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THEY'RE DELETING VOTES, https://worldwide.vote/hillary

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>China wants Trump
>Middle East wants Trump
This is not a good thing btw
>United states



Other countries opinions: Discarded

Danes confirmed honorary shitskins
>netherlands is no longer cucked
>denmark is now cucked

Interesting shift....
This was clealy made to go
>Look, us sophisticated Europeans and the rest of the world all hate Drumpf. Don't let him win. :^)

>75% of the world doesn't want a warmonger.
>we didn't bot the polls, I swear
Denmark Yes
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They changed it to "<20" so North Korea needs over 20 votes in Clinton's favor. Please proxyfags.
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>Saudi Arabia
>All like Hillary
Ayy lamo
WOW what are min bror doing?

Wtf Denmark was way over 75% Trump yesterday?

ME should want Trump, Hilary wars did not went well there.

BTW, Saudi + Pakistan, the 2 top mudslime terrorist countries also with nuclear weapons (Saudis on lease from Pakistanis) want Clinton

Mexico too.
KEK, Denmark now Hillshill central.

No wonder the most degenerate libtards idolize it.
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No shit. Almost the entire traffic of votes for trump on that site were botnets from 4chan. But they'll never know exactly how much, so they'll delete them in arbitrary increments.

This board is fucking pathetic.

>tr 71% trump

gülenists btfo
why should we care who the rest of the world wants our president to be?
(((GLOBAL))) Vote
Uh Danes?

Defend yourself please.
Yeha.. Sure, everybody knows you danes are rabid hillary supporters
That was mainly Princess Mary having a typical bender. The rest of you are cucks
You can't rig Mexico, /pol/? I am disappoint.

If you don't got Mexico then it is all for nothing. A Worldwide poll where Mexico was red and everything else was blue would be a real screenshot. This? This is just half-assed.
I'm ashamed of my countrymen right now
Make Danes Great Again you fucking dogs
Force the traitors across the lego pit

I wonder if the people who call him Drumpf also refuse to call Bruce Jenner "Caitlyn".
Give the traitors a blood eagle.
>Hillary deleting inconvenient things.

I'm shocked.
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This faggot>>90573698 must've shared this poll on normiebook and it created an explosion of polls

I fucking mad now.
>Saudi Arabia

Top kek
It seems Americans are the most oblivious to Hillary story, she is a disgrace to any political system. I'm amazed she has gotten this far, how are you people still allowing her to run free.
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>Iran wanting Clinton

Enjoy getting nuked and occupied in 2018, I guess.
Columbia, what the fuck?
All the butthurt clinton supporters are muslim and Mexicans
cool, but sample size too small to be relevant
>M-Muh sample size!
I bet you'd say 1000 was too small as well. Bet you're a (((Melbourner))).
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They just don't count nation with >20 votes now.

They're trying to reduce the red color amount on the map.
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Good work lads. NZ supports Trump, despite what our media says.

>Saudi Arabia
>Columbia (honorary Mexico)

Top fucking kek, you gotta be shitting me.
you're right, i voted a couple of days ago...just clicked on it and now I've had to vote again
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Colombia > Mexico
You can bet if the vote was 75% shillary then they would be going "SEE THE WORLD HATES TRUMP" but when Trump is doing well, "I-IT'S THOSE EVIL ALT-RIGHT VOTE RIGGERS, 4CHAN"

This is why people hate the left wing, because they refuse to take politics honourably. They cheat as much as possible.
>Mexico 57%

I voted clinton for the lulz, I hope the rest did it.
What makes you thank that?
>tfw my country is pro-clinton
Feels bad man
For one thing, it shows that Hillary is not the progressive choice and that having a woman president is not the most important thing in the world.
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>USA, UK, Canada & Australia top the bill voting for Trump
The Anglosphere will rise again.
It's a real shithole.
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It's your fault. It was roughly 100+ votes but now it's over 1000+

Some motherfucking idiot shared this on normiebook.
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We must unite, my Anglo brother.
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Anglosphere wants Trump
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Bolivia leading us to freedom with 91% for Trump. Followed by Montenegro and Russia with each 90% for Trump.
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Fuck your trees and planes, I have a motherfucking eagle.
denmark wtf
>implying I have a (((faceberg))) or other kike media
>Saudi Arabia
>Pakistan (depending on your defintion of Middle East)
Illegal blueboarder alien detected.
You can come back legally, but you have to kill yourself first.
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Living among obnoxious leftists is maddening enough, but when they go online and claim to speak for us on things they have no idea about abroad...

