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We should have nominated Cruz

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Cruz would have trashed Hillary tonight, she left so many easy openings.

We chose the wrong guy, fuck you Trumpfags for memeing for an incompetent retard. Now we will have to have at least 4 years of Hillary. I hope you are fucking happy.
I agree. After Cruz bowed out of the race Trump began pandering to minorities, going soft on immigration and showing his socially liberal tranny colors which is when I had buyers remourse. I'm still voting Trump but I somewhat wish Cruz was nominated.

He would have shitted hillary tonight.
A religious right zealot can't win.
Cruz would have never made it out of the primaries.
>he says as Trump just committed political seppuku on live TV in front of 100 million people
I don't think Trump did that bad but I think he definitely struggled but the moderator was bias towards him. It's just that he rambles too much
>Cruz President
oh boy, another Goldman-Sachs Presidency!
Just what we needed!
Thank god the spirit of the Bush family returned to office!

winning isn't everything if your candidate is a lying spic from Cuba saying the right things but owned by people with a different agenda.

Bush sr and jr was trash, Cruz would have been trash too.
There's 3 more debates. He was on the defensive all night but the only thing that stumped him was taxes. I doubt blue collar swing voters care about birth certificates and comments about women.

Ted Cruz couldn't bring Colorado, Michigan and Pennsylvania into the mix. It'd be a challenge for him to win Ohio, maybe he'd be able to steal Florida.

Ted Cruz is a man for the Senate or the Supreme Court to defend the right wing values but swing states just don't go for the man. He's too far right.
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Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated.

Pls suicide, OP faggot. Cruz would have never gained a fraction of the momentum needed, so if you think he was a better pick, you're brain damaged.

You fucking neocon faggots are the reason your party died.
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El Rato? He's not even American. He's a leaf.
Did we watch the same debate? Trump rambled, appeared to be losing his cool and didn't address the points. She just stood there with a stupid smirk on her face half the thing knowing he was destroying himself.

Cruz is not a neocon you fucking idiot. For example he was against intervention in Libya and Syria.

He just looked weak on it all, which is why he kept rambling.
>Cruz would have trashed Hillary tonight

cruz would have shat his diaper and stuck his thumb in his mouth while he shuffled off stage
Cruz knows how to debate and is a policy guy, he also knows how to stick on message. he would have trashed her and gone on her vulnerabilities that Trump kept ignoring.
He was alright. He took on an experienced politician in his first 1v1 debate. /pol/ was under estimated her and over estimated him.

Like I said he was on the defensive but he survived.
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Do you have any proof that it was the Russians, or are you just pulling that out of your ass? I mean, it could literally be anyo-

I never understand how you guys manage to convince yourselves that online polls are meaningful. No different than the Ron Paul or Bernie Sanders people.

Trump sites and /pol/ raiding an online poll is not the same thing as "an accurate read of public opinion".

It basically means the Trump online following is stronger than Hillary's online following, which, fucking duh.

Weak 4chan mods let this shit filter up because they want to protect this board.

heads up faggots

nobody is here to talk about shillary.

Its late. can you maybe fuck off with this right now?

Do your damage shilling in the morning cunts.

This audience isn't here to be patronized.
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Don't fuck this up, Donald. I will return for my delegates soon.

A right wing religious zealot can't win.
Trump:"G-guys, stop-and-frisk! The biggest and best, guys! G-guys? Oh god they asked about a hard topic DEFLEEEECT"
"Hey here's my actual plan for how to tackle our deficit. Some WITTY RELATABLE BANTER GUYS! OH BOY A QUESTION ABOUT RACISM, DEEEEFLEEEEEEECT"

Both were cringetacular fucking messes but Hilary came out with a slight leg up
>wanting to play political chess

fuck that

Trump came in and said "Fuck your game, it's Trump time!"
I hate Clinton, which is why I am annoyed that you idiots helped pick Trump who can't even attack her properly.

