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Why is this country so based?

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Thread replies: 318
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Why is this country so based?
we just don't give a fuck about anything anymore
Hungary hungary hippos

are they white?
are you?
No, they're Finno-Ugric, aka basically Mongoloids.
me thinks switzerland is best desu
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t. Native Hungry Hungarian hippo
my grandmother is from there but Im half jewish
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Look, here comes the Hungarian prime minister.
Hungarian jews are based af desu
except soros
since when are there bitches in hungary?
thats on my other side. My Grandmother and her family fled the country when the soviets invaded. They were christian farmers that came from Germany. They hated socialists and gypsies lol
We are connecting the West and the East, by hating them all.
Living here is like living in a weird Wonderland... but really, we just call it Absurdistan sometimes.
It's beautiful, Budapest and the countryside as well, but wages are so low that everyone left washing dishes in UK or Germany.
My rich friends studying abroad, my poor friends working abroad.
I don't know why the hell I haven't left this city yet
Well, Ok.. I know, because I'm an anxious depressed NEET
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Tough times make tough people.
Stay based Magyar bros
As well as having Based Orban, they also have one of the best national anthems in the world.

mongol genes :DDDDD

jewish meme. we're actually etruscan / sumerian mix.

engineers and doctors are almost making as much as in the west. times change, we're slowly recovering.

also, 30.000 hungarians left this year, but 30.000 also came back! balance is getting back, incredible success.

Hungary superpower by 2020
Corrupt as fuck, but nice people who can't drive worth shit.

>Corrupt as fuck

corruption in politics is a thing, but government corruption is totally absent. you wont get your flat confisctated by the government like in Croatia.
love you fuckers
Your government is totally bent mate. Apparently its a literal brainwashing regime, got friends over there who had to send their kids to a french school to avoid the conditioning.

fuck, there is a friendly croatian in this thread. sheeeiiiit.

you still bros croatniggers, you and austria best neighbours
Don't trust the Magyar! Remove goulash! 1920 best year of my life!

what the fuck are you talking about? never heard about this. your friend is a libtarded shit who got butthurt about History lessons teaching truth

silence german rape baby. you stole our folk songs so I dislike you
aren't you a nice one.
You call us german rape babies? You shouldn't be rude turkish fuckboy.
Hungarians are ok.
Only problem - they loves these turkish monkeys germans
This basically
If you have a useful MA it's fine, I'm in engineering and shit's good.
It's the food. Good food makes good people.
t*rks are based
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I guess that's why Brits are so shitty.
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Do you miss our great empire
Because they got rid of all the freemasons and leftards in it.
Small poor irrelevant in global politics

Not even shitskins want to live there. Jewish elites have no particular agenda on hungary.

It is easy to be based when you are hungary poland serbia etc
Shiet. Come back for kingship.
Faked wiki pages have zero effect on real history

Ottomans ruled over entire hungary for 150 years and defeat entire hungarian army and even killed hungarian king in 1529
Good thing they fled. Some of my family stood there while commies raped and killed half the family and took their land.
Uhh, considering the last time, you will have a hard time finding a hungarian to take you up on that offer.
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Post rare Gyurcsótánys

This. If you have a proper degree or a decent trade you are fine.
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Is it true Hungarians eat onions as if they were apples?
My mom told me so
Nekünk Mohács kell

Ha van Isten, ne könyörüljön rajta:
Veréshez szokott fajta,
Cigány-népek langy szivű sihederje,
Verje csak, verje, verje.

Ha van Isten, meg ne sajnáljon engem:
Én magyarnak születtem.
Szent galambja nehogy zöld ágat hozzon,
Üssön csak, ostorozzon.

Ha van Isten, földtől a fényes égig
Rángasson minket végig.
Ne legyen egy félpercnyi békességünk,
Mert akkor végünk, végünk.

are telling you googles up north do not eat raw onions whole?

though, if you do not have a homegrown vegetables from babushka's garden, I am not that surprised, you do not find the mall bought shit tasteless.
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Go away Cenk.
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Poor corrupt shithole with stone age mentality
go hug a rapefugee today
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And how is that any different from our stone-aged Ficostan? :^)

hard mode: you cannot use extensive consumption of paprika and ajvar as examples
History basically.
Austria fucked us over so many times.
The west fucked us over so many times.
Big imperialist states have fucked us over so many times.
The east has fucked us over so many times.
That we are the first to become skeptics in anything.

That and a predisposition towards rationality.
>The 20th century was invented in hungary.
>~NY-Times first half of 1900s
>"There are no witches no one shall investigate them henceforth."
>King Könyves Kálmán 1116. február 3.
Assassination of Bruce Ferdinand - best day of my life.
I lol'd.
Can you please change your name and your flag?
I can never tell whether you are the slovenia north of us or the slovenia south of us.
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they are bretty good but almost all of their nationalists are austistic and retarded pseudohistorian wewuzers
we wuz avars
we wuz sumerians
we wuz og panonians
we wuz huns
we wuz scythians
we wuz chinks
biggest wewuzers in the world after afro americans
pic kinda related
autistic nationalist loves islam because muh turanism
You know the people claiming connection to huns are probably not too far off.
The huns had owned the land around the urals and the magyars were a uralic tribe.
That and our proto culture is very similar. So similar in fact that people giving us a latin name made the HUN-gary mistake. I think it's fair to say there was some connection.

