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Do not trust psychology and psychologists

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Teach me more, I am interested

I had it bookmarked but never got around to it, I really should now
All I know is that him or was it his nephew that helped get people into smoking
Cheeky fucks

The documentary doesn't condemn psychology you know
>into smoking
it was more than that. Cigarettes were a symbol of the sexual(behavior) revolution
Oh my goodness, I need to research this further
The documentary does its job: expose Freud and the lie behind psychoanalysts which all psychologists believe in some way.

It's about changing your behavior. Change to what? well to what psychologists think is the standard. What is the standard? The "standard" are defined by jews and their lying teachers.

No, it attacks his nephew and the hole industry(public relations) he created near singlehandedly
>be Psychologist
>in school constantly argue with other students and professors because I am the only consetvative
>three quarters of psychological research is manipulated bullshit
>that is generous
>mocked by STEM, hated by the right
I just want to help people /pol/.
You didn't watch the documentary. Freud created a perfect set up for mass democracy. He created people who would replace Priests and the family.
The figure of the "impartial and scientific researcher"
The researcher is of course the psychologist. He who will change how people think and what they consider good, bad, evil, not evil.

Haven't you ever wondered why ALL good marketers study 1 or 2 years of psychology?
anyway more info here:

Look into (((Anna O))). She was largely the main early proponent of feminism, she worked closely with Freud.
Look at this quote by Freud

>The Catholic Church, which so far has been the implacable enemy of all freedom of thought and has resolutely opposed any idea of this world being governed by advance towards the recognition of truth!

Well we all know who defines truth and freedom of thought.

>It's about changing your behavior. Change to what? well to what psychologists think is the standard. What is the standard? The "standard" are defined by jews and their lying teachers.
But this is wrong, the standard is a state that is not dangerous to others or themselves, not preventing one from living a functional life, and/or not distress full to the person
>not dangerous to others or themselves
Reevaluate that.
The jews don't hide their intention was never to use psychoanalysts to make people feel better or to make the goyim "live a functional life".

In fact what they said in their own words is the exact opposite.
The psychoanalyst will change your perception of the present by re-interpreting the past


At this time you'll be so fragile and weak you'll need his/her assistance to find out how to live the present because you are told all your problems are due to things in the past.

At this time you'll get worse and worse and more dependent on the psychoanalyst

That's why Freud said once: "My pacient improved when she was travelling and that's not a good thing"
If Jews mean more porn and less church cuckery, count me a jew enabler
Yes, exactly. It conceals real issues and pacifies the person.
>Monroe also started undergoing psychoanalysis at the recommendation of Strasberg (born Israel Strassberg), who believed that an actor must confront their emotional traumas and use them in their performances
>Famous for playing "dumb blonde" characters, she became one of the most popular sex symbols of the 1950s, emblematic of the era's attitudes towards sexuality.

Fucking blondes so dumb,lol
Everywhere America went wrong you see the fingerprints of a jew.
Excepting the general idea that out experiences have an effect on mental development Freud is almost entirely disregarded.
You are not a calculator to be "functional". This ridiculous industrial notion reeks of communism.
The are situations when you must use force and thus be dangerous. Being dangerous per se is not a problem at all.
Typical problem-reaction-solution.
half the people on pol do not trust scientists or any other professionals that don't agree with them so you've already got our backup chief
psychoanalysis in 1955
most degenerate period of her life starts in 1956

Another person who was very key to the movement of pro-sexualization and mass democracy.

"The american women will be known by their blonde hair and her sexual look''
So disregarded the new fashion in modern psychology is let parents have sex with their BABIES (I'm talking about less than 1 year old) because they think all mandkind problems are attached to sex, penis and vagina

>Freud is disregarded

Make me laugh you idiot
Freud is a well known hack even among psychologists. Sure he got the ball rolling because we all need a starting point but he was later and is still to this day being discredited.

The work of social psychology is undeniable though. You see it in advertising every day in many forms. There is no "one" idea they're trying to push because they are all in it for their wallet against competing social psychologists.
"Trust but verify" as russians say.

>Sure he got the ball rolling because we all need a starting point but he was later and is still to this day being discredited

Only because:

A) many of his ideas are treated as "no duh" in today's world
B)They take his ideas and repackage them into new ideas, but they were still his to start with.
>There is no "one" idea they're trying to push because they are all in it for their wallet against competing social psychologists.

I'm not talking about different messages and different targets they have. In order to accept X or Y they all agree they must manipulate you and change your perception of reality
>You are not a calculator to be "functional". This ridiculous industrial notion reeks of communism.
If you aren't capable of functioning in life the way you want. If you want to go outside, but can't. Or want to focus on tasks, but can't.
>missing proof the post
>never taken a competent psych 101 the post
The first day of my first course started with "Freud is bullshit".
>your perception of reality
Well we all have a different reality anyway. There's nothing in the world that has evolved to "see" things as they are. We can only see the world through pur subjective lenses. I recommend this before you continue down the "changing reality" path because we can't from a biological stand point ever see it.
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Not based Jung, kys
my dad's a clinical psychologist with 25 years of experience and he has never trusted his colleagues, or any psychiatrists
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>all psychologists believe in some way.
Most of the standard experiments you'd learn about as an undergrad are hackjobs.

