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I'm a white, male, native-born American. And I hate everyone

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I'm a white, male, native-born American. And I hate everyone who's racist, sexist, antisemitic, homophobic, transphobic, or bigoted in any other way. I support Clinton and BLM unreservedly. And I especially despise Trump and everyone who supports him. You'll never convince me I'm wrong. Go ahead and roast me all you want.
Kill yourself google.
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I'm in the same boat as you are desu. I come here to remind myself that racism is alive and well, even in Canada.
Time stamp requested. Show face also
>A fucking leaf
ctr is lacking creativity apparently
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Time stamp is right there at the top of my post. Not showing my face, because I'm not a fucking idiot.
I don't want to convince you. Any attempt to do so would be a waste of time. Curious why you don't hate antisemites but not christphobes though.
Wanna meet up and have sex?
>Hates racists
>Supports BLM

Oops typo'd that post. Let me redo
>Curious why you hate antisemites but not christphobes though.
I think I met you at the bar last night. You were an abrasive asshole with nothing to say then, either.

Just once, maybe, it'd be nice to have a discussion with a shilldawg supporter who is aware of the issues and who's willing to hear why Donald is great for America.
>You'll never convince me that I'm wrong

There's your problem.

No matter what you don't intend to change your mind.

Hundreds of people here were in your position, but simply opened their mind. We are you with a will to figure things out. And some autism.
Right. There's no contradiction at all. And if you think there is, then you're part of the problem.
le bait xDXxddxxddxDxDXd
Slow down on the firewater there chief; you're getting very emotional.
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youre not "native born" fuck you! you blacks and you whites are just as bad you dont care about MY people!

whites back to europe black niggers back to africa!
I don't need to hear, because the mere fact that you support Trump instantly destroys your credibility.
Hilldogs are the most abrasive people in America.

They are in their position either because destructive nepotistic policy will benefit them or because (like most of them) they are expert at blocking their ears and covering their eyes.
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This. Narcissistic lefties can't into humility
I bet ur a chinc
People who support Trump are not necessarily racist. It's always easier to side with the party that goes after pleasing the poor-- "It's not right that the top 1% has most the money, you deserve that money even though they earned it" and also a "Let's raise higher taxes on the rich, so that we can fund better welfare, don't worry it'll work out if you give the government more money I promise it won't just disappear..."
I'm white though. I just understand that race is a social construct and racism is nothing but a dangerous expression of dissatisfaction in one's own life.
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You say that but you're already here.
It has begun.
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Okay, I'll bite. What is the reason for you voting Hillary? What is it about her that merits your vote? Which of her policies do you support?
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>Guilt by association

Child, please.
That's cool friendo. You did a great job at memorizing the right opinions and doing what is expected from you. I would give you a cookie if I could.
I support most of her policies, and I would support her no matter who her opponent was. The fact that it's Trump just creates a hell of a lot more incentive.
If only you knew how antisemetic Mrs. Clinton was.
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Supporting Trump literally means that you understand nothing about policy at all. It ruins your credibility. That isn't guilt by association at all moron.
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I'm a white, male, native-born American. And I hate all googles, 3dpds, (((jews))), faggots, trannies, and any other degenerates. I support Trump and our men in blue unreservedly. And I especially despise Hillary and everyone who supports her. You'll never convince me I'm wrong. Go ahead and roast me all you want.
If you really hated Racism and sexism, you would have killed yourself for being a fucking white male.

Guess you're a racist.
I just followed the Hillary Clinton site about Pee Pee the racist frog. Is this place for real??? Haha
Even a real liberal like me finds this post cringe worthy. Fuck off.
The most racist, sexist, and bigoted people I have ever met were liberal.

In the Movement to make the world peaceful, they try their damnedest to make everyone special and unique. In doing so, many have lost the ability of empathy.

Losing this ability makes most angry at each other, demanding what they want due to their emotions more than what everyone needs based on logic.

So a feminist woman attacks Hooters for sexualizing women and wants it to shut down, when a woman works there cause she likes the attention and is getting money for family/school.

The way to peace is not making special snowflakes, but by being a whole of the populace. No liberal would ever agree to that, because then they will lose their attention.
Remember what I said at the beginning about racism? This question is fundamentally racist.

I refuse to entertain the notion that any group of people is inherently better or worse than any other. Without that, the question is incoherent.
*10* score for your mental dismount.

If whites are systematically still oppressing blacks, how do you explain black professional sports figures? Black CEOs? Black elected officials, Black professors?
As does your closed mind.
... so in order to understand policy, you must be a neocon, because their policies work so well ...
stfu and gtfo
>implying that I don't have a mind of my own.
>the hand in the pic is not black or latino
another thing to add to that pic is that "the deep south" has a much higher percentage of blacks and Hispanics compared to the rest of the country.
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Gotcha. So you are happy with a war with Russia, another invasion of Iraq? You support ISIS and genocide. Because that's what she stands for. That's what will happen if she's elected.
What proof would you need to change your mind?

