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Benjamin Netanyahu met with Donald Trump for nearly 90 minutes

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It's just business, goy
/pol/ will defend this.

Get ready for the mental gymnastics.
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Do you have any idea how much asspain this will cause the sandniggers?

And Israel is great - it is a containment state for kikes. Need to encourage them all to move there.
Am I supposed to care?
Damn after this i cant support Trump anymore. Im voting Hillary. i am now #ReadyForRefugees
Of course Jerusalem belongs to Israel. I can't believe that the majority of the worlds countries would sell out for a retarded SJW agenda. I pray to God that Trump wins otherwise the west will surely go down the shitter.
anti semite pro zionist here.

i'm just a white man who wants his own non secular ethno state.
Jews are pkay now. Trump brainwashed his supporters into being good goys
I used to think Canada was lost because of the whole Trudeau thing, but seeing that your country supports Israel restores faith in me.
Controlled opposition by any means necessary
Nah. By all means, give Jerusalem up to the muslims. Enjoy seeing them destroye every last remaining artifact of Christianity. It will be the cherry on top of the cake that is western decadence.
r/the_donald was a mistake
>Finally, Mr. Trump acknowledged that Jerusalem has been the eternal capital of the Jewish People for over 3000 years, and that the United States, under a Trump administration, will finally accept the long-standing Congressional mandate to recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the State of Israel.
Would you believe Trump will move along the greater Israel plan? I do.

Only difference, he is doing it the Trump way. Preserving, saving USA and many more. While still giving Jews their big ol 'home' land.
Being anti-israel is a SJW sentiment, because of the oppression of poor innocent Palestinian children.

If you care about that so much, you're probably a feminist gender study major.
yesssssssssss good schlomo

trump will defend israel hehe
gay as
France you deserve to be Truckerzoid for that weak comment.
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yes of course, anyone who is not a good goy is a dumb tumblr sjw

a true white nationalist would let israel fuck them up the ass anyday
Yes, my bignosed friend. Trump will surely save the Jews. Vote trump and your worries are gas! Did I say gas? I meant gone, haha
but Bibi is 'our guy'
Maybe you should be worried about what's going on in your own country instead of some kikes in a desert surrounded by blood thirsty muslims? Fucking libtard.
>People on /pol/ seriously believe trump would rather support Muslims and isis than Israel, his friends in the wall building business
He isn't hitler, you know.
you mean those same kikes orchestrating everything going on in my country?
>help I'm being oppressed by the 1%! Bernie 2016!!
I'm pretty sure your boogieman does not live in Israel, fucktard.
So you think that because your government is retarded Israel should be given to the muslims?
At least claim the land yourself then you fucking cuck.
bernie is a jew my friend, your jewish rhetoric wont work there
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They're not even trying to hide it anymore.

>I actually lived to see the day where nu/pol/ is shilling for israel.
>its either us or them

try a bit more subtle tactics shlomo

Trump confirmed as potus
Anyone who says this is a bad idea is flat out wrong.

Yes, Ben is a Jew and yes, Ben is an Israeli and yes, Ben is all the other shit we hate BUT now Hillary can not claim that Trump has no foreign relations experience. He's met with the leaders of Mexico and of Israel, he has property in numerous countries, meets often with foreign dignitaries, etc. She'll try and pull the foreign relations card at the debates but now Trump has his very own as well.

And for all we know, they most likely talked about the wall too.
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>not a controlled opposition
As if I expect internal consistency from someone this retarded. Maybe you're a clinton boot licker, I don't really care, but you're one of the people responsible for the world going to shit through your willful ignorance and social justice beliefs.
Read OPs article you fucking sperge.
He spent an hour and a half with the dude, they could've watched the fucking bee movie for all we know
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>mixing pragmatics with inner idealism

Fucking french faggot.
>Stop supporting Israel
>Assuming muslims manage to overrun Israel
>Lose source of technology and information
>To fucking Muslims, who then focus their efforts on europe
Good thinking there buddy.
Hitler supported Israel too. He praised Zionism. Because it was nationalist and it also solved the jewish problem. Problem was the jews preferred to parasitically live off of Europeans and only religious diehards who didn't mind living in the desert moved there.

Hitler even allowed Zionist camps in Germany to train jews how to live on a Kibbutz. They were even allowed to fly the Zionist flag within. Laughably some of these are counted as "concentration camps". Also the holocaust never happened anyways and the Hitler solution to the jewish problem was expulsion to the Pale of Settlement.

Make no mistake he utterly despised your ilk. But he would probably meet with Netanyahu for a couple hours too so long as it resulted in more of you kikes leaving Europe
>Hitler supported Israel
Which is why his army was approaching Israel from the south right?
He didn't even let Jews live after a certain point in the war.
>Mr. Trump acknowledged that Jerusalem has been the eternal capital of the Jewish People for over 3000 years
Jerusalem is a Christian place.
Funny how /pol/ is fine with kikes having rights and pretending to be people just because Trump is sucking jew dick.
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THIS, being anti-Israel isn't a pro-Palestinian sentiment.

It is a pro-American sentiment.

If this was any other country doing this there would be outrage in the media, but as it is Israel no one reports it.

