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Thread replies: 329
Thread images: 111

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no lol
your country is next.
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Them first.

>amerifatcunts will defend this

Beat me to the bunch.
Pretty handy that a volano erupted at just the right time for the United States to fake these pictures. I can't believe it's the current year and people still think nuclear weapons actually exist.
americans wont feel sorry for all the burnt babies, the thread
No. You're next leaf.
dumb fat slobby american dog

dumb tea drinking yellow teeth smelly england cuck poster

dumb american

fat shitstain

haha you fuck with japan and anime I fuck ur mum
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I might think about apologizing when you get your own flag
Chinks deserved it hopefully it opened their eyes literally.
I'm sorry korea we only dropped two.
dumb american logic
>muh flag
>muh symbolism
>muh raison detre
bomb urselves pls

listen here you stupid dog, youre on an anime board and pretending to hate anime, why dont you fuck off to your sister in your room waiting for you, you redneck inbreeding pile of dogshit

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The first and only country to get hit with the most powerful weapon in all of human history and from the rubble say "is that all you got?"

But in all seriousness the second nuke was just jews killing the samurai out of fear
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Ayy Lmao, no.

>INB4 Buttblasted weebs
Why should we apologize for a weapon that killed less people then the fire bombings? Also why should we apologize when it was a total war? Anything and everything that could help with the war effort can and will be a target. Jesus some people are too retarded to understand basic war.
Canada is too big to nuke
Make us
Because the first nuke was to make the point

The second one was listening to the jews
Apologize for anime
it didn't even happen, nukes are a hoax

picture is side by side of firebombed Tokyo and "nuked" Hiroshima

of course the elite want you to believe their militaries have this kind of power

please wake up
Because the first nuke was to make the point

The second one was listening to the jews

Or does America stutter when it tries to send a message?
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Make your retarded parents apologize for birthing your sorry leaf ass.

Now go back to sucking liberal cock you sorry excuse for a human being.
What concept? It's an excuse to act vile and subhuman
no one working for the government/ military etc was alive when this happened. Why would we apologize for something we're not responsible for?
I don't even like kiwi
Haven't sent out a missile strike in a while
Is Wellington even on the map
Oh well here goes nothing

t. Obama
You don't apologize when you have done nothing wrong
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This also

Nukes are a manipulation meme just like the holohoax

Even fucking Albert (((Einstein))) and (((Hollywood))) memed this shit into a literal mind control method.

Everyone always has to worry about nukes now because of some propaganda videos that are impossible because THE CAMERA WOULDVE BEEN DISINTEGRATED
Dr. David Duke is running for U.S. Senate!

>Announcement Video:

>David's Campaign Website:

>David's Platform:

>David's Website (Not campaign specific):



The liberal media will relentlessly attack Dr. Duke because he is pro-white.

If we put our faith in the power of memes, Qek will lead us to victory'
Sorry, did you have anything to do with that?

Fuckem anyway. Funny how a burst of gamma radiation turned the nips into pacifists.
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Before anyone goes all jew remember the holohoax





Some anon said the other night he always hears the echoes in the merchant minute guys voice. Now I do too...
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With trump winning the game is off, america needs to and will apologise to Japan for the nukes.
Hiding behind bullshit will no longer work, everything must be dealt with at face value.
If hillary wins then it's business as usual.
It's not that nukes are fake

It's just that they have been turned into a propaganda meme


There were jews rounded up, put in camps and killed. 6 million by gas chambers is a little sketchy though
Our government did issue formal apologies.

We also made them a successful and well respected partner instead of grinding them to dust like we could have.
sounds like a challenge.
The second one was because they didn't surrender after the first, even being warned it would continue until they did so.
Fortunately they didn't call our bluff, because it would have been months before we would have had more ready.
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Japan is literally our greatest ally

Fuck yeah I'm sorry we nuked them, but they don't care because we both put up a good fight and can exist with a mutual respect now. Everything I needed to know about Japan's ability to fight I learned on Iwo Jima
>Iwo Jima was the only Marine battle where the American casualties, 26,000, exceeded the Japanese -- most of the 22,000 defending the island.

