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You have to admit he's right... https://www.youtube.co

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You have to admit he's right...


Trump must feel like a real idiot now.
Planes can also be shot down.
he talks about enforcing laws involving visa over stays, in most cases we know where these people are (hint: staying with their beaner families)
Most people that come here illegally from Mexico can't afford a plane ticket.

For the ones that can there is a thing called deportations.
Tfw you forget you are abroad in NZ
mexicans dont have private planes
planes can be shot down with no survivors
you can't illegally immigrate to an airport
Thanks for the info, based General Giap.
you didn't even watch the video did you?
google "visa overstay"
It's not going to be just a wall.
There will be armed guards and sensors.
Damaging the wall will result in being shot.
Attempting to fly over the wall will result in being shot.
Attempting to dig under the wall may result in being shot or buried alive.(though you'll die from being crushed)
Just stay the fuck away from the wall and everyone will be happier.
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>He doesn't know how effective and cheap the Israel laws were against the Palensteins.
>building the wall is impossible
>but if you wanted to, its 25 billion
>says 27-40% of illegals came from planes
>cites politifact
>doesnt talk about the other 75-60% majority that the wall WOULD stop
>talks about how tax payers would have to pay for the wall
>when the best part about the wall plan is that mexico are paying for it
>that same 27-40% who buy the visas to be here now have to pay even more to be here before they attain illegal status
>mexicans then beg their president to pay for the wall so that the visas arent impossible to buy as a citizen

>makes no sense
>leaves out crime and drug rates linked to illegal immigration
You can't get on the plane without a valid visa
>Attempting to fly over the wall will result in being shot
Any unregistered planes that crossing the border are being intercepted and shot anywhere in the world
>having any clue how much it would cost a coyote to illegally fly people over the wall
>and also not get blown into goo in the air by drones
b8 I know OP is trolling but why are leftist arguments so shallow and condescending it seems. It's like they have to point out obvious non-arguments as if that makes them right while assuming that their opponent is too stupid to come up with a reasonable answer.
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>"Undocumented immigrants"
>nu-male that even talks like a girl

besides that, if this is the defense on not building it then say hello to the wall. First off, this might blow some peoples minds but you can shape he wall to accommodate for mountains, rivers and towns. Its like people from other countries have walls on their borders too! (MEXICO). Second yes it will be quite expensive, but nowhere near the amount of money we lose overtime with people who don't pay taxes, receive benefits and send the money they make back to their families in Mexico. And the corporations that employ illegals not paying their fair share.

They state the statistic is 27%-40% arrive on planes. 40% feels incredibly fucking generous so il still be improbably lenient and accept 35%. That means 65% cross the border...were talking millions of people here. how does that not make it worth putting up a wall? and the thing about an expired visa is that they are much easier to find. Deportations will be going on and they will be the first to go.

The smug matter-of-factness of all this makes me sick. Liberals cant spend 2 seconds thinking critically to arrive at obvious conclusions. Just whatever sounds bigoted and fits their world view. Fuck this cuck.
>Key point to the video is 25-40% are visa overstays who came by plane

So deport them and build the wall.
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Nice proxy you got there.
Planes can fly into WTC too!
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>That comments section
/pol/ BTFO
>no reason for le wall
this man is a redditor everybody
>impossible to build

The Chinese of the 16th century are laughing at the terrain the wall would have to cross through


Blatantly wrong, it would cost around $10,000,000. Not that it matters that much, both are pocket money for the government, especially if there were a Democrat in charge.

>the wall would take too high taxes

Woah, suddenly taxes are a problem? Make up your minds, liberals.

>illegals don't just cross over the border

Except they fucking do, all the time. I would know.
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literally what
This is so embarrassing.
> I don't want you
> I'll break in by force if I have to!1!! Please have me! 1!11Please! ! 1
The thing with getting liberals to admit that the majority of illegal immigrants overstay their visas instead of border hopping is they then have to admit they're not "undocumented immigrants" and rounding them up and sending them back would be relatively simple.
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We just gave 40 billion to Israel. That's enough to build a wall across Mexico AND Canada.
>he thinks coyotes will buy planes and learn to fly them to get mexicans over the wall
Burgers today cant do what the chinese did across all terrain ages ago
Maybe they should consult the chinese
Exactly, the thing is that visa over-stayers are documented, much easier to deport.
>planes can fly over walls

And right through an air defense identification zone, have fun with the F16s Pedro.
The wall just got 36,000 ft higher!
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Planes can fly into walls!
The astral plane can transcend walls, see you in Limbo, fuckers!
>>when the best part about the wall plan is that mexico are paying for it

Mexico isn't going to pay for your retarded world though, if it worked like that you might as well get a real healthcare system and make Venezuela pay for that, and make Canada pay for a mission to Mars.
>muh we will shoot down passenger planes

Also, all these burgers who didn't even watch the video.

