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Been going strong not jerking it for about 2 months now and have

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Been going strong not jerking it for about 2 months now and have felt great. I was absolutely addicted before.

However, lately I've been questioning it. I'd like to hear about /pol/'s experiences. Is masturbation in general bad? Is it about moderation? Is it fine as long as its not brought on by internet porn?
Not erupting is generally bad. If you don't have a sexual partner, jerk off every two days without porn - imagination only.
if you do it out of habit every night maybe you have a problem, forcing it when you're not actually horny.

But, imagine if you had sex every night? how is masturbation different? sex everyday is bad? dumb cuck.
Masturbation is good, but port can have some adverse affects. You can get addicted to the jolt of arousal which comes from seeing a new "sex partner" and the consequence is you build up a resistance to arousal. So when it comes time to use your deck for real a single normal looking woman can't cut it.

If you're really interested in your sexual health you can solve that and other problems with kiegles. It's the muscle you use to stop peeing mid stream. This is my routine and if you do it every day after 2 weeks your deck will get harder, faster, and over less than you've ever seen.

Make sure.on each rep you squeeze as hard as you can.
-100 as fast as you can

- squeeze for 5 seconds, relax for 2 seconds 50 times

-hold as tight as you can for 60 seconds.
I watched some degenerate as fuck porn a while ago, have been trying to fap only once or twice a day and only to my imagination, no shit on the internet. I'll soon try no-fap, but last time i did the urge to continue was too high.
jerk it using your imagination. don't use pornographic videos or images.

and this too
I gave up on the nofap meme at age 15
No-fap gives you prostate cancer.
Well, I was trying to put on weight, so increased fat tissue isn't really a problem. Now, the problem is stopping so I can cut. It doesn't help that after working out, I feel like doing it.

>Is masturbation in general bad?
From an ethical point of view, honestly, I'm not sure. Priests and such will tell you it's sin, but I think it's much better than the alternative - casual fug or prostitution.

I'm still finding it difficult to go a whole day without it. I can make it to the end of the night just before bed but then I always seem to succumb to my degenerate thoughts. Well done on keeping it up for 2 months man, don't quit now.
Alright guys, how actually putting it to the test instead of seeing one or two 'reviews' and declaring it to be bad? Its only a few months, are you guys that shit with willpower?
yo I made it to a month recently. dont relapse. i did it and felt like shit for a week
It helps to cure ED and insensitivity, in my experience. As for other benefits, I couldn't tell. Didn't feel much difference besides being much hornier
Because no-fap in this case means chastity.

And chastity is bad. You gotta make sex with a partner, but you can't sucumb to orgasm.
I use plenty of fish so it's all clothed and local normal-looking women.
Its generally less on nofap being one end all be all type cure, but more on the benefit being you are more aware and the motivation to indulge yourself in other activities to better yourself
With the increase in dopamine for example, you get pumped with all those good vibes when you accomplish something which means a boost in confidence etc..
Every 2 days is a pretty arbitrary number; everyone has different sexual drives. You're right, however, about no porn. Pornography messes with your brain, and it takes quite a while to go back to normal IIRC.

I do it once a week, sometimes once every two weeks. Bottling up too long is not good either.
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use it or lose it.
Dick ups
I jerk off everyday, sometimes for pleasure, but most of the time is for sleep.
I got used to jerk just before falling asleep, now I can't sleep if I don't jack off first.
It is arbitrary, but every two days is a good technical period, because you need inner drive of sexual frustration to make you more prone to chasing women.
JESUS CHRIST some people need to chill out. I fap daily. I watch porn daily. And yet no one gets me harder than my wife.

Porn messing up your mind is bullshit. If you find it hard to get hard (hehe) just lay off of fapping for a few days: you'll be exploding afterwards.