If your answer is 'nothing can change my mind' then you don't have an open mind and why are you even bothering?
He's a faggot who likes attention.
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actually it is coherent. the reason we were put on this earth was to reproduce. this is known as your "biological success".

you don't have to think your group is "better" to objectively understand that if you allow minorities to reproduce, you in turn are reducing the available resources for your own race to reproduce

i'm not even white but I understand the psychology behind racism, because it is a part of nature
Nice strawman you have there. Be a shame if somebody were to ask for evidence.
Do white, yellow, or brown lives matter?
Fun fact: I guarantee you'll never set foot in the black (AKA the "bad") part of any city. If you do you'll get fucked up real quick.
Happens all the time in my city. SJW hipsters from the local colleges wander out of the gentrified commercial areas into the nearby ghettos after a night of drinking craft beer, then get jumped by feral niggers because they're dumb enough to brandish iPhones and fancy headphones in the hood after dark.
After the first semester half the hipsters transfer to another college or drop out every year when the redpill goes down hard. The ones that stick around are suddenly willing to pay triple the rent for student housing outside the city.
Good goy. Now log on and give your life savings to the blacks you oppressed. You aren't a bigot are you?
>native born
Check your priveledge shitlord, thats offensive to native americans, you fucking racist.
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There's plenty of evidence. Just watch her interviews.
>Waa Waa people have different opinions than me
Fuck off your a stupid attention wore posting to just get attention or your that entitled and sheltered of a pussy that people saying mean things is the biggest problem on your world, either way kys
self important faggot. why arent you downtown drinking with your other self important faggot friends? why the need to come on pol? this board is bullshit because these insecure self important chad faggots have invaded. These faggots are so lame. Walk by one of these faggot hipster chads in maga hat and look at the insecurity in their faggot eyes. kys bitch, but really I don't even care anymore cause I see the insecurity in your eyes. goodnite
Is your name John?
I used to think you were kind of cool.
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>a war with russia
yeah not gonna happen
>another invasion of iraq
yeah not gonna happen, look at the response to syria America is finally behaving with some tact when it comes to foreign policy
>supports ISIS and genocide
why? just because daddy trump said so?
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Growing, senpai. Growing.

good for you
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>hate racists
>supports BLM
>BLM is inherently racist to whites
>BLM wants segregation, white communities murdered, blacks to dominate everything and make white people second class citizens.

sorry bub but you just contradicted yourself
There are no distinct races. We're all one species. Which makes your statement incoherent.
So lets get down to it shall we, the problem with hating racist people is it just shows your own ignorance. I don't hate black people, bate is not the opposite of love as you have been led to believe; indifference is. To hate just like love you have to deeply care about something. I simply do not care about black people and their endless problems period. The white race has spent the last 50 years trying to find a way to uplift the black community and failed everytime. I don't wish black people ill and I hope they do well for themselves but alas I cannot bring myself to care anymore.

Tl:Dr I wish black people well but don't ask for my help.
So basically he knows none of her policies (typical leftist) he just somehow knows he needs to vote for her because it makes him feel warm and fuzzy inside.
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I sure hope you're right. All evidence points to a full blown war with Russia and a re-invasion of Iraq. Don't think they won't try to finish what they started back in 2006.
It's a ctr shill diverging us from other threads.

Or a very bored loser who gets a jolly in acting dumb to piss off people.
>Hate everyone who's antisemitic
>Support BLM

>Hate everyone who's antisemitic
>BLM supports antisemitic BDS movements

So how do you reconcile these, Google?
either way its like saying cucumbers arent pickles.
"Native born" meaning I was born in the US, not that I'm a Native American. Nice try.
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Youre cannon fodder, and a traitor of weak mind and body
Guess what faggot? I'm an immigrant so you left fags are supposed to love me, and I HATE FUCKING GOOGLES IN THIS FUCKING COUNTRY. I also hate all the stupid spics who border hop while I hate to wait two years before they would let my family come here legally. I'll bet you're an art student who lives on government assistance.
BLM is not racist, they're just opposed to YOUR racism.
Yep, they are willing to be racist to fight "racists", or nuke their own country to not fight another.
I know exactly why I'm voting for her. But I'm not going to convince you no matter what, because you've drunk the Trump koolaid, so I'm choosing not to bother.
How is Ghandi racist, or Andrew Jackson, or Joan of Arc, all the statues they threaten to take down.

I don't care if you say I am racist, but that is history and you do not destroy history.
No, leftfags dont love you because your an ignorant asshole.
>BLM is not racist
are you fucking jokeing?
>yeah not gonna happen, look at the response to syria America is finally behaving with some tact when it comes to foreign policy

Do you watch the news? every week there is some anti-Assad propaganda, or the poor little children who's parents decided in stay in ISIS controlled territory, when's the last time ISIS was even portrayed as the bad guys? Notice there are now 'American backed rebels' in Syria? it's exactly how ISIS started in the first place

>we'll fight ISIS with armed rebels, that's always worked for us
>wow the US handled that with 'tact'

It really worked well for Libya didn't it? You're a dumb faggot if you can't see that they are warming up the propaganda machine for an invasion of Syria and causing massive problems with Russia, maybe you should shut your cucked mouth about things you obviously have no fucking clue on
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>I'm a white, male, native-born American. And I hate everyone who's racist, sexist, antisemitic, homophobic, transphobic, or bigoted in any other way

Uh, so you hate yourself?

You literally just described yourself to be a bigot
>"I hate everyone that..."

Hating is bigotry anon.
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we're all one species, but regardless, those who are considered by society to be part of one "race" still have more similar genes with each other than with members of a different "race"

two people in europe have more in common with one another than a person in europe and a person from east asia

so its not really about "race" and instead more about ensuring your own genes populate the world.

allow people who don't look like you into your country, and they spread their own genes at the expense of your own genes, since there is only a finite amount of resources that can be used to support a population

you don't have to be hateful to understand racism makes sense: its about maximizing your genes at the expense of others
then why do women love Islam freedom when it means enslaving women, endorsing polygamy, and allowing them to be treated like trash whenever the man feels like it?
>Go ahead and roast me all you want.

