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Incompetent Turkish Army

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Thread replies: 406
Thread images: 63

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Let's get a nice thread going with some pics of the incompetent T*rkroach army captured/surrendering.

>valuable NATO asset
This is honestly pretty sad. These guys were trying to take their country back and you niggers are on here laughing at them over the fact that they are gonna be executed.
well you can't make a military coup with around 700 soldiers and 5 tanks, but it would be a good movie

No half measures.

They have only themselves to blame.
Why is he so much whiter than the others?
It was a false flag you retard. Only like 1000 roaches even participated. It started and was over within a few hours. This farce only happened so erdogan could legitimize his dictatorship
They didn't kill enough
apparently they just BTFO'd a bunch of civilians with tanks in Ankara
This guy was on your side and here you are laughing at him for having more courage and determination than you will ever have in your lifetime.
There is no taking their country back. It's too late. Half of the fucking people are ok with turkey turning into another islamic empire.

> gloating about mudslimes killing the good guys

Dumb burger
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red blood and white snot

it's like poetry

1, The fucking roach constitution requires the military to intervene if a leader gets dictatorial or too islamic hence the 5 coups in 50 years

2. The roach army has a tradition of hiring from the upper classes who incidentally are descendants of slaves and janissaries from the Balkans hence 20 points hihger IQ than indigenous t*rks. Most are fervently secular as well.
he seems to have slav heritage and the others are sandniggers
>Why is he so much whiter than the others?

Funny thing is: that's exactly what we'll be commenting ten years from now, except on pictures from the US's failed race war

Demographics matter
they should have planned better

after the muh nigger Obama told on social media he supports Erdogan it was pretty much over

Such coup in 2016 should be done in like few hours
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Share more folks. This is funny. Need more in my collection.
They should have been more destructive and kill off all the pro islam supportets.

They were being too nice, to overthrow governments and it's brainwashed people LOTS of blood has to be shed you cant be nice
They were fighting half-heartedly for their country back. It's an all or nothing game. The people on the streets should have been mowed down in their hundreds of thousands, all public buildings blown the fuck out, all airports demolished beyond usable, all police vehicles and personnel btfo as well. But given hardly any of that happened, it's no wonder why they fucking failed miserably.
Exactly this.

While the Ottoman empire was in full swing, the elite shock troops were white. The Janissaries were children who were abducted from the Balkans, and raised in Ottoman military camps. They eventually became a powerful political force within the empire, and much of the Turkish Army officer corps today is descended from them.

Turkish officers are literally white and at conflict with the government. Erdogan already shoah'd most of them, now he has an excuse to round up the rest.
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Here's what I don't get. Most of the army DIDN'T attempt to coup, so how do they know they just didn't grab perfectly loyal soldiers off the streets?
Bet someone could take France with that
he need the JUST haircut
They don't care if they were innocent lol, you're overestimating an Islamist mob at 3AM
This struck me as well. It would have been more effective for them to have assassinated the president and high-ranking generals in a time of (and in) comfort, instead of making a public nuisance of themselves.
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This would look better with the JUST hair shopped on.


5/5 would take france with 5 trucks
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Oh shut up you fucking worm. You're spending your time posting on an anime imageboard, what the fuck do you know about fighting a war?

The unbelievable arrogance of the idiots browsing this shithole sometimes, honestly.
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That CIA analyst who has to analyze /pol/ to determine if Turkish people are satisfied with their leadership is probably getting overtime right now
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>someone has recognized their son in one of these pictures by now
fucking amazing holy shit
They got defeated in less than a day.
So falls Turkey.

Fellow Americans I urge you to heed my words. This is the result of letting things progress too far. Its still not too late to choose a better way.
>white mans last stand against muslim invasion.jpg
Those soldiers were lynched on live stream niggers. It wasn't staged, I watched them fucking die horribly.

They were the good guys and didn;t want to kill civilians hence the curfew. What they didn't understand is the thousands of poeple who came out were mad islamists ready to kill.
Turkey is such a disgusting shithole but this is honestly surprising.

No it wouldn't you stupid memefag.

Poor guy is about to die in the name of Islam, his face and the mudslimes around him say enough.
>poor little roach guy
I honestly think they took to the streets and hoped the public would back them up like they did in Egypt. But nope. They backed up the president instead. I guess the public is okay with the creeping power of the presidency.

Says the guy posting on an anime imageboard
>Those soldiers were lynched on live stream niggers
link to video?
>virtue signalling on /pol/
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>mfw this jew single handedly ruined a military coup via facetime

I've been following the whole thing for the past 10 hours friend

They have been manipulated, the coup is absolutely not credible
Pretty sure the only reason Russia hasn't sent 20 men to take over your country is because you suck our nigger president's BBC every single day.
Civil war incoming.
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Did Anzu knew about all this shit and that is why she flew to nipland and became a refugee by pleasing influential old men?

Is Ba ba safe in a bunker?
>They were good guys

they were fucking dumb - you have to shoot at people who want to kill you, that's rule one of being in the army. 'media image' doesn't mean shit. you have to disperse the crowd or they'll eat you alive.
thats why i dodged the draft
>You could have prevented this
some streams on periscope and facebook find the gore thread maybe its there

I've been following the whole thing for the past 6000000 hours friend

They have not been manipulated, the coup is absolutely credible.
Haven't slept in 2 days bruh, can;t help you, sorry.

