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Hey /pol/ Mind loading me up with these? /b isn't

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Thread replies: 176
Thread images: 96

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Hey /pol/

Mind loading me up with these? /b isn't producing much.
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What did they document?
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Oh idk, just the horrendous experiments they performed on people, the identities of everyone they placed in concentration camps, and countless witness testimonials.
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The ancap ones are the funniest tb h
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Holohoax never happened.
Still waiting for the six million.
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"It was real in my mind"
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Jews claimed there were spanking machines in the camps.

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One kike claimed she saw Hitler burn her father at the stake.

Never deny the holy holohoax goyim.
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Jews claimed there were Butt Pumps at the camps.

Like Dig Dug level butt pumps.
Jews claimed there were GIANT electric chairs at the camps that could kill thousands at once.

Do you really believe this shit?
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>tfw you see your oc
"I saw no gas chambers"

Really makes u think
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>the identities of everyone they placed in concentration camps

All 6 gorillion?

>countless witness testimonials.

kek, so no documents?
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The jews fear the samurai.png
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Look at that insidious smile she has.
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Jews claimed there were Masturbation Machines at the camps.

Like literally udder pumps. Do you actually believe this?
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Jews claimed there were death rollercoasters at the camps.

We have to draw the line somewhere guys....
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>not torturing jews in the funniest ways possible once you get the chance
No doubt some people lied about it for publicity, but I've seen the old news reels and read soldier accounts of how they were starved. So much so that when they gave them water when they freed them it actually ended up killing some more.
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Chocolate Candy Gas Chambers.jpg
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Jews claimed half a million kids were "lured into the gas chambers with chocolate."

We have to stop the madness....
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Nazis apparently had a lot of time on their hands....I mean it's not like they were busy fighting a war or anything.....
>when your leaders don't actually document any of it at all and there are no documents and a holocaust expert in court used the phrase "sorry your honour I am at a loss" when asked to produce a single document from the NSDAP asking for the gassing of Jews
>when the people who got the testimonies admit they got them by torture in their own books

Why are people so fucking stupid. The holohoax didn't happen.
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>Tax Cuts
Try harder with your edits fa-m.
Based Haku.

Nothing. That's the whole problem.

Retards like >>90584499 really believe nazis turned starving people into soap and lampshades which were never found. That doesn't even work. Where are the roller-coasters and huge ovens described in the witness testimonies? Why are so many witness testimonies debunked later on? How are the rest reliable when they claim things like weeks without drinking water?

They're not. Watch this, the death camp where 4 million people died according to the Bolshevik Jewish regime of Soviet Russia:

I'm looking for the ancap one where you send your son to his room and he annexes the fridge.
Can someone deliver?
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Fucking leaf.
Nuclear as in warheads and stuff? Pretty sure that's Russia.
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you're really pumped up about the jews, aren't you, cunt?

I was never taught they turned people into lamps and soap. I do know of the old torture and research chambers that they built under Austria and how they also murdered the mentally challenged. There is no way the Holocaust is a lie.
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So what's it like not having foreskin?
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>we killed everyone and they lived to tell about it
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genetically engineered man-elephant

I guffawed
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Here's the template if anyone wants to make one for /pol/
yeah but now we know how long a human lasts in freezing water and shit like that
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Wtf is NAP?
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Non-Aggression Pact
/r/ing the ancap meme about bernie getting an audi
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The foundation of anarcho-capitalism is the NAP (non-aggression principle). This principle means that it is always wrong to initiate violence. Anarcho-capitalism rejects the state on the basis that it initiates violence through taxation, policing, spying and war. That's the bare bones of it.
Why is everyone in the ancap universe an opportunistic paedophile?
Because they can.
Because that's nature.

Thanks for clearing that up

you can't have this word in there if you keep the other stuff
rape is such an egregious offense they would automatically upgrade him to gold service to get a percentage of the retribution

do you even game theory?
the person making them, is

he knows the state is what protects him from judgement

>when CTR actually exists and people still complain about trump people doing it for free
if there was ever an argument for statism, this was not it

the person that made this loves taxes
>anchor babies are a problem without statism
>10 thousand a day
it's not thousands at once, but again this kinda seems like a inefficient way to kill.
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fucking chinese cartoonboard is the only opposition to globalism
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this one seems really juvenile
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See you on November the 8th
>when you don't get banned for claiming its a safe space for the ten millionth time


that's a gulaging
it's all true

please send help

is it anarcho-Catholicism?
>someone raped my OC
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Rare Opel.jpg
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Here ya go, anon. Use it wisely.
Im currently studying criminology, and its so fucking infected by these ideas...
holy fuck my sides

where is this from
that's a renault, not an opel
jokes on you, he was pretending to be retarded
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It's the same in Denmark, and it's fucking bullshit

>when the revolutionaries eventually become the establishment and their growing nepotism and corruption oppresses the masses and necessitates a revolution but it isn't human nature somehow.
>Not making this one Iraq
When Iraq was fighting Iran the USA gave them hilarious amounts of aid and ignored them firing on the USS Stark.
is it that hard to believe some jewish kid saw a SS guard with a 'tache and thought "Hitler!"?
This is a work of fiction, Anon.