>roast me
Reditis ad Reddit
I am not joking. BLM is not racist.

I know that it seems that way to you, because they're demanding that you treat them like human beings and you don't want to. But that makes you the racist, not them.
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did you read what i said, because your response had no relation regardless heres my answer:

just because leftfags want to allow refugees fleeing persecution and genocide in the middle east to be given asylum doesnt mean they looooooooooooooooove islam.

(i mean academics, middle aged leftists not BLM and feminists, which yeah I agree I totally dont get)
Two words: hybrid vigor.
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>BLM is not racist

Hahaha, check out this newfag
>come here to remind myself that racism is alive and well

Oh please if you see /pol/ as a reflection of a bluepilled society then you're a fucking Autist
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Race = / = Species.

Canidae are a species, but they are not all the same.
A Belgian Shepherd is not equal to a Chihuahua or a wolf beyond the basics that define a canid.
Humans, while share the same basis are not the same. Some races can handle lactose better than others, some have higher cheek bones, etc.

You're confusing the two and you couldn't be more wrong, species is a completely different thing from a race.
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libtard fear so delicious
stay scared OP
blm is shit, it tend to focus too much on cops that are only doing their job, they dont even bother to deal with the real problem, wich is black people killing other black people.
If you hate all racists, you hate a higher percentage of the black and hispanic populations that you do whites.
shut the fuck up you fucking loser
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white people are ruining america
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Faggot. You're not even trying. He's addressing OP's racism argument.
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they arent racist sure, but they are unorganized and ultimately harmful organisation.

they have shut down gay pride marches, brutalized statues and celebrated the death of the 12 shot by snipers. in short it makes sense that they are angry but directing that anger at everything white, even gays and statues is demonstrative of a deep seeded hatred within the group.
why the fuck are you even here
they lash out when they feel injured
Soros paid him to

Don't reply to these slide threads, use sage if you must.
I'm not scared at all. Trump doesn't have a chance.
>fighting hate with hate in 2016
I wish Soros were paying me, I could use it. But no. Nobody is paying me a dime. Or a shekel, for that matter.
delusional. trump will win and you'll move to canada because you're that much of a faggot

That's a Jew in your picture. Also white people founded the United States of America, you retard.

yes, but hybrid vigor is better utilized in your favor . i.e. sending your race to non-white areas ( like how south america was conquered)

not by inviting people into your country
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>not realizing he meant that bernie sanders, a jew, was saying that as part of the left because "joos control the left"

lurk more.
If I thought Trump might actually win, I'd be planning to. But honestly, I'm not worried at all.
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im leftwing.

trump WILL win:
You forgot the part where you like watching large black men fuck your woman.
you're in for a rude awakening.
That statement makes no sense at all, you know.
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if i ever saw you in real life i would slide tackle you at extra high speed and you wouldn't even see it coming
digits confirm
where the fuck is op
So, by your own definition of race being a "social construct" You cannot actually import diversity. Erego "diversity" by your logic doesn't exist.

Stop lying to yourself.
Nice quads tho.
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what happened during the spanish inquisition? the spanish went to the americas, raped the indigenous women, and now latinos look like a mix between spaniards and indigenous peoples

but they also maintained the relative purity of their people (no indegenous american blood in europe)

so the overall number of "spanish" genes in ALL of the world were increased as a result of the spanish inquisition.

this is how you properly utilize hybrid vigor: you maintain your own "race's" purity while diluting others groups' genes
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In the off chance that this isn't just a shitpost,

A lot of Americans have become so fucking tired of being called racist/misogynist/whatever-ist that we just gave up trying to play nice.

No, we're not really racist.

Yes, we will troll the fuck out of you all the way up to and past the election.

Yes, Trump is going to win, and yes we are going to fucking trigger you all over social media.

You fucking google.
Nah I support Hillary cause she'll kill a fucker to get what she wants. What she wants is a gradual move towards universal healthcare and education. Look at her and bills past when they were kids.
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Why the fuck do the jannys continually leave these /b/ tier threads up? Fucking ridiculous
You're still assuming that what you call "purity" is better than diversity. So you're still arguing from a racist viewpoint, no matter how you try to deny it.
Mixed race people have a range of health problems which unmixed people don't experience. "Hybrid vigor" applies to cattle breeding, not humans.

In other words, you want to be able to be racist without anyone calling you on it.

I don't give a shit what you think or say. Trump will win, but if he is cheated or killed, I will be coming for people like you without mercy.
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>I'm from /leftypol/
>spitroast my wife
With pleasure anon
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>You'll never convince me I'm wrong.

You poor, dumb bastard. Simply by coming here to shit post, you've already lost. You're here forever, Anon.
Bring it on. We've been dealing with you idiots since the Civil War. We won before, and we'll win again.
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You do realize that they more people you slap with those silly, meaningless labels, the more of us you create. We're your aborted, unwanted, marginalized and desensitized children. We exist because of your frailty, fear and hate and we are twisted in interesting new ways. We used to be small and easy to slap around, but now the memes belong to us.
Thought-terminating oversimplification. The current state of race relations is essentially that minorities are immune from criticism and white people are obliged to either perfect toe the leftist line or shut up, which is an intellectually stifling environment.
I do, at least. People have an innate understanding of ethnic differences and preferences toward their in-group. Expecting whites (and whites alone) to make a conscious effort to reject these feelings is wrong.
I hate people who hate as much as you do. How do you live with all that hate?

i was using the term "pure" to differentiate your own genes versus another groups, to facilitate discussion.

i want you to refute the argument above, without just saying "b--b-b-b-ut its racist"

objectively tell me why whites ( or any other "race") should allow nonwhites (or any member of a different "race) into their country, when every animal from dawn of time has sought the proliferation of his/her own genes at the expense of others
>And I hate all these people I've never met
what a cuck you are
Well, I'm a white Trump supporter with a religious sentiment that's against homos and tyrannies. I have something to say.

