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https://youtu.be/DEI_tY4TQZs Dosent beat the king of gore/shock videos

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Dosent beat the king of gore/shock videos
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Like the memes doe
shitskins are a cancer to the human race

murdering Russian POW by beheading. Fucking Muslim barbarians!

Just shoot them all.
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Is 500 (you)'s not enough for you?
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This is your future europoors/burguers, are you ready for the mulatto/mongrel takeover ?
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ISIS's goal is not to torture. Their goal is execution in accordance with the Koran. They're pretty efficient at it.
Meh, it was pretty boring. Poor production values, not much artistic expression. 6/10.
But the alleged goal of these execution, even according to Islamic sources, is to cast terror into the heart of the enemy.
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I said it the first time around, I'll say it again - mexicans are fucking animals
that is inhuman and beyond any reasonable comprehension as they not only killed him in a brutal way, but wanted him to be fully conscious throughout the procedure

If drowning in cages or being burned alive won't do it I doubt this cartel shit will do it either.
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Would that blood sacrifice satisfy pic related ?
Your comment is pretty much toxic behavior and is why we need more affirmative action for the blacks.
So they cut the guy's hands off, removed his face, and over the course of 2 minutes cut his throat little by little?

Seems incompetent to me, how are they ever gonna get anything done like that?
explain what they did so I don't have to watch it

My canadian leafheart can't take it
jesus fucking christ
Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the online polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated
you guys are so bigoted
look at those saints, it's just part of their culture, how can you be so racist?!

It's to instill fear to a rival gang
Subhumans cant into efficiency, they will be wiped out easily, in the few weeks it will take to cleanse them, you better not be cought by them though.
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>sweet child o mine starts playing in background

The next guy will just tell them what they want, or there wont be a next guy because he will think twice. Thats the logic.

Looks like the religion of peace aka Catholicism is on a roll again
Why repost this?
>there are Americans who want to allow these "people" into our country
it's caught you dirty foreigner.

Yeah. Minimum torture execution videos, whil focusing on expanding ISIS control over Syria so the new population understands their place in the hierarchy.
he survived btw
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I'm been telling you fools for years that the spic menace is knocking at our door.
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Do they have this guy drugged up?
How does retain consciousness even though they are flaying if throat open?
Seriously how? They peeled his face off and chopped his hands off, how the fuck is he still ticking?
What he do to deserve that?
>Their goal is execution in accordance with the Koran

Driving people over with tanks, shooting them with AK's and setting up explosive necklaces is in accordance with the Koran?

Thats pretty metal, and very ahead of its time.
Well then you better do something quickly then, needless to say that there is a considerable number of them right next to your borders.

>cut the guys throat over and over again
>Between the all the screams, they stab him the mouth to shut him up
5 ex pills keep you awake for that before you die of heart.exe
Is he OK?
Criminals butchering criminals.
Nothing wrong with that.

IRL isn't a movie or a video game Cletus.

It's bump limit krautchan
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you dirty savage
Thanks burger
Trump should post this on facebook/twitter.

Then people will want to build 2 walls.

Don't open it then leafbro - the gurgling alone will give you nightmares.
Damn, that was brutal. Like watching babbies first beheading video all over again back in 2005.
is it lonely in kiwiland?
>You are immediately presented with an image of a shirtless man getting his neck sawed off by what appears to be a sickle, while the rest of the men assist by holding down his legs or keeping his head firm. The tiled floor is mostly covered by blood. The victim struggles in distorted cries, and you cannot tell if he is even regurgitating blood due to the fact that his face is completely removed. There are red pools where his eyes should be, and the only thing you can make out is his lower jaw. One of them ties the victim's arms, and you can clearly see that the man has both hands completely removed when the executioner brings out the razor and starts to cut down at his neck further, trying to use his arm-stumps to resist uselessly. His mouth is plugged with some kind of long object to keep his head down as the decapitation continues, and he makes a noise of agony that doesn't even sound human. When he cries again, the executioner shoves the razor into his mouth as if to shut him up. The video ends with continues slices at his neck - it doesn't even end with him dying.

A fourth dimensional wall.
>New Zealand
What's the problem? They look like doctors and surgeons to me.
They cut his hands off, removed all the skin from his face and then slowly cut his throat over and over, pretty much.

