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They're making them real small now

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/pol/, Would allowing this lead to more pedophilia and endanger children or would it diminish sexual assaults against children since pedos could get the poison out of their system in the comfort of their own home?

I'd rather the pedos fuck that than a real child famalam
this is a gateway drug to further pedophilia

ban it now
Japan approaches this from the idea that if you give people the ability to vent their sexual urges safely, they'll be less likely to attack real people.

America approaches it from the way that, if you allow people to buy this stuff, then it normalizes something that is fundamentally sick and disturbing and eventually encourages people to go out and commit real crimes.

I think America is right - just look at how Japan is embracing fucking pedo bullshit and it inundates their media. Everything is about wanting to fuck children or little sister or whatnot.
Tell me any legit reason why a 12 year old can get pregnant? Isn't that illegal now? Then why they keep popping out babies? Aren't those babies illegal? Makes me think.
>Oh they are sexy by nature, ready to breed, the most attractive age for a human girl
The latter. Anybody who doesn't support this is a feminist.
>I'm a good goy, I only have feminist approved sexual fantasies
I think we should actually promote trannies, sex dolls, porn, etc. Must feel nice for the feminists, when a man is more of a woman than they are. Must feel nice being replaced by inanimate objects.
>retards don't realize that this isn't for me, it's to force women to change for their own sake
And yet it isn't hurting Japan at all.

How about keeping your western bullshit where it belongs, and leave Japan alone.

shit looks straight outta uncanny valley.
Japan just made CP illegal last year. They are moving away from pedo stuff mate
Of course you do, you're an amerishart
I'd fuck it
What are the actual stats on child rape though?

The correct answer is the one that produces less molestations per capita
And here's where the related section rabbit hole will take you:

>let's allow all this degeneracy in private so people don't do the degeneracy in public
Other than the fact that this has been shown not to work and it actually increases the public acceptance of degeneracy, why can't we just purge them from society anyway?

If your argument is inherently logical, and is that pedophiles are a problem, then logic alone dictates that we violently purge them from society. This is the logical answer to any problematic lifestyle. Only by pumping your argument with feelings will you come to any logical conclusion.

Or, as is more likely, you don't actually think pedophilia is a problem and know that acceptance of private pedophile behavior leads to public acceptance of such behavior, with this being the desired outcome. You will be purged as well, pedo scum.
Something like this in conjunction with VR for an augmented reality experience would for sure. Rubber doll alone would get boring. $2-3k price point keeps it out of reach from most
Don't mix the niche ecchi anime that gets posted on this website with mainstream Japanese media.

Japan's still a bunch of hardasses on perverse material and the people who consume them. Especially on consumers of underage stuff which is largely connected to otaku culture and anime since that is what most underage perverted content is.

The otakus and other such losers of Japan just take the figurative beatings and masturbate quietly in the corner.
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ive said it before and ill say it again. this mixed with robotics will end 99% of prostitution, rape, and child molestation. when they can pretend to not want it. this will be the moment.
Let the Japs test it and see if the number of high-school girls or younger getting fucked by pedo-filth skyrocket.
Then let the west ban these dolls with the data collect and that will be the end of that. Though the UN will most likely not ban this since Saudi Arabia might want these.

Makes me curious if Muslims will pay for goat dolls though.
what the fuck ???

Why would she think this was a meaningful video to make ?

Jesus... That was hotter than I expected.
fuck off milk snatcher
It's very, incredibly easy to make a man 9into a pedophile. You know that, don't you?
Hell the government can upload CP onto your computer remotely then bust you for it at their leisure.
that was a commercial bro
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I wouldn't suggest Trump is a pedo with his daughter, but people are talking. I'm not saying it. It's out there.

You should definitely be the watch list at the very least.
Japan has had dolls like this for many years.
Someday. Augmented reality will happen in the next decade. More main stream sex bots seem a couple decades out.
desu I want a real one
yeah but there are way less sexual atacks in japan than in america

doesnt that mean that weebs are right?
I think what people should really understand is that naked little girls dont have womanly feature like that and there is literally nothing sexually attractive about wanting to fuck a small child besides stealing their innocence, which is sadistic as fuck and should be punishable by death.
If I could, I would destroy the internet today. Completely wipe it out of existence.

It would be replaced with local meshnets used only for communication with computers running the equivalent of a DOS environment.

In the subsequent blackout when the internet gets nuked, right-wing death squads would form and start crucifying the degenerates and forming strong communities.

The human race has been enslaved by communications technology. It will be free one day.
Every father with a daughter has similar pics.
If you ever have a daughter you'll understand.
But pink unripe fruit
>pedos could get the poison out
the only way to be rid of pedo poison is to kill them all
I don't think that's how it works. It's not like male sex dolls turn straight guys into fags.
>Kindergarten students take multiple trains to school by themselves in Japan and never run into trouble

>10 year old kids get kidnapped and raped just from stepping foot out of their house in America

ok m8
Watch the original version of Hara-Kiri to understand what you ate missing about the Oriental mind. Less attacks -- reported. Censorship is actually a virtue to them because maintaining social harmony is more important than anything else.
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Science says otherwise.

Mad you'll never live your dream agrarian lifestyle?
Why are you even here, BTW? You didn't find 4chan looking for wholesome entertainment, that's for damn sure.

