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Simulation Theory

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Why are (((THEY))) pushing Simulation Theory so hard recently? All memes aside it really makes me think.
Maybe they are the ascended who where sent by kek, to help us understand that there is a major power controlling us - the jews, then they extract our minds as computers, making us dumb, however some have breached this curse, and are trying to awaken us so we get enlightened.
to be a little less scared of death.

Kinda pointless though. Whether my conscious i the coincidental result of millions of years of evolution and chemical processes or simply a computer program created by higher lifeforms, it's still the same result when it is extinguished/shut off.

Death is death. No matter if I am a natural being or a program.
Trips, must be true.
Not when the system memory used to contain your entire being is reallocated to another process
oy veyy goym it's all fake
nothing really matters now please accept those refugees
More modernist apathy and far fetched theories to replace conventional religion, but it SEEMS "scientific" on the surface so it looks plausible, although I don't think it's likely at all.

I may be an atheist but I do think, pragmatically, a religious society would be better then an atheist one. More cultural connection, civic nationalism, and provides a solid foundation of moral law. (((They))) want to disrupt this pattern and destroy us internally, mitigating the importance of the family unit and mocking religion and race tribalism.

The simulation theory plays a part in that, makes people uncomfortable and puts religious beliefs at odds. That's just my theory anyways. I think the whole thing is silly, in my opinion we probably came here on a meteor i.e pan sperma theory and evolved through evolution, got lucky. I'm sure more meteors with our single cell organism forms landed on other planets and tried evolving, maybe it worked on Mars, who knows.
The new God new relgion of computer

So people raised on video games are influenced to join up for WW3 slaughter 'adventure'.
"They" are prepping us for death.

When the icecaps melt, We will be content getting killed by natural disasters while the World's elites laugh their asses off whilst boarding the mothership.

Here is a "Redpill" for you all: The world is literally decaying around us as we speak: Physically. The hidden agenda for politics for the next 50 to 250 years will be using us "useful idiots" to prep evacuation, and/or delay the coming catastrophe.
If Windows 10 DMR settings can close down my Steam game, I doubt we're in a simulation mate.

However look up something called the Dyson Sphere. Unending virtual reality and limitless power literally until the host star dies
It makes as much sense as the Bible version. It's what modern day man comes up with to fill the gap in knowledge. Although some of the simulation theory bits fall into place better than religion. And you can make a simulation right now, via video game or something like Plague whichnare only babbys first sims with a nice HUD.
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get confirms
Have you died yet?
we're all going to die anyway, ice caps melting or not
what gives

You're just merely born-a-new with the same memory as the old.

If I were to die the way I percieve reality dies with me regardless of there being a duplicate of me.
Only makes sense for atheists. It's a development of an atheist sect. Makes no sense when you consider that you need a soul for consciousness.
Nope.jpg because your entire existance is virtual a copy of you can literally be the same original
>german lol player
truly The King Cuck
This thread is MGS all over again. Fucking patriots, Kojima redpilled whoever played that damned series. Seems like that damned hobby is not all that degenerate.
It makes sense.

Your reality depends on your senses, about as much as religion mind you but sense none the less.

If you put your brain into a nutritient tank and hook up scifi crap to it to feed it input there's no way for the brain in the tank to realize it's in a simulation.
Fallen Cross always not funny

Only on the inside.
The universe simulation would most likely not be semiconductor based. It's really just a "makes you think" analogy. There is plenty of stuff I am willing to concede that is probably beyond my comprehension. Quantum theory lends itself to the universe being information based on fundamental levels. The limits on experimental observation of reality have spooky not (scientifically) resolved implications. Let's hope science keeps trucking along as independent of politics as possible.
the lalilulelo?
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If this is just a simulation then none of it matters. You might as well give your country and women to niggers, goy.
God is real dumbass. Quit living in denial.
>If this is just a simulation then none of it matters. You might as well give your country and women to niggers, goy.

Thats not even in the top 5 implications of our perceived universe being a simulation
Reincarnation is too simple a concept to explain what happens.

In the simulation theory, or, some of them, the most fundamental concepts are:

>A driving force for interaction and change (Evolution)

If we try and understand which variables our simulation is structured by, we can derive the "meaning" of it through logic.

Our simulation is about experience. Conscious observation, decision making, choices, interaction, complexity. Those are the things that are fundamental to us.

>double-slit experiment
Particles are probability waves that collapse due to observation. A particle isn't real. What's real is the data stream sending us information about the macro universe, when we call it into being.

>delayed-choice quantum erase experiments
Causality and temporal light cones don't exist. Objectivity can be changed. Cause and effect is no longer a valid way to explain the Universe. Materialism and locality can't explain these quantum mechanical effects.

If these effects explain how matter operates at the most basic level we understand, how else can we describe reality? Particles only exist due to observation. Once there needs to be an object (particle) there, because of conformity, because of probability, there the wave-function collapses, and a particle is registered. We're streaming in data at all points. All we are is a conscious mind taking in a data stream from the server.

If you guys take the time to really understand these two experiments, you'll begin to see what a lot of other physicists have seen. Heisenberg, Bohr, Einstein, all of them couldn't grapple with quantum mechanics because of these effects (Spooky action at a distance).
>what if ...
The answer is "don't think about it".
>If this is just a simulation then none of it matters. You might as well give your country and women to niggers, goy.
That's probably the dumbest answer ever.
Belief is a beneficial evolutionary trait.
As long as that trait remains with us, we will have religion.
Abandon one, and people will create or flock to another.

See: Mormons, Scientology, Liberals sudden love of Islam.
You can't claim that anymore than one can claim God doesn't exist. You're not allowed to make stupid claims, stop.
Just to clear up the reincarnation aspect, since I strayed a bit.

Imagine us more akin to a partition on a harddrive. When we get "erased" (death) our information is still part of the drive, just, no longer separate. Whether that means we retain our identities, I can't say. The point is, if Consciousness is fundamental, then ALL consciousness is fundamental.

It's a long watch, but an interesting one. I've seen a few people link it on /pol/ now.

Basically an experiment showed to a certain extent that the universe isn't necessarily "material", it's made up of information in the form of probability, information that isn't determined until "requested".