Just read about the people who supported the release of convicted spy-for-Israel Jonathan Pollard.

n 1993, political science professor and Orthodox Jewish activist David Luchins organized an unsuccessful appeal to President Bill Clinton to commute Pollard’s sentence. The appeal included a letter of remorse from Pollard in which he admitted violating both U.S. laws and Jewish religious tenets. Pollard later reportedly regretted his admission, suspecting that it worsened his chances for clemency. Pollard loyalists blamed Luchins, who received death threats and required federal protection for a period of time.[97]

The issue of his imprisonment has sometimes arisen amidst Israeli domestic politics.[98] Benjamin Netanyahu has been particularly vocal in lobbying for Pollard's release, visiting Pollard in prison in 2002. He raised the issue with President Clinton during the Wye River peace talks in October 1998.[99] In his autobiography, Clinton wrote that he was inclined to release Pollard, but the objections of U.S. intelligence officials were too strong:

>For all the sympathy Pollard generated in Israel, he was a hard case to push in America; he had sold our country's secrets for money, not conviction, and for years had not shown any remorse. When I talked to Sandy Berger and George Tenet, they were adamantly opposed to letting Pollard go, as was Madeleine Albright.[100]
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>pol hate Jews
>sucks Israel dick

I don't fucking get it. I don't.
Like this?


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>Hitler supported Israel too
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Alan Dershowitz has been among Pollard's high-profile supporters, both in the courtroom as a lawyer and in various print media. Characterizing the sentence as "excessive", Dershowitz writes in an article reprinted in his bestselling book Chutzpah, "As an American, and as a Jew, I hereby express my outrage at Jonathan Pollard's sentence of life imprisonment for the crime to which he pleaded guilty."[101] Dershowitz writes:

>[E]veryone seems frightened to speak up on behalf of a convicted spy. This has been especially true of the Jewish leadership in America. The Pollards are Jewish. . . The Pollards are also Zionists, who—out of a sense of misguided "racial imperative" (to quote Jonathan Pollard)—seem to place their commitment to Israeli survival over the laws of their own country. . . American Jewish leaders, always sensitive to the canard of dual loyalty, are keeping a low profile in the Pollard matter. Many American Jews at the grass roots are outraged at what they perceive to be an overreaction to the Pollards' crimes and the unusually long sentence imposed on Jonathan Pollard.[101]

In 2012, Malcolm Hoenlein called for Pollards' release, saying "27 years—he's paid the price for his crimes. He has expressed remorse. Enough is enough. It's time that he be let go—there is no justification that we can see for keeping him any longer, there's no cause of justice, no security interest that could possibly be served."[1]

In 2013, Rabbi Pesach Lerner, Executive Vice President of the National Council of Young Israel, cited hypocrisy of Pollard's imprisonment in America after revelations of spying against U.S. allies by the United States intelligence agencies.[102]
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This is a very, very good thread. Israe is our greatest ally and I'm so glad Trump was finally the one that made /pol/ realize it!
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Based Bibi. Trump and Netanyahu are doing the Lord's work.

Suck my erect cock, Stormniggers. You'll be the second to go on the Day of The Rope, right after liberals.
>implying we don't support Trump for the banter and nothing else
Why does Netanyahu look Lebanese?
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Lee Hamilton, a former U.S. Congressman from Indiana who was Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee at the time of Pollard’s sentencing, wrote an emotional letter to President Obama in 2011 supporting commutation of Pollard's sentence. "I have been acquainted for many years with members of his family, especially his parents, and I know how much pain and anguish they have suffered because of their son's incarceration," he wrote. Hamilton added that Pollard's father, whose health was failing rapidly, deserved to see his son freed.[110][111]

In 2010 representatives Barney Frank (D-Mass.), Edolphus Towns (D-N.Y.), Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) and Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) wrote a letter that "notes the positive impact that a grant of clemency would have in Israel, as a strong indication of the goodwill of our nation towards Israel and the Israeli people"."[112] On November 2010, Weiner stated: "No one in the history of the United States who did something similar to Jonathan Pollard served a life sentence, nor should he."[103]

Dennis B. Ross said in 2004: "Pollard received a harsher sentence than others who committed comparable crimes." Former U.S. Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger stated that "[t]he Pollard matter was comparatively minor. It was made far bigger than its actual importance." Stephen Fain Williams, a Senior Circuit Judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit stated: "Jonathan Pollard's life sentence represents a fundamental miscarriage of justice". In December 2010, former U.S. assistant Secretary of Defense Lawrence Korb said: "In retrospect, we know that an injustice was done to Pollard ... the man is very sick and should be released before it is too late."[103]
easy, redditors love israel
No he didn't.

Pay attention

Benji went to Trump
Trump didn't make a trip to Israel to kiss his ass
Damn, I can't support Trump any more.

I'm #WithHer now.

