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Huffington Post: Muslims Are the True Feminists

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>As American women, many of us have an idea of what feminists are; freelancing women with all the sexual freedom in the world. But this is exactly the problem with American feminism; it is all about sex and the liberation of our bodies. Certainly, things like abortion and contraception is a part of that freedom, but in today’s society the fight has taken on a much different tone.

>Hip Feminist campaigns like Free the Nipple only encourage a gullible behavior of disrespect for our own bodies, leading to everyone else around us disrespecting our bodies as well. If we want to be respected as women and taken seriously in all our endeavors we should look to a new source; Muslim women. Muslim women, as well as Muslim men, see every body as a sacred temple, especially the female body. Opposed to exposing themselves, it is through modesty. When we think of modern feminists we should stray away from the new American trends and start looking to what we have always thought as a contradiction; Muslim feminists.

>Contrary to American popular belief, Islam has a culture and history of women empowerment. In the Qur’an, which is believed to be God’s word told to Prophet Muhammad, women and men are described as equals in everyday actions and responsibilities. When it comes to family, charity, children, sex, and much more, a man and a woman have the same duties and that is to continue on the straight path.

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well if u consider it u can sea it is not wrong!
So this is proof that the left-right political divide is not a straight line
But is instead a circle where the furthest of the extreme right is the furthest of the extreme left
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>Islam has a culture and history of women empowerment.
India will you be our ally in the war against the muslims ?
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>Muslim women, as well as Muslim men, see every body as a sacred temple, especially the female body.

Why do western women dont consider their body as a temple like Muslim women?
This is all true, but what does it have to do with feminism?
The truth behind liberalism is that it wishes to destroy western civilization. Whores are useful, whores will be promoted. Now towelheads seem more promising so the song too will change.
Poster on /pol/ : Why aren't her tender lips around my big willie right now?
if they're equal, why is a woman's testimony worth half a man's in court?

why must she get 4 male witnesses if she's raped?
>western women dont consider their body as a temple
It's true for fat women

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Feminism is taking Europe by storm.
-Women should be less promiscuous
-They shouldn't be murdered for not
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>So this is proof that the left-right political divide is not a straight line
>But is instead a circle where the furthest of the extreme right is the furthest of the extreme left

The split between left - right and authoritarian - libertarian is more useful, even if it's commonly used just to make people go "DUDE WEED I'M LIBERTARIAN NOW".

Authoritarians of the left and right have more in common, but it's all centred around their desire to use state control to control citizens, who are morally corrupt or inherently bad and must be restrained by the superior virtue of the state.

Most people do not think that though, especially today. They'd fall on the liberty side, wanting government to fuck off, especially on the topics of personal freedom, relationship freedom, reproductive freedom.

The utter irony being that the left that was anti-globalist are now corporate shills. They used to be "pro-woman" and are now ready to praise Islam and make women wear burkas. They used to be anti-religion.. but are now again praising Islam for the valuable teachings..

Point is; you might not be a direct ally to a libertarian or "classical" liberal, but all three of you are likely on the same side of the most important fights in this century.
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>this is all true

hello Ahmed
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The real question is; why did they use Muslims as the example and not these women? The exact same argument can be made.
very rare
shut up and wear your head rag or get raped . aloha snackbar
(((Why))) indeed pajeet
Are those.... CHRISTIANS???


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Just what kind of mental gymnastics a person has to do to say so much bullshit and believe every word of it?
I think with their sheer numbers, they would make great pawns as first waves to attack.
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Under Islam all women are truly equal. No woman is prettier, younger, thinner, sexier, etc than any other.


What is that?
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India has always been against radical muslims dont trust the canucks and burgers though. Canucks are literally cucks and burgers have long history of supporting muslims like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Qatar and other such terrorist nations.
The stupidity in that article forced thousands of my brain cells to commit suicide.
You should lookup horseshoe theory.
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Only last year there were a couple of girls raped in the winter garden's (some park in the city centre) by a shitskin. The cops actually came into my shop just after because apparently they stopped in here just before it happened and they wanted to see the CCTV footage.
fucking mouth-breathing inbreds
Because it would basically admit all the liberal shit they fought for in the last century against Christians was wrong.
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It's a minuscule island in middle of nowhere. Most of the world doesn't know it exists and one day it will be taken over by sea and it will cease to exist altogether
Kill yourself
Not true islam

Even laws straight from the koran is not true islam
>Muslims Are the True Feminists
Good, so I can beat them, marry 6 of them, force them to stay at home and be nothing but a baby cannon. Don't complain about it feminists.
>>why must she get 4 male witnesses if she's raped?

She only needs 4 witnesses if she wants to be tried for adultery and stoned to death. To get a rapist only 2 are required and it's not considered adultery.
It's an African country with Indian people and against all odds it's pretty nice.

Miracle country.
All kind of conservatism and modesty is the real feminism.

Don't you have some streets to shit on?
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>Not true islam
>The exact same argument can be made.

Because traditionally christian women are considered the property of the man and is not allowed to own anything not even their bodies. Christian women is the worst case scenario that spawned feminism in the first place.

I rather be taken over by the sea than being perpetually raped and invaded by muslims. Your shithole of a country is disintegrating day by day and you have the second highest population of muslims.

So fucking fuck off.

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the vaginal jew is entering levels of double-think not even possible
>war against the muslims
They have over 100 million muslims over there. If anything, they'll be fighting you, not the other way around.
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Both Christianity and Islam do this but the difference is Muslims beat their women if they try to rebel or rise up. Thats why feminism never happened in Islamic nations.

And Muslim women are not considered property of a man? It says so right in their Kuran

>Quran (4:34) - "Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded. As for those from whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and scourge them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them."

>Quran (33:59) - "Tell thy wives and thy daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them..." Men determine how women dress.

>Quran (33:33) - "And abide quietly in your homes..." Women are confined to their homes except when they have permission to go out.

>Quran (2:223) - "Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will." Wives are to be sexually available to their husbands in all ways at all times. They serve their husbands at his command. This verse is believed to refer to anal sex (see Bukhari 60:51), and was "revealed" when women complained to Muhammad about the practice. The phrase "when and how you will" means that they lost their case.

>Quran (66:5) - "Maybe, his Lord, if he divorce you, will give him in your place wives better than you, submissive, faithful, obedient, penitent, adorers, fasters, widows and virgins" A disobedient wife can be replaced.

Also, we are volcanic and our highest point is above 2 km above msl, so we are never fading away you fucking shitskin.