Now is the time for the greatest pacific alliance the world has ever known

Thanks for informing me!
Enjoy achmeds cock
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The Japs don't want an apology, Japs want to know they lost to an adversary that was strong and decisive. The last thing they want is for the US to keep on the road of "white guilt" and make the Japanese warrior culture look like it lost to a bunch of pussies.


>INB4 That Jap doesn't count
And fucking Pokemon Go..
Also, I want the UK to apologise for Dresden

And Japan for Nanking

And so on, and so forth
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You'd just need to put cyanide on dog cocks, the place would be empty inside a month.
You realize snapchat, instagram, selfies etc etc were already making people walk around like idiots and spy on everybody without them knowing it right?

All Japan did was turn it into a video game
I don't think you should apoligize for this.
But you have to admit that nuking japan TWICE
was a fucking bitch move nigger.

Admit that bombing Hamburg was fucking faggy. I mean the nazis have attacked you military bases and what does churchill do?
Bomb civillians and he didn't even try to attack the military. But of course, the nazis are the bad goys.
Fucking doublemoral if you ask me.
The problem is more humane, it's not about winning in business, it's about relationships and you don't act like a borg and release doomsday weapons like an ant queen set on winning if you're a human.
War have rules and you seek to apologise if you fail to be a human, at least anyhow.
So, recognizing this will be important for trump, it will give respect and trust from the japs.
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+1 for the British Bantz
Hey, we had suffered the blitz, that was payback.the Chinks didn't deserve nanking. There a good reason all Asian countries hate the nips. Like I said, it was the gamma rays, must have turned on their pacifism gene and blown out the barbaric savage gene.
I'm sorry that we all live in a hopeless mess that other people created. I'm sorry that death is unstoppable and utopia is impossible.
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Japan BTFO
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Japan believes in the warrior culture and death before dishonor. To be defeated by a pussy cuck that says sorry would be disrespectful. Our strong alliance is better than an apology because they do not want us to weaken them by weakening ourselves. Let us both just move forward and build our strength together and maintain a mutual respect for the fallen on both sides.
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Aaah soooo brother. He has brought shame on us. I now commit sudoku.
Aslo kek.
Canada you fucking idiot, it's legal to sex dogs there
You do know we gave them a chance to surrender before doing so right? Gets tiring approaching nip villages and watching mothers throw their children off cliffs due to the stories they had been told about the imperialist Americans. After the first one, they were given a 2nd opportunity and still refused surrender. It is what it is.
I'll just activate all the atoms.
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Watch your mouth britcuck

Once you get recucked by the MI5 hijacked globalist BNP that forced nigel to step down, then you're back in the crosshairs of the nationalists. You will be shown no mercy once you submit to shariah
I'm sorry... we didn't nuke Africa and the Middle-East as well.
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According to (((Reliable WW2 Historians Famous for Documenting the Holocaust)))

It's just hard to trust anything 100% when the jews were the victors who got to show the goyim all the (((evidence))) and then write history
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Don't make them unleash their secret weapon on the UK. Lol goddamnit pol
That's what russia thought, so they made the Tsar Bomba
Aim for Toronto.
Fair enough, I can't deny any....uh gaps? in what actually happened in the interim.
what is going on in that picture
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S-sorry, burger. Pls no atom bomb.
please murrica ,nuke them
we dropped pamphlets
No being humane is in our nature, if we suppress that they win. Maybe they already think they won by playing their savage game.
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kill your men steal their shit and fuck the locals

Nothing to feel sorry for yellownigger
>apologize for bombing hiroshima and nagasaki
>but you don't need to apologize for firebombing Tokyo and other Japanese cities even though they killed just as many, if not more than the two nukes

fucking hypocrites
Yeah, but look at the pic. You can't trust anything nosferatu says.
>a fucking LEAF
>firebombs killed more
bombing propaganda pamphlets doesn't count as a chance to surrender.
"Hey, we will absolutely destroy you if you do not surrender, you got your chance now, until tomorrow" sounds like something an evil madman would write anyway, worthy to die for.
>New Zealand
>Having done anything since it's beginning
nice try famalam
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If you go by your rules, since we killed them, they won.
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Did they learn?
more people--including civilians--would have died during an invasion

the end
is it just me or those pictures look like two separate explosions framed in a way that they look like one.
Fun fact sweden : It saved much more civilian lives than if the US decided to launch an invasion.
Their commanders were notified as well that we had a secret weapon that would swiftly end the war in July of '45. They didn't believe us, though.
Found the nip
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Its not a Nip, only a shitty weeb.