Hillary will be a much more effective president with her saving women from oppression and opening the borders for all sorts of people and all.
>He's met with the leaders of Mexico and of Israel
He also met with the leader of Egypt btw

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Former White House Counsel, (((Bernard Nussbaum))), wrote a letter on January 28, 2011, to President Obama stating that he extensively reviewed the (((Jonathan Pollard))) file while he served in the White House. In his letter he stated, "that a failure at this time to commute his sentence would not serve the course of justice; indeed, I respectfully believe, it would be a miscarriage of justice".[116][117]

Former Secretary of State (((George Shultz))) also wrote a letter to President Obama on January 11, 2011, urging that Jonathan Pollard sentence to be commuted. He stated, "I am impressed that the people who are best informed about the classified material he passed to Israel, former CIA Director James Woolsey and former Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee Dennis DeConcini, favor his release."[118][119]

In 2011, (((Henry Kissinger))), former U.S. Secretary of State declared that the time had come to commute the sentence of Jonathan Pollard. On March 3, 2011, Kissinger wrote a letter to President Obama stating, "having talked with George Shultz and read the statements of former CIA Director Woolsey, former Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman DeConcini, former Defense Secretary (((Weinberger))), former Attorney General((( Mukasey))) and others whose judgement and first-hand knowledge of the case I respect, I find their unanimous support for clemency compelling. I believe justice would be served by commuting the remainder of Jonathan Pollard's sentence of life imprisonment".[120][121][122][123]

Lawrence Korb, former Assistant Secretary of Defense under Ronald Reagan, has called on the Obama Administration to grant clemency to Pollard:

>Some now argue that Pollard should be released because it would improve U.S.-Israeli relations and enhance the prospects of success of the Obama administration's Middle East peace process.

Just look at all those jews in American politics supporting the release of a traitor.
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lord's work, ahh yes truely the god's chosen people
Trump has given his support to Israel, because he wants to win the election. He's already stood up to Netanyahu once, earlier this year when Netanyahu said "don't disrespect Muslims". Trump, the absolute madman, postponed their meeting and said he would meet with him AFTER he won the presidency.

Trump is a political wildcard, to say the least. Very unpredictable in a conventional light. This was a good move, politically, for both of them.
Fuck off. Trump is awesome.
>Pay attention
>Benji went to Trump
>Trump didn't make a trip to Israel to kiss his ass
Has Bibi done this for any other president?
Semites are all the same

they are all our enemies
Yes. It's common procedure to visit the US president and not the other way around
This place was lost completely shortly after 2012.

I only come here now for the articles that get posted before blacklisted from the msm
"its either mudslimes or kikes, you must support one!"

how about neither? glass the entire ME, kikeland included, semites are a shitstain on the world.
Do you autists expect the POTUS not to meet with the Israeli leader at all? How fucking stupid are you?
>before Zimzam trial
>before ferguson riots
>before Dorner
>the best times in /pol/ history
just stop newfag
Why would I hate Jews. It's the faggot Westerners who are trying to clear their conscience with MUH HOLOCAUST narratives. There are barely even any Jews in this country.
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We have half of the entire world jewish population in this country you insufferable faggot.
Hello Jew shill

So .any fucking Jew shills on here now

Not realizing Jews are the biggest threat to us with their 200 nukes in Israel
J2 haplogroup. And Ashkenazi (Eurasian, basically white) is the Israeli/Jewish mustard rice. They tend to be uncucked, taller, higher IQ, and more European/very western Asian looking, when compared to the rest of the middle east. desu most of them like the Rothschild's for instance, aren't middle eastern in their genetic lineage mostly.
enemy of my enemy.
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Fuck Palestine

Fuck Israel

Fuck them both
Fuck you
this. the classic "its either us or the Muslims" dichotomy is a classic Jewish trick. Anyone espousing these beliefs is a kike or the goodest of goys
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Whats wrong with wanting to build a wall just like Isreal?
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I side with Europa
Fuck jew
Anon about to be 404'd
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>Not realizing Jews are the biggest threat to us with their 200 nukes in Israel

They are our biggest threat because they undermine our domestic and foreign policy to support their bastard nation at our expense.
How exactly are Palestine and Palestinians enemies?
Can anyone explain this mentality? They can barely afford to make makeshift rockets for fucks sake.

When are you stupid fucks going to learn?
When are you going to stop this kike subversion?
You're gluttons for punishment, bboth you and the left, believing any politician that comes down the drain who tickles your ears.
>Trump has given his support to Israel, because he wants to win the election. He's already stood up to Netanyahu once, earlier this year when Netanyahu said "don't disrespect Muslims". Trump, the absolute madman, postponed their meeting and said he would meet with him AFTER he won the presidency.

Yeah and Obama acted uppity a couple of times, in the end the US will still send billions to Israël.
Trump just bent the knee that's it, just like the rest.
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There is nothing wrong with Trump trying to model Isreals walls that go inside Palestinian territory wrapping around its racial Jewish only settlements in the west bank.

If Isreal can do it we can do it to Mexico
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Why do Jew support Democrats so much?
I don't understand the hate for Netanyahu. He isn't afraid to criticize Islam and call it what it is. He's a pretty cool guy to me.

I get that Iran hates us and chants "death to america" in the streets and so on

but i'd rather have that than backstabbing "friends" like israel who just got handed $40 billion by the guy who is supposed to be the most anti-israel president in history.

hopefully Trump is pulling his biggest scam ever on the jews

Fuck off kike
Most Democrats are either non-white, or complicit in aiding the non-white agenda.

They are trying to destroy Americas racial demographics, well, they already have.
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>every who opposes Israel is a Muslim SJW

Why should the US pay 3.5 Billion in taxes to Isreal?
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I don't get it
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The Republicans are only good goyim.
The Democrats actually support the policies that keep them in power while fucking over the white populace, thus preventing a scenario where what happened in 1930's Germany happens here.

