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Yes! Modern Family casts first transgender child

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My parents were old members of the Communist Party back in the 1950s, and I remember one of the songs we used to sing

"Step by step, row by row, can be won, can be won"


'Modern Family' casts transgender child actor Jackson Millarker

Modern Family" is truly living up to its name.
The hit ABC show has just cast 8-year-old Jackson Millarker, who is transgender, as Lily's friend Tom on the show. The actor will make his debut on Wednesday night's episode titled, "A Stereotypical Day."
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>its normal, see its on TV
just accept what (((we))) tell you goy
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It says a lot when Boku no Pico is LESS FUCKED UP than a family sitcom in the US.
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>who is transgender
>tv show cashes in on social issues
wow im so surprised
This is us is a way better show
Modern Family isn't entertaining on any level
What is 8 year old transgender? Im confused the kid did not go through puberty yet right? He or she is just a child
The living fuck is wrong with the western world
8 years old
>8-year-old Jackson Millarker, who is transgender

If a child can't consent to sex at that age,
How can a child consent to a sex change?
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A couple of faggots raise another mentally ill faggot

Wow really makes you think
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>branwashing can start early

(please read, or just glance)
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The commie Jew in the oven keeps on burn-ning!
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Here is the fixed version
that's one ugly little girl, no wonder she wants to transition.
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That one's outdated.
>please read, or just glance
This Jane needs murder. Maybe a google can give it to her.
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Can you imagine the pressure that kid will be under if the show takes off and figures out he's actually male afterall?
So obviously fake.
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>tfw so lonely I actually started talking to a tranny because I crave human contact so desperately
>every day I try to convince myself that this degeneracy is acceptable and that it's not wrong for me to do this
>i know I'm lying to myself but I can't keep away
>see shit like this

I can't support this garbage. how did this happen? how did we let this happen?
Once the Day of the Rope comes, should the child-trannies swing? They are obviously not going to become functional adults.
That's what we did in the past and it worked great!
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>Uses husband
>Says he's gender neutral
Not fake

Another example of Jane:
How Can I Convince My Daughter To Date Outside Of Her Race?

You don't sound much like a functioning adult yourself.
We abandoned God for this...
Reminder: Trans kids don't take hormones or get surgery until they're old enough to make informed decisions for themselves.
Jesus Christ. I assumed it had to be parody but the author is proudly displaying her photo along with her information.

That Jane deserves to be drawn and quartered.
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At one point it was "boys can play with dolls", now it's "boy plays with dolls? he's not a boy but in fact a girl"? Aren't they just reinforcing the notion of stringent gender roles?

Okay, this is clearly parody being written under a pseudonym.
i read it.

reminds me of David Reimer. they tried to raise him as a little girl. he eventually killed himself.

>tiny girlycock?

To match your own, right? Still ban evading?

I hope "they" some day go full on violent rampage in their home.
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needs Yellow Sign in there somewhere
>butthurt tumblrwhale
Why did they have to cuck jay? Why couldn't he stay a racist old homophobic alpha?

Don't ask questions, goyim!
The kikes have completely lost their minds
Except, that's the philosophical problem at root. You can't have a fully successful transsexual procedure without beating out puberty. It's a catch 22, and it's all pointless.
Trans-am got me
We were too scared to speak, brother.
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Will and Grace was not a slippery slope goyim

>Australian male

it's actually a girl pretending to be a boy. She has a vagina. All libtards will call her "he just like she calls herself "he".

God help us.

Shit tier
>In my blackest dreams I see a line of 10,00 crosses stretched down what was once the 101 freeway.
>I hear the the lamentations and pleas for the mercy of the bullet as I walk down the deserted road under a red sky.
>It is only in this hell do I find true peace
They dont get a sex change, they just take puberty blockers up until 16 and then take estrogen to become cute traps
Statement revoked
They can die in hell
Every ounce of insane bullshit the left pushes is going to be paid for in blood when they are pushed back
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It looks mentally ill.
pic related
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Does anyone else just watch the show for Ariels phat booty and monster titties?
So Ed O'Neill went from the most redpilled show on american television to the most bluepilled one? I'm happy that he's still relevant but damn, that's not a coincidence.
>have trans GF
>mention this story to her
>watch her go on a rant about how the media is pushing this shit and kids at 8 have no idea over what gender is or what gender they should be.
that's a transparency edit
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This is so progressive.
20 years on from now amerishits will be jailed for naming a baby based on gender after birth.
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>Australian Male
shut up greg.
such mental illness. someone pls put this child out of his misery.
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Jesus christ you are right about that.

