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Hey /pol/ Who else ENTP here? >tfw when annoying/argument

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Thread replies: 373
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Hey /pol/
Who else ENTP here?
>tfw when annoying/argumentative
>tfw when no real skills but intense enthusiasm about useless shit

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Me. Thankfully I have creative skills so I can make money by entertaining people.
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This brought a tear to my eye because of how accurate it is
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Is NT the greatest collection of types? INTJ here btw. Scatterbrained ENTPs can't compete.
intp aka fucking empty inside reporting in
how do i cure myself of this shit i can''t take the fucking autism of everyday people i overhear saying how politically correct and progressive Hillary is and spam memes from 3 years ago
>anonymous think tank
way too corruptable and prone to group think to yield anything productive. too many shills.
let's shitpost and let the world burn, maybe figure out how to make the geopolitical equivilent of napalm to accelerate the fire.
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ENTP reporting in
based ISTJ here.
fellow INTJ here, feels good man

I'm also pretty far on the spectrum, apparently.
I got an EQ of 6/80
The more I read into ENTP the more I laugh because of how accurate this is
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INTP masterrace coming through.
off to >>>/x/ with you lads
ENTP masterrace reporting in
>Being an autistic INTJ
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Triple dubs. Check'd.
Sleepy euro ENTP here saying good night
Yet another INTP. We come to /pol/ because we see the truth but also think it's hilarious.


All INTJs are autistic, fyi
>being a scum of the earth extrovert
INTJ sup
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i am surrounded by losers

Go back to Vietnam, cunt.

Pepe would be the introvert and Wojack would be the extravert according to /r9k/
INTP master race
Can confirm, autistic INTJ here.
>Thats the joke
Where are all my fellow INFJs at, I know you're out there...
I'm entp with no outlet for my arguments or ideas. Any time I try nowadays people just pretty much ignore me, unless it's a good solution to a problem at work, which I have a lot so I guess it's not that bad.
yeah, well, r9k is MGTOW, so what the fuck do they know.
>All INTJs are autistic, fyi
INTJ here can confirm maximum autism
INTJ here, I like cuddling other then that im pretty autistic


I'm INTJ but not autistic.

Devil's advocate reporting for duty.
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Took this shit like a year ago.
Checking in.

Smart enough to succeed in anything, stupid enough to be addicted to the internet instead.
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Just a ENFP passing through
There's always a handful here, welcome to the special snowflakes club.
I don't mind the INTP, INTPs are just autistic ENTP's.

>Being turbulent.
>Litterally a sheep.
if your even a bit anti-social or shy your full autist in /pol/s book, I'm not really autistic tbqh
It is less that I am a sheep and more that I have no to little confidence in dealing with other people.
/pol/ broke me
I was INFP.
Then I found this place.
I get INTJ every time now
It's scary
fuckin atheist
INTP checking in
What is the general consensus on the mental health of the INTP race?
INTP cheking in, how many of ya'll are more on the lurking end than the posting? Also, what do yall do for work?
INTJ autist reporting
used to be INTJ years ago, now I get ISTP consistently

what happened?
>tfw when
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You cured your autism.
Well we like each other. I'm intp I think

I think we need to get rid of the S types altogether
I am in between things at the moment because I am a recent graduate, but applied for a voluntary job with a school, because I want to be a teacher but need to do some time in a school before I can apply, and I got hired at a McDonalds weeks ago, but they have still not got around to actually bothering to train me. I have an interview at a bakery shop on Thursday, so I want to get that and then I can just drop that other job.
ENTJ here.
Dead inside INTJ reporting in for duty.
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I'm I based or no?
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Commander Master Race reporting in.
NT's are master race.

F's, kill yourselves.
S's, kill yourselves too.
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Hello fellow ISTP
take it again you nerd
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Only based personality type is entj
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>t. INTJ
Kill yourself autismo
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Hello fellow enfp
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Nah. They have their place.
ISTPs like >>90227901
and ESTPs like >>90226733
are based, especially for sensors.
Mainly lurk. STEM major at uni.
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>tfw real INTP-A
>tfw millions of faggots stole your identity and go around just pretending to be unapproachable and anti-social
>they are actually just autistic nerds, poisoned by school, TV, video games, etc.
>artificially make me look like one of them
>I'm actually 10 times better than they are at everything, I'm just not very outgoing but everyone is convinced that I'm a beta cuck nerd like them because it's popular to artificially adopt this mentality instead of having to get your own personality
Fuck you people
Actually I'm INTP.