A muttering retard who knows no policy and won't even release tax returns can't win. Even fucking Romney released his tax returns and he was in all sorts of shady stuff.
He beat Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, etc
He beat them in the narrow confines of the 9% of the country who vote in primaries.
wtf I'm a #CruzControl now
The fuck are you talking about hillary is ridiculously weak and left her belly open for attack almost the entire time.
Any /pol/lack would have torn her a new asshole because she lies in every sentence
And you want to take Hillary Clinton on in the general election where Ted Cruz would have had to win over blue states such as Pennsylvania, Colorado and Michigan?
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I can assure you, 4chan had nothing to do with the nomination.
Cruz possibly is ineligible to be president. I don't think he is. The Supreme Court would likely issue a split ruling that could go either way. He was born in Canada. He was a citizen at birth, but he was not born on American soil, which is what most people interpret the constitution to say. This made very little press. Trump referenced it. This isn't a fringe belief. Hell, most kids are taught in school that this is the case. Most people who have read the constitution interpret it to mean that the President has to have been born on American soil.
Yeah, and the first time he faces off against someone competent he gets his ass handed to him.
Yes, I think he could have won Iowa, Florida, Virginia, Ohio and then he would have won with the other states Romney got. Trump only needs Pennsylvania because he does so terribly in places that sometimes go Republican like Virginia. He would have beaten Clinton quite easily I think, simply because she is so terrible.
Doesn't matter. Romney trashed Obama in 2012 and still lost big. Obviously, hurricane sandy and the 47% comments hurt him too much.
New Zealand let me tell you something you don't know.

The Republican candidate has to win Pennsylvania, Colorado, New Hampshire, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico in many different combinations.

Ted Cruz can beat the shit out of Hillary Clinton in a debate, however those blue states won't vote for a religious zealot.
Romney only won the first debate in 2012.

Not being a neocon doesn't make him any less of a far-right religious zealot that can't win in America
fuck cruz

jeb deserved it
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We're fucked I just saw this on Facebook. Think I'm gonna move to New Zealand.
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cruz is evangelical he has no chance. its why he didnt win the primary
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Jesus man there's no way in hell Ted Cruz would ever win Ohio. There isn't enough of a religious Republican base.

Clinton would have taken all the major cities and taken the state.

Ted Cruz is religion and Constitution. These don't appeal to blue collar city workers.
>implying anywhere will be safe if hillary wins
get ready to die senpai
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It'll be ok. Everything is going to be alright.
You don't need any of those unless you can't win the states Bush managed to.

Why not? Also when Trump loses will you also only elect people like Kasich because only they can win?

He was not running on a religious only ticket you realize?
Don't come. Our two biggest parties are being led by globalist shills.
That was over 10 years ago, maybe 15 if that's the 01. Bush elections were a much different era. Gay marriage was still entirely unpopular.

Virginia's demographic changed.
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>Wanting some idiot that would start WW3 over nothing

/pol/ never changes
You say that as if neocons & far right wing are the same thing. Neocons aren't right wing at all, they're corporatists just like Hillary. Neocons are cuckservatives. Cuckservatives pander to Evangelists but they just use them for their votes the same exact way that Liberals use niggers & faggots.

I'd love to vote for a real right wing guy like Ted Cruz, but it's never going to happen in today's political climate because most Whites are so fucking cucked that we need a goddamn Spic to take up the mantle of the far right.

I honestly think a far right wing guy would ever get nominated unless this country becomes completely shitskin brown.

That's the thing that cracks me up about the Liberal strategy of importing shitskins. Once they become the majority they'll become a big enough demographic for both parties but they'll be so big that the spics will eventually take over the RNC and become the new Wasps.

It's what the rnc was trying to do with Jeb & Rubio.
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>Remember when the Republican party became a national laughingstock after nominating a fucking meme candidate?
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Virginia is one of Hillary's better states. "New Virginia" is basically made up of the exact type of people she's designed to appeal to (i.e. rich people who work in Washington DC).

More realistic map pictured. He's going to win Maine 2nd even if he loses. New Hampshire is underrated, even if Clinton is polling a bit ahead now, it's a very white state with a lot of independents that is small enough that stuff like "momentum" and "presence" matters. And Trump actually has a bit of an infrastructure left over from the primaries.

