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Help a Bernout

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What are some good reasons that a Bernie supporter should vote Trump?

As a former Bernie supporter, I have a few friends who were also Bernie supporters. Bottom line, I want them to consider voting for Trump. When I came out as a Trump supporter recently, I was met with complete shock. I handled my own with their attacks, but when it came to the question of, "Why would a Sanders supporter vote for Trump?," all I could say was:

>Muh trade protectionism NAFTA/TPP
>Muh anti-establishment
>Hillary is bad!!1!! xDDD

Are there any other good reasons?
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why do you need more than those reasons friend

Trump is the candidate whose success most contributes to the collapse of the current two-party system, which offers an opportunity for larger political reform.

None of the policies matter here. It's all about long-term social consciousness impacts.
>not bought with outside money
>supports glass-steagall legislation
>is the peace candidate against Hawkish Hilldog
He didn't rig the election against your candidate.
If you were stupid enough to consider Bernie as the best candidate in the first place it doesn't fucking matter
he doesnt operate under a broad misguided notion that pouring an unprecedented amount of money into expanding the welfare state will somehow benefit our country. he doesn't go on the campaign trail and blurt out detrimentally misleading statistics about the wage gap and inequality in order to garner the unthinking-liberal-shithead vote. he's just-- he's got conviction. he values loyalty. he's got CHUTZPAH. he actually WORKED before the age of forty unlike your hunchbacked figurehead. he didn't come outta nowhere. he's been voicing his concerns for decades on end and he deserves this. it's this simple
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>As a former Bernie supporter,
We don't need you. stay home or vote for Clinton who is part of everything that is wrong with the world.
Didn't even know he was for glass-steagall
Kiwi gets it
I'd rather die than vote for Clinton. Dead fucking serious.
>Bernout Revenge

>What are some good reasons that a Bernie supporter should vote Trump?

Bernie supporters shouldn't vote, they should just fucking kill themselves.
You're an idiot. We need to drum up all the support we can get. There is no reason to push someone away from supporting what is right. Supporting Trump is neither your secret club nor something that shouldn't be shared with others.

Go fucking reevaluate your life before you try to be edgy again.
Economic security, border security, job security, job growth, lower taxes, less regulations on small businesses, strengthen the military, fix the VA, vets/homeless before illegals and immigrants, ending NAFTA, no TPP, ending Common Core, ending Obamacare, and apointing Supreme Court Justices that will protect and respect our constitution.

>We need to drum up all the support we can get

Not really. Trump doesn't need the Berncuck votes to win, he just needs them not to vote/vote third party.

I get a lot of shit for supporting Bernie before switching Trump. Bernie was inspiring, he had a message and it resonated with A LOT of people. all the faggots that push back on me just made me want to get redpilled more to get into their gay boys only treehouse club.
you dont have to answer to anyone. this is america and you can vote for who you want and anybody who dont like it can suck your dick
I like a lot of these, especially when it comes to the economy and veterans. I don't understand how any veteran could support Clinton.
>all these people just shitting on OP for supporting Bernie but now considering Trump

This is why the Republican party is viewed as hateful and cultish. Instead of helping someone see the right way and guiding them to it, you guys are actively pushing people away.

For what reason? Because someone was once wrong? Does that forever make them wrong?

Mind you I've been registered Republican for all my life but my father wasn't. My father was registered Democrat for years before finally seeing the light just before Obama's election. Now he's a conservative who has openly supported Trump and converted many of his friends.

There is no reason to push this man away.

But why would you actively work to deny Trump votes? Yes, he can win without the Bernouts votes, but he would win by a larger majority if he did gain their votes. This would send a massive message to the rest of the country that we're sick of the establishment, the lies, and the rigged system. Isn't that what many of us have been fighting for?
It's the same thing I saw with the Libertarians. They treat themselves like their some edgy, underground, hipster band that no one except purists can join.
bro, bernie may of been of ideologies I don't align with, but I think he honestly wanted to help people.
I would not of been terrified of this election if is it was sanders v trump, the only player in all of it that actually scares me is HRC.
The lack of bipartisan support will help insure his racist right wing ideology doesn't hurt your fee fees
Do you live in a swing state?
If not, don't bother voting

If the 1% establishment hate him which is what Bernie's goals were against the establishment, doesn't that mean Trump is on their side as well?
I actually mentioned this in my own way. I said Trump's feet will be held to the fire like no other President in history. With Clinton, any wrong doings or unconstitutional practices will be covered up.
>former Bernie supporter

well you're obviously fucking retarded so unfortunately arguments of logic won't work on you. He's anti establishment? He says funny things? those reasons are probably more up your ally
Pennsylvania. I've seen more Trump signs than Clinton signs in my neighborhood. I want to see it go red this year.
Your party betrayed your candidate.
Kill a traitor before an enemy.
Thanks for correcting the record, buddy.