Nice irrational and emotional outburst you got there, sorry about your F.
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My google
wow that absolutely sucks. Your a graduate and work at McDonalds? How old are you?
ISTP here. Feels real neato.
i hate it so god damned much
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ISFJ master race
> knows how people feel and think to an almost manipulative levels
> can't socially interact myself at all
I'm 21, 22 next month.
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INFJ here too. the only area that has movement is the "F", which is getting closer to T since I started lurking here.

i care a lot about my friends/family/other law-abiding, peace/freedom-loving people. i couldn't care any less about illegal immigrants/criminals/migrants. i'm 100% in favor of banning muslims from entering the country and deporting illegals. i think violent criminals should receive harsher punishments (ie death penalty)

probably a lot of misconceptions regarding Fs here.
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>his personality profile has him being a autismo in a garage filled with spiders

Sucks to be you autist

It'd feels bad man, except I can't stand any of you anyway.
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ISTJ beta here
>I keep telling myself it'll be OK
>There's nothing wrong with being KV at 22
>It's OK to have no friends and mundane hobbies
>I have /pol/
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Can confirm this
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>this is bullshit
>Remember all the times I have argued justifying genocide, pedos and all manner of shit just for fun
>remember constantly bugging my boss about changes to the way we do things.

This shit seems pretty close to me.
Oh, well that's better than being an INTJ. INTP > INTJ.
I took the test and got ENTP.
Not sure how much I buy it. Mostly because I never bothered to look at the other personalities and see if those fit me too.

But it is interesting seeing my personality described so accurately.
All the way down to the little intricacies.
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uh... lads, intj are literally the master race
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Not an atheist

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>most common, bluepilled, normie type
>le ___ master raec!!

this doesnt mean anything. retards
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INTJ coming in hot
intp here.


Largely lurk. Not much of worth on /pol/ for the last month or so.

Apprentice Electrician. Its actually nice, at the moment I work in a shop that does temp power equipment. Despite being an apprentice I've helped build and design some new equipment, helped streamline some procedures and a few other things to just generally help the place run well. Small companies are amazing to work with.
ESTP master race reporting in.
ENTP here, and this picture is the sad truth.
the more you find out about both sides of the arguments, the more you realize everything is just fucked.
I think I'd rather be INTJ, then I could at least get something done using the power of autism.
Need more memes about ISTP's
INTP here
I don't have trouble with losing faith in humanity, because I never had any to begin with. Don't set yourself up for disappointment.
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Any other INFPs here? come on bros...

You can't all be T right?

true, I am Wojak
Are there women out there that are not Sensors?

It seems damn near every women that takes the tests ends up with an S.
I'm mostly here for keeping up with things and learning. This place is filled with fucking dumbass lefty shills with "DRUMPF BTFO" and garbage.

I'm a wielder
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>tfw no concentration camp to manage

I just want to purge undesirables, fill paperwork and create pretty informative graphics showing my efficiency and possible ways to improve it
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>ESTJ here, heretics on suicide watch
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entp bois
We are pretty mental and usually get schizo
>All INTJs are autistic, fyi
No. Im not. Always had (and have) lots of friends. Was popular at school and uni.
Just need some alone time from time to time.
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Holy shit this is accurate.
what the fuck is up with all these non intj-t normies???
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Hello INFP brother!

Any more of you INFPs out there, or Feelers in general?
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Where my ENTP-T's at?

ENTP here.

>tfw when no real skills but intense enthusiasm about useless shit

That hit me right in the feels.
Alright homie, im 22 going 23 next month. How many jobs have you had? Are your parents together? How much have they supported you financial? Do you own anything of value (Car, home, land, ect)? How much debt are you in? What are your career plans for the next five years?
/pol/ only helped you to find your true self
you never were INFP, you were lying to yourself
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INTJ Master Race
>gas the skypes, but only if you follow my plan correctly

I move between INTP and INFP depending on whats going on in my life.
I've been told I'm basically a free therapist by friends.
A girl I recently met from Poland is an INFJ, so yes there are women out there that aren't S types.
I used to be a cook.
But now I work as a retail representative for Best Buy and Home Depot
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any other ENTPs that have actually spent years defending ideas that they dont actually believe
ENTJ - Commander. Just like Trump and Hitler.
On the edge of INTP/ENTP
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Does this match your political ideology guys?
Because there are people that don't want to be autistic like INTJs.
Where are some fellow ENFPs. Is there something wrong with us, or are we just vastly superior?
>Born into Christian household
>Literally never believed even as a child
Sorry mom, 2 autistic 4 god, m8 ;)
pick one:
>you were lying back then
>you are lying now

people can mature some aspects of their personalities and even emulate some aspects from others, but the core never changes
I'm a commander, ENT-J. Too lazy to screenshot, fuck off.
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W-what are friends anon?

I'm very emotional and attuned to people. But I have shit social skills and I'm a KHV.