Idiot or possibly naive af.
me 2 lol
thankfully also got european citizenship so they're watching their moves with me
more like rule one of being alive ;P they commited suicide basically, at the very least they had to put those vehicles on reverse and gtfo even if they had to run over a few civies
And what if the coup was planned by Russia?
>Egypt never happened
A secular coup in a growingly religious country was to fail. A civil war was needed but not delivered. Fuck off back to plebbit, faggot.
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it reminds me of the iraqi army surrendering to the mudslimes and getting slaughtered.


Hitler did more or less the same and it worked out.
Then happenings aren't stopping any time soon
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>he actually thinks it was real
>implying russia didn't have a hand in this
There was someone posting from Russia saying troops were being readied about three/four hours ago
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yeah would have been a great start for their future reign, bridiot.
Don't insult the soldiers. They stood up for their constitution in the face of a radical islamic government, doing the best they could to try to take back the country and restore western rights. Those men were made of finer stuff, with bigger balls than you could possibly imagine.
So turkish army got decapitated without even fighting a war. Seems like we gonna get Bosporus in this century.
I don't understand why these guys didn't fight to the death then an hero.
They know Erdogan will execute them if they fail, why not die fighting?

This leads me to believe that Erdogan and his people staged this.
Not over.
They're still fighting.
Using this site to break the resistance.
you would need 20 good trucks
i second this. but they were far too few and it was too late anyway.
how so?

If you wanna catch the culprit see to who goes the profit
ERDOGAN, please use your brains
please do
I'm pretty sure every country in the region made some preparations. You don't just wait when some crazy shit is going down in an Islamic shithole nearby.
>valuable NATO asset
Murika's summer home
This image tells more about its maker than anything else really..
we need to nuke germany first to ensure WW2 wont happen
If Erdogan guts the army Turkey will be fucked with ISIS and the Kurds

Even if Erdogan does support ISIS as some say he definitely wont want to weaken his military when fighting the Kurds

Whats going to happen moving forward from this Coup?
ancestors of jannisaries need to be slaughtered to the last man
Whoa rare?
We din du nuffin
At the very least Erdogan will likely use this as an excuse to grab more power.
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So basically

>Get conscripted
>Ordered to stand on this street corner and keep mobs from looting the stores
>Literally no clue what is going on outside of twitter posts from your smartphone
>Suddenly grabbed by mob

Is Turkey made of people with sub-100 IQs? Did no one realize the huge disconnect between people who had turned against the government and conscripts standing on street corners?

It's impressive that they were almost in the EU.
It's be nice if Russia support them
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some people here say it's falseflag but to me it just looks like very bad planning, didn't predict civilians getting in the way so fast or something
>hurp de durp, the experienced military commanders of the turk army, who've spent years living under erdoroach's rule just didn't try hard enough! They don't no de brize of freedumb xD

Just off yourself, holy fuck.

>get completely destroyed
>only response is 'r-reddit'
>if you use force, they win
Coup soldiers played it as nice as they could, got swarmed by public roaches and now those soldiers are going to hang.
Who the fuck planned that?

Why didn't they capture the president? Why didn't they black out the media? Shut off the internet? No one should have known until it was all over. Once the mosques were rallying for people to come out it was all over.

What a fucking fail.

On the plus side, watching tanks run over people was pretty cool.
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>Eat my [s]dick[/s] tiny dick.

For real though you mudshits are gay as fuck between this and the oil wrestling youre obsessed with.
Erdogan will whip his fellow roaches into breeding frenzy to outdo kurds, GDP wont be able to catch up with growing population and you'll get arab spring material. Basically the only muslim country with a semblance of developed economy is flushing itself down.
top kek
>Is Turkey made of people with sub-100 IQs?

Turkey Avg. IQ: 90

consume more redpills
>Is Turkey made of people with sub-100 IQs?

As it happens, by definition: half of the people in the population have IQ below 100
>Is Turkey made of people with sub-100 IQs?
It literally is. They got people of eastern european heritage they islamified which is behind the coup, they are now going to get rid of them and turn into regular 100% goatfucker muslim paradise.
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>soldiers are lighter shade of brown in almost every picture
Like pottery. Turkey will become a shitskin caliphate in a decade.
Half the soldiers posted in this thread are already dead.

I watched 7 soldiers die. Three of them were hung, two of them were stabbed, one was punched to death, and one of them was decapitated. All of it on live video. I recognize


from the videos

I can confirm they are deceased.

The problem is they wanted a non-violent coup. In a fucking ISLAMIC STATE. If you're gonna do a coup in an ISLAMIC STATE you need to fucking resort to violence. Or the mob will get violent on you.
you can't stage a coup without support from the public
>Deputy PM Müezzinoğlu says gov't will discuss bringing back death penalty for coup plotters.

Erdogan considering to completely silence people that don't agree with him, eh? Well that's a surprise.
Just look at their faces man

These soldiers were good kids, they couldn't shoot at their own people.
I liked /pol/ better with the poo in loos and your fucking internet shut down due to the coup, but hey at least my dollar value ISN'T shit
>1 roach dollar - .33 cents for USD
I mean seriously, how does one country get ever so fucked? even Greece is better off than you shit heads
Russia I'll need your help against them at that point.

if you see this image while scrolling you have been visited by the young turk trapped in muslim hell

your soul will be captured on camera being tortured by islamic demons if you don't reply "trump 2016" to this image
A violent coup would probably result in a civil war. They should have planned it better and absolutely had to kill Erdogan during the first couple of hours. By the time mob took the streets it was already ogre.
They got what they deserved. Western turkey is white, they need to secede from the rest of shithole and build the wall, while the roaches will turn their country into yemen. Instead they wanted to enforce modern society on goatfuckers and they simply don't want and don't deserve it.
>>Get conscripted
>>Ordered to stand on this street corner and keep mobs from looting the stores
>>Literally no clue what is going on outside of twitter posts from your smartphone
>>Suddenly grabbed by mob

This is so incredibly brutal, holy fuck.

