for your colonies your worthless cowards
If you say so...
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>shut up anglo rat

we know how you had an (((empire))) and a great (((warrior))) tradition

fuck off and have gurkhas and anzacs die for your colonies your worthless cowards
I believe the numbers he used was only against other major European countries, your battles against disunited tribes are worthless.
Not really, if you look at that list, we won way more after Marignan.
I've never met a nice Turkish person, in my entire life. Just saying. You may continue being unpleasant now.
reputation = glory

not the result

thats why Germans get huge rep for WWII, and we get huge rep for WWI Turkish front

etc. etc. etc.

War = Relationship
Battle = Defining fuck you had during that relationship

Remember that, beta nations.
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>we were outnumbered 3:1
pic related, roach math.
>Battles is the true clutch stat
Nope, it is the ability to recover from a lost.
>we get huge rep
>Turkish people are really this deluded
Italy has a victory in the same proportions as the French...I'm finally proud
>they dismantle your empires three times
>destroy generations of good german gene stock
>manipulate everything to ruin your society into brown dick worship
>german cuck still adores anglo rats

You guys are hopeless cases, I give up.

We should have stuck with the 250 year French alliance instead of jumping to Prussians right after Crimea.
Then you knoew everything about Hannut, Dunkerke and Bir-Hakeim, right ?

Yes, those are battles.

prove wrong.
Italy or the Italian states ? Because im finding it hard to believe they have those stats.
the current France is not the traditionalist France of old, it is a post revolutionary shithole so victories for France start post revolution which is a dogshit record
>Ottoman reputation
>seem to aim at Italy.
Spoken like a true weeb.
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it's reached critical mass
>We folded like a wet paper towel in the last two major conflicts

>But we don't deserve a reputation as surrender monkeys because we killed a bunch of people 500 years ago

I would explain it to you but it would take long

let me summarize:

three bays at galliopli

ataturk defended ANZAC cove / ariburnu

he made judgement call to reinforce that point, feeling something was amiss.

french / brit/ anzac landing happens there en masse

before ataturk decides to defend it to the last man, it was outnumbered 1:3. Even when he reinforced it it was 2:3

Wikipedia numbers reflect total numbers for the front. Most of them are wrong anyways
>prove wrong.
Burden of Proof is on yourself brother.

Your original statement is patently absurd. countless factors over huge timespans go into whether or not a civilisation is successful.
I'm following a lecture atm, so I'll be brief:
First WW = 7YW
7YW = Brit Victory
Brit Victory = French fleet destroyed by 3 storms
French losses = colonies
British power = colonies

You're welcome
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>they dismantle your empires three times
>destroy generations of good german gene stock
>manipulate everything to ruin your society into brown dick worship
>german cuck still adores anglo rats

>You guys are hopeless cases, I give up.

>We should have stuck with the 250 year French alliance instead of jumping to Prussians right after Crimea.
>be a great power for 500 years + 100 as secondary power
>conquer 3 metropolises
>greatest mass annexation of territory since genghis
>literally 32 european countries unite to defeat you barely at lepanto
>11 at vienna I
>14 at vienna II
>fight russia, persia, austria nonstop for 300 years without losing territory until baroque era
>some shitty cuck sinking country who can't even avenge 340 rocketed air passenger civilians from slavshits makes fun of you

>Pushing the narrative this much
You can say all you want about WW2, you have to be borderline autistic or a huge wehraboo (which are close to being the same thing) to consider WW1 a loss for France.
You're brief because your argument that the entirety of the British Empires success is due to pure luck is rubbish and doesn't stand up to scrutiny.
conquering nigger / abo / poo territory then calling yourself an "empire" doesn't really cut it, anglo rat

you were mediocre at best on land
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>you have to be borderline autistic or a huge wehraboo (which are close to being the same thing) to consider WW1 a loss for France.
You're retarded enough to believe a mere 10 words statement if exclusive when a 10 billion words book could not be. How's the gene pool today?
With the first Ethiopean war and the Vlora war, I wouldnt think their record would be so positive.
historically, britain is like those counter-strike players who load up very easy bots, and then use aimbots to kill them and rack up a killscore

then call themselves e-sports pros

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>>fight russia, persia, austria nonstop for 300 years without losing territory until baroque era