I couldnt watch most of it, I have a weak stomach. The not having hands while struggling thing is really, really fucked up.
You know they should put this shit on the nightly news and see how many fuckers still want immigrants

nuke that shithole already
Cartels already vowed to defeat ISIS if they ever showed up in Mexico.

Cartels will literally lead the next Christian crusades whether you like it or not.
Jesus fucking christ.

They couldve just shot him and done this post mortem.
Fuck sadists
Dont even worry about it. They could outnumber us 2-1 and it would be an easy fight. The hard part is getting that fight going.

But im sure we will have it before too long.
no dude, that was fucking sick. If rapists, murderers,drug dealers or any other cirminal must be put down, the better way would be just gas them or waste them with a bullet in the head. These guys are fucking insane, they are devils
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Please have mercy!
the point was to do it while he was alive m8

This is possibly the worst thing I've seen.

>Dosent beat the king of gore/shock videos

That's bad but the webm is worse.
So i will be reborn back in time? Does this mean time travel is real and i can travel back in time and win ww2 for uncle adolf?
Savages love to hear the screams.
This really made me feel uneasy, huge drop in blood pressure and now i feel like i want to hurl.

If you thought that was disgusting, you haven't witnessed anything
my god
ban kiwis ip
Not risking it.
Get the fuck off ctr
Good job not answering my question you fucking ape.

What did he do to deserve that ? surely he must've done something pretty bad otherwise they wouldn't bother ?..
don't do it leaf the screams are hideous
Better not risk it.
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Trump should offer amnesty and citizenship to the Cartels in exchange for defeating ISIS
Hey Dmitri, can you describe video related as well ?


To save your life, you need to steal from either group A or group B.

Group A will shoot you on sight if they find you, swift execution.

Group B will cut your hands off, and your face, and slowly torture you, keeping you alive on purpose so that you suffer longer, with no way for you to stop them once they start.

Youre not going to try to steal from group B, probably not even if they left it unguarded.
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how can you sleep at night knowing one of those things roam in a 500km vicinity from your bed?
Gay Australian shit head
>but they just want to come here to work doing jobs that Americans are too lazy to do themselves

I feel nothing

shitskins getting tortured doesn't phase me

maybe if it was a <18 year old westerner being tortured then I would feel
i believe in meme magic
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Why would you post this?
We could easily beat ISIS if we actually tried.
Mexican Cartel playlist
>Sweet Child of Mine
>Funky Town
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That this is happening not far from the US border is unbelievable. Build the fucking wall burgers.
They're "just" a bunch a brainless guys without any conception of empathie and justice

I mean, you don't even do that at your wort enemy
Not taking any chances
Better safe than sorry
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You now understand why Americans, Brits, French soldiers always kept a spare bullet to kill themselves if they were to taken by Indians, or as they called them, Savages.

They tortured you for hours if they ever got you alone. One that I recall was they pulled your intestines out and had you run around a tree.
I did, read between the lines you neckbeard.
this is the only "reply to this post" that i will be scared enough to reply to
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>Imagining this happening to me

i'd snap in minutes


In terms of overall threat.
typical German

you just do not understand the subhumans do you?
At first I thought he was dead...

Americans, what the fuck are you doing in Syria when this shit happens on your continent?
So what? This is cultural. If they get to America they'll be americanized. This is basic stuff.
i'll fucking kill you shitbag
fuck you nerd
Oy vey
Trump kompletnie zniszczył ją w tej debacie.

Mówił o prawdziwych planach oraz o polityce, a Clinton mówiła tylko o Trumpie.

Miał ją na widelcu przez cały czas. Przegrywając mogła tylko i wyłącznie utrzymywać arogancki uśmieszek. Było to żenujące zarówno dla niej jak i dla Partii Demokratycznej.

Prawie wszystkie sondaże oprócz sondażu LOL (((CNN))) są w tym zgodne.

Trump ją zdominował.
>That this is happening not far from the US border is unbelievable. Build the fucking wall burgers.

This desu, the argument used against ISIS is that they're horrific murderers and savages.. this shit is right on murricas doorstep and you do nothing.
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He should of been using one of these instead of that shitty $.89 plastic boxcutter. You can buy blades so sharp you can shave with them.
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Savages are arguably worse than ISIS when it comes to outright torture. The grainy low quality video somehow makes it even worse. The ISIS stuff has an almost Hollywood effect with the slow motion and HD, which reduces its impact.

I wonder if the guys doing the torturing got drugged up first as well to make it easier, there's no way every single one of them is psychopathic enough to do that sober.