Stanford Prison Experiment? Hack job. Psychoanalysis? Hack job. Milgram experiment? Hack job.

Not to mention, I truly believe psychology has lost any capacity to prove anything in the West. Reason being, our expectation of the results will affect how we perform on many of these different experiments. Our knowledge that we are 'in' an experiment will always affect our behavior. The most sadistic guard in the prison experiment said he was just doing what he thought the experimenters wanted to see. We've been conditioned to think we don't really know who we are or how we think and that these studies will prove something unexpected about ourselves and our natures. That sentiment alone will change the results of many studies.
>Do not trust psychology and psychologists
The majority of psychologists, at least in my country, are not Freudian ones.

In fact, many psychology university courses openly mock Freud, psychoanalysis, and the non-falsifiable nature of any of his 'work'. Instead, they focus on the more scientific studies, theories, etc. and as such, end up frequently dabbling into other areas, like neuroscience.

We go back to the jewish infiltration 101


>The psychoanalytic liberation of memory explodes the rationality of the repressed individual. As cognition gives way to re-cognition, the forbidden images and impulses of childhood begin to tell the truth that reason denies.

Again this is simple manipulation sold to you as liberation.

>As cognition gives way to re-cognition

Pay attention to the key word in the entire book: re-cognition.
You change your entire reality in the name of "re-cognition" because there are forbidden things there (the evil captalists! the evil patriarchal society!) that you didn't explore.

>"Freud is bullshit".
So bullshit you are paying and wasting at least 6 hours of your day to study his ideas.
How do you determine if a person is "capable"? What is the origin of this and that desire? How do you determine what a person really wants? Do you really think people *want* to focus on tasks, or are they forced to focus on unnatural tasks that feed the system and bury them deeper and deeper.

People are confused nowadays thanks to the degeneracy introduced by these "helpers".

People take others suggestions to easily and try to shove their original thinking into socially acceptable thinking, aka hive mind.

The problem comes from the circumstances of each individual, which are far too often poisonous. The system has no interest in preserving a human being, only a tool.
>studied by psychologists

They are always making up a new term

In the 80s it was "behavioral psychology" and since late 90s they are calling this trick "neuroscience"..

>oh we really have brain scans we are scientific now
Cigarettes became a symbol of the sexual revolution because tobacco companies went to Bernays and asked him "How do we sell cigs to women?"
Bernays - or someone his ilk - came up with the expression "torch of freedom" for them. He staged an op with women paid for it and some journalists. They ended up on the cover of magazines - smoking cigs - and started the trend.
Psychology is completely unverifiable and impossible, since actions of each man are determined by his background, experience, heritage, current situation, etc. If people yield their own experience and knowledge to the "correct and sane" party line, then their thinking becomes dependent on foreign approval and that is truly a path to devastation.
they were not interested in selling cigarrettes
they were interested in "liberating" all women

Profiting in this case was a bonus not the main goal.
>So bullshit you are paying and wasting at least 6 hours of your day to study his ideas.

I don't give a shit where their desire comes from. If you want to live alone but can't stop going to the club or if you are an aspergy NEET who wants to be more social. My job is to help you have a better handle on your mental fuck ups relative to what you want to do.
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Degenerate Moderns: Modernity as Rationalized Sexual Misbehavior
E. Michael Jones shows how major determining leaders in modern thought and culture - including Freud - have rationalized their own immoral behavior - he wanted to sleep with the woman who raised him et to kill his father, probably because of sexual abuse on his older brother - and projected it onto a universal canvas - hence Oedipus' complex, which is really Freud's complex projected onto the rest of the world, nothing more.
When men yield to such self-censorship out of coercion, inner conflict appears, it kind of splits a man's mind into what "must" be and what is. that is insanity. but we all know one must get rid of insanity by seeing a doctor, right? hehe
So your point is that we're being manipulated. But this has always been this way so what the heck is your point exactly because from re reading all your posts you're all over the place. Leaders throughout history have always tried to control their followers and keep them happy so what's different?
>In the 80s it was "behavioral psychology"
Jesus Mary and Joseph.
Behavioral psych is from decades before the 80s.
Jung became more interested in the kaballah and rabbinical teachings -- known as the Talmud -- in Freud's home because he saw a Talmud on his shelf

>wants to be more social
Oh boy you are such an easy target for them no wonder why you believe in them

>Psychology is completely unverifiable and impossible

Which is why Psychology is more of a tool than a body of knowledge.
If you knew or studied Psychology you would know that it became known for psychology students in the late 70s.

