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Monday Night QandA Livewatch

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Get in here Ausfags, it's time for bingo!

Watch with us:
>also on FB for the desperate

Tonight's panel:
>Jay Weatherill - South Australia Premier
>Penny Wong - Opposition Leader in the Senate
>Simon Birmingham - Minister for Education
>Amanda Vanstone - Former Liberal Senator

Don't forget to tweet along using #qanda for comments and @qanda for questions. You can also request a #factcheck for anything that sounds suss.

Will need a volunteer ticker-offer tonight, so please help whoever volunteers by pointing out any squares you hear.

What a boring fucking panel of nobodies.
I'm in.
Is Amanda Vanstone the world's only redpilled fat dyke?
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Hey lads, how are we all tonight? Tussled with any dropbears lately?
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How are we all tonight?
Mate, bears in Australia are cunts. Everyone knows that. If you're a bear, you're probably a cunt.

Bloody awful mate. Greens might've got their way about that plebiscite, my knees fucked, I've got mesothelioma and in general I'm fucking pissed off about all the poofta cunts in government. Somebody drop a bomb on that commie dyke penny wongdong. Fucking bitch.
I'm literally voting yes just because it'll be a shitstorm if it doesn't pass.

7 more minutes.
who else watching media watch lol
Who cares mate let the little faggots throw a tantrum rather than give them what they want. They need to be reminded that they're a minority, and minorities don't get to redefine marriage.
Hope you get better mate
I'm voting no because it will be a shitstorm if it doesn't pass
Both the liberals are "moderates".
Vanstone can be good for a giggle, the rest are boring as fuck.
No way I'm getting better, only got around six months. Can't wait to die, I take solace in knowing I won't live to see faggotry acceptable in our great nation.
Really m8? Not sure if you are trolling.
>one whole hour about American kids roleplaying as politicians
what the fuck four corners
Nah mate dead serious, from the asbestos break linings we used to put in the jeep and tanks.
I'd rather there not be a plebiscite in the first place. I'll vote yes, but mostly because it means gay rights charities will finally have to deal with the issue of gay homeless youth and getting them off the street or just shut down because they don't actually care about gay people at all. Gay marriage has been a massive cash cow for them for years now.
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whats the topic for tonight?

will half of the episode taken up by fag discussion?

despite being a labor senator i dont mind penny wong, but she shills the gay marriage shit so much due to being a rug muncher

also what does amanda memestone do these days?
How old are you m8?
Fuck off and die you weak faggot.
More details please anon. What point were they trying to make?
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>all politicians episode
Sorry to hear about that, mate.
How old are you? That's fucked
dunno she was immigration minister during the howard era then sent off on a ice floe to be US ambassador and now shes back or something?
>implying gay rights charities wont just move on to affirmative action for poofs

dont vote yes you gigantic faggot
no clue. All I know is that they spent one hour showing a documentary about ameritard frat boys on national television. switched off after 30 seconds
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god I hate Penny Wong's voice

Wats wong wif her voiss?
this whole faggots getting married shit is a huge fucking distraction from the issues that actually matter.
what happened to that steel plant in SA
what happened to the budget deficit
what happened to the subs
everyone is fucking jerking each other off with this gay shit meanwhile the whole place is going south
its literally the best outcome too be fair

alot of non-pollies get on the panel and spout some absolute bullshit e.g. clementine ford. i prefer it when its just an episode of politicians going at each other for an hour straight
yeah i guess after last week its good to go back to reality
>ameritard frat boys
It was probably about "rape culture" then.
Where the fuck are they tonight?

Muh education
gonski has fucking failed you cuck literacy and numeracy levels have not risen
Pretty much.
Bit hungover from the weekend, lad.
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>set the record straight

wtf i love hillary now
afaik it was never fully implemented but all the hurr durr literacy rates havent improved shit look at the national average. how could that show anything?
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88 mate. I'm always in Aussie threads. Photo is of me when I was in Korea, got some world war two photos as well.
Say it to my face you fucking quiche eating poofta.
It's a blessing in times like this mate. Cheers though.
I thought the redditfrog would explain

She sounds like a greek parachute trooper
why the fuck? we don't have frats here unless you want to be a monk
I would never have made the connection wtf
>it's the guy who role plays as an oldfag again
how is your wife going mate heard she was sick
I remember you lad. Got any words of wisdom for the youth of today? Not that it would be that applicable.
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m8 please.
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>indigenous students

Muh first Australians!
rofl it was 80 a week ago

you age pretty quick my man
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Do not reply to baitposters.
take your fuckin meds gramps
Amanda hosts a show on RN you faggots. Don't tell me you fuckers listen to anything else on the radio?
>that face
/pol/ incarnate.
triple J old man
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God damn I hate how South Australians talk.
Amanda Vanstone is starting to look pretty hot. Getting better with age.
Wait does that count as an "entertainer on panel" box tick?
Fuck Amanda Vandstone
b-being nice to coons will get me some pussy, right guys?
Well mate, go ahead and drop a bomb on Penny Wong-dong. Got nothing to lose.
i dont listen to the radio at all, with the exception of triple j on the odd occasion
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Just cull all the retards and disabled in my opinion desus. No point spending taxpayer money on a retard who will never contribute enough to make up for it.
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fuck education lmao
need more meat for the muzzie grinder
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le happy liberal man
>Penny Wong
Oh great. More shit about faggots. Christ this MINORITY sure does get a fuck load amount of over representation in the media.
i listen to RN while working, fuck there is a lot of poofs and feminazis on there
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- excuse me
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yes it will. Load up on petrol m8 and lure some to your basement.
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>that tweet
>that twitter handle
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>this maoist whore
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>when the chinese send infiltrators to bring your nation down from the inside
fuck i hate penny wong

