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Does Japan have people that worship western knight culture like

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Does Japan have people that worship western knight culture like weeaboos do samurai?
This, except for every video game and anime ever that involves swords and armor
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>swords and armor are expressly european
Doesn't matter. Their women worship white cock.
but not yours faggot :^)
You're right, I really love 14th century African sabatons and Sudanese Claymores

if that statement is valid then the statement "white women worship black cock" would also be valid because the same dynamic is at play
There's a huge amount of anime and video games that include explicitly European armor and weaponry. I would say more than there is western media that includes katanas.
>Europe is the only continent that had metal weapons
for the most part, ya.
I highly doubt that, but I don't care anyway. My BWC doesn't even get hard for gook pussy.
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Are katanas not swords?
we wur koniggers an schiesse
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>"white women worship black cock" would also be valid
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Thanks for you (you)'s
Japs and Chinks worship the American Cowboy architect, not the Euro Knight.
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Have you not played Dark Souls?
Topkek burger delusion.

Seems like there's an overlap in the 2, so it can be understood readily enough

Feudal police/mercs with a code

Landowning soldiers/mercs with a code
I HATE smelly yankee. SHART IN MART. Go to hell all yanks.
This, Miyazaki is a massive euroboo, he read euro folklore as inspiration and incorporated it in his design ideas. Y'all should read the Design Works interview with him
Yeah, you fucking retard
Technically they are more like sabres. Curved blade, only one edge etc, but meh

Also dark souls is pretty muc. Japans take on western medieval fantasy and its great

They are called the Japan Armored Combat League, and a couple Americans brought it over. They competed in the HEMA Battle of the Nations.


Here's a vid of them beating on gaijin Americans (at least for a little bit.)
Jews fear the Samurai
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What the fuck is this?

Are westaboos fighting flesh demons?
Yea but they are shit swords and equally shit armor

Except, you know, the European worship prevalent throughout anime. They're always making blonde bitches with frilly dresses that sip tea and have names like Frederica von Tresselbecher and Rudolph Lichtensever or some other dumb vaguely European sounding shit and dressing them up in European armor.
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short answer

it's a good thing, japanese medieval media is fantastic
Final Fantasy
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>implying Ronin and Cowboys aren't functionally identical
Pretty much.
Funny since Japanese blades are still claimed as the best to this day. From props to kitchen knives even the no.1 hairdressing scissors are Japanese made.
Japan has a rager for medieval Europe. Dragon Quest is full of European folklore/architecture.
Fuck yeah, they do. They have a whole greaser/rockabilly scene where they listen to bluegrass, rock 1950's teenager hairstyles and get tattoos of Elvis and shit like how Chads get tattoos of dragons.
Some of them do, hideo kojima does.
Pls stop my sides hurt
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>Black females respond to anyone that will take them

Ayy lmao.
why is it that every time a white tries to shit on katanas, they use a heavy sword like a claymore to break it?

katanas are light weapons, such a shitty unfair comparison every time I see it.
A broadsword or claymore would have snapped a katana in half.
Except that the best blades are made in Solingen, Germany.
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Japanese girls love white guys
Japanes blades, espcially katanas are made very very hard.By doing this they dont blunt easy and can maintain extremely sharp.
However this sharpnes makes them brittle, pieces often chip.away from the blade and of they are bend sideways they are completely ruined. European swords are a lot more elastic which makes them more dureable, but they blunt a little bitfaster.
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>black male and asian male same reply rate for white female

woah, that's really interesting

>western knight culture

Dude what the fuck.
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Japanese video games are like fucking artwork compared to the dogshit US companies make
Hello there.

Yeah I'm cucked, only a fucking faggot etc.

But yes they do. They acknowledge the suprior armor and swords against the japanese leather and straw armor.

