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No child is born with racist tendencies, it's a social construct.

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No child is born with racist tendencies, it's a social construct. So why do you let racism dictate your lifes?
Preferring whites over blacks isnt racist, so i agree
What part of disliking niggers for their behaviour is wrong exactly? Thank you for posting your bi-hourly social conditioning thread.
Actually that's false, 60 minutes even did a thing on it last year.
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we learn physics, so why do we let it dictate our lifes?

Yes, they are. In-group preference is natural. A rejection of your own in order to suck the cock of shitskins is the unnatural part you fucking degenerate kike faggot.
>No child is born with racist tendencies

But that's wrong, you fucking retard.
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>be me
>be 9
>algerian kid pisses me off
>"go back to algeria, damn"
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Then who became a racist in the first place as no one was born a racist ?
No child is born knowing fire will burn them either faggot
Yes they are, you'd have to be some kind of moron to believe otherwise
>we learn physics, so why do we let it dictate our lifes?
You don't choose physics, and it affects all living beings. In other case, you actually choose to be a racist.
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No I was born with mine

Can someone just link the vid of the two kids when they got gift baby nigger dolls?
that "child" also likes to eat shit off the ground, stick hands in electric sockets and eat shoes. What is your retarded point faggot?
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So according to this brain dead nonsense logic you have come up with you shitposting cancer of a leaf I'm to understand that all people are equal even if most of them haven't produced anything like a civilization in the last centuries and their IQ lacks 30 pts on avarage with that of Europeans.

Jesus Christ leafs are fucking dumb
iam not racist, i like racism in general.
Bravo mon ami, this is the most retarded question I've read today
Actually I let common sense "dictate" my life

As in its common sense to not relax around blacks
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>1 bost bi dis AJD
>No child is born with racist tendencies
Precisely. Googles make people racist by being googles.
You could say the same for being homosexual
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actually evil is something you learn and the blacks have more inclanation for evil after/during puberty

all kids are fairly innocent

of course infants arent racist
Niggers btfo
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>hating the "people" who ruin your country is bad
>a lie
Social construct or learned from experience and/or statistical evidence?
>No child is born with racist tendencies
I've hated blacks since I was little though.
We're born racist, it's a self defense mechanism. It's the same reason we'll be afraid of everything else, we have to learn to like or tolerate everything.
>why do you apply what you've learned in your life?

I also learned not to put my fingers in electrical outlets and not touch things that are on the stove. What a fucking concept.
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Of course it's learned.
Growing up around niggers and pakis taught me how awful these people are.
Fucking leafs
>Let my 9 year old take a crack at Fallout 4.

>He creates a black character.

>Ask him why he chose a black guy.

>IDK, because it's cool

>Wife in the kitchen starts clearing her throat, clearly wanting me to walk away.

>take the controller from my son, tell him the game is rated m for mature
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Fucking this.

>le kids don't know how to hate

Because they're fucking kids that are still learning.
>Can someone just link the vid of the two kids when they got gift baby nigger dolls?
Roma, learn the difference between racism and xenophobia.
When you just don't like the Blacks it's xenophobia (could be considered natural).
When you believe your skin's color makes you superior over the Blacks, it's racism.
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Ethnocentrism is a natural tendency because it is the winning strategy. It takes years of brainwashing in school and TV to tolerate the monkey faced feral Dindu Google.
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such feckless shitposting

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Time to die leaf.
Yeah I've always hated blacks and told racist jokes despite everyone around me scolding me for it
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No child i born racist, they become one when they have the first encounter with a nigger.
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When are people going to be taught that people LOOK different, therefore, they ARE different?
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>okay lil Susie, now pose with Tyreesaniquakira over there
>yeah, just like that
>But why, Mom?
>cause white privilege gurl
>[ape noises]
>thanks for your input, Tyreesaniquakira
who /shaking/?
Multiculturalism is White Genocide.
It's racist towards Whites, the way we are being treated is wrong.
I'm not racist. I just believe my race deserves to exist.
Wow, is that so OP?
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Children arent born to understand to fear and hate poisons, dangerous animals, exposed wiring, or niggers.

But they learn soon enough.

They all learn or pay the toll.
youre also not born knowing a gun will kill u
A mild racist bias is natural and healthy. If it hadn't proven evolutionarily beneficial, we wouldn't have it. And yet we do.