stupid dyke
None of those are full blooded abo. I'm guessing they're 1/8th, 1/4 at the absolute most.
[Spoiler] they are qts though [/spoiler]
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You what cunt?
>has two gay people on the panel over two weeks
its the abc you cuck
Fuck RN. Minorities making up 2% of the population get 98% of the air time on RN. Faggot ABC cucks ponce around work for a few hours, then piss off to buy artisinal cheeses and think they're saving the world.
"The best thing a child can do .. for their education .. is choose their postcode correctly" - Penny Wong, consistent critique of the middle class
qt spotted
Don't say that too loud m8 or else the Abo spammer will come back to work his Dreamtime magic.
at least she wears suits everyday and we can point to an example of a woman who doesn't attention whore with their clothes.

Can we just get Pauline to bash these cunts in
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>this squirming
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Would you hatesmash her ballot box, though?
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Don't care what you think poofta
Never said that mate my wife's been dead since 1991 thanks for the concern though. Some cunt was pretending to be me posting my photos a while ago. No dramas though chap.
I have some advice for the young pooftas of today mate. Just try some cooch, your luck will change! You won't have a prolapsed bunghole anymore, you won't get yeast infections, just fucking try it.
And if you're a young bloke going to University drop out and get a trade, it's not a bloody myth, you'll be better for it. Nothing like doing work and getting cash in hand for a hard days yakka.
Never said I was eighty, cunts have been using my photos.
Already got me some xxxx gold you VB drinking poofta.
I've fucking thought about pulling a diana on Penny dykewong. I want to do it, but I wouldn't want to bring shame on my family. I might do it though, I'm not sure.
Townsvillian here, went down to Brisbane for a holiday. It was full of chinks and fucking muslims. Is it as bad in all major cities or worse? I'd probably seen 10 chinks max in townsville in 18 years living here.
We have the least nasally accents in Australia, it's closest to how the English settlers would have spoken.

people who say VAH-se are objectively better than those who say VAY-se






>c l a p p i n g t i m e
>that shill clap

we /melbourne/ now
i remember around the brexit there were a few interesting programs but usually it is all trash apart from political interviews

there is one old posh cunt who is ALWAYS on talking about how much he hates trump
No way. She looks like the dude who does my dry cleaning.
How boring is it?, sorry im late

All i know is that the lesbian labour women is on the panel
At this point I'd just be happy if everyone sat in silence for the next hour.
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I'd even fold it in half nicely before shoving it in.
This guy looks like he's from the 50s
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>it's all the other parties fault
how can either of these faggots talk about fairness when private school receive federal funding?

she doesnt turn me on at all man, its like there is something seriously wrong with her
That's like 25% representation. Only Melbourne is 25% faggot.
it's a male to female transqueer nigger, no doubt about it
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>when you start dropping bombs on penny wong and the audience and the opposition has to resort to a "snappy" one-liner to break the tension
yeah...her sexuality
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Nobody but seppos say vayse. It just gives me the shits how South Australians always say darnce, parsta, Colonel Sarnders, etc.
>I've fucking thought about pulling a diana on Penny dykewong. I want to do it, but I wouldn't want to bring shame on my family. I might do it though, I'm not sure.
congrats you're now on a list somewhere
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>how can you justify spending money on people who produce results instead of deadshits
I don't think I can field this one, Anne!
Consider the word "shaco"

i thought ministers of the cabinet had to reside in the house of representatives

ive been rused
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>no (you)'s for my spicy high quality webms
Any sexual tension in the air? Didn't Jay Weatherill slip Penny Wong one in the past, and then she turned lesbo?
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>that tweet
Like i get some schools are underfunded, but we are a FUCKING ISLAND NATION, if for some reason pirates prop up in Papua or Indonesia then our trade routes are fucked, then we have no money for education
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more like 'penny wrong' hehe
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Don't give a fuck, nothing wrong with being honest. I want to fly a plane into parliament house.
Sick of this cunt with the big ears by the way, cunts lying through his teeth, bureaucratic cock-sucking poofta.
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It's bizarre because we have the highest amount of statist cucks per capita but we also have the highest amount of legends who don't give a fuck

see AEC records for proof
You're fucked mate. Where are you from?
fuck off you posh wanker. Private schools only get 'results' because they dont allow students to learn whatever they want. If you are a student who wants to do a harder subject for VCE your dear results producing grammar school wont allow you because it will reduce the 'performance' of the school.
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And here I was thinking that Adelaide might be free from Problem Glasses in the audience.

I love this meme. Google sounds so much funnier than nigger.
uh oh it's a non-leftist talking, time for Tonesy to interrupt
Progressives are desperate to overturn stereotypes
(for imaginary leadership points) and always have something to say.
was that a fucking gasp?
Is it just me or does that smug little bitch need to wax her upper lip? That little hussy has a thyroid problem.
Please guys. I'll be NEET forever if it doesn't pass because they'll use it as an excuse and literally never shut the fuck up about gay rights. Then they'll never get bored enough to talk about how affirmative action might be bad.

On behalf of Melbourne, I apologize. Please nuke, we've been left in the fridge too long.