Let me be honest. I'm not crazy about Mr. Trump, and my family isn't either. We were bigger Paul supporters than anything else, we wanted a Christian president that agrees with our views. We were bumbed out when Paul dropped out of the race. We were just on Trumps side to keep Hiliary from taking office. I'll rather have a narcist rich boy as president than someone that has a very shady history with the system. That's just me. I would have voted democratic if the runner didn't support abortion.

What really got me to support Trump all the way recently, though; wasn't of his policies. I don't really give a crap about anything that he says. What had me supporting him is people like you.

We don't want him to become president because of his promise of a wall, or because he said he'll deport all those Muslims back. No, we want him up there for the sole purpose of pissing your kind off.

Your kind has been very pushy of late with the social problems that you claim that we have. Now, I'm not a scholar of that sort of thing, but when I see stories of college students becoming rabid on campuses about safe spaces, or SJWs getting people fired over a face book post, or you youngers throwing riots in protests, it just ignites something in me. I'm sure many posters on here can relate.

There's a fire in me that begs to have your little world that you fabricated torn to shreds. It screams for justice to be done for the people that has been done wrong by the BLM protesters and the SJWs. No manner how hard we try to let you see our side of view, you and the rest of your kind refuses. EVERYTHING you do is righteous in your own eyes.

So we're doing to do what's comes so naturally in humans. We're going to retaliate. We're dead set on Trump becoming president just to despise you. If he becomes president, we'll be right there to watch your world burn.
I actually couldn't give less of a shit. No one who is rich actually cares. Everything being done in academia and in politics right now is support MONEY and the rich. Trump is your only hope that it isn't the case - and even then, he might be.

But, yeah - the rich actually care about you - it's not that they care about trying to destroy their competition by flooding them with regulations, lawsuits and generally destroying lower class capital.

Also, you're an idiot. So, I really don't care. You're not unique, cuck. The only way you're not a cuck is if you're rich.
You're free to criticize minorities all you want. And the rest of us are free to think you're an asshole.
Meaningless sweeping generalization. Given that they're otherwise emasculated, the way a liberal sounds tough is by gloating about how they're going to gang up on "dumb people" (i.e. anyone who disagrees with them)
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Get out while you still can.
We hate you more. There's more of us than there are of you.
>an hero when?
You deserve the Nigger of the Year award.

Don't come to my country you fucking piece of shit faggot. I don't want your stupid-ass liberal ideas destroying my country.
I feel like I've seen this movie before...
Then you're a baby who can't handle when people disagree with you. The fact that "criticizing minorities" = "being an asshole" in your mind is objectively irrational, but you've conditioned yourself to ignore that because liberal group pressure has shamed you into it.

You're intolerant of intolerance. A reasonable and metastable choice, according to Karl Popper.

I guess I just wonder where racists fit in your world order. Jailed? Dead? Or is deplatforming enough?

>at the expense of others
That's your mistake right there. It's not a zero-sum game.
I wish I didn't hear bigoted close minded braindead shit like this every day. it might be funny then
I'm a white, male, native-born American. And I'm racist, sexist, antisemitic, homophobic, transphobic, and bigoted. I hate Clinton and BLM unreservedly. And I especially love Truml and everyone who supports him. You're a cuck and when the time comes, you will drown in your own blood as I skull fuck your neckhole while wearing my MAGA hat. You fucking make me sick.
seems not enough blankets were passed around
Gayer than Milo.
>fucking leaf
>generic anime photo.jpg
that really made me think
dont worry, after Trump wins all the SJWs will be fleeing to Canada, have a taste of your own medicine
Well, you get points for being honest, at least.

But you're going to lose. You're going to lose in November, and you're going to lose in the long run. Bigotry is dying. It may take centuries to disappear, but it will.
Holy shit that was based, I feel fired up now thank you anon. Praise kek!
Not sure why a FUCKING WHITE MALE thinks his opinions on anything are valid. Just sit down, listen and donate you privileged shitlord.
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Should be enough for the self-called enlightened retards who really think reality is a social construct.
>Then you're a baby who can't handle when people disagree with you
You need to take a long look in the mirror right there.
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I don't support Trump or Hillary or anyone.

Gas yourself, OP.
>And I hate everyone who's racist, sexist, antisemitic, homophobic, transphobic, or bigoted in any other way.
So that would be everyone? Liberals move to white neighborhoods to have kids. Minorities vote in blocs. The least tribal race in the world is white people. So have fun being a deluded misanthropic traitor to humanity.
They're not minorities.

We are and have always been. I wonder why you hate yourself and give up all your ground to other groups of people who clearly want to take it from you with no regard for you.

I'm wondering how it's possible for everything in the universe to be inherently comparable creating a dichotomy of worst/best, but for some weird reason you choose to believe that this doesn't apply to different Human groups.