>islam is the last hope for humanity
Jesus fucking christ

I mean fuck.
>visit our brothers
I am at a loss of words.
This is getting gyurcsany level ridicuous.
They were BLEACHED, though.
they claim atilla was a hungarian less extreme ones that hungarians and huns were bff which theres no proof of that and i dont think the hungarian nation existed before moving west
the hunnic empire was very large
what proto-culture?
and the association with huns doesnt have to be and probably wasnt cultural
i dont think they knew what hun culture was like
it probably was because both huns and magyars were archers on horses from the east that settled in the pannonian basin
>i dont think the hungarian nation existed before moving west
They did.
They lived in the eastern slopes of the ural.
>the hunnic empire was very large
Yes. Which is why i said that hungarians might have been a part of it.
The culture of the magyars that came here from the urals.
>it probably was because both huns and magyars were archers on horses from the east that settled in the pannonian basin
This is what i meant by that.
There's also evidence of similar burial customs and similar symbology/mythology.
And while no one actually knows how exactly the "hungary" thing came to be precisely i don't think the people who wrote down the chronicles of the ages would have confused two completely dissimilar and unrelated cultures for each other.
>They did.
but werent they multiple tribes?
>The culture of the magyars that came here from the urals.
but do we know anything about that?
> i don't think the people who wrote down the chronicles of the ages would have confused two completely dissimilar and unrelated cultures for each other.
they could
+ you had the same religion
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>but werent they multiple tribes?
The supertribe of those then
They had one unified culture at the time they arrived north or turkey at least.
>do we know anything
Yes. There are tribes scattered from here to the urals in russia. These were mostly wiped out by communist machinations (ethnic mixing). But some still exist.
>pic related
>same religion
if we share so many similarities isn't it reasonable to assume that we were related?
>scroll down to word list

Norse writers were known for calling all continental germanics goths. The Romans had a field day with naming groups based on one tribe or settlement.
Either way the Uralic tribes from where the finno ugric people spread were in the hunnic heartland. So it's safe to assume there was at least some relation.
Taxes sky high
Piss poor wages
Literal oligarchy
Population is stupid as shit and eats up propaganda every time

Yay, so based.
Post said history lessons they teach y'all there
Because Hungary does have a good economy and a very high HDI.
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idk if how much its a tradition, but our grandfather made us eat horse-radish and onions and after that we drank some pálinka
this is what he called being a man like
kétfarku kutya vagy?
>the french school
i used to think it was good because they were our partner school. but it is apparently where angelina jolie sent her adopted kids and her "i wanna be a boy" daughter.
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mfw westerners idolise eastern yuro countries
mfw they dont realise we are all bunch of socialist shitholes with corrupt governments and high taxes
and its not just that, its full of shit,also fuck off cigány
Not all of them are doing that, only the stupid ones are doing that.
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rip dude
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>socialist shitholes with corrupt governments and high taxes
Sounds like the west to me.
Still there are thousands dumb as fuck. They are just dumb, but not based. Wish we were all like that.
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They literally helped the ottomans invade Europe and attack vienna.
They literally gave the ottomans the cannons to attack Vienna with...

there's nothing based about Hungary aka the Turkish Janissary puppet state
I can see you there Tiganeee. Stop the shitposting and get back to living amongst muslims
>get back to living amongst muslims
t. Romanian

Don't you have some screaming to do about "WE WUZ ROMANS"?
>eating poor old abuela's homegrown vegetables
>not growing your own
step it up, Ĺubo
etruscan? how so? it's a long way from tuscany to hungary
we be dacotacoromanz n shiet, no drop of bozgor blood :DDDDDDD
heh, at least you can take a joke Romania :)
Better then what you do in the UK, gather together to yell Allah u Ackbar
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>this dickhead has a place in the "heroes" square in Budapest
>2 other guys who fought with the turks against the habsburgs do so aswell
lmao if it wasnt for them refusing refugees they'dd be north africa tier
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delete this infidel
We wuz white defenders of europe and we wuz totally not muslim


Real talk, like you said; if it wasn't for them turning away refugees they wouldn't be """"based"""".
They are back stabbing Muslims who wanted to see the downfall of Christianity and wanted to put an Muslim Imam in the Vatican
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You are retarded or butthurt, not sure which
>facts = buthurt
ok muhmet
Hungary was shit on by the ottomans so hard that for 150 years, hungry was just a puppet state that turkey got their Janissary from. Then when Ottomans went to invade Europe, Hungary helped them. Hungary even supplies the Turks with cannons and weapons, as well as soldiers

Hello Turkish man. Can you confirm that Hungary is a Ottoman puppet state? [spoiler]Which it is[/spoiler]
i do.

onions are fucking great man

then it became our good loyal puppet kingdom and stayed as 150 years till polish came.
Ew no.
haha, thank you based ataturk
you are truly the greatest turk since Attila the hun
I'm going to Budapest in a month, what are some cool, not gay touristy things to do?
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Hungary is a neat country.

Reading about them in WWII is always so striking. A kingdom without a king, an admiral without a fleet, etc.

Seems like they were existing between two worlds.
you're welcome guys.

I also have accurate historical information regarding romanian vlad the impaler who was claimed to be based and defender of christian europe which is entirely false.

he was an actual faggot in ottoman harem and lately beheaded by ottomans and his head was displaced on the walls of constantinople.
Royal Hungary was on the side of Habsburgs, those were rebels.
By the way, the French king also supported the Ottomans, Pajeet.
Maybe they were Mongoloids but sure aren't today, they've mixed with us, other Slavs and Austrians.

