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Leaf considering immigration to USA. With all the chimpouts lately,

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Where in leafland you live?
Stay away from major cities, if you're going to come.

If you must live in a major city, certain options are better (and much safer) than others.

If you live in a suburban or especially a rural area, depending on your state, you'll probably never even see a minority.

Just live in New England. No googles here.
Also, having said that, even in major cities, if you can afford it, there are extremely nice areas to live, even if you're stuck in Chicago or Detroit.
the whiter the better
Whatever you do, DONT COME TO IOWA! Nothing but cornfields and pig farms, STAY AWAY. Go live in Vermont and become a pagan occultist like Styx instead.
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Fuck off no leafs allowed.
>Moving from Canada to America
Are you retarded? You'll end up in a much worse situation there. There are 300 million people as compared to 30 million here. Just try to imagine that.
Avoid the south, JewYork, California and other high black and mexican areas. I recommend the PNW, its comfy, most white with a sprinkle of Mexicans and Asians. Avoid Portland and Seattle.
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for what purpose
If you are a caring liberal and feminist, you should definitely go help the cause!
Lower taxes, and can earn more money there in my field (nearly finished PhD).
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To escape the socialist retards and increasing taxes necessary to keep their stupid ideas afloat?

On an unrelated note would any Alaskan women of /pol/ marry me? I'm a german, english, ukie mongrel, educated, reasonably /fit/ and not a manlet.
I would visit America but never live there. I don't care how cheap things are there. America has so much shit happening, it's fucking crazy. pic related.
Can confirm, Wafag here, move to rural areas on the western side and avoid Spokane, Wenatchee, Mount Vernon, Bellingham and Tacoma. They're pretty ghetto. Everywhere else is pretty chill and there's lots of logging towns.
Fuck off leafag we're full
Sopkane has never been as bad as people say it is, for me at least. Then again, I only go to the business areas
>Business Districts

I think that's why, I almost got carjacked in the shittier part of town that's on the way out. Degenerates for some reason gravitate away from success.
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The tax meme. I've lived in the US...taxes aren't lower at all.

>earn more money there in my field
fair enough.
Umm Taxes are a good thing??? Don't you hear about all those sinkholes and potholes in the U.S???
I'm paying over 40% and my provincial govt is still taking on huge debt as is my federal govt. Both of which are crazy about diversity and importing more dead weight.

If I moved to Alaska, Wyoming, ND, or Colorado (fuck everywhere else, too hot or liberal) I would be far better off.
>Jew York
It's mostly downstate near NYC. Go Upstate there won't be a kike for miles
Cold and everyone is a bolnd haired blue eyes white or an Eskimo
Nothing there at all
Pot smoking college fags
>North Dakota
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I will marry you but I don't live in Alaska. [spoiler]I'm also not a girl.[/spoiler]
What part of new england are we talking about?
First week I spent living in the Atlanta burbs was surreal. Wal-mart has to be one of the the most fucked up places. The meme is absolutely real.
Go for it. See how it works out.
>everyone is a blond haired blue eyes white

I would fit in fine.

I would rather die in Trudeau's intolerance reduction camps than move to the American east or west coasts.

We can talk about your feminine penis after you move to Anchorage.
Willingly moving to the USA? You better be doing it for love or money. Anything else and you're better off drowning yourself in sand because the country is that fucked.
Do you have any idea how much of a bitch it is to immigrate legally into the US?

It's not like coming to Canada if your a former child rapist turn refugee.
Eastern wa fag here.
All those citys aside from wenatchee are pretty chill, a kid from montreal isn't going to want to move to a rural area.
Seeings as how I've immigrated to both, yes.

In my own personal experience, Canada is the superior place to work and live.
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just get a gat and u will be able to hold you own
pic related. was only 200$ from kentucky gun co
>Seeings as how I've immigrated to both, yes.

I'm white so I have to play by the big boy rules.
Bet you're not as white as I am. But keep making excuses and commenting on stuff you haven't actually got experience in ;)
live in spokane, just move to the south hill. almost no delinquency up here
I believe you anon.

Millions of others wouldn't but I do.

I trust you.
Was considering Montana. Any input?
You don't have to trust me. Go live in the US and see how cheap it is. The "lower cost of living" parts of the US usually look like something closer to Pripyat.
good gun laws lole
Fuck off we don't want any liberals in Montana

You probably think gay marriage and shit is ok. What's right wing in Canada is left wing in Montana.
SK. But with even less people.
top tax bracket in canada is only 33% and our capital gains tax is lower too (income /2 and a huge divident credit)

if you have a phd you will probably end up paying more taxes in the states.

