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What did they expect, electing a Pajeet Mudslime?
Pff... It's easy to say, sitting on a comfy chair with bodyguards around you. Cunt.
>terror attacks are 'part and parcel' of being around niggers and allowing niggers to continue existing

he knows his people at least
What the fuck? How hasen't he been murdered yet?

Who the fuck is voteing labour in the current year?
>they killed Jo Cox
>but not this guy
as long as ((((lobbying)))) is allowed and muslims and (((them))) are allowed in the party as MPs i dont want a part
Remember the 89999999 get. This man and globalist governments before him have betrayed their countrymen for the sake of cheap labour.
Islamophobia is part and parcel of living in a big city, so he should just get used to it and not whine.
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maybe if you live in a muslim country sure

does this mean he considers london a muslim country?
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must be a blast living in europe
Funny how terrorism goes away when you get rid of all the muslims.
It's like slavery in that slavery was economically a shit deal. A minority benefited from it while the majority paid for it.

For every Pajeet in a 7/11 there are two Muhammads on benefits.
Labour voters are the dumbest white cunts going.
Get used to it. Your eradication is just business as usual in the new world order.
Herr derr just get that few hundred mil Apple didn't pay in tax and we'll have utopia.
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>let us in or we will kill you
Another cunt, I can't believe politicians get elected after basically not giving a fuck over inoccent civilian lives.
well, its not what you want to hear

but its straight talk that's most likely true given the cucked nature of most Euro countries these days

why did nobody react?
>part and parcel of living in a big city
That's funny, I don't recall any bombs going off in all my years of living in Sydney..

Really made me think tbqh.
Who are
>Bombings are a big part of our city.

Why haven't you brits beheaded this terrorist yet?
You remember Martin, don't you?
Get fucking rekt bitch
But seriously I live in nyc that's stupid to think terrorist attacks are a norm
> well they are a norm if you're accepting terrorists but still
How stupid could Europe be
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Are these images real? Source on the articles?

It truly is detestable times when I have to actually ask if the mayor of London said these things.
Somebody fucking do something
Why is England so suicidal? fucking nuke it already while it might have a shred of dignity left

We're 30% whiter than you.
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Jesus christ, it's actually real.
fuck off Ahmed I really don't want to hear it, your country is doomed

Because that would be racist
You elected a Muslim mayor who Mudsplains terror attacks in your capitol and excuses muslim attacks on Americans. You're whiter, and doomed-er
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Sometimes you seppo's are ok
well its been going on since like the 60s in london so hes kindof not wrong but the headline reads like hes accepting it like it cant change
so thats a problem imo
What a fucking cunt.

What is the context of this? Why is no one reacting?
they would be outnumbered by those chimps in a hot minute

also I guarantee everyone in frame is on drugs
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Wow, this really and truly causes my neural cells to depolarize by opening gated channels in the membrane and passively diffusing potassium ions out of the cytoplasm down its concentration gradient leading to a sequence of action potentials to stimulate in accord with long term potentiation pathways developed through the release of seratonin at key moments of sensory input as well as really fires up my electric pulse that travels down the axon until it reaches the synapses, where it then causes the release of neurotransmitters. The synapses are extremely close to the dendrites of the target neuron. This allows the neurotransmitters to diffuse across the intervening space and fit into the receptors that are located on the target neuron. This causes some action to take place in that neuron that will either decrease or increase the membrane potential of the neuron. If it increases the membrane potential (makes it more positive, or depolarizes it.) then it is exciting the neuron, and if it decreases the membrane potential (makes it more negative, or hyper-polarizes it.) then it is inhibiting the neuron. If it causes the membrane potential to pass the firing threshold then it will activate an action potential in the target neuron and send it down its axon. Thank you based Sadiq for recontextualizing my understanding of terrorism in the modern age.
Ha, as irritating as things are here I genuinely feel bad for those of you across the pond.
I'd feel worse for them if they didn't seem to be pulling their buttcheeks apart and begging for all this
Yeah, the moslems would dearly love to normalize terrorism, I've no doubt about that.