Are Jocks better than Goths? Or Nerds? Are the cool and popular kids in school better than the geeks and dweebs?

They were in highschool.

And they are now. We've just gotten older and have wider groups. There's ALWAYS a superior and inferior in nature. It happens in the animal kingdom and it's called the food chain. It doesn't end with Humans at the top, it ends with a group of humans at the top of that, and eventually a single individual Human who will be considered above all to be the greatest. Who will it be? Jesus? Mohammad? Someone not yet born?

You're an idiot happy for his race, his family, his people and his genes die.
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actually genetics is the definition of a zero sum game. you either spread your genes or they die out

there really is no middle ground with this. you're not really making any arguments which makes me believe you just have an agenda to push, and you're not really interested in logically explaining your point
>I hate everyone who's...

Congratulations, you're a bigot.
Actually, no. Nobody's going to gang up on you. But if you attack us, we will defend ourselves, just like before.
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We 1984 now
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>muh Whig history
>muh enlightenment
Shaming and shunning work for me.
It is indeed a zero-sum game with regards to nations because of finite resource distribution. The Spaniards, as a group of animals, would be worse off if Spain was flooded with foreigners because an increasing proportion of the nation's resources would have to go towards taking care of minorities, to a degree that is not offset by the gains they provide to the economy.

For example, see how mass immigration in America and the stagnation of wages since the 1980's have gone together. Global capitalists want mass immigration to suppress wages, which leaves the natives worse off.

Further, mixed race people result in less propagation of either individual parent's genes. If half of Spaniards were of mixed race, Spain would not be "100% populated by people with Spanish genes", it would 75% populated by Spanish people.

Generic liberal ad hominem snark, you went for a cheap meme shot instead of addressing the meat of my point
Yeah it works for me, the amount of antifa/SJW's/Feminists who I have routinely argued and beaten and made cry in public is amazing.

Unlike you and your "brethren" I am not ashamed of who I am and of my beliefs and I am quite comfortable shaming people such as yourself.
>never convince me I'm wrong

this is the problem with the left, unwilling to suck up their bias and learn everything they know is a lie and they're fucking retarded and less of a person for getting worked
True, you either spread your genes or they die out. But not necessarily at the expense of others. That's my argument. This isn't a competition.
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Trump is probably going to win, and your certainty that he's not is evidence that you're thinking dogmatically and not critically.

Pic related is my response to "Bigotry is dying". Humans will divide themselves into opposing camps on the basis of trait X, Y, or Z until the end of time, and there is nothing you can do about it. Humans form in-groups and out-groups, towards which they will demonstrate positive and negative bias, respectively. This is healthy and normal and is a fact of human nature which should be integrated into society in a responsible and equitable way, rather than censored and forced in a dumb meme way like liberals do now.
Life is literally a competition to survive. Always has been always will be.
Oh yeah

why is kirino so cute
You can't convince me I'm wrong, because I won't accept the racist assumptions at the bottom of your arguments.
Oh yeah? We're the ones on the offensive? Who's the person who made a thread with a literal giant middle finger on 4chan, begging people to challenge them?

On a societal level, who's the one trying to tear down statues? Who's the one trying to destroy the existing culture? Who's the one trying to rewrite history?
Demonstrating, again, that you can't deal with different opinions and just hide behind group norms to avoid critically evaluating your perspective.

there's an oversupply of food /resources on the planet (although under lock&key). so really it's about being clever enough to obtain access to said resources (e.g. by making money). once you get rich there's not much competition at all.
Incorrect. I refuted this point.
Between species, yes. Within species, no.
Don't you liberal fags need to gentrify a ghetto neighborhood and segregate yourself from blacks by raising real estate and rent prices. You displace black families so you can drink hoppy beers and you shove it in their faces with your shitty faggity modern art projects. Repeat in every urban city in America. You liberals are the true racists.
Hey, I'm the one who came in here challenging you. I'd say I deal just fine with different opinions. You I'm not so sure about.
For one thing, you're rejecting an enormous swath of potential ideas based on your conviction that they must ultimately be based on racism, which is intellectually lazy.

Furthermore, your definition of what constitutes racism has already been demonstrated in this thread to be a meme which is more based on censorship and thought control than critical evaluation of empirical evidence.

Speak for yourself, syrup google. Tired of this "if you don't agree with me, you don't understand anything" the lefty faggots are trying to argue now. Clinton is objectively a worse choice.
I'm black and hate you limp wristed pussies.I just come here for the dank memes
You may think you did, but not really.
gr8 b8 m8, i r8 8/8
>Jap telling somebody to kill themselves
ok, kid
will you pick up a gun and fight for your beliefs?

because we will.

when the great social engineering experiment blows up, government collapses, famine strikes, and the legions of ignorant masses you have been breeding for generations invade your home you will be sorry too late.

We will be the population with the guns, ammo, supplies, and training. Those who never bought into the illusion, who live the grounded life.

And the government will be no help to you.

we are the police.

we are the military.

we are the guards.

And we've got each one of your names thanks to your virtue signalling addiction on social media. We will systematically cull your people.