Remember when Britain and France defended you at Crimea, to prevent Russia getting power in the middle east, you were only powerful because Britain wanted you to be powerful.
>Literally the only country in the world that lost a war to Poland
embarassing desu
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We're a fucking island you spacker, of course most of our force projection was at sea.

Conquering "niggers, abo's and poos" meant competing with the rest of the world, including the Great Powers of the time.
that sentence should have ended with (at the last 10th of your empire's lifespan)

while we were soloing coalitions of europe at Mohacs, your fat ass king was beheading his wives because his tiny balls couldn't create a male heir
Stay mad nigga.
>US has a 95% w/l ratio

Suck our dicks.

And before you go "muh vietnam", we could've and absolutely should have bombed all the gooks. You're either North or South. If you're on the wrong side for some reason, you're gettin bombed.
Ottoman Turks began as a territory smaller than modern Leicester.

They grew to 22,000% of their territory

chew on that, ISLAND NATION

Battle of Vienna should instantly disqualify turkshits

Most embarrassing defeat that led to the downfall of the ottoman empire


I-I surrender pls don't bully!
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>britain is like those counter-strike players who load up very easy bots
>constantly battling france and spain

I liked when you conquered the superpower that is Serbia.

I said Austria not Australia, read more carefully
You forgot the Emu war.
The Ottoman empire would be my favourite, but it was a Muslim state... So I'd rather choose Russia as the best empire ever.
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nice b8 m8
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Jealousy breeds hatred.
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Daily reminder that Turkey is only still around because Russia allows it.
>They grew to 22,000%
just like muh dick
>Lost: 71

That's an awful lot of surrendering.
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>we trashed french

You asked for it Achmed al turki
Someone try invading Straya
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Nice proxy Benoit

wow you are smart and educated
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don't make me pull out Cezzar's win vs. Napoleon.

The only general who BTFO Napoleon on equal footing was a Turk.

But let's not digress.
Thats called 1000 years of war against other major powers.
You never managed to get past us tho ;^)
You still pay a shit ton of taxes for a government that only claims to offer "stability"
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> give the poles a nation when no other country in the world supported it
> 200 years later, get shit because you didn't annex nazi germany to save their asses against said germany + USSR
> they like england more

You forgot to turn your proxy on ausbro

0/10 bantz
turks are the master race :3

braise khan
>battles is what matters
No wonder why arabs are shit at wars
Wars ultimately killed us, too many french died in the field. France today is but a shell of what it was more than a century ago

Though Napoleon III also had a huge part in our demise by helping german (and italian) reunification. There was no way to compete against the eternal Kraut, Richelieu understood that
>Thats called 1000 years of war against other major powers.

Whatever you say Pierre
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This one ? Not really that impressive. Mount Tabor was 1 to 9
I would say Ottoman Croatia but I don't have the energy today
Yes Ragusa was too stronk for Turks
french people were probably among the worst colonizers; their subjects hated them so much that they'd rather turn into independent shitholes like saint-domingue than stay with france and its bullshit notions of national 'fraternity, equality, and liberty'

those french colors have only ever stood for french people; british, germans and americans have done more to promote equality between all races than france ever did.

the world wars were a great purge of french folk
this was napoleon at his prime

I'm not saying Cezzar was as good as Napoleon, he's the only one who BTFO on equal numbers.