There are literally series of japanese animes admiring their awe to the european knights.
Bihanders, swords (not katanas), plate armors, chainmails, trebuchets, battering rams and many more inventions are bound to the medieval age and yes the japanese are into it.
As much as we are into their art of fighting.
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cute weeaboo white girls love asian guys
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>tfw you faggots are always coming to my beautiful Montana landscapes to enjoy the sights
>tfw one of you squinty niggers tries to ride a buffalo in Yellowstone
I remember when i saw this reposted back when i saw this reposted on funnyjunk, good times
Stop making my country look fucking retarded.
what else? There were no knights anywhere else
Except the famousmexican jefferos
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Not as obnoxious as fat american weaboos, but they do have their enthusiasts. Its a good thing too, because they actually portray it well in media, fantasy setting or not.
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I was just waiting for kenichi smith to be posted, he has to exist somewhere irl
Light weapons?
Nice way of spelling "useless".
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Superior Nipponese hairdressing scissors folded 1000 times and forged in the fires of Mt. Fuji.
European knights are superior to Samurai.
They could've just made obsidian blades lmao.
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Oh yeah, pic related.
source on picture?
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I concur mein freund
No, they are proud creatures, and prefer to hunt alone
Sword as a primarily cutting weapon fell out of use by 10/11th century, because Europeans were not retarded and employed rivetted chain armour with good padding.
Late period longswords were not even sharpened, and there was a technique to grab the sword by the middle, unsharpened part to help with driving the sharp tip between armour sections or rings.
Katana worship is nationalromanticism bullshit. It was a sidearm, with bows and longer reach weapons for fighting from either horsback or on foot. "knight culture" and "noble and honourable" knights and samurai is also late bullshit. They were well trained professional soldiers, usually killers and violent scum.
japs love western music, they go mental for it

>portray it well
>halfswording meme
>dark souls is pretty muc. Japans take on western medieval fantasy and its great
If you like that, read Berserk.
They actually seem to really take after other axis powers. Common themes in Anime are Germany and Italy. Whenever they need to make up a magical sounding name they just translate to German or Italian.
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What time are you talking about?
Hard steel weapons were mainly manufactured throughout europe, no other civilization did that in the 14th hundreds. It was either iron or cheap steel like katanas that you had to falter hundred of times until it was not breaking.
Europe was THE place to be if you wanted to have a well made steel weapon that didn't break at european armors.

Armors got more heave in the centuries, because the weapons got better, at the end of the 17th century armors were so heavy, knights really got to be lifted onto horses, but that was the exception. At that time most of the knights didn't even wear armours becuase it was insufficient.

Best medieval weapons were made in europe. Italy, germany and britain were some of the places to go for an excellent weapon.

Yes, a lot

Butthurt nippy here meant to say "yes"
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no fucking shit lad, japan hates their own culture and wish they could be like uk and burgerland
except Dark Souls copied practically everything from Berserk

Burgerland minus the burgers, you mean.
>the MOST American man
>because Europeans were not retarded and employed rivetted chain armour with good padding.

The reason Europeans had better armor was due to the greater abundance of armor-grade metal ores.

Meanwhile in Japan, iron was a lot less common, which made armor only viable for the elite.
>Sword as a primarily cutting weapon fell out of use by 10/11th century
for infantry maybe. calvary continue to use sharp, curved sabres designed for slashing for many centuries after this period
the game would be a lot better if that was true

How many are your shaving blades folded?
swords were never the main weapon for anyone my uneducated negro
it was always something on a long stick, and after that got broken either due to charge or some other reason only then the sidearm as in sword or a sabre was taken out
Toledo steel>japanese steel
No not really

i took my inner weeb to the next level and found that japanese people idolize the shit out of the UK, france, and the US. just look at the shirts they wear. all in english, american flag shirts, UK flag shirts. I actually didnt see a single t shirt that was in japanese.
Yes. Look at Hideo Kojima of MGS fame, he fucking loves western shit. Hes a westaboo. The only reason he got Keef for MGSV was because we watched and loved 24.

Also many 70/80/90s Anime got heavy inspiration from Western culture. Something like Berserk borrows many elements from Evil Dead.
There's a series called Dark Souls made by Japs.
>this shit again
The Katana was designed to cut through shitty jap wooden plate armor and naked peasant women. The longsword was designed specifically to avoid armor on heavily armored opponents. It's long narrow blade and thin point were designed to slip between plates and pierce the mail or other clothing beneath the plate and then kill. Of course the long sword performs poorly as a cutting implement or an armor piercing weapon because it was designed to do just the opposite of those things.
Lombardy, Innsbruck, Landshut, Augsburg, Nuremberg.