There is yet time to repent. You are not to blame. You were brainwashed. Ask for forgiveness. Ask for the redpill.
Coming in saying "I'm right, you're wrong hahaha losers!" is not dealing with other people's opinions, it's jerking yourself off to stroke your ego and reinforce your beliefs. You're hiding behind provocation and rudeness to avoid critically evaluating your beliefs, into which plenty of valid holes have been shot over the course of this thread, but which you don't address because you don't have answers.
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hahahaha holy fuck, you can't be serious. Lions are the immediate and obvious counter-point.
Failure to deal with the core issue, instead choosing to sweep aside the issue with snark. Intellectual insecurity.
Serious question. If all city council, mayor, and government officials are the people oppressing blacks in urban enviroments who all happen to be democrats. Then how can you blame racism on people on the right. They have zero influence on the lives of blacks. Democrats run every urban city in this country. Answer me that?
>if an animal does it, then it's natural

The point of being a human is to not be an animal.
So it wouldn't be bad if white people colonized all non-white countries and displaced all the natives there, eliminating their culture in the process? It's just the propagation of humans, right?
I already know racism is absurd and logically incoherent. Therefore, any possible arguments for it can be safely ignored.

It's like trying to prove that 2+2=5; I already know it's false, so I don't need to waste my time with any arguments to the contrary.

I think it's having an opinion at all; proper citizens simply obey.
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I can't wait until the niggers turn on you. It's not far off.
What a caricature you are :^D
The day you step out of your white neighborhood is the day you'll wake up.
We can't do it for you.
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By that measure it's the bolsheviks who aren't human. Confirming what I knew all along.
but there are good arguments to be had on 2+2.

Maybe not 2+2=5, but 2+2=10 is a fun one.
So now who's having trouble with differing opinions?
That different races have different genetics which results in different racial characteristics is essentially indisputable, like pic related.

Or, for one less triggering to liberals, the fact that certain sports are dominated by blacks. Is every successful Olympic sprinter black because of cultural reasons? Or is it because black people have genes which make them better athletes? And if blacks have genes which make them better athletes, why can't whites have genes which make them smarter, or Asians have genes which cause them to develop very stable societies?
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>203 posts and 49 image replies omitted.
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Careful with those facts! You might trigger someone!
Then why are you here? What's the point of making this thread if you're not willing to even consider viewpoints other than your own?
>hates people who have a different opinion than him

>thinks he's better than those who hate people who have different opinions than they do
The frequency of the "warrior gene" is also just as common amongst East Asian men as it is amongst Black men, just saiyan
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>native-born American

Wow way to appropriate Native American culture racist.
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>hates racism
>supports racist policies and movements
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He gets paid by the (you) because he's distracting us from productive discussion.
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Kill yourself you worthless cuck
What is wrong with ingroup preference in a world filled with scarcity and competition, OP?

I guess that gene is somewhat Downie to be honest.

Why do white people literally beat the shit out of everyone on a global scale? When did Africans colonize anything?

But there are no clear boundaries between "races". Not all people in a given population have all of the stereotypical features. For instance, not all blacks have kinky hair, and not everyone with kinky hair is black.

This is what we mean when we say race is a social construct. It seems to make sense, but when you try to give it a scientific basis, it doesn't work.
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I can't wait for the race war
So who is it who's supposed to be paying me for this? They owe me.
The fact that the boundaries between races are fuzzy does not mean they don't exist. That there are some Italians with bronze skin and curly hair doesn't negate the fact that blacks run faster than whites.
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>>90242753 (((you)))
You can define race looking at bones, genes, disease

>not all qualifier

You deny the existence of groups, thus group mentality outright. Could you dig your head deeper into the sand, I wonder.
Race is simply human taxonomy based on ancestry.

the gene that makes someone fast isn't related to melanin

its more present in blacks ( specifically that tribe of kenyans)

but if you isolated it and put in whites, asians, or latinos, they'd be just as fast, and they wouldn't look more black

correlation != causation
Actually, scientifically, that's exactly what it means. Anthropologists stopped talking about race a long time ago. Nowadays they talk about distribution of individual features, which is much more useful and accurate.
you fucking racist. i bet you support the usa having a class of people who aren't payed equally, aren't considered citizens, can't vote, and can be deported by whim. you slavery supporting cocksucker
>a triggered google...looks like the google meme is working great.
This. Exactly what I'm talking about.
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muh atomized liberal utopia guis
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google: Judicial watch 2012 leaked document salafist aqi
Also: https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/18328
Basically Hillary is starting wars for Israel.
We are arming extremist groups to topple Assad, for Israel.
Hillary has destroyed Libya, Iraq, Syria, Nigeria, and other countries. Hillary refused to label Boko Haram as a terrorist organization.
She is a puppet of salafist governments like Saudi Arabia.

yes and people from what we socially called "our race" have more of our traits. so yes the designation of race is somewhat arbitrary

but you can be sure if you have blue eyes, pale skin and straight hair, someone else with pale skin and straight hair has more similar genes to you than someone who has kinky hair and dark skin
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yeah man I agree but thern I read a website called wikileaks

there is no sane reason to vote for hillary now, not after all I read

you are clearly not sane or have not read wikileaks

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Of course there are less 'clear" boundaries between a diverse group of people (especially in racially-mixed offspring), but there are without a doubt differences in unique, isolated human communities. In fact, you must believe this statement to support the theory of evolution. For example, why do people in the Congo have dark skin and round eyes while people in Japan are more tan/pale skinned and have slanted eyes? The answer is that, over time, those genes became dominant within those communities. So if phenotypes for eye shape and skin tone can be passed down generation through generation, than what about other factors, like muscle size, hair form and brain size? Let's assume that these traits are also found in a more general area of unique ethnicities - what do we call this? Well, a race of people.
Yes. Certain combinations of genes do tend to appear together in people from a particular area. But there are no clear boundaries, either genetically or geographically.
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oy, stop with the hatefacts goy!
This thread is dying down but I just wanted to say I hope you get killed by a nigger op.
Race exists so long as people can be grouped according to similar inherited characteristics that differentiate them from other groups. Case closed.

if someone doesn't look like you, he doesn't have 90% the same genes as you
I definitely have trouble with your beliefs. lol. I believe your ilk should be annihilated so they don't have a chance to propagate.
they are clear enough, see >>90243372
argument from ignorance
liberal don't reproduce, they just open the gates for the barbarians
But people in the Congo and people in Japan are still both human. They can interbreed. And their children will have some characteristics from each.