At least japanese degeneracy is upfront and honest about what it is. Still should be purged though.

Our degeneracy is more jewy and attacks families and children.

At least from what I have seen, animes meant for kids or japenese TV shows are mostly degeneracy free.
You're complicit in it either way you idiot.

Rarenon I...
>Australian Male

fucking kek.
Leftist parenting is the worst. Now he's a pawn to (((producers))) to push acceptance of this bizarre liberal culture you burgers allowed to exist. You guys suck.
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Degeneracy is alright when you do it like Japan.
It works though only in a homogeneous society free of kikes.

Homos in Japan aren't really a political thing. They're either a cuteness thing, or a joke(Hard Gay is mocking Western fags for example).
they dont they're just kids.
It's the only way to escape the NEET life when you get in as deep as I have anon.

Dont be like me.
Get in shape
Get a career not a job
Get a girl who can make you babies

Just don't fall the comfy. That is the trap towards being a NEET.
>degeneracy is fine

Yeah, having a hole in the boat is fine as long as you don't put it in water :^)

Jews are already pushing multicult in Japan.
konta bai swa

The media and both sides do their best to hide it, but there are several documented incidents of feminists and LGBT+ groups getting into fistfights at gatherings that place them too close to each other.

They're not THAT stupid; they see the fact that their ideologies are direct opposites. They just both know they benefit from getting boys to play with dolls, so they don't fight over the "why"s in public.
>live in a state and due to being in perfect shape where being a NEET is impossible

It wasn't even an option for me even if I wanted it.
>Jews are already pushing multicult in Japan.
And it's not working.
Jews didn't invent faggotry BTW. They just saw an opportunity(they ARE historical opportunists) and took advantage.
They do it for money and power. Same reason any psychopath does. Remember, psychopathy runs among the jews higher than any other ethnicity.

It all adds up mang.

Imo the only way this happens is because a mom sees her son putting on nail polish, playing with girl toys, things that a random stupid boy does and gets over it after the age of 2 or 3, and the mom in this hypersensitive world, starts thinking perhaps her son is literally a girl in a boy's body. Then that shit gets fostered year after year and that child is completely fucked up for doing something so innocent.
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Funny. Nobody gave a good fuck about mr. Garrison.
It's very perverse child abuse.
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Because it Mr. Garrison made the degenerates look bad. This makes them appear "normal."
transistor got me
>jews exploit a mental sexual illness

They push for gayness. I never said they invented it but they push for it.

>it's not working
>Japan has 40% single virgin population
>degenerate white trash ricemixing weebs are already outbreeding native Japanese
>the current population cannot sustain the elderly.

Too many Japendegeneration apologists on this board I swear.

The meme of 2D > 3D and traps came from there and is hurting our rave here because they EXPORT IT
Probably because he was used to make fun of cross dressers.
Every show eventually has their 'Jump the Shark' moment.
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Trannies already are suicidal.
Welcome to Hollywood kiddo, can't wait to see your obituary
Homosexuality isn't a mental illness. I WILL agree it's often associated with destructive behaviors(in western societies) however, but there's a logical explanation for that. You see, over here, gays often move into/live in cities, and cities are magnets for broken motherfuckers. You combine this with males being naturally hypergamous(sow your seeds across the world!) and bad shit happens.
In Japan, the whole inner shame thing kinda keeps their homosexuals from falling into the shit we have over here.

>Japan has 40% single virgin population
>the current population cannot sustain the elderly.
Good. Social security is a goddamn ponzi scheme and needs to be abolished, and Japan could stand to have a lower population.
Their answer isn't immigrants, and that's all that matters. They can survive a drastic cut in their population as long as they stay JAPANESE.
Leave the kid alone. Put the parents out of their misery.
Wew, going through puberty is hard enough. RIP for a lot of these creatures of experimentation.
>Getting daughter to date a black guy
>Go eat at Popeye's on a Sunday

Yea that isn't racist at all.
>Trans kids don't take hormones or get surgery until they're old enough to make informed decisions for themselves.

