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ITS OGRE. The end isn't far away now. >Sweden has b

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ITS OGRE. The end isn't far away now.

>Sweden has become so violent and unstable in these areas that even migrants from war-torn countries like Somalia are considering returning to their own countries.

>One migrant who fled Somalia 20 years ago said simply that Sweden was a “war zone.”

Guess they're No-Go for the cops as well.
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>One migrant who fled Somalia 20 years ago said simply that Sweden was a “war zone.”

Sweden at war? Mobilize the Finnish army.
Afaik there are 7 thousand police officers in 9 million Sweden? No wonder they lost control
/pol/'s sweedish posters
This is what happens when you allow woggeries to exist in your nation.
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Good job Sweden, we tried to warn you..
could you post that in english and not britbonganese
>inb4 all politicians saying, hindsight is 20/20


They should be held accountable, really.
So tolerant!
A place where sandniggers live.
Wog = Sandnigger
tfw i used to travel to one of those no-go zones regularly because i had no other way to buy weed
Sweden third world, this has been predicted and unfortunately there is no way to revert back. You can't cleanse Sweden of the filth, the current political platforms will stand until the last drop of blood crashes upon an ikea dining table
Good. The poster-boys of tolerance need a civil war, so the countries that can still reverse this multi-culti shitshow wake up.

We will remember you Sweden.

What happened to the Sweden with little to no murders back then

What happened to the one I saw on Rick Steves repeats
Is breitbart the only one reporting on this btw?
Is there a map of these No-Go Zones? My aunt lives in Västerås and she is so red pilled that I feel ashamed at sometimes. I think she is also hiding weapons although when her husband died some years ago she "lost" most of them.
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LOL please fucking tell me that they lost control of #55 and not fucking 55 separate zones
Fucking breitbart. You faggots are morons.
Sorry Sweden, but you need to be the test-case for the rest of us.

A Trump victory will be Europe and Scandinavia's permission slip to act, since you're all pussy footing around.
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>1 ayy by this lmao
whats the story on the ground, swedbro?
>Is there a map of these No-Go Zones?
Every house with a migrant family, which is surrounded by houses each of which also only contain a migrant family.

> the sewers of the world are over-flowing with human filth
Someone flush a toilet
RT had an article.
RWDS when?
I thought Wog meant Italian?
what exactly does that mean?

South Africa 2: Electric Boogaloo
>When you're a tiny country of only 7 million and hundreds of thousands of "refugees" enter in and all you do if bend over and ask for more
Whats the lay of the land?
Wog = Southern Yuropoor
Give us an update on your country cuck.
You're thinking of "Wop"
whats the script?
it means what is going on from a first-hand perspective.
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60 minutes crew attacked in Sweden

Why don't they do something about it? It's not like they don't have a military. I understand they're cucked but come the fuck on. When will they say enough is enough and fucking do something?
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B-but my countrys media tells me that Sweden has never been a safer place to live in!
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Well, look at the bright side. This is a wonderful learning experience. Now the 'enlightened' people of the world can learn what some of us have known for more than a century. Good luck with your problems. You'll need it.
not him
Worst thing is the apathy of the Swedes, everyone is so sure of their own intellect and felt so smug of their hatred of the "nazis" (we've had people warn us about this since the 80's but the kike media and their campaigns am I right?) that now that the chicken has come to roost they just can't deal with the feelings of self hatred and anger that they either double down on their "tolerance" In group preference, as it's called or they flee the reality through other means...
It'd be fixed if you let us men deal with it, in no time... But we have to deal with scores of race traitors and leftists and 95% of all women who are utterly retarded and scared of reality...

It's bad, and what is worse is that I can't really do much about it... They are forcing us to be less than men, through different means and I can barely afford living due to being disillusioned a bit prematurely and not working like a dog to get out... I have no one to blame than myself, should have started my road to Hitlerdome a long time ago, but I just can't be bothered not using violence against these people... I think that's the problem, Swedish men are too violent, we cannot deal with reckless faggotry and we can't use violence cause of the kike press and police state... We are in serious doo doo...
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>inb4 all politicians saying, hindsight is 20/20

And you know they're going to keep pushing forward with it. They won't stop until every white person is dead and forgotten.