INFPs like me are too soft for this world. I just want to be a comfy farmer or gardener or something.
Don't ever start playing Runescape, it took me months of making efficiency spreadsheets before I realized I wasn't having fun.
ENTP fascist at heart here
But I am pretty liberal irl
Erm, Hitler was an INFJ, sorry to break it to you leaf.
Seems right.
Hello brother
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What does the T mean anon?
I lurk alot myself.

I also worked at a small company for the last two years, but left them because they had nothing more to offer me. Why did you decide to become an Electrician? It seems boring.
Oh shit. I literally just took this.
>ENTP-A debater

Like to believe I think outside the box, love to get into it for no reason, play devil's advocate, and yet have no real commitment to act on any of it.

I'm right at home on /pol/. Fuck.
>tfw when people you agree with politically use shitty arguments and you have to resist the urge to argue with them
People start playing Runescape in 2016? I thought the last ones quit in 2009 or so.
I'm one of those lurking fellows you mention.

I am still a student, but i'm on the path towards being a financial risk manager.
Your lot are the most annoying pieces of shit ever, up there with ENTJ.

Any Exxx is a fucking chimp who doesn't know when to shut up. I honestly with they were all forcibly sterilized. Enjoy your Facebook or whatever though.
Turbulent. Basically means we're emotionally unstable and not very confident

Although I thought extroverts were very assertive? I can understand an INFP like me being turbulent
I'm ISTJ,but i'm a Monarchist,maybe is not that accurate,
>I'm mostly here for keeping up with things and learning.
Same. Im guessing your a trump fan then, why is that? Also, why wielding? I've considered learning just for the money alone.
>How many jobs have you had?
One before McDonalds in a discount store (although I have not really started so I don't know what to call it even though I signed the contract).

>Are your parents together?
Yes. They have been together since they were teenagers.

>How much have they supported you financial?
I live with them and my 4 siblings but I cannot afford to pay board at the moment, so they are paying for my existence unfortunately.

>Do you own anything of value?
Not really, even my laptop is 4 years old, it is probably worth nothing by now. My phone is a cheap £10 one, I cannot drive or anything like that so no car.

>How much debt are you in?
I had a scholarship for my first year of University so I think it is about £25000 or something, it does not work the same way in the UK as in the US though (eg. you don't pay anything back unless you earn over £21,000).

>What are your career plans for the next five years?
Work for this year, pay off my overdraft and try to build up some money. Work voluntarily in this school, they are just waiting for my background check and then I should be able to. Then apply to do teacher training for the 2017 year. Do the course for a year and then become a teacher, and then that would be my career.
I'm mostly a lurker. I'm also an Intel analyst. It's the only job I've been able to do without wanting to run my car off the road while driving to work.
Anything not INTJ is degenerate.
i am that although i can fake massive confidence if I have to.
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Mainly lurk. Management at a construction company. All coworkers are pretty conservative, it's nice.
INFJ nationalist here, not even close...
Extroversy has nothing to do with assertiveness. That being said, MBTI extroversion and introversion don't mean the exact same thing as they usually do in other contexts.
I just re-did it, and apparently I'm a debater now. OKay.
ENTP here. I will debate you passionately about shit i may or may not care about.

Im married to an ENFP and i freaking love her style of crazy.

Im not natsoc. I lean right-libertarian. I was torn between Trump and Johnson until Johnson cucked himself like a whiny bitch.

BTW fellow ENTPs, if you are looking for a place to shine, try being a DM in a game of D&D or another tabletop. You will literally blow peoples minds with the type of imagination you have locked up there. DMing is practically made for ENTPs.
ENTP republican here
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i know this feel.

ENTP shit tier..
yeah, no...
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>enfp wife

gibs me dat
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>TFW the only ESTJ here
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I... is this good senpai?
I'm INTP and I'm not sure where I fit on the spectrum. Is there such a thing as libertarianism with closed boarders? I like personal and economic liberty but I don't want mexicans and blacks ruining it
INTP, of course.
Is ISTP be good or not?
I've taken it a few times and I always end up with some flavor of INTJ
That seems like a cushy ass job? What do you do though? Run numbers and pull statistics out your ass about decisions for different companies? That seems like it would have a competitive market.
INTP-T here, pilot
Sure if you enjoy sad music and cutting yourself
can confirm
Just summed me up mate
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Brothers, we ride at dawn.
Network Engineer checking in.
Your primary mode of function is thinking, so you're ok.
Funny thing is, an argument I see alot is, 'if god was real, why did he make me so flawed'.
Lotsa people don't realize that it's really up to three main things:
Environment you grew up in,
and, the one they always try to forget or exclude, Personal Choice.
People are only so fucking stupid cause they choose to be. This is the information age. Those who are unable to adapt will be left behind with their archaic and sheep-minded thinking.
Why did you decide teacher though? I've been told by a bunch of people that im really good at explaining things and would make a great teacher, but the pay sucks ass, and i cant stand people staring at me.
god it's so accurate it hurts
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Shit, I didn't realize there were so many INTJs on /pol/... they're supposed to be rare as fuck, too. I've never seen so many at once. And yeah it's basically like being autistic without the actual autism. Obsessed with internally consistent logic and concrete facts, make everybody else who runs on emotion and impulse rage. Feels lonely, man.
But i don't, I've never been suicidal.
>get in car
>takes us to guitar center
Really goddamn accurate.
I've asked about y'alls careers to gain some insight on what the best career for people like us is. What do you do as an Intel analyst? And hows the pay?