And anyway, if they were, they look white and have made a fair amount of technological advances and in art and culture.
Visit Red Ruin pub for good craft beers.
At least now we can complain about muh oppression and muslim imperialism if we come face to face with a SJW.
between 1520 and 1618 french king accepted the humiliated treaty that he is equal to ottoman grand vizier and under ottoman emperor.

it's funny that your schools europeans don't tell you bad times in your history. but tell you only good times.
>calling me Pajeet

>b-but we wren't o-ottomans
hahah ok my dude

Based turk. i love this guy
>Citation needed
Oh they do tell us about those, you can be assured of that.

Nice comeback. I get it now, you're one of those Vlachs who moved to the UK to beg for money on the streets. Godspeed, Radu.
Kek, I know people that do that here too.
I imagine it isn't too tasty but boy is it healthy.

Onion is best consumed raw with bacon.
>"n-nice come back"
>I'll just keep posting more ad hominems

Mate, if i wanted a cumback, I'd have to collect it off your moms chin
literally a bunch of protestants trying to get the ottomans in vienna
and this man has a statue in a place called heroes square
explain this please
>france getting humiliated
>bad times in history
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>Shitting on Hungary
>Based turk. i love this guy

Something's fishy
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Post Hungary pics please
Funny you said that
im leaving next month to wash dishes
We were cannon fodders in both world wars so it's pretty fucking boring to learn about it in history class.
The only reason I like to learn about it because 2 of my great grandpas fought in it.
Retarded 19th century romanticism. If someone fought against the Habsburgs, he MUST have been a hero, no matter what else he did.
this is official letter from suleiman the magnificient to french king francois AFTER the treaty I mentioned above.

read its translation and read ottoman-french relations after this letter you will see my point.
:* based burger
Also this place has a nice duck burger if i recall correctly
Like shit not
i like hungary but dude the politicans are all clowns down to the last
nobody really speaks other than hungarian
and the police force and investigation is a bad joke
>I can't like some turkish guy because he's BTFO'ing some cucked delusional Hungarian
yep we didnt learn that french king was cuck but we learned mostly what concerned A-H and Ottomans
labanc detected
Nemes iszap detected
delete this
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hőbörgő proletár detected
>nobody really speaks other than hungarian

And why is that a problem?

>inb4 muh globalism
>inb4 muh yurop

Fuck you. Hungary is shit, but it's our shit. I wouldn't trade Orbán, no matter how corrupt he is to some limp-wristed, faggy slimy yurojew.
>Hungary doing anything but make the austrians life harder by rebelling the entire time
muh hussars we wuz austerlitz and shieet !!!
Sobieski János waz uzing our superior hussar tactics !!!!
Didnt watch tenkes kapitánya as a kid detected (or did he ?)
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You don't eat onion with pig fat on a bread?
I usually put there more onion than pic related
>rebelling against forced Germanisation and land-grabbing is bad
>you should be an obedient little cuck instead
>>you should be an obedient little cuck instead
you mean like Hungary when you were invaded by the ottomans?
Just curl up and take it in the ass?
Hungarians on the right btw
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tfw no töpörtyű

Fuck off Rézműves Rikárdó.
Go back to washing dishes and stealing metal.

what is pig fat spread called
One question for the Mađarbros: What's your opinion on us?

I mean, we were never really allies but we kind of got along. To this day the best minority in Serbia are the Hungarians and we like them because they're respectful. I've seen some Hungarians on 8ch /pol/ saying how we're your enemies and how you hate us, which I strange as I didn't see that before. I imagine that you're still salty about Trianon, but I assure you that Hungarians in Serbia are treated well and we don't dislike you.

Fuck off Beneš Goldberg.
So pigs fat = bleb tier pate?
I love pate myself, might try and find some
>we should have been left to our turkish overlords and left to magyarisize(?) the croats , romanians and slovenians instead !!
>the sultan woullda give us benefits n shiet !!!
most of the catholic hungarians left during the ottoman reign , you're most likely a literal descended from Jewish or protestant Hungarian traitors
well faggot, what do oyu call it. i want to try
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>I'd rather side with a shitskin muslim against a christian right-wing country keeping kebab out because I appear to have a personal issue with Hungary


You do realise modern day Britain is on the right in that picture as well, righ?

>Lard on bread
Real slav shit right there, love it
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>Jewish elites have no particular agenda on hungary.

Lol not true. They wanna make us the designated shitskin disposal ground. And we are having a role by saying no to it. Possibly even encouraging the crumbling west.

We have no economic clout, but we made the news bigtime last year, and happily got major sympathy due to the savage ham-fisted jewish smear campaign.
>most of the catholic hungarians left during the ottoman reign
That's the most retarded thing I've read in a while.
They bombed budapest the other day.
Fucking kikes.

If you are VERY shitfaced and have sinuses of iron then sure.

Probably an old people thing. My grandad eats strawberries dipped in ground pepper instead of sugar.
i know >wikipedia
but i'm not going to go read trough my history books to find you a specific quote
infact if you come anywhere near a library your primal instincts to burn it will probably kick in

Switch off that proxy Radu
>Calling Turkey muslim
>then calling Hungary christian
Do you know the history of Hungary?
I'll explain it for you:
>Was a nice and decent christian country
>get invaded by the ottomans
>Most of the christains leave to go to other countries
>Hungary becomes a Janissary puppet state for 150 years
>Ottoman army is now largly made up of muslim Hungarians
>ottomans attack Vienna with plans to then attack the Vatican put a Muslim imam in power in the Vatican
>Hungary decide to help the ottomans
>Hungary give the ottomans more soldiers
>Hungary give the ottomans the siege equipment for attacking Vienna
>Hungary gives the ottomans large amounts of weapons
>the Hungarians then also attack Vienna and help the ottomans
>Queue battle of vienna
You should know the rest from here

The only reason people call Hungary "bro tier" is because they turned away migrants. if they never did that, people would still consider them Muslim puppets

>England = all of Britain
Nah, it's just the New English Caliphate that's beyond saving
Wasn't Vlad raped by turks though? Isn't that why he liked to impale them (revenge)?