Lost in time, like tears in rain.
What's the shake down?
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What went wrong /pol/?
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Dont worry, Maple, Trudeau will make sure you guys catch up soon enough. We'll build a Northern Wall during Trumps second term.
ah fuck i wouldn't know, i've been a shut-in neet since i graduated and i plan to stay one until i die, or if a full fledged race war does happen i'll gladly join and fight

the place where i live is still pretty white if you only count actual citizens but subhuman gypsys live outside like every supermarket/street corner, these same 3 ones have lived outside my supermarket for almost 3 years now and they still don't speak a lick of swedish

two stabbings have happened outside the mcdonalds on my street just one month apart

from what i know the niggers in the contaminated zones are chimping out more and more, news about "car fires" and shit happens all the time

>the joooosss

The fuck is a No-Go zone?

That fucking "mobility scooter" at the end.
Sweden needs to deploy the death squads.
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>be south Texas
>be 97.3% White* by the US census
Hah c-cucks
>tfw your state will never be white, just white*
We have police?
That must be in big cities only because you can basically do whatever you want in the rest of Sweden and the police just comes to clean up.
>55 no-go zones
Wtf? There are at least 55 no-go zones!? I thought there were like 2 or 3. Holy shit, get it together, Swedecucks.
Occupied territory.
Most of greater London and Birmingham

>New Afriden
It's like London.
>Tfw Colombia is getting more whiter every minute
Yeah that was fucking classic lol. They seemed to just leave the guy though. Hope he was ok.

The fuck is a No Go zone?
rape zones
where you either give head or lose it
a place so riddled with crime you have to go in with apc's and body armor to make order
People literally don't go there besides the Muslim population. Even ambulances have to be escorted by police.

start making traitors disappear
Oh dear

This is correct.

Yes. Only fighting will get it back.

I thought London was a perfectly safe city because of gun bans that keep places magically safe also knife bans so 16 year olds cannot learn how to cook.
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I think you mean Larry Thorne
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>can hear people screaming "allahu ackbar" and "kill him"
>islam is a religion of peas :DDDD
Everyday I hate liberals even more than the last.
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>d' people of the world can learn what some of us have known for more than a century. Good luck with your problems. You'll need it.
Fucking this. Socialism is a wonderful system...of you live in an underpopulated country full of healthy rich people, America isn't that, and now Sweeden won't be that, oh well, at least we have IKEA, I have dying to buy myself a nice book shelve from there.
cucks here might actually like that
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Can Swedes still buy swords? What's the gun situation like?

realistically, what would happen if an entire city got completely over run (or abandoned by actual swedes), including all services like running water, heat, power, etc all going down?
>nice furniture

Give us the straight dope, the word on the street.
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unleash the viking.
Are there even 55 cities in Sweden?
>your state will never be white, just white*

Tbqh familial, like 50% of Hispanics are just straight up Spanish stock with a jungle nigger or two thrown in over the last 300 years. I've known tons of "Mexicans" that had skin as white as myself and didn't speak Spanish, and were as 'ethic' as say Italians.

Even so, I'd take a horde of the most stereotypical jungle nigger mexicans over Muslims/nigs any day.
Isn't this ok? instead of arming the cops, they just have them as bitchboys running around 'marking' locations so that the military can clean em up in one sweep. It's like spring cleaning, but better.
Fucking disgusting. They are becoming the 3rd shitty race in europe. We've already got Blacks and Gypsies but these guys are worse. These guys will ruin europe. Fucking hate this shit.
>Swedes in singapore hate their country but they can't outright say it

>my Swede friends from Malmö want to migrate to Singapore

What did they mean by this
Only the people can fix this now.