Nips like proud Americans.

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Top fucking kek

Like I said, don't fuck with Japan when you're on a japanese imageboard
imagine what would japan be like if the soviet union had taken control of it
"Shooting that man was bad"
"Yeah well but shooting him and his whole family would have been worse. The end."
Do you even logic?
Does seem to have a whiff of epicanthic fold and residual radiation about him...
Doesn't matter, just accept it as a gray area and move on.

It doesn't make a big difference for anybody either way does it?
yeah, just imagine how much better off japan would have been if the soviet union had taken control of it
I apologize for only dropping 2
I'd sooner apologize for the fire bombings than the nukes. The firebombs killed more people and did more damage.
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And that's just tokyo
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Form a resistance when that shitskin in London starts spreading

Any country that holds out until we get there will be liberated
Hey sorry, we really should've just shown you what we could do on some uninhabited island near-by. There would've still been the devastating effects of fallout but still.
sorry we didn't get you too buddy.
Fuck no, they deserved it at the time, it was a war they started.
They were about to surrender after the first hit, but the emperor almost faced a successful military coup. If they were successful, they never would have surrendered. The invasion would have been worse than any other battles in the pacific campaign in terms of lives lost.
Well the man shouldn't have been terrorizing my neighborhood, Moor.
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If it goes against the agenda of the manipulative international parasite then it's chances or truth go up

But you are right, don't believe anything 100%, 4chan is good at teaching that
Fuckem they deserved it, read the knights of bushido and see the pics of what they did in nan king, not to mention the bataan Death march etc.

Hang on, just noticed in your pic some brit pows got killed. Changed my mind, you're monsters, apologise right now.
lol... retards to who think they are red pilled. Take the true red pill... all of them were firebombed
You only killed 20x more civilians than soldiers. That's a pretty good ratio for the USAF
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Now that we've established the Japanese do not want an apology from cuckolds but rather mutual respect from warriors that have done battle, can this be a nuke Canada thread?
When are the japs going to apologize for these war crimes that they committed?

>Rape of nanking
>Unit 731
>Pearl harbor
>Cannibalism of australian troops during the kokoda track campain
>the massacre of 66 australian nurses
>the bombing of protected hospital ships
>comfort women
>cannibalism of american pilots at chichijima
>the bataan death march
>the sandakan death march of which only 6 australians survived out of 2000
Don't dig deeper into that conspiracy

Nukes are exaggerated for (((manipulative))) purposes

You don't need to learn more
It'd be a waste of good nuclear material... What? You gonna waste a few hundred million bucks to kill 3 Frenchies... 2 Blacks... 20 Cucks.... And, 453,566,765,456,234,876,564,567 moose?
Well there's no deniying that
I got really depressed when I saw this again just now, but then I remembered; we were just just doing shit just to do it. We're terrible sometimes lol
you get that firebombing of tokyo killed way more people right?
Forgot link
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>Implying the Japs didn't do more than Nan King and Bataan
When the Japanese arrived to Nanjing, they laid siege to the city and ordered the Chinese to surrender. The Chinese refused, and when the Japanese stormed the city, the Chinese defenders were forced back. The general of the Chinese forces ordered an evacuation. But, it was massacre, a one sided massacre with fleeing Chinese forces being hunted and killed by the Japanese. Some Chinese robbed civilians from their clothing and attempted to blend in.
Also, these two are the officers who made the contest to kill 100 people by sword.

>Pic related are the Officers.
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Makes sense

Imagine getting beat up by Aids skrillex vs getting beat up by Muhammad Ali. One is embarassing the other is "wow you took down that many of them at Iwo Jima before they nuked you?"
Canada could probably benefit to warm up from a nuke or two.
It wasn't our obligation to safeguard the enemy in the middle of a world war. It was war and they were the enemy.