Indians casually hate muzzos try again, pajeet will drown them in shit
left wing loons eating their own tail again
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the left is eating itself. news at 3pm
Im coming there to rape u bby
newfags out
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Muslims are a lot like Feminists in the sense that they both think it matters to the cosmos in some special way when women show too much skin.
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She's not getting raped. That is from a Qur'an reading contest or something like that and she started crying after she fucked up.

That fucking nigger face
Giving women the right to vote is like giving a handgun to a 4 year old.
Sure, there's a chance nobody will get hurt but more than likely the kid will shoot himself or someone else.
No, women have always been allowed to work and own property in Islam. The man's job is to provide for the family so any money he earns belong to the family, but any that the women earns is hers alone and the man have no say in what she should do with her money. It's hers alone and she does not have to share with the rest of the family if she does not want to. The man still is required to provide food, necessities and so on no matter how rich the wife is.

While women are not at all allowed to own anything in christianity and in christianity a marriage is considered ONE economic entity where the women is expected to give up everything to the family. The man has every right over here which is not the case in islam.

Feminism have not happened because there is no will among the women. The women have always had the right to be completely anonymous and if a man touches her then the man is punished so they have always had much better oppurtunity to do feminist protest if they want to.

It does not say anywhere in the places you have quoted. Even if you are in charge of someone does not make them your property. Maybe in india you are the property of your boss or the property of your parents, but it's different in islam because there are many rights of women that men do not have, they are not property.
Butthurt muslim identified

Imagine if the HuffPo feminist pull that kind of stuff in tolerant Saudi Arabia. I would pay to watch the beheading
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Oh right gotcha and that woman in the ground is just having a fun day at the beach too right?
Funny how you Sandniggers always go on about how much you hate ISIS but you'll jump to defend them at the earliest oppurtunity.
do the ppl that write this shit actually believe it
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You don't need Islam to be modest.
I fucked a girl from your country a few weeks ago. She's ethnic Chinese. Very rare pussy indeed.
Men are in charge of women, according to the words of Muhammad and the Quran.

To this day, it is absolutely forbidden for a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim man, even though men are not under the same restriction as to their choice of marriage partners. This is is a consequence of the low status of a wife against that of her husband. A Muslim is not allowed to be subordinate to a non-Muslim, and, in Islam a wife is subordinate to her husband.

In her lifetime, a Muslim woman is never to be without the guardianship of a man, from her father to her husband to the male members of her family (in the event that she is widowed or divorced).
>While women are not at all allowed to own anything in christianity and in christianity a marriage is considered ONE economic entity where the women is expected to give up everything to the family. The man has every right over here which is not the case in islam.
You certainly know a whole lot about "Christianity" how about you show me where these doctrines are explained?
The author of this particular article does, she's been taught from birth to advocate Islam's world conquest.

But in general? It'd be comforting to say "No, they know it's bullshit and just do it for the money", but there's certainly a number who do. Or rather, they hold some lukewarm notion that they were told to believe this and that makes it something they should believe, but they're not really sure WHY it's good, only that people who disagree are racist sexist misogynist trans-homophobes.
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No it's not India, It's all muslim countries including Norway where this is followed and encouraged.

Stonings, honor killings, floggings and even the mutilation of female genitalia are sporadically employed in the Muslim world to keep women in their place.

According to a recent fatwa on the Muslim Matters website, "a Muslim woman should keep her home as the focus of her attention and activities, and make it the base of her affairs." Women are allowed to leave the house under certain conditions, such as medical emergency and religious observance. Islam also permits them to get a job "if there is no mahrum man providing for them", but it should be limited to certain occupations that only involve other women, such as catering, teaching, fashion, beautician or a variety of domestic positions.
India will be our ally in the war against toilets
>Islam has a culture and history of women empowerment. In the Qur’an, which is believed to be God’s word told to Prophet Muhammad, women and men are described as equals in everyday actions and responsibilities.
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Hello darkness, my friend
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Why do so many countries have the flag of my country in the top left corner?
I know it's about Empire and colonisation, but come on, people. It's the current year.
Make your own flags. Just throw some paint on a sheet or whatever.
overall the article is a good thing
You're a fucking retard if you think the Hindus and Sikhs in India support the Muslims. Nah, 99% of the Muslims in every major town live in a separate part of the town away from the rest of the community and there's a strong hate for them. If you goto one of these Muslim ghettos you literally feel like you're in Afghanistan. Will be easy to take them all out since they all live in the same area. Also the only reason India has that high of a Muslim population is because during the independence movement a lot of Muslims from modern day Pakistan fled into modern day India as they realized it was gonna be the bigger country in terms of land
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Nice try achmed...

>india used to have that pretty flag and they change it to an anus
Muslims are shape shifter and will say anything they need to say in order to bring the person they're talking to into the fold of Islam.

If you support freedom, they're gonna tell you that Islam is true freedom. If you're a feminist, they'll tell you Islam is true feminism. If you you worship "the redpill", they'll tell you Islam is the true redpill etc.

100% of a Muslims behavior can be explained by the fact that they want to increase the number of Muslims on any given territory. They'll say anything in order to make it happen.
Shit like that should be encouraged tbqh. Let all feminazis convert to Islam already and be done with it.
>Men are in charge of women, according to the words of Muhammad and the Quran.

Yes of course and someone who works as a store clerk is in charge of the till at the store, but he does not own anything in the store.

>To this day, it is absolutely forbidden for a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim man, even though men are not under the same restriction as to their choice of marriage partners.

Muslim men are not allowed to marry atheists, pagans or non-muslims who are not christians or jews either. Men and women have different rules because men and women are different.

A woman is not obligated to fight in war, but a man is for example.

>A Muslim is not allowed to be subordinate to a non-Muslim, and, in Islam a wife is subordinate to her husband.


I used to be christian which is why I know a lot. It is based on catholic dogma but protestants adopted it to a large degree because that was how things were done.

>No it's not India, It's all muslim countries including Norway where this is followed and encouraged.

In no muslim countries are non-slaves considered property for anyone. Only in india where everyone is considered slaves and where you would consider "being in charge" the same as being your property. No wonder indians are a bunch of thieves.

>Stonings, honor killings, floggings and even the mutilation of female genitalia are sporadically employed in the Muslim world to keep women in their place.

Men are also Stones, killed, flogged and circumsised just as much or even more.

Honor killings is forbidden according to Sharia, stonings and floggings are done against criminals, but men are criminal to a far larger degree than women.

> Islam also permits them to get a job "if there is no mahrum man providing for them"

Islam permits women to have a job if it does not stop her obligations at home. Muhammed had working wives even if he could provide as a mahram.
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Exactly this. Just visit any place occupied with muslim in India where they live in majority - they make the whole place dirty and live like shit. They are one of the major reason why poverty, education and peace is not coming fast to India.