Relax about it, fap if you wish, don't if you don't want to. Just enjoy yourself and stop beating yourself up over fapping/not fapping, damnit.
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>JESUS CHRIST some people need to chill out. I fap daily. I watch porn daily. And yet no one gets me harder than my wife.
Good anon.
>Porn doesn't fuck your mind up goys!
>Writes 'hehe' on the post
It's a warning
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Nofap is an excessive solution, but they're correct about the problem. With 24/7 hardcore streaming of every fetish for free, it's VERY easy to jack it way too much, which does cause chronically low testosterone and psychological problems.
>my wife.
Normies get out reeeee
I've heard to opposite also being said: that masturbation causes baldness because it raises your testosterone.... these nofappers, what a bunch of wankers.
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Makes me feel brilliant but then I get depressed because no gf
Jerk it at least once a week if for nothing else than your prostate health. Source: am nurse practitioner.
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>be me
>start wanking daily
>brain fog
>tired all the time
>no confidence
>working memory goes to shit
>don't know what's causing it
>stop wanking
>symptoms go away

Too late to stop me failing engineering though
Do noporn. Nofap is excessive.
It is worth it anon, you should only release using a woman. Self control is one of the best markings of a man and mastery over your sex drive is probably the most impressive act of self control you can have. If you masturbate you'll just be a lonely loser.

By the way the study which said you need to masturbate to not get prostate cancer was done using 40-60 year old men, it was cooked to get that result and it was spread pretty much through the influence of the porn industry, just in case anyone didn't know.

It kills my self-confidence, makes me lethargic, makes me think less clearly, and makes me anxious.

Don't really care if it's all in my head. What I know is that by meditating and going to bed early and getting up early I am smarter and I feel better. Not jacking off amplifies the effect. Quitting alcohol seemed like a natural next step, and now I feel high-energy, zero brain fog, positive outlook... Changing your lifestyle habits can make a world of difference.

It's a widely circulated theory, but there isn't any real evidence to support it yet. The jury is still out on whether (excessive) masturbation contributes to balding or not.
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Oy vey
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>Depressed loner with no social skills

>I stop wanking

>I'm still a depressed loner with no social skills.
I would say you are mixing cause and effect. You mention failing engineering, in my opinion the masturbation frequency was brought on as a stress coping mechanism brought on by your classes. Your symptoms are those of somebody under too much stress and anxiety. I would recommend talking to a doctor and asking about Buspirone.
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Now start working out and become white nationalist and you have swallowed the golden pill

How long you gone fap free? Not noticed any positives?
itt: wankers

No porn would be a good in-between before going no fap.
congratulations on raising your test level up 3%
Well good for you.
Personally I don't need the nofap thing but whatever makes you happy.
Are there any sources for all the claims being made here?
I fap once about every 2 weeks and i feel great, much happier but it makes me feel more agressive to everyone

>moortugal and Argentina trying to bring the white man down again

Fucking meme countries
Empirical claims require empirical evidence, m8. If there are no studies yet on this topic because of reasons, at least give me a news site, a forum, something.
I personally put no restrictions on sex, can only masturbate once every 5 days, no porn.

Used to look at porn every other day, masturbate every day. Was going to grad school+working full time, the lack of sleep plus degeneracy started destroying my boner. Barely worked, no matter what the GF did. Stopped porn, limited jerking and felt so much better. Way more interested in sex with the GF, bigger orgams (thick ropes brah), and rock hard almost painful boners like I had when I was 16.

Porn is fucking Jewish cancer, its addictive and will never satisfy that biological urge like sex with a woman. Just makes it easier to live a lonely, shitty life.
Fap twice a week, never porn - imagination only, fuck almost daily with my girlfriend. Porn is literal cancer for your nerve system
This is a good book about optimal, natural testosterone.

>nofap to increase testosterone

Makes close to zero difference. Sprinting full-speed for 60 seconds once a week has about the same effect.

If you don't want kids, just jump on testosterone replacement therapy. 200mg a week should be sufficient to make you feel like a god.

Or if you're rich, buy yourself some HGH.
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>>90607983 (((you)))

Jerking it once or twice a week is optimal since it will keep your testosterone up. If you suddenly stop having sex and stop jerking it your test will actually go down.


Gay desu
Nofap was a meme invented by superstitious impotent faggots.
Reminder that, while short term abstinence can provide a miner boost to testosterone. Long term (more than 3 weeks) can lead to a large reduction of testosterone.
Also, unless you are whacking It multiple times a day, every day there is no meaningful loss of testosterone production.