>b-but my civilians

Shut the fuck up with this faggot nonsense. They were the enemy. It's this talk that causes nations to lose wars.
This guy gets it.
You are terrible ALL the time. And that's why we like you.
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Fuck I read about unit 731, scared the shit out of me. The fact that iishi got immunity was one of the worst travesties. That fucker should have burned.
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>mfw it's just some Canadian shit poster
Both sides fought courageously as best they could

No need for any apologies and that's Japan's point of view
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Japan will never apologize because it was war against the enemy. They also want no apology because it was war and they were the enemy.

Honorless cucks will never understand this.
We're going to need a bigger bomb
If it means they go away, that's a small price to pay.

To all you cucks that think nuking Japan wasn't the best possible outcome: go fuck yourselves and continue to let your country die.

You are the spawn that won't do what needs to be done to preserve your way of life. You won't make the hard decisions that ensure peace both for you and your enemies. You are the reason the world is in the state it is.

Japan was never going to surrender. Ever. It was unheard of to surrender. You know what the Japanese did when they were close to defeat? Banzai you stupid fucks. They literally killed themselves and *hopefully* their enemy rather than surrender. There was absolutely no other way to ensure Japan's defeat and relative peace between our countries without nuking them. No chance. None. We had to scare the fucking shit out of them to get them to submit. Show them they have nothing on us and will face nuclear annihilation rather than send wave after wave of men to Japanese shores. And what's worse? IT TOOK FUCKING 2 OF THEM. 2 NUKES TO GET THE FUCKING IDEA. THEY STILL DIDN'T SURRENDER AFTER THE FIRST ONE.

To all you cucks that don't defend America's actions against Japan: grow the fuck up and start making the changes that NEED to get made rather than the ones that LOOK GOOD.

>Nips don't bring up MUH ATOM BOMBS CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY every fucking day
Should they apologize for the tens of thousands they slayed on Iwo Jima?

No, war is war
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Two on the middle east and another on Japan in case they thought we were sorry.
They must have had very valuable info that the US gave them Immunity. Unit 731 is pretty interesting.

The weak should fear the strong but the strong should care for the weak. This is how we move forward away from globalism and avoiding nationalistic wars.
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Kek blesses glorious Japan.
iirc, it advanced our knowledge of disease by decades. Disgusting as that is.
This, it was the best option. Even now they say we shouldn't apologize for it, sorry doesn't mean anything (and they also don't want to say sorry, kek).

And it actually turned out that bombing them like this and establishing bases in the pacific ended up saving from the Russians who were salivating over them. It was a fucked up situation for sure, but everything worked out for the best.
But they fought without honor. They vivisected people, raped and mutilated women, worked and starved pows to death, slaughtered civilians. And of course, they were the aggressors. America was totally justified, in not wanting to waste lives on an invasion.

Pic related unit731 test insects on humans as weapons
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Kek has spoken and I am his prophet

I hope I don't get crucified or some shit

Sorry we stopped.
Y tho
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This is actually what saved them from jew puppet communism

A 17 year old nationalist and a katana

He handed over their bio and chemical weapons research. But you don't deal with literal monsters.
The japanese deserved every atom of that bomb tbqh
Based Commie Slayer
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When war is engaged, you fight to win. If you must butcher the children of your enemy and eat them to win, then save your appetite because total war means TOTAL war.

You are probably the kind of soldier that would surrender if outnumbered and expect mercy for being a coward aren't you?
>The weak should fear the strong
Fucking 1v1 me m9 i'll show you who's strong.
how would that not be worse?
two options: Truman chose the one with less loss of life

sure the legacy of using nuclear weapons is a shitty stigma, but Truman did the right thing. He wasn't considering buttblasted nerds on the internet when he made his choice
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Well next time don't rape and murder half of Asia and bomb our fleet
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"Deserves got nothin to do with it" you faggot. It was war and war is war.

And yes pic related directed "Letters from Iwo Jima" too.
The dumb should go in jail.
0,385 shekels have been added to your bank account
No. Warriors fight warriors, no quarter. What they don't do is tie women to lampposts, rape them, then gouge their eyes out. Or dissect people while they are still alive. People like that? You glass the fuckers. The yanks did, and good on em.