Do you know how easy it is to become a pedo?
Your current browser cache could crucify you.
But that may lead to prospective employers getting that information and now you have a tough time finding a decent job because of property you bought.
Nothing wrong with a little variety famalam.
I think Japan is right. NOTHING GOOD HAS EVER COME FROM SEXUAL REPRESSION. Think Elliot Rodger. People with dangerous sexual desires should be free to vent them in a safe and legal manner. No pedophile has EVER said the lack of legally available kiddies cured their pedophilia.
>st look at how Japan is embracing fucking pedo bullshit and it inundates their media
You don't know shit about Japanese media. What are you talking about? Movies? TV? Comics?
Most japs just watch their horrible game shows (Jap TV is horrid) and the news. Their hobbies are basically beer and cigarettes. What you think is """japanese media""" is a bunch of outcasts selling cheap comics in a stadium every year, and otherwise tweeting their drawings to other otaku fucks. These people are scorned by everybody.
While neet are a big part of working age citizens, they're a terribly small part of the population.
I think it more often comes from misplaced and confused paternal instincts.
Or a longing for childhood. I remember reading a report that found many pedos actually picture themselves as children when they fantasized about fucking children.
I want a version of this 100cm doll that has reddish pink skin, large I cup breasts and pointy elf like ears.

And uh maybe pitch black eyes, like the sclera is black too; but I think I could do that myself with some paint.
Sex is an addiction, and I think YES it could lead to more harm than good by providing pedophiles a "safe release" that becomes a gateway for the real thing. Instead of asking whether someone should be allowed to have it (Which is a stupid question), I think we should ask ourselves how we could prevent violence and rape. Morality isn't clearcut "If you do this, then you're immoral". Immorality exists like a language; there's no morality if people don't speak it. When pedophiles congregate, they exchange their morality, and their morality adapts to be like the individuals that exchange it; they begin to hivemind reasons why pedophilia is okay, and they increasingly make it acceptable. We need to stop pedophiles from congregating; we need to resocialize a people by instilling Confucian values like ritual propriety; and then, we don't need to ask "Should we let them have a sex doll", because we wouldn't need an answer.

Analects:[2:3] The Master said: “If you govern the people legalistically and control them by punishment, they will avoid crime, but have no personal sense of shame. If you govern them by means of virtue and control them with propriety, they will gain their own sense of shame, and thus correct themselves.”
>a dude fucking a male doll isnt gay
go back tumblr
at least american kids live to see 10
Who the fuck lets their kid out by themselves at such a young age
and yet Japan has the most independent children who ride trains and walk to school alone.
This is for you.
Welcome to 4chan, newfriend.
hey ff you can't help being noticed

such a bad ass small dick faggot
feels good having your 3" look massive next to a child doesn't it you baby dick degenerate
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Those noises...

kekd and checkd
Once we can have android sex maids who can cook and clean relationships outside of actual love will be obsolete.
The only reason you'd wanna fuck a sex doll with the body of a child is because you are one sick fuck. Should not be legal because it encourages that kind of thought and behavior. Rot in jail child rapists.
LOL no they don't

When I showed that photo on the left on another forum a while back, people (trump supporters) were congratulating him on dating a young hottie. That is not a normal pose
>sick fuck

There's that programmed phrase.
Put your name back on, baby dick molester. Would the mods know it's you if I reported your post?
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i was normally commuting to school by bus at 10, as were most of my peers
fucking americans i swear to god.
note: the one on the left has a statue of two parrots having sex cropped out
everyone except yanks ?

I started walking 2,5km to school at age 7

I think it's time for you niggas to get yourself a high trust homogenous white society free of dindus and then you can have nice things too
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It's normal in Japan, there is virtually no crime. It's almost like 1950s America.

Do you wonder why everyone is a cuck that needs people to protect them today? There is a reason why our generation is so fucked up. They're not independent at all. They're all sheltered from reality their whole lives and especially at a young age. Compare this to 1950s America where kids wandered freely with no worries.

>full size is okay
>but travel size is perverted
I think between this and hyper real 3DCG, this is the best insofar as harm reduction is concerned.

The problem with catering to pedos is that it'll always cause an increase in CP.

CP is bad because making it requires harming children.

With 3DCG and dolls, no one is harmed in a legally relevant way.

It's decent, but we need hyper-real 3DCG CP before we can roll this sort of shit out.
So easily triggered. So what are we talking about?
3", maybe 5.5" (though I'm being kind)

What is it about the pussy of a child that makes your little clit so hard?
What i mean is. What is it that makes you so aroused when you see a pic of a child? What get that blood flowing into that tiny dick of yours bro?

Inb4 tumblr. Twitter, Facebook, Jew pill etc

I'm dying to know what your agenda is and why you won't publically fight for your right to bang kids?

am I gay for watching it all?
And yet Japan is a much nicer and safer country than America. The Western mind if too bent on moral control, instead of accepting that most people are genuinely good naturally
As an ugly kid (needed to be known) I was out wandering the streets constantly and commuting to school by myself as early as the first grade.

Now that I think about it. I'm fairly certain my parents wanted me to get kidnapped or die so they didn't have to deal with me.


I think this is a good thing. Pedos can order up a child sex doll and satisfy their urges. Will probably prevent some child rape.
Do you happen to live next to niggers, poops, sandniggers and spics?

Oh so you actually think a dumb child can consent to sex and actually understand the repercussions of sex in general?
She's affiliated with the company, it's rather important to know the limitations of a product as expensive as thar
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No, but I do want a succubutt waifu.
With Asian creeper narration:

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Good album though this one is better
Okay. Let me fucking clarify this for you.

Children and consent isn't an argument. It never was. Yes, they're easily manipulated but who isn't? It's wrong? Okay I agree. Just stop being such fucking faggots about it.

Yeah you can fuck some handicapped bitch at the bar though. That's cool. She wants it.
Please.. Nigger..

>actually understand the repercussions of sex
You're aware "children" aren't able to reproduce in general, right? The only repercussions these days are of assholes who tell them they've been abused so horribly they can't live their lives anymore. Then it's on my fucking dime.

Trauma is a joke. I laugh at the stupid cunt that comes in late to my job and blames it on her Uncle that foot-fucked her at 8.