Why the fuck would you want to come to the US? It's really not that great here unless you are a millionaire and can live in a cushy resort town or something. Otherwise it kind of sucks here.

I was talking to an Aussie the other day and taxes are actually cheaper in his country than most US states.

Also, anywhere there is economy here is a multicultural shit hole.
Hahahahahaha we will never accept a white. If you are an Islamic Extremist you should hurry before January
co fo sho

dont fucking vote democrat ya cuck
>Australian taxes are cheaper
Well except anything you import (read: everything you want) is taxed up the ass.

Unless you don't mind 100 dollar vidyas and 60k Mustangs.
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State marriage is gay
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Oh I've been there.

Why the hell do you think I want to go there?

I'm sick of paying out the ass for retardation. For health care for people who eat themselves to destruction, for addicts so they can have a "safe space" to shoot up drugs with needles paid for by me, for indians to oppose everything unless their paid off to ever increasing amounts. All the while we spend ourselves into a hole nobody seems to be too concerned about.

We are on a train to turning ourselves into a third world country full of Somalians and other Muslims and I want the fuck off.
you're retarded, bud
what's the best state for a job/career in the medical field?
Not from Montreal, just live here.
Your post suggests you have no experience of the US. The country with the most expensive healthcare in the world and which runs a fucking lottery to import africans.

Be sure to keep the rose tints on when you cross the border. Wouldn't want you to regret your well researched move.
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US isn't any different. We're even worse. And yes it's true, you will follow in our footsteps, if we crash and burn, so will you. If you really want to go somewhere else, go to Europe and save yourself.

Pull your head out of your ass.
Everything is ten times cheaper there and housing is affordable.

I'm thinking of maybe going to WY or somewhere around there.

let's compare, how much is your

>cell phone bill per month
>rent per month and for what kind of place
>car insurance per month
>healthcare per month
>food per day

>most expensive healthcare in the world

You sound like a reddit faggot.

If you make any money in Canada you spend far more on health care (50% of your provincial taxes, when you actually pay taxes this will mean something) than you will in the US on health insurance. If you run uninsured you take the gamble and what will be will be but you would be insane to do that.

>a fucking lottery to import africans

I know. That's why I'm only going to the places Africans don't go, and it's better than our "I'm going to import x number of Syrians because it's 2016" retard in chief.

If you're not ready to defend yourself and be smart to be safe, fucking stay, faggot.
answer me memester faggot >>90369147
>If you make any money in Canada you spend far more on health care

Ok bud. I just have the actual experience of both systems and the bills. Well...only one system actually mails you bills.

But you know better. Break a leg!
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>Everything is ten times cheaper there
>Well...only one system actually mails you bills.

Yea because the other system you wait 6 months to see some African "doctor" with a medical degree written in crayon and the other one you see an actual doctor.

So what did health insurance cost you during your time in the US vs 50% of your provincial income tax?
faggot cant even answer me about his bills and still says it's 10x cheaper here

fuck off shitposting troll
>Go to europeistan and get bombed
Wrong poster faggot.

We have ID's here ffs
you're one of the Canadians in here bitching about how much worse it is in Canada - so I'm telling you to outline your bills and we'll compare.

I'm asking both of you Canadians.
AK here: fuck off were full and broke
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This is astounding autism. Dunno what province you're in but I don't think any spend 50% of income taxes on healthcare.

Nor have I seen any 6 month waits to see a doctor with a degree written in crayon. In fact it's usually the opposite. Fully qualified professionals end up doing shit work in Canada because we explicitly disregard their foreign credentials and experience in favour of Canadian education and working in Canada.

Frankly, at this point, you're delusional and should seek professional help. Preferably in the US where it's apparently speedier and less expensive.
To do that with any relevance we would have to be at the same position on the socioeconomic scale.

Also I would have to have no regard for my personal info so get fucked and google average prices if you want to know.
well to have unlimited data, calling and text, we have to pay $90. will be extra with voicemail caller id, us roaming etc. will be extra
Since when is how much you spend on your cell phone personal info?
>Canadian education
pic related

I'm not asking you to post a picture of your bill dumbass. I'm asking you to give ballpark numbers.

ok that's one, how about the rest? I want to see each one from here

>cell phone bill per month
>rent per month and for what kind of place
>car insurance per month
>healthcare per month
>food per day
>well to have unlimited data, calling and text, we have to pay $90. will be extra with voicemail caller id, us roaming etc. will be extra

Odd...I get that, except voicemail which I couldn't really give less of a fuck about, for under $40.
Absolute horse shit.