The first serious book on this issue was released in 1971 and not until 1979 it became known to psychology students


In fact you'll see that in 1976 another author claims almost no one takes behaviorism seriously


I'm that anon my modem just had to be reset.
OP is fucking retarded
>I don't give a shit where their desire comes from
Much of the "desire" comes from social pressure, not necessity of nature or survival. you don't want to do it but you "gotta". pressured to change your attitude and feeling towards it disregarding your own experience and sense. Typically when one "has to" change it doesn't affect his survival, it's simply social unacceptable, society maintains than one must change his *feeling* towards it.

That is literally losing your mind.

here's an example of an attempt at pressure
the hive mind doesn't accept deviance, it has to equalise.
That's not true though. We can test ways to make you more likely to comply with what we seek. For example: lets say you are conducting a survey and you get few people to say yes. If you prefaced your actual request with "Excuse me Miss/Sir, do you consider yourself a helpful person?" you're 2-3x more likely to get them to say yes to the follow up survey.

You can test this. Now there are a vast array of backgrounds and too many variables but just that sentence was shown to create a positive state of mind that made people comply more often and you can repeat that and many other things that have been tested by behavioral psychology.
Any "psychology" other than based Skinner is little more than fashionable opinion in an echo chamber. It's too bad that only Scientology holds this opinion, because they are bat-shit crazy- almost a controlled opposition to a false science.
A jewish "russian" is very famous here in Brazil for his "educational" method.


Do you know him?

People like that retard american is just like brazilians who believe in Lev Vygotsky. they are brain dead. These people can't be recovered the damage is real and is too deep.

So far as I could research most american universities who offer psychology course teach about him and I bet just like Brazil they teach like what what he said is serious and part of reality
>Died in 1958
>Behaviorism is a new thing in the 80s
>oy vey, wouldn't want you to be a danger to (((others))) goy
>your old pal Dr. Shekelstein's got your back; just take a handful of these pills
as explained in the introduction of Arthur W. Staats books this wasn't studied in the United States carefully and was not taken seriously until late 70s.

If you could read just the introduction you would knew that stuff and I wouldn't need to write this comment in awful english
>itt a Brazilian shitskin doesn't know the different types of psychology and which ones are good and which ones were bad
>hurr durr muh Catholicism
>hurr durr muh Freud

This nigger actually thinks that Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is as much of the evil Jew as Freud's "every dream is you wanting to fuck your parents".

Are you serious?
That is not a science, but a custom. People are accustomed to react to good manners and etiquette positively. Many are eager to virtue signal because and prove helpfulness. It's a
I'm actually starting to feel sorry for you guys
These fucked "studies" have been used as the bedrock of a lot of modern Psychology. NOT A SCIENCE!
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>He made a valid point!
>Better call him a Jew!
Do all jews hate Christians deep down?
Ask ANY PhD in "neuroscience" to name 3 neurotransmitters.

>Dopamine, Serotonin and... well that... yes that one that is responsible for emotion and memory.. yes what is the name again?

>deep down?
Not so deep not so down.
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My jewish cousin called Jesus a faggot when he was younger so I think so. I think he speaks for all jews or something.
Explain then, since it hasn't been addressed this thread.
if you dont make any real counterpoints you cant possibly be wrong
Going from just below 1/3 compliance and shooting up to as high as the mid 80s with one sentence isn't just common courtesy otherwise there would have been a mid 80s compliance from the beginning. So your premise is incorrect.
>EMDR therapy was first developed by Francine (((Shapiro)))

>Much of the "desire" comes from social pressure, not necessity of nature or survival
What part of "I don't give a shit where it comes from" was hard to understand?

>as explained in the introduction of Arthur W. Staats books this wasn't studied in the United States carefully and was not taken seriously until late 70s.
You are a fucking retard. Behaviorism was the dominant philosophy of psychology in America in the fucking 50's and was emerging throughout the 20's and 30's as a powerful paradigm.
Fight the power good doctor.
Lol you at least half-assed try to explain away other psychological studies/methods but when it comes to one that actually works, all you have is "lol Jew".

This is why Brazil is non-white and will forever be a 3rd world shithole.

Also, nice job losing to Germany 7-1.
>defend a meme science
>expect non-meme responses
1) it was not until https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B._F._Skinner wrote about in the 40s that it became known

2) I was talking about behavior psychology and not behaviorism

behavior psychology and "behaviorism" (from the behaviorism manifesto) are not the same thing.

Again, if you read 1 single book I wouldn't need to write this comment
It's them methods, mang. Most psychological studies are pretty shit-tier in their methods and analysis compared to STEM.

If you are a psych major that focuses more on statistics/proper scientific analysis then props to you. You are what the world needs.

Keep this in mind, an r^2 of less than .85 is considered "little correlation" in STEM.
the social sciences are no memes

Are you me?
So the Brazilians itt haven't made any points of worth here. I say they owe us for wasting all our time by taking pics of their diks w/ timestamps because it's the right thing to do. Because we gave them our time, very politely I might add. Because for our time they owe us something in return post dick now..
It's oxycontin right?
Didn't know about him.
>This is the final thing I have done in psychology – and I will like Moses die at the summit, having glimpsed the promised land but without setting foot on it.
What a pity. He made a nice foundation though.

