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You heard them, they've seen it before! https://www.yo

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Thread replies: 158
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You heard them, they've seen it before!

Jesus fucking Christ almighty I can't wait for the last survivor of the Holocaust to die.
>We've seen this before
Did these people live through WW2 in Europe?
>should be watched over and over again
Literal indoctrination. I don't get it, how do people think Trump=Hitler? It makes no sense whatsoever.
There will just be another old hag who claims they were a holocaust survivor.

In some areas, simply living in Germany during WWII makes you a "holohoax survivor" in places.
You know the kikes are trying to say the trauma from the holocaust is passed along genetically, right? We're going to be hearing about the holohoax for centuries to come.


Archive of the site incase you don't want to give that liberal rag any clicks.
kill these fuckers already
Daily reminder to do exactly opposite of what the Kikes urge you to do.
>he doesn't know about hereditary trauma
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself


>it's gonna be anuddah shoah!
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>comments disabled
What the fuck.
AddictingInfo is like a leftwing Infowars that is even more retarded
My grandma is 82 and voting for Trump

It will never happen. New "survivors" are being created every day.
Kikes call Donald Trump a fascist, censor different opinions. Sad!
If you didn't want to fear another holocaust you shouldn't have poisoned all western countries. Just remember the harder you fight your host's will the more the host will grow to resent you.
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>comments disabled
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>Trump spends time meeting with Jewish leaders and working with Jewish community
>repeatedly talks about improving things for all Americans
>is trying to get into power in a legitimate way
>has never had anyone killed or used force
>not backed up a private militia

Yeah he's EXACTLY like Hitler, oy vey!
Trump is literally Hitler? I must have missed the part where he formed a national socialist militia and tried to violently take over congress. Also the time when he served time in Jail and wrote a book about killing the jews.

Sometimes I wish the holocaust actually happened and Hitler took out these kikes.

Jews are the ethnic (racially Jews haven't existed since they got btfo by Rome) equivalent of women. All emotion and no facts.
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>implying there will ever be a last survivor

Nice try, goy
pretty much this.
trump is actually the only candidate who supports minorities and wants to help blacks get education and actually doesn't hate jews. but somehow people still believe he's hitler. just cuck my shit up, america.
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But trumps daughter is Jewish, his son is married to a Jew, ivanka mattied imto w prominent yrshivah family and donates millions of dollars a year to religous zionist schools.

Jews who are opposed to trump are lostand on the wrong side of history.
In your lifetime:

>Now we go to Maurie Shekelstein who is the oldest survivor of the Holocaust at age 140
Lots of advertising directed at millenials lately, even on the radio. Worried about low turnout.
mein kampf doesnt even talk about killing jews. triggered me u faggot
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Remember to report these videos.

Youtube does not tolerate negative content!

ANUDDAH ONE confirmed!!!
Those who are against trump are either:

Anti-Zionist Jews (Those against the state of Israel because of tenets in their scriptures which state the Jewish state can only exist after the Messiah's arrival)


People who are siding with Hillary because they were paid off by her.
As a Jew whose family was not sent nor harassed by the German occupation (which is why I doubt the muh 6 gorillion "fact"), if conditions were so bad in the concentration camps, how did they manage to survive for this long? I had a grandfather who was stuck in a prison for 3 years and died of triple bronchopneumonia at the age of 62, meanwhile these "survivors" live into mid-80s or even 90s.

There's this Hebrew saying which goes like: "Ask your enemy what you should do, and do the exact opposite of that". This really should become a /pol/ commandment.
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>Comments disabled for this video.
They just keep getting younger

>"We've seen this before"

And you'll be seeing the inside of an oven this time Schlomo
It's gonna be 2100 and there are still going to be jews claiming to have survived the Holocaust
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>Bend the Arch Jewish Action
See this is why I'm voting for Trump.

The left does nothing but use guilt and fear to get votes. Trump isn't perfect at all but at least he lays out his points and tried to convince people to vote for him. The left's entire strategy is to call people dumb and imply they are racist if they don't vote Hillary.
> I'm crying hysterically
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Oy vey! The shoah never stops!
Bro, are you really trying to act like you are exposing Jews when the video title say's it Jews?
>not voting for the next Hitler

This is a once in a generation kind of thing.
Hey guys, remember our grandparrents were right about the gays.

