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Moot just endorsed Hillary for president. /pol/ BTFO by

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Moot just endorsed Hillary for president.

/pol/ BTFO by its own father.
Where is mootykins these days. I miss that massive faggot.
Moot is a gigantic faggot
These fucking shill with no links and all bullshit talk.
White version of Asian Moot.
A big fucking useless faggot endorses Hillary. Never seen before!
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Christ habe doubted on the cross. That was his only doubt. We are on our cross, brothers. Kek will redeem us at our darkest hour. Shadilay.
>cuck endorses Shillary
Color me surprised.
didn't he got cucked?
Moot is a cuck.

Not even joking, he literally get cucked
I don't know who this guy is but he looks like a complete cuck
Of course, Hillary got the 'cuck vote' on lockdown
nice source faggot
He isn't our dad anymore.
>first he sold us out
>then he sold his soul out
As is expected of a cuck
That's in his twitter
Is he the cunt who gave a Ted talk about how important this place is?

More specifically, how important he is for ...something.
you just fried my brain m8
wtf I hate 4chan now
thank god hiroshima moot bought this place from this fucking faggot.

he is ugly as fuck, of curse he has to be SJW to get any pussy at all.
> moot is a cuck

Who knew?
The guy is literally a jew. Who would have guessed.
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He deleted his real Twitter years ago.

His public Twitter has no such thing.
Weebshit is for shillary
Wew who cares
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It was obvious that he would support Hillary
At cuckle
I check his Twitter. Fake and gay and reported.
It's a picture of Mof, the creator of 9gag.
m00t is a Google tho, so he would.
Link or GTFO
How dare you slander our glorious (faggot of a) Eternal Leader and Founder!
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Who cares what he thinks, he didn't look after us, and left us in the end anyway
Carrying Luggage between 2 naps in his cuckshed.
Hillary has got the endorsement of everybody who's relevant. Every actor, politician, you name it. She even has the vote of the founder of this board.

What endorsements does trump have? /pol/ and some internet memers?
Proofs? Must proofs?


moot has been and will always be a faggot
>that many post links
>hollyjew actors are relevant
wew shillary supporters are stupid lad
Your mother is voting for Trump.
kek confirmed
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From federal prison? Yokay. Another globalist shill.
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moot isn't dumbass pol poster, of course he's not voting for trump
Nice proof, but nobody likes moot anymore in either case. The site has improved massively since he left, Hiro made 4chan FUN again.
>doesn't provide a source
>everyone just blindly assumes it's true
this board is so fucking stupid it's unbelievable
naw she's a democrat lifer.

btw pretty funneh H W Bush is supporting clinton. get btfo niggas
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really sparks the synapses
> Thinking being endorsed by joot is a good thing

Welcome to 4chan, newfag. Please fucking leave.
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that fucking traitor will hang once we wrest the control from Hiroshima Nagasaki
Sold us to the chinks he did
>You can name 500 famous people endorsing Hillary
>There's thousands of nerds here endorsing Trump
Last time I checked, a NEET's vote is worth just as much as Hillary's
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>What endorsements does trump have?
the only one that counts. Now make my day google..
>Every actor, politician, you name it.
and the voter?
Hillary has actors, minorities, and liberal arts majors.

Trump has the police, the military, and white men.
David Duke looks pretty young in that photo.
>relevant. Every actor

holy shit have you seen the gaggle of washed up nobodies and burnt out music faggots they got for that latest anti trump ad?
i can't wait for them all and you to move to another country!!!
excuse me citation needed?
where is the source?
every anon needs an uncle phil
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Moot is the original fag.
moot is literally both a jew and a fag. Of course he is a Hillary supporter.

chuck norris
moot deserves no forgiveness nor glory.

he threw everyting he created for a woman, everything. How's that based?? He is the king of betas and the irrational thinking.
I bet if he had asked for some anonette here to sleep with him more than one would have had accepted, and less likely to get cucked.
You'll have a better chance of finally loosing your virginity than some made up frog meme helping your führer land at the White House
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feels good man
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daily reminder,
moot is a cuck and a faggot
and his mom is a jew

