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Thread replies: 160
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Hillary clearly won. This board lives in its fantasy world to be honest.
You greatly overestimate the average IQ of Trump supporters if you think this debate will make a difference.
His supporters will still vote for him but the electorate will come through for Hillary
The public doesn't matter
I hate Trump but this is far from over.

Reminder that Obama bombed his first debate with Mitt Romney but came back and dominated the next two.
>people are this delusional

You even watch the debate?
Did you?
Obama is good at debating. Trump ain't. He also doesn't seem to be able to practice.
Trump's incapable of change and self-control.

He demonstrated that ONCE AGAIN this morning, going after the weight of that beauty pageant winner LOL
He got stumped but he has two more debates to try again

Do you think these sound like real posts lmao

No one on this board talks like this. These sound like theyre ripped straight from kikebook
>Merkelville supports Hillary
Color me shocked
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You know who won't recover.

Murder victims.
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>Obama is good at debating
shills in full force today

They're not even arguing anymore, just shouting that trump lost without any proof

They know they're done for and burning the last of the budget probably
Unfortunately Trump will tout all the /pol/ brigaded polls as if he had a huge victory last night and not bother prepping for the next two.
He said he wants to bring back random searches and pat downs of people walking down the street.

So, NO. Trump is finished.
I'm sorry you're frustrated at being a barrista because you're a low-IQ gender stidues major; but you have to move along sir.
Did you?
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Yeah I did.

>pic sums up the debate pretty accurately
>being this delusional

>Hillary clearly won!
>this board is in fantasy land!
>no, don't look at those polls numbering in the hundreds of thousands that majority of whom have Trump as the winner (Time had 400,000 people voted with Trump as the winner)
>haha stupid drumpfs!
Doesn't look like this to me.
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leftist (((education)))
Glad you feel that way. Leave.
>Here, to prove Trump won, look at all the polls /pol spent all last night rigging in Trump's favor

Lol, I want Trump to win but you all know that debate was a stalemate. Trump didn't attack her hard enough and he came off looking like an autist when they talked about his birther and climate change comments, not to mention he just had to chime in to mention how smart he was for gaming the system, really helps against the "Evil Rich Businessman" image you DON'T want to convey.

I think he'll do a lot better the second debate.
Based Ben strikes again.
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This is what "smart people" actually support.

>bill clinton literally stole Haiti's oil for the clintons
>clinton foundation stole the aid money
>clinton foundation controls Haiti's politics
>calls out for black America to wake up against the democrats

>UN spread Cholera in Haiti
>entire Haiti aid effort was a giant globalist scam
>ancap tent city literally has better living conditions than foreign aid funded cities
>entire economy destroyed by foreign governments
>various organizations waste resources on pointless commie shit

>Former Haitian president during the Bill Clinton admit names the Clintons
>clintons tried to bribe and intimidate him
>clinton Foundation stole 98% of donations meant for Haiti
>calls for Trump to publicly demand Clinton Foundation audit of Haiti Earthquake donations
I'm actually smarter because I didn't go to liberal brainwashing school. So, how about you go, fuck yourself?

>/pol/ has enough manpower to change the outcome of a poll with 1.3 million votes.
It works! Also less police shootings. Blacks should beg for this!
Stay heritic Op.
kek approves of your trips
some of you are stupid
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>what are voting bots and scripts
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wtf I hate Trump now
>these don't apply to the polls hillary won
Keep dreaming, he pounced her, all she did was refer people to her dumb misinformation website and to fact check. She can't even debate in real time, has to divert.
What debate, all she did was divert people to her website, she didn't even debate half the time, go fact check on Hillary's site, she commands you to.
Does that take technician degrees into account?

You know, the ones that man-children won't take because ''muh desk job'', and then whine when they're working as baristas?
Trump needs to learn how2debate
Don't you have a canal to watch pejandro?
Stoo posting those mean images, you are going to trigger some of the failures here, show some respect for their safe space
This was exactly how I felt watching it, Holt deserves his career destroyed over that
>posting fake maymay
wtf??? where did all these newfriends come from?
#TrumpWon trending on twitter ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
How is this a bad thing ? If trump were smart he could have come off on top from this, but his 80 IQ couldn't save him
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The shills wore out these non-memes before they even posted them.

Trump won. He's the one with charisma and vision. Shillary is just a robot hopped up on anti-biotics and anti-psychotics trying to be King Google's third term.

