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Brit/Pol - Adolf Schicklgruber Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 336
Thread images: 179

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>Anger of PC accused of racism: Officer investigated after telling pro-Kurd protester 'you don't tell me what to do in my country' during clashes

>Pupil nationality data 'will not be passed to Home Office'

>Sadiq Khan urges Labour to follow his success if it ever wants power again as Jeremy Corbyn tightens his grip on fractious party

>Sturgeon to link Brexit to austerity in London speech

>Boris Johnson: UK will help Turkey join the EU

>BBC iPlayer login will be required from 2017

>Turkish town promises to ‘sacrifice many sheep in Boris’ honor’
>sam allardyce has resigned
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Bomb the krauts
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Trump got destroyed in the debates. What now?
Live in a seat that's been conservative for a century couldn't be safer so I voted labour for the banter.
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Really makes you think.
Eat shit and die commie
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Call everyone a shill

Get majorly assblasted
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me too but i couldn't possibly bring myself to do such a treacherous act, voted UKIP - as pointless as it was.
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Why are Scottish girls all such slags lads? Why are there no qt pale ginger girls with hot accents left that I can wife...

bonus pic new armoured recon vehicles.
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Why do we care?
applies to all British girls desu
All women are slags mate
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Karen is a qt.
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>Middle class can afford to do martial arts lessons though

God I hate Reddit. r/UnitedKingdom is bad enough, r/UKPolitics is just full of batshit bourgeois cunts.
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Gone two weeks without porn as of today lads, anyone else trying to quit for good?
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>online poll dictates debates

Trump's disastrous performance last night was bullish to Mexican Peso. The smart money's behavior should be very telling.
I know you're mums a slag.
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>Boris Johnson: UK will help Turkey join the EU
What does he mean by this?
Are they implying that the Remain voters are the working class?
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It's like taking a shite in your scumbag roomates kettle before moving out.
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Yeah, it's absolute cancer.
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whats the point? Isn't he UK already independen? no need for such party

also, your voting system is shit
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Yes. We saw exactly the same thing at brexit. And?
hurry up hitler, I'm holding it.
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Fucking hell. That being said I'd like to see them try. Remember what happened in Dover?
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>tfw no short short rhodesian bf
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>500 democrat-leaning people polled

why so upset japan? trump will bring about a new golden age
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Short shorts and an fn fal, what else do you need.
>also, your voting system is shit
Says germany were all your dumb parties just agree to keep merkel in charge no matter what you vote.
Nah. No point.
I try but then I get a random memory of that teen girl I fucked up the arse five years back and I need to get over it.
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Reminder that if it wasn't for that fat twat Churchill and his love for Jews we could have kept the empire, allied with the Nazi Germany and took back America.
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>UKIP is pointless
its just a meme, UKIP are still a patriotic right wing party which wants to put the country first, the same can't be said for any other party

>voting system is shit
No you don't say. /s
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>I stayed up last night (and felt like shit all day at work) to watch this buffoon boast about being a lying crook and allow an even bigger crook to solidify her entrance to the shite house. All the while accused of being a shill for daring to criticise Trump's woeful "debate"
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>merkel is shit
tell me something new, mate
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>wrong image
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Who /moral/ here?
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1) Churchill
2) Thatcher
3) Things
4) Attlee
5) Disraeli
6) Wellesley
7) Wilson
8) Pitt, the Younger
9) Palmerston
10) Gladstone
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enough with the stormfag memes
>right wing party

even with james winning they will probably move to the center to grab some of that prime labour defector vote, especially with may cherrypicking their policies and ukippers defecting to tories
>watching american """"debates""""
i saw that it would be on at 2am i was like "nah fuck this" and went to bed

if it was on at 12am i may have watched some but, watching it back its pretty low energy.

We really need a charismatic nationalist/ right wing figure pretty soon to rip these corrupt politicians a new one.
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It's essentially a pressure group to prevent soft-brexit, ie cucked norway/swiss option. Speaking of Switzerland:

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Fuck off Merkel
>Brnjamin D-(((Isreali)))
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>3) tony blair

I know it's probably a joke, but Tony has done more harm to this great nation than any other PM.
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>mfw I see weed
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Pic is countries where holocaust denial is illegal.