Moot is olev
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Reminder that moot has become a cuck/beta orbiter and his opinion has no meaning.
https://twitter.com/moot is legit but last entry is from Jul 11.
Based Hiro saved /pol/ from this fucking cuck.
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who the fuck is moot?
Those people don't mean shit, They still only represent one vote per person whereas Trump got most of America behind his back. That is what matters the most.
I bet moot voted for based Bernie in the primary.
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His real private account was @THE_REAL_MOOT but he deleted all his posts back in 2014 after people here started posting about it.

The @moot account he didn't really use.


Who is Moot?
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lol what a cuck
Just as well there's thing called "democracy" which means that a bunch of airhead celebrities don't get to pick the next president.
Moot killed /pol/ and /new/ several times and hated this board. Fuck him and fuck you too.
literally who
CEO and founder of troll inc aka 9gag , and a huge cuckold

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>sold his soul out when he started working for google

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we don't need moot anymore

we have kek
Of course MOOT is with her.
He is a Google loving Fag, and the princess of lies.
Who else would he vote 4?
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I miss the old days.

hmm, I wonder what all these people could have in common...
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I'm actually touched. Saved
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kek loves, kek confirms
Hhmmm really makes you think, I guess I'm a shill for the hill now
m00t has forsaken us. He is no longer our father. Not since he betrayed us on the day of 7/12/14
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Man, I miss the Z Trial.
Fuck off canada!

Trump has higher rank than bibi, if his in in power, america is world leader, if skathound-shillarry is in power, israel remains in control, as bibi is higher degree than her, in more prestigious order at that

Trump talked about riding Bibi's dick last night. He is a Jewish plant just like Hillary.
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moot was always an effeminate nu male faggot
Thanks for this post, my british friend. Saved.
>actors are reliable for politics
>trust your government
>people who are in the media spotlight should tell you who to vote for
Nigga you arent even trying
>a literal cuckold
>supporting a literal cuckold
>no source
They say that when you lose weight you change drastically, but moot literally turned into a meme. His big mouth still stayed from life when he was a fattie.
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This is why I stopped going on 4chan and went to 4chAWndotnet (moot word-filtered saying the real name)
Its just a prank bro
Not sure about the local plumber though. There's a high chance that guy in Britain was and is a Pole...
Nah they don't do skilled work just dumb-labour and working in bars/resturaunts doing jobs that British young people should have instead.
Mark "moot" zunkenbèrgdhevd the creator of reddit and twitter
m**t is a known cuck and sellout

Hiroshima Nagasaki is objectively an improvement

He works for Nigger now.
>moot still trolling all you faggots

You would think that after spending time on 4chan you would learn something about trolling.
Or maybe its 371736D chess and part of Trump plan ?

>playing the "muh trolling" card
Well played autismo, well played.
He probably did it because some liberal NY sjw chick he's trying to score told him so and like the good cuck boy he is he did her bidding without question.
Maybe if he's lucky she'll reward him by allowing him to listen to her giving blowjobs to Trump voting alpha types.
Please, pol is his wife's son
Relevancy, being opinion leaders, followers, money, pull.

Stupid shart.
Please, pol is his wife's son

You mean the guy who shut down /new/ because raycism and who shut down /pol/ when he got bullied for being Zoey Quinn's boyfriend?
The problem is that the U.S population is larger than the UK population and has different demographics.
You're no Moot of mine
>implying that Christopher has any influence anymore.
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So, I should vote for her based on that alone?
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>yfw moot left 4chan before you
moot has always been a massive kike
>moot creator of noted white supremist site endorses hilldawg

Someone ping the media and let them know a white supremist is endorsing hillary
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I will never forget moot how he swarmed the place with janitors and ruined all the jailbait teen threads on /b/, there were great threads with 300 replies full of photos of 13-17yo girls, and now if you post those photos you get insta banned and 15 redditors reply to you calling you pedo, all thanks to moot that filthy homosexual

I wouldnt even be surprised.
moot's a turncoat faggot.
If he had retired a year later he probably would have deleted /pol/.