Jesus Christ.

If the whale stuff happening here in the 90s is any indication, it will hopefully have the opposite effect of what they want.
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drumpflyn trump

first transexual president
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Drug dealers on full force for shillary shame on you cucklombia.
Fucking Denmark is the Pakistan of Europe.
Wtf? I hate Lego now
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>My countrymen
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Idk about this I the rest of the world wants trump I want whatever is the opposite then... no I will not say her name
Trump l'ha assolutamente distrutta.

Ha parlato di piani reali e manovre mentre la Clinton ha solamente parlato di Trump.

L'ha tenuta sulle corde tutto il tempo. L'unica cosa che lei ha potuto fare è stato grignare arrogantemente mentre stava perdendo. È stato imbarazzante per lei e per il partito Democratico.

Quasi tutti i sondaggi tranne che per LOL (((CNN))) concordano.

Trump ha dominato.
>down from 96%
Yeah it's rigged.
no matter how much they try to rig this, Serbia will always vote trump. and i have a feeling that we are going to be surrounded by Blue by the time this poll ends.
What's the point of online polls

They're literally fucking useless
>t. butthurt melbournite
Damn that's disappointing
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>sorry, you have already voted

But no I haven't
Welcome to fagville, bro
Queensland, and I want to Trump to win

I just don't get why people bother looking at online polls

The results are based entirely on who views the page
They just wrote you down as a vote for Shillary
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No fucking way we are at 51%, when I checked yesterday, we were at 70%+ for Trump with similar amount of votes. Moreover, if it was so tied, I would be seeing much more Clinton supporters in real life - everyone who I talked to about US politics so far is very pro-Trump
Like anyone in the world gives a rats ass about mexico.
no, its just that normalfags found the website theres 10x as much votes as 2 days ago

Based as fuck.
This should count. It effects us all.

Rest of those voters were Bosnian proxies

>They're literally fucking useless*

*Except when used as proof that a plebiscite is not needed

You have to remember, even though online polls are complete bullshit, the masses will still believe it. Even here, many Australians always fall online polls, they have a circle jerk over the winner of the online poll, it's why lefties think the majority of Australians are on their side, when its the opposite.
Yeah I am dissapointed
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>Islamic Republic of Iran
>Wanting Clinton

ABSOLOUTE MADMEN! - they must want a war!
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>Mexico and Saudi Arabia want Clinton

You can't make this shit up.

>East wants Trump even though he wants them to pay up

They must really fear Hillary.
let's make sweden blue (clinton)

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Jamal already voted using your wi-fi while you were in the cuckshed Sven
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>Trump has an eagle, the symbol of freedom and America, and gold for the wealth he will bring
>Hillary has some faggy trees symbolizing the disconnect between the peace she says she'll attain and the utilization of the jets behind her to bomb the fuck out of anyone that disagrees
Hillary wants to start wars with China and Russia over getting hacked.

kys ctr
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Explain yourself Australia ?!
Brazil (5498)
Trump: 80%

>>Explain yourself Australia ?!
(((They))) corrected the record.
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Brazil is conservative as fuck

The only reason the gommies keep winning is the electronic voting jew introduced by lula.
Its a little joke .. nice participation any ways walaroos ..
>Russia: 89%
>China: 88%



>Serbia : 93%
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Saudi : Clinton: 58%

they are not completely useless..