See you tomorrow, when you make the same thread again, shill.
If someone could post the video of those redhead children crying that their mom bought them black dolls, that would be great.
Xenophobia is considered a racist tendency you stupid commie
Why do you care what people type into pornhub?
>No child is born with racist tendencies

That's why you have to teach them early.
I agree I grew up in the rural south and wasn't racist at a young age. However, growing up in the rural south in an area that's a majority black...it becomes hard to deny the reality you see and live everyday. Obviously there are blacks who rise above but fuck if not the majority are just destructive pieces of shit that fuck everything up....there culture is shit and the only productive blacks I've ever met or know basically gave up their culture for modern secular "white" culture
No one thinks skin color alone makes them superior. Its all the other traits which are commonly bundled together with it...
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It's almost as if children are retarded and racism is built from life experiences isn't it?
>Obviously they were told to say that
Children are born with racism, tumblr, it's called keeping near safe humans like mommy and daddy and people that look like them
sauce? I'm curious.
Actually It is resesrch has shown a preference for the same rsce in Young children, its pretty resonable if you think about It from an evolutional standpoint, trust People who look like you(family,tribe) distrust stramgers
What process is that DNA chart describing?
Do a reseach, dumbass. Xenophobia existed long before racism. You are an idiot, if you think you can easily define an old phenomenon by a new phenomenon.
Racism is natural fear. Would you waltz up to a bear and think it will not harm you? For all we know, said bear could see you as its next meal if its hungry.
i'm going with the leaf meme

kids are naturally racist and tribal you stupid bastard that's why the phenomena is pan societal and exists through time and geography.

its innate.
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Then who was the first racist and how did he teach the world to be racist?
>racism is a new phenomenon

Top kek, it's how the first nations were built
No child is born understanding math but we use it everyday. Fucking cancer thread
No child is born knowing to poo in loo either.
>No one thinks skin color alone makes them superior.
Of course not, even the Nazis did not think so. Xenophobia + culture, to be more clear.
Who came first, the white male or the racist?
Exactly you learn their (lesser) worth observing their behavior growing up.
>Top kek
Just do a research, dumbass. Clearly, you have no knowledge about xenophobia.

>> No child is born with racist tendencies,

Oops, wrong again faggot..

When i was younger i was terrified of black people and apparently refered to them as chocolate people, explain?
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>i have no rebutal but if only you had been indoctrinated by commie propoganda like me THEN you would understand
Not an argument
whos the guy? i wanna post this but not if i cant slap a name on the quote
pointing out the fact there are inferior races isn't racism.
Blacks aren't a race, there a separate species.
Yes. Something you learn from experiences
Except they are
Children tend to group with other children their same color
>No child is born with racist tendencies, it's a social construct.
No child should ever have to grow up with the horrible realization that he/she/xir is just a nigger.
It is only by appropriating evil white men's technology (mirror or camera) they will be subjected to that life experience minimizing tragedy.
>your own
I think it's from this:
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My SJW sibling was super racist as a little kid.

>Go to mall
>nigs noggin all over the place, hostile expressions, smelling bad, the usual.
>On the way home she asks mom "what's wrong with grey people?"
>"Grey people?"
>"Yeah, grey, not pink like us."
>Mom somehow convinces her just because some "grey people" gave her scary looks doesn't mean they're all bad.

muh social construct
muh racism is learned
exactly. you become a racist when you get exposed to sub standard behaviour and you recognise the pattern ie race.

pls come to africa and see it for yourself you ignorant fuck
you're also born with wanting to touch a hot stove

not all stoves!
Just Google 60 minutes babies discriminate from birth. Should be the first link/video
hahahah! kommer ALDRI til og skje! hun er en jævela bandwagon SJW/feminist som kun får oppmerksomhet fordi hun mener det hun gjor og er Emma Watson..

>stacey go get in a picture with jamal for a sec
>no no no stacey, i don't care if you don't want to, just do it for us!

I don't even know why im bothering to reply.
Get a loife bin that noife.
Rebutal of what? You have stated that the first nations were based exactly on racism, rather than xenophobia. No source, no links are provided, just your cock-a-doodle-doo and nothing else.
Studies have repeatedly shown that not to be true. You are racist from birth and have to unlearn it. Anyone with even the slightest idea of evolution would understand why this is the case.
Sug min snopp
What is it about leafs that make them so prone to shitpost?
if nobody is born with racism and everyone learns from other racists then how did racism start?

What happened to:

You're just agreeing with what we've been saying for years. Racism is a learned trait, and googles gave whites a few lessons on why to hate them.

>Ethnocentrism always pulls away from humanitarianism by around cycle 300 as world population reaches its asymptote, while selfish and traitorous strategies never gain much of a foothold.

How have the jews survived so long, then?
The first time my 4 year old nephew seen a 'coloured person' he said "wow why are you so dirty are you an animal" to a black child in first grade.

We had to explain to him people have different colour skin like how we have different colour hair and eyes. He immediately said "why dont they go have a bath" this was difficult considering I'm from a religious family. No yelling, cursing/swearing etc.