Our only Napoleon tier generals are:
Subutai (Tuvan Turk)
Alp Arslan (Oghuz Turk)

Keep in mind, that is the GODLIKE generals tier, all stats maxed

Even Friedrich Grosse doesn't make it to Napoleon tier
>founded the Cape colony
>Monopolised certain spices in the East
>Monopolised trade with Japan
>Founded New Amsterdam (later Jew York)
>invented microscope
>sank the English fleet at Chatham
>nicked the Spanish treasure fleet
>bankrupted Spain twice
>BTFO the ocean every day

>have to be lectured by a roach who never invented anything, never hypothesised anything, never developed anything, never colonised anything, hasn't been able to stand on its own feet for 3,5 centuries now and is descending into further Islamic regression on historical reputation and what defines it

Suck your wife's rotten puss juice pls.
>french people were probably among the worst colonizers; their subjects hated them so much that they'd rather turn into independent shitholes
t. ex british colony
EVERY single greentext made me laugh



>blames shit that happened100 years ago on current shitty state

Yah, that's one way to passively accept your authoritarian government that runs every aspect of your lives. Fucking French are so docile and accepting of whatever shit their government piles on them.





You never developed effective leibensraum arian friend
ahahah what a piece of shit. This was Napoleon before his prime (he was sent to Egypt to die before he could become a dictator), with an army without supply after Aboukir's bay, without ammo for the guns, that had walked through the desert and suffered a black plague epidemia. Getting St Joan of Acre was key for Napoleon to return to France (((through))) Turkey cuz he had no fleet to get home. Also, the defense was organized by Sidney Smith, a British Naval officer trained in .... France.

tl;dr fuck off, roach
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France vs the rest of the World




Stop being so butthurt roach. Does you shit skin motivate you to actlike shit.
I'm not talking about our current state of affair, I'm talking about our military power and great power status that we lost.
Of course Napoleon III fuck ups had no direct consequences to us submerging ourselves with muslims



The wars of that time really showed how oudated the Ottoman army was, they still relied too heavily on cavalry, thats why you got clapped so heavily during the invasion. But we were arrogant and lost too much time and ressources in the Levant. Also I would say Napoleon's prime was the years following the 1800s not before.
>british, germans and americans
Genocidal war machines. Death is the great equaliser so in a way, you are right. That said, genocide was the way to go.
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>50% white

Sort that out first


***in whispers***

they bankrupted Spain TWICE
Napoleon III really helped France develop industrially and modernize the entire country a lot. He just wanted to be as great as his uncle and wasnt patient enough. We could have attacked the Prussians 2 years later and have a completely different result.
Surely we did something useful to the southern provinces currently known as the non-country that is Belgium?

You're right though, we could have gone without selling our American colony for Suriname in a peace deal.
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>Ottoman Croatia
Yeah you did conquer most of Croatia, but never managed to get through the green part on pic, which was reason you couldnt conquer rest of europe.

You have to admit Lotr shit N. Šubić Zrinski pulled at Battle of Siget was of epic proportions.
>described as the battle that saved civilization
man I had a good time

I fucking love belgians and dutch who assume true alpha warrior cultures will lap up their bullshit about being "militarily glorious nations".

stfu nicolas
Australians making a good thread.
What a time to be alive :3

Todays T*rks are considered to be such scum that they are used as political weapons. The prospect of getting T*rkish migrants is so undesireable that Western countries will do anything to keep you invading creeps in your shitty country.

Everybody fucking hates T*rkey you deluded roach. You "people" literally make me want to vomit. And I'm not alone to think this of you.

Excuse me, I have to go wash myself because i just degraded myself to actually say something to a T*rk. Fucking disgusting filth, you should be burned alive and have your throat slit
We tolerate faggotry buy you morons invented it.
buttroaches fuck off
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one nothing wrong with me
Yeah he was based on domestical policies but abysmal on diplomacy, Bismarck was miles and miles ahead of him.
He was also a pussy who talk big but refuse to do anything to back it up, except for mexico where he failed
aussies have shitposting in their genes
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You only won this one because Poland was on your side.
>bragging about a rateo similar to italy
LMAO ook
True alphas would wreck me for spouting bullshit out of your wife's syphillic cunt with the most overpowered pump in the world.