"What's the big deal? Mass shootings and bombings are a thing, dude. What are you, a hick?"

Fucking snakes.
Pic related is how you bongs need to solve your problems.
ahahaha oh wow
>''B-but white people do it too!!''
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There may be bantz but i love you silly little leafs in the end
>names two people
>"it's da same"
When any non-Islamic country, such as France attains approximately a ten-percent Muslim population, violence and civil war become a constant threat. 10% of a total national population translates into >50% of fighting-age men in key urban districts, due to the concentration of Muslims in Sharia-zone ghettos, combined with aging European demographics. Later, these Muslim ghettos will serve as sanctuaries and bastions for the jihadists, until and unless they are finally pulverized with artillery shell fire or aerial bombs.
Is that a threat? I'm pretty sure that's muslims trying to threaten us. It just reinforces my desire to see Trump as president.
he wouldn't be saying that if one of his loved ones died, or if he himself died
Average niggers are a greater threat to you than terrorists of any ideology or race.
Pure coincidence, right Khan? Fucking filthy shitskin.
It will be a real shame if Russia goes broke/starves before it gets to liberate western Europe from itself and the mudshits.

Was he quoted out of context or something? No way he's this fucking retarded
I doubt it, things really have gone that far
I cringe every time I get reminded that London, one of the most historic and we'll know cities in Europe had a fucking dirty sharia loving Muslim as its mayor.
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Your wife is horny needs to fuck
But you are such a pasty cuck
Get thee from your bed britbong
while your misses sucks an arab dong
Now it's just a thing you gotta get used to, west-fags. It's a little deadly price you or your relatives may pay for that your sissy-ass faggot parents voted left for several decades.
He literally has no power, at least with Boris in charge (with a conservative government to help him) he could get things through the commons. This cunt just chats shit.

I voted for Zac btw, not this stinky paki, look at his wife, looks like his sister. He also loves gay people, a bit weird considering he's a Muslim.

Good thing the Labour party are imploding and have no chance of ever getting into power again!

Lol wtf Moldova
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>tfw we're actually dumber than our ancestors
They're all homeless and probably strung out. Guy got arrested for being dumb enough to give a close up on his face and post it everywhere.
Imagine if someone said something like this about women's rights? It would cause a shitstorm with no end. What kind of leader just says 'get used to it'?
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it takes 2 seconds of googling, you google:

"Muslim neighbour is in favour of the labour". Vote us. Ye ain't gonny regret for that is what dead don't do.
Ah, my laziness has paid off. I now know it's the Tories who aren't the cucks...I think. I don't know jack shit about GB Politics.
Oh, say that during the hacylon days of IRA.
that's because that was a false flag
Remember how her husband was shilling for remain literally hours after that?
What an absolute piece of shit human being. Why haven't you assassinated him Britbongs? Assassination is just part of big cities too
Or the boxer rebellion

Or the boer war

Or the american revolution
Just everyday life.
White British are literally a minority in London, the city is lost and should be given a new name just like Constantinople

until it's acknowledged as a muslim problem, then it won't be dealt with properly

Well, considering the manners and behavior of all new European sandnigger-born "residents", islamophobia will also become part and parcel of that.
Then why do places with no muslims like Seoul and Tokyo that are some of the biggest cities in the world experience ZERO terrorism

You said 0 :^)
Oh look, the perpetrators are religious
cult != religious
>Let muslims in
>They kill you
>Don't let them in
>They WILL kill you - somehow!
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>J-just deal with it haha!

Are they even trying anymore
Sort of shit. Like saying that liquid stool isn't really crap.
>shinto sect
love when the camera dude exclaims "bing"
Based Russki

People need to be reminded they're not tabula rasas. They're decided as much by their past (genetic) as their present.

They say Islamic extremism. wow.
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Oh, London. Look how forgiving you are, with Sadiq Khan mayor. Only in 2005 you had a similarly named person enrich you.
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>if you don't let Muslims kill you they will still try to kill you
>terrorism has no religion
If we started lynching sand niggers in the street, could we then just say that's just part of living in the West?
So a Muslim says that if we don't let in more of his people, his people will attack us?

