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She didn't even cough or take a sip of water. I was hoping

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She didn't even cough or take a sip of water. I was hoping for her to shit the bed in some capacity tonight, but alas, no.
she prepared for a debate, Trump didn't.

And it showed.
No, shit. You'd have to be a total retard to think she can't compose herself for 90 minutes.

>oh wait this is /pol/
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that is curious, and she didn't look strung out like the rubot either. how are they memeing her to life for these appearances?

Isn't lack of thirst a symptom of Parkinson's?
face it her power level was over 9000 tonight

she took no damage
She drank an entire litre of virgin blood before going out there
She is the distillation of hundreds of focus groups into a single human being
She was GILFy as fuck tonight.

>YWN be masturbated to sleep by Hillary

>She didn't even cough or take a sip of water.

She didn't even cough because she didn't take a sip of water.

I think she has trouble swallowing, that would explain why H20 wasn't imbibed.

WATER! We've found Clinton's Kryptonite!
Her behavior was, odd. To say the least.

What was she on, /pol/?
Did her voodoo doctor sacrifice a Christian child to transfer its life force to her?
moloch is indeed powerful
we need to increase our meme output to sweatshop levels
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.I speak for the Law and the Land, and I shall drive the rabid dogs of Nationalism from The United States.

Foolishly you prayed to your wretched Frog God - many times last night you attempted to 'meme' a coughing fit and pants of shit upon one of my greatest disciples, Hillary.

You failed. I protected her. You should have targeted me instead - but the idiots who worship the pretender frog have not a hope in the world of realising that I am your true enemy

What fools you all are. I'm a god. How can you stop a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence. How could you be so naive? There is no escape. No repeating digits or coloured nameplate can work in this place. Come. Lay down and abandon your KEK.. It is not too late for my mercy.

This is the place of destiny. And destiny may only be shaped by the winner of last nights debate - a debate clearly won by Hillary Clinton.
I do not know what you think to accomplish. But raise your hand against me, and I shall destroy you.

There is still hope for you - stop posting your frog and come join me and my acolytes - worshippers of the One True God, MOLOCH, the Bull Headed One.

You will never see Hillary indicted for her 'crimes' If, by her crimes, you mean the inevitable suffering and destruction caused by war, then she accepts the burden of leadership. America cannot be restored without war. Enlightenment cannot grow back without the risk of upsetting the tradition-bound and complacent herd. And the Mongrel armies of the Republicans cannot be expelled from America without bloodshed. As I have charity and compassion, I grieve. But our mission is just and noble

Since it hardly matters, let me assure you... there are no guarantees that would help you once I had my hands on those voters. Pity I didn't try to bargain with you. It might have made things so much easier. But now we'll never know.

It began here. It will end here. Have you any parting words?
Still two debates left have faith in kek.
She was probably pumped full of meds. She'll need another week or two off to come down from them all.
>deliberately flood and brigade online polls to influence their results
>post the results of said polls as evidence that your guy won
these are some olympics-level mental gymnastics I'm witnessing
you got played that's how.
>create this meme that hillary is dying
>debate night comes
>she's just fine and did well
>trump ended up looking like the idiot
she was probably full of drugs.
They prepared her for this debate.

She probably rested a lot, had some good drugs to keep her upright.
Only took 6 weeks or so, what will they do now?

>also she thinks lying for 11 hours is hard work

Any man who votes for this sludgecunt should be neutered.
this desu
Meanwhile, Trump was drowsy and erratic, sniffing around like a retard and rambling like a drunk.

>Our candidate is unable to debate another person for 90 minutes without looking like a complete fool
>Maybe if we meme hard enough he can still win

Man you people are pathetic

she doesn't need to think, she doesn't even listen to trump, she just have to repeat what she heard on her left ear's earpiece

when you stand 2 hrs straight without using brain or muscle i bet u will be tired too
I hope this becomes copypasta
She can barely get through 20 minute rallies.

This. I bet the whole "Hillary is sick" meme was started by CTR.
the damage control is real

/pol/ truly is the most pathetic conglomeration on earth

she must have been on some serious drugs
In like every thread on /pol/
She got through tonight just fine though

hope these drugs they are pumping her with are going fucking kill her
She found a new virgin for her fellow occultists to sacrifice.
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>Our candidate can't even beat Bernie Sanders unless we rig the primaries against him.

>Maybe if we give her all the questions in advance she can still win.

Forget being the first woman candidate, she's the first robot candidate! pre-programmed and entirely scripted... lies like a pro
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he sniffed more than tony montana and rambled like a fucking autist. sniff sniff

/pol/ got rekt but they were busy bodies rigging the online polls tonight
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You'd best start believing in meme magic, lad.
>implying they didn't spend half their campaign budget on pumping her full of drugs
Did anyone else hear trump clearing his throat a lot during the debate, especially the beginning? I'm not crazy
Probably this combination of amphetamines and benzos keep her sharp but not too amped. Probably low doses but I don't doubt she was on at least those two
I say she got a shot of major pain killers right before that's why she was smiling like a retard

Donald had some opening to strike more, he should have.....

The nigger moderator was totally on Clinton's side, fucking plastic ken doll nigger

Trump did repeat himself too much sometime....