>they are brain dead
The way out for them is independence, as much as possible. But not going hermit, because one must prove his independence of mind in adverse circumstances. Which is difficult to pull off if one is heavily invested in the system and career.

>universities who offer psychology course
most educational institutions push their shitty agenda. basic common ethics, necessary for any institution, are ignored. "do unto others as you would to yourself" would be a disaster to many of these preachers. Combined with financial and political backing... I think people will get fed up at some point.
Few stay true to basic scientific principles.
>I was talking about behavior psychology and not behaviorism
Maybe you were thinking of cognitive psychology, which given your timeline would make more sense? Behavioral psychology and Behaviorism are synonyms.
Agreed Territorial m8
Every day there is a new "promising field" of psychology.

No wonder why a scheme needs to change its name every 10 years.
>Behavioral psychology and Behaviorism

There was a split. Behavioral psychology is when people rejected radical behaviorism in the late 70s and it became known to american students as a field of psychology.

By the way, from Watson own words:

>Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select—doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors.
My point is, that's just what people are conditioned to do by culture. It's like pissing in toilet instead of sink.

Lol, carry on )
(you could as well because I'd like to see it)
EMDR is a subset of psychotherapy, it is not a "promising new field", instead it is a method under that field. That is like saying "let's remove the appendix" is a "promising field of medicine".

Shit nigger, what are you doing?
Behavioral is different from Neuropsychology.

In Behavioral Psych, I would be learning about conditioning and extinction of behaviors.

In Neuro, I'm learning what parts of the brain are directly linked to producing the chemicals necessary for sleeping and breathing.

They are a separate beast.
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>EMDR is a subset of psychotherapy
proven by many studies that don't work.

Also you are cherry picking due to my bad english skills. You 100% know what I meant
>proven by many studies that don't work.
[citation needed]
>what parts of the brain are directly linked to producing the chemicals necessary for sleeping and breathing

>as they relate to specific psychological processes and behaviors.

>They are a separate beast.

first year in college?
Language divide got us.

The English term you were looking for is Psychological Behaviorism, not Behavioral Psychology. The latter is a synonym for Behaviorism in general and the former is the specific subset focused on reinforcement.
lol no. Any time spent in a psych class will be people mocking Freud and calling everything he said outdated at best and bullshit at worst.
No one in psychology worth a fart gives Freud any fucking credence. Carl Jung is the new "father," since his shit is pretty universally applied, and not just fucking crazy ass bullshit (even though there's still plenty of that). Basically, if you focus on a SCIENCE degree in Psychology you actually learn something interesting, but if you have an ARTS degree you are working for (((them))).
p. much this.
noted. Thanks!
Let's talk about psychology of arab honor killers, hijab wearing, war frenzies of ancient worlds, human sacrifices practised in many cultures, executions, justified torturing and other "irrational" behaviour. All of mine and your ancestors would've been considered insane. The majority of the world (just look at brazilian crime, lol) would also be considered insane.
>inb4 humanitarian anti-depressants incoming.

This is all from circumstance, premises, human abilities, such as memory, abstract thinking, dogma, etc
As some anon pointed out in this thread Jung is worse than Freud because he went more deep with his "fanatical jewish" side that Freud mentioned in 1931.

He actually mixed ancient pagan religion with freud's infant sexuality.

He had sex with a patient over and over because he was obsessed that she was a virgin and a jew (like himself)
Here I am just waiting on sources.

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Be right back, a Brazil nut has posted a fucking 4 hour documentary.
To put it in short, psychology is a collection of logical fallacies, that creates social confusion, severe health problems, huge gains for big pharma, and an upper hand for tyrants, destroys independent thinking and feeling.
Help me out senpaitachi. I'm a STEM major but my room mate is a vegan in honors psych who says things like "since 93% of the US prison population is male, the world would be much better if there were no males" and quotes positive psychology and Dr. Gregor. I want to tear his arguments apart but I'm not well versed enough in psychology to do so.
We're rooting for you, Doc. You are needed.
There you have it

All those self-reported "Success" results are invalid in scientific literature. Good luck trying to find a study that don't rely on self-report.
As a bonus something interesting for you to read http://www.newkabbalah.com/Jung2.html
Calling it now, they are getting an Arts degree in Psychology (BA) instead of a Science degree in Psychology (BS).

That rationale of thinking is easy to defeat if you approach it from the direction of philosophy rather than psychology.