I think that's a thread of a terrorist attack and he should be arrested
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>tfw 65% of Brits agree with him
Just fucking end it

I'm fine with statements like this.

It will help whites wake up faster.
This shit is specifically worded to mislead people and make it look like he's correct.
Of fucking course big cities should be prepared for terrorist attacks. But terrorist attacks are not just the daily fucking life that you need to accept. Maybe muslims wouldn't be so fucking hated if the "non radical" ones would fucking condemn the Islamic terrorists instead of spouting NOT ALL MUSLIMS
Its posted in almost every google-hate thread

Terror attacks are 'part and parcel of living in a big city' with muslims, claims London mayor Sadiq Khan
>3050 UK adults
t. highest amount of muslims in Western Europe
t. socialist yahoo
t. terrorist attacks every month
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Ayyy lmao, reminds me of the last level of "IS Defense" where you're in some French seaside town.
What game?
still no bombs. just a mudslime and a shotgun.
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I can't wait until the bloodshed starts here and Weedcuck says the same thing. Redpilling thousands in a single sentence.
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Just said man, "IS defense".

A cheap tower defense game from the guys that made Hatred.

no one in real life goob
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this is getting ridiculous
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Sums up the UK and Europe in general.

>dat face
>almost impossible to hold back the laughter
they heard about the town rapist, they want to recruit him
Where are all the terror attacks in Asia then? Oh that's right they aren't nigga-Arab multicultural.
the tories are big cuckservatives but definitely less traitorous than labour. blair's labour opened the floodgates and as such will not ever be elected again.
Is the mayor riding in the NYC metro?
They still happen in the Muzzie areas of south east asia, but they're slightly more civilized.
How can Poland be so fucking smart.
>absolutely baffled that London is so fucked
>remember that Washington DC is nog central and we have a black president

Race matters the most in Islam.

The blacks and Middle Easterners are naturally more impulsive.
we have to carry on arguing over which western country is the most cucked because otherwise reality sets in
Fuck yes. Try being an african worker in Dubai.
This is how apathetic everyone has become these days. Think 60-100+ years ago. If your countries leader came out and said this in the morning, by nightfall he'd be hanging from a tree or lamppost as a warning to future leaders on what happens to traitors.

Where did it all go so wrong?
Are you for fucking real mate?

Look at the state our fucking country is in.

The centre right has been in power for over 10 years now.

They have fucked everything up.

Id rather vote for fucking Corbyn because he's not beholden to Zionism and fucking bankers and Rupert fucking Murdoch.

Why? Because you can argue with him and convince him to change his opinion.

You vote for scum like farage or May and you get told what to do, how to do it, and they do whatever they want to profiteer off us.

Dumb fucks keep arguing left vs. right and red vs. blue and you can't even see an opportunity to stop being a slave for the first fucking time.

Get Corbyn in and get the other MPs in labour to stop his immigration policies. He'd be anti establishment and anti Zionist and anti rich bankers and oligarchs and at the same time we could stop him letting every single immigrant in.

That's the only way this country doesn't fucking suck.
americans are basically cattle
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>Terror attack are 'part and parcel of living in a big city'
Then why didn't we have them before Muslims?
>showing her whore face
>not burqa
Is she trying to get raped? Why does her owner (farther, husband or brother) allow this?
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>isis inspired attack
What? When?
>No ISIS inspired attack in Austria
>car jihad in Graz
Lets say this, it is very infrequent. Compared to France getting some sort of terror attack almost every other week, and the USA having more and more now. There is a huge difference when the last one was decades ago while in other places you might go on a month by month basis.
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>be european in 21st century
>your country is either poor or mass invaded by browns

WW2 really fucked this continent, senpai.
Kill that nigger
But not all muslim are terrorist, they aren't violent :((((((((
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liberals would be demanding refugee/immigration reforms if they were told to deal with daily rapes and monthly bombings within their gated communities
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why stop at a band aid solution?
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>after photoshoot hijab is removed
Poland banned their death camps instead of building on this weapons grade meme.