Maybe we can fund Papuan education to prevent piracy?
Armenia, I'm a fucking boat person aye

Live in nsw
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shut it down
when are they gonna stop fucking talking about schools talk about poofs now
the gasp of our forefathers looking down from heaven
you probably did the simplest math and the simples subjects. then the running stats of your school and alleged 'difficulty' of sacs boosted your marks and you ended up with a atar of 80 with an IQ of 80
>spend all the monies on public schools la
>they need it to move boxes in warehouses la
>dont invest in the best and brightest la
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lmfao I went to tippy top school in my area and that never happened
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the crowd seem to be more labor/greens stacked than normal

do liberal MPs accept that they will get "roasted" when they agree to go on the show?
Funding is no help when all the kids would rather fuck around and do shit all, all whilst hitting up drugs.

Probably going to try and pave the way for the ABC to portray the safe schools program as good
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>make jokes
>distract from how the only conservative in the room lost the crowd because tones made it out to be that free shit wont be free
kek, check out this bigot
>he lives in NSW
How does it feel to have the most garbage footy team in the history of footy teams? Queensland have to try to lose, desu.
>Letting teenagers decide what they want.
Oh that's a fast way to fucking fail.
Also Private schools do better because they can be selective about their students so they take the best they can and reject the deadshits.
>letting NXT win a metropolitan electorate
absolutely disgusting
Who wants to put a bet on whether or not some faggot in the audience brings up safe(pedo) schools?
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>when the crazy bitch makes the best points somehow
Just because you have a good teacher doesn't mean the class will be good.

If you've got a classroom full of traumatised kids from shitty homes, you're never gonna help them.
maybe you were smart then. these are common things 'rich' schools do to boost marks. dumb students will reduce the study score for methods so all dumb shits will do maths general even if they want to learn methods.
fiddy bucks
>skipped maths in order to do phdpe
>basic level English
>social studies
>legal studies
>food science
>"Fuck off ya posh wanker it's because muh funding"

Also "We'll take that as a comment" box tick pls
why do we need interpereters in schools..
is it because new arrivals are in the school system?
i want national discussion about Safe Schools, someone in the panel needs to redpill the masses on it so it will never get in
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i have my mate on steam chat watching this.
he'd probably hear me lose my shit at that pedoshit
school is about learning you absolute fucking retard. this isn't communist china comrade where you must learn what the state dictates.
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>dialogue through the media

muh media
There's actually nothing wrong with our education system, if they care about kids how about youth unemployment? Education is a smokescreen, its think of the children politics.

She really doesn't.

I knew a huge number of deadshits from my school imported to play rugby and they never talked about any pressure to pick the deadshit subjects, they just did them because deadshit is as deadshit does.
Feels pretty shit desu
What the fuck can I do about it senpai

Posh schools grade easy
They also allow kids to resubmit their assignments after getting a 'pre-grade'

Its fucked up cheating

Fact: 90% of Usyd students went to North and Eastern Sydney High Schools

How does that happen? Magic as fuck right?
I want some cunt to bet against me mate, get the bugger to post his paypal and I'll drop the bastard fifty bucks if safe schools doesn't get mentioned. Post your email mate linked to your paypal, I'll do it
And what's the problem with that? If a kid shows enough aptitude to be a doctor or a lawyer, why not push him toward that career?

If a kid shows an aptitude for the trades, you'd have no qualms about his teacher informing him he'd make a great mechanic. Or are you a special kind of idiot?
i never said a thing about new funding. its simply unfair that these private schools deprive students from the choice to do whatever they want and pull down strong 40k a year per student for the right to do so they are also subsididzed by taxpayer monies. fuck that. i dont stand for that. i dont think anyone stands for that.
>She really doesn't.
But she does. We keep shoving money into our school system. Everybody keeps pointing out that we have a relatively well-funded school system, and we get shit results.

We don't need more money, we need the money that we have to be better spent.
Fuuuuuck what's the story behind that?
Hope someone shoots JT, that's all you can do.
[email protected]
how can you fuck with things like education and health

government is supposed to serve the people and they no longer are

so what are the people going to do about it?
this is exactly what i am saying. private schools only get a higher performance on paper not in actual intellect.
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I need a laugh.
I bet five hugs and four kiss :3

free postage!
You're telling me mate I get so worked up everytime I hear some cunt defending it, actually makes me physically ill that they'd defend turning Victorian schools into a pedophiles playground.
Won't happen mate, they'd only talk how great it is.
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American Freedom
>People wanting an education system like france and germany
>like frogs and hans

what did he mean by this? we'll have schools full of kebabs?

Traditionally the state program is designed to teach the students what the need to get a job..

In recent years electives have been focused on muh feelings. Notice how when the liberals decided safe schools and other were important we have more deadbeat school graduates
Poofta, bet you had quiche for dinner.
[ rubs hands ]
nigger please. like some rich fucks are going to take their kid out of the 'le eleet private school' because the government wont fund their school.
Oh no

>Muh ebil nuclear power
fuck off, we could be rich as fuck but people love coal for some reason
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Put it in the fucking desert you dumb cunt.
sorry m8 maybe you were sleeping when we went through the whole national curriculum consultation process
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but muh precious abo land
burn the coal, pay the toll.
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>why SA
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>Put it in the fucking desert you dumb cunt.
>wanting indigs with superpowers

The same cunts that argue against Nuclear power and Nuclear weapons in this country are the same cock-suckers that cry about how Australia has to pick either the USA or China, maybe if we had nuclear power plants & weapons we wouldn't have to?
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There is nothig wrong with nuclear power, you fucking green cunts

Do you offer any alternatives?
no, you bitch and moan that turbines and solar are unsustainable, and offer no other alternatives

fuck you, bitch
Letting deadshit kids pick Maths C and IT when they have shit Math scores and no aptitude for the subject matter is just good economics. Schools have a very limited resource called time, teachers spending too much time with one kid means that 29 other kids are missing out.
My mum was a principal in a state school, her school had 800 kids in it, 13 of them took up about 70% of her time. She was pretty sure that they were all being molested at home or some other appalling shit but they were 2% of the student body and they just killed the productivity of the rest of the school.
It's not even nuclear power.