For instance: Her line of thinking is parallel to "you can reduce crime to 0% if there are no laws" when taken to its logical extreme.
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"AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: This evidence showed that individual TFCBT and EMDR did better than waitlist/usual care in reducing clinician-assessed PTSD symptoms. There was evidence that individual TFCBT, EMDR and non-TFCBT are equally effective immediately post-treatment in the treatment of PTSD. There was some evidence that TFCBT and EMDR are superior to non-TFCBT between one to four months following treatment, and also that individual TFCBT, EMDR and non-TFCBT are more effective than other therapies. "

What you just posted literally says that EMDR and TFCBT (which is close in methodology to EMDR) are much more effective compared to other forms of therapy for treating PTSD.

pic fucking related. gg
>When someone asks me my thoughts on Trump
>First reaction: stay quiet
>My wish: "As a Bachelor of Science I state that Trump is...."

The difference is the price and the number of marijuana junkies in your class
>jung was a jew
Jung had a germanic ancestry, he had a thing for jewish girls, but wasn't one.
His works were even used by Nazi German as a way to tell of the Germanic superiority.

Jung has been accused of Anti-Judaism. Falk stated of Jung "In 1934 he published an article that included the following astounding statement, 'The Aryan unconscious has a greater potential than the Jewish unconscious'". Falk also stated that Jung edited an Anti-Jewish German Nationalist publication called Zentralblatt fur Psychotherapie, a book Falk states suggested Hitler's My Struggle should be mandatory reading for psychotherapists. Jung was president of the International General Society for Psychotherapy, which was Nazi dominated, and worked for the Goring Institute of Psychotherapy, which was created by Nazis. Jung also wrote anti-Jewish articles where he made racist statements against Jews such as "The Jew, who is something of a nomad, has never yet created a cultural form of his own and as far as we can see never will".[75] Jung's interest in European mythology and folk psychology has led to accusations of Nazi sympathies, since they shared the same interest.
One can only red pill the doubters, not devotees. The are falling to confirmation bias so hard. So many crutches offered for this disgusting pseudo-science. Psychology is true until proven faulty! Even when proven faulty it's ok to ignore, cus them neet autists, man.
That's psychiatry, Iván.
Psychology is a religion.
Post what the author say after that last dot

"the conclusions are compromised by methodological issues evident in some. Sample sizes were small, and it is apparent that many of the studies were underpowered. There were limited follow-up data, which compromises conclusions regarding the long-term effects of psychological treatment."

In other words: not a single study supports EMDR. Only self-reported (very low quality, not suited for scientific literature) EMDR studies demonstrated results

Well Jung and his jewish ancestry is debatable. Read that article I posted above about Jung and his interest in the Kaballah and in the Talmud.
Most if the prison population is also black. The world would be better if there were no niggers
My vegan room mate got 22,000 Canuck dollars for a research grant. His honors thesis? A survey on the best argument to convince people to go vegan. Meanwhile I want to modify E.coli to digest plastics yet I can't find a lab to hire me.

I can't debate philosophically with him because he always says "go read X". When we discussed veganism, he was unable to properly articulate his argument. He just told me to go read the Stanford philo wiki on species privilege (yes such a site exists).
>in addition, we assessed the quality of the evidence for each comparison as very low. As such, the findings of this review should be interpreted with caution.
you're right. though the psychology is the premise for psychatry. no gains for pharma, just for scammers therapists. other than that it's the same. psychatry is the hammer for difficult cases.
At its worst, the study you linked says "we do not know if it works or not", it does not disprove anything, only says "lol idk".

>Not a single study supports EMDR

>Sack, M., Nickel, L., Lempa, W., & Lamprecht, F. (2003). Psychophysiological regulation in patients suffering from PTSD: Changes after EMDR treatment. Journal of Psychotraumatology and Psychological Medicine, 1, 47 -57.

>Propper, R., Pierce, J.P., Geisler, M.W., Christman, S.D., & Bellorado, N. (2007). Effect of bilateral eye movements on frontal interhemispheric gamma EEG coherence: Implications for EMDR therapy. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 195, 785-788.

>Pagani, M. et al. (2007). Effects of EMDR psychotherapy on 99mTc-HMPAO distribution in occupation-related post-traumatic stress disorder. Nuclear Medicine Communications, 28, 757–765.

>Oh, D.-H., & Choi, J. (2004). Changes in the regional cerebral perfusion after Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing: A SPECT study of two cases. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 1, 24-30.

>Lansing, K., Amen, D.G., Hanks, C. & Rudy, L. (2005). High resolution brain SPECT imaging and EMDR in police officers with PTSD. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 17,526-532.

Should I go on...?
This is probably a Scientology shill, wouldn't be surprised if Tom Cruise himself is behind this.
Anyway tho the psychs are utter crap and Freud was arguably the biggest quack of the 20th century
That's also debatable as something that makes him pro-jewish.

Jung studied from many religions, althought duo to Freud influence, he started with Kaballah, he didn't stop there, he studied pagan religions, christianity, gnosticism, alchemy, oriental relgions and even tarot.

What he was doing with those, was basically finding common links between symbolisms and archetypes, things all cultures shared in common, reading about judaism doesn't turn you into a jew.
>A survey on the best argument to convince people to go vegan

Yet these are the people who demand to be called "Dr." or who begin with "As a Bachelor in Science I really can state that...."

