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Thread replies: 107
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>4chan under moot
greasy neckbeards, spam, CP and camwhores, -chan wars
progressively displaced by reddit

>4chan under hiroyuki senpai desu
strong, elite and cute
influencing global politics through maymays
I reckon hiroshimoot is alright.
-chan wars, CP and spam are some of the best memories I have from my youth. Also Habbo raids.

Hiroyuki has been doing a very good job though. I really like his attitude.
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Thank you Hiro. You are a great admin.
base hiro
What did Hiroshima Nagasaki mean with that tweet awhile ago?
Did he really say that?
based hiro

fuck the fucking faggot who ran this site a year after i got here, he sounds like a cuck
Domo arigato Hiro-san.
> strong, elite and cute
> influencing global politics through maymays

Not going to lie, that was painful to read.
he was
look at the flag and ask again
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hiroshima doesn't have a good enough command of the english language to rattle off a complex idea like that, and as far as I know he never uses capital letters
paraphrasing at best
yeah I saw it on his tumblr
he changed the music and added some mario walking around in 1 thread in v
Of course he did. It was on /qa/.
>still haven't gotten rid of the dumb joke filters moot left behind
>zero attempts to understand any board's culture
>oh but he made a couple boards people wanted, time to forget Pearl Harbor

Was on /qa/.
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Based Hiroshim00t trolls the trolls. Top banter

Also, fuck m00t. If anybody around here actually misses him/her, let me know.
I like his hands-off approach. Moot was big on posting as a tripfag and general attention whore behavior
Are you implying an Aussie would lie to us?

>mexican intellectuals
strike again
He has given us all a virtual battlefield to decide the future of the world.

Is this the real WW3?
Isuzu Kawasaki is cool in my book.
whos moot?

im an oldfag from 2015 btw

of course not

he said "austrarians"

Hiroshima started the desu senpai wordfilters. And they really worked, we stopped talking like fucking niggers.
Thank you Hiro!
dunno bruh shits gettin lit, mah nigga. U gonna see soon
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Seriously nobody buys your BS
What's his name again?
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>hiro removes yotsuba from the 404 screen and replaces her with some video
>literally the entire site except for /pol/ freaked the fuck out about it
>he put yotsuba back on the 404 page and tweeted sorry
desu senpai
I love desu and senpai. Reminds all the shitposters that they're still on an anime website.
Moot is a gay admin that loves anime and he was the fag that copied the script from Github and "created" 4chan. He then asked for donations because he was broke and didnt pay his netflix and he went with the cash to mexico to get banged by puerto rico boys instead of paying the hostig bill. 4chan got then bought off by AOL and is fermenting on the bottom of the internet
Subaru Mitsubishi
>If anybody around here actually misses him/her, let me know.
Nigger all the "bad" about him is baiting shitposting about stupid shit, we passed from someone who knew about every single thing and how to handle it about this site to someone who can't even manage one board. Which is fine since he even knew who to pick who to manage the site, someone who won't be blamed for everything, conscious about angry anonymous people, who doesn't give a shit about american politics.
What's a moot?
Thank you Mr. Hirosima
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Jackie 4chan
I found 4chan through habbo raids.
Every dick and his dog can copypaste source code and host it. Someone else coded it. After they got rid if /i/ which was really the only reason i started to lurk things gone down. After all the gay Scientology operations attracted the media all the fags bought the gayfalks masks and joined the board, that was when the Cancer started.
The surge0n then started to flood the board, rw rw fight the you know what and alot of those virgin fags that came with the cancer kinda stayed and thats 4chan today.
More proof that Gooks are the most deserving of being the planet's overlord.
>After all the gay Scientology operations attracted the media all the fags bought the gayfalks masks and joined the board, that was when the Cancer started.

One of the most cringe shit I ever experienced.
moot literally didn't care about the site for the last 5 years he was the owner. he was busy wasting jew money on canvas and then sulking after that shit failed.

he was a horrible admin and it literally took 10 years for this faggot to do a simple thing like take donations before the site would have gone under.
small penis is small?

also there is gay porn of M00t out there and his full name and adress. What a faggot
Does anyone remember the tom Green raids?
Jews like m00t never know when to stop. This shitty site should have been shut down ages ago when it still was good. What a crappy shitty lame site it has become. Fu faggots there arent even admins on the board, only bots
Does he even read or visit /pol/?

If he does can you reply to my post Hiro
Based Emperor Hirohito
moot was actually stupider than that

he refused donations and instead took out personal loans since he was obsessed with 4chan somehow turning into a business that "survived on its own" (as if shitposts and memes can generate revenue) and then finally caved when the site was about to go under and his canvas project was going down the toilet.

he was also a sjw faggot who killed /new/ which was /pol/ 1.0
Also Reddit
Yes he is a full blood democrate Social justice worrior male feminist failed wanna be black artist faggot
also everyone knows he used to post Furry porn, he accidentally postet it with his M00t account and his mod buddies pretended that he was just trolling also perma banhammerd everyone who mentioned it

Gay Furry faggot he is
I wasn't sure about Mook at first. Nothings fucked up or gone bad since he took over, so I'm happy to be surprised.
He was too busy getting interrogated for the stupid shit we do here. The man is a saint, fuck off.
yeah as if ANYONE would want to advertise on a website that frequently is hosting Child porn and Gore. What a dopey shit

btw i feel fucking raped that im doing all the "Machine Learning" donkey work for google using this shitty reCAPTCHA, woudnt be supprised if they get a few cent for using those
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Miss Me Yet?
Moot + Gook = Mook? lol
havent been here recently since unlike you guys i started to have a sexlife
Hiroshimoot is best owner
What a skinny fag, his wrists are so thin that if he would actually would bother his hole to learn coding he would get carpel tunnel in a week LOL
Seems like that just looking like a skinny, gimpy lonley freak is enough to be confused with a programmer, my fucking retarded turtle can setup a server and copy paste the chan source from Github