Never expected anything less from you
Female genital mutilation is feminist now, apparently.
Daily reminder that there's a white convert to Islam on this board living in Norway.

If someone could find him it'd be a great help.

They see nothing wrong with torturing a little girl to death for misreading the Holy Scripture of Islam.

The girl knows what's coming after the cameras stop recording, and she's too young to hide her fear.
Man, horseshoe Theory is real.
>Honor killings is forbidden according to Sharia
If a woman marries a nonmuslim it is considered adultery; the penalty for an adulteress is death.

Next you'll say "but that's not honor killing because it's done through the sharia court". I've seen you before.

You have to go back.
Damn, someone got triggered hard.
they allied with us all the time to fight the muzzies back in the day
It's the Ashok Chakra. And it is far older and more culturally important than any of your gay symbols.
>mfw huffington post were playing the long con and are actually taking the piss with lefties

They sure got me.
>If a woman marries a nonmuslim it is considered adultery; the penalty for an adulteress is death.

No it is not, adultery is when a married man or women have sex with someone they are not married to. A marriage with a non-muslim for a woman is just not valid, it just just considered extramartial sex and is punished with 100 lashes with the whip just as if she had extramatrial sex with a muslim man.

Nobody is stoned to death for that, death by stoning is ONLY for adultery (being married and THEN have sex with someone who is not your spouse) and homosexuality in some interpretations of the sharia. There are no other crimes where the punishment is like this. And to punish someone for adultery there needs to be 4 wittnesses who have seen the sexual intercourse happen.

Just doing some sham marriage does not matter she can fuck as many as she wants and it will not be considered adultery because she is not considered to be married according to the Sharia of God.
Huffington finds a way to be even more retarded than they already were

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Kill yourself you clueless filth.
But they do. That's why they want to show it off
I don't know of any religion that tries to hide its buildings
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>Sharia of God
>of God

You know, you parasite would be fine if you weren't so god damn invasive.

You profit from better societies than the one you create then bitch and moan that they don't implement those things which would make everyone fucking miserable.

Can't you just be a fucking martyr? I'll tell you paradise and the virgins are real every day if it gets you to die so you can go there. It's totally real bro go for it.
>In the Qur’an, which is believed to be God’s word told to Prophet Muhammad, women and men are described as equals in everyday actions and responsibilities. When it comes to family, charity, children, sex, and much more, a man and a woman have the same duties and that is to continue on the straight path.
That's a big fat lie though. Women have no responsibility in islam, thus they have no rights either, the same way like in traditionalism or Middle Ages Christianity.
Husband was the ruler of the family, there was no such a thing as rape in marriage, pretty much wifes were property and if another man raped the wife of a man that was considered theft/damage of property. Under sharia law if a woman had her separate wealth, she could do whatever she wanted with it, she had no obligation to support her family with it. She could literally let her children starve to death and she would have commited no crime as it is her husband's sole duty to provide for the family.

One can argue in favour for islam, but don't tell lies then. Also, this >>90714907
Left-wing retards would burn gays at the stakes, enslave & rape women, kill children for Islam. There's nothing more sacred than Islam for the leftwing. It's absolutely crazy.
This is translated badly, and nowhere here does he claim that she should be stoned to death, the punishment for extramartial sex is 100 lashes with the whip. It is written in the Quran. Adultery in the form of being married and then have sex with someone who is a non-spouse is different from what is translated as adultery here which is having sex with someone without being married.

The punishment from having sex with someone without being married is 100 lashes with the whip as described in the Quran.

>You know, you parasite would be fine if you weren't so god damn invasive.

It's the sharia of God.

>Can't you just be a fucking martyr? I'll tell you paradise and the virgins are real every day if it gets you to die so you can go there. It's totally real bro go for it.

It would be the best kind of death and I know it is real already. No muslims believe it's not
Your flag is just three different flags thrown together. Their flags just used yours out of pride from who they were.

But to stay on topic, people make their decision and *then* rationalize it. The author has made her decision for Islam and is rationalizing it by blatant disregard for anything that says otherwise in her own text as a way of forcing an enlightenment for Islam, I guess.

The difference is that the Christian Protestant revolution was based in reading the holy text, and this is based off feelings. It is unsustainable.
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>That's a big fat lie though. Women have no responsibility in islam, thus they have no rights either, the same way like in traditionalism or Middle Ages Christianity.

They kind of have rights in Islam but they're husband is in charge of them and they may or may not be liable to live within the context of a guardianship system like in Saudi Arabia which effectively renders their rights effective.

It's kind of useless to say that a woman can do X-Y-Z only then to say that her husband is in charge of her. It effectively means that she doesn't have any right, as her husband can simply tell her what to do. Coupled with a guardianship system, it's even worse. But Muslims will lie and lie and lie and lie and lie...
>The punishment from having sex with someone without being married is 100 lashes with the whip as described in the Quran.
That's not the crime being discussed.
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>It's the sharia of God.

Prove it in such a way that it excludes all other forms of religion. I'll be waiting.

In the meantime, here's one of the most useless story ever told:

>In the Qu'ran Surah 18, Yajuj and Majuj (Gog and Magog) are suppressed by Dhul-Qarnayn "the two-horned one", commonly interpreted to mean Iskandar (Alexander the Great).[102] Dhul-Qarnayn, having journeyed to the ends of the world, meets "a people who scarcely understood a word" who seek his help in building a barrier that will separate them from the people of Yajuj and Majuj who "do great mischief on earth". He agrees to build it for them, but warns that when the time comes (Last Age), Allah will remove the barrier and Yajuj and Majuj will swarm through.

>man walks around
>see some people
>agrees to build a giant metal wall to contain the people of Gog and Magog
>walks away
>that's the story
>no such wall exists
>the story is a metaphor for nothing
>it's completely asinine

The reason I just want Muslims to suffer is that I don't actually believe that they have the cognitive capability to operate at a western level. I don't actually think you can really argue with them. I'm just talking to you to make you suffer really.
>Under sharia law if a woman had her separate wealth, she could do whatever she wanted with it, she had no obligation to support her family with it. She could literally let her children starve to death and she would have commited no crime as it is her husband's sole duty to provide for the family.

She has repsonsability for her children and a woman like everyone is obligated to give to charity. Any money that a woman spends on her family is charity. ESPECIALLY if the children are poor, then it can be considered part of the "zakah" taxes that muslims are obligated to pay.