No clear boundaries.
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>Hates racism
>Supports Hillary and BLM
Wew lad

>Roast me
What purpose would roasting a walking contradiction serve?

>Anyone who disagrees with me is irredeemably evil and I hate them
Nice to see that Fascism is still alive and well. In your desperate attempts to NOT be like Hitler you adopt the same exact mindset and become him. Modern leftists are the pinnacle of irony
I'm so fully convinced of my positions that posts like this literally just come off to me like ironic jokes on the part of the writer

I actually really can't even conceive of the fact that there are people out there who think like that
Anthropologists stopped talking about race because it became taboo to acknowledge racial differences after the Second World War, when everyone collectively realized that the identification of certain races as inferior made them targets for genocide.

The are some characteristics - again, fast blacks, or blacks and sickle cell - whose chance of manifestation can be accurately predicted on the basis of race. You're basically saying epidemiology doesn't exist?
well said
>white male
Do you honestly think you're opinion matters?
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And those children are less happy and will never belong, no matter how deluded you become. Tribalism is in our genes, and we are not rational creatures.
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Grow up
yeah I agree but then I read wikileaks and it now makes 9 sense to vote for hillary

also RH factor between mother and father can result in infant death/ wonder why that is..............
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lol you sound like a twat
Top b8

>No bump
Who said it was related to melanin? I have no reason to believe that if the genetic / evolutionary environment dice had been rolled differently, whites could have the traits that blacks do and vice versa. But the fact remains that in our world, blacks have certain traits and whites have others, which are genetically derived. The fact that those traits didn't necessarily have to be distributed on the racial lines that they were, doesn't mean that they aren't distributed on the racial lines that they are.
Anthropologists stopped talking about race because it wasn't scientifically useful, for the reasons I've cited.

And I've had graduate-level training in anthro. So I'm willing to bet I know more about the history of the field than you do.
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You don't get a merit badge for realizing /pol/ is full of shit.

But seriously, hating these people is kind of pointless. Most of them are losers sharing a trailer with their mom, surviving on disability and using their neighbor's wifi to shitpost.

And those are the ones with an excuse. The rest are just mentally ill, literally victims of a memetic infection that has destroyed their ability to think.

Which is also why it's important that you not hate them. Not to be all hippy-dippy, but it is a negative emotion that clouds your reason and can lead to counterproductive behavior.
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top kek
Damn this guy is for real.

Alright you fucking cunt, you say "race isn't real!!!!!!" and you actually believe the faggot shit dripping down from the trash disposal unit that is your gullet.

Do you think two Germans have closer DNA than a German and a Nigerian? Do you understand that two Congolese have closer DNA than two people: German and Congolese?

Do you get that you fucking monkey?

Now hear this: do you understand that a Nigerian and Congolese have closer DNA than a Nigerian and a German, or a Congolese and a German? Do you understand this my fine feathered assfuck?

Why is this so hard to grasp for you liberals? I really don't get it. It's a fucking fact. And guess what? It gets even darker and more "scary" (well, if you're a dipshit liberal you probably find it scary - rational people don't feel that way about reality).

Those DNA patterns also tend to relate to - you guessed it - psychology and behavior! Yup! Some DNA seems to lead to the disposition of lower IQ, it's a fact. It's not hard to understand friend. You and many other leftists are too pussy to admit it, and you'd rather drag the entire fucking planet down into the garbage with you and your irrational perspectives. You would do a lot of good just giving up on your incorrect views and helping to prevent further damage. Clinging to them like that is only going to worsen our situation. Give them up. Adapt.

It's time to address these realities openly and intellectually, and the leftist butthurt and denial does nothing but prolong the inevitable and cause further destruction which could be averted with a very reasonable and rational analysis and procession toward the truth.
Are you ameriphobic?
Well, with racists like you refusing to treat them like human beings, of course they won't belong.

Fortunately, most people don't agree with you.
You didn't cite, you stated. And do you not appreciate how studying some anthropology...do you not get how knowing history doesn't necessarily teach you anything about historiography?

I'm going to sleep, but you are a triple nigger and should kill yourself because you've been completely BTFO
What the fuck is this about zero sum games? Not the way I understand them.
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I love how liberals think they are above it all. Die in a fire.
You do realize that a true mathematician would treat the assertion "prove that 2+2=5 is false" with as much seriousness as any other? It may seem like a joke, but actual rational analysis of reality requires a hard and serious devotion to philosophical and rigorous logic toward ALL things.