Anyway, on-topic, one of the most important reasons I'd see for Bernie fans to go camp Trump is because Trump is anti-establishment, and supports reform that would simplify the primaries, I'd imagine, for both parties. Even if you support someone stupid again, at the very least, that someone stupid will no longer have to fight the establishment. In other words, if Edwards runs again, he won't have to run against a Coronation of King/Queen Democrat if Trump has his way, which always makes him more likely to win.

This also makes him a good avenue for true Libertarians, since it'll give Libert-Republicans in the party a more clear path to nomination. Hell, now Gary Johnson has scared basically any real libertarian out, they may just simply ride with the Elephant from now on.

In other words, Trump opens the door for more outside-the-party-elite candidates to get in, both on his own precedent, and undoubtedly through reforms once he lands in office.
True, I need to keep hammering this. It was painfully obvious to anyone who paid attention that the DNC hated Sanders' guts.
wants to fix student debt
against TPP
is for glass-steagall
genuinely running for the good of the people
is not racist, counter to what the lying media will say
Wants to bring jobs back
He's literally just the non-regressive Sanders

Bernie would have won the primaries and the presidency if it wasn't for Clinton's trickery. She and the corrupt DNC rigged the entire system against him.

Worse yet, Seth Rich, the man who exposed the DNC corruption was MURDERED for telling the truth. Don't let his death be in vain.

When Clinton loses to Trump it will absolutely devastate her. On that day of reckoning she will finally know her lifetime of evil deeds has amounted to nothing, and now, hell awaits.
Just say that more policies or more important policies that you believe in declare that you are a Trump supporter. If your peers cannot understand that then why bother explaining ur reasoning at all.
The tax plan.

He won't be giving you other people's money, but you'll be able to keep more of your own, no matter what economic class you belong to.

Also, he doesn't want to go to war with Russia. I didn't follow Bernie much, but I got the impression that he'd be against war.

If he wasn't, Trump would be the only candidate who isn't for aggression in that field.
I like this a lot too. Trump would care more about reforming the political process than Clinton, obviously. Trump faced it and beat it.

Agree with pretty much all of these.

She's corruption personified.
Stands the best chance of shaking up the political system. Hillary will usher in more of the same even after she's out of office.
We do need everyone we can get, retard
I mean, what kind of political issues do your friends care about?

Are they very emotional and easily led astray from real measurable problems with stuff like "have some sympathy we're all people"?

Are they parasitical in their economic nature?

What do they think about war, crime, violence in general? How much do they believe in the misinformation regarding those topics, and so on.
How about his economic plan of getting rid of the death tax and making the business tax 15% which helps small businesses a TON?

For the women, talk about his child care plan that he partnered with Ivanka on to give 6 weeks paid leave for woman.

At one of his most recent rallies, he talks a little bit about helping students in debt.

The best thing to do, however, is ask them why they are so shocked? Then when they tell you, you can give them a good rebuttal.

For you, I recommend going to the following link:


As a former Berniebro myself, I took one look at his Economic vision and knew this was what I wanted. You might also like his Tax Reform plan and his US/China Trade Reform.
He was anti-war, and I'd actually say Trump just as anti-war as Sanders was. Trump believes in peace through strength, but he's nowhere near a neocon.

A lot of them fall for the "TRUMP IS RACISSS" media bullshit.
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>DNC rigged the election from the beginning to favor Shillary.
>A country/party that was built on the idea of """"""equality"""""" rigged it's own compaction to favor someone.
>Shillary's e-mail bs
>She is about as honest as a Jew
>Do you wanna see the Chaos,triggered or melt down of all those SJW/libertard/illegals on social media?

Vote Trump
Quality Post desu
Because Trump cares about America. He wants YOUR homeland to thrive and prosper, and is willing to be slandered as the most evil person in all of human history to fight for YOU.

Just think about that for a second. Here's a self-made billionaire who has gotten along and partied with almost everyone he's met, liberal or conservative, construction workers or Hollywood stars, black or white. He has incredibly talented and successful children, a beautiful wife, and the ability to live almost any type of life you could imagine without any type of stress. But he gives up all that peace because he feels like his country won't let people grow up with the opportunity he had himself, because he honestly believes that our government is abusing our rights to advance their globalist ends.

Its hard for most people to believe Trump's motivations are just that. But go listen to some of his unscripted rallies. His intentions are out there for the world to see, and his casual non-PC remarks only highlight in context how much he cares for the American people.
I'm a union man. Trade, jobs and the economy are the critical issues of the election.

Automation is coming. There's no doubt about it... But the difference between the candidates is simply this:

The jobs that can't be outsourced will be automated and the jobs that can't be automated will be done by temporary foreign workers and illegals. If you elect Hillary Clinton and encourage her anti-labor globalism, we're going to be completely fucked on both sides of the border.