Pretty disappointed by Portugal desu.

>wondered for a fraction of a second what that middle eastern country was
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Weed is to terrorists what Coke/Meth was to WW1/WW2 soldiers
>Israel is growing
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there is only one
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>Coming to a cinema near you
weather the holohoax was real or not it seems pretty damn dodgy to make it into law, no other subject in history is it so controversial to even debate it.
How long till we're red lads?

And don't start posting Corbyn
>hollywood with hollywood actors making a movie about holocaust denial
what could possibly go right?
Is 'Dutch Courage' a dig at the Dutch for only being brave when they are drunk.
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>David Cole: Auschwitz
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>don't start posting Corbyn
What are the grey blips around Italy? I can see one being the Vatican but what's the other two?
>the whole world knows it happens
>she needs to prove it
i'm getting mixed messages here
>he thinks predictive markets are polls
>muh strong women has to fight against the world to prove that the holocaust happened
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Why are centre-left politicians so much more attractive?
Not me

>yell at parents
>no job ever
>hate religion
>scared of everything
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>why are fascist leaders so hot
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>how long till we're red?
2020 desu!
He looks like he killed someone and hid the body in the next room.
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There's hope for you yet lad

monoco on the left, not sure right
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>Rachel (((Weisz)))
By the way, this is what that kike really looks like.
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Skip to 1hr:30 mins

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Because they have the Ed factor.
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>mfw the scene where he stood up and offered money to anyone who could prove the holocaust and no one said anything
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I miss Ed.
San Marino maybe
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Can we just remind ourselves how based our youngest prince is?
>the glorious 2020 comeback election
Ahh based Sweden
>tfw the monarchy won't even be around by the time his time comes
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>Trudeau getting cucked by a toddler

Just a few more years
That is terrifying. Fucking Blair

H-haha yeah
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It is almost October
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yup that'd be it
I feel this so much. I'm a first generation German American due to my dads family fleeing Berlin as the wall went up. This would have been a better world
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/Ed/ was a quality meme man.
...what happened?
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Truly a political titan of times past.
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we'd have a revolution in summer lad, too cold in winter
>constable pulls retard protester off the road to stop her blocking an ambulance
>she shouts stupid shit at him, tells him to get out
>constable retorts with calm, short statement
>random white cuck pops out the sewer and seems to do most of the accusing

Holy shit, just build a big fucking moat around London and raise the drawbridges.
This fucking start
pakis in a car
black in a car
muzzies on a bus
blacks on a bike
muh alt right

>Royal toddler repeatedly demurs when Canadian prime minister offers him a low five, high five and handshake at the airport in British Columbia
Canacuck went in for a hi-five and prince ignored him
True Dope tried to high five him and George just ignored him.
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>hairy bikers and handing out fried chicken to a black baptist church right now on BBC2

dudeweed went for a high five then a handshake and based prince rebuffed both
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>nobody else is happy for are Woes that he got through his first public speaking engagement without too much autism
>tfw no QT nationalist gf
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What did he say?
>Brown eyes.

into the trash she goes.
He's actually a very articulate speaker.

Just gets a bit creepy with his autism.
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close enough desu
Nah its to do with gin, it was originally imported from holland rather than being brewed here iirc.
>Just gets a bit creepy with his autism.
I genuinely think he is really cute
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Plus it'd probably rain. Nobody want's to die for freedom and glory when they're getting rained on.
Are you the guy that let that fire burn your countrymen alive?
Waiting for the anticipated October 2017 centenary event but with the Windsor family instead.
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You don't know where those hands have been.
Same. I think he'd be a really good big spoon.
The giant cauldron is to feed just one American family.