>Hungary decide to help the ottomans
>Protestant rebels in Hungary decide to help the ottomans while the majority sides with the Habsburgs

I'm gonna tell your neighbor that you're wasting his bandwidth on shitposting, Iancu.
its literally called that
doubt you'll find it in america though

wow rude
yeah. Vlad was mad as fuck because he seen how much of a shithole Hungary now was and he didn't like that Hungary was being used as a Janissary state. If you don't know what that means, it basically meant that the ottomans every few months would come into Hungary and take away all Hungarian kids to join the ottoman army

>i-it wasn't all hungarians
>real hungarians wouldn't do that

Just like a typical muslim, he starts spouting the No true scotsman fallacy
Major butthurt, or really good bait, not even going to argue since my "muh muslim puppet" thinking is worthles for you.
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>>>Linking Vona

Lel okay. Good job having photoshopped the tinfoil off of his dumb head.

Also, HUN-gary is pretty accurate. Earliest known documentations show that we didn't come in as one ethnic group like eg. Mongols but as a mix of allied tribes. The oroginal Huns weren't one people either. They were an army of allied tribes and weren't necessarily ethnically or culturally related.

Since documentation of exact details is very poor, it's hard to know what sort of mix the orginal hungraian people really were, but given that we migrated over a bigass body of land it's very easy that a huge roster of different folk joined us on the way.

The biggest researcher of the topic was Kőrösi Csoma Sándor, possibly an autistic lingustic genious, who's entire body of research was destroyed/closed off by the Communists the minute they invaded the country. If someone had a pretty good idea where we might have come from, it was that guy.

>I'm not going to argue with facts

>I know he's right
>I can't even make a counter argument
>so I'll pretend I'm taking the moral high ground
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Daily reminder that Orbán only keeps mudslimes out to make Hungary the new Israel.
>Pic related
Wrong again. Ottomans didn't even organize Janissary-recruitment in Hungary. The vast majority of them were from the Balkans. Stop using your mouth as an asshole.
actually vlad was impaling everyone who opposes him including poor christian villagers to turkish minority.

but you know, he was raised and educated at ottoman palace in istanbul and sent to romania as ottoman governor. then he revolted against ottomans and defeated local ottoman forces in an surprise attack. after main ottoman army came his forces were literally destroyed and he was captured.

it's a rumour that he was raped during his istanbul times. actually ottomans did not misuse their future governors because state must be respectable. but only ottoman sultan sometimes raped future governors in order to make them admit the superiorty of sultan. this could have been the case.
Would you link me, those muh facts?
Not the ones where they took christian kids, to train them to became türkish warriors,i know that shit. Link me those "facts" where it's wrote down how hungarians gave siege euqipment and supplies for the türks willingly

it's mostly true. some very small amount of hungarians were converted to janissaries but main activity was focused on serbia, bosnia, albania, romania...

however it is also true that hungarian kingdom between 1529 and 1600s were much more loyal to ottoman than actual turkish tribes in anatolia. during this time turkish tribes were revolted against ottomans many times and ottomans used hungarian aid to control them.
wow nice novel mate, you sure convinced us, wanna share more of those hot opinions?
>using facts ever

don't get your hopes up
>Ottomans didn't even organize Janissary-recruitment in Hungary.
hahaha ok my dude

>I'm to lasy
>please sppon feed me
>Im too lazy to find it myself because I'm too busy posting fallacies.
you must be a romanian, right? :)
guy wtf you should really fuck off, what have we done against you to produce this amount of butthurt in you?

Yes goy, stay irrelevant, keep your head down, we don't want to subvert you, :^)
You jelly you Tatar mongrel?
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In this thread

I upset Hungarians by calling them Janissaries
I just took back my moral highground, because you are a lying butthurt. Argument over
Get out of here you filth
Romanian. He is just shitposting.
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Man, THESE fuckin children. Never reply ever again. Let them be in their miserably life.
Here comes the "save"
It was just a "bait" , wow dude. Go back to /b/, the avarage IQ is like 80 there, you belong there

Yes, It's a tradition to eat onion, specially with animal grease like pig fat and a starch base like bread, It's healthy.
>avarage IQ is like 80 there
that's higher than your testosterone count you silly little Turkish boypussy
You can actually easily see the gypsy proxys, shitposters. One of the baiter autists uses :) frequently, and they try to bait us with their "facts" and opinions. Best thing is to ignore them, sadly most of the anons here don't do that.
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It's simple really.
Yeah, a random Brit losing his shit about Hungary for some reason while praising Turkey. Really makes you think.
Its a bait by a non-country, who cares, belgians will be extinct soon with their joke-ass "history".
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It looks like someone reversed Turkish language and then Hungarian language created. They sound relative.