Incorrect lying faggot shill. Tranny kids can take hormones if their parents approve it.

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>Homosex isn't mentally ill
>But they are broken people
:^) WEW

>gays in the media are okay
>gays in japan are different, they definatelly don't diddle kids over there... Boko No Pico was just comedy Goy- I mean guys

>implying I was talking about social security
>not realizing that I also meant that some of these elderly people need someone to take care of them

>it's okay to have an open cut, as long as it stays UNINFECTED



The Japs of Old would've beheaded people like you who seeked to make them weak.
I don't recognize my own country any more. The only way to give my kids a normal upbringing is to turn off the TV and homeschool. That's pretty much living in a social and cultural closet.

Jesus H. fucksticks.
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>members of the communist party.
I am mechanical engineer.
My dream is to go to america.
Get work from Boeing
Start low, climb ladder.
Work hard for low pay, but hard.
Eventually helicopter design.
Design good helicopter.
Then throw communist from helicopter.
Such is my dream.
Wish me luck
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>Australian Male
I'm stunned that he's not more well known about. You'd think that the first attempt of creating a trans resulting in his suicide would have disturbed more people.
>Implying the kid won't go full masculine when he realises her mother is a brainwashed extremist

I'm no ((Freud)) but I'm pretty sure that's nigger-tier parenting advices: you can't control 100% of your kid's environment and one day he'll realise how being a faggot transformed him into a joke for the majority of men
>child actor
>only 8 years old

Wow. This kid is destined to commit suicide by 25. The kid's parents are beyond fucked up. It's one thing to push your kid to be a child actor, it's another to have their child identify as transgender when the kid hasn't even fucking remotely hit puberty yet. The mom probably saw her kid playing with dolls and thought "oh honey! Our child is a tranny! Let's be progressive and enlighten our clueless child on issues like transgender people!"....it didn't occur to them that maybe they shouldn't bring up subjects like that to a fucking 8 year old? Maybe their kid is just a sissy?

>My parents were old members of the Communist Party

That's not true. If it was, you wouldn't even exist.
Trannies, fags and racemixing aside, how the fuck has this TV show been able to run for so long, whilst all the time being absolute dogshit unfunny? Is the answer normies?
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>The mom probably saw her kid playing with dolls and thought "oh honey! Our child is a tranny! Let's be progressive and enlighten our clueless child on issues like transgender people!"....it didn't occur to them that maybe they shouldn't bring up subjects like that to a fucking 8 year old?
Literally child abuse, and their society accepts it like it's normal.

Almost every guy has worn a dress or played will dolls at some point in their childhood, that doesn't mean it's time to mutilate their genitals or pump them full of drugs.
>But they are broken people
I'm not broken. But plenty of city people I know are. BTW, I know NO gay city people.

Actuqally, of all western nations, they're doing the best, probably because they never took kindly to christfaggotry.

You see, EVERY SINGLE "christian nation" EVER is one of the following today-
1. Third world shithole
2. Migrant-welcoming blooming dystopia

Jesus was never the answer. The Samurai(or something similar in Western culture) is, or WAS.
Too late now, lol.

>not realizing that I also meant that some of these elderly people need someone to take care of them
Government is not and has never been the answer here, Shitler. That's because government is a machine that lack personality, care, and dignity.
People need to feel obligated to family, but when you toss a third party into the mix, family starts losing that obligation because-
>hey, the government will do it for us!

And make a giant fucking mess of it because government only hires psychopaths or people too GOD DAMN FUCKING STUPID TO GET REAL JOBS YOU TARD.
thanks god
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>EVERY SINGLE "christian nation"
You said it yourself. There are almost no western nations which have a significant number of Christians anymore, and the few that have are usually places like Poland, which are sane enough to keep their borders closed. The most cucked places generally have the highest proportion of atheists. (see France, Sweden, Germany, U.K.)
Why won't a shark eat a nigger... he thinks its whale shit!
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>You said it yourself. There are almost no western nations which have a significant number of Christians anymore
Hint: That is because your batshit religion isn't nationalist in nature. It seeks to spread world wide. It literally was the world's first cosmopolitan culture.

>The most cucked places generally have the highest proportion of atheists. (see France, Sweden, Germany, U.K.)
All places formerly massively christian.
One thing leads to another. Atheism is the answer to christian bullshit. That's why it catches on so well in advance former christfag societies. The people living in those societies get tired of christinsanity, and rather than going to another religion, renounce faith instead as no other religion meshes with their culture.