Did he get killed at least senpai
Sadiq Kahn is a shitskin cunt who i would love to see stripped of luxuries and thrown back into his shothole native pakistan. However London is a city that no Englishman feels anything for anymore. It's no more than a financial zone and dumping ground for immagrants. It's been so for decades.
The fact we have a conservative governement and recently brexited from Europe shows how true Brits feel. He would not be mayor in any other UK city. When the votes are shared amongst leftie liberal cucks and immagrants what do you expect? I'd like to see anything within the M25 nuked desu. London has such amazing history but the damage is done and the cancer needs removing before it spreads.
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Fuck this i'm moving to America
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I hadn't seen this video before

My old man's from England and all of my family lives there, though in the North luckily

But I hear even up there its getting dire

I feel sick
>Comic Sans
>Letting female children in reproductive age pray with men in a mosque
It's just a elaborate way to mock and insult Islam.
London was doomed from the start, the election choices were between a mudslime who does nothing but virtue signal or a kike.

Whereas you guys elected a mudslime president two terms in a row who sucks Saudi's dick and abuses his power.
Its in Bosnia, Bihac I think, a imam was stabbed 5 times last year because he wasnt terrorist enough.
>People still post this image

But after parents contacted the school they were then forced to make an embarrassing U-turn and withdraw the threat after council chiefs intervened.
A letter from the head to parents apologised for "inaccuracies" in the previous correspondence.


So yeah, might wanna stop posting that example.

Also picture A. is Sweden
Picture B. is the Netherlands.

Albert Dryden was unironically right.
Second biggest population in London is Polish.

Get the fuck out.
Geniuses, it already has one. Londonistan.
>Literally wants open borders
>not controlled by the jew
just cuck my shit up senpai
It's real, the inbred Mayor of London really said this. I would call this a threat.

Replace terror with racism and see how cool he is
Always picking on weaker people.
Oh my God what a fucking faggot.
>Terrorism is Part and parcel
>Learn to live with Terrorism
>If you kill your enemies, they win
Trump is literally the last hope of Western civilization
Tell me about all the terrorist attacks in Tokyo?
Nice point, Leandro
Das hatespeech, yo.
All these traitors would have been hung for treason if there was any justice it would be unthinkable a few decades ago to have people in power that didn't have any sense of duty to protect their citizens
>Cross burning are 'part and parcel of living in the South' claims Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan
People no longer care. So long as they've got their reality shows and facebook to distract them nothing will change.

Things will only happen when people begin to starve.
that article has 1.2k replies, are people waking up?

you should also imply a fucking source in the op you fucking retard

>relaxing around blacks
Not even once.
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Why thank you, Jamal Gonzalez
I agree with this.

Sans unleashing a RWDS to clean up the "problem" there is no solution.

There's anti-nationals in every country right now. At least in the US we still have guns, for now. We can almost protect ourselves. Unlike the UK or other cucked "nations".
The fact that they had the gall to send those in the first place is a good enough evidence of what is really happening in the UK.
I don't expect them to stone whores on the streets tomorrow. They have to start somewhere and those little things are a good beginning. That, plus the muslim mayor..... it's all going in a good direction.
Why is he on the New York subway?
They aren't even hiding their agenda and nobody is resisting it
He came for a visit. He stayed a while.
Apparently he has free time, what do I know?
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Yeah you agree with it, but this is a fucker who supported the creation of the problem in the first place. Don't give him credit for stating the obvious.

"We made an irreversible decision that results in your life being forever worse. Deal with it."

That's what he meant.
Bulgaria is jealous.

They don't have anything that counts as a 'big city'.
Momentum, please stop.
This is embarrassing.
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>boris is mayor
>every news station and our country's shitty "political comdey panel shows" talk about him \ makes jokes about him
>sadiq khan is mayor
>literally never mentioned, is as if he doesn't exist
>shitty politcal comedy panel shows continue to talk about boris inbetween damage control over brexit
words cannot express how much I've come to despise the unfunny propaganda trash that is news quiz
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