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Trump's numbers go up after the debate in the states of

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Trump's numbers go up after the debate in the states of Florida, Virginia, and Iowa

There is no stopping this train
The establishment is circlejerking about how shitty he performed at the debate (which, in all honesty, he did) but they forgot that his core supporters don't give a shit and all the other voters that support him aren't necessarily voting for him, but AGAINST shillary.
This is a pro-hillary board leaf gtfo

I haven't heard of that pollster. Link?
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Trump won, every online poll said as much. the Jews are so desperate to spin this their own way, they haven't bothered checking polls (other than CNN, which used a (((scientific))) method.
>his core supporters don't give a shit

this x100

Literally do not give a single fuck
fuck off shill
kill yourself
fuck off shill
kill yourself
fuck off shill
kill yourself
fuck off shill
kill yourself
fuck off shill
kill yourself
fuck off shill
kill yourself
fuck off shill
kill yourself
fuck off shill
kill yourself
fuck off shill
kill yourself
fuck off shill
kill yourself
fuck off shill
kill yourself
Agreed. I'll support Trump til the end.

The only downside is having to explain the whole thing to my newly redpilled friends and normies that know I support Trump.
They say he lost because he was on the defensive but he was attacked at every turn. Hillary proposed nothing, she just said quirky things and smugged at the tv, literally doing it for the sound bytes.
Trump lost the debate but won the campaign.

Him not looking like a total asshole is all he needs at this point.
Ah blessed Kek is shining light on the invasion happening!
Checked and Praised!
Hes already got these states.

He needs to get some gains in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
Old fag here, almost 50. I've never seen liberals panicking like they are now.
They still believe the MSM can control America
>Already got these states

He's been getting killed in Virginia m8.

If he can manage to pull Virginia you should prepare for a relatively short election night

Trump is going to be the next President unless he does something really stupid. All he has to do is break even in the debates (like he did last night), and stay on message.
This has to be fake.
I've seen meme anarchist candidates in brazilian elections more prepared than him in that debate.
Who in their right mind would vote for him after that?
Getttin' real sick of winning here, Trump
Thats something a lot of liberals don't seem to get.

They lowered the bar so far that he can just step over the damn thing
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Things have been trending Trump for awhile, more than the national polls indicate. The state polls give you a better (but still not great) handle on how things are going.
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Trump won on every isssue and then they turned it into the attack Donald show

People who want help or don't like the countries decline don't give a fuck about attacking him with recycled garbage

They tried this with the primaries
>2.3% in MA
Well have to wait a couple days before we can see if any damage was done, because I'm sure there's a lag in reporting versus when they were taken.

Honestly though, I don't think it really hurt him despite the bad second half of the performance. A lot of people are already decided for this election, more than I realized previously. The only people left are fickle voters who change at the drop of a hat. We still have two debates and a VP debate left. Plenty of time.
Wait I'm an idiot
we'll get there senpai
I'm not sure what happened but a lot of the undecided people I know just straight up hated hilary's performance at the debate and are probably voting trump.

I'm guessing even the mild version of trump we know was a lot to take in from people who have never even heard him speak before.
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What they don't understand is:

WE control the narrative now.

We the Jews now.

Honestly I don't believe that Virginia number. Hillary has been up by a large number in VA even until the last poll.
You guys realize trump won on every issue right?

He "got into trouble" when they turned the debate into attack trump
Hillary displayed her Parkinson's twitch during the debate...


Involuntary movements and can affect the hands, arms, head, face, voice, trunk, and legs. Most tremors occur in the fingers and hands. In some people, tremor is a symptom of a neurological disorder or appears as a side effect of certain drugs.
I read an article from the Washington Post (or something) saying that Trump got a lot of undecided voters and Democrats after the debate.

Is he doing it? Does kek will it?
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>Trump won on every issue
huh. neat. so even when he loses debates his numbers still go up.
keep prepping that BBC white boi
After the debate My wife's parents who live in Minnesota and are hardcore democrats called my wife up to tell her they're voting Trump and she should too. It's pretty crazy.
There is such a thing as a Pyrrhic victory, leaf
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>how can trump win? EVERYBODY hates him!
>libs are still saying this

I swear to god I hear this at least once a week. When will they give it up? I get that the "everybody" is supposed to be hyperbole, but the MAJORITY support him. It's simply false. I'm sure tons of people hate him, but apparently tons more hate Hillary.
I think people saw how unlikeable Hillary is.
>my wife's parents

You mean "smug liberal condescension" is not a winning strategy?
If he wins virginia he wins the election
yes. but you would usually expect someone to lose support after tanking a debate that badly.