I hope this won't hurt him too much, I really want him to him, I can't imagine this cunt for 4 years
KEK has spoken, let it be so.
Fuck off bull nigger

Kek never demanded kid sacrifice, or any sacrifice at all that I'm aware of
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Winning debates, isn't that a symptom of Parkinson's? Hillary is dead.
Did they drug her?
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I don't know how she even did it. Trump had to pick up that water glass a lot of times. But Hillary never drank a drop of water during the entire debate.

HIllary appeared perfectly healthy during the debate, not like someone who just recovered from pneumonia. I'm surprised that she was capable of finishing the debate with no medical complications.
She must have been codeine or some shit to stop any coughing

watch the whole thing and tell me who has more stamina
Yeah! That's what he was doing a lot of too! Wtf is up with that? A cold?
Because the left doesn't do the same? Dude either climb out of Hillary's ass and acknowledge the WWE tier shit going on, or stay in there and shut the fuck up.

This whole thing is a joke and your future is the punchline, you head in the sand faggot.
Trump was out on the campaign trail.

Hillary was at home sick and preparing for this for months. It's pretty telling that Hillary needs to prepare so much to barely beat a guy that didn't even do much preparation.

Being POTUS means reacting to situations with little time.
look everyone, it's a nigger.....
I would like to point out to a believer like yourself, that the lack of repeating digit posts reactions shows how many shills are here. I've never seen it this bad.
It's her double?
I told you not to get you hopes up. YOU DIDN'T LISTEN!
>hillary ahead by 10+ in the polls
>trump btfo

>trump wins polls relating to first debate
>shits rigged. Fucking personal army rigging polls wahh waaaaaaah

You can't have your cake AND eat it you fucking pussy.

She did cough.

You could hear it all night.

Shoo-shoo, turkroach
The Trump shills (paid for by Nimble America) are vote spamming, and proving instructions to each other about how to cheat the poll and vote multiple times.

Literally every other thread.

You're lying worse than Trump did.
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What's that?
I agree on how shitty Sanders was treated was terrible, but that doesn't disprove what I said.

>Donald can't debate for shit
>Here let me bring up a semi-related issue to distract from the fact my candidate is a joke

Please provide an actual argument that disproves my statement.
Ahmed the muslim and his 2 cents....
about you shove that up your ass
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>We didnt listen
>We could
>Prevented This
>Imagine all that could have been
>3 Supreme Court Judges
>Slipped threw our hands
Did anyone else notice Clinton was very sparkly? Is she a gay vampire now? Maybe she got the same makeup team from Twilight.
ear piece obviously
also she got all the questions from the nigger in advance
That is a ear. I'm a doctor.

Modafinil and/or amphetamines can push even a neuro case like Hillary through 90 minutes.
You're right, national polls are exactly the same as twitter polls, what the fuck were we thinking?
Well she is a lizard person so it makes sense.
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Speaking of neuro...anyone notice her eye tracking issue?
her cough is a simulated blowjob. its an act just. just watch the compilations.

Just look at her coughs it looks like she is giving head. who coughs into a clenched fist? people should cough on the back of the hand.

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Yeah, we gotta un-skew the polls to counter the liberal bias like with romney!
We have modern pharmacology to thank for that.
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The deflections don't take away from the fact Trump lost the debate.

Even Low energy Jeb could have won the debate.

The Benghazi hearing was 7 hours
>But she was sitting down
>raise your hand against me, and I shall destroy you.
Joke's on you I wanna die.
Yeah I've heard from some very smart people that she has SUPER CANCER AIDS from her TERRORIST BABY she ABORTED and she'll literally drop dead any second so people CAN'T vote for her, they just CAN'T!!!
Also trump is literally the healthiest person on the planet and has never been sick.
>That's a pretty old meme friend.

The debate was a tie. Both of them leveled some good hits and failed to deflect others. Like all political debates it was pure shit because it is not formal and rules are not followed.


The horse laugh fallacy does not take away from the fact that she has a neuro issue. Her 9/11 collapse was not pneumonia. Rigid, spastic muscle movements are NOT a symptom of pneumonia. Neither is one eye all of a sudden going lazy after a lifetime of no issues.

It's probably not Parkinson's. Given her history of blood clots, it's likely a clot in the brain that's degrading.

Your false frog god has abandoned you.
they had the questions provided to them ahead of time.

And it showed.
This was the healthy Hillary though. I knew she would look good but not perform very well because this is the Hillary they roll out for debates and rallies since 911 arrest of the other Hillary. I'm not sure if that was the real Hillary but since she was arrested and disappeared maybe it was. It's also possible the CIA had enough of her hacking and coughing and decided to move her off the game board.

The problem with this healthy Hillary is she can't think on her feet, she's merely an actress and has to have her lines fed to her through an earpiece. That's why her answers tend to start off a little halting until she gets going. Good actress but not good in fast moving situations.
Anyone who seriously thought she wouldn't be medicated to last a couple hours is fucking /new/
Scurry away filthy turkroach, when trump wins this it'll be Constantinople crusades.
But OP. Hillary is already dead.
Undead need not drink.
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