Or maybe he's just trying to keep his shitty job at Google. Not like fighting for the right cause hasnt already almost gotten him killed.
Take that /pol/! Ironman said he likes Hilary so how dare you have your own minds?
Moots a cuck and a fag and we always hated him,

Were you newfags here for /pol/ harbor

lol needing the endorsement of nigger zuckerburg
Fixed that for you.
>moot betraying us once again

Once a cuck, always a cuck. Someone post some of the luggage carrying cuck memes
Anyone who has been on 4chum long enough knows that mootles is a faggot.
Moot is a fag
Cuckoldry poster guy
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James Woods, I think?
Maybe Tim Allen?
Obama's half brother.
200 admirals and generals
>works for Google
>acts like a google

Why should I care?
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That hairline is fucking photoshopped, it has to be.
We shouldn't let old people vote.


Mike fucking Tyson.
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moot endorsed Gawker Media by:

1) Attempting to date an ex-gawker employee by taking her to Europe with him. In the end, she dated some hot dude after she returned, despite moot carrying her luggage and paying for the tickets/hotels/meals...

2) Prepped 4chan for sale: moot was sick of running 4chan (who wouldn't be) and wanted to sell the site. He atteneded XOXO con where he met some very lovely venture capitalists that have deep ties with Gawker Media. Including, a wonderful visit with /v/'s favorite for-profit philanthropist, Anita.

3) Demanded his moderator teams to wipe all references to GamerGate and, most importantly, all criticism to Gawker Media off the site. He had his /v/ mods scrub and ban as much as their volunteer moderator team could.

moot now works at Google where he enjoys sipping blue-pill tea with his Bangladesh friends.
in case u didnt know we hate that kike and drove him off this website
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Of course he does. If trump has become president, /pol/ will change because being right-wing will be politically correct.

You know who endorses Donald Trump? The hardworking, decent, REAL people of the U.S AND A you bitch.
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fuck you, Moot. I like my new dad better!
Let's just say that's moot's offspring continue to disappoint him and probably will continue to disappoint him far into the future.
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Moot has been a faggot since day 1

>200 admirals and generals

And the American working classes.

Hillary has the entire political and media establishment and the Non/Anti-American underclasses on her side.

M00t's a Cuck!

Literally, he got jilted by his ex lover.
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>I'm so sorry
so what poles are the uk's mexicans?
Moot is a libertarian not a shill for a conman/authoritarian.
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knowing moot, he probably did that just to make /pol/ upset
he's always been a prankster
>You now remember the /pol/ocaust
> not understanding that political correctness is correlated to cultural Marxism and not who is in power.
Who the fuck is this guy? I keep hearing about him from time to time. Is this a meme?...
Why should anyone care who luggage lad supports?
>170 posts
>no source

That why he works for Google.....wat.
He is a fucking Jap that acts like a Merchant.





Why would you admit that you are a newfag?
dis desu senpai

Illiterate retards not knowing what an endorsement means.
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>works at Google now

Of course he has to put on a show for his overlords.
the power of kek compels you
This. It doesn't matter who Robert Dinner Roll is promoting, in the end the majority of people will have the power in their hands.
who the fuck is this guy moot? I'm new here. heard about this site over at weirdtown.com this site is all the rage over there so I thought id try it out.
He's the guy who made Nu-Male's Sky
He created Israel and pushes cuckoldry in the west
father of Ben Garrison and illegitimately, Daiz
Nice source, faggot.
mexi moot is best moot.
>implying we are not his wife's (Snacks) son

Goon pls
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newfag, educate thyself
moots a skype that went to work for google. his own creation uses his new employer as a racial slur
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top kek
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Thanks for the feels man. We're all gonna make it.
where is the fucking source
link now faggot
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