MSM use these polls to force their 'narrative' on who's winning...

even with 99% of the polls online showing Trump winning these cucks still saying hillary won.
>Trump: 90%

Russians saving America.
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Well, we got payed by that Occulus guy, remember?
Serbia first for Trump, they remember what a Clinton did for their country.
>699 votes
>Trump 67%
It's a bit surprising, to say the least. There are too many left-wings here. Although I suppose it's because very few Argentines really know about these kind of polls (or even know English at all).
Yeah my parents are Serb and they don't really like Trump too much but they fucking hate Hillary.
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No shit, you're supposed to delete votes from botnets.
wtf with the lvl of participation Australia ? you want me to do the propaganda for you or something ?!
Still sleeping goyz ?!

Fuggin tanskalaiset, traitors of Europe
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Good my children
FOR ONCE Sweden isn't retarded. Fuck yes.
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oups .. sorry bro..
damn ctr must have done some friendly fire for hillary to be that low. maybe nobody told them that 97% of hillarys support is paid for so the paid botnets are supposed to be counted because reasons
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Even Niger vote for Trump you see..
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This is a bad meme and i want it to go.
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Kek why is that ?
there's no way my country would vote for trump unfortunately.
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James bond is WHITEEEEEEE
You right Alberta you are absolutely right ! are you mad ?!
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Actually its all soon to be forgotten.. now James is Black.. in few years we all forget about all the others James .. you will see .. Like he never existed ..
Austrila, always pushing the envolope of shit posting.
Iraq and Egypt aren't the problems. Iran isn't listed and Saudi wants Mrs. Clinton. Those are the ones to worry about.
What's that little bit of blue by Germany? Is that Memeland?
Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about if you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight.
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Permit me to correct you with some red arrows and stuff..
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>Serbia still 93%
denmark, i think its because refugees go germany instead of denmark
the total number of votes literally just doubled from 75k to 150k in the space of three minutes
I permit Mexico and Saudi Arabia voting for Clinton.
So good job on that.

I did not expect this result.
I thought Europe was more PC and would vote Hillary.

> Most people voting could be trolling to get a certain result.
> This vote is not genuine as voters which to see a certain reaction.
>Saudi Arabia and Mexico
>the entire presidential election is a 4chan invasion for the lulz

this is how low we've stooped

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For you miss teen south Carolina 2007 Iran at the other end of the red arrows VERY close to Israel..can you see it now ?!
>Middle eastern countries want a President who isn't going to spend their term messing around with their countries like it's just a big GSG

What a surprise.
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What did he mean by this?
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who knows ?!
Trump is big business.

Putting Trump in office is the same as putting a Jew in office
But we were red before the speech, not sure what happened.
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Trump reaches 292 electoral votes in new tracking poll


Citi Warns on Gold as Bank Boosts Odds of Trump Win to 40%


“Do You Really Need to Ask?”

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Jews are still better than muslims.
They deleted my vote!
Well duh, they don't count the votes of dum racist bigots! That's like, liberal democracy 101!
We all hate dirty muzzies
Kek wills it.

Anglosphere best sphere.
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> the leaf doesn't know

Still, voting for Trump because he isn't fucking Hillary.

wtf I hate Denmark now
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we need to increase the cyber just for this reason
we exploit the system just because the rules work in our favor, just like trump
I can't believe how stupid you fucking are.

You have been rigging this poll for days and then you come here and act surprised at the results like they are actually real.

For fucks sake.
CTR for the last fucking time voting in a poll is not rigging it. Sorry not sorry there are more of us than there are of you.
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The ME should desire Trump, though many are bluepilled by media. Hell, any country that felt the boot of globalism should, since they use the US and it's military for the task, all the while shitting up things for the average American.

I literally spent most of my vacation in Turkey redpilling people on Trump and the democrats. The recent coup helped in doing that, since it's easy to redirect the surge in Anti-Americanism into hatred of the globalist Trash, the Clintons, the CIA, the Bushes, and whatever corrupt families and kikes poisoning the world.
>Clinton wins Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Kenya
>>Clinton wins Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Kenya

>no, no, it was definitelly not us

There are even North Korean proxyes there, you fucking idiot.
I'm fairly sure that we don't want trump.
Only a fiftieth of us vote for Pauline Hanson (Female aussie trump), so this must be bullshit.
But seeing how this is the USA, I'm not surprised.
Money is power, not position.
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