Government has failed

Prepare for mass casualties
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It's literally a fucking war. the government is losing its own territory. Why don't they just send in the military and end this
Going full burger is always the answer.
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A part of me feels happiness and smugness, in knowing i was right, and in knowing that things will continue to deteriorate and that the world will hopefully learn.
Another part of me feels depression, in knowing it may well be too late for my nation.
And one more part of me feels conflicted; should i stay and fight for my country when the time comes, or do i take whatever opportunity i may get to leave this blasted place?
lurk longer before posting, retard
You need to get out before things get absolutely terrible. Regardless of your feelings, the fact of the matter is that you are at risk to become the future's history case study of why multiculturalism didn't work. You owe it to yourself and your family to survive.

Fellow anon, I really enjoyed the fact you answered a non-native English speaker's confusion about a colloquialism with another colloquialism, yet somehow the point actually got across.

Sensible chuckle.
Come here, I will ravage you in your boy pussy and protect you from the mudslimes
Do you have kids? If Yes, leave. Don't let them get caught up in a civil war.
Gubben jag väger 130 och e 185 med mansansikte.
Plus, vi vet båda att finnar inte kommer inom en kilometer av andra människor.
I suppose so. But how can i defend fleeing my country in need? Where would i go, to america?
Hard decision. You cant win alone but from what next to nothing i know of sweden is, youre pretty much alone.
why not. you can help me assemble my furniture! oh the times we will have, sven.
time to sit down and do some real research. There is a huge world out there brimming with opportunities. Keep an open mind and look around to see the benefits of one country versus another.
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I understood everything except mansansikte. What does it mean?

Wtf? He owes it to his people to stay and fight otherwise he's mudslime level himself.

The Jews control a lot of the media in Sweden. It's not even a meme.
What the fuck is up with the sitch?
What's the word, bird?
stay and fight

it will be fun

join nordfront, soldiers of odin, etc
Ur mum.
sovengarde awaits, eh?
Consider moving to the countryside. Go to a place that's still white - that way you can be safe. Or at least a place that has less shitskins. And then when things go down, you answer the call.

Get a gun. I know you can do that in Sweden once you pass the hunting exam.
pride in ones' country implies that you have to have a country left.
yeeeah, no, fuck off eurotrash, all ireland does is stir shit
Clearly the swedes haven't been welcoming enough. This is just a natural, understandable reaction to oppression by white people. I suggest that reparations are in order.
I wouldn't be alone, there are others who love this country still, despite how it is. I just hope we're a silent majority.
Haha, sure, only if you teach me to shoot a fully semi automatic babykiller, though.
I suppose i should do that. America seems nice, though. From what I've heard, anyway.
Not yet, no. Though i hope to have some blue eyed ones down the road.
It will happen to you too, Leaf. You can be sure of that.
It means man-face.
There has been talk of a SO band around here. Guess i should find out if there is.
This article is racist. Implying that refugees are to blame. It's no wonder there's a mess. Racist ass Sweden.
Swedes are still the majority in their country. Also if there was a full blown race war they would get help from other nordic countries. Sweden will always fight til the last Finnish man :D
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That may be true but the ones hopping the border are not of Spanish stock, they're shitskin mexicunts who pop out 6 kids each and leech off gibs and welfare. The lighter skinned/white ones are higher achievers on average and can coexist well with the anglos, but the ones I see here in Commiefornia are like a different breed all together. It's both distressing and unfortunate.
>Not yet, no.

That's literally what the "no-go zone" meme referred to all along, they were areas that the police were allegedly unable to safely enter because they were too violent or whatever.
America is on the track to becoming Brazil, I wouldn't come here unless things get better or you're ready to flee yet again.
>America seems nice, though.
Really depends which part. Some rural areas are fucking excellent, and there are even some havens in larger cities but for the most part, if you aren't making a certain amount then you are kind of stuck with the undesirables. I'd say you should work on finding a job in America or another country.
>1 breit by this bart

They lost control the second they called them "no go zones."
Fight only if there are others among you