That is what critical thinking is, and it is what leftists today SEVERELY lack on the subject of race. There is no turning back, and this will not be stopped until everyone has accepted the reality of race. Realistically leftists and liberals are like the conservatives in say, 2005. Laughable. Everyone with a brain is laughing at you, you look like the religious fanatics of 2005 who normal intelligent cool people hated. You're the butt of the joke now, and honestly I just say this to help you understand the situation more. You don't have reason or truth on your side anymore, and it is undermining all of those principles which you supposedly say you hold to be most important.
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Ohhhh thats right goyim go after him, forget about the recent muslim teenage shooter,
the white ctr worker sapports Clintion,
that shooting was just a one in a grazillion fluke
a diversity side effect, the cost of doing business
stop thinking about it and get the shill trump hater
Good goy, good goy!
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>I hate
>bigoted in any other way
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>You'll never convince me I'm wrong.
this is why you are the problem
Actually, most people's behavior supports my position. They just don't believe they have the moral permission to believe or express the rationale behind their choices, so they come on 4chan and shitpost to feel better about themselves when they move to the gated communities in the suburbs. There is nothing wrong with being a despicable racist.
News flash: a whole lot of what you wrote and said is "fact" is not actually fact at all.
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Because feels=reals

Liberals are walking contradictions
Not at all. I love America. I just want it to actually live up to its ideals.
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You're cisphobic and support a group that's racist against whites and calls for the murder of whites. You also hate at least half of your countymen, and you especially hate the working class poor. You sound like a top bloke.
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So they do that to get the cow to piss so they have something to wash with?

Jesus christ, I knew they used cowshit ashes as toothpaste but that's just nasty.

I'm not above anything, it's why I'm here serve you the hard truth.
Your devotion isn't to reality and drawing from what is objectively right before you, it is to an emotive, sensational and pathological ideal which is nowhere near intelligent or reasoned, little more than a gut response. It's the equivalent of a dog barking at a rat, or a monkey slamming his fist on the ground. You're an overgrown child having a tantrum and your views are not respectable on any level. Your "motive" is irrelevant - your "ethics" and "sensitivity" are shields against logic and science, and your actions result in damage, destruction, misery and pain which could be averted were you able to open your mind to reality.
Which part?
The ideals were secondary to the people that held them.
You know, I could say the exact same thing to you. Word for word. Interesting, no?
>I already know racism is absurd and logically incoherent.
Your question-begging (non-)argument from incredulity is no different from saying the same about "sin".

>It's like trying to prove that 2+2=5
You conflate mathematical equations with preferences (which is what "racism" boils down to), for which there is by definition no right answer, just opinions.
The American IDEAL is primarily liberty. Your "equality" is fine, it's meant to be "FAIRNESS" - not "All Races Are The Same TM" which is what morons made the mistake of trying to turn it into. Equality in terms of making the world fairer for people is a great cause, it's important to make sure that everyone born with a high IQ or a talent is able to achieve, and has resources to help them rise to their highest potential. That's a glorious and essential duty of every society.

However, lying about race, genes, intelligence, IQ, and identity such as sex or gender, does not create an ideal or just society due to the fact that it is fundamentally irrational, unfair (unreasonable and irrational) and unscientific. It isn't making the world better, it's making the world worse. It's destroying human potential. It's a lie, and those telling it need to be put in their place like we put the Creationist extremists when they tried to deny evolution, and any other denier of reality. You aren't understanding that your pathetic notion of "equality" for the races or whatever it may be is simply not the highest one, and you simply aren't able to see that because you are blinded to the facts by your desire to be the one who is most "moral" or ethical in your own mind. We all do have that to some extent, wanting to be "right" or good or whatever, however it's important to stop and really CHALLENGE yourself. If you can't do that, your opinion becomes very much less valuable. We can tell you're dishonest because you refuse to admit anything we've said is truth, and therefor your opinion is very easy for most people to toss in the trash where it belongs.
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>So they do that to get the cow to piss so they have something to wash with?
They do it because they enjoy it and don't think about consequences. Same reason they're extremely violent.
He wants his ideals to be the countries ideals, that any other idea is wrong and not even open for debate, also that anyone who differs is "evil".

Basically OP is a Fascist and his head is so far up his own ass he doesn't realize it
You sound a lot like a fascist in my opinion by your statement. "Conform to my specific ideals or fuck you you piece of shit racist"
Ethnocentric views beat out humanitarian views in group competition. Humanitarian views are only optimal under the condition that all individuals hold that view.
I have to go, I'm afraid. But it's been entertaining. Let's do it again sometime, eh?
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Damn son, that is some Epicurean level ownage.

You could, but could you also back them up with statistics?
>And I hate everyone who's racist, sexist, antisemitic, homophobic, transphobic, or bigoted in any other way.

So you hate black people?
Except everyone on /pol/ started out with a vastly different political standpoint, more in line with yours, and probably stuck by it doggedly until the position became untenable in the face of experience.
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Worthless cop-out. Enjoy OMG LITERALLY SHAKING while you read the rest of the thread in silence.
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It's like you people really are turned into a kind of warrior, utterly devoid of intellect, driven by a program, trained to have no impulse control what so ever. The longer you live the way you do, the harder it becomes to recondition your neuroplasticity so not to be dead-locked into a set of behaviors and ideas.

You are acting entirely on a program created by corporate superpowers wear the government as a mask. All groups are its victims. Government elites are allied only to themselves.





t. someone who has never seen a black person in real life
That's nice, OP.
t. someone from the deep south who's never been to a city (or college for that matter)
the """"left"""" is dead
literally not what I was saying, but whatever.
You were mocking someone for never having been to college, which is totally not elitist.
Even if he hadn't been to a city, if he'd gone to college he would've met some nice affirmative action cases, if nothing else. That's all I meant.
Thread posts: 309
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