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Meanwhile, on 476 C.E /pol/...

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Meanwhile, on 476 C.E /pol/...
>Germanic tribes

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>There's people on this board that actually think the Western Roman Empire fell because of its army
Hey guys, lets worship a dead kike on a stick.

I watched Moloynuex video on it. He said the empire expanded to gain a bigger tax base and fell because it took foreigners into the army who had no loyalty to the emperor and at the same time devalued it's own currency by taking out the silver. Is that wrong?
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>be byzantine
>go to market
>see bearded naked man with face paint accosting a woman and her daughter
>mfw western """roman""" barbarians near me
nazis n shiet
It's far more complicated

> The Huns came, this triggered a refugee crisis - Yes I kid you not -
> German refugees flood the Western Roman Empire
> Rome let them in because they could farm and serve in the army
> Climate change happens - again I kid you not -
> Farming becomes harder and production falls
> People grow hungry and get poorer
> whole shit collapses on itself because Rome had the goodwill to take in refugee it actually didn't needed
Fuck off.
memenoux manages to tie every issue to the lack of an-cap, but that seemed to basically be it.

Along with it was the degeneracy of roman women and ever-increasing and corrupt bureaucracy.
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Dude, Justinian will make Rome great again

Civil unrest and rebellions due to the fact that the army was loyal to gold and not to the country also contributed to it's fall.

The west specifically fell due to a military budget that it couldn't afford, contrary to it's richer eastern half.
ooga booga where dem latin womans at
Why are there Germans pretending to be Carthage?

>Goodwill to take in refugees

More like there was literally thousands upon thousands of germanic tribesmen that were either going to smash into WRE whether Rome liked it or not WHILE WRE was being assaulted by the Huns WHILE famine was taking place WHILE the state was already completely weakened by centuries of poor administration from shitty Emperors.

Nice revision there though.
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/pol/lattus, I demand you to red-olive me on Peos Perplexus! Is he a respectable centurion? I heard he's crucifying a lot of Christians in the eastern provinces, is that veracious?

>pic not related, that's just my last nike shoe
Fuck off, redskin savage.

Christcuck proxyfag go away pls.
fuck off, cuck for offended Jews
redpill me on the OstroGoths

Read the "The new deal in ancient rome" it's an over you of shit goverment economic policies that led to the weakening of Rome
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>even mentioning the christ-cult in my agora
>We should totally lend some gold to those Germanic tribesmen. We will make it back some day.
I love how they believe that they wre relevant.
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Basque Country was part of the visigoth kingdom
This Justininian character is a total racist, bigot, germanophobe. "Make Rome Great Again" ???seriously i can't even.... ugh...
It was da j00s
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What's the ultimate red-olive??
For me it's the disappearance of the Ninth Legion in Britannia. How come there are no parchments about that??

>Be me, I'm watching the Senate live in Caesar's Square
>The Senate is discussing the construction of a wall to hold the Hun's invasion
>That didn't work that well when they built the Hadrian's Wall
>Screams "For Tulio, the third!!!"
>Nobody hears you because it's a hell of a noisy mess here
is graffiti degenerate?
t. Adalhard Gislinsson

Freaking Gepids.. the gypsies of the Swedish ancient cucks...stealing Hun's clay.

Thank you for stopping by, please go south .where our gold is now. We'll just stay her in the mountains with our comfy sheep, waiting for all you bastards to put tent somewhere and get slaughtered.

t. 0.01% Gepid
>Implying Scot actually exist
Get out of here Gael scum.
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Germanic was a name for "people who live on the top" from what I read somewhere, so it was everyone there, Nordic, Baltic and Slavs.
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>particians deliberately put lead in the water to poison and better control the plebians
>this is the reason for the decline in public virtue
>the plebians must wake up before they are all replaced by germanic barbarians
>Germanic tribes plastered over the Slavs
Lmao just lmao
Ayy great idea xD
Fucking pagan Romans and Greeks with their civilzation n shiieet.
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Hmm... so Hitler was right?
Lol at these fucking red-haired romano-british calling out about 'muh roman pride', 'stop british genocide'. Us Anglo Saxons just want to integrate, even those of us who don't actually speak Welsh, we have a right to be here. If it wasn't for the romans trying to invade Germania there never would have been the kind of instability that led to infighting on the Jutland peninsular anyway, it's time for romanised people to face up to their forefathers crimes. And stop calling all pagans raiders. Just because some Germanic tribes have destroyed and raped some civilised people, doesn't mean we're all like that. I'm proud to be Pagan, Germanic Briton and no those are mutually exclusive racists. After a period of time there'll be integration, it's not the end of Romano-British culture lol.
too early m8. This hasnt happened yet!
You'll blow out cover story, they will figure out we are time travelers!
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What happened to the visigoths, ostrogoths, and vandals? They and the rest of the east germanics just seem to have disappeared from the historical record
Come on bro, it's pretty fucking lame