You dumb jesus freaks annoy the ever loving shit out of your kids and others, they reject your obvious bullshit, but are left with nothing else to turn to. So you know where they go? Atheist love for government and the state. You fucks are annoying, people seek refuge, find none, and go to the only arm around them that appear open.

Thank fuck I found Deism or I'd have gone atheist myself. I was smart enough to read about theology rather than just jumping to another sinking ship.

You. You fucking stupid idiots have done this to yourselves by adopting a ludicrous and obviously retarded belief system and thinking European people would stay mud-sucking stupid enough to keep practicing it until your imaginary hebrew friend came back from the dead and made all his followers disappear out of their clothing in broad daylight.
Hollywood uses TV shows since before Blossom Russo to advance their progressive agenda
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The cycle of people turning away from God, being invaded, and either turning back to God and repelling the invaders, or failing to do so in time and being invaded has repeated countless times in history.

You know the Old Testament? It's basically (to sum it up far too simply) a record of that cycle happening over and over. It's almost like it's designed to drill that idea (multiculturalism and mass rejection of belief in God and the traditional law leads to subversion and invasion) into your head through repetition. It's almost like people not reading the Old Testament is why people foolishly think that Christians aren't supposed to defend their countries from invasion in spite of the majority of the Bible teaching that Christians should protect their families and honour the leaders of their countries.
>The cycle of people turning away from God, being invaded, and either turning back to God and repelling the invaders, or failing to do so in time and being invaded has repeated countless times in history.

kek this has literally never happened outside of bible fantasies
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>thousands of years of recorded history is ALL just a conspiracy
Take off the tinfoil hat for half a second, would ya?
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>The cycle of people turning away from God
They're turning away from bullshit son. Not God.
Any intelligent motherfucker can plainly see christianity for what it is, just like he can see pisslam and kikery. 'k? It's obvious bullshit. It fools niggers, spics, arabs, poor chinese people, other SE asians, hillbillies, prisoners, and other assorted morons, but by-and-large actual intelligent people see right through the shit.

The problem is, there was nothing left for people who shunned your Judaism 2.0 to turn to, and most people prefer collectives by nature.
So they turned to government and progressivism.

There was a void left after leaving christinsanity, and progressivism filled that void.

BTW, your "old testament" ignores at least 20,000 years of human history.
If we're to believe your horseshit, mankind has only had civilization for around 6000 year.



Fucking hell man, your flavor-of-the-month "god" means nothing.
Mr.Cyka, what do we need to do to get out of the "PC" invasion?
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>believe in evolution
>believe that your immediate ancestors must be almost genetically identical to you
>yet also believe that you're somehow way smarter than them
Your hubris is showing.

>There was a void left after leaving christinsanity, and progressivism filled that void.
That's correct. Westerners are now by and large dogmatic 'equalists', which is a religion (an ideology, but from a functional perspective it's a religion) invented by kikes that's designed to subvert and destroy western countries.

You need to stand for something, else you're implicitly accepting of equalism.
This is the kind of articles they produce.. Fucking leftists..

>Jackson Millarker
>His Mothers Are Both Teachers
>actual intelligent people

Would you mind elaborating on what the word "intelligence" means to you? I'm not being snarky, btw.
It will be great to see what monstrosity this child actor grows into in the coming years. Most turn into abominations as it is and they're just normal kids. This will be a shit show of epic proportions.
i want to impregnate her
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>My parents were old members of the Communist Party back in the 1950s




The same people who created, implemented, and ran communism are creating these television shows.
>Anglo protestant
You're the most degenerate creatures on Earth, when the arabs called you degenerates people didn't believed it at first and thought it was a shtiskin lunacy, but now everybody know you're most degenerates people on this planet.
She was better before the reduction.
tbqqh media makes me sick
What about Eastern European Country nigger ?
>not killing all communists, the hell with collateral

You asked for it. We too.
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>yet also believe that you're somehow way smarter than them
Dumbass christfaggot.
I'm not smarter. I just have more facts to go on. It's called "learning from the past" and the past is a hell of a whole lot bigger than 6000 years of nomadic arabic bullshitting in the Levant and Babylon.

