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Thread replies: 320
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I also told the Goys but they didn't listen.
European crash within the year.

Cap this post.
Germany said it will bail them out if necessary
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>since 4 months ago people were saying that so long as it floats above 11.00, than it won't be happening
>and it never went lower than 11.25
>check today and it's 10.55 and falling
what does this mean.

t. not economicfag
Some richfag around to use like a billion to short it?
merkel just told them to fuck off this morning
8 years ago people knew it was next.
Merkel be blessed I hate the German "people".
first of all nothing is happening.

As long as the feds don't raise their interest rates nothing will happen. BUT if they do raise it it will be a crash.
so if the shit hits the fan in Deutche Bank, the Fed will bailout them, right?
-7,46% is nothing, come back when it's -746% in one hour.
merkel said noone is allowed to bail them out its over you damn waffle
It's slightly worrying, but at this point nothing is happening. Everything is fine.
Ah apologies, just saw a Bloomberg headline. This bank going down would really put the nail in the coffin for Merkel. Italy is looking at similar concerns or was when I looked a few months ago. Euroskeptics will rise
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Crash now
It will be impossible to bail them out without the people helping out.

And asking the general public to bail out another big bank will not be easy. Maybe impossible
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Daily reminder: Merkel knows whats about to happen. She warned you...

Germany to tell people to stockpile food and water in case of attacks.
Fuck off kike
>merkel said
Merkel's word doesn't mean shit in the last couple of years. She's been on antidepressants lately. She's losing in every election in Germany. She still wants to flood the country with immigrants. Frankly, nobody gives a shit about her. If somebody powerful tells her to bailout she will like the submissive bitch she is.
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Holy shit
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I hope the bank doesn't die desu, I know some people who work there.
Kek wills it
He's already onboard.
stfu leaf, you're literally part of the problems we have. Electing a fucking leftist leader.

Go hunt some moose and make yourself usefull toronto nigger
Yeah I thought the individual was referring to him. George Soros is truly based
>bank collapses
>refugees attack because gibs me dat has ended

i knew this would happen
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and KEK again!
>German Bank crashing
Probably means she'll organise a cash injection in private. Germany doesn't have time for this shit right now
Well, you were right, OP.

I guess I should have been shorting DB with all of the money that I don't have.

he fucking makes this shit happen then he puts his money on it. hes not just sitting waiting, i guarantee you hes involved. maybe not the root cause but why wouldnt he push things in the direction of his agenda. this guy needs to be fucking stopped.
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>tfw you bought 2 btc last week and already made up $35 in value.

I listened.
>I told you one of the most likely and obvious outcomes of a bank that you would have to be retarded to not see coming
>This somehow makes me smart or able to see the future I'll olyourself attentionwhore
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This is the week :^)

(The post is from a few weeks ago)
>tfw refugee situation turns Europe into a 3rd world with debt crisis and employment crisisis everywhere

Bond market is going to get annihilated. That will cause the crash.

Negative interest rates on shit tier governments are the biggest meme of 2016.
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Hitler kills the bankers again
nope we are returning 2008 merkel doesnt give a flying fuck about germany, damn flag crushing kike.

he might have had something to do with the crash itself he bet 20 billion for the euro to crash
It is likely but you see this happen quite often with billionaire traders. They likely have great investigators. A few months back Icahn pulled out of Apple and then a month after that, Apple tanked in China and then was getting a boot in the butt by Chinese government.
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Accelerate the plans.
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impressive, ahmed.
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whats that chart implying? they recovered back to atleast +2-3.0 and lost everything due to a major sell off.
>What is value/time

please finish high school.
there won't be any schools in a little while
The lights go down show's over.
If you are going to a public school they aren't teaching you anything anymore now. Liberal indoctrination started in public schools long ago to help keep the poor down.
Of course a thread about banking is full of kikes
>those feet
The poor? I couldn't care less about anyone but myself. That's how it's supposed to be. They can starve for all I care. Oh but it's the Government's fault for that too?
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Well, George Soros is rarely fucking wrong, is he.
>nobody remembers him betting against DB a while ago
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Im usually all for a happening but fuck. No. I cant right now. Please no.
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Come on go below 10.50
You're right. But I'm weak and my bones are brittle. We must destroy the Goy.
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>I couldn't care less about anyone but myself.
That is why you will inevitably fail. A good team is stronger than any individual. Victory through unity.
no they said the opposite
You're silly. Of course I use unity. But I always look out for myself in the end.
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Italian government is trying to save one of its banks by liquidity pumping (it won't work btw).