We'd just take the waste.
>private schools deprive students of choice
Shouldn't have listened to the propaganda the people at Goonaburrapoonawirra High School for Troubled Teens fed you mate. I had plenty of choice and worked my ass off to get into the job I wanted.

Grandpa paid for my school bills, which were fucking jew-worthy, true. But it all went towards resources for the students; no rich teachers/headmasters at that school.
dubs of truth
Nah get fucked cunt, I did simple as shit subjects (read: social sciences) and carried my school in the AST.
same thing happens in state schools. i was in advanced english all through high school, at the end of year 11 they ''''''''''asked'''''''''''' me to drop down to standard english because i was apparently at the bottom of the class

so i went down to the standard english class where i was miles ahead of those stupid cunts and basically sacrificed my learning to make standard english school grade average or whatever better

fuck state schools, when ive got kids theyll be going to priv schools for sure
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the department of education love shilling this country
>hide nuclear waste under prime real estate
>chinks buy everything
>chinks explode everything
>sue china
>(((international citizen)))
Time to go nuclear?
We should store waste in SA because we mine uranium in SA. Brilliant.



Our issue in Australia isn't education or
Fuck yes. Remove.
>international citizen

That's right though, didn't SA have an exclusion zone were the poms did all their nuclear testing? Why not just dump the waste there, nobody lives there anyway. And of course it's a fucking sheila complaining, doesn't bother to read up on the topic she's preaching, just goes on her emotions, dumb fucking bitch.
in my local high schools business plan it talks about making students "Excellent world citizens" and "Encouraging them to be international citizens"

its fucked
It's been time to go nuclear since the 60s mate. It's time to fucking get nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons.
This tbqh, private schools perform better because the shekels go to good teachers.
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Do not taunt dragons
idk some abos complained about the poms nuking it (Wish they would do it again desu) and we all know that lefties would throw a hissy fit if we didn't listen to them only
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>labor supporting nuclear waste dumping

r o f l

green cucks on suicide watch
this is fucking bullshit and you know it. i was a high school not too long ago i know these stories. the dumb people will do what they do but you can't have a system when some fuck is pulling up his socks trying as hard he can to learn something to have some fuck say ohhh my job really is to just warehouse you for 8 hours and my time is valuable so fuck you cunt youre doing dumb shit.

education is more about giving it a go if someone told you all the time dont learn hard maths unless you know you arent going to waste my time you would never ever think of doing the hard maths.
It's the native land of the wingdingeridoo people, don't be racist
I went to a private school and most of my classmates' parents were tradies who sacrificed a fuckload to send their kids there.
muh lands
why is abo speak so fucking retarded
Speak of the devil, here's the representative boong.

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>blinded by the nuclear tests
Don't look at the flash you dumb cunts.
Nobody gives a shit about your shit ancestors
literally who?
Who's the madman in the back laughing?
>Ak nol edge tha tradishunal ownas ov dis land the dumbalaga peepol
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>abo's getting nuked
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>muh noonga land
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Fuck off tbqh.
papa franku?
thanks for sharing your story
yeah the private school pry on people who want to get ahead with they manufactured 'performance'

This bloke votes.
>Tweet says "So we will take nuclear waste but not refugees"
Idk, i dont think the nuclear waste will behead me
I hate the British. They had one job and didn't complete it.
So Aboriginal feels
please clap
The grammar and piss poor wording of your post shows the quality of your schooling buddy

She's the result of nuclear tainted abbo sperm.
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>when you really want to slap a bitch but these people are your safe voters
Clapping time.


That's insensitive and culturally inappropriate.
and we will just have fucking tradies and barristas and hair dressers as far as the eye can see with their iphone calculators to calculate gst
You're thinking of the PM mate
Aboriginals are barbarians, push them all into the desert and nuke the hell out of it. I don't give a fuck about the Gins or what the Gins think.
I know you're joking but I hope you aren't actually a nip. Fucking hate nips more than I hate the Gin.
>traditional owners
Hate this meme.
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Pick one
yeah i would go for grammar nazi when i know i have been stumped too
Fuck off you roleplaying spastic. Nobody thinks your slang is endearing or convincing.
Fucking Gin bitch! Why do we allow these animals on television? Fucks sake.
Someone please shoot whoever picks out the tweets
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>that question

nice quads
No wonder why abo faces look fucked up, its because of radiation
Oi don't be a racist, cunt, nips won't legalise gay marriage for at least another 100 years

Line the waste dumps with abbos.
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You mean Anglo

Thank you leaf who discovered that fact
like it makes a difference rofl, given that i didnt vote for any major parties
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Finland should become a bingo square :DD
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I don't care what you think mate, and how is Gin slang? Everyone uses gin you fucking cock-sucker, maybe me telling the truth about Aboriginals has upset you? Perhaps you're from Melbourne?
That, and they don't want their kids going to a school filled with abos and islanders.
maybe, maybe TAKE IT
Aboriginal minorities and their childish "connection to the land" don't decide government policy F off. This would make a lot of money for the state government so who gives a fuck about the idiotic desert. Giving aboriginals money for this f off, they should get just as much money as any other Australian.
Wait what?
To be quite honest I've got no idea what you were trying to say. I can barely understand you. I'd say you sound like Trent from Punchy irl
>Abo people say no
>What are needs of the rest of Australians
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>you're not allowing the conversation

dating a prostitute with a 5 year old kid lads
Please no...
At least Japan can finish a genocide. Abos were a mistake
its some meme thread some leaf keeps making
>i will deflect attention about my stupid roleplaying by being hostile
Not gonna bite.