The stuff from Holland that makes you fearless.

the 'I saw a little black baby' fiasco at the beginning was hyper awkward because he sounded so nervous and upset but once he hit his stride it was much better. Once he builds his confidence up I could see him being very good at this stuff
not a good omen either
Cute girl at the front
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me on the right
>tfw you will will never cuddle up as he tells you about all things wrong with modern civilisation.
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How do I resist fapping lads
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do you think he has a strong heartbeat?
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By getting quads instead
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Fuck off u chinny mug
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It's mothers ruin lad
I think it worked
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you do it when you want, not when your libido wants
Every time you get the urge to wank, do something else to take your mind off it. I chewed gum every time I wanted a wank and it worked for me. The only side affect is I get hard every time I smell spearmint.
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Post yfw Labour somehow manages to win in 2020.
I don't know about that, I just imagine feeling the rhythm of his breathing more.
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bit gay desu
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I hope you guys have been busy building up your brit/pol/ folders, because if hillary wins the us election on 8th November then this place is gonna be /pol/harbour all over again. It was bad enough last night but if she wins it will be down to us to hold the line again.
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think he's musky? he probably doesn't shower, the dirty NEET boy
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Keep shooting little Webley!

shame that even with better gun laws you'd end up having to bin it anyways
The burgers are first to call us cucks and everything else.

I want Trump to win, but equally if they fail to hold up their side of the deal like we did with Brexit, then sparks will fly.
Keep shooting little webley
The musk plus the smoke is probably intoxicating.
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I almost want her to win just to see the American /pol/ butthurt. Remember how the yanks were saying how they'd chase out as cuck losers if brexit lost?
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Reminder that we voted leave

gonna be pushing for hiroshimoot to replace their flag with the hillary logo if she wins
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>Be British
>Vote brexit and see are nige win despite all odds

>Be American
>See your hero loose to the worst democratic candidate in decades
This is a good idea and I support it.
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Yeah but they'll shit up our brit/pol/ threads with all their bickering.
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Still can't believe it
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it's a shame the referendum and this election weren't closer together, we could have framed it as a forfeit like: if we lose we have to have EU flags but if you lose you have to have Hillary logos. Would have been funny
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my karens are ready
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Reminder Brexit means Brexit
A girl like that wouldn't be seen with some posh, beta faggot desu.

Only real working class men get those chicks.
Labour are falling apart at just the right time for us to push 'hard brexit' too, we could be on the cusp of a golden era lads.
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Its clear americans can't harness meme magic like we can.

Their dindus are rioting
Hillary will win
We voted leave
We're building a wall
Our prince hates leafs

We're the high priests of meme magic
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What a bunch of smarmy, cum smuggling wankers.
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Was Stonehenge the meme projector all along?
I am a proper working class male.

>tfw qualified mechanical fitter
>tfw was raised on tescos own brand chicken goujons, oven chips, beans and boil in the bag veg
>tfw never had any takeaway other than fish and chips until I was 18
>tfw never got pocket money

Brit/pol/'s thoughts on inheritance tax?
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Meme magic stopped Guy Fawkes and turn him into a meme.
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Just different styles of meme magic, the yanks are typically loud, brash and unrefined trying to meme their opponent to death by pneumonia. I like to think us brits us meme magic with a bit more class and decorum.
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>mum's watching some reality TV show Secret Eaters
>two fat heffers from Battersea
>one of them pauses from eating "shepherd's pie pizza" to gorge on a Toblerone and Dairy Milk
>goes drinking, three pints of Stella, three shots of sambuca
>bitch gets a bottle of White Star and plows through it like a Scotsman
>worked out she can pretty much drink me under the table

And her daughter was there, was shown eating literally THREE dinners of some munchy box thing, a pizza and then a doner kebab. Just... Fuck. I feel like going for a run or something now.
>trump victory causing worldwide liberal butthurt on an unprecendented scale
>hillary victory means we get to rip the americans here a new one