They certainly wouldn't make a reply for every single line of greentext, it isn't worth their time. Alpha time is precious.
nobody cares what you think

you might be a danish nobody, as historically you are totally redundant,

or you might be a k*rd monkey immigrant there, shilling and shitting up the place

either case, you are historically zero.

last time Danes were ever relevant, they were living in mud huts.
We cant thank the polish enough for helping us, 10% of the Grande Armée was polish.
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>Europeans, always fighting and arguing amongst ourselves.
>threat from outside
>unite and defeat it
>continue fighting and arguing amongst ourselves.
Glorious :^)
>brits siding with worthless scums

the eternal anglo !
never underestimate how many men it takes to unplug 90% of the Grand Armée's toilets
The white flag is associated with france because where ever they went the opposing forces would surrender and show a white flag. For a short period the French did use the plain white flag going into battle, and it must have been glorious.
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Franks = Frogs = Kek = Kaiser Karling

Deus Vult
It's Marine Le Pen not Marion. Also good post for an Australian
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>the slavs won’t do shit
>Implying russkies won't wipe floor with western pussies once USA goes to shitter
>TFW Poland is on the way
>Save Francis Valois 8 times
>Suleiman sends 200,000 men and 180 galleons to battle Austria for 20 months to have Habsburgs release Francis from containment strategy
>Turks die to hold the French Kingdom standing vs. English, Spanish and Austrians
>Some cultureless cunt calls us names.

Life is unfair.
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Daily reminder that France is England's rightful clay.

The English kings are the true kings of France.

Anglo-French union when?

United we can destroy the German teuton once and for all.

Daily reminder that if Henry V didn't die prematurely then England and France would have been under personal union.

United Kingdom of Great Britain, Ireland, and France, When?
Our contribution to the progress of science on a global level is far beyond what can be expected of such a small nation. Yet, while Turkey has 16x the population of Denmark, our total scentific advances far exceeds your total.

Turkey hasn't contributed with anything that is relevant today. You're a shitstain in history - a very visible shitstain, I grant you, but one that everybody would prefer had not been there.

Your contribution to the world starts and ends with misery, genocide and war. You are a menace to humanity and it is beyond me how you as a people are unable to see this.
sorry can't spend 0.12 calories to read a historically irrelevant nation's post

maybe some other person will
yeah eat shit roach
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You're clearly hurting Mehmet.

Even the Ottoman empire gave nothing to the world, which is quite the feat.

Absolutely nothing.
>middle north American flag
100% algerian arab subhuman confirmed
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I'll repeat myself, cuckthroat

Turkey is a shitstain in the history books. A very visible shitstain, but a shitstain nonetheless.

You take pride in your historical contribution, but you have contributed with nothing but evil and misery to the world. You take pride in the fact that you have existed, but ignore the fact that the world would be better off without your existence.

Even in your golden days you accomplished nothing else but slightly separating yourself from conservative islamism. And you didn't even succeed as you have today regressed back into your old, Arab ways.
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>Anything but cucked
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This thread made me hate turks even more.
>tag literally boipucci

fitting for grandchildren of fertilizer corpses at anzac cove
Of there's one quality to them it's that they make it really easy to hate them.
looks like we exhausted the roach, time to end this

someone step on it
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Your ilk aren't welcome into Europe.

pic related filthy T*rkroachsmell..
the irrelevant dane is still so fucking buttmad its delicious to watch him squirm

keep replying historical nobody
France is just a muslim and afrinigger hellhole.
Dude. Le French surrender was a meme even before 4chan came into existence.
What the fuck are you talking about.
>61.9% success rate
If an airline only landed 61.9% of its planes without crashing I wouldn't be flying with them
fucking kill yourself you disgusting Turk.