>hurr durr we're going to have this this secular naming convention that just so happens to align perfectly with the conventional calendar of the church

What's next? Are you going to rename Thursday to Scienceday because we don't want to to show bias in favor of germanic paganism? Are we going to rename March to something else because we don't want to show favoritism towards the roman pantheon?

The whole thing just sounds absolutely childish. I guarantee that it was started by some butthurt jews who were rustled by the fact that our calendar is based on the birth of jesus. These are the same people who refuse to use a plus symbol for arithmetic because it looks too much like a cross.
Slavs assimilated/wiped them out.
>Be Persian
>Race actually relevant

feels good man.
I am surprised none in this thread have said anything about Stilicho yet.
The execution of the man lead to thousands of barbarian children and women getting slaughtered by angry mobs, forcing the barbarian levies under Roman command to seek safety under Alaric I, shifting power between him and Rome.
Also want to say that contrary to popular Belief the Roman army didn't start to suck near the end. It continued to be an efficient force that many times managed to beat of hostile invasion in pitched battles, the failure of the WRE laid outside it's military.
time for you to check my XIII
The Western Roman Empire was plagued with inefficiencies, debts, and corruption. This in turn weakened the army and political stability.

The Eastern Empire on the other hand, basically had a fresh start. Since it was newly established everything could be started from scratch. Taxation was more efficient, and the army adapted more successfully to fighting new enemies.
Thus, the Greek/Byzantine/Eastern Empire outlived it's Roman brother.
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History repeats..
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To make things even better the ERE was much richer than the WRE which allowed it to efficiently pay enemies to fuck off.
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this is the lusitani jersey
we're the greatest world champions of the Gladiators World Cup
It's pure irony as well, the dates will be still related to Jesus even if they change the semantics.

You're right, it's either butthurt fedoraism or kikery as per usual.
Visigoths were not high in numbers, they were rulers not all the stock of the population. They mixed with natives romans/celtiberians.
You forgot the part that abrahamic invasive religion turned everyone to backwards fanatic
There's no such thing as a "Byzantine Empire," you historically illiterate cucks. It was always the Roman Empire.
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I , for one, welcome our gothic overlords
As there was never a "Constantinople"
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Did someone say "saxon"?
>this meme

Kill yourself and pay debts
Death to all Celts when?
I have a plan. We genocide arabics and prevent the rise of islam
The crimes of early Christianity like the destruction of Olympia and the arson of Alexandrias Library are well documented by the Christians themselves since they liked to boast about it
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>there are barbarians ITT who haven't taken the Christpill

Oh wait, no, they can't read.
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Britannia province be like:

>"Three lions on a shirt
>Laurel Wreath still gleaming
>Thirty years of hurt
>Never stopped me dreaming"
Black skin finally paying off, dope rap.
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>Germanic tribes
That's what jews want you to believe.
Heard these cucks in Italy are totally under Gothic control now, and that the regalia of the Western Roman Emperor was sent to Constantinople.

Fuck them, the roman empire lives on ! Domaine of Soissons for life ! Nothing will ever take us down !
Decent fella.
We wuz high kangz n shit

If gets Myrddin saves us

When will the Gaels stop oppressing the British? Invade us, raid us, plunder us and then when we finally buck up after Germanisation, call US barbarians and claim to be 'civilising' us with your monotheism and literacy. Fucking pompous Hibernians. People say I'm crazy but one day we'll treat you like shit and claim to be civilising you. Mark my words.
Guys, I know times are rough after the collapse of the West Roman Empire and the Huns and all, but I think we'll be soon back on track.

you filthy fucking communist
>tfw you'll never be patrician
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>Peasants can't even rotate crops
Fuck this country, I'm moving to Rome. I heard there are plenty of jobs there and the Dinarii is strong.