If the man can not provide for the family then the woman is allowed to divorce the man and find someone better suited for marriage.
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I can't decide if stuff like this is yet more Jewish psyops to drive down the white birth rate, or if women really are just this fucking retarded.

you can find images of women being beheaded for "practicing witchcraft" in Saudi Arabia.
Eventually they are going to be so radical they'll come full circle…

White Christian men are the REAL feminists!

It's got too happen eventually.
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>Muslim posts with such a beautiful flag.

Du må gå tilbake.
Yes it is.

The belief that Dhul-Qarnayn is alexander is obviously wrong. He is described as a monotheist and alexander was a pagan and demanded that people worship him as a god. It makes no sense.
"u can sea"
Damn, Fiji, that's a good pun.
Familien min har sikkert vært her lenger enn din, Hans.
>not implementing poo-based biological warfare
>Yes it is.
No, it was marriage between a muslim woman and nonmuslim man.
Enda verre. Du er både landsforræder og kulturforræder i min bok.
> why must she get 4 male witnesses if she's raped?
this is related to "zina" adultery) when both parts are not forced to it
if she was forced this will be "Hrabh" crime, and therefore only 2 witnesses are needed and the punishment is death.
translate this for more: https://islamqa.info/ar/158282

> if they're equal, why is a woman's testimony worth half a man's in court?
this is the verse:
> And bring to witness two witnesses from among your men. And if there are not two men [available], then a man and two women from those whom you accept as witnesses - so that if one of the women errs, then the other can remind her
notice 2 things:
1- the Arabic word that was used to both the male and female witness here is shaheed not shahed, shahed is just a witness, shaheed is a trustworthy witness who is known to be honest, so quaran is already admitting that a woman can reach the level of shaheed
2- one woman will remind the other, that's because this whole thing is related to her ability to remember (her memory)
Mild Iron Deficiency Harms Woman’s Memory
Pregnancy does cause memory loss, study says
Let the libs convert then we can wipe them all out.
Problem solved!!!!
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Three words:

>Huffington Post
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>The belief that Dhul-Qarnayn is alexander is obviously wrong. He is described as a monotheist and alexander was a pagan and demanded that people worship him as a god. It makes no sense.

You do realize that the story is completely useless and asinine no matter who the person it refers to is right?

Of course, it just so happen that the story illustrate the way in which the Koran contains fabrications that were floating around Muhammad at the time he "revealed" the message, but I'm not citing that story in order to make that point. I'm simply saying that the Koran is a bad, boring, idiotic book.

Almost all other books on earth are superior to it.
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How can women be THIS stupid? It's unbelievable.
>current year
>still has Ireland and Scotland on his flag
Since you're in one of the sand nigger hole, what you think of "Revelation by angel 622" isn't really of concern to us.
That is not a marriage, that is null and void and not considered to be anything at all.

Eneste landsforrædere er ateistsvin som deg. Muslimer er nærmere det urnorske. Ta en nordmann fra 100 år siden og de har mer til felles med muslimer enn den amerikaniserte nordmann.
Jeg er ikke ateist din forbanna Quisling.
>citing the universal obligation of charity instead of the special obligation of taking care of your own kids
thanks for proving me right
Well... There are thousands of obligations I could have cited, the obligation to save life in general that all muslims have and so on and so forth.

It's not proving anything that I cited one of the reasons that you did not like the most. I mentioned the special obligation of taking care of your own kids in the first sentence and mentioned other obligations that also supports it.
Ingen er kristne i Norge, da jeg gikk i kirken var det kun homofile som ville lage et poeng og gamle folk som hadde blitt rullet dit og ikke visste hvor de var. Så hva er du da? en hedning? Det viser bare mangel på vitenskapelig utdanning.
>In the Qur’an, which is believed to be God’s word told to Prophet Muhammad, women and men are described as equals in everyday actions and responsibilities
Yeah, nothing screams equality as a girl getting married at 7, raped at 9 and beaten by her husband everyday for the rest of her life.
Are you even trying, FGM is a cultural practice that predates Islam.
>I don't know of any religion that tries to hide its buildings
Exactly as they planned.
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>Muslim women, as well as Muslim men, see every body as a sacred temple, especially the female body
Why do they have to lace everything in cotton, it doesn't matter what they touch, ANYTHING.

But it's really funny how they always try to delude themselves into things that don't fit their persona.
Muslim men worshipping female bodies as temples pffft.... if temples are brothels nowadays, then sure, you're right.
>>>90719910 (You)Since you're in one of the sand nigger hole, what you think of "Revelation by angel 622" isn't really of concern to us.
it should be, for your own good, now, and after you die.
No, it's proof that leftists are gullible idiots, nothing more. Horseshoe theory is a meme.
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Have the feminist echelons finally understand how retarded their followers are. I'm actually ok with this. I get to beat them, rape them, piss or shit on them and they can't talk back because its empowering to them...right?
Codified in Islam. See the Shafi'i school.

(Pro-tip: debates about what is "true Islam" is something that should be reserved for sand nigger but that we now have to deal with because of the stupidity of our leaders. The simpler answer is that Islam is idiotic and should not be followed.)
>for your own good, now, and after you die.
>Muslims threatening non believer "in this life and the next"

Muslims get so fucking butt blasted at people who don't give a shit about their cousin marrying prophet.

Just fucking live in your country. Nobody cares.
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The left is, and has always been anti-christian.
First by selling atheism like it made your IQ triple by saying god isn't real.
Then islam became more "popular" and they started converting or defending it just because its against christianism.
Tell a leftie to criticize christianism and he/she would go on and on for hours, now tell him/her to criticize islam and it'll jump at you with their classic "bigotry" or "islamophobia"
>In the Qur’an, which is believed to be God’s word told to Prophet Muhammad, women and men are described as equals in everyday actions and responsibilities
I guess the fact that a woman's word is less than a man's in court just doesn't count.
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>Your flag is just three different flags thrown together.

True. I can't fault that.

