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Why the fuck did he take coke before the debate? Former coke

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Why the fuck did he take coke before the debate? Former coke addict here he was 100% on coke.
He fucking loves cocaine

I don't know. It turned him into a mess though... Hope he doesn't do it next time.
I fucking love cocaine but it makes you say the most retarded shit.
It was a microphone problem not coke.
dunno why he did so much cocaine, but everyone could tell
He was 100 percent on coke. He should have taken adderall or something coke turns you into a fucking moron.
So, Trump doesn't drink, but he was on coke? Okay, m80.
I don't drink I did coke. I ran a nightclub in 2008. Every rich fucker did it.
There are a lot of people that think he does coke.
I happen to think it could be something else.
I don't know.
I don't know.
This is what I hear. The cocaine. This is what people are saying.
It doesn't look good.
Something isn't right.
High on coke, still beat Hillary. Feels good man.
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The entire audio was set to make this breathing strong, you can listen his lips moving too. It was on purpose.

>I know so much about cocaine
Then you know the sound they make is from trying to inhale or exhaling hard to touch their nose, that was not the case here. It was breathing hard and the mic is supposed to filter those time of distortions yet it was increased.

It was a trap, but we already knew this.
whats cocaine like? is it worth it?
I've never done cocaine, but I think there's a reason meth took over.
>"i only sleep for 3 hours a day"
>"i don't eat a lot"
>"i'm very """high""" energy"

trump has probably been on the same coke high since the 80s
I'd say its the best aphrodisiac out there, do a line off her neck and boom, just don't do too much or you'll go numb and limp
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It's great, but not for the price you'll pay for the good shit.

a-pvp is better for the money.
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How do you think he's always "High Energy?"
I thought he just had a cold.
I was literally doing coke watching this and all I can say is if he was on coke then he would've been a lot more fucking angry and harsh on Clinton, coke is a strong speeding drug that starts strong and finishes like a train wreck, there's no way that man could've stand up there that long on coke for that long the withdrawal is just too strong
GTFO shill... he's 70.... do you really believe he did coke before a debate or at all without blasting his heart?

He didn't sweat, he wasn't twitchy... probably just an allergy or hay fever..... maybe the sprayed his mike with something.... it wouldn't surprise me. The whole debate was a fucking trap for Trump...
Trump doesn't do drugs.

He probably got the sniffles from hanging around Hillary's rotting corpse too much.
>doing coke regularly

Sorry but no. Cocaine gets exponentially more dangerous as you age. At 70 hes already at risk of cardiovascular issues.
And I'm only admitting this because yes I'm degenerate as hell but it's too easy to spot coke addicts but trump isn't that
Nah, he clinches his teeth and makes a sucking noise, it's like a nervous tick. He's did it in the primaries and he makes that noise at rallies also.
>notice Hillary coughing all the time. Pneumonia ?
He did seem pretty nervous at the start.
Don't stimulants like cocaine exacerbate nervous ticks?
The problem with Trump is that he admittedly only sleeps 4-5 hours per day. As a 70 year old man that can have some major side effects.
You sick bastards are the reason so many of my paisanos are killed every day. Fuck all of you degenerate pieces of shit
The tump sniffing loudly he does all the time, did it in the previous debates too.

trump is straight edge, his drug is power and money.

sorry couldn't hear you over that coke addict getting high on stage, what did you say?
killed by who?
He was chugging that water like Ruuuuuuuubio.
Actual person who snorts coke and can tell you how retarded you sound
looooool, coming from the guy with the most infamous coke-fueled outburst in recent memory
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>Hillarylets in full damage control
>I am low energy and need drugs to do what a normal healthy person does

You faggots are all low t
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He was making fun of Hillary not drinking water.
as a current coke head I can 100% confirm he wasnt on coke

notice how he started off low energy and 20 minutes in really started to pick up steam? the reverse would have happened if he did lines before coming on stage
I used to think coke would make me supper confident around girls or even do well in a job interview
Hindsight is 20/20
People do blow usually because they get too drunk at a club. A line of coke instantly "sobers" you up from sloppy drunk to coke high instead.

You can always tell when somebody is on coke and no way Trump was on coke. I worked as a bartender through university at the Vancouver Club in Canada. It was all rich as fuck cokeheads who I immediately could tell if they were on it or not after years of working there.

Llike Jon jones (UFC) getting popped for boner pills because he does too much blow
As if, Trump has never been known to powder his nose. The square doesn't even drink alcohol
so you agree that trump was using coke before the debates?

exactly - if anyone knows a fellow coke addict its howard dean. and if dean thinks trump is using blow then trump is using blow (probably doing rails off ivanka's tits).
He probably took adderall or vyvanse not cocaine. Much easier to still be high energy but not wild and erratic on those than on coke.
for an "ex-addict" you sure don't know shit

Why are they trying to push a cocaine meme.