The analogy used in the video is that a game server isn't sending out any data if there's no players on the server. It's only when the player makes a request like "move my character forward" that the server responds with "ok, now your character has moved forward". I'm over-simplifying it a little bit for the sake of this post, but I would recommend anyone interested in this field to watch the video if you are waiting around for the debate.
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>Evidence from Quantum Entanglement (Non-Locality): There's no spooky action at a distance (something that worried Einstein) because there is no real distance. In a simulation all points originate from a very small spatial space. It's like a planetarium that simulates the entire visible Universe. Light can travel from one side of the simulated 'visible Universe' to the other side of the simulated 'visible Universe' in a nanosecond if not less. The speed of light has no validity in a simulation.
Our universe isn't a simulation dumbfuck. This is why the Jews want you to give this bullshit any thought.

because some are starting to awaken
I would say the fact that every human civilization since the dawn of time has had a belief in higher power gives the idea that innate knowledge of a creator is implanted within us all.

At the very least it would imply there is a benefit to belief in God from an evolutionary stand point.
Ask the Denebians.

Just kidding, NSA.
Actually the statistical argument strongly suggests we are a simulation
It's both Zuckerberg pushing for OR monies and (((others))) wanting to push nihilism to it's philosophical extreme. "Nothing matters? Nothing is even real!"
>It's both Zuckerberg pushing for OR monies and (((others))) wanting to push nihilism to it's philosophical extreme. "Nothing matters? Nothing is even real!"

Thats not the implication to anyone with half a brain
Isn't this implicitly admitting there IS a God, though?
I don't get why all the religious people in this thread are pissed at it. If it's true, then something--by default a higher being than us--had to program it. That's as good a God as the one in your sweet little fairytale books, plus it's real.
The speed of light being a constant is proof enough of us being in a simulation.
>Isn't this implicitly admitting there IS a God, though?

Our creators would be only be truly omnipotent in the virtual reality, not in the parent universe. I suspect most likely scenario is that future (or past, depending on your point of view..) humans are behind the creation of the simulation
How so? If the physics of this one are modeled after the original how can you tell the difference by speed of light?
>If the physics of this one are modeled after the original

How do we logically conclude this from the evidence we have? That can only ever be an assumption.

If the model is based on the model of the preceding simulation, then, in theory, that loop can be fractally infinite. In that case, yeah, we can conclude the "original" universe had these values.
why would they create the simulation

for what purpose?

why do millions of people play GTA or The Sims?
I tried to explain it here: >>90450733


Don't take this as a meaning of life, or anything. These are just my conclusions on the evidence I've seen.
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some little shit is gonna remove the pool ladder on me someday

i just know it
They're not getting you used to the idea that we're living in a Simulation, anon. They're getting you used to the idea of living in a Simulation.

There's a big difference. Think about it.
If this universe is a simulation from humans in the future, maybe this is a way for them to see how past events played out.
Light doesn't exist inside computer simulations.

>light doesn't exist inside video games
Thought Brits had good education?
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"in the future we don't want things that need to be looked after"

Its a testing ground, they are no longer biologically reproducing and they prevent entry of criminals into population by filtering them out before they even have chance to see the real sun, people and property are safe from theft, stalin and terrorism.
Light isn't real, it's a probability wave. That's what's meant by Wave-particle duality. Particles can't exist in two states, that's retarded.

A particle DOESN'T exist. All it is is information. It's a variable that the server queries up for us when we need to have a particle there for the interaction we need. The only fundamental aspects of our universe are choice and change.

Please, do yourself a favor, watch videos about the double-slit experiment. What's learned from that,. and the delayed-choice quantum eraser experiment, is that all matter is a distribution of probability.

Matter - IS - probability. It only comes into existence when it needs to be "probable" that matter is there.
This is very true. People will believe anything to make them less scared of death. They even came up with religion.
>Light doesn't exist inside computer simulations.

Unless of course, the programmer understood what light was and implemented it at physics level
Because there's a lot of evidence that it may be real
Well if it is an accurate physical model of the universe and indistinguishable from the real thing then you could simulate large scale scientific experiments. Like traveling at the speed of light, or seeing if black holes have and exit on the other side.
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Why don't you believe it? None of the claims of the simulation theory strike me as fanciful:

1. Computational power will continue to grow to the point of making simulating worlds possible

2. Any future society where such a thing is possible isn't just going to run just the one simulation but billions or trillions or more

3. If it's possible for a civilisation to run an incalculable number of simulated universes it's more probable that our universe is one of the simulated ones than a 'real' one
it's just their modern explanation for life. no different than judaism, christianity, etc which they made up
Same reason as Flat Earth and Mandela Effect. Part of a general war on reason and critical thought to help normalize a manufactured reality.
drop some acid bro, you'll meet god alright

(it's a surprise, I won't give it away)
they can't stop the Truth about the flat earth, they know it.
So out of desperation they have come up with a new explanation for why the Globe doesn't exist anymore.
Also they need something to tell about the changing brightness of the Sun and aspect of the clouds/sky caused by the chemtrails.
Nice circular reasoning.
To build such a simulation you would have to have all the answers to all these questions and more. Experimentation within the simulation reveals only the parameters of the simulation itself.
Watch me simulate these numbers
You meet your own mind. Well, the dictator mind, anyway. That's why it's so happy to see you each time.
DMT brings you instantly (on the third hit, according to mckenna) into a waking dream. You haven't shut off your logical processing unit (left hemisphere), you've just instantly thrown yourself into a lucid dream. The beings (elves, organic/mechanical geometric shapes) are your right hemispheres way of interacting with your left hemisphere. The processing unit doesn't store the data, it interprets the data.

When you smoke DMT you connect your brain to its deep data stores. Its like connecting the CPU directly to the Harddrive. You can barely understand each other.
I'm aware of this, but it is something to strive for. If we were to build a physical model of the universe right now (let's assume for the sake of it that we have the computing power to do so) based on our current understanding of physics, it would probably be highly inaccurate right? Well at least we would be able to see where we've made some mistakes, even if the answers aren't obvious to us as a result of this simulation.
explain irrational and imaginary numbers

I've never had a dream that's anything remotely like tripping on DMT.

DMT is closer to dying than dreaming. It's more of the drug so the experience is far greater.
I don't like the nested simulation theory since one of the simulations up the chain would inevitably get shut off for some reason taking the rest of the chain with it.
Because if everyone starts believing there are no consequences, they can push the world into the final stages of their plan.
So much wisdom.
How the cultures that talk to spirits via a plant have fared so well...
If you think you're talking to extra-dimensional beings, you're wrong. If you look into Mckennas writings, you'll find a lot of his thoughts and reasoning on Julian Jaynes: The Origin of Consciousness in the breakdown of the Bicameral mind. He tried desperately to get Jaynes to comment on his own theories of DMT, and the right hemisphere, but Jaynes wouldn't correspond with him.