What is around with Muslims? Actually. For real.
I hope our nations side together to fuck up these roaches
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>valuable NATO asset
Those aren't 'their own people', look closer at the pictures. The ottoman empire was a multiracial empire, and turkey is still multiracial. Can you guess which race really likes to join the military and isn't keen on shooting civilians? And which race likes to behead them?
Also this a perfect excuse for more refugees to come to Europe

Oh no now even TURKEY isnt safe, onwards to Europe!

Most of them are conscripts too, odds are they were lied to by their superiors and had no idea they we're part of a coup until it was too late
So the coup failed? How the fuck did it fail?

All I could think after the Nice attack was "Bet that was a pokestop/gym and everyone was too busy playing Pokémon.
FaceTime is Apple's you illiterate fat fuck
This is fucking sickening.

OP gives Americans a bad fucking rep.
Americs has always been about fighting for what's right even against overwhelming odds.

How a faggot from here can think of insulting these brave roaches should seriously fuck out of this country like the degenerate faggot he is.
According to Wikipedia, the coup is ongoing
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You kids realize that now, you cannot play the secular westerner card?
Cause when shit went down, you sat in your basements eating kebab, while dudes like the "ottoman when" fellow where nowhere to be seen on the board. Either he was sleeping or being torn to shreds by a tank, the country is his now.
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>the 8th most powerful Army and Air Force in the world gets defeated in less than 4 hours by a couple hundred civilians wielding forks



most retarded false flag in the history of humankind and shockingly people are buying it
>trying to civilize t*rks

what were they thinking
fuck you roleplaying redditor
It's officially over, Ankara forces have surrendered, the 1st general of the army is speaking on CNN Turk right now
wouldn't be surprised if it was initiated by ergoroach in a bid to gain security/support by admission into the EU. Open borders and all that, my kraut friend. Prepare your schnitzels because I suggest you're going to get a hefty dose of kebab.
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armies get defeated really quickly when they don't shoot or show any form of self-preservation instinct

The fuck?
Cracked editor Jack Obrien?
He is only trying to do damage control Greece bro, he clearly knows his country is awful and totally fucked and is now going all out and trying to shit on my country, i sense jealousy
Their intentions were noble, they were incompetent as fuck though.
Then they shouldn't have fucking coup'd

They should have understand what it means to coup. Half of them were probably coerced into it by their generals and corporals who were coerced by that guy in America (who btw is going to cause a shitstorm now between American x Turkey relations since its confirmed he is the mastermind behind the coup, here in America)

Because the military was too fucking scared shitless to turn the gun on their own civilians who wanted them DEAD, we in America are going to have to deal with Turkish Terrorists on top of our existing Islamic Terrorists. It's gonna be a wild ride from here on.
Erdogan planned it, now he can do whatever the fuck he wants and arrest anyone he wants.
Exactly this.

Faggits got BTFO in mere hours by the Muslim (largely unarmed) hordes of religious fanatics they were trying to stop.

>Staging a coup that bad that people now speculate it was staged and it was only to expand the governments influence

Just shameful.
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I'm not surprised, most of them probably fed drivvle that the public would submit. Does anyone honestly think the military would fire willy nilly on members of their own country men?
The people aren't the valuable asset. It's their land m8.
>he fell for the cleric in exile meme

Lad please
Not sure why these guys would let themselves be taken alive; if you incite rebellion, you ALWAYS fight to the death. Captured traitors do not have pretty ends
Yes, what happened with Anzu, /pol/ must know!
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This coup was merely a re-enactment of the 1989 coup, except then the Philippine rebels weren't swamped in people or put under pressure from the US. A totalitarianism in the face of Islam would have secured them democracy, but roaches clearly don't want it. Public image is never more important than results.

Still posting?
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>he isn't preparing himself for 500,000 african immigrants per week
Oh, you are believing Erdogan's lies about it being caused by Fethullah Gulen ? ok...

Fethullah gulen is a crazy islamist, he would never side with Kemalists
It's also the other way around

Kemalists would NEVER come close to islamists
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no one cares you virgin faggots

I went to sleep about 6 hours ago
What happened
did the coup fail? fill me in pls
im sure a military coup opening fire on civilians (with no weapons even) would get them support from their countrymen and the international community

It seems so
armenia needs to just raid this shithole and clean everything the fuck up

they would dominate turkey with bolt action rifles and flipflops
Because what you won't hear is that this was an attempt by secular whites to take turkey away from the radical shitskins.

They never really had a chance, Obama and NATO support the existing government and radical Islam in general. See: Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt et all.
Yes it did fail and turkey is all fucky now
Coups happen in Turkey all the time when the islamists take over retard. They're supposed to be the protectors of a secular nation. Fetullah has nothing to do with this.

And this is probably the first time the Turkish army has tried to save the people from their retarded ruler and the people fought back. The army didn't go out there to kill the populace, they're fighting for the populace.
Of course it failed, erdogan been filling cities with villager goatfuckers for the entire length of his rule just for this


>gets lynched

this is why you lose wars to emus
It would have gotten them support of the secular who were probably not out last night jumping on tanks, and respect internationally for upholding their constitution to overthrow religious dictators. Now they're a laughing stock and nobody wins.