A cold meme would make more sense.
Why would he do coke when that shit only last half an hour before you have to take another bump, the debate was an hour and a half
See you know what I mean, he would've crashed is say a little more then 30 minutes into that debate since its a drug you take over time to avoid crashing

Coke is better for you than alcohol.
haven't seen that macro since high school.
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people are saying he was on coke? this seems like someones trying to force a meme.


i dont really have much experience with coke when sober, but atleast when drunk i know if i dont take another bump every 15 mins shit starts to suck

It's also the reason your paisanos have gold plated cowboy boots and diamond studded cowboy hats, so it's all good.
No dipshit read my post
Unless he's on the purest uncut stuff straight from Colombia, there's no fucking way he could have been doing it for more than 30 years and still be alive, let alone still look great.
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Face it /pol/ Jews, Niggers, SJW's, and all other forms of Liberalism and Cuckery are here to stay for now and forever more.
He wasn't on cocaine, you fucking retards.
Mummy does cocanya though :^)
Sober it's stronger but mixed with alcohol it makes a drug in your liver actually that makes this euphoric high but it makes withdrawal stronger, you can have a good read about it online

>Notice Hillary literally nodding out and losing consciousness while standing. Heroin user?
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>sleeps 4-5 hours per day
I slept that much per night in college and every time I did it turned me into an absolute moron
Like ethylphenidate compared to methylphenidate.
yeah its the cocaethylene, greatest shit on planet earth. when sober I wont crave blow at all but a couple drinks in and I crave the shit like no tommorow. speed when drunk is an okay substitute if your short on cash but goddamn there is nothing like getting black out drunk and crushing a gram or two through out the night.

the comedown is a real fucking bitch though, only smoke weed now at the end of nights where im hitting the slopes

but seriously anyone who actually thinks trump was on blow is out of there fucking minds
>has the sniffles
>doesn't pass out and have his goons throw him in a van like a rag doll on horse tranquilizer

4D chess or just not a weak bitch?
You don't need as much sleep the older you are actually
Thank you for Corrupting The Record
He also shakes ten thousand hands a day , chances are he just had a cold.Probably hopped up on OTC cold meds too.
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I'd believe it
/pol/ BTFO !!!

Where did he get the coke? Walk out of Trump Tower NYC in broad daylight and flag down the local nigger from Harlem?
I'm a Trump hater, but I honestly didn't hear any sniffing other than that stupid inhalation he does when he tries a smarmy one-liner. He is high strung and acts like every cokehead I know, but I can't say for sure he is one. He's just a weirdo.
>Where did he get the coke?
Are you retarded? It's not hard to find coke when you're a billionaire from new york you fucking autist
Considering the pharmacological effects, there is every reason for a person to take coke over alcohol. Not the least of which is the stimulative effect coke has.

The problem is Trump took a tad too much and his habit was showing.

I would like to hear other coke addicts opinion on this.

Im blowing lines right now.

He has snorted throughout all his speeches and debates.

He doesn't do coke you faggot. I would know.
Nuggets don't sell coke, they sell crack. Don't they?
cokehead here

I thought the same thing
He wasn't on any stims, by his body language.
No hint of norepinephrine agonism to be seen.

Might be on modafinil though, but that's not technically a stimulant.
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Hillary Clinton took drugs. That's why CTR is attacking Trump with this bullshit.

Saul Alinsky was her mentor.
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>Snorts coke before debate
>During debate admits twice to not paying taxes, once braggingly, whilst being under both an audit and a special investigation by the IRS for violation of electoral finance and tax law.
Math checks out.

coke is pretty awesome and it makes you feel powerful.

But at a certain point the good feelings go away and you just keep doing it for no reason. Once you are coming down you can't really get back up, but you believe you can no matter how bad it gets. The trick is having the self control to stop once you peak.
As a current coke enthusiast, he wasn't on coke. He always seems like he is on an upper but coke

1. Doesn't last as long as he would have needed it too
2. Can lead to erratic and wild behavior
3. Would have caused severe sweating in that suit and on that stage

Coke is amazing but it's not great for what he needed it for, it's focusing effects are limited at best.