It's one of Mckennas main failures. If you know anything about Mckenna, he was always a skeptic. He looked for ALL theories to describe what he was seeing, he didn't reject one or the other.

Besides, DMT is produced in the pineal gland, and it's linked to dreaming. It's definitely the "gateway to the dreamworld" drug.
What the fuck do those have to do with simulation theory.
Square root of 2 is irrational. So what?
So much certainty. I don't know either way and have no opinion which is the right position.
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You're fucking irrational.
How do I access the console cheats?
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ooga booga, talk to the tree-cat-water-moon god, via a primitive plant, heathen
Oh that makes horrible horrible sense.
I've been on this shit longer than 4chan has existed.
Is it Tavistock at work again?
The first one is fairly fanciful: there's a hard cap on how small you can make transistors and thus how powerful we can make computers for the space they take up. Billions or trillions of these immense simulations is ridiculous then, more so when you think of how many of these future societies may have access to weapons which surpass the atomic bomb in destructive capacity and the potential to destroy themselves, be it through war or hedonistic pleasure, and the potential for them to have little or no interest in simulating existence for most things. The third breaks down without the prior two, but even on it's own is a leap given that it depends on the ability for simulated universes to imbibe conscious being, or a soul as one might say, into simulated beings so that we could observe this universe as we are now doing.
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This makes no sense what so ever
From outside of the simulation

If you're going around comparing consciousness to CPUs and HDDs your DMT and LSD trips are bringing you the opposite of enlightenment. Which kinda makes sense, considering how vital LSD was to the CIA's psychological assault on the Vietnam era "counterculture."
To replace religion with science-belief.
if you did an ama I would read it
You are dreaming. This is your wake-up call. This is the sign. Wake up. Wake up.
I'm just using those as a frame of reference. To explain concepts that are far too alien to describe to a layman.

I ain't got time for that shit.
God was a negro wasn't he

The simulation theory as you call it is the fundamental aspect of the Vedas, Taoism and basically any worthy religion. It is a fact. Reality is entirely fictional.

The Jews and Hollywood however have twisted this into technological, materialistic garbage. They're trying to explain a spiritual fact with materialist sciences, and this can only fail.

Also, shilling for transhumanism and crap like that.
What do you mean? Have you been paying attention to the impact of post-modernist thought? Imagine giving the video game addled youth a new stance 100x that, as they are taught that they essentially live in a game. Lie, steal, kill, revolt, do what you want and it's all justified because the world is only a simulation.
I would definitely believe we are in a computer simulation over Abarahmic mythology, like Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
>I may be an atheist
>a religious society would be better then an atheist one

Unlike the other comments , would tell you - I actually appreciate that. It's quite rare for an a atheist to say something like this.May be one day we can work together.
Maybe (((they))) have gotten so lost in their lies and schemes that (((they))) are literally going insane
You're not still making any sense, those things have no logical connection to us living in a simulation
>there's a hard cap on how small you can make transistors and thus how powerful we can make computers for the space they take up.

>Billions or trillions of these immense simulations is ridiculous then

It is not necessary to run all portions of the simulations in parallel, the people inside can't tell the difference if the speed drops to 1/100th because loading 99 parallel simulations on the machine
>universe is far too ordered and complex to be random
>but God can't exist because then I can't bullshit my way through life without accounting for my sins after death!
and there you have it. People terrified to meet their God have come up with some ass-pulled theory so they can pin their hopes on Cinderella's clock never hitting midnight.

Too bad that morality is objective, there is right and wrong, good and evil, and those people are FUCKED for spending their entire lives fighting against that which they knew was good, moral, virtuous, and sacred.
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>why would they create the simulation

In order to regain, to understand, that which has been lost.
perhaps some people already have
There is a difference, the simulation argument has actual logical continuity behind the idea up to the point that we can begin designing one ourselves
If this were actually a simulation, wouldn't that in and of itself be evidence of God?
>People terrified to meet their God have come up with some ass-pulled theory

You're an idiot Christcuck.

The theory is our consciousness is not a part of the simulation we are in. Our body is the avatar. We are controlling our avatar by our consciousness like we would control the Night Elf avatar in world of Warcraft by our actions. Somewhere, we are plugged into this simulation. We have to be outside of it to interact within it. The theory doesn't do away with "God" in the simulation. "God" is the programmer who made it.
how do you explain how people from different cultures across time see the same sorts of entities and have the same sorts of experiences like machine elves and aliens? I don't see how that sort of imagery could be evolutionary hard wired into our brains, I believe we are perceiving alternate realities/dimensions on strong hallucinogens, evolution just does not cut it as an explanation for me.
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What do you think meme magic is?

I have a big problem with bicameralism, even if I think Jaynes isn't completely crazy. One, I have a hard time believing that humans were able to develop, not only writing and storytelling but, functioning societies before they developed consciousness. The argument would be that other mammals/animals have primitive "societies" but Jaynes wants to tell me that humans developed agriculture and families before they developed consciousness? I don't buy that.

Where I would agree with him is if he just counts these "schizophrenic" episodes that were recorded as just that. Stories that were passed down that people just wanted to record and nothing more. But to say introspection or consciousness did not develop until after writing just seems absurd to me.
Roko's Basilisk
>and it's all justified because the world is only a simulation.
This says more about your biases than anything.

You're basically admitting you're a base, rapy, murderous animal, and it's only your fear of hell keeping you from hurting others.
It implies intent. Whether that's God, a collective consciousness trying to observe its self, an alien at a computer screen running a simulation of complex compounds, it can't be said.

The simulation is in a different dimension to the hardware. The blood elf Death Knight can't interact with the server mainframe, it can only death grip the fucking dwarf paladin because that's what the ruleset says it can do.
Scary desu senpai
Here is one of the big reasons it is pushed
What about simulation theory negates the concept for God for you Christcucks? To me, it seems to point to there being a god.

Oh that's right, because if YOUR particular God doesn't exist, then what's the point? Sad!
No logic is necessary. You play a game, you do something bad, you know it's alright because it's a work of fiction. You do as you please for entertainment with fiction. Even if the world is a creation from another, framing it in a materialist way serves only to remove the sense of consequence and distance men from each other. No need to care about the lives of NPCs after all.
At that point it's just inconvenient for the advanced civilization. Why would they want billions of slow simulations? Where is the entertainment from that? Where is the purpose? They'd be more likely to make something they can appreciate in a decent time span.