Which one is it, safe lad?
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Napoleon was not short
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Thought I was gaining respect for turks too, loved reading about they're military exploits and shit.

You've broken that respect now, roach
Nelson was 5'1.
In Cambodia, today, he would have been a giant, surely. Regardless if its 5'2" or 5'7"

I gave your country $5 once and it was a fucking waste and I immediately regretted it.
If your country fought against the nazis you are officially cucked it's that easy
As if fucktard turkroaches could have accomplished this.
Napoleon was the last real Frenchman

You're all just effeminate cheese fuckers
the young boy you paid for wasn't to your liking?
Subutai? genghis' Mongolian general???
true enough

That's a D- here
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Turkshit talking about glory.
We came to end your shitsmelly empire twice.
And you begget for that anglo cuck to save you up.
Shut the fuck up trash. This thread is about surrender frogs maymay.
If the only feat of my army was to die en masse in some turkish shithole I'd get the hell out of my country
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At least Portuguese people don't create no go zones nor chimpout.
Even so I prefer that Portuguese people stays in Portugal.
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Russian Empire and Turks.png
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OK then, 117 victories against other European countries.
He didn't insult you. Portuguese people are good people, don't worry.
Who here /100%/?
99.9%> need not apply.
71 losses still
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>muh ottoman empire

Pic related, how the turkish army reacted while facing a bunch of angry grandmas throwing rotten potatoes
I saw that video this morning too desu. French are still smelly cunts.
Based Ameribro
Fucking aussies don't know the word "respect"
Yeah ? Best record of any other country on Earth.
lol every single fucking thing he said was true and 100% accurate and all you can do is repeat it with meme arrows.
>fighting unorganized sandniggers /Vietnamese farmers/Korean peasants / extremely exhausted German troops
>we wuz winnerz and sheet now where is my burger?
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>Tfw Russia still has a larger Muslim population
He was a Slavic christian Slave from Bosnia
Every one of your generals in the Ottoman Empire was mixed
Barbarossa for example was half-Greek
>Vietnam was a win, I swear !
Wars won by Canada: 14
Frenchies BTFO: 1
Lost: 0
Joined late: 0
Draws: 1

Lose ratio: 0%
> their subjects hated them so much that they'd rather turn into independent shitholes

Honestly, I don't expect slaves to love their masters.

A mistake.

Kingdom was glorious

Kingdom of France is my (ded ;_;) countryfu
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>mfw only country here that hasn't lost any wars
Sarkozy said that race mixing was the future of France
He's just trying to get some FN votes
Marine is not enough anyway, I'm more of an Action Française guy tbqh
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>colonize muslims

>muslims colonize you
>that flag
Hahahaha! We fought those groups yes, but why did it take so long if those groups were so feeble. Any idiot with half a brain would have surrendered if they knew they didn't stand a chance. They had the numbers, we had the technology.
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>tfw waiting for france to be great again
congratulations on your military prouesse against eskimos
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the white flag is associated with france because they had a gold on white flag for centuries. many times they would fly a plain white flag into battle.
>frenchie education

We mobilzed 1,000,000 soldiers in WWI and WWII out of a population of 8-10,000,000.
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I like the French. (reluctantly)
They have similar arrogance levels to us Brits.
Their food is shit, though.
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You sure about that, burgerbro?

It seems that you're losing the fight against degeneracy
Mexican American war
you are on the other side of the world, it's easier when you have backward clowns as neighbors instead of england, spain and germany
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>France has probably contributed more to the military than any other nation in history

Feels good being a nation of WARRIORS
we were a dominion of the british empire until 1982
>Not a win
I'm willing to call Vietnam a draw. It was closer to our win then a loss.
so you won nothing then
>le french can’t win wars meme
I've heard of the surrender and coward ones but I've never (ever) heard of this meme, and yet it's the one that best relates to the war record that you posted immediately after.
Just like the war of 1812 was a loss. If you invade someone and get the shit beaten out of you by women/old men or in the case of vietnam little brown men with bolt action rifles it's a loss. Did vietnam have to burn down the whitehouse like the British Empire to win the war in your eyes?
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Even our women BTFOed englishmen.
The British Empire crushed the French and won virtually every war it was apart of. When I was born I was part of the British Empire.
Apart from the fact that you failed to achieve your objectives and the enemy achieved theirs?