This is a joke, right? Please, tell me it is. I can't bear this level of doublethink anymore.
Even if I were wrong in that, there is absolutely no basis to state what's in the OP, namely
> When it comes to family, charity, children, sex, and much more, a man and a woman have the same duties
when they clearly don't. Their rights are different, their obligations are different, even the basis of their obligations is absolutely different. The power a husband holds over the female members of the family is almost absolute power, very similar to that of Ancient Rome's manus of the pater familias. The women has to abide his husband, has to provide her body when and how he demands it, cannot even leave the house without a permission. How absolutely insane is to state that men and women are equal under islam? You have to be literally brain damaged to believe that or capable to withstand orwellian doublethink/cognitive dissonance.
Those nails
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Mohammed said, "I was shown the Hell-fire and that the majority of its dwellers are women."
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>women and men are described as equals in everyday actions and responsibilities. When it comes to family, charity, children, sex, and much more, a man and a woman have the same duties and that is to continue on the straight path.

who /islam dump thread/ here
That's great, but you're not in the legislature of any country. Maybe the verse does imply women could possibly attain this credibility, however any time women's mental capabilities are mentioned there is something about Allah making their minds weaker than those of men. Not that I don't see the truth in it, but you can't pretend a society like this is egalitarian in any way...
>the Quran is out of context though!
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All races are equal in islam!
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>hits a halal dab
I say let them continue this delusion continue then they actually get to feel real male oppression. Really I don't care anymore fuck western women.
Islam is about peace and love! all religions are tolerated in islam
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It's about peace and love!
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Look, it's just a few bad muslims. What are you, an islamaphobe?
What's the point of having a temple body if you end up wife number 4 to a 50 year old
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How many times do I have to tell you?

I want to agree with you but I don't feel like being dragged down with them.

I'd argue that the solution is for men in western society to start explicitly saying "fuck these women" and women """empowerment""" in general. Nothing has made me lose more confidence in women in general than their attitude toward Islam.

Mind you, I want women to be free (get jobs and an education) but at this point I don't think we should listen to them.
Lol...perpetuate a lie about rape culture to normalize slutty behavior and then seek refuge in a literal rape culture. Lmfao. These fucking people are insane.
Usually the verses mean something completely different to what "islam critics" claim if you read the verses before and after.

The reason I became muslim was actually because I was friends with tons of people who hated islam and actuallyy started reading the verses in context.

>quotes one muslim who does not base his statements on the Quran or Sunnah.

Some muslims also claim that islam should not be followed in law and so on. Is that also part of islam?
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>Let us see feminism in a different light—through modesty
Holy shit, this article is not going to go down well with feminists. I could be wrong though, maybe there will be a big shift due to not wanting to offend Muslims.
You do realize that's how it works in the Muslim world right?
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>Some muslims also claim that islam should not be followed in law and so on

Do you understand how that's why you're a traitor? As soon as you hear "Islam is a theocracy" you should say "well then I'm not a muslim".

If you fail this test, everything else you say is irrelevant. You're an enemy of every non muslims by definition.

Modern """feminists""" love this shit.
knock off australia lol
>Modern """feminists""" love this shit.
I'm not sure about that though. Think about free the nipple, slutwalk, wearing revealing clothes at school and getting mad when they're told they should be wearing the school uniform.

Its real.

Fucking google.

Some fuck with a botnet needs to fix this instead of ddosing for no good reason.
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>Islam has a culture and history of women empowerment.
Yes. They are the true feminists. very true. I agree.

After all, burying your own head into your ass is the integral part of feminist culture. And muslims? They hv fucking mastered that art.
You have to be a massive cunt to be a feminist. Muslims ARE the huuugest cunts around.
You gotta fuck animals to escape patriarchy. Camels, goats sheep, poultry, ostriches etc are the designated fucking animals in islam.

Accept it white men, mudslime is the feministest religion.
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The thing is, you need to have the "hierarchy of oppression" in mind when you read these articles. As far as I've been able to see of SJW opinions so far, it goes something like:

1. Muslims
2. Black women
3. Black men
4. Hispanics and other brown people
5. Women/Lesbians
6. Gays

Are you, the reader, above the demographic addressed in the article? If yes, you can talk shit, otherwise you are privileged and need to shut the fuck up.
There is literally instructions in the Qu'ran about how to conduct white slavery.
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I agree Pajeet. Your gay symbol is much older and more important then his gay symbol.
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Ayy fuck muhammed rasoolulla abdul
Are you sure? According to muslims sources muhammad was a WHITE MALE

You're correct. All these thing prima facie contradicts the rules of Islam, which have been written and enforced by men (ie. literal patriarchy).

However, feminism is a western movement whose struggle is against WESTERN patriarchy. Furthermore, ever since decolonization and the introduction of multicultural education, feminists have been heavily influenced by the paradigm that states that the "powerful" West does not have a right to characterize other cultures from the outside (which is a post colonialist postulate), all the while being told that anything that was perceived as foreign ought to be "celebrated" (an effect of institutionalized xenophilia).

The way they resolve these apparent contradictions is by declaring Islam to be a feminist project. Since they have a commitment to feminism on the one hand and to Islam on the other (since it's perceived as foreign), they MUST say that Islam is feminism.

forgot this
I think I'll go Wicca instead of Christianity or Islam, it seems like the only religion that's not punishing you for the crime of being a woman.
Liberals import Muslims because they love to divide and conquer and they vote for big government. Muslims come here to spread Islam. Islam and liberalism are incompatible though. Who's Skype-ing who here?
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Go on /r/twoXchromosomes right now. There's an article at the top talking about how terrible Mormons Are, without a hint of self awareness or irony that they fetishsize Islam for doing the exact. Same. Thing.

Women literally are this retarded.
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I hope the realize that Christianity promotes the same things they are praising Islam about without having the whole not-allowed-outside-unless-with-a-man thing
I was thinking about this the other day, and I came to an interesting conclusion. Let's examine the post-colonialist postulate that one cannot evaluate another culture from the outside.

Suppose for a moment that the members of this other culture are your enemies. Since you cannot evaluate another's person culture from the outside, you cannot, as someone that sits outside of this culture, declare it as enemy or foreign, since you would then be characterizing it whilst not being a member of it.

This means that, in order to determine whether or not members of another culture truly are your enemy, you must ask these people themselves whether or not they are, indeed, you enemy. Now supposing for a moment that they were your enemy, would they actually tell you?

I always keep this in mind when I hear of "community outreach" to the Muslims in the context of immigration and terror related events, because it helps me explain things like this:

>On October 19, 2011, Farhana Khera of Muslim Advocates wrote a letter to John Brennan, who was then the Assistant to the President on National Security for Homeland Security and Counter Terrorism. The letter was signed not just by Khera, but by the leaders of virtually all the significant Islamic groups in the United States: [...]

>The letter denounced what it characterized as U.S. government agencies’ “use of biased, false and highly offensive training materials about Muslims and Islam.” [...]

>Despite the factual accuracy of the material about which they were complaining, the Muslim groups signing the letter demanded that the task force “purge all federal government training materials of biased materials”; “implement a mandatory re-training program for FBI agents, U.S. Army officers, and all federal, state and local law enforcement [...]”; and more—to ensure that all that law enforcement officials would learn about Islam and jihad would be what the signatories wanted them to learn.
Christianity wants to preserve Western Civilization. Islam wishes to destroy it. Islam is the new communism.
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>fiji islands.gif already exists. do you want to replace it?
Now that's just someone trying to troll a bunch of stupid 1st world sluts.
Good observations leaf.
No sex until marriage, must dress modestly in dresses going to the knee, must have long hair, NO female preachers in the church, Woman must stay at home and manage the household while the husband goes out and works, no divorcing, commit adultery and you get put to death.