On another note:
This is all pointless because the assumption is made that in these higher planes there is a need for civilization, technology, simulations, or any of that. It's a discussion about what gods do in their free time practically. Even if we were a work of fiction or a few levels of fiction down, we could never know what the universes above us are like beyond the fact that they leave potential to create us in some capacity. That's doesn't narrow it down enough to make these ideas feasible. It's talking about things that are beyond the scope of human knowledge.
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The universe is a simulation refers to the idea that everything is quantized including fields (which are undefined constructs of quantized inner fields)

Once you quantize the measurements, you are measuring the simulation. In not too many years, CERN is certain to discover the nature of the Universe, which as it stands, is somewhere between "super-symmetry" (see: Fractals) and "Multiverse" See: Back to the Future.

So it's quite interesting that with this much precision, there are still those who are trying to find the path of Universal enlightenment through flawed, mistranslated transcripts; rather than accepting them as "Life Guides" of sorts.

It is Scientists who will create the reference manual in order for us to function without the destruction of our environments...
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Can DMT help me? what are the long term effects?
Not him, but I've thought on the subject. Instances of hivemind on anonymous image boards also intrigue me.

You go crazy.

Legit crazy.

No coming back crazy.

Not like the movies crazy.

I mean you go crazy. For real crazy.
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>up to the point that we can begin designing one ourselves

>simulation inside of a simulation inside of a simulation
>after writing
Not after writing. We had language and memes (qualia, experience) far before we had written language.

It's hard to grasp now, because of how dominated we are by our analytical and logical side, but the idea is basically that humans were producing auditory hallucinations of "DO THIS ACTION", to which we followed. Gods arose out of this, since there was no other explanation, so did civilization. According to the theory, anyway. If we just followed orders, as the theory implies, I don't think it's too far-fetched to assume we could develop civilization from it.

The hard part is accepting that our subconscious mind is inherently smarter than our waking and alert mind.
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>How do I access the console cheats?
>perhaps some people already have
Interesting thread. I've noticed that the common theme of the vast majority of self help books written by successful individuals - Napoleon Hill, etc. is changing the state of your mind - basically programming it to believe le impossible is nothing. This would make sense If we indeed are nothing more than a brain in a jar preloaded with a set of variables the mind perceives as constants. Success = start perceiving the variables as variables again.
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>not a single mother fucker here mentions Bostrom

Well done you illiterate asses.
Again, it's not a TECHNOLOGICAL simulation you dumb fucks. Think of it as God's dream. Reality, the universe, all of it exists purely as a shadow of the Godhead. This was both well know and pondered over for millenia.
>Can DMT help me?
Subjectivity, man.

Take entry level shit like pot. For some people, it can be a massive driver for focus and artistic expression. For others, you get dopey mcdudeweedlmao couch potato. It really depends on who you are, your experiences, and your desires.

I'm sure genetics play a role, but who can say?

For me, it confirmed theories. For others, it might just be a fun little weekend for the coffers of their memory.
It is basiclly Carl Gustav Jung hypothesis. While smarter would not be the accurate Term, since there are also things our daily state of consiousness Deals better with.
>Again, it's not a TECHNOLOGICAL simulation you dumb fucks.

I'd argue we can't know, but I feel you.

>It implies intent. Whether that's God, a collective consciousness trying to observe its self, an alien at a computer screen running a simulation of complex compounds, it can't be said.
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>to help us understand that there is a major power controlling us - the jews, then they extract our minds as computers, making us dumb, however some have breached this curse, and are trying to awaken us so we get enlightened.

so xenogears: the reality

the samurai were right all along
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Look into the delayed choice quantum eraser experiment. Never mind, there will be too many big words for you.
Here's the thing: You are implying that technology would get so advanced to where we would experience everything perfectly.

Or maybe not perfectly, because perhaps there is something more perfect than what we experience (i.e. 4D)

Or, possibly, we are not all real. After all, billions and billions of "perfect" simulations running at once, synchronized? It's incomprehensible, at least to us.
>No need to care about the lives of NPCs after all.

Who is implying other people are NPCs? _you_, not the simulation argument.

>Why would they want billions of slow simulations? Where is the entertainment from that? Where is the purpose?

They farm human beings and extract the ones that aren't malfunctioning and an active hazard to those around them.

Shut up Brandy.
Simulation Theory is just the old brain in a jar philosophical argument wrapped up in a different package.

Also if we are a simulation it's likely the outer universe runs under different laws of physics. It's probably not possible for us to simulate a reality that can be experienced, because our simulations use symbols only meaningful to us like the on/off switches in computer memory, or even marks written on paper.

If anything that can be interpreted as a symbol can simulate a reality then with enough time simulations could occur out of pure randomness, the whole concept seems silly.
But blood elves aren't sentient human beings. Surely there is a theoretical way blood elves could do this with intelligence.
I spent the first part of the thread trying to explain it. Maybe a video would help, I don't know any good ones.
wut gaem
>i said quantum because it makes me sound smart
>you're the retard
Fuck you, Norris. That's not even me.

>It's hard to grasp

Yes it is hard to grasp. It's hard to grasp because his arguments are that cities like Troy developed before humans developed consciousness and introspection. That's near impossible to grasp. And not because we're so analytical and logical now, even if that's the reason I'm able to ask that question.

>If we just followed orders, as the theory implies, I don't think it's too far-fetched to assume we could develop civilization from it.

That's where I disagree, as well, even if I can accept that our subconscious mind is inherently smarter than our waking and alert mind. Crick thought up DNA while completely fucked up, after all.

My point is, in order for the species to have decided to even settle in one place or even have the idea to develop some form of communication to write something down and leave it for future humans, just having that thought itself negates bicameralism because it requires that there is consciousness and introspection to have that thought.
>>90465973 is possible but unlikely. Unless you're borderline schitzo, in which case, stay away! Otherwise, it may offer you a unique perspective on things. Or you'll just be reaaaaaaaly high.

Psilocybin/psilosin is a lot safer and, if you're not just a "druggie," can give you some honest insight...every now and then.
>not a single mother fucker here mentions Bostrom

It is assumed that the student has familiarized himself to the course brief material before entering this discussion kthxbye
Blizzard is God
Tichondrius is the Universe
Sense <Nurfed> is the Avatar
John Doe is the consciousness controlling Sense.

RNG either gives you epic DNA or retarded DNA.