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They have wonderful culture, their society seems to be more conservative, which leads to preservation of all the good things and tremendous achievements made in this part of Europe.
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well,they are both mongolian/tatar languages
well, it's really not easy not to participate when they throw the bullshit with this frequency
Hungary's history is the most exciting in WW2, its kinda like an epic tragic conclusion of a 1000 year old tale.
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>all the countries that experienced Communism first hand are the most conservative In europe
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we love you too
Most of /pol/ is laughing about them, thinks they are gypsies or both. Everyone sees them as cockroaches and untermensches, and no amount of Vlad shitposting will change that, since reality is quite different.

They should ban all Romanians again, at least Australian shitposting is entertaining, and Canadians sometimes have some insightful discussions..
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who else enjoys >pic related around here?
Its because when the muzzies attacked our police at the border (Röszke) last year, your police sat there and watched as they looted a Serbian store and started burning tires and throwing head-sized rocks at our police. In response they got sprayed and gassed, then after that your foreign minister was having fun being outraged and calling it an "attack on Serbian territory" because muh tear gas. It was clear that your goverment is licking the boots of the EU like a desperate dog. Hence the hate.
Nothing against you personally though.
Thanks to us, yes.
Sometimes months tend to pass to see even one civilized normal human-like comment from a Romanian, and I say this without any preconception. They shitpost on anybody like fucking rabid animals who say anything remotely not pleasing to them, like, wtf dude?
To be honest, almost all of the Serbian population congratulated you and your efforts to preserve your country.

The traitourous government is the problem.
why hungry's leader is such an idiot and so obsessed with power that he'll change his rhetoric just to keep it ?
gib some, love some good romanian cuisine

salivating !
Are you an immigrant? Or the education in the UK is worse than I tought.
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>They shitpost on anybody like fucking rabid animals who say anything remotely not pleasing to them
thats called not being a cuck and deffending the integrity of your nation and folk
that being said
fucking good question my dude, but here's another one: why do the people let him do that? That's the one that makes me wonder.

Please dont think that all Hungarians are fucking cucked Orban-fun droids who dont see the three from the forest
Hungary really is the most based

They are butthurt because they percept themselves as inferiors, which is kinda funny, because we could learn from them how to deal with corrupt politicans. Those who shitpost here are indeed subhumans though. They always say muh trianon, because they have nothing to be proud of: their history is full of backstabbing and lies, and while Romania did develop, it's still a gypsy infested shithole.

>why do the people let him do that?

because there is no alternative, and everyone is tired of politics
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>Stop using your mouth as an asshole.

Your country is a literal asshole shitting out butthurt Hungarian mongoloids.
Ottomans conquered our clays. They used our lands.yes there were ottoman leaders in the cities. And? Thats how a conquest looks like.
accepting true critique does not make you a cuck, but a rational thinking human being, and the act tend to produce respect and sympathy towards you. some advice for the future.
trianon proves there justice in this world
comments in this video is the reason why i dont like hungary
>accepting critique
critique about what?
about how we took back our rightful land and about how you want us dead?

I believe it is called Lard aka Pig fat
It is just animal fat made from pigs
another big fan, hello my dear friend, would you like an autograph?
>hating on us for something that happened more than 100"s years ago

you're no better than niggers who want reparations, and those who say kill all slovakians here neither. We could fight together against muzzies and niggers, but retards like you keep us from it.
Who can know more about the hungarian history than a syrian refugee
you are beyond saving, keep spatter your rabid salive, shrunken minded retard.
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reminder that this is what Europe should look like
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You no Hungarian people are really fine people, you can drink with them eat with them, make great things until you say something about shit that happened from 200 to 100 years ago, because they learn history different way than everyone else

So point don't discuss history with Hungarians and you are find

I like Hungary :), and paprika
Budapest got terrorist-bombed.
Hungarian cucks.
Sucks man. Best of luck to you getting rid of it.

Oh a refugee who somehow managed to stay here, btw it was the mafia you sandgoogle
>don't discuss history with Hungarians

this x 1000

we should be less butthurt about it

we should look into a prosperous future, not into the bloody past, remove kebab and make central europe great again together
Oh dont start this again. Neither of us can change the others mind. Lets just wait for our war, and we will finish this.
remidner that czechs are germanics
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Yelling "Polak, Węgier, dwa bratanki" (Lengyel-magyar két jó barát)
He's the CIA google who performed the bombing.
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The majority of Finno-Ugrics are in Europe. The majority of Indo-Europeans are outside of Europe.
coming from the mountain nigger nation with literally no achievements that used hungary during the austrian-hungarian empire. your people are fucking niggers
>They literally helped the ottomans invade Europe and attack vienna.
You... what

Hungary was the only country that managed to singlehandedly stop the largest land army in the world.
It conquered like 80% of our territory and we had just a small crescent left but we held out until 150 years later europe was finally ready to get off their asses and help drive them out.

What the fucking fucking fuck.

i mad
i dont dislike hungary because of magyarisation
i dislike hungary because of eternally butthurt pseudohistorian faggots who hate my nation because of muh trianon and who purposfully ignore our history so they can sperg out about muh 10 year old slovak nation and muh empty pannonian basin
>romanian butthurt
>based on made up by his commie dictator in cold war

Some proto-Kuruc retards did support the Ottomans during the siege of Vienna, but not the majority by all means
basically we wuz tier mem history
nationalists are butthurt about what "you" did after ww2, ethnic cleansing and stuff, bosnian style
>eternally butthurt pseudohistorian faggots who hate my nation because of muh trianon and who purposfully ignore our history so they can sperg out about muh 10 year old slovak nation and muh empty pannonian basin

do what I do with Romanian shitposters. Ignore them, they are 99% from the lower class uneducated scum who achieved nothing in life. Every country has it's retards, yours too, but the more civilised ones recognise, that we don't have to hate each other, and we should work together.
shut the fuck up. your nation is the most insignificant spec of land in the whole world. israel 2.0
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> pic
dont you have some dentist appointment to go to
t. achmed longbottom
why didn't you kept your kipchak language anyway? imagine, two nomadic origin badass nation from asia in Europe, missed opportunity to blanda upp and make great allies
Actually, no Hungarians were killed, those were Germans disguising themselves as Hungarians to avoid punishment. Or that's what we've been taught.