Owning an Italian or German plate armour and barding back then is the modern equivalent of private jets and supercars.

Imagine going around in a gothic style armour before maidens on a tournament.
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Anyone who has played JRPGs or watched fantasy anime knows that Japanese are huge Westaboos.

Re:Zero has a character named Reinhard van Astrea.
Of course not.
Considering how hard the media pushes it, it's a good sign that white women aren't much higher than Asian women in response to Jamal.

Have to feel bad for the male chongs and poos though, only a 22 and 18 response rate from their own women.
>Something like Berserk borrows many elements from Evil Dead.

I thought it was based more on Hellraiser and general Western demonology.
Since no one has responded, that's a Christian armed rebellion in Japan.
Sabre was adopted from Turkic people and those in contact with them, who developed ways to counter them. Way later. When full armour fell out of use due to firearm proliferation, and mostly by light cavalry.
Even by Napoleonic times, heavy cavalry/cuirassisers were using straight swords.
>light weapons
Katanas are actually very heavy. They are hard and brittle and as such the blade has to be thick. This makes it impractical to wield in one hand and difficult to push it through an enemy.
longswords weren't even for fighting against other longsword people. The whole weapon industry is a paper, stone, scissor type of fighting (until today) and longswords were mainly for fighting against pikeniers with their long range. Just crushing the pole and try to crush their armors or heads until they don't move anymore.
Knights weren't normal footsoldiers.
Most ones got no good plate-armor.
They were just people who thought a good war is good money and were often poor as fuck.
A plate armor was expensive. Like more expensive than gold .

In the late 17th longsword wielers got an education to go through and got certificates the can handle them properly.

It was not just raw power but alot of strategy. and the knowledge what is the beat weapon in a stand-off on the field
very different
It's more spread out and not as intense, but yes.

There is a lot of cultural exchange between the west and japan. French stuff in particular is especially popular in japan.
Apparently, the fact that people made chain armour from iron doesn't tell you enough. There's chain armour and there's chain armour. Butted, twisted, rivetted, dense, multi-layered, iron or steel all play their part. Now explain to me how did they have enough ore to create lammelar, blades and weaponheads, but not chain.
>Even by Napoleonic times, heavy cavalry/cuirassisers were using straight swords.

Fuck off english teacher
>longswords were mainly for fighting against pikeniers with their long rang
who the fuck told you that
ill need a sauce
there were differences in styles. A plate armour for war looked different from a prunk plate armour

The armours you weared at a tournament were different and specialzed for the event. Like the helmet without any room to see for jousting, because fear for blindness through splinters.

A plate armour for war was plain, with some layers for the private parts and that's it. But the steel was top-notch.

A plate armour for tournaments was with ingrams and shenanigans (including some bentley like figures on the head).

Yeah they were like the ferraris under the armours. Especially the italian brothers were famous for their armours.
Its fantasy, you meme-loving dip.
I think there is a translation issue. Longsword is a singlehanded sword type. Bastardsword is a one-and-a-half handed, greatsword/twohander is a different thing.
Munition grade plate was becoming far cheaper by 15th and 16th century, and infantry preferred the half-plate, often with open helmet types for unimpeded breathing and senses. Coat of plates, brigandine were not that expensive, and plenty of mercenaries were available during that period, and they weren't unequipped cannon fodder.
Infantry formations during Pike era often had sword and buckler men among pikemen, and zweihanders for offense. During the earlier period, halberds were more common than pikes, but later on pure pike blocks emerged, protecting arquebus gunners.
The weapon is mostly associated with either Swiss or German mercenaries known as Landsknecht, and their wielders were Doppelsöldner. However, the Swiss outlawed their use, while the Landsknechte kept using them until much later.[2] The Black Band of German mercenaries (active during the 1510s and 1520s) included 2,000 two-handed swordsmen in a total strength of 17,000 men. Zweihänder-wielders fought with and against pike formations. There are some accounts of Zweihänders cutting off pike heads.[citation needed] Soldiers trained in the use of the sword were granted the title of Meister des langen Schwertes (lit. Master of the Long Sword) by the Marx brotherhood.