I'm a Hilldog now!
>you can tell I'm a ghost and not a Trump supporter right
They're Jews being Jews but that was breddy gud
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>Hitler dubs
>anudda Shoah confirmed
My grandparents actually lived under fascism and they do NOT want Hillary Clinton.
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I want to marry that roach.
Remember, they are tolerant of all points of view and ways of life, unless you don't agree with them. Which would make you a degenerate racist shitbag.
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Our message and ideology is so strong that dissenting opinions don't even need to be seen in order to know it's correct.

>Every liberal hit piece for the past 10 months
Now the Jewtube will boost this video for a better exposure.
Reported video. Stop hate speech.
The youngest possible "Holocaust survivor" would be 71 years old right now.
75 if they're to have plausibly remembered any details of the holocaust.
In a decade most holocaust survivors should be dead.
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Holocaust was so severe that the trauma is inherited by all following generations.
>dat second old bag
This shit is why they're talking about lowing the voter age.

Liberals want to let 16 year old's vote now to flood in more inexperienced shitheads who already know exactly how the world works.

In reality they shouldn't be trusted with the right to pick their own safety buddy, let alone the president.
He's Hitler because I find him hard to like! Now let's read some shitty jokes off cue cards involving things we clearly have no understanding of or interest in! Can I have my check now? So vote Hillary because old Jewish people exist or something...
Just you wait Schlomo...
>I will only let you sweep right on rabbis' daughters.

>tfw Turkey regresses far enough that she will be in a Burka and married to 50 year old Achmed and his 8 other wives

Feels bad man.
Yeah right, in 200 years we'll still be hearing "first-hand accounts" of the Shoahcaust
Cool, my great-grandpa was in WWI, does this mean I get victim points now because I've inherited his experiences in war?
The zionist are this desperate lol
Not if you're white, sorry. If so you have inherited the blame for slavery and the holocaust and colonization.
Hillary winning might lead to an actual holocaust
is there anything jews wouldnt do for money?
lol, natural born level up
Goddamn oven-dodgers
>implying the holocaust will ever die

you haven't heard, paco? the holocaust and its' suffering is genetically inherited by the children of survivors.
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Is there any race less honourable as the lying jew?
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I am a Jewish elder
and we don't need another Dem fruitloop with their muslim sidekick

Surprised they even enabled ratings. The comments section would've been so good

sorry Hans....nice try

Israel is FORCED not to get involved in these wars by NATO
They would be more than willing to kick arab ass
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I bet that brave old lady was gassed over 60000 times, soo brave.
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Kek, Captain Obvious over here.
He's talking about white conservatives too
>cultural Marxism is aimed at destroying whites and western conservatives
pure coincidence, no holocaust happening at all!
>Don't vote for Trump. Vote for Hillary, the candidate who utterred anti-Semitic slurs.
Truly these are god's chosen people.
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We had a "holocaust survivor" visit at my high school, the guy didn't even have a foreign accent.
We had a Holocaust survivor who said they put something in the water at Auschwitz that made her infertile. Later she started talking about her children.
When we asked the teacher about that the next day, she explained it was only temporary to prevent them getting pregnant from all the SS guard rape.
I can't find a single source that backs any of that up.
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>Comments are disabled for this video.
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>Comments disabled.
>tfw catholic school and they never talked about the holohoax
>reading this as a robot in mind
Wtf is wrong with me :DDD
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>Epigenetics discovered in 1942
>Discoverer was a C. H. Waddington
>Early life he was tutored by a chemist (((Dr. Doeg)))
>Referred to him as grandpa
>Other notable person is Ernst
>Created first Genetics lab in (((Jerusalem))) with other notable scientist (((Goldschmitt)))

All very coincidental of course
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I was reading an article the other day with a "holocaust survivor" He left poland and moved to the UK in 1937..
many jews who lived through WW2 consider themselves Holocaust survivors, even if they weren't in camps etc.
by this logic, someone who visited the WTC on 9/10 is a 9/11 survivor.
>We were born after Hitler

>We've seen it

my keks
How do you know this isn't exactly what I want?
If they weren't so damn evil it would be really funny with all this shit they're saying
This. Can someone fill me in because I don't get it.

Donald Trump has:
>Married his daughter off to a Jew
>Daughter converted to Judaism
>Says he's the most Pro-Israel candidate
>Had a meeting with Israel Prime Minister a few days ago
>Says his daughter is going to have "BEAUTIFUL JEWISH BABIES"

I don't get it I really don't, what else does Trump need to do for these Jews to like him. If he took all that back or never had any of that happen would Jews think he's a bigger Hitler.