If not you will just die for nothing like a bitch
That sounds like a good plan, if i can find a place amidst the current housing crisis. >>90350942
I yield, i yield!
Memes aside, i should.
Then maybe America's whites could come here and stake out a new country, if the worst comes to pass.
But i believe you can make america great again.
I was thinking of moving to maine, or one of the 'flyover' states. They seem the comfiest. Or well, if i move to america that is.
>b-but Islam isn't a race guys!!!
they can get machine guns.
Doggies. Look how obedient they are, not like the fucking blacks

>getting more white
>about to start a program to hand gives me dat to previously armed niggers
>payed for by mostly the whites
>more white

wew lad
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A Croatian cares more for Sweden, than swedes.
I really need to sleep, before night becomes morning. Good luck /pol/, with whatever you do.

Tack, broder.
>Incoming World Bank economic chief Paul Romer has said the best way to accommodate migrants is to purposely leave them to their own area in which police would simply not operate. Romer suggested an area the size of Hong Kong for the migrants to be allowed to live under their own rules outside of Swedish society.

>It's not even a meme
Colorado is comfy as fuck. Drove around Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico this summer and I have never seen a more peaceful area.
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>The number has risen from 50 in February, when the police last gave a comprehensive report on the issue, and last week, when the law enforcement agency gave an update. According to media reports, the service is facing a major crisis of self-confidence, with as many as three officers on average asking to resign on a daily basis. Internal polls say four officers out of five have been considering a change of profession lately.


Holy shit lads, Sweden might truly be falling apart.
Is there a militia in Sweden? If not, there will be soon.
Women were given too many freedoms
I believe it, people can shit all over brietbart and rt if they want but there are a shit load of news agencies reporting on all the grenade tossing.

Not even niggers in America are throwing grenades around and lighting cars on fire. Sweden is either totally cucked or shit has gotten way out of control and they cant handle it and dont want to ask for help.

Im guessing the latter, they have lost control and are humiliated.
An American / UK force will be occupying Sweden within 5 years.
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American googles aren't mudslimes
Holy shit this guys retarded
This is only happening because muslims feel alienated from society.
If Swedes were just less racist and more accepting we could all get along.
why only fully semi? why not fully full?
That's right. Based Breitbart.
Is there any evidence the Klan ever murdered women and children or sought to wipe out entire sects or peoples?
Breitbart is one of very few reporting on this type of shit.
and they do a horriable job, if i wanted to get trigger'd like a man with pakinsons holding a gun, I'd look at furrys
I feel bad for Sweden but I feel vindicated knowing I was right.
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german guilt works both ways, they are walking a thin line.
this is what happens when you live around minorities with noguns.
don't you mean "hourrible" job?
I wonder how it feels like to be a cuck in Sweden and see the immigrants causing so much destruction when you though they were innocent little rocket scientists

How do our women even cope with reality?
well i'd assume you'd be pretty stoked if you were one.
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Isn't it quite the cohencidence how Fox News hasn't said a word about the terror attacks in Sweden. Nothing on tv or on the website. Maybe it's because there's a presidential debate on their network in less than 24 hours and they know that this only helps Trump.
What's the 411?
>evidence the Klan ever murdered women and children
They've firebombed and shot up homes and churches with women and children inside.
So what do those evil idiots who claimed "diversity is our strength" have to say about this? Will anyone in the media be brave enough to confront them and make them explain this?
Swedish Name for Detroit tier shitholes
What's wrong with Breitbart?
damn that looks like a scene from Pakistan.
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>55 no go zones
How many zones does Sweden have total? More than 100?
CTR trigger word.
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They live in guarded towers behind walls

They are separate from the people

They don't care and think everything is fine because they are fine

The only explaining that needs to happen is when we explain to them the definition of treason shortly before executing them in the public square
whats the haps with the craps?
Oh fuck you, Sweden
Hello new friend.
It's not. They're still a shitty group of people
(((David Schwartz))) and Olof Palme in the 1960's happened.
Västerås is chimpout central.
Zyklon Ben tried to warn Swedecucks.
>55 no-go zones

Shit hell mate that's more than us, I feel cheated.
Heavily gentrified and full of white people living in over priced houses?
Does Sweden Democrats have a youth group? Or something that can be organized into a [spoiler]paramilitary group[/spoiler] security team?
>A safe place to seek refuge
>Allow them to recreate their dangerous homelands, while additionally threatening your own people

This is exactly the problem with the "Just accept the immigrants" mindset.