Trump is an idiot. I thought we already established this.
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>leaves out the ammount of money the government spends on illegals

>still not knowing how Mexico is going to pay for the wall.
>still thinking Trump will actually follow through on building the wall if he actually gets elected.
I'll never get why these retards think that the fact some people will bypass the wall means that you should just leave the fucking gates open

>b-b-but some burglars will break your door down! That means you should never lock it! What are you, racist?
>poor idiot mexicans can afford a coyote plane ride.
uhuh 'logic*'
Why wouldn't he?
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Am the only one that took "Trump's wall" as a metaphor?
I feel as though everyone treats it as a literal thing, a twenty foot tall Great Wall esque kind of wall.
Because it is.
Not economically viable. It's just an easy way to be tough on immigration that appeals to the poorly educated.

I'm sure he'll crack down on immigration in more reasonable ways, such as stricter enforcement of visas, deportations, etc.

But building a giant wall is a child's solution to immigration, gets votes though because it's easy to visualize.
It is and is not, he WILL literally build a wall along the border but that is only one part of a much larger immigration reform plan.

Just saying "build a wall" is more memorable and the Don knows all about branding and marketing.
>not economically viable

Only it is, compared to amount of waste in Washington this would be child's play.

Not that any of that matters because we aren't footing the bill for it anyway.

Remember Fin, Mexico will pay.

>implying there won't be wall-mounted anti-air ballistics up and down the rio grande

>implying our air superiority won't nab these plane drains as soon as they land

>implying we won't label anyone passing unlawfully into US airspace as a terrorist

Have fun catapulting into freedom land, you worthless leeches.
If walls don't work, why does every celebrity speaking out against building one live in a gated community?
Planes are easily spotted and followed.

>says wall would cost $25 billion
>fails to mention illegal immigration costs $113 billion per year
>implying poor illegals have the money to pay for a flight here, nor charter one to drop them off inside the border without being detected by radar at all.

Fucking liberals, I tell ya.
Although you're right, the wall is something of a metaphor (this is to say, there's going to be a greater presence of border agents, more advanced technologies and devices present to prevent border-crossings, and an overall more stringent immigration system, i.e. a "wall"), make no mistake, there's going to be a bigass wall.
fucking idiot doesnt know what airspace is
Really causes my neural cells to depolarize by opening gated channels in the membrane and passively diffusing potassium ions out of the cytoplasm down its concentration gradient leading to a sequence of action potentials to stimulate in accord with long term potentiation pathways developed through the release of seratonin at key moments of sensory input while also really fires up my electric pulse that travels down the axon until it reaches the synapses, where it then causes the release of neurotransmitters. The synapses are extremely close to the dendrites of the target neuron. This allows the neurotransmitters to diffuse across the intervening space and fit into the receptors that are located on the target neuron. This causes some action to take place in that neuron that will either decrease or increase the membrane potential of the neuron. If it increases the membrane potential (makes it more positive, or depolarizes it.) then it is exciting the neuron, and if it decreases the membrane potential (makes it more negative, or hyper-polarizes it.) then it is inhibiting the neuron. If it causes the membrane potential to pass the firing threshold then it will activate an action potential in the target neuron and send it down its axon.
Trump has also addressed natural barriers too, where a wall wouldn't be necessary.

That guy was just another liberal idiot.
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>Adam ruins everything
I've seen this guy's show. It's a mixture of cherrypicking, half truths, Devil's advocate. conformation bias and reaching to a degree he can scratch his balls on the moon. it may as well be called "Logical fallacy: The animated series". It's the kind of shit the fat mudsharks that get their news from the daily show take hook line and sinker.
I just want to shoot this nu male faggot
first post

best post
I don't think the drug cartels have access to stealth aircraft.
Ever shoot skeet? Somethin like that but with classical music on huge outdoor speakers. lol Or The Clash.
>Adam Cucks Everything

I stopped watching this garbage after the "why don't girls play vidyagaems? It must be le sexism!!!1" episode.
As with most things on his show, the citations are an easy way to tell if it's true or not.