I would assume that everyone who hates Hillary remain unchanged in their hatred, so that shouldn't have changed.

you americans sure are unusual
dilbert man lied to me
why did le persuasion man tell me he could win
Scott Adams is a joke
She was so smug and scripted. Even her smiling was unnatural.
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>Trump's numbers go up after the debate in the states of Florida, Virginia, and Iowa

That poll came out before the debates

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on 4chan by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is 4chan. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...
People who don't want an evil, dying witch running their country and stripping away our rights.
I was expecting her to start dispelling the fiction at any moment tbqh
those are frum yesterday tho
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>be american
>have no right wing celebrities
>have to resort to idolizing comic strip writers, faggots, and whatever ann coulter is
>surprised when they aren't good people

These polls are from BEFORE the debate. The (((narrative))) was to raise him before the debate, watch him plummet when the first post-debate (((polls))) start rolling out.
Looks like it. His greatest victory was showing independents and undecideds that he isnt the ebil racist Hitler they've been told to hate and that automatically makes him better than Hillary in their eyes
If you were voting Trump before there's no way in fuck you're switching to Hillary.
Jesus, if his polls didn't tank after last night's admittedly terrible performance there is no stopping him.

The latest polls show a tie in Minnesota.

FUCKING MINNESOTA. The only state that didn't vote for Reagan and always goes Democrat by double digits.

Hillary has already pulled out funding from Ohio, basically conceding it to Trump.

You guys don't get it. Trump is on the way to a sizable victory. The latest numbers are insane. Trump just has to avoid any terrible mistakes, break even in the debates, and stay on message and hes got this thing.

Don't doubt kek.
He wasn't trying to appeal to your fucking ass. he is trying to appeal to the moderate democrat Pennysylvania steelworker who was watching the debate at a bar. he did great at that.
how did he perform "shitty". he btfo clinton (even though it was all scripted)
Funny, that CNN poll only accounted for 500 FUCKING PEOPLE and they call it scientific.
Hillary would make us defenseless cucks like you.

It's not hard to grasp.

You leafs sure are fucking pathetic.
but the debate didn't change that
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How can anyone be this stupid?

That was posted at 1:52AM this morning.

Not to mention it's a STATE POLL not a post-debate poll.

Do you really think between 9pm and 1am they were able to do state wide polls?

Please please pleaes tell me I don't share a board with idiots this dumb
I think at least some of it might come down to the personalities on display, instead of the actual messages.

Trump came off as an actual human bean. He's conceited egotistical, sure, but at the end of the day he's like a normal passionate guy that wants to do something about the shit we're in.

Hilary was just like, SmileTron 5000. Totally fake and robotic. Yeah, she was way more articulate than Trump, but she also came off as really rehearsed and stale. And that grimace-smile thing she was doing was just... ugh.
We have tons of right wing celebs. Stop putting commas in green text. Your new is showing.
This is an underrated point. Trump can win some of Shill's voters. She cannot win his.
I didn't make a joke.

It was pre-debate.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Yeah, at this point I don't think there's anything that could uncuck you guys.

that could be.
He stumbled all over the place with his incoherent rambling. On many subjects his story just wasn't as crisp and clear as it is on his rallies. The first 30 minutes or so were good, after that it went downhill fast.

I don't think he lost anything significant because of this debate, but he could have gained if he prepared better.
I said that I didn't make a joke.
Name ten.

Same thing with Oregon. I guess a good chunk of normies from these places are starting to get fed up with the turbo-liberal SJW pozcuckolddy.

UPI was one of the original wire services. The name is legendary. I have no idea of the quality of the poll at all.
>poll 500 random people
>of those only 1/3 respond
>of those 2/3 are registered democrats
>poll says 69% thought hillary won, +-4% error

yea, scientific as fuck
How good is this? I don't know what happened in the last election but is this considered good for a republican?
Im quite surprised by the Hispanic poll. He's doing alright with them.
You have no room to talk. One of your best, and only(!!!) non-corrupt politicians in recent times was an illiterate clown who ran on the platform of "it can't get any worse, why not vote for me?"
So lemme get this straight,
Trump lost the debate, because he talks like he always does, didn't do some fancy shit, and.. what?

Sure Trump could've done better at some points, but he did fine.
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he was on the defensive. 90% of the debate was about his tax returns, business practices, his nonexistent plan to defeat isis, or "WRONG WRONG WRONG" I opposed the iraq war.

she successfully baited him halfway through into making him mad while she just smiled though his trademark rambling. also most of the questions asked put trump at a disadvantage, and you can tell hillary was prepared. But he took his punches well enough.

either trump really is a moron who thought he could just wing the debate or this is just another 4D chess thing. he has so much dirt on hillary but barely mentioned any of it. It surely isn't putting me off from voting for him and I can only hope he'll have a comeback in the next debates like obama
you must be new. /pol/ likes to play pretend a lot.
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A lot of dems are just staying out of it this year too, the Bernouts are still pretty fucking pissed no matter what the media tells you, I still see more Bernie signs and stickers than Hillary ones. Pic related, absentee requests out of North Carolina, Dems are saying fuck it.
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People with real money on the line have spoken.
It's super good. R-money and McCain got like 4% of the black vote.