It's not just that they bring their violence with them, it's that they eliminate the niceness everywhere.

What happens when Europe is a flaming hellhole; where do people run to then?

What happens when America is as shitty as Mexico? Where do people go then?
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Lurk more
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>Noway and Polandball in the background sledding and hurting themselves


captcha: city of campbelltown
rad gif man
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They had SDU, they've cut ties with them tho. The official reason was the SDU were too radical, most likely SDU started throwing their weight around trying to influence some SD decisions around NATO.

We have Nordfront... They aren't too cuddly with SD at the moment tho, but pretty sure they'll be down to crack heads for shits and giggles.
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Just go to Norway, and pretend you've always been Norwegian
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>where do people run to then?
> What happens when America is as shitty as Mexico? Where do people go then?

That's probably more than us in the 80's
With all the enrichment we have in so many cities, it must be way more
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I have the feeling Europe (especially Germany) is just gathering anger, contempt, and vengeance outrage.

Is just a matter of time when that time bomb explodes and I will be comfy watching while Europe fucking burns to the ground.

I sincerely hope you guys make it worthy to watch
Fox News got told off last year for saying France had no-go zones and had to go on air and say they were wrong about it. Your government bitched about Fox saying there were places the police wouldn't go as a policy.
Would have laughed if you didn't post like a fucking leaf.
Who is this bitch nigga?
Wog is italian and greek for us colonials. As always americans didnt get the joke but now claim their way is the original.
underaged faggot. check these gets and get banned
This past year or so really feels like the build up to a war across the western world.

Thankfully, the kinds of people who tend to sign up for the military and the police are also the sorts who would oppose the bad guys in this particular scenario.
They didn't need even that 7 thousand police officers 5-10 years ago. Diversity comes with a price.
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>Swedish police now have to fight real, violent crime
>80% are considering other jobs
>3/day are resigning

This might be able to correct itself. Since law enforcement is now a dangerous job, maybe Swedes of stronger stuff will answer the call. You might get more applicants who are willing to go into these no-go zones and put foot to ass to clean up the streets. It will evolve into resembling the American police, which has no problem putting down a brown.

I know those people still exist in Sweden. With how fast the Sweden Democrats are growing, the nationalists are coming out of the woodworks. It's a long shot and Sweden is probably already done, but maybe they can restore civility and safety to their country

I must have missed that Mad Max sequel. Too bad. It sounds like a good one. Mad Man Mel really can't be stopped, I guess.
You don't get attacked in London, it's full of white people on their way to work, it's full of the richest people in England who are having fun and shopping.
Although London is 50% white, poor arabs dont live there, so it's still nice.
The state will collapse and we will send our fucking soldiers to keep it afloat to continue the fucking bull shit.

50,000 U.S. soldiers in Sweden
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>You might get more applicants who are willing to go into these no-go zones and put foot to ass to clean up the streets

Vigilante groups going door-to-door in little Mogadishu making a clean sweep of every nog and mudslime willing to put up a fight (i.e-all of them). I have no doubt there'll be many volunteers but it would the most down and dirty beatdown drag-out urban fighting ever.
Whats the dealio closeted pedopihilio?
>This might be able to correct itself. Since law enforcement is now a dangerous job, maybe Swedes of stronger stuff will answer the call
there is no such thing. there never was. not once in history have there been swedes who could fight. its what separates the norway from the sweden.