A mix of lurking and posting. Studied STEM, currently work for a big Fortune 500 company and write semi-professionally.
Also a lurker unless someone says something entirely assanine. Like, Canada and Australia had a love child and he became employed by CTR assanine.
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Question for all types. Do you like nature and the countryside or cities?

I'm INFP and I love nature,
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INTP brethren. Essentially your more autistic cousins if that makes sense.
I dunno, you tell me.
I lurk more than post.
Network operator.
INTP here too, future Network Engineer. My whole class is mostly INTP, feels good.
INTJs are rare anywhere else but the internet.
Im guessing the company you work for is pretty large, have you ever considered trying to run your own company before?
ENTP reporting in, feels good to always have the reason while fighting.
At least we get laid. Willies feel good inside Virginias just in case you were wondering.
Enjoy nature a decent amount if it's the right kind of nature.
t. intp
I like living in a city surrounded by people but staying away from them :&
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I'm not the guy you asked but I'm intj and I Started a software company. I make close to 100k year, never really work at all. I'm 28 AMA.
entj's are massive fuckwads for the most part at least entp's have good bantz
I've always been good with young children, probably because I come from a large family (my extended family is enormous) so there are always children around of a young age as someone is always having one and it does not bother me in the same way it bothers me when adults stare etc. I want to be a primary school teacher because of that, the pay is not the most amazing thing in the world but I am from one of the poorer areas of England so it is better than a lot of the jobs you can get here.
what would a psychopath score?
ENTP here, and nature (atleast over here in Norway) is great.
I like the areas I am familiar with, I have lived in both the city and the country and there are downsides to both.
As an INTP I like both, but especially nice cities at night.
Cityscape cyberpunk esque aesthetic is my favorite.

t. entp
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ENTP-T, matches me very well. I like Trump a lot, and am voting for him. My biggest issue with him is definitely his stance on global warming.

>Muh ocean acidification
could be anything really. initially i'd think more on the T side because that would result in an underdeveloped feeling function, but that's not always the case.
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Made a poll so we can see the most common type, especially if there's shy lurkers



b-but i'm shit at bantz

and i wanna boss people around

This is pretty spot on. Funny thing about ENTPs is most of them know they are neurologically narcissistic and will happily tell you as much. I laughed when i took some narcissistic test and scored a super high 25. (Anything over 20 was considered pathological narcissism, most celebrities score an 18)
Troubleshooting is going to be a breeze for you. I've had people come up to me with issues they have spent hours on and the solution seems to jump out of the screen at me in minutes.
Ben Franklin and Leonardo da Vinci were entps.
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I feel like this is where it boils down to how much empathy that person has in that particular personality type.
This sounds really fucking lame. But what I found that helped me 'get over the hump' is to embrace the 'dark side' Truly embrace it.
I'm on the low end of the empathy spectrum. So it wasn't that hard for me.
If we are at all alike and since we both got ENTP we likely are.
You're able to put yourself into peoples shoes quite easily. Correct?
I mean seriously go deep. DEEEEEEEP into the mind of why they are doing it.
Are they doing it for power or was this ideology passed down from generations?
Are they evil or is the only way they know how to interact with the world?
You might not like what you'll find about yourself going down that path. At least at the start.
You might see yourself in them is what I'm trying to say.
But again maybe that's because I have lower empathy then most.
Same thing goes for understanding 'normal' people.

Personal Relations is the perfect job. Seriously...
I didn't realize there were so many other ENTPs on /pol/, figured most everyone here would be INTJ. Looks like we're all our own special brand of autism.
idk most of the entp's i've known have been the best for bantz
Fellow ENTP here
Another lurking INTP

I'm self thought software dev but I'm kinda of tired of it. All meaningless. Maybe I will go into physics or business analyst
You're me. Although I've shifted from mid green to the left side of purple recently (muh economic freedumb)
Where my fellow ISTP's at?

Any infographics or memes of us?
link to the narcissism test? i'm curious
ENTP a shit!

>Can't fucking organize
>Keep alienating other people who can't take a joke
>Woman and their feels how do they fucking work?

T. entp
cuck that never got to be president

>da vinci
died poor and forgotten until Napoleon, an entj, put Mona Lisa next to his shitter
intp but similar problems. went on a rant abt how women generally have a shit sense of humor at work to a liberal coworked. they were not entertained.
alright, im considering going to school for computer science after i pay a few more things off.