Google it. Its all over the place

>Waiting for empirical evidence before believing anything or trying anything

Complete waste of time.

Just don't touch your dick for a week and be amazed at how much easier it becomes to get out of bed in the morning

Also if you're at least average looking girls start becoming more attracted to you
Step-by-step guide for autismos

>Go to doctor
>Claim benis is hardly working anymore, even with porn
>Claim fatigue
>Claim fat gain and hard to put on muscle despite working out 2-3 times a week
>Doctor starts by putting you on 100mg/week of test-prop
>Go back to doctor, claim hardly any effects
>Doctor ups the dosage to 200mg/week
>Claim you have side-effects such as itchy nipples and water retention, even if you don't
>Get prescription for an aromatase inhibitor
>Save up on the AI
>Every 4-6 months, buy some test on the side and blast 600mg/week for 3 months

Nothing dangerous about it, except the fact that if you ever decide to get off, you might be infertile. However, with the semi-legal blast-and-cruise, you'll turn into a fucking god both physically and mentally.

Thanks friend
Have you heard of the placebo effect?
Forgot one thing.
If you want to actually increase testosterone nothing does better than actual sex, again assuming you aren't doing it multiple times a day every day.
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>natural testosterone.
>naturally increasing testosterone

Every fucking time.
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I've got a problem, I've fapped almost every day for 8 years, whenever I finish I feel really tired and my brain is unable to think very well for the rest of the day.

I know I need to change but I don't know how much I need to change, there is so much conflicting information.

Assuming I cut out porn completely, what is a good frequency that doesn't enable my problem but doesn't cause other problems by stopping completely (not getting sex at the moment)

And is it normal to be mentally debilitated for hours after cumming?
Prime example of why you should greatly limit porn use.
with excessive porn use, you condition your brain to crave novelty and shock value, and after you fap to that shit, you have a lot of trouble being aroused by normal women, and instead you get off to disgusting crap like fat chicks, and in extreme cases, traps.
It's a lot like crack. When you first do it, a little bit gets you really high, and once you get hooked and start abusing it, it takes a lot to get you the same high.

Porn is similar. You start by looking at pictures of hot girls naked when you're like 10. And at that point, you see bj pictures, and you avoid clicking on them because the sight of another mans penis turns you off. But happens when you abuse the playboy images? You get bored of normal women, and you escalate to more 'shocking' content. In the case of the 10 year old, he'll start getting off to images of blowjobs, and as he abuses porn, he'll escalate to sicker and sicker fetishes.

That's why its best to be very careful with your porn, don't watch it often.
If you want to have sex, do it with a real woman. That's perfect if you can do that.
If you're gonna fap, try waiting 30 minutes to an hour once you get the urge, and if it's still there, then fap, but don't use porn. Stick to fantasy.

Porn just sickens your mind, and conditions the viewer into developing degenerate and gross sexual appetites. It's a jews wet dream because once the men are really hooked on porn, real women become less appealing to them.
It turns normal people into addicts, and it can have profound effects on ones personality and behavior.

just look up some studies on neuroplasticity and addiction. They're really helpful in understanding how this shit affects your brain.
>letting a priest decide what you do with your benis

I fucking hate your shit island so much. You people are cancer.

I have never stopped masturbating more than 5 days or so and I always blow the biggest most satisfying load once I do wait that long. I am in my early 30's now.

What is it even like abstaining from fapping so long?

>Doctor doesn't ask for tests

Shit medical system


Fine. Don't do it. idgaf
Don't just do nofap if you aren't going RI change anything else, just workout or whatever during the time.
I wank less than three times a week
mods! not political.
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I'm trying to hold myself back as well.
As a teen I'd do it about 5 times a day, then as I hit my 20s I lowered to about 3 times a day.
Now I want to stop myself from doing during the week, but allow myself to do it as much as I want on the weekends.
When I go a few days without doing it, I do feel better, not only more energy but I can appreciate masturbating even more than when I do it daily.

