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POLL: Trump Receives 1% Black Support

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>Republican nominee Donald Trump has 1% (yes, out of 100%) of support from black voters, finds a new Quinnipiac poll.

>By comparison, 91% of black voters backed presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

>Trump had support of 47% of white voters polled over Clinton’s 30%, while Clinton beat Trump with Hispanic voters by winning 50-33%. Republican nominees traditionally have not won the majority of support from African American voters, but they’ve done better than Trump is polling now: Mitt Romney won 6% of the black vote in 2012, John McCain won 4% in 2008, and George W. Bush won 11% in 2004.

But I thought Trump said he had a great relationship with the Blacks /pol/?
stuck on the Divide N Conquer (DNC) slave plantation, so what?
kike shill
>America would be better without niggers.

We already knew that
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>1% of 13%
>cut down thanks to higher incarceration rates
>further cut down by no mandatory voting

pretty decent

They're a small part of the population and their turnout is generally low, so it doesn't really matter.
>quinnipiac poll

This hardly means he'd get that in a general election.

he won't do well, but 1% is absurd
Looks like the brainwashing works, on idiots at least
#ChampagneSocialists like Soros are using #BLM terrorists like #Deray4Treason to hijack the legitimate black rights movement. (http://blackcommunitynews.com/the-real-power-and-purpose-behind-black-lives-matter-movement)
Did you read the part of where milktoast McCain ended up with only 4%?
It's not out of the question at this point.

I find it disturbing. The White vote (outside the South at least) isn't nearly as monolithic and neither is the Hispanic vote either.
Great endorsement. That is about right.
How are you supposed to read this poll data properly? It says "polled 1,610 registered voters" but doesn't even say how many of them are black
Democrats thrive on the promise of expanding gibs-me-dats programs to secure votes. This shouldn't be a surprise to you. This poll literally says
"hillary is a democrat and will expand programs: trump is a republican and will rein in lethargic public programs and put people back to work", so big deal.

ok well im black nd was never servayed so?
>comparing mccain to Trump

shill thread.
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I was just thinking that
Would love to see the% of the white vote Trump has
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wtf I hate Trump now
I'm a #Nigger4Hillary now

Correct, Trump is doing worse than McCain.
They don't want to work. No surprises here.
Nevermind, found the sample data, 11% of the 1,610 were black, so 177.

Even if this was from a survey with more than 2k people, it'd still be irrelevant because America is a republic not a democracy so all votes aren't counted equally anyway.
And their turnout will be low because it's not Obama.
Black people are a hive mind. It's encouraged in their culture. Everyone must talk the same way, dress the same way, and hold the same opinions or you're no longer part of the group. Democrats could bring back segregation and I guarantee they'd still win the black vote.
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52% of white men, 37% of white women (when you include Stein/Johnson) pic related

if you exclude them, 56% of white men, 39% of white women
The poll does have a MOE of 2.4% so he could be doing as well as 4.4% or as bad as 0%

Back in 2012 during the week runup to the Conventions that were held in August, Romney LITERALLY polled at 0 PERCENT.

>President Obama snared 94 percent of African Americans surveyed, the presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney got nuthin’, zilch, niente, a big fat 0 percent.

>“The numbers came from a statistically significant sample of more than 100 African-American voters out of 1,000 total voters in the poll,” Mark Murray, senior political editor for NBC News, told me via e-mail this morning. “Given the sample size of these African-American respondents, the margin of error is well within the 95%-4% split with which Obama won this group in 2008.”

Rmoney did end with 6% of the vote in the end though, so there is time for improvement.
>Trump wants to deport sandpeople
>Blacks hate Trump even though he hasn't said anything but nice things about blacks.
if you compare results when you include the two other parties, Stein and Johnson take more voters away from Clinton than Trump in every demographic except in these three:
ages 50-64
White men
More reason to vote for him. Also, he should just drop the pandering and go ALL in, posting statistic, hate facts, realities, etc.
If niggers are only twelve percent of our population, why is their vote so critical?
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>Public Policy Polling (PPP) is a North Carolina-based polling company. They are not a hoax. But they do have a history of asking unusual questions along with the usual "who would you vote for, do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion," and so on. For instance, they asked Florida voters if Ted Cruz was the Zodiac Killer and if Christians believed President Obama would be Raptured.

>The Giant Meteor 2016 movement, also known as Sweet Meteor O' Death or #SMOD16, began as a joke by those unhappy with their presidential choices. The Twitter account now boasts more than 20,000 followers. You can even get a bumper sticker. "Ready to Make an Impact, Tough on Putin & Iran," the bio reads. "I'll probably destroy all Earthly life."

Well at least it's upfront about it.

>So in the poll, which really happened, 43 percent of people would vote for Clinton, 38 percent for Trump and 13 percent would break for the giant meteor.

>7 percent were undecided.