1. How old are you? Whats your marital status, and do you have any children.

2. What type/level of education do you possess?

3. How many employees do you have working for you?

4. How much financial support have your parents provided?
>>Woman and their feels how do they fucking work?

INFP, but I feel your pain
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>went from INTJ years ago to INTP
>now consistently at INTP
i dont know what retard wrote this, but they've got napoleon all wrong. Napoleon was a bigtime stickler for details, to the point where his random scribblings basically formed the basis for modern military doctrine.

"All great events hang by a thread. I believe in luck, and a wise man neglects nothing which contributes to his destiny." - Napoleon Bonaparte

meaning: Napoleon was very superstitious but it was a complicated type of superstition. he believed that his luck was determined by his preparation and lack of neglect for minor details.
I mean, it's an image board where we argue about dumb shit, so on that note it makes perfect sense.
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INTJ here I like both actually, but I think thats the case for many people because they both have their aesthetics
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What? He literally fucked bitches until he died.

>died poor and forgotten until Napoleon, an entj, put Mona Lisa next to his shitter
Yet he was one of the smartest, most innovative motherfuckers to ever live and his concepts are still used by scientists today.
Just out of curiosity, are you female? I can't say i've ever met a man that wants to teach elementary school. Can't say i've ever actually met a male elementary school teacher.
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Every goddamn time. In real life I always have to explain to people why "Black Lives Matter" doesn't refer to the superiority of black worth but a negation of a (perceived) societal premise that black lives DON'T seem to matter.

Then I get on /pol/ and start shit talking how dumb niggers are and race war nao.

It's a small start up company in a rather niche market. My goal is to start a small business of my own someday.
Intp here.
You just described my feels.
Bitches and normies just can't handle my banter
I'm stuck firmly between ENTP and INTP.
INTP here, here's how women work: Ignore all logic, focus entirely on their feels, however stupid they might be

It doesn't matter if they're objectively wrong or not, it just matters that they FEEL they've been wronged
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Don't listen to this jewish image. This post was written by JIDF.

Daily Reminder: The fact that you care and are in a community of people who cares means that people are full of good.


1. 28, have a gf, never getting married.

2. Bachelors in marketing, I don't use it and only got it for shits and giggles. I started the biz before going. College is a scam, it was a bad idea but at least I have a backup lol.

3. 2 debs currently and sometimes up to 6.

4. None, I've literally been paying my own phone bills since I was 12/13 with internet money, never had a real job in my life.
I'm male. There were two male primary school teachers at my first one (switched schools) when I was a kid. One taught me in year 3 I think, and the other was the headteacher until he retired. They were all women at the other one.
Why are you bored of software development? Have you made any money off of it?
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usually after you tell a story that in your head sounds pretty funny but then you fuck up the details and you are standing there nervously laughing when the normies give you that confused normie-look if you know what i mean
What would Marx be?
a retard
Suicide is the only way out for an INTJ like me.
>Don't have motivation for anything but don't really care either
idk maybe intj
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are we the good guys?
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read through the entire personality type description
>MFW a website knows me better than the people I call friends
but he never got to be president and was forced to talk with fucking frogs all day

and leo didn't actually die forgotten, but he was still a fucker that never got to order people
(He's INTJ, actually) Systems thinker that puts people last, doesn't do, and a bit autsy
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I can't thank you all enough really.
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INTP here, I always used to let my friend tell stories because she was better at it and would always get a laugh. I would always fuck up the story as you described.

>tfw now shes a "man" and hasn't spoken to me in 6 months
>We've been friends since 5th grade
Fucking liberals stole my friend
This is entirely true. Im at work and my gf starts texting me randomly saying we need to talk. It eneded up with her saying she felt "secondary", and she keeps subliminally implying im just using her for sex, even thought she wants to fuck way more than me ( I can't even get off, fucking death grip ).
Lol you just explained what happens to me everytime I leave my parents attic.
It makes me feel retarded
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I dont get it, I am an INTJ (E and I are about balanced) but I am also an existentialist, centrist right leaning libertarian. I used to be an INFP in high school.
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ENTP here, yesterday I had a conversation with my ESFJ mother and ESFP sister about dealing with addiction. It got way to heated out, I was arguing it front the side of the economic supply/demand ecosystem it is, make drug-dealing not profitable and the problems disappears, meanwhile they where saying stuff like "lol, you need to talk to people, there should be a trained staff of professionals you go to schools and teach the kids that drugs are bad". An exercise in futility no matter how you look at it. They got frustrated after understanding that my position of "stupid opinions shouldn't be respected" wasn't going to change and they retreated into the depths of their rooms, saying they were "tired of talking".
>mfw I actually recharge energy by talking
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Not him but I found it funny.
I had a ENFP girlfriend for 5 years. They are fucking retarded and are complete slaves to emotion, that have almost no ability to think critically, they value social status over everything. You better hope she's loyal, they are very easily manipulated and led astray.
She will fuck you over if someone close to her wants you gone.