Half the time they use NY Times and HuffPo as "sources"
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first thing that made me smile on this site in a loooooooooooong time.
>planes can fly over walls

But it could get shot down. Checkmate, libshits.
>what is radar
>what is the border patrol
>what is NORAD
You have to admit he's right...
OP must feel like a real idiot now.
nasa's annual budget... not a problem. cut nasa's budget for a year. we pay russia to send our guys into space. russia isnt friendly with america. they are doing nothing up there thats important

and spaceX a private company is picking up the slack no tax payer dollars required... if they can get the damn things to stop exploding

we cant even launch a space craft in america any more. when they cut nasa's budget years ago they tore down the launching pad in florida


>Oh one out of millions got through! Better just throw away our borders all together see? Doesn't work! Pointless waste of money! :^)
This makes me cout << "10 FEET HIGHER" because I thought that the vast majority of illegal immigrants overstayed their visas, not just 27%-40%.
I don't know how he thought those numbers were in his favor kek
Wow, I guess the whole "we'll put a man on the moon" mentality goes completely out of the window these days.

You do not need any walls really, if one country is willing to commit to mow down everything is trying to infiltrate over border.

But when your women are willingly to go to Calais jungle to suck nigger cock 3-4-15 per day...

I don't really know why the commies do not want the wall - it will be ineffective they say, and it will create shitload of jobs. The definition of the commie wet-dream of "shovel ready jobs"

What's not to like?
People can't get on the plane without a visa.
People who stay in the US after the visa has expired are illegal and should be deported.

That's all.
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>the wall will cost like gazillion dollars!
>better just spend the same amount of money over and over again on benefits for illegal aliens

>it's going to cost taxpayers money!
>though I don't have any problem with illegal immigrants who cost taxpayer money...
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Also, illegal immigrants with expired visas are the easiest ones to deport. You know they're around because they got their names on the papers. The ones who cross the border and never get checked are the ones who will get blocked by the great wall of Trump.
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holy fuck is he retarded.
>27-40% came legally by plane and just stayed.
so... a wall would cut illegal immigration by 60 - 73%

>wall would cut through mountains/rivers/homes
Simply wrong. Trump said that the wall would not be built in places where natural barriers were in place (such as rivers/mountains)

>everyone would be forever stuck paying for the wall and the people maintaining it
yea, that's kinda how government projects/jobs work. Are you also complaining that you have to pay for roads?

Go damn is this guy autistic.
I wonder how much Hillary payed this time.
>Lowest income inmigrants from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador.
>catching a plane to US

ok m8
I'm genuinely curious to what degree the retards are being paid.
The post Trump victory ought to show how many are Doug it for free when they start REEEEEEEEing over social media about it.
How the fuck do you expect me to ilegally go to new zealand? I can't swim that far.
>he's right...
... right of centre?
How much is an anti aircraft line 3,000 km long going to cost
You guys give Mexico fifty million in aid a year.
Even Trumpfags know that if he's elected the wall won't happen
>libtards think the wall isn't going to be 40,000 ft tall
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good post, leaf
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>building a wall is practically impossible

Does anybody take this seriously? Ancient Romans built aqueducts that went through mountains.
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We already have the radar network.

Typical retard-tier leftist argumentation. This douche whines about how much it would cost to build a wall, but conveniently forgets to mention how much it costs taxpayers to have those illegals living off of welfare, how much it costs to sustain the ridiculous percentage of them who end up in prison, how much it costs to sustain the people whose jobs they are taking, how much it costs to educate their non-English-speaking children... the list goes on and on. The American left literally uses these people to undermine democracy by maintaining an ever-growing class of citizens whose livelihood depends on demo rats staying in power, and no amount of money in the world can reverse this damage. As for that retarded argument about how a minority of those illegals enter the US by plane (as if that somehow negates the 70% who don't), the logical conclusion is to not allow them to enter the country at all, not to throw your hands up in the air and say nothing can be done. You can tell what a piece of leftist shit this man is just by the way he talks and dresses, even before you hear his sub-par "arguments". You need to start giving these people helicopter rides over Maxican soil once Trump wins.
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>Trump must feel like a real idiot now.
No walls for you goyim! You don't own your country anymore!

I was about to post it but yes, we already have radar coverage on the entire southern border. There's likely even already SAMs on the border. Would not surprise me.
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Can shoot an airplane easily from 15000kilometers, requires very little training, needs 1 man to operate, easy to cary and costs just 25K for 1 shot.
''Or NASA's entire ANNUAL budget.''
So what you are saying is its pretty affordable.
I like how the Mexican lady saying silly things in Spanish is there for cummy dick relief.
If you deport people that overstayed their visas they're going to be banned from re-entry through official routes. I wonder how they'd attempt re-entry illegally..
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