Whatever the outcome, brit/pol/ wins.
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Goes against human nature and the desire to provide for one's family after death. Also pointless because anyone who is bequeathing a large amount will be smart enough to work around inheritance tax. It's an attack on the middle class, and an insult to those who save their money rather than frittering it away on pointless crap and holidays to Ibiza.
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All paid for by your taxes
Really rich people don't pay it, it hurts the middle class.
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Francis drake shitposted so hard in semaphore that kek scuttled the spanish armada
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>Hitler had a teleportation device, and in 1945 he teleported and time traveled into 2016
>The machine was unfinished though, and although making a perfect copy of him in 2016. the original was not destroyed.
>Therefore, the original Hitler had to live out his life in Uruguay.
>Hitler's copy will appear in a few days, and lead human civilisation to a new peak.
>He brings with him the designs for various weapons, designed to eliminate the jew, the nevroids, the paks, the sjws, arabs, chinks and gypsies.
>The execution of all European politicians will begin one week after his arrival.
>within a month, all shitskins and degenerates will be a fading memory
Might pump and dump the daughter to encourage her to comfort eat again.

Then again she had awful tattoos on her arms. Getting a handjob would be like being pleasured by a Banksy image.
A threshold less than several million is just a way to re-tax the middle class on money they already paid tax on.
Some people unironically believe that hitler crash landed at roswell in a time machine called 'die bell' or 'das bell'.
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>"I was treated terribly by the [British] Field Security Police. I was dragged to Heide and, of all places, to the same military barracks from which I had been released eight months before by the British. During the first interrogation they beat me to obtain evidence. I do not know what was in the transcript, or what I said, even though I signed it, because they gave me liquor and beat me with a whip. It was too much even for me to bear."

>"The prisoner was torn from the top bunk, the pyjamas ripped from his body. He was then dragged naked to one of the slaughter tables, where it seemed to Clarke the blows and screams were endless. Eventually, the Medical Officer urged the Captain: 'Call them off, unless you want to take back a corpse.'"
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really wish we instituted the ali g immigration policy

fit birds welcome
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/Brit/ Pol is nice and fash today
Let's hope it is true, that he then flew off and will arrive here soon with an army of a million supertroopers in exoskeleton armour, mini nukes and plasma guns.
because anyone who's fit or rich don't emigrate
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>posting nazi women

This is a social democrat thread
I wanted the EU to end lads, I just hoped it would end because the people of Europe grew out of it, not because of fucking banks yet again.
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Keep shooting little Webley!
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>blackshirts beating up modern liberals
Honestly I think Mosley's uniform should've incorporated a red coat, like soldiers wore during the empire days. All that black is just way too drab.
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>social democracy
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Oh god can you imagine. This needs to happen
>totally not the bad guys
yeah we need red tbqh i think if i were in power i'd bring back red in the army, maybe even if its only for non combat dress or something
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Hitler should have put aside the rhetoric
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black is cool
>fashys stomp liberals
>antifa arrive to bash the fash
>libshits and fascists BTFO

would b cool
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I think they wore the black because of mussolini and his blackshirts. Redcoats would have been good though

How can one man be so based
that would be xtremely painful for him
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>The National Socialist Party has become the board. What you have inherited from your oldfags, you must lurk before you can post. The most precious memes in this board though are its own shitposters. And for these shitposters and for the sake of these memes, we have to struggle and fight. And never tire; and never weaken; and never give up; and never despair. Long live our memes, long live our shitposters, long live our shitposter empire. Praise kek!
Are these 'real' holohoax accounts because they could be out the homo-fiction I read?
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>anitfa bashing blackshirts

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Yeah, agreed.
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They are real. But they are not real things that happened.

>The Holocaust in 10 seconds

>The Holocaust in 20 seconds

>The last days of the big lie: Spielberg’s hoax
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Why did Mosley retire to France?
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like a red version of this
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Crusader Girl.jpg
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>He has neither money nor does he have a name, he has behind him not a single newspaper, he has no party. He has everything against him, yet he wants to fight for everything. He wants to fight against the employers, he wants to fight against the proletarians, he wants to fight against the current democratic state and against the autonomous regions, he wants to fight against the religions, he wants to fight against the organized society as we have today, the society of the capital and the trade unions, there is absolutley nothing against which this man would not fight. He wants to build a new state, a new society and has absolutley no one behind him. Only a madman would untertake this task, to go out alone and declare war on a whole majority in all areas.