Which it would if
A. the media was jew owned
B. if money and power didn't rule this nation

The jews want nothing more than a balkanized, mongrel nation where no one knows who is controlling whom.
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Why should we pick sides? We spend billions in taxes on them while our won country falls apart.
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I like the warrior Bibi more than the Hawaiian anchor baby conceived in Kenya Hussein Obama.
>And Israel is great - it is a containment state for kikes. Need to encourage them all to move there.
containment state should be in west africa not palestine.

that way the middle east can be containment for muslims instead of the rest of the damn fucking world.
Learn to recognize shills better anon
funny watching all the normies in here hate on israel

they're normies to me, trendy basic bitches.
Memetastic times sure, i was referring to people who were aware of the truth and could hold articulate conversations.

Sorry stormfag
*A. The media WASN'T jew owned

Anyone who wants to understand the jewish involvement in American culture and politics needs to read Kevin MacDonald's Culture of Critique, it explains the jewish tribalist mindset.
A few billion is chump change. It's really nothing.
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Good fucking riddance.

The Pope is demanding we mass import millions upon millions of fighting age sharia Muslims into our nations, and he is openly calling any criticism against it as "terrorism".

We have reached the day when Catholicism is worse than Judaism.

I am now converting to Judaism.

I am now a Yiddish missile.

Look at the leader of the CathoCuck church getting his foot fetish off by licking muzzies feet. What a fucking pile of trash.

The pope deserves to be fucking crucified for treason.

hi Sequoia, still being a cuck I see?
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Its should be zero
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>I prefer a more charismatic virus to a weaker appearing virus
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Bibi is bitch in comparison
Well to be fair it was british land at the time so...
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>nu/pol/ tries to call us normies and trendy bitches
We have given Israel over 200 billion dollars since it's inception, that isn't including other guilt offerings other nations have given them as well.

That also isn't including the trillion plus that America has wasted on supporting Israel interests in the Middle East.
Im sorry, would JIDF be more accurate?
I objectively think we're going to end government funded foreign aid, in all forms.

I think we'll still send ships into disaster zones and shit of that nature. But the time for gibs is over. And maybe that's a bit credulous, but I think once the nationalists win here, we'll have to stop aid out of necessity.

People never want to discuss how much of a bad ass warrior Hitler was in WW1.

He received the Iron Cross for volunteering to run into no mans land under a heavy volume of direct fire to drag a wounded officer back to the trenches.

The highest decorated British enlisted soldier had Hitler is his cross hairs during one battle. Hitler was wounded and was unable to raise his rifle. He looked at the British soldier and the British soldier lowered his rifle. Hitler thanked him and went on his way.
True fucking story.
wtf i hate trump now
Diplomacy is doing business with people you don't like.

You can't honestly expect him not to meet that man
Source it then you faggot

We give the fucking dune koon Egyptians 1.5 billion every single fucking year.


We give all of our fucking money away to these savages on this spinning rock hoping they will drag themselves out of their third world status.

I think with Trump we will stop and leave them to themselves and work on our own nation. Build a fucking space elevator or some shit.
Christian state of Jerusalem when
He's met with Mexico's president and El-Sisi, and a positive reaction from both of them.

Obama tried to fuck him over in his elections.
I'm not fond of Obama.

See where I'm going with this?
>being this new
You do know that Trump endorsed him back in 2013 right?
>keep your friends close
>and your enemies inside your daughter

>We give the fucking dune koon Egyptians 1.5 billion every single fucking year.

To placate them so they work with Israel.

>We give all of our fucking money away to these savages on this spinning rock hoping they will drag themselves out of their third world status

Maybe if we had supported Nasser instead of Israel that nation would have solidified and not be such a shithole.

>I think with Trump we will stop and leave them to themselves and work on our own nation.

What exactly do you mean by that?
Helping to create the barrel comes first. Getting the fish into the barrel and shooting them in it comes second.
>>We give all of our fucking money away to these savages on this spinning rock hoping they will drag themselves out of their third world status.
holy shit you cannot be stupid enough to believe we give that money to them to better them. that's just bribes for our guys in those places.

the only case where thats different is israel, cos we get fuck all in return for the bribes
Lot of that money is squandered to corruption.
Didn't Larry Page lost his voice or something?
They're friends. Trump helps his friends out and crushes his enemies. It's just the way he's built.
>And Israel is great - it is a containment state for kikes. Need to encourage them all to move there.
If only. Then 40 years of inbreeding or one nuke away from the end
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Maybe the jews will leave us alone if we just give them what they want.. not control of the world, but a significant portion of the middle east, we can cut it half way.

They can't deny.
that money is designed to be squandered on corruption
They want part of the Middle East, not the banking system, the media, the spying agencies, and the governments around the world.
You can't dislike both. That's not how it works.
Kek at all the anti Semite liberals. Just like your Nazi liberal counterparts.

>Trump couldn't become Republican nominee and gain popular support to gas the kikes all in one year
Wow what a loser
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Just the game you gotta play. I don't like it anymore than you do but name a single candidate who wouldn't have done the same. Doesn't look good if Shillary can use it as leverage as the debate that she met with this guy and Trump didn't.
There is a thin line between "gas the kikes, race war nao" and "sucking jew dick nonstop since 2013". I know it's difficult, but Trump could at least try.
I don't trust jews
but you would have to be a complete retard to not see Muslims as the biggest threat
wtf i hate drumpf now
I hate muslims more
Shut the fuck up
The US president? Or was it CANDIDATE for president.

