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Where do you DISAGREE with Trump?

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He's more liberal than most of us here so there has to be some things.
He wanted to restrict gun rights to people on no fly lists, which means restricting gun rights sans conviction. Bad idea.
Stop and frisk is blatantly anti 4th amendment.

Bringing in CCW's for anyone who wants one would actually work, and no rights would get grotesquely violated
I disagree with his policies on building the wall and vetting all immigrants. The Statue of Liberty says "give me your poor, your tired, your hungry". It's unamerican to have an immigration process.

Secondly I disagree with his tax plan. It doesn't tax the rich enough even though there's a 20% capital gains tax on stocks, and is the most liberal and fair tax code ever planned out. It isn't fair for us poor and I support Hillary's 65% estate tax on the highest bracket, and subsequently bracketed down from there, with those that leave a minimum of 250000 (every middle class family) be taxed at 50%.

Thirdly, I also disagree with Trump's positions on using dirty coal as energy. Coal is a disgusting fuel to use, even though it would help many in the appalachian mountain ranges, the cost to the environment and basically attacks to good strong clean renewable energy will completely kill the industry.
I think he's wrong about global warming.
I think we should abolish all gun laws in this country.
>The Statue of Liberty says "give me your poor, your tired, your hungry". It's unamerican to have an immigration process.
>Implying anything ever written by a jew can be American
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Tariffs on vehicles made outside of the USA by Ford, etc.

The cost will be passed on to the consumer.
He was wrong to say he's sorry for offending people.
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he's not right wing enough.

this is it
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You dhould probably check when that was added to the statue of liberty and by (((whom)))
Snowden was a patriot
Fuck poor people.
Doesn't matter, it is still a fundamental american culture and tradition.
This, a patriot and an american hero.
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If my id is 'xOn8piLU' Trump is 100% correct on every issue, and will rek Hillary in the debates.

No it isn't. This country wasn't meant for nonwhites in any real capacity. This nation belongs to those of European descent.
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I think free trade is generally good.
Nope, nothing in the Constitution lets hordes of subhuman filth come and destroy our country
then dont break the law, retard
Disagree? He barely says anything coherent. "It'll be great, amazing, the best. Believe me." Ad nauseam.
Lady Liberty is french. It makes sense it would represent cuckholdry. Also, you can let in all immigrants if you don't have a welfare state. At the time when that phrase was coined, guess what? We had no such thing as welfare. You came here and worked hard or died.

Now, you can come here and get preferential treatment while we have our own citizens living on the street. This is wrong.

If you want a welfare state, you must have strong borders and only let in people that will be successful. If you want open borders you can't have a welfare state. Its literally that simple.
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>Kike writes a shitty poem on our great monument to European friendship about how his filth should be let in
>Fundamental American culture
he hasn't made a porno with his wife yet, sad!
The statue of liberty has nothing to do with the law, retard. Fucking millennial idiots everywhere on this board these days. Go back to /b /for another 5 years.
Trump has certain free speech stances which are dangerous revolving around the internet.
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>Ford will continue to manufacture outside the US if there's a high tariff they need to pay
The only reason why they moved their plants to Mexico and other turd world nations is because it's cheaper than manufacturing in the US.
If it becomes more cost effective to build in the US those factory jobs will return to Americans.

yes free trade is good. The problem is that all these trade deals we sign are actually not freeing up trade, but they're imposing limits and sanctions on trade
I never said the law, i said the culture. It is truly fundamental.
The country once thought the irish and chinese were subhuman filth, and today a vast majority have integrated and succeeded in american society.

By working with other immigrants, such as the Syrian Refugees, and Mexicans today, they too can become a valuable asset to the US.
This isn't about Trump being a good leader, it's about voting for a guy who angers the people /pol/ hates
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>in the long run
Code word for maybe a hundred or so years from now the standard of living for both China and the US will be on par with each other and up to the same standards that were seen in the 70s. The West is in the process of equalizing quality of life with the rest of the poorest countries for short term gains in affordability of products. The damage is already done, the next generation with have it worse off than the previous, and someday those economists can pat themselves for helping out the Chinese, if they in fact don't just shut the door down on the west and become protectionist themselves, learning from the mistakes of the West.
global warming
Mark Cuban is right though, if Ford comes back to the US, none of those jobs are coming back because Ford is going go invest in new technologies to build their products. 1 mechanic for 120,000 is much cheaper than 5 assembly line workers for 35,000 each.
He's anti-environmentalist and doesn't think Global Warming is real or an issue.
The Statue of Liberty was a gift from French Faggots who misunderstood the fundamentals of our ideals and our republic. Stop quoting that shit like it's a mandate.
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Tax cuts. But we'll see if this is 90s Donald or 80s Donald.
Yeah, but the chinese and Irish had to work hard and interact with other Americans to get to that point. Now, foreigners get to move here, get coddled by uncle sam, on our dime, and are not forced to integrate. They are encouraged to bring their culture with them and force it upon everyone else, and you can't fight back in any way. These people will not become valuable they will only cause problems and for splinters to grow in the population causing actual extreme levels of violence. Like shooting up gay clubs, blowing up people running marathons and beheading people.
His position on environmental protection is abhorrent and stupid. If he were anything like Hitler he would have a conservation plan. Not to mention a plan to kill off subhumans which is also ecologically good.
>it's unamerican to have an immigration process

I guess this country was unamerican up until 1965
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that bottom middle left Pepe

I need that Pepe
your fault for having a felony on your record.
>By working with other immigrants, such as the Syrian Refugees, and Mexicans today, they too can become a valuable asset to the US.