Let it all collapse!

no, jews did this.
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Just hold out, Moshe. It will be alright.
Without the cattle, you can have no farm.
We will get to the Promised Land.
We will reap our glorious bounty soon.
Let it crash and burn. I'm ready for WW3.
Have the markets closed?
Do you remember The Goy Wars?
Longer still we all must wait.
yes Canada
A leaf. A fucking leaf
So what is the result of the crashing of the german bank and how fast will this reach the US?

Also isnt the beeaking point at 10?
If you let your home be conquered it isn't your home at all. The German People do not exist. Only Chosen who inhabit all corners of the World will be missed.
Dindu nuffin.
the dbk is the biggest public german bank if this is the crash it may or may not hit us, but europes finished.
World Domination is a piece of cake.
The german people have been systematically oppressed, mentally abused, discriminated and brainwashed for seventy fucking years. And we have just seen recently the tiniest spark of hope for the german people to regain their nationalistic pride. The german people do exist. It is just you, unless you are 90+ years , who have never experienced them.
well desu as long as it floats above 10 it's not happening
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The eternal anglo strikes again
>The eternal anglo strikes again
I mean, as long as it floats above 0.00 its not happening.
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Of course he can resistance is futile
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fuck /pol/ you've been predicting economic disaster for years when will it actually happen
sometimes group and personal objectives align
it will probably bounce back tomorrow
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So get really comfy and or prepared?
>resistance is futile
Does this mean anything good/bad for the rest of the west? (America, Australia)
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i just feel like they can't let the Euro economy and with it the Hillary-backing Euro governments crash before the vote
I don´t know a lot about economics but 7% of 6,000000 is 420,000
My friend interned at Deutsche Bank this summer (I interned at another big bank). I told him not to go, it is a fucking shit tier bank and we all laugh at them for being such retards.

He is gonna start full-time after this school year in NYC with me, but I think he will be jobless before his job starts
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>that picture
Holy tits
It won't, trust me.
Now watch Italy kick the can, it will instantly triggers Portugal, and then both Germany and France right at the same time.
Norway, do you even math?
It's fine

Worst case scenario they bail it out
they said they wouldn't
With what money? They spent it all on the refugees.
Meme magic is real
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Seems easy enough.

In b4 >derivatives
Just let them default
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>Just let them default

God wept
Well why not?
They would lose all sovereignty to the central banks if that happened
I honestly hate these threads, they make me re-evaluate my plan for when the economy would crash. Have to stash enough food.
What are the implications of that? Because people talk a lot recently... but nothing change...

Because, last time the german system collapse while have at the same time a "refujew" problem... it didn't end up very well...
Germany will just bail it out at some point. They will just do it after next year's elections.
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>implying that's not precisely what they want
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It's all ogre.
Burn baby burn
This is indicative of another major global economic crisis. Last time the numbers were like this was 2008. We have the exact same situation on our hands. Except many would argue that this time it's worse. The problem is that we economists are pretty good at estimating what will happen however we can never tell you when. But my guess is pretty soon.
>tfw still 30k invested in stocks
So will DB still exist by the end of the week?
I understand your work anon
Praise Him !
>tfw cashed out last week on an all time high with 30% YTD profits.
As a rule /pol/ is wrong but I sold all out on friday after a good 4,5% run in a week.

Markets are probably going up tomorrow though and DB along with it. Oil's doing alright.
>tfw being greedy and not wanting to cash out my 20% TWTR gains
>tfw owning solar stocks
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We have to go deeper
I would cash out TWTR desu. But I'm a conservative and more trigger happy on the sell button than healthy.
Solar is chill tho.
I already bought put options for DB, in what other way can I profit off Europe's collapse? 10% of my profits will go towards Europe white race organizations.

never be greedy

first thing they teach you in trading
Yeah I will by the end of the week probably. What does your portfolio look like? Also have ONVO which I'm going to keep until Q3 earnings at least

thank you sir
>windows 10

How long can it survive for anyway? Or will it just keep getting propped up
Can we make it out in time, TRIGGER 52! TRIGGER 52!
>Europe's collapse
Hahahahahja. How naive.
>just bought put options
Massive kek for you friend. You are about a month too late
Everyone will invest in the pound

All jokes aside. The pound keeps sliding and hasn't recovered yet. I am deeply concerned a sinking Europe will drag us down.
I bought them exactly one month ago, you're the one who assumed I just did.