Trump wins.
He didn't do badly at all, and he was pulling his punches last night
She won in the first half, he won in the second.

Second was more important though. She even tilted towards the end.
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Not right now. It's my free time.

Case in point, I took a 1-year intensive course on Row-boat management back when I was 18. I got out of there with a guaranteed 2000 bucks a month salary, which in panamaninan terms it is like a 4000 a month since everything down here is much cheaper than in USA.
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Wie hier jemand der die Debatte mitverfolgt hat und dabei dachte, dass Trump gewinnt, ist mir unverständlich. Und das kommt von einem unparteiischen Beobachter, mir sind die Parteien sowieso egal. aber Trump kam wie ein tobender Irrer rüber. Anstatt, dass er mal etwas oberflächliches und eingängiges sagt, redet er über eine Stunde und kommt überhaupt nicht gut an. Er wiederholt sich immer und immer wieder, ging auf Kleinigkeiten ein, die gar keinen Sinn ergeben haben und was dabei rausgekommen ist, dass er jetzt sogar noch verrückter aussieht als zuvor. Im Gegensatz zu Hillary, sie war den Abend über menschlich, ruhig und souverän und hatte sogar immer ein Lächeln im Gesicht, während Trump zusammenstürzte. Ich weiß diese Seite unterstützt den Außenseiter, und diese Frosch Memes zu machen ist wirklich lustig, aber es wird Zeit, dass wir damit aufhören. Das ist die Zukunft unseres Landes womit wir es hier zu tun haben und Trump ist NICHT geeignet unser Präsident zu werden. Die einfache Tatsache, dass man hier so viele Fäden bezüglich der manipulierten online Abstimmungen zu Trump's "Sieg" sieht, bestätigt nur diesen Punkt - eigentlich wisst ihr tief in euch, dass er nicht recht hat, aber ihr habt zuviel zeit zum shillen und der Herstellung der Froschbildern für reddit investiert, dass ihr einfach nichtmehr zurück könnt.
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Is this all the shills can focus on? The dickhead engineers turned up the volume on his mic and he sniffed a few times.

Care to discuss Hilldawg's persistent cough?
Gee let's see. Should I care about terrible trade deals that are unpopular with 80%+ with the nation and protectionism giving me them back? Or should I care about muh bitherism but trumps dad got sued.

The funny thing is hilldawg supporters swear they are more policy centric
why are you shitposting your copypasta in every goddamn thread?
warum nicht bergjude
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The only way to recover is to cheat and break the rules and wear an earpiece too.
>do not count for multiple boards

>higher than average

A complete and utter load of tripey bullocks.

Where is the link for this supposed "double-blind" test?
I have a tested IQ or 130. I dropped out of college. Twice.

Fuck you, that's why.
She really needs to take a Q-Tip to those flappers.
You are the reason he loves the "Poorly educated" my man.
yeah but no one was rigging the polls to tell him he won that first debate
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Oh look. They attempted to make a meme.

They don't seem to understand how it works though.

Pic unrelated.
Almost nobody understands German, it just ineffective and I doubt many will google translate your text, just post in english or go back to /deutsch/, also the mountain jews are the Swiss people you heretical prussian cuck
He is narcissistic so he wont understand he loses over and over again.
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he won
Seriously you guys...can we just focus on what's important here; which is how terrible an attempt of creating a meme that pic is.
You're right. I'm completely neutral and don't care either way. Why would I give a fuck about US politics?
But couldn't sleep and it was on CNN and I thought she was slaughtering him. He was babbling nonsense about his "10 year old son who has computers" it was cringeworthy.
Then I check /pol/ I was curious to see if the Trump maniacs would agree he's not doing well and all I saw was people spamming how he is triumphant
Total delusion.
These people are more brainwashed than SJWs.
You people need to retain some objectivity.
Even if it is "your guy", you need to admit when he's underperforming, ffs.
Otherwise you become just shills.
yeh, educational systems in the western world are not designed to glorify mediocrity.. riiiiight
Evidence that drumpfags are fresh from reddit. Falling for the oldest bait in history.
You shills just don't get it do you? Are you blind? Did you even see what just happened?

Did you catch it? It was happening right before your eyes the entire night. Did you even get the point? No..? Let me clarify.

This entire debate was nothing more than a beta test for Trump. An analysis of Clinton. What makes her tick.. What are her weak spots.. He was simply watching her. Probing her.. Studying and diagnosing her every move and tactic. And she fell right into his trap like the pawn she is.