Pic related look good. That's what your honor did in nanking, so fuck you.
cause nukes are fuck op bruh

Oh fuck off Hans you cuck piece of shit
Praise Kappa
> posts a frame from a fucking chinese horror movie
It's about the same level as registering yourself as "Jedi" religion
Through nuclear fire, Japan was cleansed of its sins, and was restored to humanity.

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War is war faggot.
Ironically more peoples were saved by dropping the nukes, compared to the proposed invasion, which would have been deadly on both sides, Island Hooping on a bigger, more fanatical scale.
It was either that or face losing even more of Japan to the commies. They already took Karafuto (Sakhalin). Japan was meant to be a bulwark against Communism in Asia.
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Fuck you. When they apologize for this maybe, maybe we might for that.

We should have done it 2x more and turned the place into glass.

Fucking leaf.
When the enemy engages everthing, you must adapt and engage everything too.

Like I said, you are one of those cucks that would surrender and expect mercy. Btw Im american retard
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Americans imfirmerd people in Hiroshima/Nagasaki that they would drop an atomic bomb which would do devastating damage to the city and warned them to evacuate as soon as possible in advance by giving out 35 million of bills on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but the Japanese military leaders and government didn't allow civilians to evacuate
we should blame stupid politicians first
What? Jedi is perfectly respectable choice. Pls no bully or I'll tell yoda on you.

>mfw my autocorrect changes Jedi to Jewish. Conspiracy. ..

Seriously though, see https://www.tumblr.com/search/unit%20731?
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I hope you guys elect smart politicians next election.

We need a strong ally in the pacific
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>was done on communist enemies during war for science

Pic related is you waiting for an apology cuck
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I'm sorry for creating anime
Well then, as you're a yank, thank you for glassing hiroshima and nagasaki. Those filthy japs deserved it, and you as an American, were totally justified. Again, thanks.
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This fucking thread. This fucking slide thread once again appearing on this board by the same fucking leaf. The same, insolent, half-dicked vitriol about apologized to the nips over two fucking nukes. Who give a fucking shit. We are not going to apologize because it was necessary. Get over it you shitposting progressive cunt. You are collapsing your own infrastructure and economy from the inside worse than a nuke will anyways, and you aren't going to come back stronger from this like the nips did.
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Deserves got nothing to do with it

Watch Clint Eastwoods movies, they are politically incorrect and uncucked by the jew. He also is getting ready to endorse Trump
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They were jap POWs m8.If anything it was a mercy killing.
"Deserve's got nothing to do with it" because war is war.

You cucks keep trying to emotionally feel good about atrocities when you can't just admit to yourselves that war is war and it's all evil. Evil is a part of life that is sometimes necessary though.
Damn, your probably right bro. ..
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>Canada asks US to apologize to Japan

Typical white liberal entitlement, believing they can promote their agenda through others without their permission.

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>getting triggered this hard on /pol/
I bet you think the war between the U.S. and Japan started with japan attacking pearl harbor?

It wasn't about you ''friendship'' bullshit.
They've attacked the U.S. because they told them to fuck off out of indo-china and threatened them.

It was a war for power and money. Nothing else. And neither did the nips kill anybody but american soldiers. But you've nuked 2 of their cities???
The only thing you've saved with those nuke is shlomos investment in the pacific islands. I hope you're proud of that, just like hollywood told you.
We're sorry we didn't finish the job.
There was actually a good answer about war and not apologizing/forgiving because war is war and total war is total war. There is no justified or deserved, just war.

>The only thing you've saved with those nuke is shlomos investment in the pacific islands.