I guess you're one of these people who thing the kill/death ratio matters? In which case Germany won both world wars, right?
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*cough* cuck *cough*
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2bh it's about time for a third occupation of France.
yes you wuz, but you are not anymore
Canada therefore has not won shit
Yup Amerians invaded us while our men were off kicking Napoleon's ass and our women and kids beat them back over the border. The Empire boys even torched the cuck house on the way home and they still won't admit they got absolutely btfo'd. I hope they try again some day.
Every single Quebec judge, lawyer, police, military, etc. is forced to swear an oath to a British Queen. We absolutely won. Largely liberated the netherlands in 1945 as well.
Remember we beat the French so bad that the colonizers rioted in both wars when we tried to conscript them to fight for their mother country.


>Frenchies BTFO: 1

wow, 42 000 bongs vs 10 000 frogs, what a glorious victory
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You have to be an idiot to not acknowledge France's history/accomplishments. It's the fact that you look on France's past and wonder what's going on. The country was a continental power for centuries, and during the 20th century it steadily started to collapse, the same can be said about most European powers at the time(England,Germany, etc.)
Historically it seems natural, nations rise and fall.
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>Trying so desperately hard to be British
>The only notable thing done by either side was burn the white house down
The US objective was to defend their land, not take Canada's. In the end, it was ultimately a stalemate. Neither side won anything of real value but Canadians will always say, "WE BURNNED DAWN THE WITEHOUZE!"

As a whole, the US was only there to help turn the tide. Their involvement was a mistake from to say the least, but that's just opinion. The entire thing wouldn't have even lasted as long as it did if it weren't for the US. We didn't win, but we didn't lose.
Henry V was French.
It started to collapsed in the XIXth and was utterly BTFO after WW1
We flew the Union Flag above our parliament until 1965. We didn't abandon the UK it abandonded us and looked towards Europe. The continent had better access to diplomacy, trade and investment than we did. It wasn't our choice and we never adopted a seperate flag we were literally an extension of the UK.
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We were British North America. Literally. We didn't become independent until 1982 which is after I and 83% of Canadians alive today were born. We were much closer to the UK than you or NZ.

M8 you're on the same boat as us, youre Canadian not British.

Have some fucking national pride and not piggy back off others.
Kek I did not know this. Nice job for once. Now kill that PM of yours.
I guess you can consider the deafeat of the French on the Franco Prussian war the starting point.
It should have been much more casualties but the French always give up early. Try assaulting a fortified position and going 1:1 casualty you idiot. I can show 20 battles for every 1 you can.
>w-we won the canado(lol)-french rivalry because our ancestors defeated outnumbered French and Québécois don't want to defend those who abandoned them, hahaha...!!!
Our PM is from Quebec and got 39% of the vote after 10 years of Anglo conservative rule. Most people conviently forget or don't know this.
Some outnumbered sandfrenchies humiliated you, that's it.

Don't cry, at least you won the war.
You got spanked and you know it. I watch another round of Frenchies swear an oath to her majesty every single month.
What is Vietnam?
America went into Vietnam to stop it and surrounding countries from falling to communism.

When they left it was because the situation was hopeless, with Vietnam and the surrounding countries falling to communism.

The USA had one strategic objective, which was abandoned because the USA couldn't achieve it and ultimately what transpired was the antithesis of that objective.

How can you honestly chalk that up as anything but a loss?