Trump also met with Egyptian prez Sisi recently and they agreed to fight Islamist groups.
When will /pol/ realize that world Jews ≠ Israelis?
When will he meet the Saudi king?
>trump shills for a Jewish ethnic homeland
>wants diversity for all the west.

Kill this cuck faggot already. We need racewar not to rebuild nigger ghettos
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I'm literally voting for Hillary now

This guy is a fucking trojan horse

Let Hillary get into office and burn this country to the ground. I don't give a fuck anymore, the current system is broken, Jews rule the US.
So the Prime Minister of a country snubbed repeatedly by the sitting President visited a Presidential hopeful, NOT the candidate promising an extension of the sitting Administration?

Wow, that's ... totally fucking believable.
>I objectively think we're going to end government funded foreign aid, in all forms.
Well, you'd be wrong.

Military Aid to Israel Will Increase Under a Trump Administration, Says Advisor
>I'm literally voting for Hillary now
Netanyahu met/will meet with Hillary as well.

Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump Meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
This is a bribe for Israel to take down Clinton
Jews control both sides of the aisle. That's my point.

We need a hard reset.
>So the Prime Minister of a country snubbed repeatedly by the sitting President
You call this being snubbed?

Deal reached on record $38bn US military aid to Israel, signing set for Wednesday
Published time: 13 Sep, 2016 12:48

> NOT the candidate promising an extension of the sitting Administration?
Yeah, about that...

Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump Meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
What did they talk about?
At least the same OP I saw posted on trumps facebook had a mad face. Glad people are waking up.
watching /pol/ defend this is honestly some of the best content on this board
>Jews control both sides of the aisle. That's my point.
Oh I completely agree.

>We need a hard reset.
Agreed. We're never going to be allowed to free ourselves from the Jews through voting.
Not really any different from kikes inviting shitskins to learn in our universities is it?
The military aid was relatively recent. Israel has NOT been pleased with their favored dark son in the White House for nearly 7 years.

If anything, you should be asking how the DoD is so cucked by AIPAC the Administration will pass $38 billion regardless of the tensions between Israel and the Obama Administration.
>What did they talk about?
Trump Meets Netanyahu and Affirms Recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's Capital

There's a readout on his facebook page that 4chan won't let me post because it thinks its spam as well...
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He said he would not go on the offensive in Syria in the name of Israel though. Also killing ISIS means killing Israel's child.

Clinton will go on the offensive for Israel.
>The military aid was relatively recent.
And its the biggest increase ever. On top of the usual aid they get.

>Israel has NOT been pleased with their favored dark son in the White House for nearly 7 years.
Because Obama offers unconditional support for Israel but it's not as much as the unconditional support they could be offering Israel.

It's like when a Jew calls you an antisemite because you won't go blow up Iran for them as you're giving them nuclear weapons to Israel.

>If anything, you should be asking how the DoD is so cucked by AIPAC the Administration will pass $38 billion regardless of the tensions between Israel and the Obama Administration.
Because the entire government is controlled by the Jews.
We have been building walls before we gave Israel to kikes.
>He said he would not go on the offensive in Syria in the name of Israel though.

Well if putting 30K troops on the ground in Iraq and Syria isn't going on the offensive, I don't know what is.

Trump calls for ground troops in Iraq, Syria

>Also killing ISIS means killing Israel's child.
ISIS exists to destabilize the middle east for as long as possible. It's not meant to be defeated, it's meant to be for an eternal war. when ISIS has run its course, another terrorist group will arise.
Eh. Works for me.
Obama was a jew president and he is letting in hordes of Brown people.'

Gas the kikes and their supporters.

Look at this subversive Jew york times front page
>Look at this subversive Jew york times front page
Barbara Bush: "My Son Was the First Jewish President of America"

Bill Clinton, 'America's First Jewish President'

Obama: I Have Been Called "The First Jewish President"
Palestinian Muslims and Christians are one people. The priests at the church of the holy sepulchre gave refuge to militants hiding from the IDF. Christian palestinians from the nationalist factions have been suicide bombers during the intifada. Its Israel that is destroying the Christian sites in Palestine. Ask any Pali Christian. Stop being a kike loving faggot, faggot.
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>Nah. By all means, give Jerusalem up to the muslims. Enjoy seeing them destroye every last remaining artifact of Christianity. It will be the cherry on top of the cake that is western decadence.
Hard to understand, pol being one person and all.
Several sects within Israel have been condoning using non-Jews as chattel and servants for years. "10,000 non-Jewish lives are as important as one Jewish hangnail," that sort of thing. Of course, it's never covered in our press. That would just aid inflammatory racists, now wouldn't they?
That's not against Syria though, it's against islamists. Clinton wants to go against Syria and help islamists.
>lose control to technology
You mean all the classified technology that Israel has stolen from us over the years? Pollard, AIPAC scandal, even Netanyahu himself was involved with the theft of American fissile material developing Israel's clandestine nuke program at Dimona. Fuck you rat kikes. Any puke who supports you is the ultimate cuck.

They're fucking idiots. They believe in a global conspiracy but can't make the mental leap to realize that both sides are part of the same clique and the "anti-globalist establishment billionaire real estate tycoon" candidate is just another part of the charade.
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His mom was a jew
How exactly are they a bigger threat?
Jews are destroying us from within. If we just stopped Muslim immigration we wouldNt have any problems with them.
Thank you for posting this. We need to re-redpill this JIDF board.
Same senpai.
>Of course, it's never covered in our press.
It's not "our" press.
It's the Jew's press.
The Jews own/control virtually the entire media.
That's why the Jewish hatred for the White race never covered by the judeo media.
>1488 x 1488

what did he meme by this?
>How exactly are they a bigger threat?
>Jews are destroying us from within. If we just stopped Muslim immigration we wouldNt have any problems with them.

