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Friday Summary

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Thread replies: 254
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>FBI Anon's predictions confirmed
>The Foundation becomes whistleblown
>Hillary escapes indictment
>Dindu 1 gets shot
>Dindu 2 gets shot, and actually dindu nuffin for real for once
>FBI cucks get roasted by the House
>Shadow government accidentally exposed during hearing
>Hillary put into REOPENED investigation
>The Foundation presumably under investigation
>11 officers sniped by BLM protesters and possibly a white person
>Race war begins

Whew... Long week. Did I miss anything?
Boy was this week a week to not live under a rock.
Will she get indicted now?
Also if FBI anon was correct, Bernie is still in this race
>China military exercises begin after the international community reunites do weight the south china sea situation. Talk about war and aggression with america.

>OTAN reinforce the baltic states, due to russia 'menace'
I first went on /pol/ like 4 days ago and holy shit the happenings
>Shadow government accidentally exposed during hearing

>FBI during hearings reports there are sectors of government that not even CONGRESS is allowed to know exists
>Hillary leaked and sold this info to ordinary people
It's actually happening, for real this time! Feels good man :^)
>The Agency
>The Agency
>The Agency
>The Agency
>The Agency
These happenings have completely solidified my view that there is a judo-zionist conspiracy against traditional nationalist values. If you believe the media, two lone opressed dindus had enough of being oppressed and fought back. We've been told to root for underdogs our whole lives, why? Because they are preparing us for a socialist revolution.
>KKK lynches black man in Piedmont Park in response to the BLM shootings
>Cops insist it is suicide
>Civil unrest
>You, super high level clearance guy, what do you mean?
>I'm not cleared to know about that.
That was a hoax. Do you really think if that had happened CNN would have shut up about it?
McCulloughs commie meme speak is so triggering.
We need to expose The Agency and The Foundation

We need to compile the information in these threads relevant to the CF, and make a big dump. Once we have all the necessary information in one location we must spread it to as many people as possible.
Can we stop this meme? it's not a fucking shadow government department or anything, or at the very least the odds of that are astronomical.

X owns a giant black dildo.

Clinton steels that dildo.

The police recover the giant black dildo in a high profile case, everyone knows that a giant black dildo was recovered..

X is fucking embarressed about the whole situation and doesn't want to be identified.

X's identity is not revealed. That isn't to say that X is unknown to people, quite the opposite. X just doesn't want any attention on them or to deal with any awkward questions.

>X is Rubio btw.
>The Agency
>Has ability to control who sees their documents, even Congress
pretty obvious there

>The Foundation
isn't this a "supposed" non-profit or something?
Remember there is a lot of disinformation in these threads. Stay on target. Focus on the CF.
(((The Agency)))

But seriously, what could it be /pol/?
>grandstanding this obviously
its a good thing nobody watches this shit
This would be an OK argument if this was a regular case involving regular Police. But this is a high level investigation involving congress, national security and a goddamn presidential candidate. AND THE PEOPLE INVESTIGATING IT ARE NOT ALLOWED TO KNOW WHO THE AENCY IS!
ah yes, putting public embarassment in front of freedom of information. I love democracy.
>>Hillary put into REOPENED investigation

Haven't been paying attention. What happened?
it's probably something alien related. Hilary's not the first presidential candidate to promise to release UFO files.
>freedom of information
>classified documents
pick one

no, the people investigating it are not allowed to PUBLICLY DISCLOSE who the agency is
big difference
>Shadow government accidentally exposed during hearing
>Hillary put into REOPENED investigation

I didnt follow all of the hearing due to work, but can someone explain these aspects? this must have happened after i stopped following it.
>this ancient ass version of OSX
C'mon, your first guess can't seriously be Aliens..
The FBI guy, Comey, was cross examined yesterday by thr Depart of State. They pointed out all of the irregularities and also the times Hillary lied under oath, which is illegal and called perjury, and also when she was supposed to be interviewed during the weekend, they didn't take her oat (essential) and she refused to be interviewed and they were maybe talking with her for 3 hours.

The guy looked devastated
Firstly, it's in regards to an SAP which is apparently the most classified information can be (because of the national security stakes involved). It's not as mundane as a giant black dildo.

Also because the US government is huge and creates inordinate amount of retarded regulations and red tape.

Look at all the stuff related to records keeping they talked about. The whole situation with that is a shitshow. Congress not knowing they were supposed to refer Clinton's perjury to the FBI. People not knowing about (c). Members of Congress not understanding upclassifying. The whole system is a disorganised mess and for whatever reason there exists a rule/law/regulation that allows the originator of certain information to chose not be identified.
>>Race war begins

HOW? I stay off /pol/ for 3 fucking days and its like I have been gone a fucking year. I missed everything.

Relax anons, it's an Agency that we all know. The purpose of not ratting out the Agency in public is to protect the source and methods of intelligence gathering.