That reminds of something. Almost all studies about cognitive tests for PTSD use people that are under psychiatry treatment.

If the person improves it was the psychotherapy. If the person does not improve they will blame the medication

it's a win-win situation
All these are self-reported. Not proven superior to placebo and/or other treatments.
Remember when Scientology was made fun of for making the same point?

Remember when they wound up being right for all the wrong reasons?
>reading about judaism doesn't turn you into a jew.
>h-he was just reading the Talmud just like he was studying the bible
>I didn't even bother reading them - the green-text

ayy lmao you think I just pulled them out of thin air for no apparent reason?

I am done with this thread. You obviously have no interest in sincerely discussing the topic and just want to shitpost.
Sure. Bye.
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> Muh anti-Christian oppreshun and hatred
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Wrong again. Is the other way around psychiatry is the premise for psychology. You're right about some therapist being scammers but I find psychology really helpful in trying to understand the human experience.
Humans are not that complex, We just scared and confused, hence the scammers and big pharma promises of 'healing' being such a successful ripoff.
He literally worked for nazi government, on an actual high hierarchy position, how dense can you be, to believe he was actually jewish, for reading the talmud?
>Meanwhile I want to modify E.coli to digest plastics yet I can't find a lab to hire me.
Well why is this, anon? What do they normally tell you?
Clinical Psyc student here, half of this shit is retarded. No reasonable person does psychoanalysis, EMDR works because of exposure not because of the eye movements. Neuroscience in the context of psychology is legit.
You know I didn't say that. Also he didn't work for "the evil nazis" as you are implying.

What I said is he thought he was a jew, a superior being. His jewish identity is pretty clear even thought we can't find a jewish bloodline.

The point is his being a superstar just like Freud was. Eventually people will shit on Jung and find another "spiritualist".

See a pic
>see another
Oy vey you are cured for this week. 15 more sessions at $300 will heal you forever
>trying to understand human experience
well, we're getting into religion and philosophy.

>Human's aren't complex
This is philosophical, but this is also an interpretation of what you see. Let's say that men aren't born with all knowing vision and there's much that can't be understood under a microscope.

>Scared and confused
This is a personal impression. Although it's true enough nowadays, it doesn't hold in time and essence. Men aren't "married" to fear and confusion.
I don't think you understood what I said. I'm saying any effectiveness of EMDR is not cus of the crazy eye movement stuff, any effect it has is because of the exposure which other therapies focus on more in depth. I agree, I would never refer someone to get EMDR.
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He didn't "work with then" but was earned an important position at the "General Medical Society for Psychotherapy (Allgemeine Ärztliche Gesellschaft für Psychotherapie)", after the Nazis took the power.

He didn't thought he was a jew, saying he was because he studied the Kaballah, is the same as saying his is Chinese, because he also studied Taoism.
>His jewish identity is pretty clear even thought we can't find a jewish bloodline
Basically, you can't really prove it, but you believe this bullshit.
>any effect it has is because of the exposure which other therapies focus on more in depth

by exposure you mean watching a pic or symbolizing your trauma. And then moving your eyes fast.

It's just another meme. Next 10 years someone from their (((tribe))) will come up with a "brand new promising treatment".

2 minutes 58

It's laughable if it wasn't for the sad fact people fall for this
>it's a win-win situation
exactly. that's just another dirty way for people to make a living and gain priestly status.
He also said he didn't support any national socialist policy and that the editorship of Allgemeine Ärztliche Gesellschaft für Psychotherapie was not of his trust.
Yes thats exactly what I mean...If the research shows it works that means it works... It just doesn't work for the reason people think it does and the eye stuff is completely unnecessary.
Wtf I'm redpilled now
I have a BS in Psychology and a BA in Advertising. It is a pretty killer combo. It's the kind of combo that develops things like CTR. I wouldn't do that because I'm not a terrible person, but I can see why it's so effective.
>religion and philosophy
Both human constructs for trying to deal with aforementioned fear and confusion.

>Human's aren't complex
>This is philosophical, but this is also an interpretation of what you see [...] and there's much that can't be understood under a microscope.
How are humans complex then?

>Scared and confused
>This is a personal impression. Although it's true enough nowadays
The natural state of humanity is fear, confusion and paranoia, it's a evolutionary tool for survival.

>Men aren't "married" to fear and confusion.
Not married, condemned to fear and confusion, organically at least.
So? The point being, he wouldn't be able to stay in that position being a jew during nazi rule, even through he wasn't a Nazi, he wasn't a jew either.
>Both human constructs for trying to deal with aforementioned fear and confusion.
I lived until my late teens in small settlement. I never saw fear or confusion that you're referring to. Religion was an addition and a custom, like a spice in food. Philosophy a toy, to spend time or show off.

>How are humans complex then?
Humans don't know their complexities because we can't perceive them through conventional scientific ways, or are at least not advanced enough. I think a lot of human potential is ignored.