>It was not easy this fight, and yet gradually the success began to show, against the gagging methods as well as the methods of ridicule, mockery and against the lies and slanders then finally against the violence. The young movement began to win through, you have all expeirianced this.

>They joined one by one and then you have all had the inner feeling: we will win this fight for power in Germany anyway, it may be difficult but what speaks well for us is the reason, it is the realization that the current state can not be maintained much longer, that it is only a matter of time until it breaks either way, it is also the feeling of the need for a revaluation of the many ideas. In the end there was also - i would say - a mystical belief in the immortality of our people - a people that would have been destroyed by the continuation of the given state.

That's a battle dress uniform mate.
fuck off
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It was pretty hard for him to be taken seriously after the war

What do national action actually do?
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>Lets make our lads as conspicuous as possible in the battlefield.
Come on lad.
Please no.


Anyone remember when some tourist got BTFO by one of the Queen's guard a month or so back?
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more mosleys for my collection
>go to a high diversity city centre
>stand around like a bunch of autists
>get called evil racist nazi nasty pasties fueling division
not much more than that

>implying i ever meant its use to be on the battlefield
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So what's Farage doing now?

I get that he left UKIP because he finally got what he wanted for decades, but what's he actually doing now? Relaxing?
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Yeah looks really good lad
she looks like a vacuous cunt with an iq lower than her shoe size
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i thought only right wingers hated things?
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cower in lost property kisoks pissing themselves after getting bullied by mean antifa

You mean like a ceremonial-like dress uniform for non-deployment soldiers?
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Memes. Most with their hearts in the right place. Obvious target for GCHQ shills and honeypotters. Stay vigilant.


>His socks
Can are Nige get any more Based?
He didn't leave the party he is still an MEP and leads the 'Fuck da EU' league in the EU parliament.
>Chuka Umbongo calling for curbs on immigration
>Slow influx of admittance of failure on the issue
>Rachel Reeves now warning of riots

Are Labour finally waking up?


Fair enough, I think he could have been fairly influential in a post-Windrush Britain

They basically beat up, or try to, leftists and put stickers everywhere that appeals to literally no-one but 4chan autists.
they keep the british balaclava industry going
This one?

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No, tacky as hell. Ugh.
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>Chuka Umbongo
Its Spear Chuka
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Ah, that does sound gay. Why is that all these kinda group can't just unify and form a party.
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Imagine if it jammed.
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Wasn't there one of some tourist coming up and touching a guard and him shouting for him to step back?
When he's not BTFO of the EU he's supping Master Brew and ordering patriotic socks and shoes from Amazon.
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Long live the British monarchy.

because noone would vote for them and they cant afford to lose their fee
Happens all the time. Those guys will fuck you up, you actually shouldn't mess around with them

edgy chav kids or dumb tourists sometimes try it, you can get arrested no problem

I can't wait until the libtards and lefties complain that the Queens guard in her London estates are "imperialist" and "oppressive" and demands they be discontinued.
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White jihad is the most retarded thing I've ever heard. If someone clearly rxplained things they would have an easier time and a greater base but I get the feeling that some of these ppl do it just for the fighting
Top fucking kek
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they do look a bit batty getting their guns out

>what are you going to do? shoot tourists?
>tourist gets shot
>tourism in england dies
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I love watching gooks and twats getting their comeuppance from fucking with those chaps.
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Their stamping shit looks very autistic too

half of them can't march either they're looking pretty shoddy in that vid
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I'd rather live on my feet than die on my knees. Only traitors and degenerates disagree.

they get infiltrated and baited into doing dumb shit so they get arrested
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You know tourism still happens in like paris and turkey and stuff right?
One tourist getting what is coming to them in london for abusing a military security guard is not a story.
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>>tourism in england dies

>tourist gets shot
>media goes crazy
>mad coverage of the guard regiments
>more people want to see the guard just incase another snaps
>people want to record that special moment

If anything, more people will try and irritate them for a reaction just to get that shill £££ from jewtube
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>mosley was labour
>labour is fascism
Not really, they are serving solders, they ain't there to impress tourists.