America (along with the UK) also lost their war in Russia. We were part of a coalition that attempted to prop up the Tsar during in the red revolution and we got completely BTFO.
the starting point was german reunification, it effectively prevented us to expend in central europe. It was a french policy to keep the germans divided since Richelieu

Us getting btfo was just the confirmation that we weren't the top dogs anymore
>>Literally the only country in the world that lost a war to Poland
>checks flag
Yeah 4 to 1 and we still were able to do way more damage than the Brits.

Look, it's a slav.
They can't live without their British identity, they think they represent the anglosphere, the anglo community, and since they "dominate" some frenchies...

At least, Australians have a sort of culture, identity, you're the cute laid back shitposters, Canadians are just Americans who are better at hockey than actual Americans.
I don't give two fucks about your German queen, she will probably die tomorrow or in 2-3 years.
Yup and all the Frenchies will swear an oath to her heirs or they will be barred from entering public service. Absolutely subjugated. Get rekt.
>tfw out of all wars we have fought in our 99 years of independence, we have lost 2 out 4 but basically won every war in body counts
I don't know how to feel about this

So true, they so desperately try to cling to their dead empire.

Atleast we gave up on this shitty little empire that once was.
I've been to Paris I know that French culture is a meme and doesn't exist. Everyone else obsesses over Canadian culture or lack thereof but Anglo-Canadians are too busy getting rich, subjugating french men and fucking their women to sit around and philosophize about """"culture"""".

Regardless 4/10 of the billboard top ten are Canadians and the top two grossing films last year were filmed in Canada and had Canadian leads.
>all the Frenchies

errr...no, I won't.

>get rekt

Hell, that's just so cringeworthy, Canada, stop
See this >>90734379

Particularly this part.
>Regardless 4/10 of the billboard top ten are Canadians and the top two grossing films last year were filmed in Canada and had Canadian leads.


I don't care about the Islamic city of Paris.

>too busy getting rich, subjugating french men and fucking their women to sit

More like saying "sorry", giving them money and crying so they can stay.
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>There is someone somewhere in Turkey that is proud of his joke of a country.
Support for independence is higher outside of Quebec than inside. This fact says it all really. They even rioted during both wars because they wouldn't fight for your failed ass state. They now worship an Anglo Queen. Absolutely BTFO'd.
Please tell me how did you count 4 wars. Winter war was neither a victory or defeat. Soviet union couldnt achieve their goal of invading finland but we had to sign a bitter peace treaty. We lost the continuation war i agree. And of course we won the war of Lapland

It used to be a cool thing
Hey man just keep buying our culture. Australians love our music and movies more than even the Americans fully half of your top eight best selling artists this year are Canadian.
Feminist myth. She was a cheerleader.
You're good at killing shit but your enemy has more serfs than you have bullets. It's a Scandinavian problem. You do the best with what few men you have, but lose (or even struggle) in a single battle and Ivan is gonna roll over you, because for every hundred gopniks you kill, another ten thousand are conscripted.
>He actually thinks our royal family aren't immortal space aliens

France, you should know better
>4 wars
Why would you count the civil war as a victory for Finland?
Civil war, Winter war, continuation war, Lapland war
>lose parts of our country
>not defeat
Back to school with you
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>failed ass state
>from Canada

Literally all your culture is just stolen from USA, apart from Maple Syrup and Hockey.

Fuck off Maple Nigger, youll never be British
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>tfw ours wasn't
Our average wage is more than twice yours. Your taxes are nearly twice as high. You are almost more muslim than all other western countries combined. You are a failed state.
Technically it was a defeat for the Soviets. Stalin wanted to annex the entirety of Finland, not just take small parts of it.
>French rifle for sale