Cry more. You're worse than "KANGZ".

Just.. fuck off.
>what is escalating fetishism?

is that you?
>I think America is right - just look at how Japan is embracing fucking pedo bullshit and it inundates their media. Everything is about wanting to fuck children or little sister or whatnot.

And yet, Japan have barely any sexual crimes against children. One of the lowest rates of rape and pedophilia in the world.

So you opinion seems retarded.
If you can bleed, you can breed.

Liberals still believe in science, right?
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>Trauma is a joke.
Truth. I went through all kinds of batshit as a kid and the sexual shit doesn't even rank in the top 10. Hell, just going to school every day and being made to sit still in boring lectures about natives being killed by white men was a million times worse than being fiddled like a Charlie Daniels tennis racket.
Women are becoming extinct.
leh me shoh yoo the a-nas hoh. Oh boy i lasted 20 secs in that, and i watched all that mexican razor blade video
Nah /pol/ack.
It makes scientific sense to start fucking after puberty.
But most sex these days isn't for procreation, so I'm not sure how much that applies.
1) get them hooked.
2) then take away the drug.
3) ????
>my niche hentai is the mainstream in japan
>the statistics that say japan is safer in pretty much all violent and sexual crimes including those against children than america doesn't mean shit
Are you sure about that senpai?
The music makes it way creepier. Otherwise the doll really reminds me of my niece. I mean she REALLY reminds me of my niece.
post pics of your niece
also buy the doll and write "uncle's toy" on it
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death comes to us all
will you be able to look your ancestors in the eye

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZUTyrtDkRE - ah fight banks
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-Yszp3SmxE - the lion
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvTAottN_8o - last speech
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAVRu5OcOWE - based priest
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h11uEvGc7u8 - we win nightshoot
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaCHBmGWcBc - rockwell
>I think America is right - just look at how Japan is embracing fucking pedo bullshit and it inundates their media. Everything is about wanting to fuck children or little sister or whatnot.
>Less child rape crimes than america
>Left Education
>Normie Education

Wouldn't it be reasonable to consider that perhaps their culture makes abuse less likely to be reported?

Daily Reminder:

Comparing a homogeneous population to a bastardized population full of niggers thinking that their crime rate could ever be similar is utterly retarded.

Niggers & Spics = increase in crime.
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>all of these bigots calling for the death of pedos even if we don't hurt anyone
Most of the fathers in the old country eventually fucked their daughters through history, in some countries like Italy and Slovenia it's standard practice. Also, 99% of men no matter the age with functional libidos find pubescent girls attractive and would screw them at every chance if they could get away with it.
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The tree of ((Big Capital deep state)) is full of rotten fruits,''We" are now things.thanks liberals!
>Political Incorrect
When it actually is
>Political Correct
its a national sport in austria
>pedo scum.
Fuck off normie! Get off my board!

Well, idiot - would you rather they be fucking life dolls that look like kids, or actual kids.

Well alrighty then.

Fucking chungus.
I started catching the city bus from south dallas to west dallas when I was 10. But I was poor and black at the time
>But I was poor and black at the time
>black at the time
How can you change your race, faggot?
We're talking about pre-pubesent technically. Thanks for that info though my maple friend.

Honestly, it wasn't even weird a while ago. Give women the right to vote. They go sour and we're in the situation that we're in.
>at the time
I hope you're no longer black, that would be awful
They just made it officially illegal so that foreigners can't complain about it in the 2020 olypics.
Well atleast you still have loli hentai
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I know that feel...

why do i even come to this board, its more and more normie by the day.
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I'm still black, just working class now.

and holy fuck the captcha is reading west dallas street signs...good timing
They also have a homogeneous society.
Now-you-a see


Ret me show u deh mous
Re inside, yeh

>pregnancy is the only sexual risk

If a kid contracts HPV or other incurable sexual disease he/she is stuck with it for life. No one would need to be a faggot about it if people weren't trying to screw sex dolls that look like children.
Ehhh I'll just jerk off to loli hentai instead of getting a fucking doll.
Nah man, I had to leave the country because I got in trouble. It's very much on the books now.
>No one would need to be a faggot about it if people weren't trying to screw sex dolls that look like children.
Are you concerned the dolls will catch diseases? There's no possible way having sex with a doll could hurt a real person.
(And having sex with a real person isn't necessarily harmful either, or so I've heard. I want my wizard powers though)
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wait, CP was legal in japan until the olympics became an issue?
That's just plastic, they can take out their needs on that thing instead of real children.

I don't see any problem with that, as long as they don't start flaunting them, like those fucking furries do.
>shown not to work
source needed
So is it enforced then? It must suck to have your freedom taken away like that.
Fairly certain people who like kids wouldn't dick them that's a job for abusers, rapists and sociopaths.

Of course getting a disease will always be a negative outcome but that's not always applicable in these circumstances. That's not necessarily what we're talking about here though.
>It must suck to have your freedom taken away like that.
Not understanding that they still have loli hentai
>Normie education

This shit is sick, but if it placates the pedos and keeps them away from real kids, then permitting them is the lesser of two evils
But Japan has lower rates of rape and child abuse than the US
He's been watching to much rape hentai to figure that out
How do you know that it will? Do you have evidence that it won't make them thirsty for the real thing?

i saw that shit and instantly recognized the location. planofag here.
O-oni-chan hnnng

Yet we never ever hear about actual pedos in Japan, do we? They keep it in the fantasy realm.