That's what happened to me. I'm not basing this off of just my experience with her, I've known a few ENFPs extreme lack of loyalty has been a common thread as well as impulsiveness.
Stay safe fellow ENTP
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>tfw attempting to communicate with my fellow ISTP's
>thread is swamped by ISTJ's or some other combination
Just cuck my shit up

I just don't find it very interesting to help businesses sell more of their products.

I did make good money the past 3 years but I sucked at managing it.

I still feel like my potential is not used completely.

I started my own company but I'm just kinda lost now... What's next?
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/pol/ is an ENTP board. All you INTP or INTJs should get back to /r9k/

Jokes aside I do feel right at home here on pol, being an ENTP. It's a blessing as much as it is a curse. This election was a God given gift to us ENTPs let me tell ya

>pic related
you went from one shitty type to another shitty type. And easily influenced.

The fact that you care so much about "muh power" and "muh I wanna rule" shows that you're not a true entp. A true entp does not care.

Can confirm 1000%. You won't even see it coming.
Stop fucking reminding me I'm such a cunt. God damn. I have to hear it from my family, and now I have to hear it from anonymous Nazi sympathizers on the internet? Fuck. Off.
ENTP master race
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Just-diagnosed special snowflake reporting in.

This shit is literally astrology for autistic people, please stop
Yes, don't ever doubt that
when i'm with friends i usually do a pretty decent job, I just feel retarded when I'm in some random normie group. Usually what happens is it starts well, then I feel like I forgot a detail, but it ends up being insignificant which I feel compelled to verbally state then it just gets shittier and more retarded from there.
>Teach kids drugs are bad m'kay
>Kids do drugs
>They feel great
"Gee, I guess all the authority figures lied to me, better do way more drugs"
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Dunno. I'll have to take the test when I'm not on cold meds. For me, I have a professed hatred of work and responsibility, but I thrive in stressful environments/situations where I need to work hard. I look most fondly on parts of my life where I was really stressed/putting in the work

I totally agree with this. >>90225393
The RP is like a drug to me. I keep coming back to it and taking more like it's going to fill some void. But it's like the soup in the Phantom Toll Booth- I just get hungrier. And I just get more distant and contemptuous. The weird thing is, when I was a kid everyone talked about how outgoing, friendly, and happy I was. 20 years later, I avoid leaving the house. I feel detached from most things normies care about. I develop fires of inspiration and interest in totally useless things which die usually within weeks or months.

Sometimes I'm morose about it, but for the most part I just sit back and enjoy the memes.

What languages?

That's the fucking problem. I don't want someone I need to talk down to like a child.

I wan't someone rational, but I guess a rational woman is an oxymoron
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INTP/J here. How fucked am I?
Thanks m8

ENTJ is not a shitty type my friend
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INFP reporting in

Other then having to deal with shit internet the countryside is the comfiest environment to live in.

Lived there all my love and I especially love how private and peacful it is.
>People don't care to be nice, only to be right
>Feelings are disregarded
>Focus on objective truth and solutions
>Anonymous so virtue signaling is pointless
Yeah it's basically the opposite of facebook, perfect.
>all these unfeeling autists


How do you guys do it?
Pretty fucking spot on right here.
INTJ-A master race reporting.

INTP makes good QT gf's
5. Where do you live?

6. How exactly did your biz come in to existence? What exactly do you do and how does it make money?

7. What kind of expenses does your business have? Is it common for you to write off things like, gas for your vehicle as a business expense for tax purposes?

8. How did you learn the things you know to start a business? Why did you start one in the first place?

9. Could you elaborate on
>I've literally been paying my own phone bills since I was 12/13 with internet money

Mostly java. Been doing web only for 3 years, before that it was some client based home framework shit.

I wish I could find motivation to learn something different on my own. Any advice?
that pic is comfy as fuck
It's the best personality type. All the genius of intp-t without the soul crushing depression
Lol, I know that feel. I find alcohol helps though, makes the normies more immune to our retardation
Haven't done any yet, just researching but functionally based programming looks pretty cool. Haskell is a pure functional that a lot of people really like.
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INTP-A here.

The light inside me is broken but I still work.
That looks super comfy
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ENTP-A whatever that means
S-Shut up, baka .___.

Build a web app for yourself that uses APIs to make you $$$, I can elaborate but not on here. I've actually been looking for a web dev to build out some shit like this for me.