It's tough though, browsing here and tumblr, I'm constantly bombarded with porn, it's like being a fattie trying to lose weight while living in a supermarket.
>Doctor doesn't ask for tests

Testosterone is produced in the testes while you sleep. Studies have shown that peak testosterone is in the morning, with a gradual decline throughout the day. And that testosterone production only begins 3-4 hours into a sleep cycle.

Don't sleep for 48 hours before the test, and you'll decrease your testosterone by close to 40%.

Or if you want to be a real sperg about it, shoot 500mg testosterone for 4 weeks, simply stop with no PCT, wait 14-21 days for the testosterone to leave your system and before natural testosterone production is back in place, schedule the test and score record-low testosterone levels.
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>tried to do Nofap for the first time
>can't even last a day
>try again
>make it through the day but then decide to fap to help me fall asleep

Really made me think. Do I have a problem? Like, if I could reduce my fapping to once a day I would be fine with it, but the fact that I can't even do Nofap for longer than 24 hours doesn't seem healthy.
It's nice when you hold out for some week and the cums is thick, feels better
> guy starts "no fap"
> 14 days in has vivid dream about fellating his buddies
> wakes up ejaculating over himself
> many such cases

You're playing with fire
It's a basic question. It might work for you but it can be just because you believe it works.

I don't but not for the retarded reasons being posted here.
>and you'll decrease your testosterone by close to 40%

Correction: Not 40. More likely 25-30%.

But that should be enough for most betas to get into the gray area where testosterone is prescribed. If you don't fall into the gray area even with a 25% reduction in testosterone, that's not where your problem is at all, so testosterone won't help you in life.
>muh nofap meme
enjoy your placebo effect you weak betamale
Long story short, you're addicted.
Stop porn cold turkey. Fap once a week for a month, and then stop fapping until you're normal. It usually takes 4-9 months. However, if you have a gf, by all means, have sex with her. Start bringing your brain back down to earth.
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It's no use, OP. Give up.
It doesn't affect baseline test at all you fuckingretard. Stop believing memes
Can someone explain fap emission vs sex emission? My gf wants sex multiple times a day and I have to wonder how blowing loads on her every day isn't just as draining/fog inducing as chronic fapping?
It can be bad if you over do it. But not doing it at all is best.
Reminder that your body does know the difference between masturbation and sex.
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It's no use, OP. Give up.

>Implying we are not so degenerate with our porn viewing that the only way that image would be fappable is if I was marooned on an Island and I couldn't find any sexy dolphins to rape.
Is it true that jerking off causes baldness? I read it somewhere and now I'm scared to beat off.
>the placebo effect doesn't real
Nofap is not about gaining magic powers, its about overcoming addiction and curing sexual dysfunctions.

It's normal to get a bit lathargic, but not to lose cognitive ability. Are you really fat?
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its all in your mind

both lifestyles have their pros and cons

alot of it is simply how you perceive acts, or what you make of them

i have a more magickal perspective of what is termed masturbation (more along the lines of auto-erotic magick ritual practice as perceived by Aleister Crowly)

This act of self auto-erotic is used in manifesting various desires or levels of consciousness and communication, but I thought it would be wise to weave in the casting of eternal youth, vitality, and strength - especially if im possibly depleting these values in these particular acts.

I have been successful in a number of my auto-erotic magick spells. There are many times I feel guilty for being oddly full of life, energy, and magnetism after such unconventional means to attain it. However it seems to work.

It's literally the same and also nothing to worry about. In fact, your situation is extremely far from what anyone would consider a problem.
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It's no use OP. Give up.
Source on comic?
Yes and you get blind and grow hair on your fapping hand
Nope. Orgasms dont affect DHT. That's a proven myth.
this guy gets it

Here's a completely bro science explanation

>Biological point of life is to reproduce
>Blow sperm constantly


>Not blowing sperm
>Body kicks you into action to get your ass reproducing

Also, nothing wrong with placebo effect. Better to believe in the placebo and get the benefits than to logic it away just so that you can jerk off to pixels
this only happens once or twice, but after a while it disappears
Learn tantric ejaculation control, stop cumming altogether.
Your testosterone goes up after sex. It dips a little after jerking off. Your brain can absolutely tell the difference.
No, skinnyfat lanklet.

serious brain fog is the best way to describe it I guess.