>when the American government literally gave these people guns to.. stop them from getting more guns? (is America legitimately braindead?)
meh whatever if this is what gets me drugs then I guess some guys gotta get their face shaved off
Air went through my nose a little bit.
why haven't we nuked them yet? let's take a poll, worldwide, get everybody's input, tell everyone to evacuate and then destroy their fucking life.
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Is that supposed to be a good thing? Fuck Cuckstianity
And leftists want these parasites to pour into our country. We should kill them first.
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top tier shitpost
Still won't watch it.
Damn, this self control feels just great.
I for one think watching this stuff is pretty degenerate and childish/edgy, but whatever floats your boat. And yes, I already know that those people are subhumans, thank you
That shit cant be "just business" i mean the dude would've had to be responsible for family deaths of the killers or some shit. Had to be personal on a massive scale right? Its the only fucking explanation i can conceive

Fucking kiwis
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Fugg not me pls
I mean, we did some fucked up shit in the Camps but i've not heard even about SS guys doing something like this.

Ok, maybe mengele but that atleast was for science..

>Resurrected not as the tortured
>You end up resurrected as the cameraman

They probaby did it on purpose.
Look lads I'm not watching this shit because I know it will keep me awake and make me feel sick and sad. Is it one of the worst so far? I wonder if they are all on drugs, including the victim. To do that to someone just doesn't make sense.

Maybe its faked.
Replying to be safe.
well look at mr high horse up on his pedestal horse contraption.
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group A is government
group B is cartel
now fun begins
it's tough (though in some places it's even shittier than where i live). We don't have a choice, those downright psychopaths will do whatever their in power to keep selling theit toxic shit to americans, and since those addicts love that crap this fuckers will continue doing it...
other guys living here get used to being careful all the time and mind your fucking business, OR ELSE...

russians itself are already the filthiest thing in the world. combine it with that IS ideology and you got satan out of that.
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>sweet child of mine starts playing
>they skip it and switch to Funkytown

aw yeah, state pride
>believing in reincarnation
absolute plebian
Take it!

>Jew Soap
>Goose torture
>He can't be some ramdon dude who crossed some paranoid narco on the streets
good try Manuel, now go and get killed
No, I won't
you forgot to call me a pussy and/or cuck because I don't want to see humans brutally tortured.
They are Mexicans and as we all know, Mexicans are murderous, taco-eating shitskins.
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Which makes you as bad as them. You just have different reasons, and yours just happen to be shittier. Atleast there is a monetary incentive when it comes to cartels. You just have your little autistic larp nazi fantasy footbal fantasies. Blacks are stronger, Asians are smarter, and Jews have run laps around you silly whites. Haha, you guys can't even figure out how to procreate and hence are dying of. ;)
Shit from the Chechen War were some of the first gore videos that I'd ever seen. There was a grainy ass video where a soldier is stepping on this guys head as he jabs a knife into his throat, trying to decapitate him. You could hear him screaming while the blood was gurgling in this throat. I've never been the same since ;^)
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You don't even know what that "poor soul" did before getting gored the fuck out, you live here and you know very well how these animals operate in their territories, they will kill anyone without thinking it twice no matter what.
I've lost relatives to these pieces of shit for fucking nothing and you tell me to soften up?
Fuck you
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It's by far one of the worst videos I've seen. It's even worse than a beheading, at least the purpose of beheading is to kill someone by cutting off their head. This is torture with full intent to keep the person alive and suffering.

It's going to keep popping into my head for the next fw days now, as well. God damnit.
enjoy your permanent ban
I'm used to watching gore vids but this shit got me uneasy too.
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I watched it, made me feel bad for a few mins.

I used to run a gore blog, and it got deleted 77 times and I kept remaking it.

I already feel normal now.

The only thing that made me feel bad, is you can really see the guy suffering for the length of the video after they pin him down.

I wonder what he did against the Cartel.
Crazy to think how that guy ended up in such a horrible situation. What he could have done to deserve such a death. And to be there live in person youd have to think youre literally in hell. Is money worth doing such a thing? Sad part is that god wont punish these ppl because god doesnt exist. The only thing they fear is 23 hour lock down in an American maximum security prison and they rather die than face that.
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got me
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>That guy whistling to the song right at the end
delet thsi
no i didn't.
too late

That's our decision.