Meanwhile in America, it's so goddamned common that they have weekly TV shows dedicated to catching pedos.

that's like saying sex dolls are a gateway drug to fucking actual women
that noise when it when in the asshole jesus
Sex dolls aren't good enough to replace a human being yet nor have any prospect of being able to any time soon. Giving pedos dolls won't matter much.
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>Do you have evidence that it won't make them thirsty for the real thing?
But they don't have the 3D stuff

Lel. Best argument in thread.
>3D stuff
They have 3d animated stuff for sure, trust me anon. But no they don't have the real little girls.
>ff baby dick ban evading as usual
yeah that's my point
so it doesn't goes over your balls too? wtf
>America approaches it from the way that, if you allow people to buy this stuff, then it normalizes something that is fundamentally sick and disturbing
No it doesn't. The courts are of the opinion that nothing should be banned that doesn't rely directly on the exploitation of children. The vast majority of states allow drawings, 3D models, and presumably dolls. Until it can conclusively be proven that having these resources makes somebody more likely to attack a child, there's no argument against it.
the overwhelming majority of pedos will never rape kids, so his statement is valid.

It might be a good idea to monitor this shit but pedophilia in and of itself isn't a crime. It's when they actually fucking go through with it that those niggers need to get v&.
I imagine the NSA is all over this shit though, not that I disagree with that...Better than spending all their time with thumbs up their asses collecting meaningless metadata.
We should just execute anybody who orders one. Problem solved.
>Until it can conclusively be proven that having these resources makes somebody more likely to attack a child, there's no argument against it.
Exactly, so (possession of) cp shouldn't be illegal either.
Does normal porn make you rape normal women? Does gay porn make you rape men?
>and presumably dolls
Pretty sure I've read a news article of some guy getting busted for trying to import one.
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i dont see the problem desu
>We should just execute anybody who orders one.
Fuck off normie. We should execute you for the irony of ant-"Free Speech"
>Pretty sure I once read something that says otherwise
That's worth about as much as 5 nachos.
what is pols opinion on loli
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They hate it. That obvious while we the pedo /pol/acks lurk in the shadows waiting for our day to strike back.
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>pol is a person

I do like loli, though.
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Japan makes you discover things you didn't know about yourself
animals when?
>we should just execute anybody who orders Mein Kampf
>we should just execute anybody who votes for Donald Trump
>we should just execute anybody who thinks that black people are inferior
>we should just execute who wants to look deeper into the holocaust

Are you beginning to see where your line of thinking begins to fall apart?
They're already going for the real thing though.

they don't cry rape ten years later.
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3D is best D desu
Ugly face and not risqué enough.
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Jap lolis a cute
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>not risque enough
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bad hair, tbqhfam

but you're going in the right direction
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I have very good taste, the best even.
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she was taking pictures in the pool in that set of photos, I think that's the reason
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Here they are lads
How can there be virtually no crime when Japan is one of the least diverse nations? It doesn't make sense.

They must hide their crime.
Mein Kampf is a famous book anyone could read for any particular reason. So no you should not be executed over something like that. Voting for Donald Trump means you support him for president and you should not be executed for that. Thinking black people are inferior is not a crime and you should not be executed for that. Looking deeper into the holocaust is not a crime and you should not be executed for that. Ordering a doll child to put your cock should be a crime but not one you are executed for. Maybe therapy.
Fuck you, bigot. I'm hurting NO ONE by ordering a loli-shaped piece of silicon. And 'therapy' cannot change your sexual preferences, just look at those gay Christian conversion camps.
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Fight degeneracy in all its forms.

We must secure the existence of our people, and a future for White children!

Hail Victory!
You stupid dumb fucking nigger. The point apparently went way the fuck over your head.

You disagree with my premise because YOU YOURSELF agree with the things I've listed, but the fact is that there are OTHERS who DON'T see as you do, and would happily support execution of you for doing the things you do. Stupid fucker.

I'm pointing out the flaw of this cancerous "logic", but apparently you're too retarded to understand why it's fallacious..
Coercive therapy is shit as most therapy.
you can find mine here, under "Other BOBX collection photos for Saaya Irie" if you are specifically looking for the older pictures, she's a 1993
http:// www.bobx.com/ idol/ saaya-irie/
Who are the guys with the shiny helmets close to the camera here?
look like brownshirts
Degenerate pedos get the fuck off my board. Head over to the middle east and convert to islam if that's what your into you fucking faggots. Hopefully you'll get your heads chopped off for disrespecting the quran in some way sooner rather than later.
It's so beautiful. I wonder if I'll ever get to experience something like this before I die.
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Interesting question. I haven't even noticed them before. Google revealed nothing, and I couldn't find anything from other similar photographs I have saved.

I'll have to get back to you on that, Anon.
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We live in a glorious time, friend. The election of the 45th U.S. President will without a doubt play a "yuge" role in whether or not something like this will play out in our lifetime.

I hope that it will, because it is the last bastion of hope for the White race.
"degenerate" is just code for "behavior that triggers me". If we really did have a government that enforces 'anti-degeneracy' in the US everyone on /pol/ would be executed because being racist is "degenerate" according to the government right now. But of course, narrow-minded zealots that you are, you actually believe that your artificial moral standards are somehow universal. Idiots.
>most peds are jews..fire up the ovens.
>muh unreported rapes
SJW pls go
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Kill yourself newfag
You shit-posting on a random forum won't save you in court. We all know people like you are probably the most deviant cunts on the board.
>when grandma finds your fuck doll
>your board
This meme needs to fucking die. It's one thing to demand assimilation into the board and site culture, but to go so far as to say or even imply that a board fucking belongs to you personally as if you own the title to the site itself is fucking cancerous itself. Just because you find a topic personally disagreeable does not give you any right to make retarded ass demands like that. This is different from organized shilling which itself is cancer, but you are akin to them.

How about you get the fuck out? You don't like some people here? Make a thread of your own. Let the like migrate to the like. Idiot.
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fucking quakers
>They must hide their crime.