Tbqh you'd be lying to yourself if you told me it's still not a good plan. I don't see you making any brighter suggestions.
>0.5% difference
h-holy shit.. it's over... deutsche bank is finished & bankrupt
Too bad they gave all the money to ahmeds
what are the real chances of the Deutsche Bank going down along the EU? is it even possible, or just a dream?
Only cash atm haha. :D
I have a pretty conservative strategy. I only invest into larger companies. Either ones with good strategy and prospects, or ones that have been hit by some panic and are heavily undervalued.

This year I made a lot of good trades on Credit Suisse and UBS. Zürich Insurance also gave me a sweet 30% return. I held Implenia and Emmi for nice gains.
I also tried to gamble on Aryzta but it didn't really recover as much as I hoped. Same for Swatch and ABB. ABB was like 0.5% net profit in the end. :/
Also invested a bick back and forth in oil. But profits were cut a bit since I paid a bit too much in fees.

So yeah, just noticed this was a very swiss year haha.
If you bought them a month ago that's good. My point is this isnt going to just affect Europe. America is going to take the biggest hit and with it the entire world in another massive crisis.
implying he isnt either making money off the collapse or knows something we all dont
None. It'll bounce back
You retarded or something, what is a 7?
I listed, i replied to your threads
Yeah the fees suck. What broker are you using? I'm using PostFinance which are partnered with SwissQuote I think
wew lad this is nuts
can you show me what happened in 2007-2010 too familia?
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so true anon

she has never had an independent thought in her life
propping up a $64 trillion dollar behemoth...mate...i don't even
Haha yhe, we are in the same boat then. Swissquote fag here.
I always try to juggle the numbers that it stays just below one of the tresholds for the next higher step. The ZURN trade was funny, cause the shares were touching one of these limits and in the end I had to wait for them to drop a bit because selling for 257 would have been more expensive than seling for 256 haha.
ETF fees are pretty chill tho. I like holding the SMICHA one during dividend season.

I wish we had something like robinhood.
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fugg. witnessed!
So are you going to wait until next year to invest again?

I'm looking at GPRO as my next stock
I wanted to go into GPRO as well! A bit unsure if it's too late. I think I will buy some arms industry and drone business. Need to do the reaserch tho to decide which.

I honestly don't know whan I will invest again. I wait for a dip. It's all a bit too stagnant at the moment. I hope it doesn't rise suddenly in the winter. :/
dubs if volatility spike
im grateful to miss to be honest
are you?
>Bail out $50trillion with a GDP of $2trillion
Good luck Germoney!
Ya'll ready for a crash worse than 2008?
is germany's fiscal solvency a metaphor for the anal solvency of their wives? (being fucked by ackmed?)
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It won't m8, dont expect the coming days to be good for DB, or EU.

GPRO share price -84% in one fucking year.

Also, revenues -50% in one fucking year.

No wonder your national bank is taking a fucking beating in its investment portfolio.

You guys invest worse than fucking Chinese peasants.

You might as well buy DB while you're at it.
Stop sharting up the thread nigger
"invest in" doesn't necessarily mean buy. You can short if you expect a fall.

That's what I did with DB last week, best return I made this month
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>praise to be Kek
shorting is not investing you bongtard.

what you're talking about is "trading".


congratulations on joining the DB bandwagon.

Shame you didn't short a year ago, but I know retail investor ants like yourself only do something when it's slapping them across the face every day on the ticker tape.
Well said Norway.
the only thing stinking up this thread is your shit investment ideas.
>place some of your money on market movement with potential returns
>not an investment


Germany "Other" Bank: Commerzbank To Fire 9,000, 18% Of Its Entire Workforce

>tfw shorting volatility ETP's while hedging with volatility calls

kill me money anons
As someone who works in the London investment management scene, invest generally does mean to buy/take a long position.

A short position would be explicitly stated.
Commerzbank, whose balance sheet is hardly looking much healthier, is planning to cut around 9,000 jobs over the coming years as Germany's second biggest lender pushes ahead with a restructuring plan, Handelsblatt reported earlier today, citing unnamed sources in the finance industry.