Nephew is 9 now. Sometimes he asks why are the " dirty kids " allowed to get away with not doing homework. If he doesn't do his homework he gets detention at school and isn't allowed to play in the playground with other kids during lunch but other kids of black descent don't have to do homework.
People hate culture that deviates from their own. Unless of course they have a lack of culture and are open to many. Black culture is basically white anticultire. It's really no surprise why there's a conflict. White people are friends with black people when they adopt the culture and act "gangster". Just like how black people who are "white washed" are accepted amongst whites. Color has nothing to do with it.
La nå en mann ha drommer!

Innerst inne er hun en liten Nazi.
>How have the jews survived so long, then?

The Torah and Talmud are ethnocentric manuals. These days, I don't think there is anything wrong with this.

Joshua 6:20-21

20 When the trumpets sounded, the army shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the men gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so everyone charged straight in, and they took the city. 21 They devoted the city to the Lord and destroyed with the sword every living thing in it—men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys.
My racism was born through experience you fucking mindless piece of vaginal discharge.

I wish this meme would die. My nieces have been saying hilarious racist shit since they were able to talk. And that's not picked up from their parents, and I always kept my views quiet around them.

The kids know. It's literally the opposite of what the liberals claim, it's tolerance that has to be taught.
>niggers can not learn
>niggers are the most rysysts
>you learn rysysm

Yepp. I was gobsmacked honestly when I seen my nephew say things with racist connotations.
Wish I wasn't racist but I live in the real world and it's in my best interest to be so

An inconvenient truth to someone raised liberal
send your kid to a colored school for a while. they will learn to be racist all on their own.

Kids aren't capable of cruelty too. Aren't they cute little angels?
Racism is learned when good people are forced to share spaces with dindus.
Racism is not the problem. The actions that lead to racism are the problem.
i dont let racism dictate my life, i do it for fun.
That's right, it is developed through negative experiences with the races in question. That means that there is no discrimination based on race alone.
So, did you just admit that racism doesn't exist?
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>So why do you let racism dictate your lifes?
Why don't you ask blacks?

90% of all interracial crime in the USA is black on white and blacks are only 13% of the population.
>No child is born with racist tendencies

Of course not. We learn it. And we learn it by experience...
>1 post by this ID
>leaf poster
guys stop posting in these threads already

The kids have quality banter too.

I was watching Clifford the big red dog with my niece one day and there was a black family in it. The Dad was trying to cook on a barbequeue or something and he burnt the food.

So my niece says "burnt food for burnt people!".

My sides went into orbit.
>generally had good experiences with blacks
>best friend is black
>some of the best teachers at my school are black

I've some bad experiences but mostly from whites, but I don't hate whites people. I don't mind living around other races and them being a part of the community, as long as they are good people; be it white, black, hispanic, or Asian.
>racism is a social construct
>animals congregating among their own kind is racist
>1 post by this ID
Great bait.
Well, your nephew's surroundings were only people of his kind, no wonder why your nephew thinks that "coloured persons" are unnatural.
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>falling for the bait this easily
Same for me when it comes to roaches and achmeds.
Transgenderism is something you learn. Not something you are born with.
Transgenderism is close to sexuality, I wonder how you can "born with it", because your sexuality forming later on.
Ebul wyatt mane want to keep the black kangz down
Objectively untrue, though.
HAHAHA. I remember when I was 6 or 7 and my parents were volunteering at this nigger church. As a child I noticed that the niggers were scarier, smellier, and more apish that white people and I hated them. People are born racist and it's only because of (((society))) that they think otherwise.
How can transgenderism be real if gender isn't real in the current year?
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Has this been posted yet?
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Blacks love white people, the women at least.
Racism is absolutely something you learn.
Children are dumb, inexperienced and naive.
Acting like a child after you've grown up to know better is the height of ignorance.
Genetically speaking blacks are comparitively the least intelligent race on the planet.
GRE scores, SAT scores, scholastic tests, IQ tests, decade long studies, census statistics, allele variations, cranial capacity, etc all reflect this.
There's a reason they're a minority and make up the majority of incarcerations, fatherless families, spousal abuse, etc.
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Actions you fucking leaf.
then those white kids grow up hating the blacks
This is why women should not be in charge of anything
That's actually not true, we evolved to be racist to be safe. Even monkeys are racist towards other types. And it's even evident in babies, if you show a white baby a black person they will cry, and same with showing a black baby a white person. We evolved to be very territorial and like our own and be scared of groups that are different, because in the wild trusting those who are different could mean the death of you and your tribe. People forget that humans are tribal animals, that's why everyone is racist to some extent.
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