This is not an average man you're dealing with here. Make no mistake, this is a genius beyond your wildest nightmares. He was toying with her like a cat with a mouse, while she was fighting for her life. She has nothing left.

Now that he has a full mental blueprint of his enemy there is nothing that can stop him. Expect something out of this world in the next 2 debates. Something unprecedented in all of modern politics.

Mark my words, the lion has been let out of the cage, and he's hungry tonight. So go now, retreat to your twitter and your reddit accounts. Rejoice with your friends for this short lived victory. Pray to your false gods while you still have the faith.

NOTHING is going to prepare you for the storm which is about to come. You WILL be brought to heel before winter ends.
was interessiert mich das, es krebst hier doch grade nur so rum. und danke fürs korrigieren der aufzeichnung. war schön
Can you stop copy/pasting this? It sucks and it makes you Trumplets look even more pathetic t
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I only just got into watching Trump recently so thought he was good based on his tour speeches. But holy shit I was not ready for that steaming pile last night, I didn't think he'd be that bad at debating. I went into it expecting a /comfy/ night watching the Don btfo Shillary but instead I found myself cringing as she wiped the floor with Trump - without breaking a sweat.

I'm disappointed, I thought he was our guy but in all honesty he's shown himself to be a complete moron...
you sounds like a real moron, bud. you realize that "smart but lazy" is an arrogant 16 year old's defense for not doing his homework.

>I'm so smart that I just can't be fucked to learn from others
>My base level of intelligence is all I need, not like I should learn things that might allow me to channel my giant genius mind into something useful
>Nah, I'm so smart that I'll just sit at home

You realize that between you and a moron that finished college, you're the idiot, right?
If not, here's an analogy.

>You have an IKEA bookshelf
>Moron has IKEA bookshelf
>Moron has shitty allan wrench and is missing some of the screws and shit
>You have a power drill, a full craftsman toolbox, and 2 sets of all the screws.
>Moron finishes first.

Congrats, you played yourself.
Why the fuck is /wg/ towards the top?
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They both wear earpieces you cock smoker
Go back to /v/ if you are going to act retarded
CTR art work is getting better.

Trump won. Shill elsewhere.
Hillary won the 2D debate. Trump won the 3D debate. Clinton failed at looking healthy, her smile was creepy as fuck and forced, her eyes looked distant and drugged. Trump won at not seeming dangerous, stayed mostly on the defensive and did not attack with all his anti-Clinton ammo.
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This is hilarious. What degrees do these college students have because arts, philosophy, and women studies are probably what most of these poll voters are experts in I'm willing to bet
>CTR needs their own thread to communicate to each other how much they hate "le drumpf"
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Hillary sounded like she wanted to cry when Trump grilled her on the TPP.
All my family members picked up on this, and they are Arizonan Democrats and also Spics. Hillary is too weak to be president.
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This. Scott Adams wrote about this sales technique. All Trump had to do was come off relatively calm and collected in order to win this debate. He was so bombastic previously, that it made fence sitters nervous. By comparison to past rhetoric, Trump was as calm as the Buddha last night.

He made people feel comfortable with their choice to vote for him simply by not being inflammatory.

basically he could appear at all the debates nude throwing his own feces around like a total retard and he would still win because of the retard vote is strong

just forget it, I don't even understand why Hillary lasted longer than Jeb, her and Jeb should just go throw a turtle party someplace
t. Legitimate retards that couldn't get into a good college

Feels good studying ChemEng and already being hooked up with a job, 2 months into my senior year. If only you brainlets tried harder.
he clearly didn't fucking pull them enough, liberals are on suicide watch now. i really wanted it to be a clear win for hillary , it would have helped the next two debates so much, but she is so fucking shit at her job that she can't not fuck up the simplest of tasks.
>Feels good investing the little time I have into being an exemplary wagecuck
>Another shill
>I hate Trump but this is far from over.

I want Tumblr and Reddit to leave.

Time to dox those CTR fags again.
why are anti-trump cartoons so violent? Why so hateful? Ok, theres some on the Trump side too but they are mostly sarcastic and not outright hatefull. Really makes me..
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How to shill

OP post states an anti-trump assertion


Then flood the first 10 or so replies with statements jerking off the OP.

A common tactic also used as seen in >>90601058
Is to wrap a pro-trump statement in a following anti-trump statement, trying to establish the anti-trump statement as fact.