Results are more important than image.
Fetullah Gulen is not Islamist in the modern sense of Salafism/Wahabism, it is more Sufist, and their view is more modern and pro-Western than even Erdogan himself. He probably accused them just to get rid of them, who knows who really did the coup.
a single soldier should mow down at least 50 protesters

what are those bitch soldiers s
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Surely you know who you are talking to.

Proud to be #1 on the migrant avoidance list. Serbia is 2nd.
What the literal fuck.

The damn roaches had a chance to do something good and they get fucking stopped by what? Civis? Cops? Are you shitting me? Mow the fuckers down and shit all over everything. It isn't that hard. In fact, they've done it over and over and over.

The only excuse here is that it was staged, and honestly I think it was. Erdogan probably realized this would happen soon and found a way to around it.
the more I look at these soldiers the more it looks like a russian military invasion
Normally when a turkroach posts pictures of dead soldiers it would sort of get to me but I Would ignore it, but seeing videos and pictures of you gags getting crushed makes all those signposts you made pointless.

I'm laffin at you m8
lmao how does it feel that we can now fight back with pictures of squashed roaches?
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What could have they done different tho? For the one revolutionary that's lurking this thread
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>Oh, you are believing Erdogan's lies

You fucking anonymous cunts. It's not about what I believe. It's about what the people of Turkey believe.

Will the people of Turkey believe Edrogan saying it was the exiled cleric? The same people that believed Edrogan posting on a fucking FaceTime video that "he was still in power" while he was stuck in a plane trying to find a country that would fucking take him in?

Come the fuck on. .
>Serbia is 2nd.
Nice. You surely earned a splatter bonus.



I'm assuming you realize that Russia will probably never get to have an open channel to the Mediterranean ever again at this rate?

I know, I know the timing...
Not proxy, military posting

We were on exercise in NZ 3 months ago with you guys.

Fucking. Mountains.
Fucking. Snow
turks, militaries, and especially turkish militaries are more incompetent than anyone realizes
It's hughe posting on /pol/ episode.
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>A response to your petition on Black Lives Matter

>Blah blah blah, black people are rioting because of police and we support that...

>Blah blah blah, you're racist for being scared...

>Blah blah blah, you're racist because you don't know what black lives matter are about...

>"The White House plays no role in designating domestic terror organizations. The U.S. government does not generate a list of domestic terror organizations, and therefore we are not able to address the formal request of your petition. We encourage you to engage with your community in the ongoing discussion of how we can better build trust and safety in our communities."

>"Thank you for your participation in the We the People platform. We'll be back in touch soon."

>-- The We the People Team

this is for the petition on putting black lives matter on the U.S. government's terror organization list.

You know the most hilarious part?
Those units rebelled are national guard type ones, specifically recently put by erdogan to prevent stuff like this.
Their pilots aren't bad tho.

I wonder if it was pro-coup or anti-coup pilot that shot down that Russian MiG or frogfoot w/e it was

yeah for now. Wait until theres 20 million a year and they're being sent from Germany to you in exchange for dolla dolla bills.
You don't understand what "staged" means.
standard protocol for dealing with crowds advancing on your position is to fire warning shots, less than lethal ammo, and then lethal force. every military in the world knows this
u guys have the video ?
It's open. If they close it, we will just btfo turkey and nato will do nothing cuz it's a single country chimpout, not defence.
And who gonna stop us when turkey disintegrates into yemen-like entity with warlords fighting for pool of dirty water? Ragheads with rusty RPGs? Our worst enemies will soon be executed by erdogan himself, thank to him.
I tried to make it into our army but they made me do 4 pages of algebra in 30 minutes, I shit the bed so hard and failed.

>tfw 6months physical prep wasted
>tfw never gonna' kill mudslimes
Average turkish woman

If the coup was real, then I don't understand why the army bothered. The majority of the roach population is verybislamic, getting ever more hard-line as the years pass. If the army had been successful, there would have been a civil war, shit like car suicide bombings and all that stuff that Islamic nutjobs do in their other shitty countries. Eventually Isis and stuff would have expanded into turkey.
Basically anyone with any sense should leave turkey now, should have left years ago to be honest. The place is destined to either be Saudi Arabia or another Syria. The army was doomed for years now.
Mowing down a crowd of the very people you're trying to protect is pretty retarded though. Also the guys with a fortified position did fire warning shots and a few not so warning shots, it's the lone tanks here and there that didn't fire, because they knew they were going to get arrested at some point and maybe, just maybe these people wouldn't be bloodthirsty enough to cut their throats. They didn't know their own countrymen as good as they thought they did.
Why didnt the soldiers shoot and fight back and when they run out of ammo or the mob gets too close threaten to blow themselves up with a grenade?

No one man is stupid enough to approach a man with a grenade.
Did the crowds really block them that badly? What the hell would the tanks have done if they got there anyways?
>false flag event
>Erdogan gets more power, cranks dictatorship up.
>maybe even rewrites some parts of turk constitution.

It was clearly false flag. Army did everything wrong from the beggining. It was all directed by Erdogan. All the western media add this as a possibility in their news feed.

So whats supposed to happen when their entire military is Islamist?