even in the time of charlemagne they were fancy lads crying over hangnails
Greek cunt i used to go to school with said it was an anagram for 'wealthy overseas gentlemen' it was met by a standing round of kek provided by all the real aussies. Fuckinwog cunts alright though.
And then you ask why we shoot Google's in America.
how about you just stop immigration from all non-western countries- just be as racist as you want about it

and then ween the socialists off of their teats- a little at a time so they don't sperg out

and start encouraging large swedish familties- 6-8 kids per white family

your problem goes away in 1 generation with no civil war

why not just do that?
>stay and fight

fuck em
I have family in Sweden. I was visiting recently and I gotta say, the country does give off an Africa-Middle East vibe.
I'm imagining a situation where all the guys on the right tied the table guy up for some non-lethal reason. Like they were going to perform some healing ritual, or maybe have to cut off his foot, but not actually kill him.

But then the guy on the left, of some other tribe saw a chance to strike and quickly ran up to bash the table guy's head in, and his friends didn't notice until it was too late.

Club guy might not survive killing table guy when his friends retaliate, but he got to bash in a defenseless guy's head and ruin their ritual, and have a good laugh too.
This one made me legit laugh out loud.
as it stands it'll be a small miracle if any western european countries will still be around in the same shape and form they are now within the next 50 to 100 years.

This amount of nonstop migration is pretty much going to destroy whole nations and have new ones rise up in its place.

Real question is what the damage is going to be when said nations start imploding like dominoes.
>Will the shit sweep east?
>Without vitamins will the blacks survive the colder climates
>how large will the muslim dominate nations be that establish footholds in Europe
this is advanced canadian shitposting. well done, lad.

Right fucking on.
Both Breitbart and RT link to krone.at (Austrian site breaking news about Sweden? Aight.)
And krone.at only says "according to Swedish media", with no further links.
So, probably bullshit. The part about 80% policemen quitting might be correct, but that claim about no-go zone has no confirmation yet.
(Not saying that it's the case, we just need to vet the information better)
>I can't really do much about it
Surely you can. Move to some sane country, get ready, work against it.
yeah, and it had the same source (which is, really, no source)

Being Swedish is being white?

As an American with multiculturalism and be being mixed race myself.

I have no problem with countries outside the USA trying to preserve their own culture and race, but not being supremacists about it.

Even Hispanics can be racist toward me because I have a white man's nose.
it means "дoлoжитe oбcтaнoвкy"
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>Too much of a pussy to live his life
>thinks he'll be brave enough to fight for it

>and start encouraging large swedish familties- 6-8 kids per white family

The problem of shrinking birth rates in developed countries isn't that easy to solve.

Someone who's completely absorbed in anti-feminism would say the issue is that society is hostile towards men, and men are losing interest in women because of greatly depleted incentives and massive amounts of risk. A feminist would say that men are too busy jacking off and pumping and dumping to commit. I won't say that any of these are non-factors, however, I'd say that the biggest factor is undoubtedly economic, which is why Japan has been hit, too. People in the developed world don't want kids unless they have the money to continue their current lifestyle even with several more mouths to feed, along with a promise that their future is stable. However, young people are having an increasingly difficult time getting on their feet, due to a mixture of poor choices, wealth-hoarding elites, outsourcing, and their parents failing to retire and make way.

I suppose that you could harness nationalism, but isn't the whole reason why people support nationalism because they see the looming threat of their prosperity being destroyed? Having 3+ kids is a definite way to kick the finances in the balls.
Why do people trying and hide the fact that white societies are almost always the best societies?

The first world is white.

The second world are Hispanic countries but still have massive amounts ot people leaving to western countries, There parts of Central America and South America where they have a large middle-class only because of westerners moving back home after they worked in the USA, or Americans retiring there.

And, then you have third-world countries like Arab countries, black, and other heavily mixed races countries with non-white people.
Perhaps it's time for a second Reconquista?
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This fucking video man ;__;. Sweden i fucking swear to god if you get in a full on civil war ill come for the right side please just start it soon
add footage of current situation/newsreels and you've got an SD election ad ready
The fall of Sweden is the Rise of the Fourth Reich. You know you want the True Neo Nazis fighting muslims in EU.
Good. The sooner sweden falls as an example to the rest of the world the better. Zero sympathy for swedecucks at this point. Just turn into a third world shithole for everyone to see so everyone votes Trump.
so basically 50% this
and 50% that
and you're all set
So what's the deal on the no-go zones, can cops actually not go in there without getting shot at? Do they just not service those areas whatsoever and if so what about ambulances ect.