Hah, called you out faggot.
I have a degree in physics and chemical engineering and believe this is all a form of simulation created by a God. The matching up of quantum phenomena equations matching up with coding from the 60's plus the double-slit experiment and various other meta-physics theorems proves this to me. At the end of the day your faith shapes your reality and your vibe attracts your tribe.
Because they have left the real world information behind, and go only on computer simulated models of reality.

Surprise, surprise, the simulated computer models of reality say that reality is a simulation.
look up Kyle Odom
Press the most squiggly thing on your body
It's in the Bible.

Which totally explains why the majority of this thread is about the Bible and DMT. Fuck off cuck.
>Please, do yourself a favor, watch videos about the double-slit experiment
Thanks I will
>Simulation Theory is just the old brain in a jar philosophical argument wrapped up in a different package

No, it isnt.

>Also if we are a simulation it's likely the outer universe runs under different laws of physics

There are less reasons to simulate a completely alien universe than the one similiar to your own
What if said "God" is just a simulated being who was created by the simulation above it, which was created by the simulation above it... and so on.
Randomly flapping in the air and hoping you hit something isn't "calling me out". You thought someone else was me, you lose. Got him.
you've been posting a lot here but you still haven't explained how evolution could account for everyone being one hit of DMT away from seeing aliens and elves, what selective force would account for that? Please explain.

>blaming off-topic posts on someone who has been 100% on topic so far

looks like we have another (((special))) case here
The Earth is located at the center of the universe. Think about it.
Shared experience? Who can know?

Baseline programming for the human mind? The default communication algorithm? For all I know, it could actually be aliens. My point has always been, we can't know for sure.
It sounds so stupid but I've always had the attitude that I won't fail and it's always worked. Pair this with the double-slit experiment and schroedinger and the idea that the observer suggests realitys intentions upon observation becomes viable (under certain constraints).
The simulation theory is a stupid technology-version of "appeal-to-nature", it's basically saying "well what if a SUPER COMPUTER was doing it, haha can't debunk that :^) "

If the universe was a simulation we wouldn't be conscious, it's as simple as that. You could have computers simulating reality down to the last sub-atomic particle and have it be a 100% accurate simulation of our brains but those simulated beings wouldn't experience consciousness because it would still be a bunch of 1's and 0's on a computer.

Part of what makes us conscious is all the interactions between our brain cells and all the chemicals in our brain interacting with each-other, that is what creates out subjective experience. In a simulation, that wouldn't happen because there would not be any brain cells and neurotransmitters physically interacting with each-other. The simulated interaction of them would result in the 1's and 0's or other digits interacting with each-other that resulted in the simulated being behaving in a realistic way but that's it, the program itself would not suddenly become conscious, its would just be a complicated mathematical equation.

Because we are conscious, it's clear that it's not a simulation because a set of code in a computer program can't be conscious. This is a really critical point that a lot of people fail to understand. Some people try to make the problem seem more complicated then it is by going "oh you have no idea if that's true because this could be a super-giga-quantum computer made a billion years from now". Well in that case it still remains true. Our conscious is the result of the physical interactions in our brain, absent those actual physical interactions there is no consciousness even if a computer could simulate it perfectly.
I'm just trying to comprehend this layer of reality, the possibility of that isn't off the table though.


Good luck.

Learn a new big boy word today? Sorry, didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Would you like a hug?
atheist salvation

same with le singularity
Physical interactions can be reduced to differential equations and matrices. Believe me, I know. I spent countless hours describing physical systems of biochemistry, Newtonian and non-Newtonian physics, and industrial processes. Your argument that our "brains" are too complicated to be described by math is a gross understatement. Appreciate the sentiment though. By all means, go on.
>Part of what makes us conscious is all the interactions between our brain cells and all the chemicals in our brain interacting with each-other, that is what creates out subjective experience. In a simulation, that wouldn't happen because there would not be any brain cells and neurotransmitters physically interacting with each-other. The simulated interaction of them would result in the 1's and 0's or other digits interacting with each-other that resulted in the simulated being behaving in a realistic way but that's it, the program itself would not suddenly become conscious, its would just be a complicated mathematical equation.

I think I just cringed harder than I ever cringed before. Congratulations.
>You could have computers simulating reality down to the last sub-atomic particle and have it be a 100% accurate simulation of our brains but those simulated beings wouldn't experience consciousness because it would still be a bunch of 1's and 0's on a computer.

Stop making stupid shit up, you didn't model the physics right then because either you can simulate a consciousness or it is directly granted by God without any interaction what so ever with your actual brain which begs the question why does God curse some people with alzhaimers and parkinsons on purpose..
The world proves everybody is a base, rapy, murderous animal, can be money, religion, sex, or just power on your very house. Dostoyevsky and Niestz talk serious about this. "If there is not god everything is permitted"
Trying to start a modern religion.
what is this
some private discord think tank to control pol?
not what you said here >>90461950

there are remarkable similarities between DMT trips that have been done in clinical settings, some deep seated "other mind" does not explain these experiences sufficiently as there is no evolutionary basis for people having aliens and elves hiding in their brains somewhere. As Huxley proposed I believe that hallucinogens are opeing access to information that we are otherwise cut off from as a result of the selection that occurs from needing to survive as animals in this physical plane of existence. Chemicals like DMT alter our perceptions and allow is to see entities that are not of this world but are very real indeed, the only problem is that these entities can not be quantified by science as they are not members of our physical reality.
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you're the biggest of all faggots if you think humans caused (((global warming)))

>aliens and elves
maybe because they're prevalent in fantasy literature and movies from every culture, troglodyte. Hallucinogenics make you hallucinate, WHO WOULDA THOUGHT

>b-b-but aliens r real maaaan
Wanna know something fun?

When particles are left unobserved, physics stop working for them and they fall into a superposition - they basically "bug" and are not really rendered. The same applies for modern videogames where everything outside your PoV is not rendered. The reason for that is that it's an insanely efficient way to preserve processing power.

The limit of the speed of light should not exist. However, it does. Why is there a limit for the maximum achievable speed in this universe?
Because the universe has a "refresh rate", which is the time that the object (that is supposed to be) without a speed limit travels from the smallest point of space to the following one next to it.
In an actual reality, there would be no slow-down for it and it should be instantaneous, since the dimensions when travelling at that speed collapse into a single point and you're literally traversing the whole universe instantly. Instead, it "lags".