Their lack of diversity IS their crime. Disgusting, pure-blooded, crime-free xenophobes.
Don't you people frequent Libre?
Fucking degenerate, but it shouldn't be illegal. It looks like a child, but it really isn't one.

Welcome to /pol. How's things over at /b?

i think allow people to purchase these, and then find the people who purchase them, and kill them
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I suppose it's only a matter of perspective. The way I see it personally is that degenerate behavior is anything that is decremental to the Society as a whole.

For instance, spending your youth playing video games instead of contributing to society in a meaningful way would be considered degenerate.

In the same manner I would say that spending time watching porn, as opposed to getting laid in real life, is slowly, but surely, removing the "drive" that men have to become great.

I obviously have nothing but my personal anecdotal evidence to back this up, but it's an interesting topic to discuss.
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>he's this new
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>those trips
>I put my whole hand in the anus right now...

Never change /pol/.
Never change.
>She's Dutch
>Including that horrible Dutch-lish accent
I am shame
We can dream and hopefully it will all come to fruition.

Yeah, I think they're just storm detachment. Another great picture btw.
>stop liking what I don't like

I'm sure you've contributed a ton to society and we should all listen and live exactly how you want.

You don't think that people in power now consider racism detrimental to society? Take a step back and realize how easy your shitty arguments can be turned and used against you.

oh shit,
am i going to jail just for opening the video?
Hey white Knight.the feds know all about your hurtcore-scat-CP collection,you give yourself away with those sort of comments.Enjoy your large negro cellmat
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I don't pretend to have been the greatest of citizens prior to my awakening. I wasn't even aware of the political- and demographic issues affecting Europe until late 2013.

Since then I have done my very best to rid myself of any vices, and attempt to live my life with as much honor and pride as possible.

I would never force anyone to follow my path. I can only walk it ahead of you, and hope that you follow in my footsteps when you where it leads.
I'm pretty sure leaf government doesn't monitor all private internet traffic
Now that I think about it though.. It's kind of doubtful they're SA.

I'm lost.
How about this? We just hang the pedos?

Much fucking cheaper.
>I would never force anyone

Not much of a Nazi aye?
Well, I suppose it could be thought of this way.

Think about what the word degenerate means, and where it comes from. From it's verb form degeneration, we understand that it means to essentially whittle away and rot. Contrast this to the idea of civilization. The primary focus and goal of every civilization is to move forwards and improve, to get better and advance itself.

So if we combine these two concepts together, we understand that civilization is the product of advancement and the desire to become or get better, while degeneration is essentially anything that would whittle away or rot that progress or hinder it in some fashion.

Of course, this can be looked at from either a subjective point of view and an objective point of view. We'll find that most civilizations combined some mixture of the two types of viewpoints as purely one or the other would not yield optimal results.

Day by day, Anon. Just take it one day at a time.

We must live as prime examples of our Race, or see the greatness that built Western civilization crumble before us.

but yours does, and we're in five eyes together
Yeah right, if that was true I'd be in jail three times by now.
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You're right. I'm not a Nazi. I'm a National Socialist.

It's easy to get those confused, I know, but the term "Nazi" was used to demonize and de-humanize the National Socialists during WW2.

As an ideological platform National Socialism is just as valid as anything else. Don't automatically assume that Neo-Nazis or Stormfront are representative of the movement as a whole.
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You keep posting pics of Nazi Germany dude, they kind of liked force.
Grade school girls meet men on the trains who form a circle around them and masturbate in front of them.Then the give them candy,pocket change etc.A girl from tokyo told me she had regulars,men who wanked for her almost every day.But she never felt threatened and they rarely even touched her.Some mornings there would be 15 or 20n men around her and her sister....Again unlike America,she never felt in danger .
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When dreaming of a Utopia it generally helps to have the best of intentions in mind. You are correct in saying that every society since Babylon to Rome have had its fair share of degenerates. What differs greatly is how such behavior was dealt with, and how the public as a whole promoted virtues as opposed to vices.
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You should consider for a moment that a lot of what you have been taught about Germany and NSDAP (1933-1945) at school is heavily influenced by history as it was written by the Victor (The Allied Forces).

Every story has at at least three sides, and even if we consider ever aspect of the Allied and the Axis forces, there would still be a grey area where you'll end up finding the truth.

All I ask is that people research and make up their own minds, as opposed to blindly following anything that's being taught - even if it's positive or negative towards my personal ideology.
I think they are both right. I think in general, legal alternatives for all vices can reduce crimes committed in search of those vices, but long term consequences are inevitable.
Do you seriously deny that they used force to make people live their way? That is like one of the pillars of their ideology.
Keked so hard, sorry for laughing anon.
I like where you're taking this.

It's now a NatSoc thread.
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I think we fundamentally disagree with how the term "force" is applied.

Do you have any examples you want me to address?
Well that would partially depend on the needs of the civilization at the time, though I am of the belief that there are a number of objective virtues that are universally recognized, though it could be argued that the rate of emergence of these virtues and the level of praise and value that's placed on them is a direct result of culture.

For example, most white people recognize that things like murder, theft, lying is wrong, and they put those vices well below their opposite virtues which they place and emphasize highly. Contrast this to most black people who also recognize that murder, theft, lying are wrong, but they don't nearly emphasize their opposite virtues nearly as likely, rather, they just don't give a shit. Race also plays a factor into this as well from a biological difference standpoint.

I think that everybody knows that there is a universal code of what is right and what is wrong, what differs however is which group of people place which set of values higher over the other.
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I'm talking about using the government to force your morality and ideology on others. Is that not force?
it makes pedophilia - something seen now as grotesque and completely wrong- acceptable.