If you are a left winger and you believe in the rights of the American worker, you have to stand by Trump and his traditionally held labor values.

I was raised on a steady diet of ending free trade, deporting the undocumented slave labor forces and ending the temporary foreign worker program.

If Hillary Clinton wins, you will find it harder and harder to find a job in your own country... And you may be forced to move to other countries to find work. We may have to become temporary foreign workers just to feed ourselves.
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A vote for Trump means one less vote for Hillary
that should be enough argument desu
Literally this. Or the Democratic and Republican parties will make entering the primaries impossible for anyone they deem to be outsiders, the American public will be too retarded to realize this is happening, and the 2 party system (which are both essentially the same anyway) will be even further secured. Look at how they worked together after Ross Perot in 1992. They made it even harder for a third party to make it to the Presidential debates.
I need to get this across to people more, I can't just accept that so many people are fucking retarded and beyond any hope.
>Muh TPP
But thats the most important thing, tpp will give corporations power over the goverment
Completely forgot about that 6-week maternity leave policy he proposed. That was pretty liberal for a Republican to do. I like most of his economic proposals, especially when it comes to trade.

I'm anti-SJW and feminism, so I'd love it.

A lot of good stuff here - I'm reading them all. Thanks again.
play nice guys
As long as you can atone for your sins of bEing a Liberal faggot, you may yet be redeemed.

Transperson here.

Trump has a really solid record of support for queerfolk.

Clinton was against gay marriage just 12 years ago.

Trump actually cares about "all" americans, including the deplorable and degenerate.

We are all Americans. I have never seen so much hate come out of the left as I have this election, it is really distressing. Instead of fighting for the things I think are progressive, everyone is just jerking off about shit-tier centrist globalist capitalism. Dildoes mate.
We all know that most of you Bernie supporters who dont want to vote Hilary are just scared to lose Lib points for voting red... It's okay, lie about it.
Exactly, he genuinely cares about the country and its people, just like Sanders. Clinton only cares about the furtherance of her own power.
trump will bring a plethora of new enterprise opportunities simply because our international relations are going to change.

isn't that what you wanted anyways? I mean with clinton it's going to be continuation of socialized health care and proxy war fare meaning - legions of shitty nursing/caretaker work, (((human resources))), marketing directing shit/advertisement.

pretty much only feminine work is viable under the bush doctrine, which will of course continue through clinton.

Who knows what will come of trump, all I can tell you is that it will be more masculine work opportunities, probably in construction- at home and overseas.

If you are a serious adult with political principals and not a vindictive child, there's no way a former Bernie supporter can vote for Trump. Trump stands for the opposite of everything Bernie does as the man will tell you himself. If you can't stomach voting for Hillary just go third party.
Trump thinks economically rather than on feels or religion.

So shit like Weed being legal is more possible under him than Hillary as Trump can simply ask the question "is it profitable?" Then he can look at the data on states where weed is sold and see that it's profitable and easily legalize it.
Ask them
>Do they like the current direction of the country and/or the world?
>Do they like how corrupt Washington is?
>Do they want sort of change, or are they fine with the status quo?
If yes, then she's your candidate.

Remind them that even Obama said, she'll say anything and change nothing to get elected.

And, the last point is that their movement completely dies with a Hillary presidency. If Bernie's grassroots movement on the left and Trump's grassroots movement on the right can't bring the corrupt DNC machine, nothing will. This is pretty much that last shot we have to break it all up and wrestle some control away from the establishment; regardless of your opinions and positions on the issues, this should make everyone vote for Trump. There isn't a whole lot to lose, and if Trump turns out to be a bad president? Well just vote him out 4 years from now. At least, you'll have a severely fractured DNC establishment, making it much easier for another grassroots candidate to pop-up on the left and succeed.
This is great.
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You better vote trump or else we are comming over.
, if you believe that lation from mehico are gonna fuck yo shit up , wait until my family and I come to murica.

And then we'll say "we are hillary guest , you can't deport us" when we rape your qt murican womanz
Absolutely bullshit. Sanders was an anti-globalization candidate and agreed with enough of the core issues with Trump than with Hillary.

I doubt you even recognize their platforms, bro.
>Let's just burn everything to the ground so that we can start over
This is the kind of thing that sounds fine when you're typing it out and would be a lot more difficult to stomach as it happens. Just be careful what you wish for.
>Trump stands for the opposite of everything Bernie

That's factually inaccurate on many fronts. They agree on more things than the media would lead you to believe, especially on important policies like the Federal Reserve, trade, the economy, and foreign policy.

Also, 3rd party has no chance this year without the debates. It sucks, but it's just the way it is.
Well, unless they're delusional in the way that they reject challenging their preconceived misinformation, it's pretty easy to take apart that conditioning.