Anyway, we're sorry, not that we Serbs wanted that to happen, it was the Commies.
idiot, Vlad lived at the end of the XV. century while Ottoman occupation of Hungary started in 1526

Grass is greener etc etc. Trust me you guys don't have it as bad as you think you do. Maybe dealing with government sucks, but your general quality of life is very high, don't let illusions of western materialism get you down.
Our Hungarian brothers. Love you guys. <3
Guys the jews are not the froblem for the 10 billionth time.
The global financial elite are.

>hungarian kingdom between 1529 and 1600s were much more loyal to ottoman than actual turkish tribes in anatolia
This is kinda bullshit though. Or there wouldn't have been conflicts in the border regions of occupied vs unoccupied hungary.

desu senpai it was pretty clear he was baiting from the start.

Well the whole reason the invasion could happen in the first place was some king demilitarizing the nation in the face of a war...


to be honest finbro, there would've been a lot more outside of europe had the ruskies not eradicated them with vodka since the start of communism.

To be honest no one is really bothered by serbs apart from the fact that you and croatia (who has been a very long standing ally of hungary) couldn't get along.
The most de-nazification bullshit was committed by slovakia, and the most unkept promises about autonomy came from romania.
This didn't stop romania and hungary to get along though and some of our greatest minds in the 20th century were in fact friends. (coända and kármán).
With Slovakia it's been a little more difficult since they were told all sorts of awful stuff about hungary during communist occupation more than anyone else, to legitimize the efforts to marginalize the most significant hungarian minority outside of hungary. This lead to them constantly adopting questionable laws and thus getting along isn't easy.
my mother knew an old german guy who had to flee to Hungary from Vojvodina after WW2
his village was massacred by the serb partisans 'Come and see' style
his stories were pretty depressing and also infuriating tbqh
>Well the whole reason the invasion could happen in the first place was some king demilitarizing the nation in the face of a war...

It's hard to maintain a big army with an empty treasury.

because basarab was never cuman(a name confusion) and we never spoke any turkic shit.

based serbs.
>fucking sumerians from Mesopotamia
>Hungry Hungarians actually believe this

Lots of sad stories have originated after Communism took its hold in Europe. We got thrashed to no end, as most people were highly against communism.

Even most of those partisans were just brainwashed kids that thought that they fought with good purpose.

shitskin turk learn your history.Vlad was killed by boyers not by ottomans and he used to massacre your kind by tens of thousands.His brother, Radu the Handsome was sultan's boipussy.
I went to Budapest and the place was full of the homeless, pickpockets and druggies, aka gypsies. Your kebabs and booze is based though
And it's still more believable than the tale which states that we came from the Sirius star

> and the most unkept promises about autonomy came from romania.

What promise you idiot?The only promise we said is that we will annex you untill Tisa.
stay jelly, mountainnigger
>homeless, pickpockets and druggies, aka gypsies

So its like London?

Every city has good and bad parts, Budapest has a lot of faces, hell its more like 2 city than 1 (as Buda and Pest used to be 2 different city, it was united in the 19th century, and it still shows today).
Hahaha vlachs still butthurt because they couldn't steal even more lands
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Dont get to comfy, we are coming for it.We will Trianon whats left of your shithole.
Romanian did promise autonomy to the Transylvanian Germans, meanwhile they are extinct today, and they had a really shit time even before WW2 and Chauchesku...
Hungarian statues are kind of badass.
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Firstly you mention that we promised autonomy to szeklers, now to saxons.I see you are entangling in lies :))
The lie has short legs, like we say here.

Yea so, shitty time they had before WW2, that all choose to join us instead of you.
Yeah it'slike London but you definitely have more gypsies and pickpockets, we have more nigs.

When I went I was staying right in the centre about 5 mins from Budapest train station so I suppose I probably did see the worst of it. I was offered a go on some gyppos crack pipe for a pizza. I declined
Gas the gyppos. Greater Hungary now.
>t. 12 yo Radu Iancu from his mother's basement
>Firstly you mention that we promised autonomy to szeklers,

I never mentioned that

>now to saxons
>After the end of World War I, many Saxons supported the unification of Transylvania with the Kingdom of Romania. They were promised full minority rights, but many wealthy Saxons lost their land in the land reform process that was implemented in the whole of Romania after World War I.
>The Austrian-Hungarian Dual Monarchy disintegrated into several independent nations as result of World War I. Transylvania was annexed by the Old-Romania. It was not difficult for the Transylvanian Saxons to approve this development since on December 1, 1918 in Alba-Iulia (Karlsburg), Romania had guaranteed to all groups of its population "full ethnic freedom for the fellow citizens"
>In effect these assurances were never annulled, but also seldom followed. They were hardly acknowledged in the new constitution of 1923. Saxon collectives were hit especially hard by the agricultural reform.
>The foundation "Sächsische Nationsuniversität", which managed all commonly owned property after abolishment of the institution with the same name in 1876, financing mainly the Saxon school system with the proceeds, lost a substantial part of its holdings. Education laws threatened the independent education system, petty harassment was practiced by the authorities. The new ruling class mainly recruited from the Old-Romania (Altreich) regions had no sympathy for the domestic claims of minorities since their basic philosophy was centralistic, similar to the French state.
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either you or someone else last week kept mentioning what you said but with szeklers.