Bad bad bad bad thing.
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I agree. This is not a question of right versus wrong, though. Like you said - most people (with the exception of a small percentage of mentally ill people) know the difference of right and wrong from birth. It's simple. Just follow the Golden Rule.

I personally don't consider playing video games or watching porn to be "wrong" in a classical definition of the word. It's simply not beneficial to society to have youth in their prime wither away in such a manner.

Obviously people have the choice to do so, which is why the alternative must be made more attractive. The concept of honor and pride seems lost in this day and age, which is why a lot of people simply ignore the result of their actions.
Nat Socs never "forced" anybody into adopting their ideology as you seem to imply, and if any officers or soldiers did, they were punished accordingly.

National Socialism in Germany was a purely organic movement from the start and the vast majority of its followers hopped aboard willingly when they realized "oh shit, this movement is actually doing a lot of good for my country and people".

I honestly think you're speaking from the Jewish meme version of history, not the truth. If there is any ideology that forced it followers to adhere to its tenants, that would be Communism in Soviet Russia and Maoist China, not Nat-Soc Germany.

In fact, I'd even argue that American "liberation" was more manipulative than either.
i bet you also think germans dindu nuffin in ww2
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I understood that part, but I am still not clear about when the NSDAP tried to force their ideology on anyone. Remember - they were elected by a majority vote.
Why? We need to destroy this lie that children "can't consent". The only reason you're against it is because it grosses you out.
and then swiftly murdered the opposition and cleaned their own ranks
what the fuck is wrong with you, tor?
So it's okay if Hillary takes our guns away if she's elected by the majority? That's a terrible argument.
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War crimes were committed on both sides of the conflict. Of that I have no doubt. That being said, I have not found conclusive evidence of anything resembling a Holocaust during WW2.

If you have information that would prove that it happened, I am - of course - open to re-evaluate my point of view.
Right, and in the example of "playing video games" or "watching porn", These things would fall under laziness and lustfulness respectively, and everybody would recognize them as such. However the difference is that one group of people would place them in higher accord and another group would place them in lower accord.

The greatest civilizations found out how to place every virtue and vice accordingly that best suited their goals to become great, and in most cases this would have been limiting degenerative behaviors and attitudes whilst promoting civilization building behaviors and attitudes.
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I never said that Democracy was the best system, but it was the system in place at the time of Hitler's rise to power.

We have to respect the democratic will of the people who actually lived in Germany at the time, even though some of us may not agree.

If Hillary R. Clinton were to win the election this fall, and become the 45th U.S. President (and the first female President at that) there is very little we could do to overturn it.

If you have a better system you would like to suggest, I'd love to hear more about it.

I disagree that possession of CP should be legal. I understand why you say that, because the people just looking at it aren't directly harming anyone, but if possession isn't illegal it incentivizes producers more because they will have a wider audience to sell to.
what is wrong with that things face

It doesn't work like that any morr than watching porn makes you not want to fuck girls. It makes you want to fuck girls MORE and also angry that you aren't doing it
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I think we see eye to eye on this subject matter.

>isn't hurting Japan at all

Tell that to their age demographics.
In the US we have a constitution. Have a system that places even more stock on the writings and guaranteed liberties in the constitution while restricting and monitoring (along with the populace) the size of government is best.

Also not letting a bunch of shitskins in who automatically vote for a large state and infringements on liberties and established constitutional rules.
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I am well aware of the Greatest Documents Ever Written (AKA the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence).

If the United States of America actually stayed true to those documents, you would not be in your current predicament.

That being said, we are starting to see a lot of the Socialist problems here in Norway. We generally refer to it as the "goodness tyranny", based on the good intentions that got us in the multi-cultural mess.
>female child images

literally what the fuck does this imply? I have always wondered

just regular images of kids?
kids in bathing suits?
actual CP?
I think you have to look at the issue more contextually.

Think about where we are right now and why we're where we are right now. Also contrast it to where Germany was pre nat-soc Germany. Behind every decaying and dying civilization, who's to be found promoting destructive behaviors and manipulating the mass populace to think in one particular way? There's always a nose behind it, and this is what /pol/ has become about, exposing that damn nose for what it is.

If the majority of people voted for Hillary, do you truly think it would have been an organic, true choice by the American people? When you think about the context and the surrounding factors, the answer is a resounding no.

Jewish ownership of the mass media, televised and online as well makes dissemination of the "right way to think" infinitely more easier and manipulative. Then combine the fact that corruption runs straight down to the core of our elected system, what do we have? One giant shit-fest.

The people have been lied to and have been told to believe what is right and wrong. Is this truly the will of the people, or is this the will of the masters using the people merely as a tool to the end?

If Hillary was to be elected by the majority, it would not be an organic choice. It'd be an artificial one through mass deception and manipulation.

National Socialist Germany attempted to remove the very said poison that poisons us today in the U.S. Unfortunately for them, the Kikes had strongholds in the U.S. and other "allied nations".
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If the state merely had its powers curbed and restricted and followed the constitution not as a "living document" or any bullshit like that but absolutely literally we would be better off.

Having lots of whites helps too, too many of the immigrants we get are statists, then they bring there crap here.
You're saying all of this when Nazi Germany literally had a minister of propaganda, do not act like their choices were of entirely their own will with no outside meddling forces either.

I'd love to have a nation without Jews and without shitskins and statists, but Nazis were huge statists.
fuck off you slanty-eyed gook
maybe your butt hurts?
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This isn't pro-Hillary propaganda?


Think again. Every state and political party has propaganda. It doesn't have to be a bad thing. What generally helps is to not trust anything you're being told until you've done some (((fact checking))) yourself.
i dont care about jews, i meant invasion on poland specificaly
do you believe that poland started the war by "genocidng" native germans or other such propaganda bullshit?
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I am NOT saying there doesn't exist biased sources and the like out there but private companies and individuals can say and put out what they like. It's entirely different when a government does it.