It lags because in order to accurately simulate 10 kilometers of reality, you'd need a simulating machine that is at least as big for the processing power required.
UNLESS, of course, you reduce the other part of the equation, which is speed of the simulation - unless you slow it down. One second of "realtime" time can be equal to half a second simulation time, which means that the processing power needed to run that slowed-down simulation just dropped by a half. Slow it down enough compared to reality, and you might as well simulate a planet-wide reality on your smartphone.

Introducing an incredibly short "lag" between the refreshes of a software can reduce its CPU usage by a million times. In a program that cycles through a loop and checks conditions (if a button is pressed, for an example), a forced 0.01 seconds of "lag" can be the difference of 80% and 0.08% CPU usage.

Basically, our universe has that hardcoded in it, and the limit of the maximum speed is the full proof that it exists.
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software can be hacked. upgrade yourself, find exploits, glitch the thing, god mode.

fool, you've put the cart before the horse. Where do you think such imagery comes from? Human beings have been taking psychedelic drugs for our entire existence.
Cos it's cool af, for one
B/c the argument is solid
B/c it encourages faith in the advance of tech and the evonomic systems that apparently facilitate that advance
You have to realize your power as the observer in your universe.
It is mathematically likely. The fact that we cannot find extraterrestrial life, the fermi paradox, is even more evidence of a simulation to me.
Thanks i just dislocated my shoulder
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controlling one self toughts is not very easy...
Well if you enabled your console you can just heal yourself with cheats.
that's where the Tao and meditation comes in.
Yawn. Sure bud.
Computers, Flying stone heads, vortex fields and immortality machines.
Except you don't have input device and can't speak the language even if you manage to open the console
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for me this only enable more spam to arise the only way to silence it is conciously force a 'in-mind' sound, kind of like force the inner voice to shut-up by making it speak 'a note',
weird to explain, but works.(for me)
Unironically, Hinduism is the only religion that accepts Simulation Theory
>UNLESS, of course, you reduce the other part of the equation, which is speed of the simulation - unless you slow it down. One second of "realtime" time can be equal to half a second simulation time, which means that the processing power needed to run that slowed-down simulation just dropped by a half. Slow it down enough compared to reality, and you might as well simulate a planet-wide reality on your smartphone.
So you theory is, for this simulation to work, the simulation must have been running for magnitudes longer than the age of universe. Do you realize how absurd that is?
>Believe me, I studied them all.
but more times than not, the simulation is not going to be same as the real thing. Their universe would probably be incomprehensibly different, much more advanced.
The same happens every time you wake up. You are not the same person you were yesterday. That person has died
Same for gravity. The more stuff in an area, the more interactions, the more processing required, slowing time down relative to an outside observer
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but there still must be players and npc
I agree with him too. I just have a hard time truly believing In god but I think a little bit of religion is good for the whole of society
I agree with him too. I just have a hard time truly believing In god but I think a little bit of religion is good for the whole of society
Fundamental misunderstanding of the implications of simulation theory, try again
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>Your argument that our "brains" are too complicated to be described by math is a gross understatement.

You didn't understand my post at all. That is not what I said, I even explicitly acknowledged that it may not be too complicated and that it could be done 100% perfectly.

The point of my post that you failed to understand is that our consciousness is the result of the PHYSICAL interactions between all the different components of our brain, in a simulation there is no actual physical interaction, just computer code that assigns bits of data to represent that interaction. That simulated being would not be conscious because there would be no physical interaction actually occurring, even if the simulation was 100% accurate.


>Stop making stupid shit up, you didn't model the physics right then because either you can simulate a consciousness or it is directly granted by God without any interaction what so ever with your actual brain which begs the question why does God curse some people with alzhaimers and parkinsons on purpose..

It's not about modeling the physics it's simple logic, our consciousness is the result of the physical interactions of all the stuff in our brains, no matter how perfect the simulation is there is still no physical interaction actually occurring. God has nothing to do with it.
nice refutation
It's a stupid undergrad philosophy meme
Fucking glitch in the matrix
The game only starts when i press start, ncps think the game is the entire universe but its not.
Do I dare say... Kek?
Enlightenen me then cunt.
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>brown eyes
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Tell that to my student loans plz.

Also, i need to lose someweight, how do i wake up fit as fuck?
4chan pass mobile poster
>Flying stone heads

Universal objectivity doesn't even exists. If the only thing you ever experience is your own consciousness than you might as well argue if characters in a book can ever know it.

Clickbait popsci bullshit.
>It's not about modeling the physics it's simple logic, our consciousness is the result of the physical interactions of all the stuff in our brains, no matter how perfect the simulation is there is still no physical interaction actually occurring

it doesn't matter if the interactions happen on a chip running software doing physical simulation of the matter or actual matter. There is no perceivable difference
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I think what you're describing is basically a mantra. Keep going, if it helps it ain't bad
these digits!!
KEK wills it!!
Consciousness exists outside of space time, you currently are in control of a biological robot meant to aid perception of this simulated reality, the source of which is unfathomable since it does not reside in space time
Simulated universe seems to point to a validation of God, not contradict it

That is not to say primitive writings attempting to understand or parse information potentially communicated is without fault, but the theory holds that the real 'you' exists outside this universe

Stop jumping to conclusions based on your beliefs, follow the logic
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who is this hot mama
No, I don't think that's correct. That may be what a particular version of simulation theory says.... but I think the more common idea is that we ARE a computer simulation of consciousness with no "true" body existing outside the matrix.
quite understandable
If we're in a simulation then why is trump winning so hard.

That's retarded, there is a difference. In one instance there is something physically existing in space and in the other instance there is not anything physically existing in space but rather numbers in a program that are modeled to represent space and the things in it.

I know full well what the implications are. They simply don't apply to me as I am but the test subject/the simulation, and not the tester/simulator.
Even in a simulation Hilary cannot stop the Trumpster
A litle bit of atheism isn't bad too. Christianity and atheism can live under one roof without a problem, unlike any other rreligious views.
are you saying you can simulate physical interaction but not what emerges from it?