Is this your ballcourt guys or ours? Aww shit do we have to be Team mates AGAIN? I'm tired of being on your team...EVERY FUCKING WORLD WAR!
The good guys lost mate, this isn't something to celebrate unless you're a mudslime degenerate in which case fuck off.
If the army won they would have initiated a proper curfew and shot or imprison anyone that dare stepped outside.
They can control the country fine when they've taken it over. They would have done a re-election and the islamic roaches would have the chance to vote for another one of their kind.
He was already planning on rewriting the constitution. He can probably do it unopposed now.
>bawww muh degenerate-endorsing army lost

Like I give a shit if the price of "petrol" rises lol
There is no such thing as islamist army
Art of war is scientific discipline which requires rational head and therefore secular education
Can't you reapply?
If not just wait out for then next few years
We'll probably need all the help we can get in Europe
H-hey, maybe navy will change their mind and launch some cruise missiles? m-maybe they will win in the end? ;_;
Pro-Erdogan forces confirmed.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

He was the Whitest of all these shitskins
They wern't trying to start a war against the Turkish people, but the government. That's why shooting civilians would've been a bad move
You're a shitty memeing bitch.
there are no friendly civilians

during a coup, you just kill everyone

it was a false flag
I can reapply in December but desu man, maths is fucking garbage for me and I'd probably fail again, which is a permanent fail.

It's lulzy cuz a lot of people just guess the answers on the whole sheet and get adequate marks, so it's not like the tests are even working for grunt tier people (which i went for).

more or less just to thin the heard I guess, sucks balls.

Maybe if a war goes off and they need people, I think these tests tend to disappear in times of war.
So, another Muslim victory?
They are descendants of slavic population enslaved in middle-age, who didn't want to live in muslim backwarded shithole. Centuries pass but genes still dictate what you do.

I don't think so, people would have bypassed the curfews, would have got access to military weapons etc. No doubt smuggled by the Saudis. Turkey was already becoming Islamic extremist shithole, a coup would have only delayed it, and caused a civil war.
>As it happens, by definition: half of the people in the population have IQ below 100
Yeah but we're comparing them to the entire human population.
Why are the soldiers whiter than civilians?

Im happy too, my brother!
If by victory you mean needing to work 24/7 in low tech-agricultural society, carry out retarded rituals, drink from dirty pool of water, bury half of your chilren before age of 5 and die from smallpox, then yes, it's victory.
The point of the mission was to protect Turkish secularism, not to get lynched by Islamists and 'maintain the moral high ground'. Your mission is always doomed to fail and get everyone killed if you don't obey rule one - use lethal force if necessary.


The crowds swarmed the APCs in the streets, and then got plasma cutters and started cutting into the armor.

Whoever lead this coup fucked up by not dedicating themselves to the requisite level of force necessary for mission success
did you bother to read the thread leaf senior?''

Only /x/ type of tinfoiler scum can believe in staging
How the fuck did the Turkish ARMY kebabs lose to civilian kebabs?

No, but seriously, why are they whiter?
Soldiers is what left of greek population + descendants of eastern european slaves. "Civilians" are turkish goatfuckers from villages who erdogan been herding into cities just for stuff like this for duration of his rule.
Want to tell that to ISIS, commie?
They wouldn't have had the means to organize like they did now. I doubt they can fuck over a succesfull military coups with a handful of rifles.
The Ottoman empire was a multiracial empire. The Janissaries were their elite shock troops. They were white children who the Ottomans had captured in the Balkans.

In modern Turkey, the majority of the Army and officer corps is descended from the Janissaries and white slaves (slavs) of the Ottoman empire.
Turkey should definitely join the EU lyl
RIP soldiers, you tried but failed.
Nigga that's from 5h ago

Ok I'll spoon feed you >>81281993
I'm so happy for our country.

Nice rare, Erdogan is finished.
Constantinople will soon be ours.

Time to eradicate the blight that is the Turks.
"The Great Turkish Nation: Starting at 3:00 am on the 27th of May, the Turkish armed forces have taken over administration throughout the entire country. This operation, thanks to the close cooperation of all our citizens and security forces, has succeeded without loss of life" - leader of the 1960 coup in Turkey

Coups in Turkey aren't the military trying to take over and control the country. It's their constitutional duty to defend the country from islamist and reinstate secularism. It's not your average bloody coup, at least it wasn't supposed to be but Turks have forgotten their past. Fucking shitstain of a country. Going to get my passport removed after this.
I want to tell you that we gonna have protectorate over your shitty country after west falls, shit
Stand by for lot of new toilets to clean

They were still Turkish you absolute nigger.

No sane American goes around calling themselves Belgian, or Igbo. Same concept.

I honestly can't believe that ethnonationalists are so stupid as to believe that people of different races can't consider themselves countrymen.

In time they would have. The overthrow of the coup would have taken longer obviously but they are right next to Syria and Iraq. This coup was always going to fail if the population majority were not supporting it.
Tell that to Genghis Khan.
I hope you realize now that race actually is real and not just a /pol/ meme.

The whites in Turkey tend to join the army and believe in the secular state and liberal democracy. They don't want to shoot people.

The browns in Turkey act live they do everywhere else. They're low IQ, low empathy, hate western democracy, and want to behead everyone who doesn't want to live under shariah law
Depends what country it is, Bulgaria is ethnocentric, USA is not. For example.
They still have one air base.
This is far from over no matter what is everyone saying.
Mate, you are fucking retarded. Race is EVERYTHING and you'll grow to learn it.
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No no no, this can't be happening.

Why did the coup fail?

Turkey will become an Islamic country now.

Why does this happen?

Not here it isn't. Not in Singapore. And not in Turkey. Grow the fuck up Ivan.
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your're just a stupid ass dirty filthy stupid drunkard kacap to us.

you turn every country you touch into a tyrannic , poverty and corrupt shithole just like you are

we'll take US over you mongol cocksuckers any day
There's evidence of Genghis and his generals being educated.
Because Erdogan knew this was going to happen from day one and planned for it. He heavily handicapped the army when he first came to power.