Just ask them for concrete examples. If they mention things like "Well the Mexico wall is racist", present them with the crime statistic, and with the mathematical fact that when a group with a higher crime rate than Americans (White Americans, but just say Americans in this case) cross the border, the crime rate in the US rises, and Mexico loses workforce.

Meanwhile, the Mexican national crimerate is considerably higher, and they need the workforce, while in the US all the cheap labor only serves to keep wages low.

So with a wall Mexico would not suffer from a loss of workforce, and the US wouldn't suffer an increase in crime. The quality of life in both nations would benefit from this, as Mexico would be able to more effectively build their economy and bosses in the US couldn't exploit the income of cheap workforce.
Don't vote trump. Don't vote at all. You're literally trying to vote in a known communist. You should be killed for treason against the USA. He fucking had a sickle and hammer in his office.
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Clearly, you don't know our women.
If I present them with the statistics, they'll flip out. Your strategy actually sounds pretty reasonable, though. Thanks.
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Not the shitty ones , the good ones my fellow aryan brother
The illegal workforce is essentially a slave labor pool, bro. Yes, they serve to drive a race to the bottom in terms of wages, but the crime issue, which I don't deny, can be turned around as racist.

The truth is that these people are coming here and being exploited. It's slavery 2.0.

Scurry off to /lgbt/.
>Muh anti-establishment
This is valid.
Any system that produces an election cycle this shit can not be good. Trump at worst will be a wrench in the machinery, shillary could take it to new heights of corruption.
>Hillary is bad!!1!! xDDD
This is valid too.
Hillars is godfucking awful
She is dangerously negligent as proven by the emails, he constant inaccuracies (to not call her a lying bitch).
She had external policies that caused the arab spring and destabilization of the middle east.
Her policies caused the ukraine crisis.
And her protege who took over after her literally said "fuck the eu['s opinion]" when asked about ukraine.
That and some of her campaign is backed by our great saudi allies.
And over half backed by George "all migrants must enter germany freely and must receive more money", persona-non-grata-in-UK-estonia-some-southasian-country-and-effectively-china Soros
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Also Vote Trump

He is actually a nice guy with lots of cool friends
>None of the policies matter here
>It's all about long-term social consciousness impacts

You need a consciousness impact upside your head
Both Trump and Sanders agree the establishment is the problem.

Both Trump and Sanders agree on the issues we have with trade.

Both Trump and Sanders have the absolute best intentions of America at heart AND IT SHOWS ("showed" in the case of Sanders)

The big issues is that Bernie would have killed America by trying to save it. Trump actually have ideas and plans to fix America for the better like his tax plan, economic vision, and his stance on "America First".
Honestly, this. Free trade is nothing more than corporate corruption.
Trump wants to legalize drugs because the off the books money is a trade disaster. Degenerates will vote in their self-interest.
Hey there, welcome to /pol/!

Hope you enjoy your stay.

you're here forever.
Don't just flat-out throw the FBI Table 43 on the table or anything, going from modern "liberal" to admitting the atrocious nigger crime rate in such a timeframe is unlikely, to say the least.

Proceed slowly and systematically. Asking them to provide their own reasoning and citing their sources is good, and after they eventually cite media or "well, well uh... it's just racist dude", you go ahead and provide your own reasoning, backed up with factual documents.
I don't recommend redpilling them that way. Convince them using other ways first. They'll violently reject everything else once they see the statistics you show them.
shock therapy for corrupt system. If Clinton win, literally nothing will change.
Try this on for size.
If Hillary gets in, the press will go right on covering for whatever fucked up shit she does.

If Trump is elected, they'll watch him like a hawk.

If nothing else, Hillary needs to lose to tear down the Clintons hold on the DNC so a rigged primary like this one doesn't happen again.

Hillary rigged the primaries so stick it to her for cheating.
>marketing directing shit/advertisement.
is this feminine?
Point out how the DNC fucked over Sanders and point out how voting Trump in protest could really make a difference as long as you write the hell out of your congressperson and senator, and also vote accordingly on those house/senate races.
Hillary is a warhawk. There has never been a war she hadn't supported. She spearheaded Libya which has ruined millions of (brown) lives. The Clintons have also ruined Haiti by only giving them 5% of the donations for disaster relief and propping up their friends in positions to bleed their economy dry.

The bottom line is Hillary Clinton is obviously a racist as she has destroyed the lives of millions of browns.
The differences between Bernie and Trump were largely nuts and bolts, not the massive social apocalypse that it's painted as.

Both men agree and had different ways to go about achieving the same object.
Not just that, it would legitimize the system and any meaningful opposition to neoconservative agenda would disappear.
That must explain her overwhelming support among African Americans 75/25 over Bernie and 93/3 over Trump
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