American Christianity doesn't have this though. In fact Christianity as a whole in the modern society doesn't have all of it.
>one cannot evaluate another culture from the outside

But that evaluation happened over five hundred years ago during the Reconquista.
Now think about "interfaith dialogue commitments" and how the media have to coordinate their coverage of the Islamic community with members of the community themselves.

Muslims are very, very good at information dominance and they do it by exploiting our own multicultural and post-colonialist ideological commitments.

Yes they will. Non-Muslim Indians are based as fuck when it comes to removing kebab (ESPECIALLY Sikhs and Gurkhas).
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Feminism? u vot?
The part about Jesus having a clone is true though.
That would actually be civil laws that were inherited by the Roman. Christianity promote the idea of a strong family and motherhood.
so empowered that they have to be escorted around by a male guardian and can't drive cars because showing their face is bad? How fucking ignorant is this bitch
There are zero historians in the first century that say this. However there are first century sources even outside of the Bible claiming that Jesus' followers saw Him die on the cross and rise from the dead. Nothing about a clone.

Dude, it's the (((Huffington Post))). What did you expect?
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Women like to be treated like royalty and have strong male escorts following them around. The whole equality thing is not something they actually want which is why so many feminists convert to islam.
I'm sure she'll stick with that opinion after she's been violently raped, beaten and had acid thrown on her face and then had a pack of Muslims set her on fire.
It's pretty obvious he had a clone or there would be extra-biblical sources claiming that they themselves say Jesus die and resurrect three whole days later.
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>Islam has a culture and history of women empowerment.

Is that why they aren't even allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia
>Usually the verses mean something completely different to what "islam critics" claim if you read the verses before and after.

How would you recontextualise the ones about killing apostates then?

Is the next verse "lol jokes mate its fine"?
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Nothing is more empowering than a splash of sulfuric acid right in your face
Islam is the cure for Western society. The sooner you Islamophobes get that the better.
>How would you recontextualise the ones about killing apostates then?

No that one is fine, nothing wrong with executing traitors.
pick one

also, HuffPo
I'd consider myself an authoritarian liberal. I want to ensure as much individual freedom for everyone in the country. But under no circumstance can liberalism be abused to abolish liberalism. The freedom ends with the individual. Religious freedom means you can worship what you want. It does not mean you can skirt around the laws that count for others because "god told me so". In other words, no more religious slaughter, you barbarian cunts.

And I'd protect that liberalism like a brownshirt going to town on a communist.
>Bye lol

As a (probably baiting fake) Muslim, why do you choose to live in Norway instead of an Islamic country?
I've been there. It's nice. My mother almost ran down a nigger with our rental car. That was pretty funny.

Seychelles are better, though.
There are though.

Also, Jesus' followers got brutally murdered for going around saying Jesus' died on the cross and rose from the dead. Why on earth would they go around saying this, getting tortured and murdered when they were lying?

The entire New Testament was finished by 90AD. The gospel of John was the last part written.
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Can't see anyone in the advanced West wishing to adopt the rituals of primitive sand monkeys.
My family is from Norway and the Caliphate don't exist anymore so there is nowhere that muslims is supposed to be anymore.

The only caliphate available is the Islamic state, but it's illegal to go there. As long as there is no caliphate to go to then Norway is fine as any place and Norway needs to become muslim. Norway keeps bombing muslim countries so it's better to stay.
I'm certain this is the same guy that was shitting up another thread I was in yesterday. His writing style is a dead giveaway. I wish I could remember what the thread was about. I just remember the flag and his distinct reply style.
Feminism is synonym for cognitive dissonance. Their primal desires are to be dominated and bred like swines. Their concious mind is telling them that is wrong, but deep down they still want it. When they join Islam and finally get raped and beaten they finally feel like they belong. They will make the most ridiculous arguments to try and justify their primal desire which they do not even understand or accept if they see it. Only if they actually are brought to their kneels and dominated they will feel at peace.
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History is full of examples of Christian women owning property, Achmed. Pic related.
Feminism is just doing things that the white man doesn't want you to do.
>she started crying after she fucked up.

Yeah well you would be crying too. You know what happens to you when you fuck up reading the Koran.
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>there is nowhere that muslims is supposed to be anymore.

Well muslims belong in islamic shithole countries where they can be ruled with a rod of iron, it's all these backwards sand monkeys understand.
>In the gospels, especially the synoptics, women play a central role as eyewitnesses at Jesus' death, entombment, and in the discovery of the empty tomb. All three synoptics repeatedly make women the subject of verbs of seeing, clearly presenting them as eyewitnesses.
Sorry man, I'm not trusting hysterical illiterate women who supposedly claimed to see some Jew die and come back from the dead two thousand years ago.

Although I don't think those people were lying as much as they were delusional. I mean, we're talking about people who worshiped bull-headed men who devoured babies and shit, like, five minutes before they decided this new Jewish guy was right. They just don't have any credibility.

There was an article out a few weeks ago about how a school board was demanding Islamic prayer be allowed in school.

Total leftist filth. The Jew has brainwashed them real good.
Only due to loopholes. Her husband died and there was no males to take the stuff. It was so unusual that she became known in all of northern europe for it.

Well, now the muslim countries are shitholes because they have to rule by secular laws due to Europe so it's basically no difference from Europe in that regard except the rulers that the west put in place is way more brutal.

Muslims belong in the west just as much because western countries have destroyed the muslim countries so it's the only place left where the west don't have an incentive to destroy.
You're right mate. They all had the exact same hallucination at the same time and then were later brutally tortured to death for their belief of a death, burial and bodily resurrection.
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Don't you want to preserve the sanctity of marriage, abolish promiscuity, be surrounded by modest QTs and kill fags? Getting women back to being functional members of the household and off the cock carousel is glorious. It will finally make our nations strong again.
kek you realize there are over 1 billion sikhs and hindus in India right? You realize they are a nuclear superpower?

India would probably have already turned Pakistan into a nuclear wasteland if it wasn't for China and Russia patting the raghead's backs.
Your flag looks delicious.
Its not binary though, there are plenty of countries that offer a society that is more in tune with the teachings of Islam than Norway, and yet you choose to live in one that is nothing like the Islamic ideal. Weird that.