It's the time as trying to do stupid things around the Whitehouse, chances are you are going to get shot if you really try to be autistic.
They generally have a button in the little huts if people persist. They would only ever shoot or bayonet someone as a last resort, ie a raghead running towards them with a butchers knife shouting Allahu Ackbar.

They're well versed in who is just fucking around and genuine threats to the monarchy or themselves.
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The original Nazi party had similar problems. It just goes to show that you need a strong leader

>BBC iPlayer login will be required from 2017

HA, Be-PC is going broke and I'm lovin' it. Requiring licenses for online content will not help.
Leave would absolutely leather Remain in a civil war.

I'm pretty sure most gun owners and most of the military voted leave.
>implying a terrorist is going to want the attention of them
>Remember what happened in Dover?

Tbf I've been on loads of demos and I've seen the far-right get hammered just as often as the left, so I wouldn't get too cocky. It's all just a matter of who has the numbers on the day, nothing else.
Mosley did time in Labour and Tories.
He defected from Labour. If Corbyn wasn't such a screaming lefty he would be somewhat alright.
christ there are a lot of shills invading /pol/ right now
how is brit/pol/ holding up?
There are no shills, that's the funny thing.

It's just Americans going full-on Autismo.
Depressed and lonely as ever senpai
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>bunch of fatty skinheads
>far right

what we need is organisation

>you wouldn't mess with an SA battalion would you?

The guns aren't loaded mate as far as I'm aware, but they are allowed to exercise as much force as they deem necessary to protect themselves/Queen's property.

What triggers me tho is that so many people assume these aren't actual soldiers who have served in war zones and killed a couple of rag heads between them
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Mosley after he gave a speech which saw communists throw a barrage of missiles at him towards the end, one hitting his head obviously.
Yes. This is what happens.

>random small group of halfwit skinheads decide to hold a march
>Antifas, tankies etc. sperg out on social media and invite 20x more people to counter them
>the police stop the majority of violence
>it gets called "the battle of X"
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What the fuck am I listening to

I kind of like it
what? it couldnt be more blatant, they all come at once for short periods and then disappear again
Not holding up well. Winston Churchill the drunk war monger is now popular
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Coldstream or Grenadier guards lads? Household Cavalry or Kings Troop?
>you wouldn't mess with an SA battalion would you?

The SA got wrecked fairly regularly by the Commies back in Germany in the 1920's, although worth pointing out that 1920's German Communists were a lot more handy than their 21st century equivalents.
>skinny lefties celebrate their "victory" in defeating ebil fascism
I don't know if I'm going through with it yet Anon
They also had foreign support and funding from the Soviets

Can you apply directly to the Household Divisions?

Not really, Germany had a very strong communist movement long before the Russian Revolution, and even afterwards the Soviets were too busy fighting a civil war to send any meaningful resources over the Krauts.

Lenin saw the German communists as the natural leaders of the European left, since they were much stronger and better organised amongst working class people than the Bolsheviks. Long story, just happen to know a lot about this period of history.
>Coldstream or Grenadier guards lads?
Grenadier Guards. More combat history, nicer lot, big lads and will help you out in the gym. Also has a parachute platoon that you can join to grab your maroon beret and wings for that extra £££

>Household Cavalry or Kings Troop?
Neither unless you're a posh high class cock. RAC is pretty terrible right now but fingers crossed they'll be getting a higher budget come the new amalgamations and reforms.

t. squaddie
I think you get two choices of regiment, but no actual guarantee you will get them. From what I can see via army forums etc is that people transfer to those regiments after basic and one or two tours.
Is this correct?
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still no gf lad

thanks for asking

>Grenadier Guards

From what I understand you aren't allowed to say the word "Yes". Just "Sir" when replying to orders. The regiments have some weird traditions.
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