Fair enough m8.
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That's the face of a man who has been grabbed by 'slimes. The stench is the worst part, the rape and then torture and dismemberment after is nearly as bad.

Why do you think that Russian soldier a couple of months back called in an airstrike on his own position when he knew they were going to capture him.

Far better to die in an airstrike than be captured by Muslims. Man, woman, child, it doesn't matter capture by slimes is the worst possible fate.
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Is that Freddy Mercury second from the right?
most americans refer to themselves as being part german, or part irish

when you get down to it, nobody really believes in multiculturalism. they identify emotionally with their genetic relatives first, and everybody else second. abstract concepts like countries and multiculturalism don't win against biology

look at the pictures again and really taste those redpills, bro

Hi, I'm Capt Roach

Welcome to Jackass
>le the soldiers didn't shoot at the crowd meme

the guys on the bridge shot the crowd. i saw it live
More like America's summer outhouse.
Yes and what?
We don't have trucks riding 2 km on celebrating civilians like your in precious shitty europe
You'll learn to appreciate that
of course you dont care about Race because you are not white
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That comment, though.
If they murdered civvies they'd lose popular support you inbred retard making their sitiuation worse
>Basically the only muslim country with a semblance of developed economy is flushing itself down.

I've been to indonesia and malasia. THere are developed muslim countries out there, you just don't know about them.
Crowd dispersal. If they wanted they could have killed every single retarded roach marching towards them.
Well, they failed their constitutional duty, because they lost the war to the turkish police, within a day.
this is true
the most vertical video of all time
Bretty gud!
They didn't lose to the police, they lost to the people.
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We lost anons.

Coup was the last chance it failed.

There is no hope anymore.Turkey is kill.Tell your relatives to not to visit this shithole to damage the economy as much as you can.

There is no hope anymore.

Who knows maybe I can wear a suicide vest or take a pistol and kill some people before I see this country go down.

Goodbye /pol/
people think with their emotions. their emotions evolved. their emotions evolved to make them care more about their genetic relatives (the selfish gene propagates) then people they're more distantly related to. of course this varies with iq and culture, but that just proves my point even more.

empathy has racial limits
dont mind him he hasnt slept in a while
Algebra literally relies on simple maths and using logic. It is taught to children.

I remember taking an entry exam and they offered me some bad ass gigs (OS/Pilot) but I only wanted part time reserves and they said no.
>The problem is they wanted a non-violent coup. In a fucking ISLAMIC STATE. If you're gonna do a coup in an ISLAMIC STATE you need to fucking resort to violence. Or the mob will get violent on you.

This. Only brutal unthinking savages would trust a politician over their military, when they are honour bound to protect the rights of the people, against theocratic rule.

No good deed goes unpunished.
>It's their constitutional duty to defend the country from islamist and reinstate secularism.

Show me this duty in the constitution. With an article number.

t. lawfag
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By developed you mean picrelated?
Also chinks own them almost completely.
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Who's side were the military even on?

When I first heard of the coup I thought it would be the secularists angry at the Turkish president for attempting to make Turkey more Islamic and authoritarian.

But if the military was pro-freedom, why did they kill civilians?
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>Turkey will become an Islamic country now
It's been that way for a long time now. Amazing how these soldiers hadn't realized that.
The army should've bombed Taksim square, the soldiers failed by letting the Jihadists get close to them.

When fighting Jihadists you have to kill those fuckers because they actually want to die, those roaches really believe that after dying there are 72 virgins waiting for them.

Sad to see the Turkish army surrender to ISIS so easily. Well they'll get tortured for it. They should've fought till the end if not for honor, at least they should've known that death is better than being tortured by the roaches.
3 days to be exact, I'm barely conscious. I'm gonna go catch a couple hours RIGHT NOW.

inb4 another major happening
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honestly you could try going to germany or something i don't see what possible harm it could do
When will the public executions be broadcast?
The people aren't armed. Every time the army confronted the people it was a dozen civilians dead and the rest running.
They lost to the police.
Trump 2016

>We are the champions
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>why did they kill civilians?
Thinks that ISIS/Al Qaeda are civilians.
I'm so, so sorry roach. I'd say "please don't kill yourself" but it may well be a preferable fate.

All I can say is, stay as safe as possible unless it becomes absolutely necessary to an hero. And flee if you can. If there is one kind of refugee that's actually welcome, it's a secular refugee.
they are descendant of janssairies


basically white people from the balkans who got adbucted by ottomans and lived for centuries in turkey
The trucks must run in zigzag, it's part of the rules.
so that cute white guy in the pic /compared to the nasty looking brownies/ did he die? i havent watched live streams or anything

Uhhhhh, Turkey has been shit ever since the Turks moved in. Just like Arabs you pieces of shit simply moved onto civilizations greater than anything you're capable of building and took them with violence.

Your genetic line should have killed itself off 500 years ago. Get skinned and beheaded, fuckface.
>ISIS/Al Qaeda are civilians.
>everyone who went out on the street yesterday was ISIS

My father went to protest the coup and he's the most secular guy I know
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>Turkey is kill.
Good. Hope you die as well.
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I don't care any more.Even if I immigrate to America,Turkey will be my homeland.

I'd do anything before I see this country becoming another ME shithole.
this is a foreshadowing of whats going to happen to europe and the US
*record scratch* *freeze frame*
you're probably wondering how i got here...