No. If Japan hadn't surrendered when it did, the Soviets would have invaded, and probably take Hokkaido and maybe even Northern Honshu. Japan is better off now because it was nuked instead of being invaded.
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And even I don't give a fuck.
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Germanistan is starting to get it

Cucks need to stop trying to act like war can ever be justified. Sometimes nations of people do stuff that is unforgiveable. War is one of those things and we have a big one on the way unfortunately with almost no way to avoid it.
And this is why the Jews Fear the Samurai. Even the half breeds have the power within them to oppose jewry.
Just like the Japs don't feel sorry about the babies they bayoneted in Nanking. So, there's that.
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Can you imagine the fat turnip eating babushka waifus /b/ would have ended up with...
>Hey japs, we have a super weapon. If you don't surrender we'll use it.
>drop first bomb on 6th august and the second one on 9th august
>yeah you should've given up the first time you've been bombed instead of helping those people in Hiroshima

The Vice Chairman of the U.S. Bombing Survey Paul Nitze wrote (pg. 36-37, 44-45):

[I] concluded that even without the atomic bomb, Japan was likely to surrender in a matter of months. My own view was that Japan would capitulate by November 1945.

However, most of the Manhattan Project scientists who developed the atom bomb were opposed to using it on Japan.

On September 9, 1945, Admiral William F. Halsey, commander of the Third Fleet, was publicly quoted extensively as stating that the atomic bomb was used because the scientists had a “toy and they wanted to try it out . . . .” He further stated, “The first atomic bomb was an unnecessary experiment . . . . It was a mistake to ever drop it.”

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Knew it

Never trust a jew's story especially when that story is World War 2 when we all know that it was really World War Jew.
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We would have never gotten waifus, japan probaly would have ended up as another north korea or something.

I had an ancestor who was scalped. Can we call that one even? Two of his sons were also scalped and one of them survived, so he had a scarred, hairless head for the rest of his life.
To apologize/forgive what happens during war is to imply that war can be justified.

War is never justified.


Second post also good
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Apologise properly.
>That moment you realize a nuke is essentially a really big firebomb
For what? It won't help.

There were worse things happening at the time.
There are no winners in times of war.
The worst thing about war isn't the fact that people are dying (even though it's a really bad thing),
it's the fact that people who didn't have anything to with the war are the ones who suffer the most.
Everyone is just a puppet of some powergreedy bastards agenda and hunger for more.

Or do you think isis, for example, cares about islamic values?

God knows I'm not trying justify any of those terrorist attacks but I've read the koran. And it's forbidden for a muslim to kill anybody. It doesn't matter if he's muslim or not. Their prophet mohammed even wrote a letter which says that muslims who attack christians will be punished by god himself.


Those people in just use weak minded persons for their own advantage.
we developed nukes too soon

power such as that shouldn't exist yet
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I am apologising for the nazis between 1933 and 1945, who just killes too less not germans. Fuck you.

I'm sorry the Japanese weren't all wiped from existence
*Those people in power
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lets just listen to this here album and all be friends eh?
I take that back

War is never justified unless you are killing Canadians, then it is a public service
I remember that album.

No Japanese asking apology for Yanks.

Why you guys using Japanese pic?
youre welcome, want another?
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Is that Fear of the Samurai I smell?
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Too bad Islam is already at war with us

We will declare it next year
Why Canada asking apology for atomic bomb?

I don't want any apology from shitskins.
I hate USA for their foreign policy tho.
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>No Japanese asking apology for Yanks.

I don't know. There's seems to be a lot more people getting butt hurt about stuff like this than over the war.
Fuck off Yamamoto
I think anti-US person using atomic bomb/Japan as anti-US tool
I don't think that OP is Japanese citizen.
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Sorry. Sorry we didn't fry more zipper heads.
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Divide and conquer those who would unite and be strong together.

Effective war tactic.
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Fuck off nigger lovers.

Americans are 100 times cancer for the world.
Don't start nothin', there won't be nothin'.
2 nukes
1 meltdown
>you, buddy, are 110% literal cancer
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Not understanding that the nations of the world all willingly codified strategic bombing as a legitimate act of war and not a war crime. The only difference between the nukes and the firebombing is the size of the ordinance (and the radiation).
Your country is worse than nuked nation lel
Also, you fuck off. You goddamned pedo nation, fucking square watermelon eating slant eyed fish nigger
What's the worst part about breaking up with a Japanese girl?

You need to drop the bomb twice before she gets the message.
We're sorry.

I feel the terror bombing of Germany was a lot worse.