Longswords are bihander.
Are you retarded? There is even a famous description of the aftermath of clash of British and French cavalry during the Peninsular war: the British had slashing weapons which inflicted more wounds, while the French employed straight thrusters which were far more lethal. In addition, the French outkilled Hungarian Hussars who used sabres.
By the way, that is not heavy cavalry you posted, and it is very obvious due to a number of things.
jesus fucking christ why would you call 2handed sword a longsword
longsword is 1.5 handed
longswords became bihanders over the centuries as far as I remember. The swords got longer for more striking power and therefore needed to be wielded by two hands.
the only /pol/ approved anime (lotgh) is about 2 galactic empires, one of them clearly based on american democracy, the other based on a mix of european feudalism and nazi style fascism
hell most of the names are blatantly german
because of history. Longswords are bihanders. They just got longer over time.
except they didnt, besides 2handers were designed specifically for the same purpose as pikes, to counter cavalry and put some safety in range
nothing to counter pikes, even your wiki says nothing about this
Samurais wore paper mache armor. That is not armor.
>making armor before weapons
The best defense is a good offense.

Building better and better weapons is a constant. You build armor only in response to weapons.

So generally you have the historical dynamic of weapons>armor.
This. My aunt lives in Solingen. Top knife and scissor manufacturing center of the west. Most kitchen knives are made there.
>There are some accounts of Zweihänders cutting off pike heads.[

Yeah these were the pikemen heads?

It's just logical to counter long ranged weapons with long ranged weapons.

If a pike loses its head, the weapon is just a stick.
Yeah they're called "From Software"
holy fuck you're retarded. A long sword is an elongation of the regular arming sword and was a one-handed weapon.
See >>90682132
two handed swords dont resembled long swords at all. they're much longer, broader and thicker and and generally have a rounder point. A 2h sword is a cutting weapon that works primarily through sheer force(most weren't even sharpened beyond a beaten edge). A long sword is a stabbing implement that requires a great deal of skill to use properly. They're totally different weapons
kek underrated post by far.
and sorry, but can you read german? The more detailed wiki is on german and it says explicictly it was for fighting long range weapons like hellebards, pikes and others.
>there are some accounts
>implying you need a 2hander to cut off a pikehead
>implying a shorter sword wont do that better
>implying 2handers were designed TO CUT OFF FUCKING PIKEHEADS
hans, I...
>It's just logical to counter long ranged weapons with long ranged weapons.
do you really think RANGE is the only stat that matters?
have you ever tried manevouring 2hander or a pike?
Thank god my Asian girlfriend is not autistic enough to be a weeaboo. I couldn't handle that kind of a girl. How do Asian guys tolerate this?
holy fuck you're retarded. A long sword is an elongation of the regular arming sword and was a one-handed weapon.

Nope. Zweihänder are a family of swords. nder this category are longswords, bastardswords, bihander

They are NOT totally diferent weapons.

Don't know where you got that from, but it's plain false.
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>scrolling through thread
>passive aggressive retort
>are you retarded
Pol gets pretty passionate about swords and armor
it's true
first off, it stated that in the short text, not like it didn't.
Second yes, a weapon with just a thrusting power could split that hard wood easy. A short sword would need some tries to do that.
I never stated they were designe to do that, but they were used to do that. And then just smash the enemy's head afterwards.
And yes I had the pleasure training with a bihander. They are heavy as fuck and there is no way you can use it any other way than just smashing it.
Don't watch the hollywood movies.

You go in, smash the pike run further smash the head. Nothing else. Not in a war
fine i got another source, those were for knocking the pikes ASIDE not cutting them off, then the mass of the sword makes sense
my bad, youre right
your comment about cutting the pikeheads off irked me a bit too much
Who the fuck knows how they were deployed. They didn't have simple image boards where they could argue and set a standard on what to call what swords.

Sword guilds made up names for their shit based off what nobility or mercenary requested from them. Soldiers have a habit of fucking up the nomenclature of their equipment either out of a laugh or simply because its easier to convey its purpose. They didn't/don't give a fuck about the history of the weapon. They just want it to work.