What loser fags would actually be "mods" here?
>started to have a sexlife
>at the le rosey all-boys campus
mootykins would be proud
Skinny lonley freak with oily hair

That feel bro, am i rite?

gtfo toom
japanese are just smaller, uglier, but better versions of white people,
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stfu jew?
>i feel fucking raped that im doing all the "Machine Learning" donkey work for google using this shitty reCAPTCHA
Man I hate that too, can't they fucking use a different captcha service? Of course, they get payed who knows how much for google's captchas

Wow, a lot of autism in your post friend. You do realize he's the one who programmed most of 4chan right? He does know how to code. He was the one who did all the php and sql stuff. Its moot who doesn't code.
I wonder what our Hiroshima and Nagasaki will be
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coz google is working on their super smart AI that can recognize Billboards and Street numbers and Shopfronts.

I hope googles becomes an Indian version of Yahoo and has to let all their shitty "programmers" Go lol
they can hear, and see what your visually thinking
this is the complete truth
The reason a lot of Asians have completely expressionless faces, segregate from everybody else-only associate with Asians and don’t associate with non Asians that much, and are very unfriendly in general is to avoid accidentally revealing that they can read minds. If all over a billion Asians where to show facial expressions all the time just as much as non Asians, integrate and associate with non Asians much more, and be much more friendly and talkative, then a lot of them might accidentally reveal that they can read minds by accidentally showing a facial expression or dirty look when someone thinks, or visually pictures something in their mind they don’t like, find astonishing, or funny etc because those people might see that and and really wonder what that was that just happened there and see the connection, and they might accidentally say something similar to what the person was just thinking and going to say. If they all associated with non Asians a lot more then there would be a lot more people around for them to accidentally show facial expressions when those people think things they don’t like etc, so they segregate and only associate with Asians so there won’t be anyone around for them to see that and have any accidents happen in the first place.
Try thinking, best yet visually picturing in your mind something absolutely crazy as you possibly can when you are around Asians, and try looking for Asians who give people particular looks, especially dirty looks for what appears to be for completely no reason, that is them giving people looks when they hear and visually see someone thinking something they don’t like, find astonishing, or funny etc.
I know this may sound crazy, impossible and unbelievable, BUT IT ISN’T CRAZY WHEN ITS TRUE
You have to spread the message!!!!!
The world has to know about this!!!!!
Thats what im sayn, M00t cant code. He is a FAG that just copied the sauce. duh
Thank you Hirotokyo.


i banged a few gooks and im telling you they have no soul. They only care about looks, status and what their gook friends think about you. Acutally they dont care about you at all. The reaction of others to you and in their mind hopefully Jealousy is all that matters. Also they arent that tight and way to rubbery fuck gooks useless cunts
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>it trully is the greatest nation on earth
>my nation will always be the greatest squandered nation on earth

>its probably the amount of niggers
>i'm a nigger

What have you done to me, /pol/
Can't it be that they just only care about asians?
Im sorry you are black.
Protip: You could bleach your skin and become more mixed looking, also in US they can laser your eyes blue, that way you could claim to be half white. If you then appologize for your race and make strong points against your pepz and feel outraged by crimes commited by fellow nigros you will be recieved pretty well i guess
Kill yourself Sinophile
Without luggage lad we never exist
You watch your dirty whore mouth when you talk about him
Whats canvas?
Hiro give us more spoopy skelly this Halloween or yer ma gets it in the gabber
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I liked Moot and I like Hiro too.
I miss Moot.
I'm a smart man. I'm also a successfull businessman.

But my children will probably revert to the mean, and be average black children. Almost beat my older one the other day because he called a waiter racist. My wife restrained me.

I don't want to be white. I want to build a better brazil for me and my children.
post meme dating to m00t or GTFO
Send your savage kids to a boarding school.
send them off with harsh words and a gold clap on their shoulder.
A failed attempt to make a "make your meme" site
Hiro is good for 4chan lets be honest.

If Moot was incharge he would be bought out by Hillary to make it a Hillary supporting board.
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teh rei
dead nigger storage
don't mess with football

Fuck off medkit.
That's a /fit/izen called Inspector from back in the day
You know "revert to the mean" is bullshit, right? If you and your wife are smart, and you raise them well, they WILL be as smart or smarter than you.
is that the correct date?
Remember /pol/ harbor? Did anyone here screenshot that shit, crazy
Cool story bro!
Screencap of your meme folder or it never happend.
More like everyone would be making fake paint images about how hillary bought him and how everything he does is a conspiracy to make Trump lose
She isn't. But she is mine, and i'll be hers.

She stood by my side when i was broke, i'm not going to leave her for a smarter woman now that i'm better off.

Black women are oddly loyal for some reason.
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You're not getting into my meme folder.
And how to forget the redditchan adhd tards adding fuel to the fire
Moot's a fag but he's a fag that built 4chan into what it was so we love him and respect him like our grandpa with alzheimers. Pitied, and called a piece of shit and a drain in most circumstances, but we still love him. NuMoot is also a fag and seems alright because the boards are still on.
you just know
i told you so, new fag. here all summer huh?
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You get out.
my feelings every time I read a leaf post
Thread posts: 107
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