Whew, that's a long time.

I'll do it, it's going to be a radical change but I just want this to stop.
Before NoFap:

Homeless, quadriplegic, losing my teeth.

After NoFap:

Live in a mansion, regained feeling in my limbs, teeth are growing back.

Thanks, NoFap!

Speak for yourself. I got magic powers

Girls become attracted to your ballsack full of male vitality
> its about overcoming addiction
If someone actually addicted to masturbating then fine, but there are so many people who fall for the nofap meme because they think their testosterone will skyrocket and they will be able to talk to girls all of the sudden.
>and curing sexual dysfunctions
By potentially causing a sexual dysfunction?
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Wood Berry
I used to use my moms old craft making magazines. Pudgy middle aged women in sweaters.
Try and keep it to once or twice a week and see if it helps.
>And is it normal to be mentally debilitated for hours after cumming
not from masturbation
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Anon, you're not one of those bigoted fatphobes, are you?
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Bench presses & squats are the ultimate testosterone boosters.
Add some chocolate at least 85% pure & some avocados to you're diet & you're good to go.
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I agree. The people who think nofap will magically make them better with women are idiots.
By sexual dysfunction I mean ED. Meaning, you're so addicted to porn, you can't get it up with a real women, because you've conditioned your brain to get aroused by shock value and novelty.
A naked woman alone just doesn't do it for the porn addict.
You have a theory, which is a good first step. But that's easy come up with and not what I asked for.

Your point on the placebo effect is a good one, though, even though it has weird implications.
What is that and what does it have to do with porn? Even after googling it I still don't fully understand.
Balding comes from DHT not regular free testosterone. If anything they would be claiming that it converts free test into DHT. I can promise you jacking off does not raise test.

Right right!
This is terrible advice. He said his symptoms cleared up. Why would you put him on Buspar?
I really can't fap any more since I got married, it's just too hard on my dick.

You lose so much sensitivity jerking it.

But I do watch porn, it helps get me in the mood to fuck my wife when I come home absolutely exhausted from a shit day at med school.

It's not that I don't find her attractive, but when I'm ready to go straight to bed and pass out on arrival, it requires a little while to get started while I wait for her to get out of the shower, helps keep me awake.
has anyone any experience with nofap and finasteride? Should I do it or fap even harder?



Also this
I haven't fapped or slept with my wife in a week and I just had a vivid dream kg raping several men and woman including my wife. I woke up with jizz all over my thigh and my thoughts were fucked up for a while
I always have dream that I'm sucking myself and wake up with semen all over my shorts. Those dreams are worth it.
>I agree. The people who think nofap will magically make them better with women are idiots.

t. Ugly guy

Sorry boyo, you have to be at least average looking/tall for those effects. Don't tell me they don't exist, because I've experienced weird amounts of attention on every streak so far (slapping my ass, random girls holding my hand or smiling at me)(no the holding hand isn't exaggeration, it literally happened. cute too)


The human body is immensely complex, and there are too many factors that go into our hormones/psychology/biological functions for science to every properly catalogue every cause and effect.

Its better to just run experiments on the system and see what works. You know you are addicted to something if you can't go one month without stopping it - 99% of guys don't understand that they are addicted to jacking off

And by experimenting with stopping it, benefits can be noticed.


>Expecting a medical/science industry controlled by profit motives to look at natural remedies

Never gonna happen. They'll never get funding for increased testosterone/testosterone uptake receptors etc in a large scale study because nobody stands to benefit from funding the study. Where as pills and injections are a multi-billion dollar industry
I was addicted in high school, but since starting college, I've one been doing it once every one or two weeks. I agree, it does feel great.

Also, internet porn is in no way good. I've been doing my best to find another stimulus, usually just imagination.
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Yes I am. And I am damn proud of it.
God tier. You'll have a clear AF mind. I stopped for 3 months once and those were the days. Now I've choked it down to about once per two weeks
No-fap has shit all to do with increased testosterone levels.
I wonder what's wrong with me then, because it's almost like i'm high
- Fap using your imagination every 2 days
- Fuck whenever you want
- Porn is bad but so is not erupting (use it or lose it/test cancer)
- Overall testosterone is affected by many other things and barely by fapping
- Do kiegels

- Fap before you go out to party so you don't look desperate trying to fuck. You want to hold the cards
- Don't go too long without erupting otherwise degenerate shit will turn you on
- Never masturbate during the day. Seriously, only fap at night
Stopped for a while.