Fuck the chinks.
Having the cum stains cleaned off of her sailor moon outfit and dropping her off at daycare?
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Detroit is proof that Americans claim "Japan is rebuild by Americans"is bullshit.

They can't even manage their own state lel
Fuck off, they had it coming and they'd have done the same to the US, you fucking leaf.
He's got a point though
This cuck does not represent murica
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Also US is fucking third word shithole tier at crime rate.

Corrupt rate is worse than Japan(non-white nation)

Americans are only good at destroyed another like nignogs.
>he stills believes in the atomic bomb
Underrated post
They used to say about grills from hirosima, if you get them in the bedroom, turn off the light. If you can still see them, don't fuck them.
>and from the rubble say "is that all you got?"
I am pretty sure anyone who said that was far away from the rubble, safe and sound.
Im sorry we only dropped 2 nukes
People with a japanese ip are usually gaijins.
Didn't knew real nippons are posting here.
I thought you guys are on 2chn or futaba?

I still hate them, even though I know they're just being used.
USA is fucking peado rape country tho.

Childrens can't walk around by alone.

sorry Japan, next time we'll bring more
It's like that scene from monty python and the holy grail 'it's a mere flesh wound'
>Gets nuked
>I-s that all you got?
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If you go after Obama that's fine

He's not one of us, he just stole the POTUS seat like a nigger
Americucks are so jealous of Canada kekkles
Yo're just mad because every country hates you
You're welcome.

All I'm hearing is we should nuke Detroit.
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War is war

None of it is justified and trying to justify any of it is jewish devilry. If you ever convince yourself war is justified, you are a sick demon that should be purged.
>Atomic Bombs did nothing wrong
>Jealous of a fucking leaf
The only thing more destructive than a nuke is American cuckoldry mixed with hordes of niggers.
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US is fucking degenelate and cancerous.
Syria and Middle eastern refugees are overflowing in there because Americans made middle east as battle filled.

Why does everybody love US so much?
That is due to niggers. You can have the best minds in the world work to rebuild something but once you throw in enough niggers it will all fall to pieces
yeah, japan was full of great people who in no way deserved this and Unit 731 was full of radical extremist Japanese folks. Fucking Nazi fag.
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I'm sorry we didnt have more to drop.
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That is fake but yeah usa is filled with cuckoldry
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in Europe*

Americans made Eurabia for oil.
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They nuke you otherwise, remember?
Why is Japan still alive today? Slant eyed cavemen.
War is war

The Jews have made it unfixable at this point. Neither BLM or ISIS can be negotiated, we have 2 choices: fight or die
So what?

They can't it anymore.

and Japan is one of most peaceful country unlike bongstan,Amerigeria.

You should realise that UK becoming third world shithole.mind your business.
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Couldn't make it worse
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UK,US is fucking target for terrorists.
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I forgive you. I know it's just the residual radiation talking.

You could always retaliate with godzilla anyway.
We are not amerinigga

We are JewSA
Yeah? Because you're such a special fucking dindu nuffin snowflake.

Attacks on the pacific
Mass executions of 3 - 10+ million people
Unit 731
Use of chemical weapons
torturing prisoners of war
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I mean, shit i can play at this game too, nigger.
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911 second season when?

911 was not enough.

Terrorist-sans pls do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How many limbs are you typing with? Three arms? Six feet? Two gigantic buck teeth?
Why don't you just get mothra to do it?
I'd be a weeb too if I was a frog

We has low lisk of terrorism because we didn't bombed/killed middle easterns unlike you niggers.

Americans are cancerous for the world.
Your Jap imitation sucks post a pic with a timestamp to prove your are indeed a nip.
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> shiposting of 4chinks
> not being a weeb

How ?
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>Unit 731
Just to get this straight, you think that the fact that some secret scientific facility, caused the death of about 20.000 soldiers, it's justified to nuke 2 japanese cities just for fun?
Do you know that you've just justified things like 9/11??
>Fucking Nazi fag.
Nice argument.