>"full ethnic freedom for the fellow citizens"

and everyone has it.

>lost a substantial part of its holdings

As usual because we started too to build schools.



your ass

You promised full autonomy to transylvania in the paris accords before you transylvania voted to join you and was given to you by the trianon accords.
That is all.
Also you should AT LEAST give autonomy to székelyföld where the majority is even after 100 years still hungarian.

Why don't you want to do this?
That region has historically never been a part of romania. It might have been a part of dacia about 1000 years ago but ever since hungarians have been living there.
There are no huge natural resources there that we would be stealing from you, and the terrain is mostly mountains.
So again, why do you not want to do what the majority in that region would want?
It wouldn't hurt you in any way and it could pave the road for a super strong alliance.
>much bigger country
>has a better army

fuck off nigger, you did genocide the saxons, but Szekelys will be there forever
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They are ogres actually, it's very common for them

We usually have to scare them away from our gardens here down south, with wooden sticks and soap
you can't give autonomy in the middle of a country isn't smart

>Physicist Enrico Fermi, said to be a firm believer in the existence of extra-terrestrials, was frustrated by the lack of firm evidence of their existence. Reasoning that advanced civilizations should by now have filled the Galaxy, Fermi came downstairs for lunch one afternoon at Los Alamos and blurted out his now-famous question, "Where are they?"

>"They are among us," it is reported that Hungarian-born physicist Leo Szilard responded, "but they call themselves Hungarians."
They don't want to let go of ANY goats
Like uh.
And several other city states in the middle of italy?

And a dozen countries that exist in the middle of other countries?
I wish I could take a fat ogre shit on a nice, green lawn
Also: Hi sideways us!
we can annihilate them + Vatican is religious

you can't let autonomy to someone that hates you it's not a good military strategy
No one actually hates romanians.
We just hate that they didn't give the székelys autonomy.
>give them autonomy
>they no longer hate you
Seems to be a good strategy to me
what a load of bullshit. They were a separate ethnicity for hundreds of years. They were even looked down upon by hungarians and even as oppressed as Romanians. But now they are hungarians...kek.

Right now it's the most autonomy the szeckelyz had in their entire history
If only we had a growing hungarian birthrate
in case of war they can fuck you it's a complex political thing
Oh how much I love that butthurt romulans come to every hungary thread trying to ruin it and if they hear something about transilvania they get fucking triggered. Like seriously dont you have better things to do then to shitpost?
French kings lost their fucking heads.
they are still looked down, they are our mounain hillbillies
All right, let's settle this once and for all. After the capture of the capital Buda in 1541 the country got torn into 3 pieces. The Middle of the country was under Ottoman occupation. The Western and Northern part remained the actual Hungarian Kingdom after the crown was offered to the Habsburgs who had a claim on it as they made a treaty with King John Szapolyai who was crowned after the previous king died without a succesor in the battle of Mohács in 1526. The Habsburgs had a treaty with the jagello house that if the king dies without a succesor, they inherit the crown of Hungary. The Ottomans wanted to prevent this as they were battling the Habsburgs for practically world domination this time. So they backed the Hungarian noblemen to elect their own king, John Szapolyai, a Hungarian noble. The Hungarian nobility at this time has seen both the Ottomans and the Habsburgs as a threat and split to a Habsurg-party and a Szapolyai-party. So this was átok all over again, they couldn't make up their mind and the country found itself between the hammer and the anvil. Szapolyai made a treaty with the Habsburgs that in exchange for letting him rule he will give the crown to the Habsburgs (as he didn't have a succesor). But then he had a son and when he died shortly afterwards the Hungarian nobles broke the treaty again and made his infant son the king. The Habsburg attaacked and the Turks helped to beat them back. Then they captured the capital without a fight by trick. The Governor, who ruled instead of the child king went to Transylvania and the third semi-indipendent/Ottoman vassal state of the transylvanian principality was born which paid tribute to the Ottomans who didn't interfere with the inner affairs of Transylvania though.
Székelys have more Asiatic genes because they mixed less with Germans and Slavs and retained more of their original characteristics, not because they're a separate ethnicity.
>and even as oppressed as Romanians
this is a fucking meme romanians weren't any more oppressed than literally any other serf during the middle ages.

Also, they have been a separate but hungarian tribe.
Their language is hungarian.
That is enough for us to be upset that they don't have full autonomy.
Same as we are upset that the ugric peoples in russia were being eradicated by communists.

The point is not that you should give székelyföld back to hungary, the point is that you should let them decide what they want.
They could be a separate state.
Or hell just be an autonomous region in romania like the falkland isles.

They are ... as someone else pointed out hillbillies.
No large scale infrastructure, not much industry.
It's just about the principle of the issue that a people we are related to aren't allowed to govern themselves.
Guys guys dont feed the troll ffs

>You promised full autonomy to transylvania in the paris accords before you transylvania voted to join you and was given to you by the trianon accords.

nice joke.

>Also you should AT LEAST give autonomy to székelyföld

The 0.00001% chance they had for autonomy vanished, when all of them declare themselvs as magyar in 2011, thanks to UDMR propaganda.