At this point it's not even worth selling your soul to the Jews at this rate.
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But grandma grandpa was only like 4 years old and you weren't even born yet...
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Kek, it's a real place.


Goddard Hill almost got trips. It's such a shame.
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Christ, was this released today?

I've really never cared whether the 6 Gorilian died or not, but the shamelessness of Jewish overlords to use them to push for global destabilization... I honestly will not weep if their children suffer for their sins. I just hope they live to see it. Gott mit uns.
So, is this actually true, or are they talking out of their ass?
Funny, all my jewish family's elders says trump is the better choice
Did the jewish elders just put the sheeny curse on their own grandchildren?
Jews lying and deceiving? I'm pretty sure I've seen this before. Also wtf with the witchcraft at the end. May kek smite them.
God, these people are mentally Hill.

If Trump wins the day after is going to be incredible.

Your family members are nationalist and good people.

The women in OP's pic and vid are Bolshevik whores.
He's not Jewish-born, so he'll never be one of them. Consequently they have no social loyalty to him.

So, it's about whether he is useful. And for the subset of Jews pushing diversity on the West (generally 'indigenous' ones, not Israelis) he's a bad omen.
it's a funny thing, isn't it? To some nazis on this board, he's pretty much a jew. To some jews he's pretty much Hitler. Realllly makes you think
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Nothings Hans, that's how I read it too.
We saw Hillary tasked to help out a country (Haiti). Look how that went.

"We've seen this before."
What the fuck? So only the Jews can pass this on, god forbid people who witness murders or accidents.

Jesus Christ, am I still living on Earth?
Wait till they do this about race and slavery trauma
>voting for someone who wants to disarm the public
I don't understand why any Holocaust survivor or Jew wouldn be advocating for gun control
It's perfectly normal that you can inherit traumas. In Ukraine younger generations were afraid to speak about the Holodomor. I'm sure you can find such cases in Cambodia or China
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>"he's a narcissus"
>this jewish american princess doesn't have 100k+ of plastic surgery

And Obama isn't?

At least Trump has a sense of humor and isn't beating the never ceasing war drum.
M8 are you kidding me?
that sounds like inherited trauma via socialization (family, media), not via direct biological reasons
Epigenetics is real though, its why clones can have different hair colors
I don't even know anymore.
There are people who believe that fetuses can already be hurt by a big amount of stress. Either way, traumas passed on younger generations do exist and I'm certain Jews are fucked up by this
She looks likes a sadistic human hybrid. That's definitely not how a old person should look like.
I get some spooky feelings if I look in her eyes...
thats memetics not an inherited physical condition
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I bet she has her rabbi capture goy girls off the street and drains their blood for he nightly vitality baths.

This video was fucking cringe. Old people talking about tender trying to be hip. Fuckin' hell...
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>"Trump is a narcissist."
>Woman full of botox
all Jews? or just the jews who were subject to trauma during WW2? What about the 10's of millions of non-jews subject to trauma during the war, won't their offspring also suffer the same inherited stress?
>I'm crying hysterically

You aren't the only one, I can never keep a straight face when I watch these old skypes pretending to be sincere. It's fucking hilarious.

>He doesn't know the numbers get bigger every year

There's apparently 100,000 left, so next year there'll only be 250,000 left. Look up the official survivor count by year, you couldn't even make it up.
Mostly european Jews. Zionists were in Palestine and you can clearly notice differences in behavior and talking between the Israeli Jews and jewish diaspora. Even here on 4chan
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but you got dubs, so enjoy <3
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Fucking kek
Wtf, I hate Trump now.
She looks like an alien wearing human skin desu
So if (((parents))) stopped talking about the 6 trillion, there wouldn't be any trauma?
Same with black parents always teaching to hate the white man.

It's like a mind STD.
How is holocaust trauma different to war or other trauma experienced by non-Jews?
Because nazis were literally pure evil guise

no really
Goys don't deserve sympathy that's the tricky part
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>jewish elders
>implying that won't make it worse.


People of the day knew it was war propaganda, children of today are born into it, molded by it. I didn't see the light till I was a man.
Half of Judaism is about the holocaust.... if you ask a jew what it is to be a jew they will tell you some shit about the holocaust.
He wants to save his country and his people. And he has done nothing wrong.
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