Fuck off. It's not just what I think - nobody believes you.
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WA is the most logical even if you were getting water from the south.
>noone uses gin
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>gimme muh sandcock

fuck sake
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>someone saved the picture I made

I expected to come into a boring show, but now im pissed

>Muh emotions
It was a verbal agreement, back in the day they traded it for a litre of petty.
Nips are bigger degenerates than any other race on earth. Probably the only race low enough to rape the natives of Papua, America should've dropped a hundred atom bombs on your shithole of a country.
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>when even mentioning refugees puts you on the verge of tears
muh refugees

here's your refugees
Is it really a good idea to bring your 5yo kid to a prostitute?
I think you mean Melbourne is the most logical
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Why is calling them Aboriginal now racist, and that we now have to imply that the Australian nation, a nation that only began to exist because White australians began it, we have to imply that it was theirs
>is there a time limit on how long people are held indefinitely
this is exactly why the whole individual performance thing is just wrong.
its like youre a slave owner and you inspect each slave and then say umm this nigger is good with numbers, lets cultivate that. or if some nigger is bad with numbers you say no more funding needed. its essentially what i boils down to.
what will happen really is the people who are actually smart for natural reasons or whatever will get the advantage and most people will be left behind.

just think about how crazy the idea of individually assessing the performance of each student would be. its fucking stupid. Gonski may not be perfect. There are some questions about what question Gonski answers but it is far better than this mess this retard is shoveling
>implying that slut gives a shit about illegal arrivals
Why do lefties shit on christianity whilst praising islam, as if christianity hasnt had a reformation?
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Anything for a fellow refugee
I call them boongs
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wait how many countries are we taking these assholes from?
Why the fuck does this make me so angry?

I'm a fucking sandnigger myself and my gf is white as a sheet, so we'd probably resemble this photo.... But I still fucking hate that "look how culturally enriched I am" smirk on her face
>the noonga lorax
Eat shit poofta
Everyone uses Gin, maybe you've never heard it cause you grew up in Shitney
Nuclear weapons =/= nuclear power
It's dumb because aboriginal basically means the exact same thing as "First Nation people." It's just dumb virtue signalling
Ugh...did he just say chink? Like, ugh, I can't even.
Don't get assblasted, mate, at least they're not Chinese

>actually thinking Japs use this website
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>chink in the armour
Because they know they can get away with it.
i would sniff penny wongs panties
you need to go back

>I'm a fucking sandnigger myself and my gf is white as a sheet

You realize you're going back, right?
Didn't Turnbull say only from South America? You're going to live to see Hispanic gardeners in Australia, what a time to be alive.
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>when even Labor is getting tired of harping on about offshore detention
>nbn quality streaming
Women was already dissatisfied with the guys answer, she shook her head as soon as he began opening his cis patriarchal rapey mouth
who is your favorite russian author lads
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>labor reffo shilling
imagine being a kid with your parents breathing down your neck then your state mandated test says youre too dumb to do something. imagine being that kid. fuck man fuck this whole stupid policy.
When did this meme start that the people held in offshore detention were Syrian? They're mostly tamil scum.
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costa ricans are qts and we should resettle them all here
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>you will never punch that smug slut
> Better than Chinese
Same shit different smell mate
who /gong/ here
Hopefully those gardeners will build a wall to keep themselves out.
My country isn't so bad atm, wouldn't really care. Only issue is the Turks being Turks nearby.
Don't be a dumb cunt then
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Will costa ricans kill us in the name of a pedophile tho?
thanks for the (you) you (you) farmer you
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Hey lads. Just triggered some fags on r/auspol for posting this.
Fuck off. I've lived 30 years on this rock without seeing a single person from South or Central America and I'd like to keep it that way.
This thread will die in 20 minutes unless someone posts another thread and links it here. Bags not

>No one is happy when you're immigration minister
Amanda vainstone

From a course that I completed on Aboriginals and education.

Aboriginal can imply Canadian aboriginals or whatever. so you need to use the terms:

- Aboriginal Australian (person / people)
- Indigenous Australian (person / people)
- etc etc etc

It's for the sake of being inclusive even though you are labeling and placing people into 'groups'.
I think we need a webm of the girl who asked the refugee question shaking her head in the audience
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This grill can be on point some times.

>when being immigration minister slowly redpills you
But seriously though why the fuck is that image so infuriating?
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>you will never blow up some sandniggers
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i dont know if i prefer that over kebabs t b h

>south america

are they coming from Venezuela?

>vanstone dropping redpills


fuck you firas
I prefer alarm clocks personally
Can we build a wall around Melbourne
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Not before this happens
Delete this
She'll be right mate
pls leave desu
penny looks like she's gunna kill this bitch
>immigration country

>We were a nation of migrants
>So you dont get a choice of who gets to come in
Why can't they all just go to Chile I heard Chile's nice :(

eat my SHIT you fat cunt
>country of immigrants

>comparing dago christians with mudslime beheaders

All nations are immigrant nations except Africa

What a stupid argument

Same argument as

m8 thats crazy. the whole point of education is to go to school learn something new, cultivate your skills and find out what you are good at.
If you only give a shit about the kids that are 'good' you are literally leaving behind everyone else. kids might seem like a fucking pain and stupid in general but they are the citizens of tomorrow.
actually dealing with the refugees will do that
Aw man come on I'm assimilated as fuck.