I say we go to war.
Is this guy still alive even with no face? Jesus fucking christ.
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I'm not going to chance it
>violent and offensive content is not allowed
>267k+ views video showing killing of russian conscripts is ok
>t. jewtube
Joot better autosage this thread
fuck off
Beeing made into soap after death doesnt hurt you m8
Remember when El chapo called them a bunch of light weight bitches and told them if they touched his drug runners again they'd beg the Americans for help?

Fucking based Chapo. They didn't touch his movers again after that.
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>implying we won't be the ones doing it

Ask yourselves why we're the only ones who never get snackbar'd.

>flag and pic related
We have to respect their culture.
r-right guys?
why not get your citizens together with a bunch of guns and drive the cartels out of their caves?

>mexican intellectuals
Someone post a screenshot of two please.

No webms. Just a simple screenshot
question: WTF DID HE DO?
Stay on your fucking side of the wall, Beanfrican American.
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First time I've been grateful for this pupper
Build that fucking wall and keep these animals out of our country. Did not watch, don't need to. All cartel members should be shot on sight.
>still believing the lampshade bullshit.
the most fucked up thing I heard of was Martin Sommer:
>In 1943 Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler appointed SS judge Dr. Georg Konrad Morgen to investigate charges of cruelty and corruption at the Buchenwald camp. Due to his excessive brutality and sadism, Sommer was indicted and tried before Morgen.
But why, Kiwibro?
i think rusty and slightly dull was the plan.
I remember that video! I was like 15 or something when I saw, first gore I remember seeing
Yeah fuck that I'm replying not risking
Fuck you
there's a lot of your parts you dont need to be alive
hey now heeey now
I'm sorry bro. I'm never going to central or South America. Fuck that. The very idea that there are people there with the capacity for such evil, who aren't in jail is fucking terrifying.
I think it's a little bit of column A, a little bit of column B.
Fuck you
Not taking my chances with this one famalam.
Don't. Pls.
Didn't rip out and eat his still beating heart. So no
Russian lolis reported and had my 'shoveldog video' from VK

Fucking kiwi bastard
>this shit is right on murricas doorstep
Only on doorstep?
I see no reason why I should watch this. My nightmares are already juicy enough. I don't wanna feed them even more.
lol rather not
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You would know, Ivanov.
Pls no
>They're just cutting the head off a faceless body
>He's still alive
Fucking brutal.

People who engage with those types of groups that dont have a plan to kill themselves in order to avoid torture pretty much deserve what they get.

Even the Canadian government tortures people.

You're terrible at concealing your envy.

I wasn't being serious Hans.
i heard they would throw babies up in the air and have shooting practice
Immunity cat has my back, fuck you sheepfucker.
Yeah man. Cartels can get you hellraiser'D.
Fuckers can't complete the elementary school, but damn they are too creative with torture.

Y-You never know
even being reborn black would be better than this guy
he mess with bad people, stay in school kids
aint fina risk it for that biscuit
you are truly the king of the (you)s
I didnt even watch the video
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Think nick cage in Face-Off plus bonus razor cutting of the throat multiple times and what seems to be a clamp or pole in his throat. And hes still somewhat conscious!
Hilariously executed satire that fell flat on your first two responders. Sehr gut, Hans!
back to /b/

when you think you have seen any gruesome video on the world wide web and then you stumble across this

goddamn that webm didnt even finish with him being dead. he is still conscious. this makes me feel so bad
Does anyone know what he did to them to motivate such evil?
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Am I the only one who didn't find it all THAT strong?

I mean sure it's right up there with the most fucked up things I've seen, but it's the kind of shit we've all seen on /b/ before.
>Is money worth doing such a thing?
It's not about money only, now is retaliation and revenge too.You killed one of us, now we kill two of yours and so on.
The Cartel's wars has been getting worse and worse every year for some time now.
If your governs weren't corrupted as fuck, this things wouldn't be happening now.
fuck you

We should invade Mexico and kill every man, woman and child. Build a wall along the ucican and then do the same to south America.

If the US had balls we could have conquered the entire west by now. north middle and south America.

All of them should be killed. Indiscriminately and any way possible. With modern tech they would have zero chance. Chemical and bio weapon them to save the infrastructure.

Any races or people that get uppity back home killed and used to fertilize the fields.

The fact is we allied with the wrong people in WW2, we should have joined Germany.
So that makes it okay?

You people are retards. Of course they're going to act like animals if left to their own devices.