I'd suggest its because you are perfectly aware that all Islamic countries are shitholes.
the fact that ANYTHING can result in stoning of a woman shows how barbaric Islam is, i mean come on it's two thousand and SIXTEEN
Mass hallucination/hysteria is dangerous as fuck and those people used to kill themselves all the time over fiction.

I don't think there's any good reason to believe in the supernatural stories they invented.
>Its not binary though

Yes it is

> there are plenty of countries that offer a society that is more in tune with the teachings of Islam than Norway

Not really, if it's not sharia then it's nothing. Some countries approach sharia, but so does norway in any way.

>and yet you choose to live in one that is nothing like the Islamic ideal.

Norway is very much like the islamic ideal in several respects. Norway have adopted the sharia mentality of having a minimum standard of living and everyone who lives here has a right to have a place to live and so on.


Great argument, muslim men and women who are adulterous should be stoned to death. You kuffar love cheating on your spouses of course and you often include it as an important part of your marriage when you let someone cuck you so in a sharia state it is of course legal for non-muslims.

We understand that some of you are chronic cucks
How do liberals and feminists do this with a straight face?
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>muslim brainwash victim getting BTFO by western whores in the comments
They're not buying it lads.
Islam is no match for degeneracy, I have said this many times.
The odds on them all having the exact same hallucination at the exact same time is remarkable. So remarkable that practically all psychologists consider it impossible.

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Don't you want to preserve the sanctity of marriage, abolish promiscuity, be surrounded by modest QTs and kill fags? Getting women back to being functional members of the household and off the cock carousel is glorious. It will finally make our nations strong again.
That's because the Jews have infiltrated higher education and the media. They are the enemy of all mankind.

>were equal
>can't wear what they want
>can't leave the house without a male escort
>get stoned to death for adultary if raped
>can't even drive in some countries

Literally fucking stupid
Maybe that's why they had written four versions of the same story almost a hundred years after it supposedly happened.

This shit is on the same level as Mohammed and the flying horse. A bunch of poor and uneducated desert people claiming they saw something happen doesn't mean it actually happened.
Well, both Muslims and Feminists tend to be terrible people because of their deeply held beliefs. Both belief systems were created to excuse some person's deplorable behavior. And both are used to spread statist authority and keep the power elite jews in power.
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Nice bait famalam. Jewish degeneracy trumps any and all religion.

Of the few muslim girls I've met at uni, most have adopted some of the slutty ways of the west to some extent. There was one girl who had two facebook accounts; one that her daddy saw, and one that daddy didn't see.
Not really, muslims are generally genetically inferior, low-IQ, evolutionary dead weights and need to live as such, people who worship everything a brain damaged pedophile wrote about 1400 years ago don't belong in an advanced White developed society.
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>No they have brought it on themselves they can get fucked by the consequences
Hey buddy, what did you do with the dodo man?
I'm just waiting for the fascists to do the same.
>Well, now the muslim countries are shitholes because they have to rule by secular laws due to Europe
Bull fucking shit. Like there is no rich muslim country on this planet. Like the one that are building mosquees everywhere in my country.

>Muslims belong in the west just as much
So you are willingly living near us, the horrible people that are the root of all your miseries, because it's safer.
Just say you're invading to get back to us, but don't say you belong here for some reason.
Race theory always considered us scandinavians to be genetically superior to you eternal anglos.We also had 150 years of Eugenics where everyone with genetic flaws was sterilized.
Don't talk shit. If its binary then Norway isn't close to the Islamic ideal, because its binary. By your own words it either is sharia or it isn't.

What I am getting at here, is that by every available measure, western secular democracy creates better outcomes for its citizens than any Islamic country has ever produced. Don't you think its a bit odd that the behaviours, laws, and customs apparently ordained by an allmighty god keep losing to ones made up by a bunch of white guys?
This is just like the niggers asking for segregation, all this retarded activism ends up being a circle
Feminism is destroying itself. They literally want to be below men in the hierarchy.

Where were you when Islam saved the human race?
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> A bunch of poor and uneducated desert people

>almost a hundred years after it supposedly happened.
and all their stories are 99% the same. Some even re-tell stories written and do it accurately.

Jesus died approx 30-33AD
The book of Acts was writtern approx 40-45AD
The gospel of Mark was written 55-60AD
the gospel of Matthew and Luke were written 65-70AD
the gospel of John was written 85-90AD

This is not including the letters to the churches. Which were also written before the end of the 1st century.

They were not uneducated (especially Paul), they were not poor desert people by any means as well
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Islam cannot stand up to western degeneracy my friend.
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desu id be ok with women covering up more if it means the end to this free the nipple bullshit and slutwalks

but if they actually start converting then theyve gone too far
A sacred temple that's being bug-bombed maybe
>mother of 3
>at 26
>going out drinking
Are muslims taking out the trash for us?
>Imam Ludovic

By Allah, I hate converts
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Get a load of this degeneracy-free society.
Truly islam is the future!
Sura (4:34) - "Men are managers of the affairs of women because Allah has made the one superior to the other."
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>it's not gay if you're the one fucking the ass
I'm not talking about the people who wrote the Gospels, but the hysterical women who claimed to witness the resurrection of a dead Jew.

The authors of the Gospels certainly were educated men who were interested in spreading the new religion, but that isn't evidence of its veracity.

>and all their stories are 99% the same
Yeah, except on key details like the number of witnesses, their identities, the presence of a supernatural winged man rolling rocks around, and so on.
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But anon isn't that the tranny soldier...

Why are Palestinian women so fucking fat?
The superior Islam feminism is no match for the sloppy western feminism.
They also claimed to see his resurrected body
>wtf I love getting slapped around now

Pretty that's what's been missing from her life. She won't be able to handle all these satisfactions now.
They claimed a lot of other extraordinary things too.
>Don't you think its a bit odd that the behaviours, laws, and customs apparently ordained by an allmighty god keep losing to ones made up by a bunch of white guys?

It does not, the Sharia of God is superior in every way.
Well... it kind of does.

The real issue is that it never progressed a single step ever since it was created, so while it DOES have a "culture and history of women empowerment", it's disingenuous to try and paint it as woman-friendly, because today it is not woman-friendly at all.

At the beginning, Christianism was worse for women than Islam, but since Christianism didn't have the pedo warmonger for a prophet, it ended up being made in a way that allows future change. Islam is static, so whatever problems it had at first will stay there forever.
Being Scandinavian doesn't remove the muslim tag, muslims are the permanent underclass on the planet.

Classic, everyone should Google bacha bazi before listening to anything muslims say about degeneracy.

Islam has no place is the civilised West.
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Women want to be dominated. That's why they like Islam.