But I would say you can even switch that out for CO before VA.
It all fucking ended when they couldn't beat a first term Senator community organizer.
the official Brexit polls favoured remain, it was only the online polls that said we were leaving
The map I posted was how you can win without the blue states like Bush did. You just have to get most of the swing states.
That was when they should have taken a step back and reevaluated themselves

Instead they have doubled, tripled, even quadrupled down on being complete fucking jokes
Obongo was young looking and charismatic, you put up a neocon next to him and he looked like a saint, it's no surprise at all that he won after bushes shitshow.
>That was when they should have taken a step back and reevaluated themselves

It did. Trump is saving the Republican party. It's something you cuckservatives don't understand. Non-whites DON'T vote for the right. You fucking conservatives couldn't conserve a damn thing, and now, you are losing the demographic wars and the entire media is in the left's hand,so you will always be the evil boogeyman. The Democrats won when Reagan decided to legalize a bunch of illegals into the US, guess who they voted for? It wasn't the republicans.

You are basically saying that Republicans should just become the democratic party lite,and end the values that made the United States special. Not a fucking self-respecting white person should want that.
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Clinton Foundation.


>tfw Cruz or Rand would've destroyed Shillary
Fucking Trumpfags, he better win.
Anyone of the 300 Republican candiadtes could've destroyed Hillary.

>Fighting them all your adult life
>4 years of Hillary
no way she wont sit 8 if she wins now.
She might get fucked over by a third party or something HW Bush.

When he said that I knew it was over. I was surprised she did not try to press him on it more.
>Trump referenced it therefore this isn't a fringe belief
You mean like how Cruz cheated on his wife and his father killed JFK?

>taking that literally

God the left is so retarded
He probably would've trashed her in actual arguments

but his face is just so unlikable I think he'd still come out a loser. His rhetoric and mannerisms turn people off.
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Nice baitpost SHILL


^^^ Real support there

Not true, many people like Trump. People who don't tend to be scared white apologists who want a faggot that bends over for the blacks so they don't get upset. Trump is a real guy and is honest, unlike Hillary who called blacks Superpredators behind doors.
>Fighting them all your adult life

That line was so painful to listen to.
If the entire US population were white, Trump is going to be the winner. In fact, its likely that no matter the candidate, the Republicans were going to win if the US were homogenous whites.

Trump however is such an oddball candidate that he is shaking up the foundations and perceptions of the Republican party, attracting whtie voters to an extent that the old Republican party did not.

Don't give me this fucking bullshit that any other Republican candidates had a chance, all of them will lose to Clinton. All of them. You think Romney would have taught you cuckservatives a lesson.
I was talking about Ted Cruz?
I dislike Rato, but I think he would have gutted Hillary tonight. Hell, Trump from the primaries would have gutted her tonight, but for some reason Trump from the primaries didn't show. Instead we got someone who looked weak against the weakest candidate the democrats put out in decades.
Also this.

It's amazing how much stock /pol/ thinks it has year after year, than every 2nd poster has it in his head the election will turn on his post, and so checks his ability to reason at the door in favor of partisan hackery. We aren't spinmeisters, we don't get paid for this shit, nobody but fools believes the lies, and we don't talk to the all important demos. Trump didn't win the primaries with millennials, he won with too-angry-to-think straight grampas, and all /pol/ does when it tries to spin the election is to turn the place into a useless repository of shitposts.
Trump is not the most rightwing guy we have, he is more rightwing on a few issues like immigration, then he is leftwing on a lot of other issues.
I know these cucks will think this is a meme, but I actually completely agree with this. Cruz was by far the best candidate the GOP had to offer, he didn't have any negatives about him, and if there were any they were negligible. /pol/ had nothing on him either except
>El Rato!!
>I'm a #CruzMissle now
Hillary would not have stood a fucking chance against him
Which is not to mention that Trump's rightwing position of his is a recent construct. Two months before his entering the race his position was completely different.
wtf I hate pol now!

I'm now #cruzmissile

feels good
>Cruz is a good candidate
>can't even beat an incompetent retard backed by a Vietnamese backgammon enthusiast talk page
It's not for no reason that the Dems are called the crazy party, and the GOP the stupid party.
Yeah, and those issues resonate more and are more important with whites then other "right-wing" positions like lower taxes that got into this mess.