The round of layoffs would eliminate a massive 18% of the bank's entire workforce.


>it's weimar time!
>buying and holding for over a year
Go back to giving your money the vanguard composite jew.

>Buying GPRO in may for 9$
>Selling GPRO now for 17$
Would have been a neato trado
>not familiar with financial industry colloquialisms
>relying on terms he learned in his college finance class to express himself
have you graduated yet bongy?
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Someone explain to me how the bank tanked so hard, I don't know much about economy.
>timing the market
>not degeneracy on par with horse-betting
negative interest rates probably aren't helping
>the act of putting money, effort, time, etc. into something to make a profit or get an advantage

Warren Buffett pls go
I have got millions in this bank, it is not going to fail and I will get all my money back.

Trust me, (((I))) know what I am talking about.
Merkel vowed to not bail them out. The only idiots that still had their money in douche bank were the ones that thought it was too big to fail.
>Analysing financial statements of companies and comparing them to the competition and general market envoirment to then make a risk-weighted decision, optimised for a likely and considerable return.
>clearly above american education
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So, the German highers-up telling the population to stockpile on food and primary material needs last month all makes sense now.
So what's the term for a short position then? Isn't "I invested £500,000 in a short position on DB" correct?
eyes bleeding mayhem within a year.
I don't hear about anyone sending their kids to switzerland to get degrees... may be because it's shit?
and gold and silver
lots of gold and silver
That's obviously because niggers can't afford it
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/pol/ is never ever right about this
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What about french banks?

Are they all fucked if DB collapes?
Maybe because it's too hard for you niggers?

Anecdote: When I went for an exchange semester to the US we had a "sensitivity briefing". Among other things they advised us to set some wrong crosses on your history tests because europeans regularly score 100% and then get bullied by niggers, causing unwanted hassle.
> negative interests
> huge fines
> constant bad press
> costs too high, income too low
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>falls to 10.65 last night
>starts climbing
>feels bad time to sleep
>wake up
I can understand that, but at the end of the day, it's like fiat. It only has value because of confidence. By itself, gold and silver are kind of useless. It stood the test of Time, I'll give you that.

In case of shit REALLY hitting the fan, I'd rather get toilet paper, dried food and water first, which I can easily resell and trade. Then, if I'm left with something, I'll get gold and silver.
try again. Even the billionaires who can afford any tuition send their kids to America and England to get a real college education.

Nobody goes to University of Zurich as their first choice, lol.
Do not panic everything is fine.
Sounds like you're sensitive faggots if you're worried about getting bullied.

Who's talking about niggers?

All the world's elite send their kids to American universities because they are simply the best.
Why are you here? You should be planning to storm the Bastille.
>bank collapses
>refugees attack because gibs me dat has ended
>germans have had enough
>civil war starts
Lol not we are worried, your shit teachers were worried. Jake had to tell all these eurofreshers to take it down a notch for the local tards.

I'm not arguing that you don't have 2-3 good universities. How many of your 400 Million americans graduate from them though? Your base education really sucks compared to other western countries. Feel free to blame the niggers and spics. I once had a nigger in class and he dragged the whole level down by like 1 grade.
Huh, I always had the impression Basel's uni was better.
Deutsche is a problem, but the real one is Italy. If Italy falls first, then France falls, then everyone else falls.

If Deutsche falls first, then everyone falls next.

No good ending, sorry.
>tfw investing in GPRO and cashing out atleast 30% profit in a few months

Meanwhile niggers in America can enjoy the first female president. Stay buttblasted, fellow Amerishart
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are you the Singapore finance dude. whats your take on all dis
Denied just this morning, good luck Krauts
>Basel uni

Basel has a uni?
Tbh EPF Lausanne is best for Physics and such stuff. St. Gallen is best for economy. Zürich is great too but they have a shit ton of rich foreign kids trying to chill there and fucking the shit up for the other students.