>never fired
>dropped once
>all other western countries combined

Your post is pure shit. That only applies to us finns. You cowards have never fought a war in your own soil against russians. You used us finns and european mercenaries for your wars most of the times during swedish Empires peak. Dont pretend you have a heroic history.
Even during winter war you cowards were the reason for not letting Britain aid us. Britain offered us help but you didnt let them pass trough. Fuck you. If we werent so lucky in the winter war we would have been invaded by soviets becouse of you.
>Fuck off Maple Nigger, youll never be British
I have dual citizenship as do most people born before 1982. I am a British subject and I can vote in British elections. Keep obsessing and buying our culture because god knows we don't give a shit about it. I didn't even touch on our video games which per capita we absolutely smash everyone else out of the park and beat everyone but the USA in absolute numbers sold.
Why would you count civil war a victory for Finland. It was an internal conflict.
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hi stoner

Atleast France actually has a history and culture, yours is so shit you have to try piggy back off England.

Golly gosh, you can vote! You're just as British as the Somalis and Turks who live in Britain then!
Still, the French historically had the best army in Europe until the Germans unified.

Win battles but lose wars. Awesome idea.

Mudslime intellect, people.
We consider Indians more British than Canadians.

Fuck off leaf and go do something yourself rather than sitting on our coat tails.
You're so jealous it's almost cute. What has your prison colony produced? Marmite?
I already said this the UK looked towards Europe abandoned her colonies that sacrificed hundreds of thousands only a few decades before. If Canada still had it our way we wouldn't have became independent in 1982 and your GDP per capita would be 30% higher.
>compare a battle with a siege where he had the support of britain and napoleon no artillery and pest

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France will always be bro teir to the USA. They were instrumental in our seperation from Britian. Ill always support my french bros. Some people in the US still remember.
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i liek u 2

Jealous of fucking what? Jealous of your cuck feminist president and Sweden-tier immigration policy? At least we are actually treated as an actual nation and not just as Americas hat.
Let's also be honest the fact that your ancestors didn't take advantage of the largest empire history says all you need to know about your genetics.
Didn't you cucks just ban mean speech? Your rate of third world immigration is even higher than ours.
Also our PM is French. He's from Quebec. He got 39% of the vote only after 10 years of Anglo-Neocon rule. His father was one of our longest serving Prime Ministers and he didn't promise any of his feminist globalist shit he promised dudeweed and free money for martimers and Quebec.

While we burn migrant centers(link related), you, you bitch like the good the good toilet cleaners you are, you can't burn even them because you're gutless(second link related), and even anglos beat you and make you their slaves this is a proof.


They're not French and you're not English or British, Québécois are Québécois and you're Canadians.

Have some dignity, damn
>french education
I already made it clear that as I was born before 1982 I am a British subject. I have a dual citizenship as does everyone else my age that filed the paperwork.

Quebecois are not French because we beat their asses into the ground and subjugated them. Quebecers aren't allowed in the civil service unless they swear an oath to her majesty the British Queen and our head of state.
We actually did. And tossed them back over the border or into the Baltic every time.

And regardless, my point still stands. We did the best with what we had. The soldiers during The Great Northern War were more or less exclusively made up of Swedes and Finns. We dominated the war and crushed the entire Russian military in one battle, forced the Danes to sue for peace, and pushed the Polish king off his throne and installed a puppet king. This was done with a single army of around 20 000 - 30 000 men. If Karl had made peace back then we would have retained the Baltic. But he was a moralist who felt slighted and sought to crush Russia as he had done Poland. And the rest is history. We lost one battle, and with it the entire war. Simply because Russia had the means to replenish a lost army very easily while we didn't.
The majority of this country is ethnically British as well. There are more Scots here than any other ethnic group and we weren't a third rate prison colony like poor ass overtaxed Australia either.
Québécois isn't an ethnicity, their ancestors and blood are french, therefore they're french, same goes for the canadians, their ancestors and blood are british, therefore they're british.
source stp
Regarde ici.
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You may be dumb americans but I've never met friendlier people than americans.
God bless you and the US
>muh we kicked their asses

They humiliated you.
Funny coming from the most castrated country of an already castrated anglosphere.
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