>The natural state of humanity is fear, confusion and paranoia, it's a evolutionary tool for survival.
That is not so. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirah%C3%A3_people

>Not married, condemned to fear and confusion, organically at least.
It's a pity that self-fulfilling prophecies are so common today. I assure you, you are much more capable than they suggest you are ;)

If you're insisting that you fear - then it's so, you'll fear. If you refuse - then there's no fear. You have more control than you think, it's just that it's quite understandable that people are miserable and fearful in modern industrial societies.
Overly connected society and dependence not on nature but on the human hive is the problem. It's easy to stay harmonious where people are of the same background, experience, race and live in the same conditions. That world is forcefully bred out, thanks to people whose ambitions have no measure. Our leaders want to make ants out of dogs, unfortunately.
Many of you know this guy

I like his phrasing on foreign cultural invasion, :
>If someone comes to you and asks to buy a piece of shiny golden junk, tell them: thank you, we have our own junk

whether it's retarded jewish pseudo-science bullshit or marxist multiculti. Send them back (at least mentally )) to the shithole where they came from, let em preach their garbage there.
Indeed. It takes being surrounded by a good community in order to tame those impulses.
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You know that you can use psychology to control people?
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Not even the father of meme magic?
>Indeed. It takes being surrounded by a good community in order to tame those impulses.
You can't expect to feel good when you're totally feeble, stupid, and have no skills.
You might learn become a competent hunter (this is hypothetical), learn carpentry and go into the woods. That's one way to live without confusion or fear. You'll simply have no time for this bullishit ;) There are dudes that do it here. Primal hunter gatherer that uses his intelligence and skill to survive. Ofcourse your fucking instinct wont turn off and you'll pop a family asap, that's already a little cohesive group. (i'm speaking hypthothetically ofcourse)

The whole point of groups is always to relieve the burden on individual. It's difficult to conquer nature on your own, that's why you first need parents, then friends (3 is a good choice, a lot of stories are written about three friends doing something together, it just seems like a very solid amount), then family. Humans rely on cunning and skill to live, unlike better built bears or big cats, who do everything through speed and power.

If a society burdens an individual, then the society is a failure and must collapse, since it fails in it's purpose.
jus sayion

my all american scholar, writer, Christian psychologist with Taiwanese heritage is my hero.
i'd be a sicker cunt without him
You can exploit built-in vulnerabilities in certain westernised cultures. Proper cultures will tell you to fuck off, if they have the power they will fight you.
>You can't subvert someone who doesn't want to be subverted. -Bezmenov
Other than that it's just cunning, there's no "psychology".
There is more than just cunning, there is medical and physical science to it, my undereducated friend.
Starving out, creating economic criseses, corrupting culture, etc isn't "psychological warfare". It's just another type of common warfare. It all depends on military might and independence of your culture.
>Have PTSD
>See shitty psychologist for like 3 years
>Nothing changes
>Switch to a PhD psychologist at the best University in the state
>She does it for free
>I'm a control group in a Psychology experiment
>Things are actually improving

She lays it out logically and if I don't see something making sense I tell her and she either allows me to ignore that part of the treatment or she further clarifies why its beneficial

Also it's all CBT, re-living, thought analysis, stuff like that

10/10 would highly recommend becoming part of a top tier experiment as a control group so you know there's an incentive to cure you and not paying a quack who has an incentive to never cure you
What is her alma mater? Also
>woman psychologist
Would put them all on galoperidol to be honest
Of course. Psychology is full of crackpot bullshit. It's not a real science and nobody should ever take those people seriously. Most of their """studies""" aren't even reproducible.
Sounds like you just wanted some attention desu. Not judging or anything.
yeh those crippling panic attacks and depression triggered by extended trauma was just a cry for attention lol
psychology is literally a degree in bullshit
Precisely, what was the extended trauma if you don't mind me asking?

>Jesus, now I sound like a pyschologist.
If you exploited someone's custom to trust, which exists in harmonious groups, you need not call it "psychological". If I ever get frightened by something that I see and turn pale (a huge physiological change) it isn't "psychological." It's, like I repeated, all related to circumstances, background, conditions, etc.
Nowadays they introduce vulnerabilities into humans. They corrupt culture by means of international "rights" that "apply" to everybody. Garbage like "right to live", "free speech", etc. It's an insult to any thinking being. Who the fuck has any right to live? Do you realise that your words have consequences, dependant on circumstances and premises, that's why you can never have "free speech"? Nobody needs UN to tell them of their culture, no matter how influential and connected they are. Throw that junk back to where it came from.
That quote was sarcastic though, he said ironic and sarcastic shit all the time.
And since we're talking about Jung i want to share with you guys that i have two friends who both study psychology in different universities (one of which is the best one in the city) and neither of them have even heard about him, their teachers have them read a bunch of books from a bunch of psychologists but never this guy. I wonder why that would be? The Frankfurt School maybe..?
Free speech should be absolutely free with private venues being able to place a restriction. It's your right to call masses for murder and if someone follows - well, you are a good orator. I'm not surprised that vodkanigger can't stand freedom. Real psychology combines medicine, physiology and pharmacy.
i mind, you're retarded

if attention would cure my ails then 3 years of psychology wouldve done something. instead it did nothing, compared to 2 months of a real expert doing her thing.
Once you yield your independence of mind, it's easy to control you and make you even more dependent on others words. They start introducing triggers (more vulnerabilities) into you, I tak poshlo-poehalo... You become their puppet dancing on the strings, waiting for approval of your conqueror.
Psychoanalysis is pseudoscience and is focused in sexuality.