I watched my grandfather die of pancreatic cancer in wretched prolonged pain because canada health care could not be bothered to kill the nerve so he could live out his last weeks in relative comfort after a lifetime of paying into the system.

I've seen co-workers put on 6 month wait lists for specialsts after spinal injuries that put them out of work.

Others spend months on waiting lists after being diagnosed with cancer because operating rooms are not available.

Or sat 8 hours in emergency to see a doctor because there are no family doctors accepting patients and emergency is the only place you can go.

Yet fat unemployed people get their knees replaced every few years because of "joint pain"

I guarantee you have had zero actual exposure to Canadian socialized medicine.
Well, in quebec, we are taxed twice. (Federal and provincial) But we're the only province doing so.
I recognize we have some problem with our corrupted provincial government, our roads, our hospitals, our jobs. But Tabarnack!,

Have you checked the news? The US Elections are a fucking Joke! TV Show worst then Honey Boo Boo!
Racism and shit Is damn too high!
Their weed ain't that good beside some of our Nordic Jewels!
THERE ARE PAYING STOP EVERYWHERE, So if you don't like the new pay-bridge at Montreal, you gonna HATE USA.

Comon bro, You're in Quebec! The Olddest land of the new world for the old immigrants that we are!

And We have the most beautiful women, Many Porn Producer agree!
Nice blog...but you're not really showing us how you, or any of the people you mentioned, would be better served in the US.

All that happens in the US is that you pay a clean fortune into the private for-profit system for a lifetime only to get jewed out of coverage the moment you start costing them money. Even when you're young and healthy they'll still troll you with deductibles and co-pays.

The only problem with Canadian healthcare is that it's not socialised enough. My experience with the UK NHS in past decades taught me this. Alas it's getting slowly wrecked too by right wing governments.

Travel the world friend. Live in these countries and pay the bills as I have. Come to your own conclusions.
Find one case where someone who paid for treatment in the US had to wait 6 months to receive it.

Or didn't receive it at all after having paid for it and everyone acted like that was just normal.

Oh wait, your a 14 year old who believes "free" healthcare is so much better than the evil US system.

Fuck right off.
As I've said, go live in the US if you can get through their "bitch" of an immigration system and see how it works out for you. It doesn't really matter a shit to me. I've already lived there and left it. I wish I was 14 again for sure. I'd have a lot more hair for one thing
Except for free surgeries for fat people, we have all that shit in Poland as well. This is horrifyingly accurate if you compare it to our healthcare.

Also, run away from Canada. Run while you can.
if you move to colorado you better vote republican you fucker
Why would you want to move to burger land?
Nice argument, good to see you surrendered completely. You must be french.

Now shut the fuck up.
Because Canada is turning into a marxist shithole.
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You seem a bit mad at the moment. I hope I haven't burst the meme bubble you had in your head.

I'll retract all my statements if it makes you feel better. MURICA! BEST COUNTRY EVAR!

Happy again friend? Cool
Did you not even read the thread? America is not much better
I mean America is good in a sense if your willing to work hard and be an entrepreneur. If you want to just live a comfy life stay in Canada.
Nothing stops anyone being a hard worker or entrepreneurial in Canada desu.

The simple fact that's it likely a lot easier to be "comfy" up here isn't really a negative either as far as I can tell. If you want to work a normal job and get paid a normal wage then that's fine.
I work remotely out of the US and live in Canada, often travel around nomad working.

US has a dirt cheap cost of living compared to here and Europe. Even the dirtiest part of the Balkans was not as cheap as the US. Obv New York/California isn't cheap but Wyoming and Idaho you can buy 70+ acres for $30k about a 15 minute drive from a town. Here it costs me $900,000 for a shitbox with no land
You still pay a bunch of income tax in America. You will also make less money, because shit like healthcare is deducted from your wages.
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I have to go to Chicago in two day's time for work purposes. Also leafland - Ottawa.
I'm not happy about it. I travel a lot for my job. And don't like it. Living in hotels is a shit.
Fake smiles, horrible architecture, strange places, unfamiliar food, etc.

I want a different job. I've had enough of travelling. New Zealand next month.
For fuck's sake.
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I pay $350 a month for 2br 1ba with a garage and full basement. Our household income was around 65k last year. I live in a town of 300ish people, we're the only house on the block.

On the 4th this year, I took all the leftover bottlerockets and shit and put them in a 5 gallon bucket, doused it in gas and lit it. The part-time cop saw it from his house on the other side of town and came over. Next year he's going to contribute to "The Final Solution".
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