Thanks portu-bro I was worried there were only idiots in this thread
>. In one instance there is something physically existing in space

The whole point of simulation theory is that you don't know that to be the case.
Common theory according to who? Citing which experiments as supportive evidence?
Genuinely curious here. The concept of infinity is a given, since something cannot come from nothing - there is a source point that gave rise to space/time and anything preceding it
>we finally break reality
>celebrate our triumph with a cheesy PS1 ending song
What suggests that?
>You're just a digital simulation, goy

>Nothing is real

>Nothing matters

>Let's all get together and make borders disappear
Militant atheists would likely disagree, if they are being honest
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>you can't simulate a car engine because in one instance there is something physically existing in space and in the other instance there is not anything physically existing in space but rather numbers in a program that are modeled to represent space and the things in it.
Well the most common argument i've heard in support of the matrix is that IF a society can and does develop the ability to simulate reality, then many many such simulations will exist... and for every "Real" universe that exists with people like us, there are many many simulated universes with people like us.... thus the odds that we are one of the simulated people are overwhelming compared to the odds that we are real people.
The mark of the beast will be some kind of VR program that allows you to unplug from the matrix. So they are prepping us for it. The big bang isnt enough to explain our existence even for most atheists. So they have to think up something else, as long as it keeps us away from God. The end times are near. The second coming is near. The antichrist will be a virtual idol of some sort. Dont fall for the lies. Your salvation depends on it.
Other than that Elon Musk interview that was really popular I haven't noticed this. I guess the video inspired other people to start talking about it, I don't think it's being pushed by (((anyone)))
(it was a wrong quote.)

But you are right,unfortunately!
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Yes, basically.

There is a difference between the consciousness that emerges from the physical interaction of actual matter existing in space and the behavior that emerges from a simulated brain, even if the end-behavior of both of them appear to be the same.
can the dudes running the simulation pay for the DLC where im white and rich?
Sorry that DLC got cancelled for being not high enough quality for the rest of the simulation.
>cheesy ps1 ending song

Bulgarian Folk is patrician.

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>Let's all get together and make borders disappear

I'd imagine letting your people be genocided and humanity snuffed out by augmented transhuman soros gets you some very nasty score multipliers in post-game statistics screen
The universe is literally information. All of it.

You being able to "touch" solids and to even see in three dimensions is also just information following some laws (which are also information).

If that wasn't enough, the entire universe follows a very predictable math. So predictable and integrated into it that we can describe basically everything by using it, without even looking at it or probing it (black holes, planck length, etc)

There is no physical way for us to not be in a simulation

A model is a tool to allow us to inspect and interact with something by definition simpler than the reality it models.

The idea of building a model that represents the entirety of the physical universe, or anything accurate and complex enough to give us accurate answers to ultimate questions like you are asking; it's absurd.

Thinking machines that can chew through available data and calculate in ways no human can even come close to? Yes, we will use technology to unlock more secrets but this whole simulation thing is lame and boring. I'm aware there are better proponents out there with arguments that can't be confidently excluded, but this is also true of the great spaghetti monster. This kind of talk is for freshmen getting stoned in the residence halls it should not be taken so seriously by adults.
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so how do we exploit simulation?
>dude what if everything's an illusion lmao?!?!

what does it matter if it is if it's impossible for you to tell the difference?

been old hat since Rene "give her the D" Descartes' "evil demon" thought experiment
Yeah Im familiar with that logic.
I guess this is where interpretation comes into play, as I am more aligned with this thought process considering it exists in the first place ->>90463205
we need to find glitches in the simulation and use them in our favor

And the theory is easily debunked if you understand the implications of what I'm saying which is that the fact that you are consciously pondering that question proves that it's not a simulation because even if a simulated being was simulated to ponder that question it wouldn't be conscious while doing so but instead there would just be a bunch of virtual numbers floating around that represent the simulated brain thinking, which is not consciousness.


>you can't simulate a car engine because in one instance there is something physically existing in space and in the other instance there is not anything physically existing in space but rather numbers in a program that are modeled to represent space and the things in it.

That is a stupid metaphor to use because you are not claiming the car is conscious like you are with the hypothetical situation of Simulation Theory. Its important to understand the following:

1) With an advanced enough computer you can simulate everything and anything perfectly. Period. Thats it. You can simulate the entire universe and everything in it.

2) No level of sophistication will grant consciousness to data in a computer program because consciousness is based on the physical existence of our brains in space. If the brain does not actually exist and is only simulated there is no consciousness because there is nothing physical to base it on.

3) Even if the simulation was so perfect as to cause the simulated being to act in the exact same way as a real person and have every atom in the simulated brain do the same thing as every atom in the real brain that would still not be consciousness because there is nothing actually physically existing in space that could give rise to the consciousness.

You're not really presenting an argument, just saying it can't work for no reason.
I guess you're right though that if you class most religions as simulation theories (which i don't disagree with), then your version is definitely more common.
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You know what I was referring to (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfHVTCxPgbo), but good on you for posting god-tier vidya music anyways.

While I'm at it I unironically like I Am the Wind from SotN.
>a bunch of virtual numbers floating around that represent the simulated brain thinking, which is not consciousness.

This sentence implies that AI can never be created. That we have a magical element attached to our flesh upon birth that makes us sentient.

That's fucking retarded my man
but what if you copy the neuron interaction in another material form. that could make up consciousness? if yes, the only problem with simulation is the limitations of computing today.
nite pic btw
s-so shemales are way to escape simuli
It's the chronology that seals the deal for me.
the chinese room argument says you can't actually make an ai conscious

So you take life less seriously.
No it doesnt lmao

It simply says that its hard to define if it actually is or isn't

Then again, we can't exactly define consciousness either
>if a simulated being was simulated to ponder that question it wouldn't be conscious while doing so but instead there would just be a bunch of virtual numbers floating around that represent the simulated brain thinking, which is not consciousness.

How do you know that? This is an assumption of yours. It's certainly not based on any known science.

It seems like you're saying the consciousness is magical and special in a way that electrons, protons, and neutrons are not.
That magical element is called the soul.
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>Even if the simulation was so perfect as to cause the simulated being to act in the exact same way as a real person and have every atom in the simulated brain do the same thing as every atom in the real brain that would still not be consciousness because there is nothing actually physically existing in space that could give rise to the consciousness.

Humans are machines. There is literally no reason it wouldn't work if simulated at physical level
God is product of natural selection and he intelligently designed this universe after his own.
Anything to push us away from God
This guy gets it
The Lore deepens.

Because the earth is flat.
>implying you don't get to meet God when he extracts your digital file from the simulation
>God doesn't exist because you can't prove it.
>Simulated Reality is what reality is, because we can't prove what reality is.

>hurrrrrr durrrrrrr

You guys are just as bad as Christfags.
There is a logical continuity behind one, other one is handwaving and wizards
>meme arrow generalizations

Don't pretend the concept of God is illogical, especially as a concept to a humanity that was generations on top of generations behind us technologically. It's not just handwaving and wizards. Someday you'll grow up and realize that.
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In all of these posts I've been going out of my way to present my argument in a detailed way. My argument is the main point that I've been making which is that consciousness is based on the physical and anything non-physical would only be a representation of consciousness.