Oh, and Ted Cruz would have lost to Clinton, what a joke. He would be Romney 2.0 and he would be demonized by everyone.
No, Trump won because of the white vote. Which is why he is doing so well in Democratic West Virginia and the New England states.
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Raphael is a thinlip.

You must never, ever trust him. He is an Israeli thrall, this is his purpose.

Thinlips can seem decent. But they have no souls.

Raphael must never be allowed near any seat of true power. It would be fine for him to run a nation like mine, but the USA? It would be quicker to slit your own throat. But not by much.
Except not, hence why Trump is polling lower than Romney vs Obama or how much Cruz could have got.
In New England he is doing well because the third parties are eating into Clinton's vote, he is polling at the same levels as always in those areas, Clinton just declined. Also West Virginia has been trending Republican for decades.
Yeah, and look how well that turned out for Romney, he lost. Oh and Cruz would have lost too.

You really don't get it do you? Your media demonizes the entire right. Non-whites don't vote for the right. The Republican party is going to lose every election after this simply because of demographics.
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>he wants to grab a firm hold of the short end of the identity politics stick

And this is why people should never take advice of untermenchen stormfags whom Sun Tzu would behead for playing right into the plans of the enemy. You can not achieve victory by abandoning half of the battlefield at the start of the war.
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The funny thing is Cruz will be considered anti-establishment and after this cockup they won't even let him run, let alone win the nomination.
Alt-right cucked itself hard.Cuck neocons will rule the republican party forever.
Yeah, and it will be the fault of Trump supporters for choosing him when he is the worst candidate we could have picked. Cruz would have done better, it is undebatable.
Cruz was always anti-establishment since he took on George W Bush's administration at the Supreme Court.
>but for some reason Trump from the primaries didn't show
Trump's debate strategy for the primaries was to sit on his slight but statistically significant lead of newly activated, atypical GOP primary voters and let the rest of the field fight it out amongst themselves for the regular ones. He practiced no skill that would have been necessary for the general. This could have been anticipated.

In fact, I warned of exactly that during the primaries.
>Alt-right cucked itself hard.

How? Trump just forced the Overton window towards the right and he indirectly gave the alt-right tons of awareness. The Alt Right doesn't have any sympathy with the Republican party, they want to foster white identity and white nationalist and IQ awareness among whites, and they are succeeding with that.
Oh look, a cuckservative who thinks he's above identity politics, while he thinks the GOP needed to nominate some "hispanic" over Trump.

Maybe you don't get it. Non-whites NEVER vote for Republicans. In fact, even a black who dislikes the Democrats, are highly religious and does not consider the Republicans "racist" are still more likely to vote for Democrats. So I am interested in how you expect to win when the demographics are against you and you keep supporting globalism and mass immigration.

Yes, by losing. That's so much better.
Sure but he was still included in the mainstream of republican party. After this I'm not sure him and many other tea party candidates will have a voice in the party.
People will just shout the down and tell them what they're proposing won't win elections

They could still find anti-immigration voices in the party, after this they have to form their own fring party of deplorables that nobody care about
Trump might have actually shifted the window to the left
He would have won, and I can't see Trump winning, not after that tragic debate. I will still vote for him, but fuck Trumpist idiots who supported him in the primaries.

Probably, Trump will basically hand the party to the establishment forever if he loses. This country is doomed thanks to the idiots who voted Trump in the primaries.
Cruz was a national debate champ, Trump could at least try and learn a thing or 2 from him.
>Trump might have actually shifted the window to the left

Nah, all he did was made the political divide that much wider, and all that anger isn't going to go away.