The relapsed recently.
The difference is noticeable, I'm fatigued as fuck lately.
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>every two days
>arbitrary number
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you should probably see a doctor senpai
wank but make it a treat

i used to beat it three times a day, every day. now i do it maybe three times a week if even
Somewhat related, I'm in a similar boat with OP. What about masterbation for women? how often is considered healthy and how much is too far? I usually do it three times a week.
You can handle porn because meanwhile you still have the real deal, your has those connections of how it's supposed to be. When you jerk it to porn and you don't have the real deal, your brain thinks porn is the real deal.
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didn't jerked off for 90 days straight
I can tell you all that muh testosterone I will have superpowers is bullshit you will get a placebo boost the first week or so but after it's all the same
after 3 months I wanted to see how my abstinence affected my sex performance so I went to a nice hooker I used to last at least 15-20 min on full ballsack mode but after 3 months not jerking off I lasted about 1 minute...
was fucking pissed I paid 30€ for 1 min sex
went home loaded a TB of HD porn and jerked the whole night until I was back at 20+mins

you can watch porn and jerk off but dont do it on a daily basis... do it as a special ocasions if you did something nice or if you reached an aim of the week
Ironically my tastes in porn got more vanilla over time.
The first porn I ever saw was really hardcore stuff since I was a dumb 13 year old that just typed "porn" into early 00's google and went on a wild ride, that and the fact that the only porn mags my parents had were all fetish related.
But now my greatest fetish is women with large breasts doing domestic housework or normal sex.
That said I still like facesitting porn but I've liked that since I was 15.
spending 5 minutes a day jerking off isn't a big deal and it keeps your prostate healthy

those fags who spend hours upon hours watching porn though... that's really unhealthy
The sad thing is that she would be preatty hot if she would just not be this fat
I used to masturbate in the morning, and in the evening.

I recently started jogging as a habit in the morning, and I don't really have any desire to masturbate in the morning anymore.

Does this help, or do you really have to cut it out completely? I can't see myself keeping that going.
Study daoism. Enough said
>Never masturbate during the day.

Why? Is daytime masturbation degenerate?

You already said too much.
How long does it take to recover from like 7 years of daily porn use? I'm currently on week 2 of noporn, and I fap like 3-4 times a week to my imagination.
>Masturbate after a long period of not doing it.
>More agitated.
>Feel like shit.
>Shills tell me porn is perfectly normal.
>Meanwhile the life expectency of a porn star is ~37.
I've been on androgen blockers for a couple months and it's done wonders for my temperament. I still think the same things, but when I lose it doesn't hit as personally, and the flare of anger is gone. I can approach tasks with more absolute clarity without impulses getting in the way. And since I have a male brain, I'm not subject to the emotional problems that women have on estrogen.

Masturbation is linked to Schizophrenia.
Google and iqbd give no result

> Comparing porn watchers to porn stars
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Try this, amazing results for a non-steroid supplement
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Jerkin your beef stick is all well and good, OP. It's the porn that gets ya. Pavlov's dick can cause some dang serious problems for you and your downstairs dangler. If you only give slick willy attention while watching giant fake oiled asses rubbing against each other with Japanese teenagers fisting their dogs in the other tab, when you see a naked chick your johnsons gonna be like a WW1 vet watching a gruesome murder-rape, desensitized.

Crank your wank to some good wholesome playboy. Or use your imagination, thats God's porno mag. Just stop whackin your willy to nutella covered Peruvians slapping each other with 14 foot cocks with a sharpie in your ass and you'll be fine.
in what way?
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Are you me?

I literally can't fall sleep unless I have a wank first.
Pro-fap personal testimony:

I'm an absolute turbodegenerate chronic compulsive masturbator. 12-18 times a day during my teens literally every single day. Now in my mid twenties it's 2-5 times every day with the rare exceptional day without any fapping.