He was probably on adderall or vyvanse. It would give him the High Energy feeling plus not make him looked like a crazed lunatic. He probably took it an hour or so before the debate, because halfway through when he was asked about the tax returns and then the comments about women his response seemed exactly like something I would say at the peak of the effects of adderall/vyvanse. A somewhat rambling but in a roundabout way coherent string of phrases/half sentences.
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This applies to all stims as well.
1. Binge/party, don't use habitually
2. Eat, drink, get vitamins, stay cool(that last one prevents the brain damage that can happen)
3. Don't stay awake too long, it can make you psychotic
4. Long breaks between binges to get back to baseline
5. l-theanine. zinc. magnesium. Learn it. Live it. Love it.
I'm more on modafinil myself.
Especially for someone his age and with the stress he's under right now. Giving him a potent stim wouldn't be good, health-wise. Not at all.
The Moda would keep him alert but be gentle about it, like caffeine without the jitters.
Did someone say cocaine?
Why would I believe a coked-up pastanigger?
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
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Trump has the sniffs.

Logical idea - "Maybe he has an allergy"
Idiot idea - "dood he's totally on coke lol even though I know nothing about what someone on coke actually looks like COKE lol"

These people vote. They get to decide things. Scary.
What is this webm from?
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This isnt even good trolling.

Havent you faggots noticed that our Hillary conspiracy threads have several layers of humor to them? This shit is just forced and desperate for lulz.

As a troll you should be ashamed of yourself for the incredible lack of creativity.
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u wot m8
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based farscape bro
Um, OK?! I don't think that's very good idea for an old man! How abouts it 'merica? You guys hoping this old man saves your country from invisible forces! Hahaha. :^) He's older than your grandad. Fuck.
a trump le gusta la coca.
He has also said he reads the bible all of the time.

I don't believe him, just look how he responded to that China tweet.
Okeydoke mr cocaine dundee
Nigger, he doesn't even drink or do cigarettes. What's this cocaine bullshit you're trying to pull.
>thinking trump actually did coke
This website is for 18+ you guys know that right? He's a 70 year old man

Lol, was about to make this thread too as a former coke addict. Trump was definitely on cocaine, no question about it.
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>dementia meds

pick one
Former gay prostitute here, Hillary definitely sucked off 10 old men before the debate I could tell
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>you will never rack out a fat gagger for you and the Donald
He's technically right, though it's more accurate to say "coke is less dangerous than alcohol".

Cocaine is actually a very safe drug. It's very forgiving as well, due to the metabolites being readily disposed of without issue.
The major danger comes from heavy chronic use causing damage to heart valves.
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>70 year old man doing blow before a presidential debate

Is ctr really this desperate?
these guys know what they're talking about.
its fun if you can control yourself
did it two days ago. A couple of lines. It's the best drug honestly, makes you feel so confident

a cigarette after a line is a+
>Trump was definitely on cocaine, no question about it.
No he wasn't.
He had no symptoms of norepinephrine agonism.

Those of us who know pharmacology know what to look for.
all crackers loves drugs. I am not surprised.
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>Hillary has coughing fit permanently

>Trump sniffs a bit during one debate

I guess as long as it fits your narrative people don't care much about logic, human race is a retarded meme.

ok here i am

>The entire audio was set to make this breathing strong, you can listen his lips moving too. It was on purpose.

that's his fault and the fault of his stupid fat faggot lips

> It was breathing hard and the mic is supposed to filter those time of distortions yet it was increased.

there's only so much you can do with a lavalier mic. if he weren't a coked up gay bull seal he might have had a chance to breathe like a real human bean. he just got a little upset and started snorting.

he's a fat old man with a bad heart
>all these reddit shill who have never even seen coke pretending they know the signs of someone on coke

Pushing this bs just makes you look underage.
It only took over in poor neighborhoods because it's cheaper and for a long time crack had longer sentences. Rich people still prefer coke.
This. He was probably just really amped up with adrenaline because this is the real deal. Clinton, a career politician, has been there and done this shit.
Its ok. Its one of those things to me where it never feels entirely worth it. Like I enjoy it but literally every time I have a "why am I doing this" moment.

Idk if it has to do with the metric fuck ton of marijuana concentrates I smoke regularly. I do know I can't so more than like 2-3 lines without taking a dab to level me out. I get too jittery. Haven't touched the shit in months now though.
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Shit mang, dat ain't nothing.
Try staying up for 3 days straight on a-php jerking off, and having the post-climax prolactin surge hit you.
>have I really spent 78 hours jerking off to anime porn and playing with pictures in photoshop while vaping alpha-php?
So no meme answers, I'm tired of shitposting.

Who won, I haven't watched the debate yet?
Holy shit just watching the debate and saw him whisper ''wrong'' in the mic.

Is he fucking high?
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