Before the muslim hordes invaded Turkey was a white homeland. See:Trojans, Lydians, Locrians, Phrygians etc.

I know that if you don't immediately exterminate anyone violating your orders to stay in, more of them will do so.
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they were just random lads following orders and now they're dead, because they hesitated to kill their own countrymen, or were stupid enough to surrender to shitskins
Godspeed then, roach, Godspeed.

>I'd do anything before I see this country becoming another ME shithole.

You better build a time machine and kill off your great great grandfather then, faggot. It's been another ME shithole since before 1453. Turks have done nothing of value for anything in the whole region except turn it into shit.
It was majority of the military vs a small part who attempted the coup. There was no secular party involved.
Everyone out in the streets at that point was a pro-Erdogan, and pro-Erdogan enough to intentionally risk their life.

The military told everyone to stay inside. Erdogan then told his supporters to go out there and fuck shit up. Hence the results. Secularists did as they were told and stayed indoors. Erdogan supporters did as they were told and fucked shit up.
Dude find out what your haplogroup is and try reintagrating into society your ancestors been abducted from. Stop being cuck for shitskins.
You realise the coup was orchestrated by an Islamist faction in the military that make Erdogan and his cronies look moderate? Either way, tough times ahead for Turkey, but it's probably for the better the coup wasn't successful.
I hope he didn't get tank'd.
>I'd do anything before I see this country becoming another ME shithole.

wake up retard. we've always been an undemocratic ME shithole. ataturk ruled with an iron fist and genocided kurds at Dersim, a very ME way to run a country
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Turks are cowards and cuckolds. Same as it ever was.

Feels good, man.

Hope they all kill each other and themselves.
Of course they don't.
Are* and it's not surprising.
This is exactly what I'm thinking when I'm looking at these pictures.

I missed out on everything because it all took place while I was asleep, but these anons claim that the soldiers posted ITT were killed
>multi-lane drifting
You don't care for your planes at all, do you?
It was a Game of Thrones joke.
Just let Kurdistan form and you'll be able to reform.

I haven't been in Turkey for a couple of years due to all this political shit - a shame, since it was a great country with nice people.
With everytime you mean two times. The bridge in Istanbul and the Parliament in Ankara.

Looking for it now, it's a 125 page document.
thats wrong, they were on the right way in the beginning of the 20th century
>My father went to protest the coup and he's the most secular guy I know

I can see through your Turkroach trickery, or your dad is a retard.

Mosques called on Jihad for Erdogan.

If your dad really is secular he should be proud of protesting for Sharia law, and for women being forced under the Niqab.

The Turkish media will spin this as a triumph of faith over the evil and Turkey will become even more Islamist
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>people ITT thinking this """""coup""""" was anything but staged
It was Erdogan's master plan to purge the remaining political opposition from the army and from the looks of it it worked out for him spectacularly well

Fast forward 10 years from now on Turkey will be just another religious dictatorship shithole like many others
If you are going to kill yourself you might as well try to get King Roach himself with you.

That being said I advise you to reconsider.
no shit
It was clearly false flag. Now TukroachErdogan can do whatever he wants to do, even rewrite whole turkconstitution. He acts like another islamic prophet right now and noone will stop him from bringing in full dictatorship.
quite a few were lynched
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While this is true in design, it is not true in practice. 100 is taken to be the median but is not true for several countries. For example, the average IQ in the UK and a lot of western europe is 100. The IQ of japan on average is 105. In these countries, the median should be higher than 100, given that the average would otherwise be equal to or higher than the median.

In Turkey, the average score is 90. This would also suggest that their median IQ is lower.

IQ with base 100 Median is retarded.
protip: there isn't such article.i'm telling this to you as a lawfag.

anyone who says that the military can interfere becuase it says so in the constitution is a liar and doesn't know shit about the constitution.
this is fucking sad

Nope. Where they are now is where they've always been destined to be.

This is what happens when you choose Islam as your religion just because some retarded arabs will do all your fighting for you.
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Well... now they been captured and likely to be Killed, not sure what is worse.

Winning or losing.

Only sad thing about it was he wasn't slowly impaled with a stake up his ass like all Turks deserve
lynched to death? is there any other ending to a lynching?
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>indonesia and malasia

Couldn't think of any closer to home huh?

Jesus muslims are a complete fail
>come to save your country from barbaric dictator

>instead of being praised the populace gut you and oppose you
It's sad how this is how every western country is soon becoming with how massively cucked we are being.
you must be mexican or a nig or else i cant explain how you are happy that descendants of white eastern european soldiers were killed by mudshits?
M8 secular western turks are fine, and most of them are white, or at least greek-tier

It still is white, you tool. Looks at Greeks and Armenians. They're just as white.
One cannot be lynched to life.

Somewhat Lynched.
he is not an american, he talks like a mexican
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That's odd. I see it referred to alot. Only decent source I can find is a Time article, but you need to be a subscriber to read it.
Lov dem modes anon
In Belgium it already happened yesterday during the coup, Turks following erdodog attacked a building where people following gulen work or something...
These sandniggers flee their shithole country for gibs me dats but still "fight" for the destruction of their homecountries. These sandniggers needs to be pushed out hard.
>You realise the coup was orchestrated by an Islamist faction in the military that make Erdogan and his cronies look moderate?

What the fuck are you even talking about you piece of shit.
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Yes, this is not funny.
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God Speed Turkey. This plague is going to move beyond Turkey if we don't stop it. Turkey has now become a disease spreading cyst.