Its doubtful that two-handed sword formations were very successful against pike formations. Most battles were poorly documented. There are so many variables for how tools are utilized: weather, terrain, and political factors being chief among them. Alls I know is that if I had to fight, I'd fight as dirty and efficiently as possible to drive the enemy away from me.
sorry about that. It wasn't meant like they were just for giving it a clean laser cut. Sometimes I really wish I could talk better in english.
which style?
in my local chapter the 2hander guy always goes with that shit looking stance with blade to the ground holding the hilt above his head i have no idea what its called in english
>its great
Eeeh not really. Demon's Souls on the other hand...
People dont understand a japanese blade tries to be a large razor. It slices amazingly but must be used in a particular manner and usually requires more training. Western swords and knives are able to take a beating which makes them suitable for mass combat or to be in the hands of less-skilled peoples. Even with kitchen knives as much as i love my japanese single bevel blades, they require immediate cleaning and i can't just toss them around or slam them into my butcher block which is why i have heavy german workhorses and cheap chinese cleavers.
I got one shitty video here. This is a modern sword. Much balance and not so heavy.

You can see, the pure length is forbidding it to use it any other way than just wielding it.


That's a classical technique to use the weapon. Just big circles and using the momentum of movement.

There are other techniques in defensive stance aginst other swordmen, but in attack it's always looking like this, or turn around the blade and use the sword handle to stab the opponent. Many swords got a pike on the end of the handle to do exactly that.
Also, japanese steel was just bad. That's why it had to be faltered so many times. Otherwise it would have been just an antenna with no other use than being a good kettlehandle
A sabre is a type of sword. Swords by definition are not limited to a two edges.

there is nothing historical about dark souls. Just a game fro weebs who think they know shit about the medieval period.

Battle of the Nations is not HEMA. It does not really simulate anything historical. They are full contact LARPers, nothing more.

1. you can't compare the weapons because they serve different purposes. Apples and Oranges.
2. Swords being heavy is a myth. The largest of European swords rarely weighed more than 6 pounds. Sure you will see the difference, but swords being heavy and clunky is a myth.

Good points, but by the late medieval period, many commoners had access to some form of swords.

The outcome of one campaign does not prove that it's more effective. There is a reason why cavalry have used curved blades throughout much of history.

Wrong, long sword is a broad term for many two handed/hand and a half swords/bastard swords. Also you are wrong that 2h swords are not for thrusting, historical sources cite that they are used often for thrusting as much as cutting.
Swords will cut you wide open.
just like the mexican cartel guy in that webm that was released yesterday
yeah its the same but he always started from position similiar to 0:25 since the back stance left him pretty much open and the distance we start sparring with is too short and he always got interrupted midswing but when he got started it was straight scary, i was afraid my bones would break first time i took it on my board
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Some rebellious little brat that got his head chopped off, and put on a pike.

Oh really?
are you into these medieval fights? Like the summer world championships in prague?
These are really great events.
The eastern europeans and the russians are overwhelmingly good in this.
Much kudos to you guys. It is really scary, even in an armor. When a blunt weapon hits you on the head it's just like a firework in your head.
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Absolutely. The entire RPG video game industry since the 90s from Japan is based around it.
I agree
i attend my local friendly "knight" chapter in my local friendly castle and we play with blunt steel with techniques taken from poorly translated medieval manuals every weekend
its fun as fuck but im always hurting the whole week afterwards
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Historical swords ranked from god, to shit-tier:
>Southern Indian Talwar
>Near Easter Scimitar/Shamshir
>Northern European Falchions and early-backswrods
>Chinese Dao
>Late Roman Gladius
>Japanese Katana
>Concescending dipshit

Slashing and cutting swords being used on horseback most of the time has a lot to do with the downward motion against infantry and the momentum of horse movement. On the other hand, the commanders outfitting heavy cavalry knew what they were doing when they gave the period cavalry their famous straight swords. Which were not just for thrusting, they would leave terrible wounds in slashing motion. They just weren't good for cutting the way sabres were. Cuirassier charge would trample infantry, while they would raise their hands and point their straight swords forward, using the added reach to strike enemy cavalry if encountered.