My life is awesome. Mind is clear and sharp, I'm very healthy (although I eat absolute shit and sit 18 hours a day), quite fit, very emotionally calm and never anxious or irritable. Women have little seductive effect on me and I'm immune to most of their mindgames. I'm in a happy loving relationship with a younger girl, fuck her brains out regularly and everything is great.

In short: I fap like an absolute madman, have done so all my life, and my life is generally awesome and fullfilled.

I claim that nofap is bs.


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You must go beyond all desire to prepare for the happening.
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>stop whackin your willy to nutella covered Peruvians slapping each other with 14 foot cocks with a sharpie in your ass
lol Russian/Asian cheats, could you guys ever go straight? are you blessed with enough intelligence to know that you will always lose when you fight your betters, IE White/European people?

Also how does it feel to know the the West are about to rekt your shit for generations?
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Exactly my symptoms.

I will do it then.
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>watch porn and jerk off regularly
>become oldfag
>think that I have ED or something like the Jewish commercials tell me
>actually just acclimated to porn which has literally taken the place biologically of a female mate
>stop watching much porn and do nofap
>sex drive through the roof
>rock hard easily
>can get it up using only imagination again
chronic porn addiction is bad mkay

Guther is right, no-fap is for low-T faggots. Walking around with a loaded nutsack is just asking to be manipulated by women who can sense that you'd do anything for a sniff.
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So how do I cure myself doc?
Nofap is a meme and gives a higher risk of prostate cancer. If fapping ruins your Test levels then you have genetic low test to begin with.
>being so weak-willed that you become a zombie just because you're horny
>call others low-T in an effort to rationalize this personal failing
cut the memes and git gud you little faggot
I have sex 1 to 2 times a day. How is banging wifey on the reg any different?
Never caught this when I first saw that movie. That's some real shit
>because I've experienced weird amounts of attention on every streak so far

It's the pheromones you give off with a full ballsac.

You're cocked, locked and ready to rock and unconsciously females know it.
- different physical sensation on penis
- different mental stimulation / acclimation
- dubious, but I think that there are different hormone releases (no studies on hand unfortunately)

all things that add up over a long period of time
I do this
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Its not any different. These retards will believe anything if it claims to make them less beta.
None of these things are different drastically from masturbation and your FEELINGS on hormones released doesn't make sex different than masturbation.
The voyeur will not make it through the purge of Gautama's 300th arrival. Only those who use the third eye to please the monster with one will be allowed into the crystal sanctuary.
Probably a dumb question but do anime titties count as porn?
nofap is placebo

In that sense, it works.
> of these things are different drastically from masturbation
>your FEELINGS on hormones released doesn't make sex different than masturbation
This. Have fun with your super abstinence thinking it will make you awesome then you blow your wad in 15 fucking seconds.

I masturbate 4 times daily, and my life is amazing. My balls are like high-performance sportscars.

>None of these things are different drastically from masturbation

That's why the widely documented Death Grip Syndrome and ED aren't a thing for chronic maturbators?

Are you some sort of crab bucket sourgraper or a Jew shill, what's the deal bud
>My feelings say you're wrong
You haven't brought up any proof and you even admitted that the hormones thing was bullshit conjecture.
No fap is okay. Makes me more assertive, and things I do feel more natural. Though I've contained myself for no more than two weeks. Currently I fap to my degenerate imagination every day or two. Feels good and doesnt exasperate my mood. Unlike porn which makes me feel like a disposable beta cuck, also ashamed and disgusted.
We're talking about masturbation, not extreme forms of it or porn addiction. Is it all or nothing for you retards? Maybe you shouldn't be fapping if you can't control yourselves otherwise.
Don't overshoot on the weekend as much as it might entice you.

1-2 per week is what you should be shooting for; and make sure to go vanilla in terms of porn
Just fap every day you bellend.