What's common about year 0?

This nigga knows

Fuck off, I bet you speak esperanto as well you commie fuck
Our western brethren have been very incompetent. It's time we took the torch, no?
I just hope the Persians don't become too much of a trouble. Otherwise, a third party could knock both of us out if we continue fighting.
I hope that never happens.
Though, we do wonder as to what is happening on that pecular pensinsula down south.
I know Im suave baby.

Look, I don't want to sound like a bigot; I have plenty of Gothic friends and I don't want to stereotype all of them, but most of them are Arians, especially the ones that still wear trousers. Now I'm not saying there's nothing anything with heresy per se, but should our society really be promoting those kinds of things to our children? What if my wife's son grows up thinking it's okay to believe that Christ the Son is distinct from God the Father, or that growing a mustache is cool and not absolutely barbarous?

I'm just saying we just maybe think of moving back to Constantinople, even if it is overrun with Greeks, or maybe even up with those provincials in northern Gaul. Syargius has even said he wants to Make Gaul Great Again and rebuild the limes. I know it sounds extreme, but when Germania sends it's people, they aren't sending their best, and we can't be to PC to not see that. I mean have you even seen the Suebi?

>Scots, Irish

At this time Scots and Irish were one people - Gaels. 'Scot' originally referred to any Gaelic speaker (which is why Scotland - founded by Gaels - is named as it is) and the distinction between the 2 came quite a bit later.
There were r1a incursions into modern day germany around 4,800 years ago. Aryans brought germanics copper and bronze. Anyways some butthurt person (persons) made that map, I mean how much more butthurt can you get than by putting the location of goths in modern day ukraine? No shit everyone knows it's common knowledge goths went to already slav populated areas. Goths even traveled as far as Crimea. Also there's slavic ringforts fount in north east germany all the way up till denmark. Checkmate!

Also lugii were't germanic. Just a celtic tribe. Slavic tribes mixed with them and formed the modern day poles in what is now known as Poland. I read about this one time on a forum regarding the lugii or something and the origin of it's name and the arguments for them being slavic or celtic.
Who /Massachusett/ tribe here?
Φῶς ἱλαρὸν ἁγίας δόξης ἀθανάτου Πατρός, οὐρανίου, ἁγίου, μάkαρος, Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ,
ἐλθόντες ἐπὶ τὴν ἡλίου δύσιν, ἰδόντες φῶς ἑσπερινόν,
ὑμνοῦμεν Πατέρα, Υἱόν, kαὶ ἅγιον Πνεῦμα, Θεόν.
Ἄξιόν σε ἐν πᾶσι kαιροῖς ὑμνεῖσθαι φωναῖς αἰσίαις,
Υἱὲ Θεοῦ, ζωὴν ὁ διδούς· διὸ ὁ kόσμος σὲ δοξάζει.
ghassanid the sasanids
Some subclades of R1a are germanic.
Aryan invasions predate any kind of Slavic or Germanic identity
>new persian
>not armenian

what did historians mean by this?
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>these damn southern chinese! with their stupid dialects and their weird voices! their language is disgusting! "tasu ya tsip m tsan!", it's fucking disgusting! we're going to conquer these faggots and make a superior china ruled by us northerners!
I guarantee you it's not fedoras. Atheists just don't really give a shit about semanitcs, just like nobody cares about some of the days of the week being named after pagan gods.

The jews are the only people neurotic enough to start this. I GUARANTEE they're the ones that pushed for BC/BCE because they oy-veyed every time they had to write an abbreviation meaning "year of our lord"

Another great story is the origin of the term "kike". Immigrating to america via ellis island, illiterate people traditionally made their mark as a plain old X. But the jews did not want to do this because an X looks too much like a cross, and instead they marked a circle. "Kikel" is yiddish for circle. This is how fucking neurotic the jews are.
Hey buddy, Aren't you happy its just you Greeks and Us Illyrians controlling this land? Im happy itll always be like this.
>just like nobody cares about some of the days of the week being named after pagan gods
Old churches did give a lot of shit about that actually
In Greek and most Latin languages the Roman naming has been changed
>No Beta Israel
Shieeet you raycist almond eye people are going to get it when the third temple is built.
Are those brown eyes? What a nigger.
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