The Jews are the ones opening the borders for the mudslime invasion of white homelands.

The Mudslimes are the symptom of the problem. The Jews are the cause of the problem.
so muslims get more aid than jews? nice zionist world domination scheme.
Trump was sent in by Jewish masters to try and preserve their diversity project for the west.
Trump hasn't talked about what he is going to do for the white community. Or talked to any white groups.
But he will fly all over the country to talk to nigger and spic groups.
there's 2 jews: zionists and globalists

The zionists just want to make Israel great again and BTFO mudslimes. They're actually our greatest ally.

The globalists want to have NWO Communism and try to do meme magic by worshiping Satan/Moloch. They are literally the Synagogue of Satan talked about in the book of revelations.
>so muslims get more aid than jews? nice zionist world domination scheme.
Muslims get aid essentially to not attack or side against Israel.

However, Israel is the single, largest benefactor of aid from the US. Not to mention they're in direct contact with multiple government agencies (the NSA for example)
Before Jews we lived in separate worlds from the Muslims. They were off in their own separate land, completely away from us. You never saw them, heard about them, or anything.

It wasnt until Israel decided it needed more land that they started creating the Muslim problem to force us to sympathize with them in the Middle East. I dont give a fuck about either one.
>Trump was sent in by Jewish masters to try and preserve their diversity project for the west.
Correct, Jews are not having their ultimate plans threatened by Trump.

>Trump hasn't talked about what he is going to do for the white community. Or talked to any white groups.
He's certainly spoken out against them.

Donald Trump Disavows Actions by White Nationalist Promoting His Bid

Trump Says He'll Return Donation from 'Determined White Separatist'

>But he will fly all over the country to talk to nigger and spic groups.

>zionists want strong, nationalist israel
>globalists want everyone else to be multicultural and borderless
What makes you say that these goals are in opposition? They are mutually beneficial and work in tandem.
You're so stupid. The aid helps Israel, yes, but it's basically a giant subsidy for the arms industry in the United States. All of that 3.8 Billion dollars has to be spent by Israel on US weapons. Its a way to give financial aid to our arms industry and pretend that there's a foreign market for that bullshit. The US just feels the most comfortable selling their arms to Israel because it won't bite them in the ass like most other countries, since another benefit of giving them so much money is that their essentially a US nation state in the middle east.
Everyone has to bend the knee until they're elected.

Trump will still lose
Lol the muslims have attacked Israel MANY times in MANY different wars. Nice logic dumbass conspiracy theorist.
The Jews want Israel for the Jews and White countries for all the races of the world at the exact, same time.

Pic related is a perfect example of that desire.
>t. took a placebo red pill and recently acquired a sanctimonious attitude
>Lol the muslims have attacked Israel MANY times in MANY different wars.
Can you name me one Middle Eastern country that's instigated a conflict against Israel while at the same time receiving substantial economic and/or military aid from the USA?
>The US just feels the most comfortable selling their arms to Israel because it won't bite them in the ass like most other countries,
Israel Sells Arms to China, U.S. Says

Israel Won't Stop Spying on the U.S.

Declassified FBI and CIA Docs Confirm Israel Stole U.S. Uranium to Build Nukes in 1950's

Israel Secretly Sells American Nuclear Weapons to China
Secular Arabs both Christian and Muslim have attacked Israel and almost wiped them out. Egypt & Syria almost drove their kike asses into the sea in 1973 when they were trying to get the west bank and golan heights back. Israel PM Golda Meir threatened Pres Nixon with nukes and so he gave Israel the largest military resupply in history called Operation Nickel Grass. Had we not given them shit they would have lost. Israel only exists because they control us.
Let's just take a step back for a moment.

Do you guys understand the idea of good politics?

How could it possibly be a bad thing for trump to meet with Benji?

You expect him to shut out foreign leaders that you don't like?

I don't understand?
Its sad to see /pol/ become the Trump equivalent of the berniefags and the mentallyhills.

Just a bunch of subverted good goy retards.
The antisemitism of the alt right (you guyz) blows me away. It's like a mix of the illuminati, NWO and reptilian theories. Essentially, the claim is, all the worlds problems are caused by Jews ( who make up .02% of the worlds population ). They are a super powerful master(under)race. They are sort of magic. They control the world and have a plan to spread interracial porn. And make themselves rich (average income in Israel about 30% less than that in the United States). Even though the top five richest people in the world are all not Jewish, somehow you think there is some secret list of the richest people, who are all Jews. Or the ancient Rothschild Jewish family (owners of defunct banks), who even at their height had far less money than Andrew Carnegie (not Jewish).
It makes me wonder, have any of you actually met Jews? Do you have Jewish friends? I think you'll find they're just normal people with a wide range of opinions, and none of them are keen to some international scheme of world domination.
They are smart and they work hard and send their kids to college. But Asians (Chinese) do that in this country too which is why they are also successful. Go out and meet or talk to a Jew, you'll be surprised they are not Darth Vader or the merchant...
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>StormWeenies are delusional
Pic related.