Cruz was never going to win you delusional dumbass. No one on /pol/ would rally behind him. No one outside of /pol/ would really care about him outside of consistent GOP voters. Ted Cruz would be demonized in the media as a creepy religious guy,and he would lose to Clinton. I can't believe you think he ever had a chance. No Republican is ever going to win. Trump isn't going to lose because of some mediocre debate that wasn't even that bad. The average voter doesn't give a fucking shit who wins these debates, the votes have been decided a long while ago.
do you know? - if you took the first letter of each of the providers of those polls, and re-arrange them, it spells:


now stick your scammed polls up your arse you self-embarrassing retard - we on fucking 4chan here. The only thing they prove is CNN obviously has more reliable bot/scam screening, or, they make it up entirely - either way, credibility of internet polls remains unchanged - they have none, and no fucker is stupid enough to take them seriously.
>No Republican is ever going to win.
Why do you say this then insist a guy who polls worse than any other Republican is better? By your own logic Trump cannot win, in fact he will do worse than Cruz or Romney or Bush or whoever.
this post is unironicly true

ANYONE would have won against the most evil and corrupted politican which is Hillary, even Jeb.

Trump is Hillary's plant so he will lose.
>who thinks he's above identity politics
Only someone who realizes that identity politics is the literal tool of the left, that that game is already rigged to win through conquest by division and he who tries to play it from the white only angle is long term establishing himself as owner of a shrinking demo. Demographics is not something to ignore in elections, but Republicans win when they have the greatest amount of appeal that goes above it. You want the right to play as the left's boogieman, a thing that activates their coalition like nothing else, minorities to a greater degree than they otherwise would under normal conditions, including half the whites anyway, because whites don't vote as a bloc.

Which is besides the point. Your great plan is to try to turn whites into a bloc, the niggers of the right, as if their voting habits works to the advantage of black people. Democrat policies have destroyed black families, black independence and left them practically wards of the state. What you should want for your in group is that both parties actively seek your support, that one doesn't abandon you while the other treats you as chattel.

>attempting to speak reason to someone who speaks highly of the alt-right
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This this this
>We should have nominated an actual candidate instead of a fucking meme

wow nice job GOP
>I just saw this on Facebook
fuck off cancer
>if he loses
So will you fight like a man, or die like a dog?
Very few people think trump is perfect, but that's the hand we've got, hillary has made it abundantly clear she wants to strip america apart piece by piece and once those liberal justices are stacked for the next 40 years and the entire population of mexico become 'global citizens' it's over.
There's two more debates senpai

Vp debate is utterly meaningless
>real topic
It wasn't meaningless when Biden trashed Ryan.
Please God let Pence kick that pedo freaks ass
Are we talking about the same Trump that is polling higher then Clinton? Why is a guy who has a chance to win because he is appealing to non-traditional Republican voters in a way Cruz never would worse then Cruz, who was doomed to lose because he is a Republican. Because Trump actually touched on issues that are actually important to the survival of this nation, Cruz would not. He is an establishment candidate who would gladly welcome amensty and more mass immigration. Go ahead, Republicans, keep importing more Democratic voters. The fact that Republicans are going to lose every election due to demographics is partly your fault.

>Your great plan is to try to turn whites into a bloc

Yeah, its a great idea to have something that actually strives and works in the interest of the white race. In a world where you forced a multiracial state on a group of people. Identity politics is more like the politics of biological organisms. Maybe you should stop preaching to whites about how "wrong" it is to rally around each other and instead preach to every other ethnic group in the US who do have their own ethnic group. Oh wait, you won't, and you'll never be able to dismantle them. My solution are actually more realistic then yours. And their never going to vote Republican too.

Genes and IQ are more relevant then Democrat policies.
>Are we talking about the same Trump that is polling higher then Clinton?

She is up two points.
No, half of whites are self hating, they used to get purged in skirmishes and wars, RK selection etc.
Minorities should never have been allowed in the first place, the best you can donow is stop the flow and subsidize middle class births.

So he's doing better then Cruz would be doing in the same position.

It really is cute how you think Cruz had a better chance, no Republican is ever going to win because of the demographic problem they are up against. And this is why.

>Trump might have actually shifted the window to the left

>has gotten middle America to give affirmative political voice to a form of socialized healthcare, planned parenthood advocacy, increased government budgets and primacy to the government on a host of topics and increased the security state meme that's only to date left the country less free in exchange for hot rhetoric on immigration that isn't all that genuine, supportive of touchback amnesty, and of which the candidate himself says is just a negotiating tactic
Drop the 'might have.'
Yes, I do. Because Cruz was everything that Trump claims to be, plus more, and he actually knows how to do things that politicians do, like debate, without fucking it all up.
Unless you have a time machine it doesn't matter, the dem alternative is actively working for the total destruction of your country period.
They've been planning the supreme court takeover for generations.