kys OP
>Free speech should be absolutely free
Rights exist only among equals. The strong do what they can, and the weak suffer what they must. This will never change.
I'm in for TAKING freedom, as much as I need, through my effort, not begging the UN to change their protocols. One must face reallity, but not yield to foreign culture or thinking.
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The best Mental Doctor of all time is a conservative
We live in dysgenic societies where weak unites and gets protection from the state. That's why absolute freedom of speech is so necessary - we need to be able to incite violence and mass murder.
Made it into grad school here, it doesn't get much better. Every book has a chapter on being an SJW or how great multi-culturalism is and how psychology up to now has been geared to white European males.
Unfortunately, the circumstances are such that people are willing to yield. The more power goes to the hive, the less is in small groups and individuals. People from think tanks know what strings they need to pull (because their power introduced them in the first place) to make men even less capable and independent. Thus collapse or a miracle is needed in order to live like men, instead of insects.
>She does it for free


Now you see why I mind. The very system you fled to soothes your attention seeking tendencies and you swallow their lies feeling sorry for yourself. They tell you it's PTSD (like everything these days seems to be) and you embrace the term with childish fatality.

And the best part? It will continue. It will continue because your "help" wants it to, your "help" needs you to have PTSD, otherwise your "help" will fall into irrelevance. Because your help is funded by me.

I subsidise your suffering.
>That's why absolute freedom of speech is so necessary
you will not get it, because the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.

>protection from the state
Exactly. This is a protection racket scheme. The "state" only sees you as cattle. This doesn't have to be this way, but that's so in most countries. One might tolerate a truly benevolent and intelligent ruler, who has nothing to gain and is ethical (autocracy) as a lesser evil. Such a person will not appear in our country tho.
In your* country. I'm not a filthy Russian, I'm Israeli. The weak rules in Russia, the weak rules in EU, the weak rules in USA. The only place where strong rules is Israel, some parts of Black Africa and Middle East.
>I subsidise your suffering.
Underrated post.

Yield power to someone, depend on him, blame all your problems and failures on your "illness", reward him for "fixing" you.
>The vulnerable are lead in Russia, the vulnerable are lead in EU, the vulnerable are lead in USA.
They are playing the goyim like a fucking guitar, aren't they moshe?
By strong I don't mean brutality. Cunning and intelligence are more common ways of being stronger. I don't support being led that way, don't get me wrong, but the bullshit doesn't blind me.
I'm not saying that they are eternally weak or anything. The opposite. But considering what they allow themselves to be led in, there's little strength to see now.
Wrong again, vodkanigger. This is a nepotism of intlectually inferior that pleases and protects intellectually inferior. Russia, USCAN, Brussels are all lead by the weak in every sense of way. Not that I care for the inferior gentile race, but it was a nice imagery of strong knit traditional white communities and homogenous Europe. Now I have only movies and remote town and villages for that satisfactory sight.
>This is a nepotism of intlectually inferior that pleases and protects intellectually inferior.
The jew pretends he doesn't understand what I said.
Whoever the actual strongman is, doesn't matter. The point is people are weakened from within, they learn to be weaker and weaker and here we are. "Psychology" and other bullcrap is just to make some select strongmen stronger and the goyim weaker. Now we have a bunch of victims in this thread defending what fucks them. Oy vey!

>Not that I care for the inferior gentile race
The only way you are breathing is because europoors were merciful. I'm sure they'll learn their lesson eventually.
I'm glad Jews died in WWII. Those were stupid ones who couldn't understand that they need to leave Germany and Poland. Why do we need people with no self preservation instinct among us? We don't. You can't annihilate us, many tried, we just live on.
>what I said
You said nothing of value, y тeбя cкaчкa идeй, vodkanigger
>Israel Strassberg
>You can't annihilate us, many tried, we just live on.
I'm happy that jews live, without evil there's no activity.

>I'm glad Jews died in WWII. Those were stupid ones. You said nothing of value
Clearly some remained.
If you can't keep on topic of the thread fuck off, I drew my conclusion.
Vodkanigger that is afraid of freedom..., you can't deny medicinal and physiological basis of phycology. Mpaкoбecиe в чиcтoм видe
He was horribly red-pilled and thus wasn't photogenic.
"Gray skies are gonna clear up so put on a happy face..."
Yeah, nah

Only trust pol instead.
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