Europe needs to wake. The EU must fall.
there is no such article. there never was. it's bullshit made up to justify coups and because most people don't know the law they fall for it.


r A r E r A r E r A r E r A r E
r A r E r A r E r A r E r A r E
r A r E r A r E r A r E r A r E
r A r E r A r E r A r E r A r E
>/pol/tards turn some power struggle between t*rkroach elites into """"secular""" white vs mudshit islamist debate
>le turks are white meme
wew lads
It's basically Starship Troopers IRL
>how little has changed since the "great" empire a few hundred years ago
I don't understand this. Literally all they ha to do was button up and then slowly drive away and they'd have been completely untouchable.
dude they are basically slavs, look OPs pic, he is one of yours, you should be sad that he got lynched
idk what happened to the guy in this pic, stream cut off right as they pulled him from tank
How come all their soldiers are fucking fat or skinny? Dont they need any training to be in the army?

All american troops I've seen have always been 10/10 muscle god alphas with huge jaws.
>read Code of Hammurabi few times

OKtay, memnun etmek

I know a few lawschool Turks in my area. They work in the bakery in my neighbourhood.
Because you don't volunteer you get drafted.
>500 people are attacking my heavily armed tank
>best just wait it out

No, nigger, you hit the gas and shoot the cannon.
What was this pathetic pacifist coup? Did they expect people will join them and march on the democratically elected president? He obviously has majority support. The masses obviously are on his side.

Ataturk is turning in his grave, he knew hot to stage a good coup, kill a few civilians if need be.
>all American troops
No shit, we ARE the global superpower for a fucking reason swedecuck
Don't dude me, maggot. Why the fuck should I feel bad about indoctrinated kemalist halfblood rape victims killing islamist erdos and vice versa?

Good turkroach is a dead turkroach.
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Don't need support if no one's game to lift their head for machine gun fire.
He's right

It's just a mind trick with math, practice it with a tutor for 3 or 4 sessions you'll have it down. You've just forgotten it. Math is like a language, just brush up on it.
Even the cops can't protect the freedom force from the savage muslims

lay off the vodka, retard
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Who did start this coup i wonder . it was at very worst moment .
my vote is this was totally staged from Erdogan he rly think himself emperor Palpatine
im so sure the ppl who got orders from him to do that will end up dead . mostly all officers will be killed "by mobs" or in "gunfights"
why im so sure in the next few months he will get more power and more support
it will get classical Hitler if he blame the jews which may happen
Run back to your cuckshed, assclown.
They expected to finish it up without resistance from the people. They never wanted to kill anyone. Then Erdogan managed to get on TV and encourage his mudslime hordes to get onto the streets, and the military did not want to kill people so they never started fighting back until it was too late. They fucked up by letting him escape.
Kill em now, one less problem to worry about tomorrow.
The army broadcast to Turks to stay in their houses.
After that, anyone on the street is fair game.


This seems to be an interesting article on the role of the military in Turkish politics and their constitutional legitimacy.

From what I can gather, the 1961 and 1970 interventions were justified within the Turkish constitution.

I'm currently reading the part on the 1983 constitution and how it could relate to this coup - what is mentioned is that the constitution was amended in 2010 (by Erdogan/AKP) to limit the military's influence.
Agree. It's 21 fucking century, all information is available with few clicks so you can deduce why you have problems being part of shitskin society and how you ended up there. Those "whites" always were racial traitors and now they pay the toll.
Can we now all take a moment in silence to celebrate the fact that the last sane muslim country has finally gone retarded for good.....................................................................................................................amen.
What was their plan? They should have knew they wouldn't get the support from the civilians needed for this.
Exactly how it's going to end in Europe as well.

White men are pathetic betas.
Okay XoXol, now go back to earning 0.99 cents a day
lol the 'police' in Turkey are a blue paramilitary force of rural Islamists that is loyal to Erdogan, they're his counterbalance against the military

Turkey has 500k 'police' since Erdogan came into power
welfare cuck telling people about earning money
don't you have refugee welcome party to participate today?
Fuck the international community.
If they cared there wouldn't be smashed up kids in Paris morgues tonight.
If your going to rebel, your only focus is your goals. Anyone between you and those goals needs to be neutralised.
Get your memes straight, hohols adore turkroaches. You should let both of them in your eurocuck union.

Hmm, yeah, no. They are Turks and an enemy to Western civilization. They should be treated to the fate they gave to pregnant women and children in the surrounding villages of Vienna. A slow painful death of impaling.
Some 4chan internet neckbeards judging actual soldiers who fought for the right cause
Get squashed by truck
Pilot probably died months ago, a bus full of pilots was bombed recently.
Blood from one nostril.
Roach cum from the other.
Fought is a bit of a stretch here

You are also Nr 1 on the civilized and educated people avoidance list.
BULGARIA?! I thought that was Russia. Holy fuck, I'm color blind.
Okay edgy neo-nazi slav
>actual soldiers
>fucking conscripts doing as they told by some colonel fighting for his status
>massacre some civilians and achieve nothing
>right cause
How delusional can you yuros get?

The only "right cause" is the "anti-Muslim/Turk" cause.

The only way to fix it is for every last one of them to die.
then why is your president supporting erdogan?
they did more than you will in your entire life
They died? Amazing. Round of applause.

With projecting skill like those you don't need a tv in your cuckshed.
your country is 20% muslim

People tend to stick to their own in segregated communities, usually due to ethnic background and wealth.

Suburbs are a perfect example of this and of course people rally around others with the same religious beliefs of their parents.

People do not trust what they don't know so everyone feels more comfortable within their own ethnic or religious groups.
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