I hate kebab as much as any Australian.
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>citizens of the world
European nations arent really immigration nation tho
Thought they were from places near Panama and maybe Colombia?? Haven't read up on it because a shitskin is a shitskin no matter where you get it from

Mate, have you been glassed before? Fucking lebs
>we're a nation of immigrants
>abos are the rightful owners of Australia

which is it lefties?
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Noice. Secession when?
i have to agree with amanda. this is the only correct choice.


I'm not a leb buddy. I'd off myself if I was one of those shitheads
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>49% poll
What is this from?
and we hate you as much as any kebab
Just some bants, mate, no need to worry
If the secession movement could get public traction and its not headed by some mining tycoons but rather a person with West Australian interests at heart
me, you know what roadwork are they doing at diggies? couldn't get through today.
pls be bait
>i dont have to give an argument
yes they are

my anglo blood wasnt there forever

how long do you need to live somewhere to change from native to immigrant?
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that was one hell of a strawman from the questioner

>shill clap

ye of course
The Hero Yoshihiko. Good show, always gets a laugh out of me.
>no country has ever made itself safer by attacking a particular ethnic minority

>no country has ever made itself safe by attacking a particular ethnic minority
this bloke looks like he's gonna cry

fuck you penny wong you bully bitch
>We were the ones swamping Australia
You were and are I had to sell my farm because of you slants
>And we were the ones ruining the country
BUT YOU FUCKING ARE. Can't stand this dyke bitch and the dyke supporting audience just send them all to the ovens.
Gotta love how none of these pollies are even going to mention the poll
if you keep them stupid they are bound to act stupid. a few generations of underfunding education we end up like america
Well I hope you're not a roach
Aww thanks mang, appreciate it. Didn't really have much of a choice coming here, was too young to remember it.

It's alright m89. Just make good food and contribute well to the country and have other muzzies drop their faith.
by that logic then most African nations are all nations of immigrants, considering how humanity only began in one area

Germany is doing pretty good, the US too.
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>Democracy isnt working, we need to re-educate the voters until they vote for what we want
>Democracy only works when you do what I want
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fuck these cunts
>Germany is doing pretty good
You are looking it from too narrow a view. Think about every single Australian in a school today.
Questioner phrased his question really poorly... Needed to be a better zinger, but I suppose Wong would have gone "I don't gotta" anyway.
Fuck no. Turks can fuck off. They've done shit to us that can never fucking be forgiven. Smug little cunts.
racist analogy spotted!

Your speech violates the hate handbook - please jerk off ten minorities to continue talking.

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>How dare people have honest opinions and not be attacked for having it
Yeah the immigration nation is absolute fucking bullshit. In the 1800s pretty much every immigrant strictly European, and after federation there was practically NO immigration, only British and Irish immigration. We really didn't get any non-anglo immigrants until the 1950s. Fucking sick of this immigration nation bullshit.

Can't imagine papu franku sitting here, shit posting.
>penny Wong says Pauline Hanson is bad
>gives zero evidence as to why, calls her racys
>audience claps
Amanda looks about about ready to kick the chair
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>multiculturalism is in our state's DNA
Dude I'm trying trust me. Food I've got down pat but holy fuck they love their religion of pieces
I'm not confused.
Fucking jew. I'm mad.
you have a choice in staying

honestly its sad when 70% of my child and highschool friends are foreignors
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I guess this is how Romans felt when Christians were accepted.
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thats right, most are

immigration nation is bullshit, its how every land becomes

we know aborigines travelled here from africa, isnt that literally immigration?

like i said, how many years does it take to go from immigrant to native?

if they reckon Australia is an immigrant nation after 200 years i'd hate to see what they consider Israel after less than 100

Wonder if they'd harp on about how Israel has no right to exclude anyone from its borders?

This fucking mental gymnastics
>Successful multiculturalism
Cronulla 2.0 when?
Why do I do this to myself, /pol/?

I love you guys but every time I watch this shit I just get angry and want to go and start the day of the rope all by myself
you want to find saving in education? fix the education bureaucracy and corruption in state education departments.
Welcome to the only state worse than Victoria. (Not worse than Melbourne though, but close.)
armenian? you must love cenk
what about the contest of ideas faggot? or will that criticism make you assmad
She would be a qt otherwise too.
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it's coming
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oh dont be so sure melbcuck
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brainless sissy greens voter
>I want to avoid being fingered

Has anyone fingered Amanda Vanstone in an Adelaide nightclub?
we trump

As long as you're Australian first and foremost and willing to glass some muzzies in the Cronulla Rematch you can stay.
Why the fuck would I pay to go overseas? I'm not harming the country in any way. You wanna remove Muslims? Be my guest. They've done enough to my family.
The person is not attacking the actual idea they have, but the fact that they have it
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Can't imagine you not getting aborted. Yet here we are
Ding ding ding

Cenk needs a mortein bath.
Basket of deplorables.. she's talking about us.
vanstone talking with her feet firmly on the ground
>a person with West Australian interests at hear
So not Col'n then? I reckon Commissioner Karl would make a gud Premier. Least his boy could head The Dept. Of Cooking Meth. Set it up in Bunbury, eh?
What's your background cunt? Post benis too.
its the same thing, its a theoretical concept and every theoretical concept should be open to critique
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Finally an actually good twitter quote
Just fuck up Penny whoflungdung on the wall

And I can vilify whoever the fuck I WANT you dumb cunt freedom of speech
dostoevsky too

TBK made me christian again, god spoke to me though that book
Would put my job in jeopardy unfortunately
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Please help me, I'm so alone here in Melbourne