It is you who calimed last week that we promised autonomy to szekelrs, i remember your writting style.Why lie? :))


A recent law passed some years ago states that if saxons prove that they were driven otuside Transylvania before 1989, they get everything back.
the League of Cognac helped the fucking Turkish invade Austria. The cannons they used in the battle of mohács were french made. If anyone "helped" the ottomans it was you , the pope and the french so they would destroy the holy roman empire.

Where did you learn history?

Lets see what happened after Mohacs, to the Hungarian Kingdom.


The Hungarian Kingdom was split in 3 parts and vanished from the maps of Europe:the west part was annexed by Austria(see Royal Hungary), the Transylvanian Principality entered under ottoman suzeranity(see Principality of Transylvania (1570–1711)),and the center(at the point when Buda was occupied, Hungarian Kingdom ceased to exist) ended as pashalak under the dominion of Ottoman Empire.[1] [2] [3 ] [1]Ch7-1" (PDF) - http://www.hungarian-history.hu/lib/unmaking/part1-7.pdf [2]Kristó Gyula - Barta János - Gergely Jenő: Magyarország története előidőktől 2000-ig, p. 687, pp. 37, pp. 113. [3]https://www.britannica.com/event/Battle-of-Mohacs

>The crown of Hungary was inherited by the Habsburgs

True.And yet again its Hungarian Kingdom* not Hungary.You just owned yourself.Only thing left from Hungarian Kingdom, the Crown of St.Stephen was inherited by the germanic Habsburg dynasty, forming "The Habsburg Kingdom of Hungary", de facto a Habsburg province.

So we find out that Hungarian Kingdom no longer existed after Mohacs, with the central territories of the medieval Hungarian kingdom were annexed by the Ottoman Empire for 150 years (see Ottoman Hungary),the north and west Hungarian Kingdom became a Habsburg province(See Royal Hungary),and the part of east became Transilvanian autonomous Principality under Ottoman suzeranity.
To believe that Hungarian Kingdom ever existed after Mohacs, is a common hungarian nationalist myth that arrised from a name confusion.After "Treaty of Karlowitz" when the Ottomans ceded nearly all of Ottoman Hungary and then they united with the Royal Hungary,the term "Royal Hungary" was no longer used, and the Habsburg Kings referred to the newly enlarged country by the more formal term "Kingdom of Hungary".
I always looked at the Central Europeans as Gondor from the hordes of Islam. While the decadent west
prospered and schemed. Hopeless battles, mad kings/queens, herioc deeds and disaster were happening on Europe's doorstep. While the rich Colonial powers played with natives . Our schools teach us about muh ebul crusades goys. But never Mohacs or the countless other battles fought to save Europe. The rich west (including Canada obviously) has no clue of eastern/central struggle and is naive and cucked to life's harsh reality. Most good men in the west are dead or afraid. The former eastern bloc seems to have an understanding that their nation is all they have. While we worship trinkets and dindus. Start having kids though shitlords. You're a dying people!
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Not on my lawn you won't
>this is a fucking meme romanians weren't any more oppressed than literally any other serf during the middle ages.

>Their language is hungarian.
I may be wrong, but isn't it more different than romanian and moldovan(lol)?

>The point is not that you should give székelyföld back to hungary, the point is that you should let them decide what they want.
they don't know what they want. Someone trolled them really hard. There are now only like 200 szeckelyz according to the last census. How do you expect to give them autonomy? They identified themselves as hungarian which bascially gives 0 autonomy rights. There is a Hungary next door, they are free to move there.

This applies to Hungary too, who feed on its neighbors like a leech.


moldovan doesnt exist.Its a soviet invention to split the soviet provinces and annex them.
Szeklers historically were said to speak szekler not magyar.
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During the 150 years of the Ottoman occupation the Hungarians were always split and kept arguing which are better or more like less bad as the Habsburgs were also kinda batshit insane about forcing capitalism and burning protestant Hungarians, also mercenaries who weren't paid properly by the Habsburg wrecked just as much havoc in the country as Ottomans.
The Ottomans btw didn't collect janissaries from Hungary as Hungary was still an important battle ground and was not fully occupied, pacified and integrated into the empire as the rest of the Balkans, so they did not intend to further alienate the Hungarians with this practice. The Habsburgs tried ti unite Transylvania with their part of the Kingdom from time to time and the Ottomans denied their attempts as it was in their interest that the status quo of a Hungary split into 3 part remains. The Hungarians were very divided, they would have prefered a Hungarian king but they knew they were not strong enough to kick the Turks out of the country alone, on the other hand they feared that the Habsburgs wanted to take away their religious freedom. In reality some Hungarians were fighting with the Habsburgs defending against the constant Ottoman attacks while other Hungarians had to aid the Ottomans, tough they mostly did that only half-heartedly.
It was a pretty hopeless situation either way, neither the Habsburgs, not the Ottomans could not achieve a decisive victory and the country remainded a constant battleground for 150 years and suffered enourmous losses in manpower, wealth and historic monuments.
No we are from another galaxy we came with captain astar
what a load of bullshit
The székelys were considered noblemen throughout the Middle Ages until Habsburgs took away their privileges. Check your facts, radu.


You were the only country that didnt protest under Ottoman occupation.No war with them whatsoever.you licked your women cunt being filled by ottomans.The austriaks you hate, were the ones that freed you from ottomans.Didnt a hungarian minister state that Hungary actually flourised under Ottomans???
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