I think all these nofap followers are going by some completely uninformed faith that fapping decreases T/increases DHT/something else.
because I literally don't give a shit about you and you're annoying and combative and if you were to disappear from existence nobody here (and probably nobody in your real life) would care

so I'm not going to exert myself beyond shitposting in your general direction. I'm posting new ideas for young people ITT who might have the motivation to look into them
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If you actually want to boost your test levels start doing heavy squats, deadlifts and power cleans on a regular basis. Basically just start lifting at least 3 days a week and you will raise your test levels quickly and also just feel better in general. Porn is like anything and should be used only in moderation. If you find yourself watching fucked up porn or jerking it multiple times a day every day then you might have a problem. Other than that you're probably fine.
Being dependent on porn for arousal is bad. Masturbation is healthy.
Exactly what I was thinking. She has a very pretty face.
You're right, that is a dumb question
Jogging and cardio reduces test. wew lad
>Getting mad about debating
Fuck off of a public forum then and into a circlejerk nofap forum. Maybe masturbating every once in a while would mellow you out.
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I gotta stop or at least limit myself, jesus...

>Jogging and cardio reduces test.

Better post some links to go with that hot opinion, cause the lastest claim is that short-burst HIIT cardio increases it.
did you experience any problem with facial hair?
don't listen to him
cardio is great for your organism's overall balance
our ancestors ran a lot
What should i do if i cant go about 70kg 5x5 squats for like 2 months? I have s good body but im fucking weak, have this

Don't think about it, experience it. Try for a week, the go back to your routine, and check for yourself, maybe it works for you, maybe it won't.

If the effects are indeed a selfi induced placebo, does it really matter if it makes you feel better?
just a friendly reminder that unless you're 100% committed to nofap you're going to relapse, leave 1% window for rationalization and you're done
You think I haven't tried it?

Being awake with a hard-on in bed for hours desperate to cum doesn't exactly bring any benefits during daily life.
Not fapping is not good man, unless you like dead sperm. Fap once every 2 days for a healthy spermcount
There is absolutely nothing wrong with jerking off if you're only using your imagination. Porn is what weakens and ultimately destroys minds
>silly goyim I look at porn allll the time and I'm totally fine!
Woooowwwww hahahaha
Optimal testosterone will only make you bald
>Russians aren't European or white

Better being a Russian than an inbred faggot like you. Fuck off you ugly, half-Paki nigger.
Masturbation should be treated like meditation

No porn

Just natural stress relief to your imagination

none at all. i am a high-dht phenotype male with thick beard growth, hairy chest, legs, arms, and ass, and i'm bald AF. there is no doubt a correlation between balding, hairyness, and fapping-tendencies.

There's likely a connection but the exact nature of that connection is still unknown.
stop watching, have some fucking willpower, don't be a bitch.
When I started lifting I was the king skelly and I could barely squat 135 for 1x5 and 8 months later I was squatting 315 5x5 just push through it, be consistent and you will get stronger. Make sure to eat enough and get good sleep and enjoy watching your body change in front of you. Everyone has to start somewhere and you can only get stronger if you train. I used to be known as scrawny and now everywhere I go people mire and people that knew me before say I look like a different person. It's worth the pain and embarrassment trust me bro.
problem with porn is not about premature ejaculation. You'll get desensitized and you'll get erectile dysfunction eventually. And if you manage to get it up you might loose it mid sex because the vagina will not fell as good as your hand and the girl will not be as pretty as you favorite porn star.
The same thing happens with women that use vibrators all the time and can't orgasm with a real man but, but then again no on gives a shit about women.
>not using porn on xhamster to train yourself to find nude ordinary women attractive
ive cut fapping from once or twice a day to once or twice a week, i generally have more energy and focus and use my time more productively. when i quit completely i was irritable and had trouble sleeping. I guess that to a degree everybody is different annd need to find their own limits but in moderation i think there are some benefits, i still use pornography about half the time but 90% of the porn i use is some old favourite sets of still images and rarely video.
Fucking die you stupid Brits
Not an argument.
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>Low testosterone = weak bones
This is true
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it will lead urinary tract infections
this is some 10/10 trolling, you should try /b/ instead, we dont want to decimate our /pol/ members
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>If you find it hard to get hard (hehe)
Nofap is an awful meme.

Noporn, however, is the way to go.

these guys get it.
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