It's funny because the people I see here saying he "lost" the most are non-Americans. Of course he lost in your eyes, you don't hold the same values as Americans and live in a completely cucked country.

Look, toothpaste, when Trump says he's smart he doesn't pay taxes, everyone won't be "offended that he didn't pay his fair share", Americans fucking HATE BEING TAXED. If we can get out of paying taxes we take that opportunity and applaud those that are able to.
if this is the real number, it means Trump wins
Peso isn't real money
Awww sheeeiit
praise kek
>Americans fucking HATE BEING TAXED
FUCKING THIS. Doesn't anyone wonder why candidates that promise to lower taxes usually do well?
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I live in Virginia, and he was never really down here. People just assumed Clinton would win here, because Kaine is on the ticket. We've always leaned Trump by 2-3 points.
you guys are probably just biased. i'm completely unbiased because i don't give a shit about the "elections".

there's no such thing as "being on the defensive" in a debate. it's a debate. you argue a position and defend it. trump was defending himself. clinton didn't defend anything she did because she had no leg to stand on. she called her handling of her emails a "mistake" and looked completely disingenuine. trump called her out on it and that was the turning point. all of clinton's supposed plans she talked briefly about were as vague as trump's usually is but that's expected of trump. and then clinton just tells the audience to goto her website because even she doesn't know what her plans are.

also it doesn't even make sense for her to act smug and smile throughout the debate when just a week earlier she released that video screaming how she wasnt 50 points ahead. she just looks bipolar. face it, all trump really has to do is mention benghazi and clinton would fry
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Glad I wasn't the only person who noticed this,that smug wiggle was really annoying and really gave her that shit eating personality a shine
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>lose all debates
>still becomes president
>major chimpout
>civil war breaks out
>Trump declares martial law
>will reign until death
>It's funny because the people I see here saying he "lost" the most are non-Americans.
Yes, because we are far less invested and can look at things from a more objective point of view. You need to get out of your safe space more if you think he performed well yesterday. As I said earlier, it does not matter for the people that already support him, the people with your kind of view, that support certain areas of his policies because it fits with their identity. The debate was about the 10% or so of the electorate who is as of yet undecided and the other swing voters, already committed to one camp, who might still be convinced to vote for the other. Trump just didn't show up. Also, there is nothing wrong with thinking critically, this isn't China.
>all trump really has to do is mention benghazi and clinton would fry

but he didn't. thats the point
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Daily reminder that the polls are rigged to shit.

Even in a fantasy world where polls are fairly conducted, why would they be accurate for Trump supporters?

EVERYONE who supports Trump instinctively hides their power level by now. WE'VE ALL HEARD THE STORIES of what happens if you so much as wear a Trump hat in public. So when a Trump supporter gets an unsolicited call asking who they are voting for, 9 times out of 10 they are just going to hang up or say "I don't know who I am voting for". That leaves 1 in 10 who claim they are voting for Hillary (because they are turbocucks who have to lie in front of their shitlib wife who is in the same room if they ever want their penis touched again), OR have balls of steel and will say to a stranger, "I don't know who you are but yes, I live at this address and support Trump, please come burn my fucking house down".

Why perpetuate the pretense that these polls can be trusted? They aren't independently audited. They can simply make shit up and we're expected to take them at their word. If you trust these polls, you belong in a GOD DAMNED OVEN. Literally fuck your own face until you die.

The best indicator is OBVIOUSLY rally turnout - you know, that thing where people demonstrate they are capable of taking a shower and getting dressed and leaving the house, which ANYONE WHO WANTS TO FUCKING VOTE IS GOING TO HAVE TO DO.


They bombard us with rigged poll results in a pathetic attempt to mass-gaslight us so when Hillary "wins", we won't question it. They WILL steal the election with closed-source electronic voting machines deployed nationwide; RIGHT NOW they are CONDITIONING YOU to accept it.

So tell me: When Hillary "wins", will you accept it as truth and go back to your slave life, you cowardly faggot? Or will you recognize it as THE FLASHPOINT and go forth and kill the enemies of light and truth in our midst once and for all?


Trump did poorly articulating his ideas in the debate but ultimately people are fed up with the establishment. Hillary can't escape the accurate and undeniable indictment of her long record of contributing to the system and getting nothing done.

It's hard to convince voters at home that you're going to change things when they constantly get reminded that you're a complete failure and part of the system through and through. Not even just part of the system but near the top.
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