We can see you.
it's not pathetic, and it is i mean that pasta is autistic, but the idea that he would slide the first debate in her favor and then go all out the next two is based on reagans debates, roger ailes who worked for reagan is working for trumps campaign. so it's not baseless and it is a good strategy .
I noticed this last night.

Thread goes up. Floods with defeatist posts
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>we btfo ctr so badly they started making pepes
>Don't ruin my hugbox !!!
>Online polls have weight in the real world
>S...S.stop triggering me !!
>People don't lie and act contrarian for lulz on the internet least of all in /pol/ !!
/pol is a pro-trump board.
Trump irreversibly bamboozled m'lday in the battle of wit.

He enunciated glorious tales while lady Clinton merely had eyes for her captor.

He cornered her into a ruse within a ruse. Only a single stretched and forced smile could be seen from m'lady while she gulped as fate encircled her like crows to the scare. Her followers merely shrank into the shadows with each passing remark.

Witnesses are in agreement, the wicked witch is dead.
Le Dilbert man said it was a win for Trump
#HillarysSmile should trend. That ish was creepy
No I don't think so. Hillary destroyed him.
Nah we already have #trumpsniff for this debate, better luck on the next one.
It's honestly one of the best you had. Even Mitt Romney said that.
Better question: will /pol/ recover from being BTFO (yet again)
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>accusing someone else of being from reddit

nice projection
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i weigh 400 pounds, i am a shut-in and i am bed ridden, i lay on a mattress 22 hours a day, the 2 hours i am not in my bed i am hoisted up in a bariatric crane to be cleaned and have my sores tended to. i spend my days on /pol and deepweb hacking sites that i will not mention here. i have personally voted 175,000 times in various online polls since the debate, i have several scripts and bots running on several rotating proxies, i am the real super predator , i do not forgive , i do not forget. i will throw this election for donald trump, any man that supports McDonalds and KFC is a man that deserves to win, through my hacking i have learned that trump has an October surprise , it is code-named "tendies" , i am running 24/7 brute force cracking to break the 128bit encryption and will be uploading to wikileaks the second it is cracked.
It diesnt matter who won

Trump has reached the critical mass, he has the majority of voters, people want him in the white house

He can win or lose the debates, his voters can only grow in numbers atm
Those polls represent many millions of votes.

You can't be so deluded as to think that fucking /pol/ was able to sway those kinds of numbers. It's like max 25 autists shitposting.
Shills are on the ball today.
What's with the gets too.

It's like shills are scripting now
> Time posts a poll, with results obviously against what their editors hoped, with 750,000 votes coming from the same IP address.

Stay retarded.
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And.. that's an odd coincidence

>Praise kek
You spent several minutes ranting at a person who doesn't even care about your opinion.

Congrats, you complete and utter tool.
And that is a very bad analogy. I have put together several IKEA shelves. chairs, and tables under my own volition without even needing to look at the instructions, and personally own allan wrenches of varying sizes for this specific purpose.
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Y'all all delusional as fuck. Hillary clearly won. Though I don't think it will make too much of a difference in polls overall anyways. So trump is still well off
Be nice to the Hill Shills. They have to cuck post everywhere to get their daily shekels so they can raise their fat wives half niglet offspring.
Truth is bitches, pimps, and hoes already made up their minds on who they are going to vote for. The debates are just bread and circuses for the dumb masses and the head up their ass faux intellectuals.
And the US doesn't parallel the downfall of the Roman Empire. It parallels the earlier downfall of the Roman Republic. I hope a Caesar decides to cross the Potomac one day soon. This Republic is rotten.

Sorry, bud. I just heard that excuse from my stoner friends in highschool all the time. It reminded me about how they felt mentally superior because they thought they were too 'woke' to be doing all the busy work. I got triggered. So again, sorry man.

Legitimately laughed at this, you seem cool.
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>media paints trump has hitler
>uninformed voters who really don't like hillary but think trump is worse tune into debate
>see he isn't any of the things they were told he is
>they soften up to him as a result of narrative whiplash more so than they would have if the MSM had never said anything about him at all

Trump won
/tv/ master race
I still cant tell if trumptards are delusional or just underaged
>M-muh online polls
M-muh hill shills are cucks! T-trump won!
Good. It'll make Clintons win all the easier if these fags just keep living in their fantasy world
Kek says trump won
Of course he can recover, he's running against a literal criminal, who has zero charisma.
Post the original
I think the American people will speak for themselves come election day.