No, leaf. The Republicans were due and elections were stacked against the democrats. If this had been a normal election the Republican candidate would have won.

Now that the GOP's nominee is a complete wild card, all bets are off.
Cruz is a dominionist nutbag and too stupid to hide his powerlevel. All Hillary would have to do is toss him a few "do you believe in the separation of church and state?" curveballs and he'd self-immolate.

It'd be a Goldwater level blowout albeit for a different reason.
Yeah, because Middle America doesn't really care about typical issues like "socialized healthcare" or "abortion rights". They care about immigration, and issues regarding globalism. I suggest you look to the right in Europe to see a better picture of the future of the American right. You might as well, the GOP will have to start embracing this issue because it'll have to change to match the views of its constituents if it wants to win.

And yet he lost to Trump and those same Republican voters voted against him.
There's no way he wouldn't have a canned answer lined up for that, it's so easy to deflect
Fuck Cruz. Didn't vote for him to be senator didn't vote for him to be ptesident
Dick Cheney, as evil as he was, destroyed Edwards as well.
>the Republican candidate would have won.

According to who, your wishful thinking? No mongol, the Republicans were going to lose these elections because their opponent was Hilary Clinton, who would automatically be more appealing to all voters then Jeb Bush or a evangelical.
>Hey guys, I know the last two faceless moral mongering neocons we ran got BTFO but this one will work!

Fuck off. Cruz and his ilk are relics. The Republican party has changed.
America was great specifically because it WASN'T europe leaf.
Anti globalism is not a left/right stance.
Hillary Clinton is the most unliked politician in the US other than Donald Trump. Do you even know anything about the US?
>implying he would jeopardize the evangelical vote
Even Trump pandered to evangelicals. Republicans don't know how to do anything except suck them off.
Anyone capable of eloquently pointing out Clinton's shortcomings could win at this point
David Duke might've done a better job
>Romney released his tax returns and he was in all sorts of shady stuff.

And he lost.
Doesn't matter. Due to increasing diversity, and the left control of educational system and the media, American values are being discredited. Identity issues are going to become more important. The greater amount of non-white voters don't care about those "American values", and thus the GOP is going to be forced to change, and that includes abandoning its old views.
Yeah, and Trump is going to get even less votes and lose even harder than Romney.

Well, according to this guy for example.

Also, practically everyone and their mother in the states hates HRC.

> https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/09/23/trump-is-headed-for-a-win-says-professor-whos-predicted-30-years-of-presidential-outcomes-correctly/
Clinton is so hated that she still has many supporters, lauded by the media and many people who will vote for her simply because she isn't the Republican.

You are probably one of those dumbasses who thought Romney had a chance right? Even I could see the writing on the wall, but you can't.
>Ted Cruz couldn't bring Colorado, Michigan and Pennsylvania into the mix. It'd be a challenge for him to win Ohio, maybe he'd be able to steal Florida.
>Ted Cruz is a man for the Senate or the Supreme Court to defend the right wing values but swing states just don't go for the man. He's too far right

This is all objectively true. I do wish Trump had Cruz's verbal skills, but Cruz himself, though he could've destroyed her more effectively in this debate, could not have won the race. He is literally too "religious far right" for many Indies, normies and even quite a few Republicans (nowadays anyway; it worked in the 80s but times have changed.)

Plus, Cruz has sooooo much dirt behind him. You just know he does. He is corrupt to a significant degree and a serial cheater. Hilldawg would've gone there and the scandals would have devastated his campaign. I still think he withdrew from the race when he did because he was afraid that lawyer was gonna spill the DC Madam beans.

Would be interesting to see Pence debate Hillary. He is a very sharp politician and he knows all her bullshit tricks better than Trump could ever do, it's just experience.
While Cruz might talk alright he's completely unlikable as a person.