Theyre still the biggest economy in Europe.
Cheers mate.
Is your job worth more than your nation?
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>it's a greens question
>Free speech
You've spent too long here, pal.
bigot. horror is a subjective term
Mate just move out, leave everything behind. It'll be worth it.
Armenian. Tiny little country surrounded by muzzies who want to blast us off the face of the earth because we don't like their religion of peace but are too scared of Russia.
Tolstoy by default. I've read War and Peace and Anna Karenina.
fucking lel. Look in any primary school in a major city and you'll realise we're already halfway there
its alrite m8, the qts in melb can be redpilled
What did that cunt just yell?
It's a pretty fucking good job. It involves putting kebab behind bars on occasion.
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>oil spill in the Bight
>SA gets fucked
the fuck was that?
What'd that cunt just yell out?
>Person yelling out
We used to call blacks niggers on the ABC, fuck me I want my country back.
only accidentally, when she mistook my thin lanky frame for a strip pole and I tried to push her away but fell in.
>what did he say?????
>was it a false flag???
Save the bikes?

Is that what hes yelling out?
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Sounds pretty good but hanging them from street lights has gotta be more fun
this is fucking disgusting
An oil company wants to bring money to the state of SA, and the greens want that shut down. Typical greens not actually caring about Australian people

what did he mean by this
gas the kikes?
private education has never ever ever ever ever worked but he libs keep going back.
something THE BITE?

I dunno was weird

Anyway time for some libcuck to tell me why not paying for education is good for goys

>We totally don't want retarded drones goys
Funny cunt.

t. rewound and listened again
Is that what the bitch that yelled out said?
As a South Australian it pisses me off. Our economy is fucked, there are no jobs and everything we try to do to fix it gets fucked over.

it's max ya moefoe.
what cunt? you know pretty much every member of the labor party was private schooled right?
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Now for the benis.
What's with all these pooftas wearing poofta glasses? Don't they know what contact lenses are?
ive noticed that the same twitter uses get their tweet displayed on qanda every week, sometimes multiple times an episode

do cucks get preference or something?
pave the dykes
Fuck uni, Tbh, i want a job instead
Contacts don't let you show how hip and trendy you are
of course they do, its the ABC
do you see me working the gloryhole at labor HQ sucking them off?
I thought Roger Ebert was dead...
>muh transitioning economy
i dont want contacts rolling into the back of my skull, its happened to some people i know and i don't want it happening to me
N-no homo, r-right?
I'm here, want to cuddle?

This, desu. Uni is a struggle, I'd rather start a 9-5 at 50k a year and work my ass off to get promoted.
off comes the cock!
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>same sex is a big issue goys
we couldnt have an episode without talking about fags

>that shill clap and cheers
>rolling into the back of my skull

Why not? You've got plenty of empty space there

badum tish
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I only need glasses to see far away things. If I was in the audience I'd be wearing spectacles, but if I was reading (or at my PC like I am now), I would not need them on at all.
>same-sex marriage legislation mentioned
>ABC studio erupts in applause

>celebrate their love
I think I'm going to throw up.
>all the good goys concerned with some non issue like marriage for less than 10% of the population

Millions of Aussies consider marriage of less than 10% of the pop more important than foreign land ownership

I will enjoy voting no.
They talk as if they get arrested for kissing each other in public, then tortured for being gay
Talk about it forever, it's filler that annoys them.
No homo. Of course.
Only 600,000 people voted 1nation, don't listen to them.
2% of the population is gay, do what ever we say.
stop shitposting, m8, don't you have better things to be doing
Have they set a date yet?
The greens and labour don't want a plebiscite because then it would be an actual display of democracy, and god no you never let the masses get what they truly want
It's 1% satan
oh look she thought a LOT
>muh democracy is too dangerous for fags
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only acceptable glasses
its far more than 2% you cuck
Why do you want to see my shitskin benis?
Or how much of a faggot you are. No man should wear glasses, it's just not right.
Stop being a pussy mate you'll be right, i'd rather have contact lenses in the back of my skull than to look like a faggot.
You can see shit far away with contact lenses there is no excuse to look like a poofta.
agreed, I think we have a fair chance at winning too. The liberal butthurt will be amazing.
i think its meant to be in feb
>members of the right

that rhymes
>muh conservative demonisation
The more these people use the words bigot, racist, misogynist, the less they mean. Suits ne.

It really isn't.
The last census registered 20k gay couples.
No it's 1% the media over represents them. Check the census
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The sad thing is this plebiscite is a mockery of our system of government. We hire 150+76 politicians to do that job for us. If they can't pass or block a piece of legislation, declare it and move on to the next topic of import to the nation.
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I can't argue removing the right of the people to have a vote but
1. it costs cash money
2. the libs only in recent memory made the change to require this law to begin with and howard just fucking did no plebicite or anything
3. Just about everyone is okay with or could not give a single fuck
they just do a free vote in the house or some shit. this is just stupid given our current fiscal situation
February 11th
But then you'd look like a kiddy fiddler. Just get contact lenses it's not fucking hard
>muh disagreement = bigotry
Fucking gays. Just fuck it.
m8 eric abetz doesnt give a shit about anyone but himself
Which is ~1% considering 33 million people.
>muh party bickering
Fuck off.
> Normalizing a fetish.
Keep sucking the cock of the public opinion goys
>33m people

woah hey that's bigotry
` 24 million mate.
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Day of the rope when?
look at how he acted on fag marriage
look at how he acted on the super reforms
fuck him
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I made an idiot kill himself.
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>ywn hear a One Nation senator say
>"You can have gay marriage or you can have muslims, pick one"

fuck the tears would be glorious

they'd start by saying NOT ALL MUSLIMS

then theyd say THE BIBLE IS WORSE

but theyd know... theyd know they lost the left blue pill quagmire
wasting garillions of human hours on a non issue
your 2 cents won't stop faggots from fucking each others assholes.
>it costs cash money
so the message is that the issue isn't worth the money and should be dropped off parliament?
>Human rights aren't a matter of public opinion
This triggered the fuck out of me
>Tell that to Islamic nations

>human right
why would you GIVE HER THE LAST WORD


fuck tony honestly I'm going to bed goodnight
The money isspent so people like Wong cant rig it.
Fucking faggots
Oh great a welfare episode next week
Spank bank.