Are the totally containment zones fenced off with guards out front shaking down everybody who comes and goes? We have a containment zone like that here full of Somalis
Maybe nobody wants to admit the bitter pill is that white people need to be saved and protect for the world to still be modernized in the human population..

Nazi Germany was white people's Israel after all.
>you can basically do whatever you want
rightwing death squads when?
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to Mars. Watch out for Elon Musk.
They won't appreciate us until we are gone.
Heavily gentrified is code word for liberals. It means they want to live with other white people and not shitskins, but still want to be ultra libcucks.
>We have a containment zone like that here full of Somalis
sounds cool, any links to read?

If there was another global race war. As long as the Jews aren't involved Then, I think it would everybody;s duty even non-whites who understand history. To fucking fight for human civilization.

Jews complicate an issued of race. There are white Jews too......
>Reliable source
I wonder if there's a spin?
Our media denies it exists, and the cops import Minneapolis cops (no joke) http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/toronto-police-get-help-from-2-minneapolis-officers-1.2914317

The Somalis who make their way out west are killed pretty quick, usually by Viet/chinese gangs http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/why-so-many-somali-canadians-who-go-west-end-up-dead/article4365992/?page=all
don't worry swedebro's, there is a hero living among you who will save the day

We need to send some American police over. Watch them reverse who can't go where.
How do you spin grenade attacks reported by multiple news agencies? What fucking European country has regular fucking grenade attacks? Fucking insane

>let poor, warlike people into your home
>maintain a limp wrist when dealing with them

It takes quite a lot of brainwashing to not be able to see that this is a recipe for disaster.

If you must be globalist, the Romans got it right: You have a large, badass army, and if one of them fucks with the Romans, their family gets to watch them die a horrible prolonged death on the side of the road. No mercy, no apologies. If anyone gets mad enough to seek retribution, they receive the same fate. This continues until this group of people see themselves as civilized Romans. That is how you take the brutes who flip cigarettes at you and run you over and turn them into polite gentlemen. It certainly doesn't happen by actively encouraging them to maintain their old identity, or by allowing them to see the concept of being on your shitlist as anything less than game over.
Police isn't getting shot at yet but there has been knife attacks, molotov cocktails and cobblestones thrown at single Police patrolls responding to 112 calls.

The no go part is for firefighters and ambulance personel, they've stopped going into those areas without Police escort because they've been assaulted for doing their Jobs.

Some dindu died recently because they started chimping out as ambulance and Police showed up to save him.

No fences.
Sweden Yes.
You have captcha this is still text?
What the fuck is scooter Pepe trying to do at the end?
Year ago libs were so incensed over Trump's suggestion that Europe had no go zones
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>credible source

stop this dumb nigger meme kys
Seeden policemans are bear fotzes xD
Oh wait wait, this is TOP KEK
Right? Top keksimus maximus?
You sir are a coward.
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Do you know how to be famous?

You do something amazing... Or...


Will we remember you, anon?
give us the 411
What's up with what's going down my brother
We only send in military to keep whitey from killing everyone.
Literally start fighting to take back your homeland the very second you finish reading this post.
You, Do it. Dont wait for everyone else.
You. Swede boy. Man the fuck up already. Literally everyone is waiting for you to do something. And you know it. Now is the time. Be the change that your motherland deserves. .....And go!

by then it will have thawed considerably and be ripe for farming and living

just DO NOT tell the brownies
They'll start only recording stats for solved crime (like in Germany) and then report that Sweden is safer than ever. It'll be such a success, they'll say, they'll announce they intend to bring in more.
Heyyy its like if you add your middle number to my middle number the we both got trip 8s!!! Thats like 888888!