>With no signs of a German accent, no paperwork to prove his identity and no record to prove the number tattooed on his forearm is the work of Nazis, the credentials of Bernard Brougham, 69, looked precarious even before 500 copies of his book Stolen Soul were distributed to bookshops by the University of Western Australia Press earlier this year.

>In the four years the publisher Judy Shorrock worked with Brougham, she did not doubt his claims that he was a German Jew kidnapped by the Nazis in 1944. And the Perth journalist believed him when he tearfully recounted stories of being experimented on by scientists, living with wolves, joining the Resistance and travelling to Australia as an orphan.

>It was only once the book was published - under the name Bernard Holstein - that Shorrock received a phone call that changed everything.

>"All of a sudden I got a call from a man in Sydney, claiming to be Bernard's brother," Shorrock says. "He said everything Bernard had told me over the course of the four years was a lie." The book was pulled from the shelves and an investigation launched.
fucking lol, wordfiltered s-m-h to baka in the URL.


(covers a different person, but at the bottom)
>Similarly, Bernard Brougham - under the name Holstein - also claimed to be a survivor, and went so far as to brand himself with a bogus tattoo to authenticate his 2004 book Stolen Soul.

anyway, it's just australians shitposting in paperback.
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I should stop formatting like a tard
I'm pretty autistic and always get lured into denial debates so I'm going to stay out from now.

There's so much bullshit circling like what you said and deniers will tackle so much strawman-ny minutiae whilst dismissing everything else.

The reality is, it happened, maybe not in the way the MSM paints it, but it did. That doesn't invalidate National Socialism.
fuck palestinian kids. Stupid mudlover
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Thanks for the laugh lad.
I'm stealing your meme.
Save away sir, it's finely-crafted OC.
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They tend to follow the same rambling nonsense pattern of child slaves, missiles and kill everyone for violating NAP
I thought it was the wrong, happening here as well. But I think as long as you dont own a tv you dont have to pay.
Well the professors are always joking when referring to positivism and talk with warmth about all the good stuff with constructionist theory. Making us buy a textbook about feminist criminology for aprox 30 euros. Because the full chapter on it in the real text book was "too small".

It's like being in a theology group, instead of searching for what answers the fact may give they want to twist the facts to suit their theories.
Are you saying there wouldn't be child slaves an missiles?

I'm supporting the wrong cause then
they tried to make us pay, even made some do it. But the supreme court(ish) told them it was illegal.
>countless witness testimonials.
Oy vey the masturbating machines
the Olympic sized pool of acid pool
the electric eels.
>Testimony produced under torture is useless in court because it has zero evidential value.
>Except in the Nuremberg trials where it's absolute proof.
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>feminist criminology
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And people wonder why education in this country is going down shit creek
>when you don't understand global debt
What do you mean exactly?
Was considering studying criminology myself....
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tfw you just gassed a whole room full of Jews, but that one smug fucking kid somehow survived for the sixth time and you have to just let him get back to the barracks
Oh right, do you plan on going through with the entire course anyway? or move on to something else?
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What is private property but a mini-state?
Im just doing one semester, i need a certain amount of points to get my bachelors in journalism(another place filled with liberals and commies).

Since the course is tailored to pampered feminist girls its hardly even challenging.
Do you really believe some outlandish claims discredit the Holocaust?
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Hot off the presses.
>The reality is, it happened

>This literally incredible event, surrounded by outrageous works of fiction presented as historical fact, "witnessed" by 6 million dead people and people who they let go because they "ran out of gas", who would stand to benefit enormously as individuals and as a tribe by perpetuating and exaggerating accounts of what happened, is such an indisputable fact of human history that attempting to dispute it is PUNISHABLE BY LAW

I believe the marjority of Jews were persecuted in Nazi Germany, along with ethnic minorities, people considered mentally defective, disabled, or generally detrimental to society
I believe in prison and labour camps where said peoples were subjected to awful living conditions and worked to death if favourable
I believe in the intentional mistreatment of said prisoners by more sadistic guards, likely including indiscriminate killings
I believe in preferential starvation of inmates due to the strain of total war on rations and supplies, as well as the effects of allied bombing raids and blockades
I believe in unsanitary conditions causing outbreaks of diseases such as typhus compounding this suffering leading to the deaths enormous amounts of people, resulting in mountains of corpses and mass graves

I believe in witness accounts of homicidal gas chambers killing 6 million Jews to be incinerated in futuristic cremation ovens as much as I believe in the death rollercoaster, electric eels, bear/eagle cage, acid swimming pool, tossing jewish children at trees for glasses of schnapps, anal air pumps, masturbation machines, spanking machines, tickling gays to death, or the giant electric chair
Kek, good banter m8
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heres a trump one
Considering how the mainstream definitive source material on the matter sights such ridiculous claims as evidence and fact, yes. Just watch "1/3 The Holocaust"
But why do you have the two taps? masochism?
If you're going to make them at least have them make sense.
Shite banter m8
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did i do it right?
>cut deal with jews
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>when your country has one of the largest populations in the world and you're surprised that it has industrial power
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do you not know anything about how human mind works? the reason why all of media is shilling for hillary is because it works, it makes people believe she will win
what we do is basically the same, but we do it better
Fuck, you just repulled me. After reading all of that shit I can see that they really ran with tall tales.
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Thread posts: 176
Thread images: 96

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