No. On average, they are a massive burden on the economy, add large amounts to crime and have cultural values incompatible with our own. Furthermore, there's an unemployment problem that should be solved for our own Americans before anybody else is let in in large numbers.

Irish were only viewed as subhuman filth by Anglos in the early period and then for the vast majority of American history they were just not simply liked for being Catholic. Nobody doubted that they worked hard or that they weren't an asset.

Chinese integrate better than other ethnic groups, but that has largely been because of our past traditions of forced assimilation. Chinks coming in nowadays just turn out like how they do in Canada, moving to areas with other Chinese and making little China territories.

>I never said the law, i said the culture. It is truly fundamental.
You're wrong. Until the 1900s, this country was almost 90% White English. Until the 1960s, this country was over 85-90% White. For the vast majority of American history there have been strict racialistic demographic control protocols in place to ensure that a White majority is always kept. It's only now a very recent idea that unrestricted immigration is a good thing, and the reasons for that lie in platitudes like "diversity". In the past, as others have said, immigration was encouraged at certain periods because the country could take it and there was no welfare state. Only the hardest workers advanced. That's no more.
>Patriot Act existing as is
>Nationwide stop and frisk as de-facto policy
>His stance on NSA

It's not though. You drank the kool-aid.
Who is that qt?
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free trade (because we learned nothing from Hoover am I right?) and the wall (because it won't work).

Aside from that, I doubt his character. He was a democrat for most of his career, he supported gun control, he supported the Obamacare mandate, he endorsed Bill Clinton, Barrack Obama, Mitt Romney, and complains about "mainstream politicians" despite his own history of being mainstream as fuck.

I predict that anyone who votes for him for any reason other than "lesser evil" will find themselves either bending over backwards to justify everything he changes his mind on, or be sorely disappointed.
Environmental issues mainly. I'm impartial to the concept of a physical wall, but I like where he is going with immigration policy.
One of them just shouted said ASA LAMA LAKA during the prayer.

Muslim contribution to these rallies confirmed?
I don't believe blacks are capable of being civilized.
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The problem isn't free trade. The problem is countries like China not playing by the rules with currency manipulation and cuck politicians letting corporations write up trade policy desu.
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>Where do you DISAGREE with Trump?
Not allowing encryption or whatever technology thing he was going on about.

And, that China is "cheating" on currency, when we have the federal reserve kikes here completely rigging the system for themselves.


Hoping that when he gets into office and is pressured by the Jews in Israel to take in Immigrants he turns to them and says:

"You first".
I'm just waiting for some one to call out the hypocrisy of Americans complaining about currency manipulation.

>what is quantitative easing?
>what is selling IOUs to pay for IOUs?
No, that is not the culture.

A mere quote is not enough to overrule law. I'd love to see you argue that before a judge who actually does their job right.

You can't claim that it is against American tradition to keep undesirables out yet ignore the fact that America did just fine when all they did was keep undesirables out. The whole reason America is America is because of whites. That is a fact many people can't come to terms with.

This is what happens when you learn to argue in public school.
Illegal immigration cannot coexist with a wellfare state. Mathematically impossible
My main disagreement with him is his environmental policy

But beyond that, I'm for him
I disagree with him when he says he "hopes Hillary gets better".
Too soft on immigration.

But the system is the main problem, and Trump is a massive middle finger to them all.
we pay a third of our waking lives towards paying off the debt on that QE tomfoolery

and yet it grows faster

be lucky you only have to pay canadas taxes
Italians and Irish imported organized crime, violence, and poverty with them from their native lands that still affects us to this day. They are a large part of the reason for the culture of graft and corruption that surrounds unions and local politics to this day, and were it up to me, we would not have let them in either (this coming from a person who is the descendant of Irish and Mexican immigrants).

That said, the Irish, Italians, and Chinese brought something else important with them: labor. This is the reason I am in favor of expanding legal immigration opportunities for Mexicans and Central Americans (as is Trump). They come seeking a better life, and they have something to offer. The Syrians, by contrast, offer nothing. If the Syrians come, they will bring their violence and their poverty and their incompatible culture, and they will give us nothing in return. They will take our hard-earned tax money and do nothing but demand more. They will rape our women and kill our men, and then demand we apologize. They are incompatible with Western life. If they are allowed in, they will overrun us.
Asmr darling
>Likes Jews
>Wants to be tough guy on Iran (military retaliation for nonsense)
>Thinks Chinese made up global warming to make money
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Don't like how he wants to keep up the current rate of growth on benefits such as medicare and social security.
Desu it would be pretty funny to fuck up the crazy slimes in Iran.
There's something fishy going on here
If he wins the wall will never be built. It's a fully retarded and undoable idea. Pretty good meme tho.
tell me your secret
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Somewhat being PC, saying hes sorry and shit to faggots that don't deserve it. Also not wanting to ban Muslims.
She is too cute. My fucking dick.
>65% estate tax

You're a fucking retard

The nation never had unlimited immigration. It always vetted people since the mid 1800s when the immigration board was more properly established.
I couldn't give two shits less about the other stuff, but giving a government agency complete control over restricting a constitutional right without a trial is just Britainstan-tier
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Not fashy enough. I want him to go full 1488 after election but he wont
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