Feminism is a woman's way of expressing her desire to be beaten and dominated.
>everyone should Google bacha bazi before listening to anything muslims say about degeneracy.

Which carries the death penalty in a Sharia state, but not in secular states.

What can we say? Eugenics just work when done right.
West for westerners
Deus vult

You are anthropomorphising them, they are just automatons.

They follow the Koran and Sharia.. therefore, they're Muslims, unlike most "Muslims" in the middle east.
>Because traditionally christian women are considered the property of the man and is not allowed to own anything not even their bodies. Christian women is the worst case scenario that spawned feminism in the first place.

Wrong because if christians had followed the word of Paul there would be no feminism. Women should not speak in the congregation and if the have concerns or questions should only consult their husbands. Men letting women (usually lesbians) organize is the cause of feminism. The natural state of women is as slaves
So why do western countries produce superior outcomes for their citizens than any country that implements all or part of sharia?
>The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe.

> And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you.

>Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing.

>And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God.

This is John 20:25-28. What do you think is happening here? And you're right, they did. They also when on to be brutally murdered if they didn't renounce Jesus and what they claimed He did and didn't.
>Contrary to American popular belief, Islam has a culture and history of women empowerment.

I really need to learn to be able to laugh at this stuff or else I think I might die of stomach ulcers.
>No it is not, adultery is when a married man or women have sex with someone they are not married to.

You are the shame of your nation. Clueless mountain dweller
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>Islam has a culture

Christianity is not a socio-political system. Paul describes how women should behave in marriage and the church, but the only punishment for not doing so is shunning.
>Familien min har sikkert vært her lenger enn din, Hans.
Merkelig siden de muslimene jeg kjenner er veldig klare på at kvinner er underlagt patriarkiet, dvs sin far eller mann. Du enten en lögner eller idiot, men jeg heller i rettning av naiv bonde.
>What do you think is happening here?
Proselytism, obviously.

>They also when on to be brutally murdered if they didn't renounce Jesus and what they claimed He did and didn't.
You keep bring that up like it somehow proves anything. I think you underestimate ancient sand people and their talent for zealotry.
Hva faen er galt med Qusling? Vår leder under krigen mot London mafiaen.

Na. Traditionalists and reactionaries are moreso against freedom than for it, but few believe in the "superior virtue of the state." That's a communist thing. "The state," in an egalitarian society, is a stand in for "the people," and that is the essence of its (the state's) political leverage, no matter how democratic or non-democratic it actually is: "we are for the people so do what we say!"

Democracy is an illegitimate style of governance partly because of its basis in egalitarianism, but mostly because its mechanism is one of majority rules, no matter how immoral or degenerate its voters are.

This muslim feminist is an outier, as of now. Most are sexually permissive, and advocate for relaxed standards towards abortion, homosexuality, and transgenderism. They cannot ever be part of big T Traditionalism because they are by nature radical progressives who consider themselves the enemy of tradition.

Permissiveness is a classical liberal thing. Pro-freedom libertarians have much more in common w/ sjws than anyone on the reactionary right.
Is english your second language or did you not read who I was replying to? Atheism and Islam have been pushed on us by the Jews to divide the nation. And they make sure we know that Muslims are also terrorists so that we all just don't convert. We should unite and wipe out the (((true))) enemy.
>Men letting women (usually lesbians) organize is the cause of feminism.

Muslims have let woman organize and even had the ability to keep their identity 100% anonymous

It does not, but there have not been a proper sharia state since 1850. The states that are closest to sharia like Qatar have outcomes for their population that is far superior to any western state. No Qatari citizen are homeless, nobody lacks any healthcare, they have free education and even free mobile phone usage and internet.

A british citizen can not study at Oxford for free, but a Qatari citizen can study at Oxford or anywhere else for free.
Well islam has one thing going thats right on
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>Hip Feminist campaigns like Free the Nipple only encourage a gullible behavior of disrespect for our own bodies, leading to everyone else around us disrespecting our bodies as well. If we want to be respected as women and taken seriously in all our endeavors we should look to a new source; Muslim women. Muslim women, as well as Muslim men, see every body as a sacred temple, especially the female body. Opposed to exposing themselves, it is through modesty.

It is a sad state of affairs when Christianity is so persecuted by society that these women are turning to fucking ISLAM instead of Christianity, which would give them all the modesty and sanctity that they are craving.
>Women have no responsibility in islam, thus they have no rights either,
>Under sharia law if a woman had her separate wealth, she could do whatever she wanted with it
You literally just proved yourself wrong
Also women do have responsibilities in Islam. They have to help the husband take care of the children, and if they work, they have to help raise their children with said money
>He hasnt seen the way modern women act
Yeah Id say thats about right.
Also, 10000001:10000000 is a majority so fuck off
This is just the method the left will make inroads into the Muslim community, just like they did into the Western, Christian community- through women.
While they applaud women who stand up to Islam's "misogyny and bigotry" such as Malala they in turn support the symbolism that supports that environment. They have all these Muslims feeling rejected by the right- so what better way to keep infiltrating them by using women. The men are too machismo and masculine, so they go instead through Muslim women introducing feminist ideals.
Some of you may think this is great since you hate Islam, but in the end you're letting your enemies expand their influence and power. Even the Indian posting itt should be wary of the cultural Marxist's words, you shouldn't take anything at face value from the leftist media.
This is Alinskyism 101.
It also plays against you! If you support this as a method of subverting Islam you are increasing the scope of feminism- once Muslim women are open to one facet they will eventually fall to all. If you fight against the increase of feminism in Islam you will be mocked as an Islamist.
This is the why behind the jewish creation of neo-conservatism- to prevent the pan-traditionalism and pan-conservatism between the West and Middle East.
Not an argument.
We could have all of those without Islam, on the grounds of common sense and reason.
Qatar, really? Thats the example you're going with? I bet the thousands of slave labourers worked to their deaths are really pleased with the outcomes provided for them by Qatar.

Qatar doesn't even break into the top 30 on the human development index, the top 50 for education index, or the top 40 for healthcare according to the world health organisation. Meanwhile what countries do you think make up the top 30? oh look its those secular liberal democracies again, weird.
>Muslims have let woman organize and even had the ability to keep their identity 100% anonymous

Your claim is just wrong, plain wrong. There is always male oversight and nothing is wrong with that.
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these fuckers literally stone women to death for being raped. How in the fuck can anyone, even a liberal be so goddamn deluded
she looks like an uncircumcised penis

If feminazis want to worship muslims, then a white male """""rapes""""" one and converts to degeneracy, what happens?
this thread is about to die i'm getting last post
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