You don't even know what he DID to deserve that. It could have been not paying for his drug deal. Fuck you for assuming guilt before innocence.
fuck you
Fuck you, emu lover.
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If this happened in the west and there was film of it there would be national outrage.

I've been more rustled by shit I've seen online, but I am certainly rustled by this. Damn. It was the lipless scream for me.
No wonder Trump wants that wall, he should nukes us instead.
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More protection can't hurt

Fuck you kiwi
ok den
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We all know that Germans miss their fun from 1939-1945
Not superstitious, but just incase.
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>these are the people they give nobels to
super immunity doggo pls halp
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I've brushed off Dagestan and worse, no problem, but this has left a pit in my stomach and eyes simply staring into the midnight blackness of my room, anon.
All these mexishits should be gassed.
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The Persians were worse.

>Scaphism, also known as the boats, was an ancient Persian method of execution designed to inflict torturous death that was described by the Persians' archenemies, the Greeks. The name comes from the Greek σkάφη, skáphe, meaning "anything scooped (or hollowed) out".

>The intended victim was stripped naked and then firmly fastened within the interior space of two narrow rowing boats (or hollowed-out tree trunks) joined together one on top of the other with the head, hands and feet protruding. The condemned was forced to ingest milk and honey, and more honey would be poured on him to attract insects, with special attention devoted to the eyes, ears, mouth, face, genitals, and anus. In some cases, the executioner would mix milk and honey and pour that mixture all over the victim. He would then be left to float on a stagnant pond or be exposed to the sun. The defenseless individual's feces accumulated within the container, attracting more insects which would eat and breed within the victim's exposed flesh, which—pursuant to interruption of the blood supply by burrowing insects—became increasingly gangrenous. The individual would lie naked, covered from head to toe in milk, honey, and his own feces. The feeding would be repeated each day in some cases to prolong the torture, so that fatal dehydration or starvation did not occur. Death, when it eventually occurred, was probably due to a combination of dehydration, starvation, and septic shock. Delirium would typically set in after a few days.

>In other recorded versions, the insects did not eat the person; biting and stinging insects such as wasps, which were attracted by the honey on the body, acted as the torture.
Just to be on the safe side
Should report it for Islamophobia, not graphic content.
I didn't watch the video but saw the description of the russki.I can watch those Isis things,but I can't watch those slow tortures or were people do it with theier bare hands.

What I am asking my self is,how mentally damaged do you have to be to do that kind of stuff ?

I mean don't your mind breaks completly after doing this to another person?Do you feel any empathy to anything after that,or do you become so cold hearded that you can do anything ?Is there any studies to that?

Ofc murdering someone fucks you up in some way but there is still a clear difference like shooting someone quickly or mutilating someone to the degree he is red mud.
piss off
It has no artistic expression. They just dragged the guy's death on to the point they might as fucking well just thrown cigarretes at him. Fucking boring.
Torture needs to be shocking, new, unexpected, but most of all, it needs its symbolism.
I will not die before i have killed atleast ten muslims. I will repeat this sentance everyday for the rest of my life.
>implying they don't shoot up the school
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You better build that fucking wall Ameribros

I don't think there are any sources on the victim. I'm hoping it was rival criminal.

No innocent deserves that shit.
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no kill pls
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Das rite
Oh Fuck no, please.
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Wow, what a fag. As expected as a someone who identifies as a fruit
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I'm sorry chicano but we need to launch you all into space.
Yep, I think it may have been on ogrish or steakandcheese or one of those sites. I remember feeling horrified and disgusted, yet curious and slightly amused. It was a strange feeling. You never forget your first.
oh my god no
Trump 2016
saaww dude
Where is the full video? I want to see the parts where they start skinning his head.
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a bunch of faggots, women and transsexuals
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This is usual for Mesoamerica. They were worshiping their god Quetzalcoatl.
Have merci kiwi
You and your tiny island.
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Holy fuck, Mexicans are fucking fucked up. I've never wanted a pistol, but now I do so my wife and I can kill ourselves if we ever get caught in the upcoming race wars.
They probably tied him up first, cut out his tongue so he couldn't scream, then chopped his hands. After that, they probably slowly peeled off his face, then gouged out his eyebrows. They more than likely shot him up with meth to keep him awake throughout the whole thing. The part we see in be video is him lying on the ground, still fully conscious as they slowly slice his neck with a sickle, then what looks like a box cutter. Truly subhuman scum

>Liberals would just blame white people and say that by not letting these guys in our country is what's causing them to do this
Mexicans of majority/full European descent are no different than you. Now Mexicans of Aztec/Maya/Indio descent are animals, remember these people would sacrifice people everyday in the most brutal ways.