To war then swede boy!!
Kek wills it!!!

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we're going to have the same problem here very soon.

if we elect Hilary, things will be exactly the same over here in no time.

it's a liberal/anti-Christian thing.
Leaf... It is possible to make your own gifs...
Sweden is basically mini Syria right now then? I mean if they don't get some better forces or take back those zones it could get even worse than it already is.
one city can consist of many muslim enclaves, or no-go zones
I have the most American boner right now.
No, douche. I killed people while in the Army, i can kill people at home too.

Fucking grow a pair or stay the fuck out of my way!
Theres 60k police in total if I remember well. While tripple that amount of refugees came in last year alone.
Only a fucking retard government wouldn't drastically increase police hiring.
nog-o zones
military coup when?
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Reality is pretty scary man
You all realize this is just a joke, right? I live in a """"""no-go"""""" zone, safest place on earth.
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The charge of the gimp brigade.

TV crew were damn cowards for abandoning him though, probably got beheaded.

Rips in pieces scooterbro
See? Memes. You know it's a joke.
Anger will come soon, hopefully.
It's always entertaining how /pol/ accepts anything that coincides with their agenda without any need for a source or examining it themselves.

These so called "no go zones" are are places the police report have "experienced problems with local criminal networks, which have a negative local effect on this area", further "loosely connected networks with low strategic abilities" in the same report it cites police can generally walk freely in any of these areas without being afraid of being attacked, such a no go. The term "no-go zone" or anything like it is never mentioned in the police's report.

Anyone who looks into this will realize how extremely stupid anyone who thinks no-go zones actually exist are, stop fear mongering.
For you Swedes, Täby is in this list. Fucking Täby, middle/high income suburb, swedes with no immigrants. Should tell you something about how dangerous this is.
This is the hard detox to undergo.

The international monetary community must be made silent for any change to take place. Bankers and merchants have no problem with Sweden being mixed-race, Islamic, violent, poor, overpopulated.

These global systems are the poison making is sick. The Muslim foreigners are a side-effect.

Fucking leaf.

Proof that stupidity and liberalism goes hand in hand.
Yeah, half of the Finns (what would that be, like eight? Nine?) actually would be able to put down a Somali insurrection, provided you bastards keep churning out men of the same caliber (gettit) as you have in your legendary past. WTF do you guys do to create such heroes?
>viet/chinese gangs
Good to see native Leafs fighting back.
That is where you are wrong
The sword is the ultimate tool against liberal corruption
Their shrilling will be silenced by the hordes marching from the north upon them and leaving only those deemed worthy as survivors
praise kek

Hackney, haringey, tower hamlets, Lambeth, Southwark....

Those sort of no go areas where there are bars oh the windows and it isn't recommended you go out at night or even travel alone in the day time.

The areas that Chinese airlines warned their passengers about.

London is a disaster.... The national crime figures are so skewed to make it look like a safe city it's unreal...

For example a serious assault where someone has had a limb cut off or some really gruesome shit like that....
That will get recorded in the same stat as 2 lads that have had a drunken arguement after too many beers on a Friday night.....

MFW I'm a police officer and we will never ever ever win because the government is against us.
That's like saying NYC is full of whites because of Wallstreet and Manhattan. The line love
In high rise apartments, gated communities and jerk themselves off, while the working class are impoverished and endangered by black and brown foreigners the gentrifiers decided to bring over.

I beleive Malmö is one or is surrounded by several no go areas.
This is the problem. They can literally wrest control of entire areas of the country from Swedish people and laws with impunity. If white Swedes went there to re-establish order, there would be police arresting them and hunting them down.
yeah sharing your wife with the local dindus has its benefits

Where the fuck in London have you been?
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Ghosts vs Ninjas. Rated R.
I told a Swedish backpacker that one of the main stereotypes of Swedes is that they're huge pussies who'll never stand up for themselves.

He looked down at his feet like he wanted to cry.
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He knows.
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