Do you got some good jav to recommend me, takeshi?
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>low lisk
I can't believe I fell for the bait.
You're an american posting through a japanese proxy.
This. With the light off please so we can see if you still glow in the dark.
>just for fun
Yeah the yanks only did it for teh lulz
Oh look, it's a Nazi trying to tell people that their allies weren't bad people. I just said Nazi. Is your computer screen going to censor it? I know you kids can't see words like that.
Who would terrorist on Japan we has strict immigration law unlike americucks.

Koreans are best at tiny bomb on toilet.

>You're an american posting through a japanese proxy.


toppu kekku
>falling for gaijin bait

You got jewes again retard
>Do you got some good jav to recommend me, takeshi?

All JAV a shit.
Stop watching it,Abel-san.
>the only reason no one is killing us is because you need ships to get to us, and we're not taking in immigrants

Yeah, you're definitely NEVER going to be terrorized, kek. Just like the Nazis though, you'd probably bend over for ISIS and let them fuck you, so long as they let you join. Please do.
>not having fun
Why do you even come here?
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I think Japan should thank us for ending it before the Russians could get their hands on them, and also for helping rebuild their country into what it is today.
if you nuke us, we win
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You're right.
We should've dropped niggers instead of bombs.
Shut the fuck up with your unfunny joke. We know that you were involved somehow, faggot.
>Lost the Crusades
Those are Chinese communists beheading nationalists, you moron. Just look at the fucking hat.
>durrr detroit a shit because of niggers hurrrr

Stop this fucking meme.
Can you drop one on Detroit? It would make for great revenge, and you would be helping us out as well.
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Right on, so many uneducated people just point to "muh atom bomb" without realizing casualties were less than the firebombings
Not a meme, it's the truth.
Toppu kekku
Pre-USA is fucking better than post-USA to me.
Niggers are Americans.
They are part of American culture.
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You forgot to add the left.
And I'm talking about those rockthrowing antifa faggots. Those guys are fucking cancer.
We have only one park in the entire district.
And they've put a refugees camp there, literally over night. And of course we've complained about it. The next day there were like 100 antifas yelling calling everybody nazis, even though there the half of us are european foreigners.
Just to make a long story short, most people just said fuck it because they are scared to be labeled as neo-nazis.
They call themself anti fascists but use fascist tactics. The level of brainwashing is strong and I doubt that they'll change their opinion.
Pic related. It's a comment from a video where
a muzzie hits a girl while his friend is telling him to beat her ''retarded''. 90% of comments are people complaining about this behaviour.
And then there's this antifa saying ''they are just kids, you stupid fucks'' in german.
Those guys are 18yo.
Niggers are animals, they don't count as people.
Animals cannot be citizens, but we can pretend like they are.
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I bet it was

Not really. Isn't it like 85% of their population live within a hundred miles of the US Canadian border?
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No. Those nukes saved the world. If they weren't dropped, Russia would have continuity to take Japanese territory, and could have taken the island of Japan itself. Without Japan being a US ally, communism would have spread through the entire east, and turned the tides of the cold war, enabling Russia to take China, Korea, and more. This would have given Russia a massive edge over the US.

guise, this slide thread is killing legit threads.

Little help here
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I love her
She seems like a pretty cool person to hang with.
the nuke were to destroy the samurai culture.
the jews fear the samurai
To be fair to the Americans, I appreciate their technological advancement during ww2, us and the Americans made some great additions to the war effort. But two fucking nuclear bombs lmao, you crazy cunts. In all fairness the diligent lining is that Japan has made great strides with bettering them selfs after world war 2 and gracefully acknowledge they're one of the most, if not the mots technologically advanced country in the modem world.
Yes, they've did it just because they could.
You fucking white knight faggot should've rather protect your countrymens kids instead of a nuclear holocaust. But you goys rather blame the eu and germany for those pakis who are living in the uk since the 60s.
>a Nazi trying to tell people that their allies weren't bad people
First of all, I'm half polish, so I'm immune to the word nazi. And secondly, I didn't say they are ''the good guys''. I'm just saying that both nukes weren't justified.
And that, by you logic, terrorist attacks are justified.
Silver lining* just fuck my shit up desu
This pic is fake tho
Those are Chinese you stupid fucking burger, at least get a real photo
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