>Muh native oppression
>Muh cortez was a meanie

The Spanish didn't do enough, now you got these shitskins along with the others from Central American countries crossing into the US
I agree with mexico on this one, let the criminals torture each other. It gives us entertainment & removes unwanteds from society.

The second they try this in USA is the second we butcher them all anyways
No mate. I don't think he's okay now. I think he might have died. (You)
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Implied that Rei was best waifu.

Cartel are all Asukafags.

What did he mean by this?

You shouldn't even watch gore videos. Just be aware of what happens in world.
why would you do this..
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Liberals want these savages to move into our white neighborhoods and go to school with your children

What could possibly go wrong?
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fuck you
Not me!!!
This is the first time I've ever replied to one of these.
ain't takin no god damn chances my man
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wew lad
feels good to be almost vegan so you don't contribute to suffering similar to this

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>Hillary in-acts open borders the Cartel and ISIS will duke it out
okay, I would gladly do that to any immigrants or muslims in my area.
The point?

Just kill your invaders if they bother you so much, start a race war.
Pretty tame video to be honest.
Fuk dat
You fucking nigger. I'm Mexican too, so here's your fucking (you).
>I mean don't your mind breaks completly after doing this to another person?Do you feel any empathy to anything after that,or do you become so cold hearded that you can do anything

No as long as the pay or the vengeance is exact its all good.
you have to have a good bait pic first

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Ayyyy... what the fuck is wrong with you guys?

fuck you nigger
What did he do to deserve that? Say something terrible so I feel slightly better.
shit will kill my buzz, someone tl;dr it
Idiot reporter, it's "Ig" Nobel not "EYE GEE"
Master shitposter
You fucker
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fuck you aussie.
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>gouged out his eyebrows
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Its not like i b-believe you or anything.
I don't want to be reborn as the ants I tortured with my magnifying glass as a kid but this seems even worse
You cunt
oh no please
Most likely sold drugs, transported them and did something similar to the torture he suffered to other people.
Playing it safe
He owed them money
mmm a german sacrifice it will please to our god cousin of Kek
he was shill for hill
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poor lil feller
please no
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Someone post videos my fucking old computer died and i had so much quality gore and war
Yes I think it is healthy to be aware of the terrible things that happen in the world. Liveleak has made me a far more reactive, safer and more defensive driver. It has also changed where I plan on traveling. For instance, not Mexico.

Im not taking any chances with this one.

They should show that video on American TV. Trump will win the election with 99% of the vote and the wall will be 300 feet high.
you didn't have to do this
>I remember feeling horrified and disgusted, yet curious and slightly amused
I remember feeling the exact same thoughts.
Desenzitising happened but that cartel webm almost made me feel those feels again
lel... spam this at those ctr fucks.
Good thing I stocked up on immunity cats.
im lucky
its all about the money, is revenge dished out? Sure but the boss really only cares about money. We are talking millions of dollars and for a bunch of criminals who would otherwise be broke that money is worth doing this deplorable demonic shit.

Depends, if the gang is Los Zetas, then they were probably bored.
plz no
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Not today you Kiwi FUCK
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Y-y-you don't know what forces you are meddeling with!
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Tell the cartels they can have all the poppy fields in ME if they defeat ISIS
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Should I watch it or not?
I want to sleep tonight instead of puking
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Possibly the most accurate poll ever conducted of belief in reincarnation
Don't be silly, you don't spend that much time torturing someone who owes you money.
Hell, even killing people who owe you money is inneficient, you want to break their arms and give them incentive to pay, not waste a debt as some meme intimidation tactic to get others to.
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rat or fucked someones girl or tortured/killed someones family member.
are you proud of yourself?

I think chopping off someone's hands and face while he's alive is plenty symbolic enough.
The human body is exceptionally rugged.
Fuck you.

topkek, never thought I'd be posting to one of these but this made me think of it actually happening to me and that was disturbing enough

>So what? This is cultural. If they get to America they'll be americanized. This is basic stuff.

This level of shitposting.

Hows your vacation aussie?
coming soon to an american town near you
>t that cartel webm almost made me feel those feels again
Agreed... Also, the 3 guys 1 hammer video made me pretty queasy
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Autodefensas tried and it became such a fucking shitshow that the army showed up with Howitzers and Tanks.