But then I'd need to take them out if I want to read something up close.

The question asked about whether they were couples. Five years ago.

The new census will be interesting, but it's still couples. There is no "what sexual orientation do you identify as?" Obviously because the numbers would be skewered by 18-25 year old NEET faggots still in the closet.
sleep tite m80
if we were phat with cash i wouldn't give a shit. but we need to be saving right now and this grand show of """democracy""" is just a fucking joke right now.
>plebiscite isn't worth the money
> spending more on the false accusations from Don Dale
What are the new welfare things they're bringing in? Anyone know?
cya lads
And how many of those couples continue to be in the other couples sex life.

Marriage is meant to be all about sexual restriction before and after. Fag marriage is like letting convicted drug dealers have a pharmacy license.
I hope you get some sweet dreams to escape from this nightmare
Anyone on this ABC YourSpace shit?
didnt we already have one of these 2-3 weeks ago?

wish they would stop kicking these dead memes, oh wait they do that every episode
all this talk about fag marriage
what ever happened to the don dale mess.
gone now that is something that actually deserves some media coverage
Someone correct me if I'm wrong here,

but lets say there's the plebiscite and they vote "no".

Won't the lefties and fags just keep bitching until there's another one? And then the whole cycle will just keep going until they get their way?

It's less than 1% that wasn't to get married, but about 2-3 % of people are gay.
abc yourspace...
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Night fellas see you next week.
submarines are the space ships of the ocean
yes the plebiscite is not binding on the government
you reckon the lefties won't want to spend good money on this ""humane"" issue? not saying you're one but it's a loss cause economically either way
Night cunts

ill see the NEETS tomorrow for the debate
That's what I thought.

So what's the fucking point?

Acid in the lube dispenser might.
What a dumbarse. He'd probably have got re-elected if he didn't start his own literally who party.
the lefties dont want to spend money on this because muh feels
Yeah, it'll never stop and they'll keep going and never talk about youth unemployment, which is the last thing either party wants to talk about.

Voting yes to stfu homos.

Thus the tilde.
Oh shit what time does it start Australian time?
just leave them alone you sick fuck
That is the idea of progressivism, yes.

Conservatism is the default and occasionally you let a few things slide to ease the tension.

But don't tell people you think this. They can only handle the "keeping the bastards honest" line of swing voters.
Fair enough point. Although LaTrobe found that they were 1.2% and Roy Morgan pitches it at 3.4%. Transpeople are basically nonexistant
And we will laugh at them
11am AEST
Gonna head out tomorrow morning and get some supplies for the comfiest 90 minutes of my life.
It's current Labor party policy after the next election to vote for marriage equality and bind their members to a yes vote. At some point Labor will win the election and pass the amendments. If Turnbull is politically going to be seen as weak (kowtowing to the right of the party at the expense of moderates like himself), it won't be a good look for the next election.
They're like petulant children aren't they...
Tony Jones is an absolute faggot. QANDA is all prearranged questions that he utilizes to push his own questions onto people. He isn't a moderator at all, it's like he is hosting Lateline with an audience.

The entire ABC needs to be shut down desu, just like Channel 9, 10 and 7.

uhgg fuck that shit
You think it ends with gay marriage?
can you actually stomach anything on channel 7,9 or 10?
I think it ends with the nation being $200m out of pocket for nothing.
>Is it as bad in all major cities or worse?
Worse apparently. I live in Brisbane, went to Sydney twice over 10 years ago.
Can we find something on the cuck?
not him, but [spoiler]mastechef[/spoiler][spoiler] and gogglebox.[/spoiler] pls don't hit me
Yeah I'd suggest 2-5% is a safer bet. There are still people who don't answer that question straight away, even with all the cultural Marxism, opting instead to keep their orientation their business that only family/friends are aware of.

Shock horror considering the Instagram generation. But I would wager a lot of older Australian LGBT people are very mum about it.
Channel nine is doing very well with classic movies - all have been red pill... who ever is doing the programming needs a fucking medal. Very small amount of jewish trick programming compared to all others - except for the stuff that pleases chicks.

Turnbull is politically weak though. Tony Abbott is circling his government like a shark, which is why he is building up his foreign policy credentials with speeches overseas.

The Ex-PM doesn't stay in the parliament for no reason.

Tony is waiting for the right time for Turncuck to be down in the polls and then he'll rally numbers to his cause.
Masterchef is master tier, but gogglebox is fucking bottom tier, along with the block and the bachelor. Pat yourself on the back and then chug bleach
dang dude 98% ozzy bread
so this is the power of time zones...

To be honest I don't watch Australian TV at all. There is an old CRT tele in my living room that doesn't even have a digital set top box.
You dont think 200m is worse the butt-devistation of them having to accept the people dont agree with the leftist cucks.
cmon dude thats sports shit its not locally produced content.
masterchef and gogglebox are only broadcast on 10 the ip behind the show is owned by some production company and there is a masterchef and gogglebox in many countries
Seems to be the most logical assumption really. Definitely not the 10% that a lot of people think.
Which means Labor are more likely to win the 2019 election.
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