>Do you guys understand the idea of good politics?
There are no "good politics" anymore. It's all Jewish politics.

No matter who you vote for, it's ZOG for President.

Why do you expect us to believe there are "good politics" when both candidates are lock-step in so many regards when it comes to the issues the judeo media refuses to address?

>How could it possibly be a bad thing for trump to meet with Benji?
Well, it shows where Trump's true loyalties lie. I don't recall him reaching out to any other world leader to have a one-on-one, closed-door meeting. Not even with Putin, if memory serves.

>You expect him to shut out foreign leaders that you don't like?
Yes. Because this foreign leader is absolute cancer for White people and White countries.
>Muslims have never attacked anyone in any time in history ever
>Muslims do not follow a religion of conquest and submitting
>Heroic Christians never died fending off the Muslim invasions
>The antisemitism of the alt right (you guyz) blows me away.
You know what an antisemite is, right?

It's someone the Jews don't like.

> all the worlds problems are caused by Jews ( who make up .02% of the worlds population ).
How about you take a look at what they control?


>They control the world and have a plan to spread interracial porn.
Anything that's bad for White people (immigration, porn, media, feminism, homosexuality, etc) is wrought by the Jews.
Evidence: http://pastebin.com/TzZC78cp
What that doesn't even make sense. If Israel had nukes they would use them on the sand niggers. And if they strong armed Nixon with their nukes that's using muscle not a crazy conspiracy to take over the world, nigger.
>Yes. Because this foreign leader is absolute cancer for White people and White countries.

Personally I always thought one of trump's best strengths was his understanding of negotiation, and willingness to talk to foreign leaders.

I'm sure trump would be willing to meet with any foreign leaders if they asked.
>Jews picking the winning side

color me not surprised in the slightest
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>muzzies ITT criticising Israel and Trump for allying himself with them
What is wrong with you people? It's a choice between jews and muzzies, the answer is fucking obvious
>>Muslims have never attacked anyone in any time in history ever
>>Muslims do not follow a religion of conquest and submitting
>>Heroic Christians never died fending off the Muslim invasions
I never said any of that. Stop putting words in my mouth.

I asked that anon:
>Can you name me one Middle Eastern country that's instigated a conflict against Israel while at the same time receiving substantial economic and/or military aid from the USA?

My point was that ever since the USA has been giving aid to so many middle eastern countries, none of those countries has attacked Israel.

The USA is essentially bribing the sandnigger countries of the world to play nice with Israel. And of course the USA gives Israel even more money "just in case".
What does that prove? The US sells arms to China as well. And the US spies on all its allies as well (see Snowden). Who cares what happened in the 1950'. Why are you so butthurt.
uh anon I have bad new for you trump met with the Mexican president one on one
>Personally I always thought one of trump's best strengths was his understanding of negotiation, and willingness to talk to foreign leaders.
So which foreign leader other than Bibi has Trump spoken with one-on-one?

Because, again, the only one I've heard of it Nuttyahoo.

>I'm sure trump would be willing to meet with any foreign leaders if they asked.
So you really think Trump would meet with the President of Iran or the leader of North Korea?

Also, you really didn't address any of the issues in my response directly.
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>alt right (you guyz)
people who push the idea and identify with the so called 'alt-right' need to be gassed themselves
Why do you guys hate Jews so much?
Again, trump met with the president of Mexico and talked to him one on one
so is /pol/ pro-kike now? this is hilarious. trump has cucked you guys beyond reason.
>What does that prove?
Israel sold American weapons to China.
Israel's nuclear program exists because they stole the information and the materials from the USA
Israel spies on the USA.

>The US sells arms to China as well. And
So if the USA gave/sold a B2 stealth bomber to Israel and then Israel turned around and sold it to China, you'd have no problem with it?

The fact is that the weapons the USA sold to Israel were for Israel. Not for Israel to make money for and sell secrets to other countries.

>And the US spies on all its allies as well (see Snowden).
Speaking of Snowden...

New Snowden Document Implies NSA May Be Putting Israel's Security Ahead of America's

Snowden Reveals Scale of U.S. Aid to Israel

Snowden Confirms NSA Created Stuxnet with Israeli Aid

Snowden Asserts that NSA and Israel Collaborated to Launch Cyber Attacks on Iran's Uranium Facilities

>Who cares what happened in the 1950'.
lmao. Tell that to a Jew about the 40's when they bring up the Holocaust.

>Why are you so butthurt.
Why are you such a Zionist?
Good goy ;)
First Arab country I looked up was Jordan which received US aid all throughout it's various wars (all started by the arabs) with Israel, you stupid faggot.


Fuck you you stupid faggot.

>So you really think Trump would meet with the President of Iran or the leader of North Korea?

He's said that he would a few times.

> I don't recall him reaching out to any other world leader to have a one-on-one, closed-door meeting.

He met with the president of mexico. I guess it wasn't closed door (was it?)

How would we know who he reached out to? Are you sure he reached out to benji?

I didn't respond to the rest because i'm not convinced that the premises are true or false. What issues do you want addressed that aren't? I don't think trump is a ZOG agent.
>uh anon I have bad new for you trump met with the Mexican president one on one
Ah, yes. Now I remember that.

True, he did meet with the Mex Pres.

It wasn't a closed-door meeting or one-on-one though. Like it was with the Israeli PM. Nor would Trump have the same relationship with the Mexican President as he would with the Israeli PM.
WTF do you just have like 1000's of anti jew/israel links saved on your desktop you tin foiled hat wearing lunatic???