Get that shit viral. Show what the liberals want to import.

That's messed up. But then again criminals taking out the competition. ISIS on the other hand are murdering and killing a shit load of civilians for not being sunni islam adepts.
>lea fheart
>le fart

Truly Canadians are next level shitposters.

They said he owed money my dude.
>can't risk it
Heres a you bitch
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I don't even understand the reasoning. Why? Because he was a rat? Was he a rival? Even then I would've just shot him. I would maybe do this if the guy raped a family member but I wouldn't even think about doing this to some random person.
Try do it, snitch it on mainstream TV.
It's not that bad.
While you were calling your mom a bitch for forgetting your tendies this guy was going thru this.

Really makes you real analyze your priorities
even immunity cat wont prevent my response
oh god no
Oh how the mighty have fallen
just incase it's real
He was a journalist who kept reporting the crimes of cartels, they killed his wife and two sons before kidnapping him.
Watching this with the sound makes me feel sick, why is reality so terrifying?
baby's first gore
You should know satan. Fucked someones girl, killed/tortured the wrong person ie a gangster family member, or a RAT.

just in time lads post was deleted we barely made it
What an amazing waste of time tho.
Couldn't expect better from spics, desu.
spic here

i wish the webm didnt end

i wanna see the rest :D

yes i agree mexicans are pretty sick in the head.

dark morbid creatures we are.

obsessed with death

>Corrected by Zeus: I was just told by a member of Death Addict from Brazil that they're speaking Portuguese. He gave me the info he could hear spoken in the video.

>This happened in Brazil, not Mexico.
WTF, I hate Brazil now
you in the military? i am. i say let the goat fuckers figure their own shit out.
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>Using a box cutter to decapitate someone
Are beaners really this poor?
Yeah, it was pretty horrible.

I really shouldn't be watching this shit at 2am
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Guys what if this what Hell is like?
Do it man, nuke this place.
I know there's no redemption for our people.

Makes me realize I'm lucky not to live in a shithole, desu.
En serio?
Probably something trivial like being in the wrong place or being part of the wrong gang. It's fucking ridiculous in those parts.

Where do you think we are, anon?
WTF I hate spics now.
liberals will say "they're just misunderstood and didn't have a good upbringing"

nigger this shit is genetic.
They already do.They have vigilante groups or anti cartel groups who use military tactics.
There are videos all over the web of them decapitating cartel members and posting their heads on city squares.
Looks pretty bad though
just in case
source fellow bean
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Mexican what the fuck is wrong with you people?
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The only conclusion I can draw from this is that were this my country, my countrymen and I would bring these men to justice as best we could.

It seems the people of Mexico do not care. That says a lot about them as a people.

It says it right in the first forum post above the video.
Brazil pls, the shills are trying to meme
We're speaking spanish now !
horale ese
pinche puta
Even after being on 4chan for 7 years and considering myself "hardened" to gore, this was a lot for me.

Holy fuck.

It probably was a cartel member though.
it doesn't change the fact there are better ways to dispose of that kind of criminals (deep down we know they don't deserve it for all the people they've killed or the families they have destroyed because of the drugs, but doing that is fucking sick). Like i said, they're devils.
Now imagine that person was you
Why the fuck did you post this, my stomach, I feel like I'm almost vomiting. Fucking savages. I can't imagine how this must be, being tortured like this and just not dying, I'd want to die as fast as possible, but you see he is still alive while suffering. Goddamn they need to be exterminated.
It's fine... He just nicked himself while shaving.
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To hell with us, to be honest.

Even i admit i'm a degenerate who find amusement and pleasure from hearing or watching people suffer.

Just nuke us, please.
Get these savages out of my country

fuck germany why are you so cucked now
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>The mods deleted the post
>The mods want us to die like that
godlike as always, only temporarily occupied by an empire of evil if you know what i mean
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It's the worst thing I've seen on the internet and this is coming from someone who has seen original /ft/

Yeah I just watched the video. Its definitely Mexico.
they're still human, partially, less so, but there's still a bit of light in them.

given that it's undeserved under any circumstance, except perhaps if they'd committed it themselves
Can you translate from Portuguese what he was saying?