This is what I hate most about christards. It'd what really pisses me off about you.
You take credit for shit you did not do and act like the world revolves around your nonsense, while dismissing all the fucking problems you cause as being the work of "fake christians"(IT WAS THE CATHOLIC JESUITS!/IT WAS THE LUTHERANS/PROTESTANTS!).

It was never YOU guys that fucked the pooch, oh no. It was those other HEATHENS(and then you post some scripture taken out of contenxt to meet your needs as usual).
You fucks are masters of deferring blame. The kikes got nothing on christfaggots.

Every time you fuck up, you didn't fuck up.
>THOSE (non-christian christians) did that, not true scotsmen, etc!
>it wasn't a fuck up, God's plan, etc Read [insert hebe name here][number w/decimal here] and see for yourself!

Always a fucking excuse with you. Hey, nice going stealing 90% of "your culture" from the Pagans BTW. Nice touch.
Oh, and for "inventing civilized Europe" despite the fact you stole from Pagan Greek philosophy + science and Pagan Rome Law, Government, and language.
Tell us more about how Jesus invented Roman lettering, judges and juries, congresses, senates, Aristotelianism, the scientific method, calculus, algebra, geometry, and nations/nation-states.
Turd world. Maybe borderline 2nd world. Definitely not advanced.
>between 1 and 3 knots south

>I'm learning from the past.

No you aren't, autistic faggot.
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Yes I am, christcuck thief.

Oh, BTW, another thing.
>but it was the church that preserved all that information during the dark ages!
They preserved that information for the same reason the NSA preserves information. Because knowledge is power and those cocks were fighting wars.
They held battle-winning science, tactics, and technology created in Rome and Greece and other places.
They didn't preserve the shit to make Europe great. European kingdoms loathed one another back then.
They didn't preserve the shit to teach their people. Most of their people were forbidden from schooling back then.

They preserved it to give themselves an advantage. Logical idea, but not the heartwarming altruistic motives you fucktards claim here all the time.
I bet you same tards believe that missionaries go into the hellish jungles of New Guinea just out of the goodness of their hearts to feed and clothe savages, and not because they wanna teach the "word" to a bunch of barely-humans so as to grow the christian-nation ever bigger.

You know NOTHING. Or you're a fucking liar.
Either way, fuck off cunt.
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>It's called "learning from the past"
>ignores the most useful tool we have for learning about the past
You're trying to eat your cake and have it too. I'll ignore the strawman.
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>knowledge is power
>They preserved it to give themselves an advantage
You've almost got it! The anon can be taught!
> Demiboy

which kind of superhero is that?
Used to be funny but then they focused too much on the gay guys having a family, getting married etc.
I think I'm fucked, /pol/. My younger brother made a post on Facebook yesterday talking about how his pronouns are they/them, to not call him "man", and how anyone who is transphobic/racist/sexist should cut off contact with him. I hope he's just going along with the bullshit and is not actually considering this for himself. What the fuck do I do?
The next time a degenerate tells you how much "progress" has been made, tell them that we were better off in 1950. Watch them get angry. Then explain about declining birthrates and the existence of girly men that can't fight wars. Then tell them about White Genocide.
>we ran out of edgy plots, please watch us jump the shark
a kike ruined his cock circumcising him

all around jewish evil
Love your new sister, you transphobic shithead.
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There is nothing wrong with liking Boku no Pico.
I used to make fun of homeschooled kids being sheltered and lame...

Had kids in the age of gender fluidity and cultural marxism.

Homeschool my kids...curate their media to limit their exposure to the crazies.

Next move...buy a sailboat and run like hell.
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Someone wake me up from this nightmare.
That's why Will & Grace will probably be the only show I watch with a gay protagonist. At least it's realistic with regards to the gay lifestyle:
-Most likely you live with a roomate
-Have multiple lovers
-Don't give fucks because you won't have kids
please dont tell me that al bundy is for shillary

hes like the only fictional character/actor from the past that i still like
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This is the new normal, but without the 2d cuteness.
It's horrifying but on the other side I can't stop feeling slightly curious how far will it go.
holy shit you are right
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>Atheism is the answer of religious insanity
He probably meant to say a consequence of religious insanity.
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>Australian male
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8 year old

oh! its called modern family so this is all above board
color me hate-filled
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