Regardless of this debate, people who are going to vote for Hillary are going to vote for Hillary, people who are going to vote for Trump are going to vote for Trump.

The undecided people aren't a huge deal...

A debate isn't going to convince anyone to switch sides
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I'm a little baffled how anyone could think Clinton won that debate. Unless its from lowered expectations of "if she doesn't go onstage and drop multiple shartbombs then its a win" I just don't see how a working brain could reach that conclusion.

Trump clearly won the first few rounds and the rest while Clinton lost them. But she started off at a medium level and never improved, while Trump improved over time and was clearly getting under clinton's skin as her performance diminished. Its a clear 10-0 decision.

The very reason we're hearing all this post-debate discussion of biased moderators and microphones not working is spin for the Clinton loss.

Now, a debate performance is in the eye of the beholder, supporters or either candidate are going to come away from it thinking their side won. But objectively one side does better than the other and in this first debate Trump pulled off a win of moderate proportions.
Yes. Quickly. Hill clearly won, but she didn't BTFO him. It was a fairly dull affair.
Honestly I don't think either did very well, but Trump was definitely better than Hilary. He did tend to ramble and made one or two odd statements that were irrelevant, but I cant blame him for getting flustered when he had to face off both the moderator and Hilary and ridiculous accusations of sexism / racism, not to mention her constant lying.
>actually believing online polls

These polls don't stop people from voting multiple times, and were basically flooded by a few Trump supporters, causing their results to be false. They are totally worthless since they are not official.

The official polls have safeguards in place to prevent skewed results, and they all say Hillary won by a very large margin.

Yep. The rest of the world clearly saw that Hillary stumped the fuck out of Trump, but this shithole and r/the_donald can't see the reality in front of them.

A sad little place full of sad little men.
Wasn't that persistent last night. Keep trying.
Fuck, Trump is seriously bad at speaking, it's like a 14 year old being pretentious as fuck trying to speak with adults but his vocabulary is so limited he keeps using faulty polemics.
I'm in the "anyone but HRC" camp, and it's weird as shit that anyone here would deny their lord and savior's ass kicking.

He got reamed. Just own it, otherwise you look like bizzaro CTR.
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<<< {{{ [[[ (((Carl Icahn))) ]]] }}} >>>

you damn hypocrites
I don't know, man. I'm still undecided after this debate but I'm walking away from it wondering why people think Hillary was a clear victor.

She was more coherent than Trump but felt flat. Kinda like she'll give you vague tired platitudes in a well-rehearsed and controlled environment. I want to vote for Hillary but I can't trust that she's sincere on her policies. Maybe next time she can convince me
I sympathize with them. Trump didn't do too bad, a few gaffes of course but that's status quo at this point.

I'm not sure either party lived up to expectations and I think it's really weird that people are so desperate to get Trump supporters to atone for something. At least give Hillary some time to actually beat him before staring on this

I thought She won on substance and on looking presidential. If I was an undecided normalfag in America unaware of the migrant problem Id think Trump is a babbling retard.

> Trump: Look we have the cyber, I think we should definitely be doing more on the cyber like my 10 year old son who's great at computers, Definetly Bigly and a very anti police person judge so political, I think nucular is a big prroblem and China is so powerful over North Korea and Japan must pay us Im good with financials , did I mention I have some Great properties in Chicago?

> Hill: WEW there lmao
Clearly you didn't.
>ctr shills

Hillary is without a doubt completely insincere, there is no way that she has a genuine interest in preserving LGBT rights/peace/lives of minorities beyond basic empathy and/or sympathy she has for any people.

That being said, she seems to be at least not retarded unlike Trump, she seems like she can form coherent thoughts and act out on them properly unlike Trump who literally seems mentally stunted and is generally impulsive.

If Clinton was faced with a problem she had little understanding of, she would without a doubt consult people to get a better understanding of it while keeping a level of skepticism and pondering on it on her self.

With Trump it seems like he would just flow with his pre-conceived idea of whatever he heard somewhere some time ago and would refuse to look into it further and listen to any actually educated, which is why you ahve him say shit like climate change is a hoax created by the Chinese.
Thinly veiled Trumpshill.
Outside the bubble of this channel and other extremist sites nobody thinks Trump won.
At this point, Trump supporters and Hillary supporters are convinced of their vote and only Trump/Hillary eating babies would make them doubt. The debate is for the indecisive people. It's politic 101
Smiling and giving dull questions isn't a win for her.
As for Trump. Roasting is his sport.
Thread posts: 160
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