We care, but we fought te war against the cartels and the government and we lost it, hard. Too many good people died. They are too powerful.
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>gouged out his eyebrows
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was everyone really so shocked that no one has mentioned the funny choice of musics in the background playing
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>Fucking savages

Brazil calling people savages

ew lad
fucking degenerate kraut, you are surely getting off with this shit

go to hell!
I've never called my mom a bitch in my life though.
Maybe that's why your countrymen do this kind of fucked up shit, you just don't respect your moms.
Hmmm well apparently this video is in Brazil. But my points on Amerindians still stand
I don't think so Alejandro,

yo no hablo espanol ese
That was Spanish. But i could understand that they tried to cut his tongue.
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These people will only exist as long as the Geneva Convention rules do
We arn't the ones importing mexicans my friend.

Not that Islamists are much better but still..
Noo. Reborn me as trump plz thx
Kill every single fucking mexican.
It ain't me
no thanks desu
I don't want to turn up audio right now but Brazil posters are saying it is mexico
probably stole some enchiladas
Just in case
>manifest Destiny never ended
>we just need to go south
>split territory with our Euro, canadian and Aussie friends who tag along
Then we'll head to South Africa
Nope, hood rats can barely speak portuguese, much less spanish.
Yeah, Brasil habla espanol, cabron.
Somebody posted a liveleak link in thread 1, but i didn't check and i don't intend too either.
Check out 3 guys 1 hammer... It'll calm you down.
Cant let the neighbours hear the screams. Probably for the protection of the neighbours since they would have to kill them if they found out what was happening.
I always wanted to call someone a 'pendejo de mierda'.
Pendejo sounds so cool
i want to see the face of my enemy, and give this man the honor of a just person feeling sorrow for him
Thanks for the link faggot time to go fap.
Call them "Pinche Indio"

They get even angrier, "Pendejo" is pleb tier
mexican here

isnt it sad that a man really cant inflict any more pain on another person more than in that video?

like thats it?!

thats the max?!?!

how much worse can it get??

any worse?!?!

its so sad really
>german on pol
>still believing in the ridiculous accusations of the show trial at nuremberg
I don't have audio right now but I would nuke your piece of shit country if I could fucker.
Bro just imagined if they brought out hooker to fuck this guy while looking like that. Fucking sick
You know whats terrifying is that I live so close to the border and I hear news about how they are slowly creeping into my state.
Sadists need to be dealt with sadists. Fuck them.
Is there a reason the US and Russia haven't nuked Brazil, Mexico, China and the middle east?
Is that along the lines of "Indian Bitch"?
fucking hell there is really no hope for mankind
What would they do for money if America made those drugs legal? Switch over to exclusively kidnapping and pimping?
fuck you
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Where gonna need more than the muhreens
I want to be reborn as a 2d girl!
You're going to need a lot of warheads burguer, huezil is a big country.
>dat accent

Hah, don't worry my fellow first worlders, that's definitely El Salvador or Guatemala.
Maybe dropping lemon on his face? Sodomy with a broken pool stick?
Damn you, Kiwi

TFW Hillary wins and I watch the dumbfuck liberals get flayed.

If she wins I'm stocking up in guns for the next 4-8 years.
We got to get this cartel brutality trending with normies. It will redpill so many people.
More like "Fucking Indian".
They get pissy because it is true.
Like calling a google a nigger
You have to go back.
There's nothing we can do short of completely taking over the country. Mexico is rotten to the core with corruption and violence.
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Really senpai ?
Are you really saying you enjoyed this shit ?

If she wins, guns will be banned within 6 months
It will be worth it filho de puta
Youre delusional, nobody but a mexican would say wey. The guy clearly sounded chilango
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Do you think the ISIS execution videos have done anything?
They are still importing Mudslimes by the millions
You dont need to watch it.

Just start building wall already
i was thinking bleach. and maybe bringing his mom to watch it.
Do you really want to destroy your source of cheap soy, beef, orange, coffee farms and Iphone industries NZ ?
Think about it, huezil is gone, now orange costs U$1000 a kilo and Iphones costs 20k.
kek. never gets old!
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Someone make a new thread
what makes mexicans able to be such animals? you will never see american thugs do this, black, white, whatever.

what is it about mexico they makes it so they can be literally evil?
Even in Texas?

Not him, but I actually laughed when one says to the Guy cutting: "You're cutting the wrong side you son of your whore, squirming, whore of a mother of shit".
hmm, I guess it's that Naples is so shitty even skittles are avoiding that shithole?
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