>do your own research

Well the Nazis banned books and burned many so they didn't promote people doing their own research if it was into things they did not like.
Propaganda is not inherently bad. It is when propaganda is used in a malevolently manipulative way that it becomes a problem.

You do understand that the concept of propaganda is merely the utilization of methods to disseminate information in a convincing way, right? Like many things, it can be used for good or bad.

Goebbels utilized his propaganda for the good of the people and to expose the lies of the kikes when the "reigned" in Wiemar Republic Germany.

And being a Statist is merely a choice among many, and for Germany it worked and worked beautifully at the time. Would it work as beautifully for America? Probably not, given our Constitution and founding sentiments, but what we do have works for us, but is being subverted severely as we speak. And I promise you, as soon as it cannot be subverted any longer, they will attempt to destroy it entirely.

You must realize this is exactly what the kikes did with Nat-Soc Germany. When the NSDAP was first formed, there were an astonishing number of attempts to subvert it from within with Communists and Jews, and they failed every time. Once the NSDAP got as big as it did and nearly the entire nation adopted it, (((they))) decided that it was unacceptable and drew them into the war, throwing the heavyweight America at them as well as Britain and the Soviet Union.

Mark my words, given the chance, they'll do the same to us.
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I take it you're referring to this? A lot of native Germans were trapped in Poland after WW1. Poland was given the chance to restore the borders to their pre-WW1 state, but refused.

The following invasion was, from lack of a better word, to be expected.

The book burning you're referring to was a targeted operation to help drive out the Jews from Germany.

I personally don't approve of it, but I do understand why they did it.
The whole point was to manipulate people, that's why you have propaganda.

Like I said Nazis literally banned and burned books.

>And being a Statist is merely a choice among

nope, because if you live around statists you can't choose not to be. They force you to do what they want.
my god.
and you dare to speak about fact checking when you gobble up propaganda that was literally taken out of nazis arses like it was holy word from god himself
The majority of pedo's won't hurt any kids, that's the same for niggers pol! Don't you understand? The majority of them won't even commit a crime! Lest kill their own kind!!
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I have to agree this is better then it happening to a real child. If you buy this you should be put on a watch list tho just my opinion
>the Nazis banned books and burned many so they didn't promote people doing their own research if it was into things they did not like

Again with that meme history. Yes they did burn books, but not books they didn't like on arbitrary reasons or no reason at all. You assume that most people just do things for no reason at all, or just for the hell of it. Most people don't do something unless there is a reason to do it.

In this particular case, they weren't burning books at a whim, they were burning disgusting subversive books that were promoting nothing but filth and smut with no value whatsoever, and the biggest ones of all being the pro-communist books.

Again, you must understand this contextually. During their time, Communism was their biggest threat and it seriously did threaten the existence of Germany for a while. Had not Hitler come along, Germany literally would have turned into a central European Soviet Union or Maoist China.

They're trying to do the exact same thing here in the states by making "wrong-think" a reality and re-writing the history books to fit their narrative.
>it's okay to censor and destroy information and works if I don't like it

I'm saying the Nazis you keep posting actively tried to prevent people doing their own research and readings (like you said to do) when they thought their conclusion would go against their agenda.
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how dare you compare me to a nigger canada.
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>there are studies PROVING that if you let them have CP, it will decrease child rape

>there are studies PROVING that if you ban CP, it will decrease child rape

and neither fucking side of this argument has produced any eligible sources
fuck you all
stupid idiots
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Like I've said before - if you have other sources of information that you'd like to share, please feel free to do so. I will re-evaluate my point of view based only on what I have available to me.

I can understand that it's a touchy subject for you, but keep in mind that Norway was occupied for five years during WW2 as well.
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Oh so it's okay to burn books if the state doesn't like them?

Holy fuck you are swallowing so much of the Nazi shit right now. Fucking Jews and Nazis both of you are conniving subversive little rats.

>by making "wrong-think" a reality and re-writing the history books to fit their narrative.

how can you say this while supporting state censorship and book burnings?

That cognitive dissonance though
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I have been on this site like ten years and I have never seen anybody post a single one of this race.

Really makes you think huh?
Japan has a significantly lower crime rate overall, but especially sex crimes.
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Im sorry but you were a mistake and need to be put down
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i acknowledge that i'm a mistake, but i don't see the point in putting me down.
I've been here for four and I always post black women
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Take a step back, friend, and look at the arguments that are being presented. We are attempting to convey (in a calm and polite manner) what we think about this subject.

When you're making claims based on nothing but your personal feelings, you are automatically making your argument look bad and less credible.

Please try to include some sort of source or documentation what making a claim, as it helps your situation far more than simply name-calling your intellectual opposition.
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I can literally link you the sources that they burned and censored books what the fuck is personal feelings about that?

You've already acknowledged that they burned and censored books.

Jesus Christ you guys swallow fucking 70-80 year old propaganda so hard.

Yeah Jews suck, doesn't mean you have to swallow Nazi dick this hard.
At some point, you can objectively point to a work and recognize that it has literally, and I mean LITERALLY 0 value.

Also you're deliberately misinterpreting me. I never said it's ok for the state to determine which works to ban outright. Once again, I say to look at this contextually.

Communism was a national threat to their existence, and they did not want their youth being manipulated into the destructive idea of communism, otherwise they would have turned into what we are unfortunately enough to have today, your modern SJW.

This was not a matter of "feelings", this was a matter of national and racial preservation.

You need to learn to read between the lines.
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Pedos are disgusting that's why find a fully grow women
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Did you ever consider why the topic at hand invokes such a fierce emotional response?