Italy is a finished country desu.
You do realize that rock bottom rates for years have made zero interest basically incapable of doing anything, now that we've arrived at this point. So yeah if they raised them right now there would be a crash immediately, but guess what? It's been that way since September of last year. The crash has caught up to these shitty interest rates, and now we have no tools to make the crash any less significant. Prepare to experience the Russian 90's only with niggers and Arabs
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I think you Brexited just at the right time, Britbro. Still, I think you did it too late. I feel bad you'll still fall with all of us.
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so whens the crash coming

true, sounds like a good plantbh

/pol/ generally bases it's predictions on no state intervention, which is generally what's been happening. If Merkel doesn't, then DB is gonna have a bad time- and that's what she's said. No intervention. If she does, then the German taxpayers are going to go orbital with collective jimmy rustling because the idea of their cash paying off a retard uberbank's fuckups is guaranteed to get Merkel's party on the fast track off the top of the party lists.

The likely thing is DE looks for investors to feed some cash into it's reserves, keeping it from tipping completely from that $14 billion smack in the face from the US.
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L'Elysée is comfier, i'd rather storm that
in other german news, exports were down 10% in july from last year and industrial output down 1.5%

More like the reverse- an imploding German economic core means more people flocking to London to do business as it'll actually be more stable than Berlin is.
Berlin was never stable. That's why even the jews (HSBC, JP Jewgan) threatened to move to Paris if Brexit happens, not Berlin
i have great confidence in both France and Germany, i have no doubt they're gonna deal with this shit.
What is a good place to start learning trading in order to make a bit of money on the side? Also what starting capital would one need?
>make a bit of money on the side
I have bad news for you amigo. You don't make much the first few months, it takes practise and dedication.

You should feel lucky enough if you break even at the end of each month on your investments.
bout tree fiddy
America is one of the most diverse countries on the planet and at the same time the worlds only superpower. Germany experiences some migrant problems and it's the end of the world.
I meant in the long term. Hence why I asked if there's a place where I can learn the basics at least on theory. Besides I can practice with a demo account i.e. virtual money, no?

P.S. Mexicans say amigo, we say batka.
My hope please
Shame DB isn't on 1broker you could have put your btc there and shorted DB with 20x leverage
I thought it was bratan?
hush little baby don't say a word
Because people that immigrated to America were mostly European and shared similar values. Whole Arabs and Googles come to Germany with completely opposite values and are mostly not educated
So if this completely JUSTs itself, what are the consequences for Europe? Or even the world? I know fuck all about economics
You can say brat which effectively means brother.
I too told the goyim. They didn't listen.
You can practice yes. I use plus500 for CFD trading, they apply a good leverage and you make profit off the margin. They have virtual money accounts you can play with. Also they are based in Israel and with the jews, you win.
14 = Adolf Hitler
88 = Heil Hitler
Happening tomorrow then?


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I guess it's happening.
Nigga trips ain't shit

Quints maybe
you guys are fucking idiots with no clue on how derivatives work
You're an idiot.
>derivatives work by crashing the value of your stocks
i work in finance you fucking dimwit
I dropped out of highschool.
So what to do guys? Buy gold or GBP? My money is in USD right now, but my salary for big project will be in EUR till next month. Thanks
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Italys been over French bro
yeah i can tell
can I have a bitcoin finance bro
Italy's got some senate referendum coming up too. December fourth.


could make for interdasting
What was this retarded, out of context comment for then

The point is DB's stock price is crashing, yet you imply everybody but yourself is wrong to think DB is crashing because we (supposedly) don't understand how derivatives work.

You may work in finance as an accountant i.e. an autist who can only play with numbers and cannot express himself. That would make sense.
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>mfw a friend invested and ignored my warnings
This is fucking stupid only one of those is a semi modern derivative.

As you'll know derivatives come in all shapes and sizes these days. From parcelled real products or energy products, to speculative futures and strange black meme magic putts.

The types of derivatives is only limited by very few laws and who's willing to buy them!
quick! buy the dip!
Why is the Deutsche Bank crashing?
Barrons is speculating putts at $5USD would be a reasonable buy and $4USD could be interesting.
Binary trading is a recent meme the law failed to stop. That's some retarded derivative a lot of clueless faggots waste their money on
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Lol it's only in Germany. It's not going to affect us.
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Can I get a summary of what the fuck is actually happening?
What's causing this sudden collapse?
Is this actually a happening or is it just like China's "collapse" a few months ago?
What does this mean for EU or even just Germany?
Because racist german people didn't take enough refugees.
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This is her election year.