On mobile and have to run out so can't answer all these right now should be back in like 30-40 though.
I generally get more autistic the more I drink. Was in a bar that had darts. They had a chalk there too. Decided it would be a good idea to figure out the general equation for dart throwing and shit. idk why but the more drunk i get, the more math i want to do.
entp here. i love arguing and winning arguments
>tfw nogf
>I just don't find it very interesting to help businesses sell more of their products.

Are you talking about some form of advertisement?

>I started my own company but I'm just kinda lost now... What's next?
What are your goals? Are you just trying to make money? What sort of work do you even hope to do? Do you have any examples on how your company made money in the past? Specific ones?
ENTP here, I am as you have described, but I do have a way of presenting controversial matters in a light that doesn't alienate me from society.
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Holy fucking extremes, Batman! Did you answer every other question at the end of the spectrum or something?
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ENTP here shorting and taking a break from studying Alogorithm analysis.

This is hell... Why can't there be a philosopher class so I can sit on my ass and think all day without having to apply it to boring autist shit for money.
Atleast you can do math.
I have Dyscalculia, so o can't really think in numbers.
I'm literally a dumb into, feels bad
Hardcore INTP.

Just fuck my shit up.
Also, /pol/ turned me from an atheist-leaning agnostic to an almost unironic kekist.
that's alright. i imagine you're good at other shit so just do that instead.
ISTP here.

No time to make memes, building shit irl.
I bet it started out great.
what I still can't get over is how sudden she turned, compete 180° on a dime.
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I feel like the ENTP's having a hard time are fighting who they are suppose to be.
You want something similar to the Clinton's just not with all the bad press.
It's not right or wrong. Don't fight it. It's in your nature.
>INTP-T here
You say crippling nihilism I say realism
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>tfw same personality type as based Putin
Feels pretty good desu
Lol thanks.
I'm good at making food, being an alcoholic and shitposting
Because you want money. Trust me.Philosophy isn't something you need to take a class for, anyways.

t. College Dropout
No. It came up like that in a workshop in work as well.

I'm a psychopath, very little empathy, revel in bettering others. If someone is better than me at something I obsessively study until I can go back and make them my bitch.

It's why love /Pol/ famalan
Finally someone like me is in the thread.
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What does it mean if I'm ISTJ?
Does anyone know what an INTJ female looks like IRL? I'm guessing constantly picking nose whilst sitting on autocad all day?
Same. It's very easy to masquerade any controversial opinions as liberalism.

"The poor blacks are manipulated by Democrats to harvest votes! It's the new slavery!!"

Just got a 28, ENTP here. I would have scored higher because the only reason I don't want to be a leader is because it's easier to be second in command although I've found my narcissistic tendencies to be defense mechanisms from my years of isolation during my developmental phase.
Literally use your skills to assert yourself into positions and bounce off of that to get jobs that progressively use less and less work and more and more thought. It's the best way to approach any career for an ENTP, because eventually my rapid fire ideas can be done by the autists who actually enjoy doing it 24/7.
INTJ, country 100%
probably a tranny
Any other ENTPs turn from being very social and well liked to becoming a loner?
Maybe it's where I live but I can't stand going out and drinking anymore! It's so fucking boring. I need to find a hobby that gets me to interact with more people, I'm thinking of joining a college club or society. Also and advice on organisation and beating procrastination would be helpful if any of you have hacked it.
intp but one thing i remember reading that helped me a lot was just to turn your procrastination into something productive. at least for me ive accepted the fact that i will procrastinate but i try to spend it doing semi-productive shit like learning languages/reading about stuff that im interested in
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>Barely any women intellectuals
Makes you think
Going to the same places with the same people quickly gets boring.

what does an A mean?

Well I just need a regular job for now in Montreal.

My business is brand new, not operating yet. Maybe I'll turn it in to some kind of information websites to educate my fellow retarded french Canadians.
I must be your opposite. Im an intp that has steadily gaining more "friends" and developing a social life as of recent, when before now i just sat in my room 24/7 after leaving work.
I can't remember if I'm INTJ or INTP, all I know is I'm INT- just keep forgetting the last letter, can't really be assed to take the test again though.

What about the googles, yahoos, and bings?
why are we INFPs so rare?

I have crippling depression and I want to end my life. I can't go on anymore. I have no friends, no relationships. No one ever taught me to be a man. Talking to people hurts. I just want to go far away.