>This sentence implies that AI can never be created.

Wrong, my argument allows for the existence of AI. It even allows for the possibility that they could be programmed to act so that they were indistinguishable from humans. They just wouldn't actually be conscious. No AI can ever be conscious because it would be a virtual simulated consciousnesses that would not actually be conscious.

>That we have a magical element attached to our flesh upon birth that makes us sentient.

No, not at all, the point is that consciousness is the result of the actual existence of our brains and the processes that happen in them. Anything on a computer is just a simulation of that and isn't actually conscious.

You can't copy consciousness. You could copy the neuron interactions and simulate it but it would still be a simulation. You could clone the person whose consciousness you were trying to copy but the person born through that process would have a separate consciousness.

>It seems like you're saying the consciousness is magical and special in a way that electrons, protons, and neutrons are not.

WRONG. I'm saying that consciousness is formed by the interactions of electrons, protons and neutrons that actually exist, in a simulation they don't actually exist but are just represented with numbers.

>There is literally no reason it wouldn't work if simulated at physical level

That's any oxymoron, you can't simulate at a physical level because if it is being simulated then by definition it is not physically existing.
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For starters which of the hundreds of gods are you talking about?

Bible is complete fanfiction
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>In all of these posts I've been going out of my way to present my argument in a detailed way. My argument is the main point that I've been making which is that consciousness is based on the physical and anything non-physical would only be a representation of consciousness.
>WRONG. I'm saying that consciousness is formed by the interactions of electrons, protons and neutrons that actually exist, in a simulation they don't actually exist but are just represented with numbers.

What's the difference though?

What does an electron that "Actually exists" do that a simulated electron doesn't do?

You're saying there's an interaction we're not capturing with the simulation. What's the interaction? If you can ever define a difference, we can simulate that difference.

Or why can't we simulate it?

Any of the hundreds of Gods you want to talk about. Reread the post, Finnshit. I'm talking about the concept of God. The concept.

Jesus Christ, you boys really have drunk yourselves retarded.
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holy crap. I thought I had all the proper xenogears arrangements (creid, light) but I somehow missed this one. Thanks anon!
Explaining things by God is still handwaving and wizards unless you add supplementary argument...
Even then the system has a new PID with new memory pointers & dataset.
It is a new 'being' so to speak.

You, as you are, is 'dead' either way.
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Are you missing any else?

>No, not at all, the point is that consciousness is the result of the actual existence of our brains and the processes that happen in them. Anything on a computer is just a simulation of that and isn't actually conscious

But you're mistaken. The entire section of your head can be simulated 1:1 if you had a powerful enough computer, up to the physical laws - it's all representable by information.

If it couldn't, what is the element that is impossible to be represented by information that does not allow for it to be represented via a simulation? Magic?

And you reach the conclusion that it is either simulateable (in which case a brain can be simulated 1:1 via virtual information), or not because of some outside element that prevents it (which implies that there is an outside place where it comes from, another universe - hence we're in a simulation)
If everyone agrees to not build the robot, everything is fine. That's not even a "nightmare inducing decision" like the titles say it is.
>it only comes into existence when it needs to "probably"
define the "need" please
>from humans in the future
technically they'd be human forerunners from the past running a big bang simulation on a planet sized quantum computer

normie here. wtf you talking about. have literally heard nothing about simulation theory for years
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an observer.
When I create characters in my brain by imagining them, they would be according to this theory be concious. They have been created by a organic computer. Right?

Mantras are cheat codes.
do inanimate objects qualify as observers?
Due to the double-slit experiment, we express particle in quantum mechanics by their "wave-function". What the wave-function means, is not that the particle acts as a wave of energy, or multiple particles at once, or that it is LITERALLY in two places at once, its definiton is that it is a Wave of potentiality. The potential of where the particle is interferes with itsself, which shows us the interference pattern in the experiment.

It's virtual, the particle isn't real, it's the probably of the particle being there that makes it real. To us, the observers, probability is the only rule that matters. In the ruleset that defines our universe, it's probable that the particle is a particle, if we observe the "which way" information in the experiment. If we do not observe "which way" the particle took, it takes all paths, and interferes with its own infinite path taking, then displays its self as a wave at the end.

The need is the observation to make it true. The need is the "need" for the system to remain constant, consistent, and probable.

Information and probability are what make our universe, not physicality or materialism.
>the particle isn't real
Quantum mechanics doesn't know whether the particle is real or not. It doesn't talk about particles.
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Light is not an inanimate object.
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i dont think so, unless they record, or are lifeforms maybe.
Observers need to be able to consciously measure data in real time.
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I'm not sure what you're talking about.

We observe effects in quantum mechanics. We try to fit them into our understanding of physics, the definitons of those observations are what we describe as particles.
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You not understanding my argument =/= not an argument

>What does an electron that "Actually exists" do that a simulated electron doesn't do?

The later one isn't an electron and doesn't do anything. A simulation of something is not the same as that thing itself. You don't need to put "actually exists" in quotes btw its an unambiguous term with a concrete definition we all understand.

>You're saying there's an interaction we're not capturing with the simulation. What's the interaction?

No, I'm saying by virtue of being a simulation there can never be consciousness because in a simulation there is nothing existing that could result in consciousness. In order for there to be consciousness there has to be something physically existing in space that generates it. Anything else is a representation and a representation is not the same as the thing itself.

>If you can ever define a difference, we can simulate that difference.

You can never escape the limitation that a simulation is just an imitation and does not actually exist in any physical sense. Any consciousness that seemed to result from the simulation would just be imitation consciousness because of the fact it was created by a virtual imitation of reality. The imitation or representation is not the thing itself.

> The entire section of your head can be simulated 1:1 if you had a powerful enough computer, up to the physical laws - it's all representable by information.

Yes, I agree that could be simulated but that is not consciousness.

The mistake in your post is that you are assuming that if you could simulate a brain 100% perfectly then that is consciousness, it's not.

Consciousness is the result of the brain physically existing and its processes actually occurring in reality. Any simulation fails to be the same as this because the simulated brain is not physically existing.
>Any simulation fails to be the same as this because the simulated brain is not physically existing.

The simulation is executed from a physically existing computer chip. I don't get where you're trying to go with this.
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