No way she bails them. No way.
Banking system of entire EU might collapse.
Rock and a hard place really. If she doesn't bail them out, their economy is fucked. If she does, she's fucked.

lol wut if the euro crashes were done
its basically 2008 called they want their economy back times 4
The question is, what is more important to her.
Refugees. So who can say what she'll pick.

They made some very very big gambles on a few things for a long time. Then when everyone else in the Eurozone including the BoE knew about how bad things could be they made more bad gambles around Brexit.

All while this is going on they also had a US DoJ suit hanging over them that they expected would be a $5B fine max and $1B legal costs..... it came out a $15B fine which is a fuckton of any banks available liquid cashflow!

Now that the entire world knows they have $60 trillion in exposure, roughly 40 times their assets under management and they can't pay a $15 billion dollar fine, people are starting to speculate and sell!

How did I do finance Anons?
Globalism means if DBK burns, the chain reaction will fry the entire global banking system.
>if the euro crashes

I like the optimism. The EU is well and truly fucked, Brexit was just the first part for giggles but the real show is coming up real soon, and we're not gonna like it!
>Can I get a summary of what the fuck is actually happening?
The bank is crashing.
>What's causing this sudden collapse?
Economic cycles.
>Is this actually a happening
It's almost happening.
>What does this mean for EU or even just Germany?
In the worst scenario - economic collapse.
She will probably blame everything on white germans and say that they need to take more refugees.
you do realize what happens on the 30th right

See here... >>90457079

If a big Jew family doesn't bail them out or the EBC/DB and other Euro basically says fuck you about the derivative contracts then we'll likely see a pretty cool happening.

Buy silver.
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Time to get comfy as fuck, kick back and watch the world burn...

I just had an interview with them too :(
I'm going long Deutsche tomorrow, will hold a spread bet until Friday close, they will recover at least a couple of percent by then.
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So I'm shadow banned on /pol/ now too? I mean, I know it was a bad joke, but come on mods.
I'm sure there will still be credit unions in the Mad Max future.
Nope I just thought you were a nigger!
Why silver?
precious metal boom when?
>Asking the general public

When did they ask you if you wanted refugees?
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nah, just wasnt funny
expect it by the 30th when world currency's changes find your nearest pawn shop that opens early, and sell shit and change your dollars to shit coins. If you feel like doing that
>Nope I just thought you were a nigger!

>nah, just wasnt funny

Mods confirmed Reddit fags.
Too late, you missed the chance. You should have done it three days ago when there was a similar thread
The black moon?
If you're buying physical then it's cheap and easy to sell.

Gold is easier to hide you don't have as much coin/minting costs.

If buying non physical then whatever silver or gold. They shadow eachother in price and silver is used much more than gold.
Thanks for correcting the record.
Man if those numbers are even remotely correct how has this not happened earlier?
That's like buying a fucking house and using a gum wrapper as collateral.

You can try your luck and actually buy and send when it bumps up a few % as >>90457708 suggests


HOW will they ever recover?!
Fair enough.
black moon? huh lets see if that hits me, but close the world banks change and the world currency changes according to speculation, and the weird imf meeting that happens that day.
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Some of the more interesting derivative products you could bet on both sides of an outcome and if it goes big they way you want then it's great. This means people put a lot in the kitty but they unfortunately had a while bunch go the wrong way.

I've know about this for more than 2 years.
lets get this trending

how many dicks can you fit in your rectal cavity?
>Some of the more interesting derivative blahblahblah
I wish you skypes would go back
Don;t be a niggerfaggot
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That's not what 14 means you dumb google.
>jewish shills trying to stop goyim from making money
JIDF pls
But what does it mean?
It's called a straddle mate. It's where you bet on the volatility of a stock.

With Deutsche most people were just straight up shorting it.

The bank will be bailed out. Too many rich fucks and their friends invested and house all their money in DB.

Watch any interview about it. Everyone always throws in the words "Too big".

Google "Too big to fail"
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Why play your hand so easily? Fucking skypes.
Hehehe Kek has most likely other plans.
I wouldnt plan any big investments in the future amerikun.

all those easy calories Pierre
Wasn't talking about their stock I was talking about how they got here. But thanks I'm not finance.

Fuck off Hillbillie! I've been called a Skype and a Reddit in this thread both of which are worse than the 6 quadrillion. I know my enemy, lurk more!
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