So yeah, INTP master race anyone?
I spent the summer in Montreal working at restaurants.
You guys have some dank food.
Liverpool house had to be the best meal I had
so your not yet sure what you want your buisness to be then?
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I'm due to make a guide for retard /pol/acks, to often I see people wanting to redpill their family members using the wrong tactics, I criinge every time I read someone starting the process with "the jews are behind everything, the new world order and their globalist conspiracy are shaping the world to fit their needs" or if their are talking to a woman "You are a slave to your emotions and therefore, inferior and incapable of critical thinking, accept my truth or else"

Yes, this is me, as an ENTP loud music and alcohol both impede the flow of conversations, are literally your worst enemy.
caus feelings are for pussies
I tried to kill myself before but failed. The shame you feel when you mess up is even worse.
What the fuck are you talking about? The celebrity page for ENTP is filled with nothing but sick bantz, how could anyone hate that?
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>i just sat in my room 24/7 after leaving work.
This is me when I'm not at college or work, I only leave the house out of necessity or if food is involved.

>anon, what do you do in your free time?
>oh I just hang out with friends
Nice, I used to be a cook. I don't know Montreal much, I'll look it up.
What'd you do
having or showing a confident and forceful personality.
"patients should be more assertive with their doctors"
synonyms: confident, self-confident, bold, decisive, assured, self-assured, self-possessed, forthright, firm, emphatic; authoritative, strong-willed, forceful, insistent, determined, commanding; informalfeisty, pushy
"an assertive sales team"

The other face of the coin that has Turbulent on one side. When an A is debating something they support they won't usually change their senses regarding the issue. A T is more likely to see the other persons' point of view and allow it to influence their own. Both have merits.
Very funny. I like this a lot.
was in a similar spot at one point. you just gotta treat it as a really hard mountain climb. you take it one meter at a time. it's hard as shit but you just gotta motivate yourself to go out and do stuff. therapy is also pretty helpful, give someone you can discuss shit with and might be able to really help you. good luck famalam
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>just went to university
>surrounded by fags and cucks
>start an argument in my english (lol gen ed) class about nog lives matter
>i actually made sense and argued from a rational perspective, they just went "NO YOUR WRONG THOUGH MUH FEELS"

Also joe beef is great, it's owned by the chefs of Liverpool.
Try both out
Swallowed a lot of pills to overdose, but I was found before I died and paramedics saved me.
When I get sad, I remind myself that, as humans, we're not SUPPOSED to be happy all the time. You're supposed to be sad sometimes. It's normal. Not sure if that helps
I was in a similar situation to you. I have had tons of shit that pushed my ego way down. INTP BTW. But even with all my problems, i managed to job hop untill i got decent pay, and bought some land, and i just got my second gf ever and lost my virginity. Lifes looking up, but im still emty inside. I can't dedicate my life to anything. Anytime i get somewhat good at something, I just move on to something else. As soon as I get a home on my land, ill go to college for computer science.

Some days are worse than others. But I bet you already know that. It's hard to ask for help but I'll give it a shot
Do most ENTPs have low empathy?
Why can't people take fucking jokes anymore? I swear when this PC shit went into high gear I had to get so careful with my humour that now I don't even bother making jokes. It's not even just PC stuff, I think people have gotten way more sensitive about everything. This has hugely affected my ability to socialise, my humour used to be what drew people to me and get me into places, constantly having to second guess what I say is really taxing and takes a lot of fun out of socialising.
sadly university is a shit place to actually discuss things. people just lose their shit if you say anything that contradicts the norm. they also hold you to absurd standards when defending your point of view, but some fuckboi can just parrot some shit tier historian and that's all they need. if you play devil's advocate you get removed for "hate speech"
I guess. But I've been sad for a while. Not all the time. But inside I can feel it. The lights just gone off inside
Most T types don't give much of a fuck about "muh feels"
Please make it. I would be interested in seeing what you have to say on the matter. I agree with you, some people don't have any tact. Even though I may agree with them out of principle, if their way of displaying their topic of discussion is terrible I'll be neutral at best if asked for my opinion.
i just remember feeling like shit to the extent where i was sleeping like 14 hrs a day. finding something like running that you can obsess over is really helpful.
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>Being me
>Be a Fem INTP
>Go to a performing arts high school
I am the 1%
fucked around and got a triple double
well i found out, fake it till you make it is the truth. I was working three jobs for a while, and when i asked some of the girls at my customer service job what they like to do, they always said they just sat around at home. It makes you feel alot better hearing that these cute normie girls are literally doing the same thing as you.
we all know that feel anon

euthanasia when
>Argue with SJW gf about [Anything]
>Always comes down to "You're invalidating my experiences!"
Honey that's not how logic works
Is it a thing with us that INTPs can't do anything for too long? What's up with that?
post tits qt INTP
Thanks famalam
Underage b&
honestly, when i was a kid i remember i'd hear my parents tell me "college will be great, it's where you can talk about different points of view and learn from each other!"

now if i dare suggest that someone isn't correct because they're black or whatever i'm a homophobic racist shitlord. back home i have a huge group of friends and a qt gf but here i'm back to being a loner

i don't even know how i feel, im mad but i don't know what i expected, but im also happy because i might find someone who has the same ideas

it's an abstract feel man
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