And since you decided to be a whole new level of generalisation retarded: yes, thrusting has been proven throughout history as the more effective, and more lethal. Thrust have a higher chance of damaging vital organs, vessels and nerves, leave permanent damage or quickly incapacitate your foe. In addition, close order combat favours shorter, sharpened swords, because using longer slashing swords requires space. Which is the reason hoplites carried short thrusting swords, as short as 30 cm in case of Spartans, and why the Romans adopted initially a pure thruster, and later different gladii, which depending on the type, added cutting capability in lieu of pure thrusting performance.
From Software is pretty severely Westaboo.

They basically dump Berserk plagiarism all over Western armour porn.
I know. I was into it as I was younger. I had all the romantic aspects in my head.
Fighting like in the movies and so on, until I realized it's not anything like that.
And from then on it was just fun, until my shitty armor was so fucked up and I had to spend my money otherwise than on a good armor.
I was fighting with sword and shield.
I had so many blessures after every time we met.
Was only a lose arrangement of people who had fun fighting each other, no club. Highly illegal I think (becuase no club and fighting with weapons here is always some kind of a no-go somehow). But I dunno or gave a fuck.
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This guy sort of, he dealt with europoors and was nice to Christian missionaries.

Dark Souls

Final Fantasy

Fire Emblem

Full Metal Alchemist
very, very different
>suspect bait
it kinda morphed into its own genera tho
thats too bad, armour is always expensive as hell, its a hobby for the rich, i blew over 4k euro on my kit so far
but theres always wood and leather for people who dont have armour and steel, its a bit less fun but still good
Hiro why did you post that tweet where you apologized?
Eventually. It took about 15 years though. The entire FF series before 7, Chrono Trigger, Breath of Fire series, all had major elements of medieval Europe and those are only the tip of the iceberg.
European weapons are heavier. They can be blunt and still do damage. They also typically gave more stabbing potential to pierce through armor. European weapons are more flexible and have more ways to actually use them. Jap blades? Sure it can cut, but can it cut through plate? How long will it last in a battle before breaking or nicking?
>Battle of the Nations is not HEMA. It does not really simulate anything historical. They are full contact LARPers, nothing more.

Which is why I called them jap westaboos. Sounds appropriate for a joke hobby.
Dragon Quest is waaaay bigger than FF in Japan, and DQ continues to use a medieval European theme.
You are the dipshit. A Sabre can be curved or straight. Yes many were used for thrusting in cavalry clashes. No shit thrusting is effective, I'm well aware. Napoleon's cavalry had many different equipment. The curved sword never died off.
You're absolutely right. My list of games was just a dash off the top of my head from games I played when I was young.
And animes who's characters are dressed in European armor with Euro swords
>cute weeaboo girls

dude, the majority of weeb girls are hella ugly man.
I'd love to hit him in the face nigga style. fuck that guy makes me angry and I'm not even white
A katana can't cut through plate just like European swords can't cut through plate. However, the bastard sword, was more versatile you are correct (half swording, swinging the pommel and cross guard)
Most soldiers used spears tbqfhfam. Sharp metal bits on the end of a long pole. Keeps enemy with similar sharp pointy bits away from u
Have you heard their music?
It's horrible.
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Nip swords make you a badass though.

Watch Yojimbo, then watch Fistful of Dollars
Weebos are also usually quite mentally damaged.
I don't even have a particular distaste for jap culture or anything like that, but weeb girls are just so fucking stupid, they're a pain to be around.
Not sure in a weeaboo kind of way, but many animes/mangas have a heavy european focus.
especially that queen bee disposition they tend to have. Considering there's usually a 10:1 ratio of male to female in weeb groups the dudes tend to fawn over them and elevate their egos.
Have you seen the amount of western medieval anime they make? of course they fucking do

If by badass you mean autistic, then yeah.
Japs are insanely obsessed with France.

There is actually a mental illness that only effects Japanese that go to Paris; its called Paris syndrome, and has similar symptoms as schizophrenia. Its theorized that it is caused by a massive disconnect between the Japanese idealization of Paris and reality, enhanced by the massive culture shock and jet lag.
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damn horvat, are you some medieval professor?
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