>Of note: The meteor option polled nearly twice as high as a separate question which included the main third (and fourth) party candidates. Jill Stein of the Green Party polled at 2 percent, while Libertarian Gary Johnson hit 5 percent.

Voters would literally rather die in a hail of fire and brimstone, than live under a President Johnson/Stein.
every vote matters. If Trump wins, it's likely to be only by a few percent. He needs support from all demographics.

>Overwhelming majority of biological and historical evidence shows us that niggers are dumb as rocks and incapable of making decisions that result in sustainable civilizations
>This poll is essentially evidence that Trump is the right candidate.
Is there any chance of Bernie actually risking everything to run for the Green party? Haven't heard any response or comment from him on it

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>Trump Receives 1% Black Support
>mfw I'm finally part of the 1%

>91% shillary
Looks like LBJ was right. He WOULD have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.
Q13 Do you think Barack Obama would be taken up to Heaven in the Rapture or not?
Think Obama would be taken up to Heaven ... 44%
Think he would not........................................ 26%
Not sure ...................................................... 30%
>every vote matters

It's not a direct democracy, you know.
I am now a #ClintonMissile
Shit mang, you're right. Votes don't matter. I'm now a #Shill4Hillary
No, he isn't stupid. If Duverger's Law wasn't in effect, maybe.
Spics have abysmal turnouts and they mostly live in states which are not purple(except for Florida). Niggers on the other hand have decent turnouts and they have relevant population in key states.
Why do blacks vote for Hitlery when she obviously hates them and Trump had said nothing bad about blacks?
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not even gonna look, just gonna keep scrolling
dont even bother responding, because i wont be here to see it
Giant meteor has my vote.
I hope it picks gamma ray burst for its running mate.
He wont. He's still butthurt to this day of Nader giving the election to Bush, he always rants about it.
>Clinton calls niggers "super predators" and how we need to "bring them to heel"
>91% support
They just can't get off that DNC plantation
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This shit is hilarious, no really. Anyone, literally ANYONE can see how rigged this shit is.

You know how you need to keep it subtle to stop people from noticing your jewing and they are so desperate they went to a comic extreme.
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>he posted a fucking cornell link
id hit it
SMOD has my vote
>conservatives aren't renowned to give gibsmedats
Thank you.
If these numbers hold, then Trump is losing VA, NC, & OH if not PA too. All except OH & PA have Black populations around 20% and the other two at 11-12%.

>Democrats could bring back segregation and I guarantee they'd still win the black vote.

>mfw this is already happening

I have no idea why I meme-arrowed, please forgive me padre
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Hey man I've tried. I can't even describe it, you want to know something that's really scary /pol/?

I've shown this exact video right here>>80584796 to some of the people I know. I told them that Hillary does not care about us and you want to know the answer I got?

"Bro people can change man, but Trump he still a racist though"

This isn't a fucking joke no more.
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>Americans need polls to understand that races/nationalities are always conquering each other
It's either you or them, it never was any different.
Sounds like a shitty survey.
Using a MoE calculator:
Population size 40M (approximate number of blacks)
Sample size 177
MoE +/- 7.37%
>implying those 91% are all going out to vote on November 8th

I think that what will kill Trump will be his low support among white women. Not a single Republican candidate has lost that vote in a long time, and is huge... white women are a big chunk of the total votes.
Why do American polls even publish general results like this instead of breaking it down state-wise to simulate electoral college results?
I hate niggers so much.
>asking blacks on the street/over the phone who they'd vote for
>expecting this to translate to even half of them actually showing up to vote

Typical lib mistake.
So the liberal media can push the narrative that Shillary is winning
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>Trump said he had a great relationship with the Blacks
Niggers are too stupid to realize that Democrats are their true enemy.

Democrats intentionally create division among races so they can exploit it for political advantage.

Who wants to bet at least some of the last week's events were organized and supported by Clinton Foundation (R) ? Doesn't it seem too convenient that they took place exactly during the week Clinton's lies were revealed?
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Felons can't vote anyway.
Because the narrative is to shun this racist, xenophobic republican from becoming the nominee.

Meanwhile, we can elect someone who is guilty of treason and ready to go to war at a moment's notice, but its okay, she's above the law and nothing like Bush was at all!
.013% of 13%*
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>"randomly" select a few hundred people
>push it like it "represents" tens of millions

0/10 shit bag

fuck off
>Clinton beat Trump with Hispanic voters by winning 50-33%
Trump has 33% of the Hispanic vote.

Is this the Republican average, or above or below it?
Why does the media shill that the nigger vote matters?

They're only 12% of the population, and they're not going to be as excited to vote as they were in 2008 and 2012.

I truly think the MSM is going to get a rude awakening about how many blacks actually care about this election, now that a fellow dindu isn't running.

all this tells me is that black people support corruption
Does this really surprise anyone?
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