Israel doesn't have a right to exist
sand googles are going to be howling

this is great

it will also screw the kikes with much more intifada so it's a win all around
They made a deal.

Trump helps Bibi genocide the dirty sandniggers from their Promised Land and then deports every single Jew back to Israel and is never allowed back.

It's a win-win
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Can the world strike a deal with Benjamin so that he'll take all our leftist jews and do whatever with them as long as they don't ever leave Israel again ?
And now, according to /pol/, Israel isn't bad after all!
Trump could eat a baby live on stage and /pol/ will defend him
Neo-/pol/ redditors will defend this
The Israelis would stamp approval to the second holocaust before they would want all the Leftwingers dropped there.
The idea that established israel is truth. In order for ANYONE of any culture to survive, they need a nation-state that exists to protect their culture.

The problem with israel is that it undermines any attempt to do this outside of itself.

Some people think there is a difference between globalist diaspora jews and nationalist Israelis. However because diaspora jews still support Israel and Israel mucks around with other nations through spies and underhanded deals, there is belief that this disparity is artificial.
Get the fuck out you skype
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Wow, so many JIDF faggots in this thread.
>hehe goyim, Trump talked to a jew one time 20 years ago. he must be a shill DON'T VOTE FOR HIM SIEG HEIL amirite?

reminder that there were many jews involved in the rise of the Nazi party
Meeting = a bat-signal to non-leftist skypes: sokay to support Trump. He's not annuda shoah.
You should really charge your phone, mate.
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There is always one of you who can keep your stick on the ice. Well done.
fuck those dumb jealous beaners, America will always be with you isrealibro
projecting your make believe fantasies isn't an argument or basis for voting for some jewish cock sucking shill, you dumb fucking faggot
>90 minutes

is this long or short for a meeting between world leaders?
No, retard. Golda Meir threatened to nuke Cairo if we didn't give the jews some gibs me dat. Its all history, read it.
It's no secret Trump is pro Israel. What can you do about it, vote Hillary? Kys
Esto para ser sincero familia
t. Abdullah al-Baguette
Kikesrael is USA's strategic ally and no amount of muslim butthurt will change that fact. Meeting him is just politics.
Reminder Hitler favored a Jewish containment state and made a deal with the Zionist German Jews.
I don't know what you fucking expected. That Trump will be some outspoken anti-Zionist?
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No, they are both the same coin. Globalists are mainstream and Zionists are controlled opposition. Israel helps organizations like ISIS precisely because they want the west to destroy them for us. Globalists help organizations like ISIS so the world becomes more brown and less intelligent so that the population transforms into dumb zombie debt machines that the banks can profit off forever.
Long enough for Donald to spread and get his goy ass hole creampied a couple times.
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>/pol/ yesterday: gas the kikes, 4th Reich now
>/pol/ now: Israel is our ally, they're the lesser of two evils


What colour is the baby?

Why would someone draw this
Esto påra ser sincero fæmilia
>all the global elites enslaving generation after generation through usury across all continents

They're just a few though, no worries.
This Mexican is a true intellectual.
Fuck neo-/pol/
There are Jews and then there are (((Jews))).
vosotros cucks y shills, de donde israel
>there is a jewish conspiracy but this definitely isn't part of it
lol /pol/, get your shit together
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>stormfags unironically shit on Trump because he doesn't want to gas the kikes
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I like Israel. They are in a perpetual war with savage brown people.

That said, we need to stop giving any aid. And obviously, liking Israel does not mean that you fail to recognize that Jews are doing their best to subvert white culture and civilization. It's generally not Israeli Jews doing that, though.

Israel didn't exist until 1948 greatest ally
>isreal is great

>14 year old autists from reddit think jews are totally okay because their shithead "god emperor" who let his daughter marry a kike says so
/pol/ really has gone to shit.
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Well it is effectively a joke that there exists people that will not support a candidate of a democratic system solely on the grounds that he isn't revving up the ovens.

If they were true to their word, they would be actively trying to support someone who embodies all their ideologies and force them into the politic limelight.

Instead they'll just sit around and be bitter and insult anyone looking for the closest candidate to establish nationalism, as if their reincarnation of Hitler existed and was capable of winning mainstream politics in the united states and were all good goy for choosing the wrong candidate.

But because that doesn't exist, they'll sit here and just insult everybody for not starting their 4th reich. It's like a shitty nihilist argument adherents to critical theory would use.
>get more refugees
>refugees kill every kike
> deport all refugees

win win
Aipac work at its finest, He will put a stop to that right??
Trump is already a quasi-Jew:

>all children married to Jews
>all company executives Jews

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Rupert Murdoch also met with Trump on the results day of the Brexit vote at the golf course in Scotland.

I'm more concerned about that.
>not wanting to fuck European Skype pussy
>Not wanting a ultra right wing militarist wife that wants to remove Islam forever with nuclear weapons and keep Africans as a slave class sterilised.
>Not getting the backing of the Skypes during your rise to power in politics.
The vast majority(90%) aren't even genetically Jewish senpai. Just converts.
first the mexican problem
then the nigger problem
later the jew problem
he's acting like a current statesman. Hillary was too busy taking meds and getting her diaper changed.
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Imagine the shitstorm when he sits down with Vladimir Putin?
Thread posts: 273
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