Even the wankers on the hill don't like him.
You should stop talking about the US, you don't know anything at all.
Oddly, Cruz is far more ruthless than Trump. Those liberals who think Trump is such a meanie need to do a realistic compare and contrast between these two. They might have a Moment of Realization.
>beware of ted, he is conservative completely but JEW KEK
>trump goes left and panders incessantly to Israel
Still better than clinton but trump could be running while wearing a blue tie.
That's not the issue, the issue is that you think Cruz actually had a chance. He couldn't even win over Republican voters, and he would have got hit even hard by the general public.
>He is corrupt to a significant degree and a serial cheater
This is all crap made up by Trump's campaign and its allies, none of it was true.

He had a better chance than Trump because he was not a bumbling oaf.
You know, if you look at it quickly, that "PEOP" behind her can really look like "POOP"
Because the
>you're christian
>you're racist
Would endear Hillary even more to the public, nobodies sick of hearing how Christians are hitler while being blown apart in their own countries by liberal parasite pets
>Virginia's demographic changed.
Obama and Hillary made sure of it.
I think Hillary blew all her ammo attacking trump tonight and he's playing slow and steady. On the last debate I bet he will just hammer her with all the dirt on her claiming a devastating win, setting himself up for the last stretch to the actual vote. Everyone will walk away from that with the knowledge of trumps win, setting them up with that in mind as they go to vote.
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>trusting anyone from the "city" of Calgary
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Trump was objectively dominating the first half of the debate, when the focus was on jobs and the economy, then the "moderator" pulled out the old race card and all of a sudden Trump had to be on the defensive against Obama's fucking birth certificate, muh fat women jokes, and he got blamed for the Iraq war for some reason, when his opponent LITERALLY FUCKING VOTED FOR IT AS A SENATOR.

Trump left all of his ammo unused. I forget what it was, but Hillary told him to apologize for something, to which he should have immediately told her to apologize to the Benghazi survivor and gold star mother sitting in the front row. He also should have brought up Bill's treatment of women when Hillary started with the old misogyny routine.

I'm hoping that he learned his lesson and brings nothing but heat next time.
Should have voted in Randlet. He was my number one pick.
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What about Jeb!
Agreed. Trump is bringing in new voters that boring republican candidates couldn't.
He should have said

>on "muh women"
If me insulting specific women makes me against all women then by your logic you hate all men

>Iraq war

Should have said "you voted for it you actually made the decision you can't lecture me on this"
Many non-white people don't want it either. Way more than half the Chinese and other Asians I know are right-wing, however quiet about it they may be. Most of the legal Latinos I know--especially the South American ones, like several guys I know from Nicaragua and a couple from Chile, are voting for Trump.

Ironically, yes, I even know some Westernized and very conservative older Muslims who vote Republican.

t. Californiafag
>no fucker is stupid enough to take them seriously.

Trump does. Ironically I think /pol/ actually hurts Trump by raiding these polls.
>he didn't have any negatives about him
You fuckin' kidding???
>This is all crap made up by Trump's campaign and its allies, none of it was true.

You are truly a fucking idiot. Good grief. Do I really have to drag out all the Twitter screencaps from Cruz and his girlfriend, with her literally wearing his jacket and getting the same cute lil temporary tat on the same day and posting all those twinkly, adoring things about Cruz on her Twatter?? Really??

Jesus fucking Christ, piss off. You are dumb dumb dumb stupid stupid stupid. Or you're twelve and really earnest.
Are you seriously trying to assert that Trump's team and supporters, people like Reince Priebus, TV/media career people like Tucker Carlson and Jeanine Pirro, and a campaign manager who's got decades of experience in politics, are clueless about the stacking of online polls???

If Time Magazine gets it, you may be sure Trump's people do.
>Muh emails
>Muh benghazi

Didn't work the first hundred times, won't work now.
Yeb! would do worse if that was even possible
He would get cucked by her then spill his spaghetti.

Why was trump in the spin room? I don't remember seeing a pres candidate ever doing that before?

Also: what did he mean by this? seriously.
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Forgot pic
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Right after the debate one of our news channels took Shillary's side and replaced Trump with a gorilla.
Everywhere's going to crap.
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Yep. He would have fared well.
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