Even if we assume that your claim is correct, how would you go about convincing anyone when all you do is name-calling and rage?

You have a long way to go before you can argue at the level of a National Socialist, friend.
read norman davies
german claims were straight ridiculous, poland could not give away access to the sea not to mention muh oppresed german minority meme after signing of ribbentrop-molotov pact is simply ironic
the fifth column terrorist actions in poland also say a lot about german honesty and justice
>literally zero value


who should have the right to wholly and totally declare something valueless? How is that even remotely fair? Do you really expect statist rats to be objective?

You believe anything is acceptable and okay as long as they claimed to have a good reason for it, I don't, some things are not acceptable and violating free speech and censorship is one of those things.
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I assume that some people (like us, probably) are so enthralled by their own convictions that even entertaining the idea of being wrong from time to time becomes unbearable.

Some people just see the term "Nazi" and flies off the bat right away.
>hurr even if we assume it's correct

You literally already said and admitted that it was correct you stupid wehraboo.

People tend to get frustrated when they argue with conniving weasels who constantly back pedal, ignore points made and conveniently ignore or forget what they've already said. You argue just like a Jew.
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I'll check it out. Do you have any titles in particular you want me to read?

We already established that book burnings took place, but we disagree on WHY they took place and if anything of value was truly lost.
It doesn't matter why they took place because the state is claiming a reason and then censoring and destroying them. My point is the state shouldn't engage in censorship.

Feinstein has given what many consider legitimate reasons to ban works like the anarchists cookbook, does that mean I'd think it acceptable for it to be banned? Fuck no.

You realize the irony of endorsing the banning of "submissive material promoting filth and smut" when you are posting on 4chan right? If we revert to that kind of thinking as a culture this website will be the first to go. The rewriting of history mainly paints America as the hero when reality is rarely that black or white. You could make a legit case for charging most presidents of the US with war crimes. The history books were never rewritten to fit a narrative, they were written that way the first time. The first thing you learn when you step outside of public school history class is that everything they taught you was bullshit.
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>My point is the state shouldn't engage in censorship.

I agree. Like I stated previously - I disagree with the burning, although I understand why they did it.
no, you fucking retard. This is not ok. You should have learned by now that its never just one fucking step and then they're done. Incrementalism. First its kiddie fuck dolls, then its a fetish on porn sites, then its openly discussed, next thing you know they lower the sexual age to allow actual pedophilia. WAKE THE FUCK UP
Japan doesn't have a nigger and kike problem
>wtf i hate silicone now
I bet you voted for memelord and don't regret the decision
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I doubt he can even vote yet
gods playground, its complete history of polan, one of the best
i would love to give ww2 only sources but i didnt read any in english
if you could read polish it would be easier but ill try to find more english sources
You seem to be confusing the decay of a society with asking the next logical question. I'm not going to try to "slippery slope fallacy" your concern away, because i think its valid, but what is the problem with asking and openly discussing the concept of pedophilia and AoC, and whether or not these institutions and our perceptions of these institutions should be altered or abolished. A discussion of an issue is not tantamount to an acceptance of the position, and at the very least if we are to enforce certain legal or moral standards, we should be constantly testing and questioning those standards to see if they have relevance to our daily lives.
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If it's a digital book I can probably get the gist of it through Google Translate, unless there are alternative translations available at my local library.

Like I said - I'll look into it.
I'm on NoFap and this thread is triggering me. Please keep sex dolls off the forum, ok?
I will conceed this particular point to you as I've grown pretty tired, but that's not to say I don't agree with your premise.

Your argument lies very one dimensionally with no regard to other contexts and reasons, but I generally agree with the premise that state-sponsored censorship generally isn't acceptable.
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>/pol/ likes lolis
>/pol/ likes Trump
>Trump pledged to aggressively enforce federal obscenity law which applies to lolis
>pol is one person
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>Japan literally sells these in shops on the street.

Two bombs were not enough.
Some things are just wrong for the state to do, doesn't matter the reasons they claimed.

If the US government said we had to censor the Internet and people to combat terrorism, I wouldn't buy it and wouldn't accept it. That's similar to this.

State censorship is never acceptable.
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I think we have all reached an agreement on that point.
btw nazis were scum in war, the older generation who fought in ww I was okay but the new germans were fucking awful, our pilots never shot down parachuted enemy pilots, there were even accounts on them landing to see if enemy is okay and attend to their wounds, but germans shot planeless pilots notoriously, same with treament of captives
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It's already fucked since we have our first amendment rights getting raped by cp laws anyway.

Not even the libertarians dare to touch that one, it's political and social suicide.
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See >>90683358.
women can buy dildos in any size and shape

From child dick to horse dick and beyond.
>If the US government said we had to censor the Internet and people to combat terrorism, I wouldn't buy it and wouldn't accept it. That's similar to this.
Whats your take on the state spying on everybody for "national" security and to stop cp and shit like that?
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tfw is wrong to fuck dolls
Unconstitutional bullshit
This photo combined with his last speech, earlier in this thread, make it clear he was a man desperately trying his absolute best to not only fix the world, at least his country, but also to improve it immeasurably - to reach its potential.
I'd like to know more about it.

It is exactly what has been needed ever since.
If all the degeneracy was banned now, people's heads might become healthy again.
Lets incarcerate people for thought crimes on the basis of National security
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Here is my personal philosophy. Between any two men, ANYTHING can be discussed, no matter how evil the topic. I say "evil", because evil is objective. I did not say frowned upon, I did not say uncomfortable, but evil.

However, and this is the difficultly of maintaining a balance, it is crucial that neither communities nor governments do not encourage or facilitate those discussions in any way.

Society need not accept or openly encourage, either directly or indirectly, any topic in order for it to be discussed.
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