Source: I work in the Intelligence Community.
what the fuck else would it be. We already know about the agencies that go around murdering people for kicks and selling guns to mudslimes. Jimmy Carter said he'd release all UFO files when elected and then he didn't. Fishy AF.
The Agency

But do they just mean NSA or something else ?
gtfo of here with your sound, even-headed reasoning
obviously we're talking about a secret agency that has access to aliens, the fountain of youth, and time travel
it could just be the fbi or cia or something.

when you're discussing classified info or anything with an NDA, you can't discuss the content nor can you acknowledge whether or not you're involved or that source.
let's not forget the lizardmen and atlantis. Also weather manipulation.
honestly from the way i saw Comey acting yesterday seemed like his family had been gotten to by some unfriendly types, and he didnt want them all to have the brakes suddenly fail and drive off a cliff.
need I say more?
Agency=CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
Foundation= Clinton Foundation

~t. former illuminati
The jew is losing power. We can all feel it. Rejoice.
It could be any department. That's the whole point. The department in question doesn't want it to be known that it is their SAP.

IMO it's possibly because they're not the type of department you would think would have SAPs. Or that they have so few, that them being identified would allow people in the know about the project to realise that its compromised. Although, it's just as likely that the NSA is sick of FOI requests and people asking questions so they are stonewalling.
>FBI cucks

What a time to be alive. Down with the jew
>Dindu 2 gets shot, and actually dindu nuffin for real for once

>Shadow government accidentally exposed during hearing
Tell me more of these
I dont have one but i think its on CSPAN or Youtube.

iirc he was a respected guy in the law community, and now all of a sudden him saying "i dont know", "i dont think", ect and deflecting all the questions that could vilify her, it kinda makes it seem fishy.

Moreso when you see and read between the lines that though he isnt outright saying she is a fuckup, he implies she is too ignorant to be president. like hes trying to send thsat message while appearing not to.
US to put 10k soldiers on poland and move missiles to the north.
The perhaps you could tell us something juicy that could verify your claim because from where I sit, it looks to me that there is something (((shadier))) than your (already) shady alphabet agency pulling strings behind the curtain.
People KNOW about the NSA, it was talked about when that snowden leaked stuff. This HAS to be something that by mentioning it's own name would be breaching a secret information.
>Foundation could bring down everyone.
>FBI says they love to watch /pol/ .
>Says we are on to something yyuuuggee.
>Race war on top of this shit.

It's happening.
This fucked up crossbreed of a monkey is onto something.
Year of the happenings
Impossible, the only reason to not name one agency would be if said name were a restricted information.
>Putin is sperging out raving that we are being steered to war
According to FBI anon, Putin doesn't want to go to war. This is backed up by him pledging allegiance to the United States earlier this month.

Shit, if I was Russia, I wouldn't want to go to war either. Our asses would get kicked so fucking hard
Does anyone has a pic of FBI anon posts? I want to save them for later.
If Putin is freaking out and at least a little scared I reckon we ought to worry...
Go into any /cfg/ thread and you'll find them archived

CFG stands for Clinton Foundation General

He has tasked /pol/ with exposing the Clinton Foundation to the world
>Our asses would get kicked so fucking hard
shut up, retard. russia is nothing. they only have nukes and that's the issue
According to FBIA, if Hillary wins, we're going to war in order to profit someone else>>80244884
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This is all so fucked up
He knows that. Hes saying that if WE were Russia, We'd get our ass kicked if the US went to war with us
>the only reason
They don't even need a reason. They just needed to tell the department that the guy being questioned works for that they don't want to be identified. Their reason could be that it would threaten the project, that they just don't want the scrutiny, or even that they flipped a coin and this was the result.

To be fair, the US and NATO have been fucking with Russians foreign interests for years and there have been multiple proxy wars because of this (Ukraine and some of the ME drama for example). And now they're actively putting troops closer to the border and holding war games there. Shit is fucked up.

I'd argue that conflict with them isn't necessary, so that ANY damage caused to america's and american interests would/could be considered outrageous. Although, that's not really what you were replying to, but IMO taking any losses when none are necessary is a defeat in and of itself.

You really need to stop holding onto the FBI poster as being an authority on everything. There are pretty damned good odds that he's full of shit. That's not to say that a lot of the stuff he's said doesn't ring true, but acting like he is proven and infallible is not the smartest thing to do.
I mean... You're fine, you won't get drafted because you're Canadian
Do you guys even have a draft?

I honestly might become a cucknadian if shit goes down that road...
Despite the fact that you're Australian, you're right. I think it's just that since some of his posts have come true, and we all reeally WANT to believe, we latch onto all of his ideas like they're hard stone fact.
>The Foundation becomes whistleblown
>Shadow government accidentally exposed during hearing

More about these two? Especially the shadow govt.
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>yfw you realize that most women weren't pushing for the ability to fight in the military, it was just the (((media))) helping to precondition the masses to accept women being eligible for the draft so the (((Powers That Be))) will have more cannon fodder in the imminent war
I can confirm this, I watched the whole thing.

He was a prosecutor before becoming the head of FBI, meaning he knew all the tricks to catch a corrupt politician and certainly how much Hillary was guilty off.

Everyone from congress questioned him why he would turn his back on them, knowing full well how respected he is and what he used to stand for.

Everything went well, would smile after answering a question, talk about his honesty and respect for others, until Chaffez was allowed to question him.
His mod changed completely
>pic related

He never talked about himself highly after that.

Basically Chaffez aka Ace Attorney, asks it's not usual to politicians/higher ups to influence an investigation and asked if Clinton Foundation was the reason for Hillary not getting indicted.
He wouldn't answer and then got extremely nervous when Chaffez asked as a follow up question if Clinton Foundation was being investigated for corruption charges.

After that his time was up and had to give it to Cummings who talked about faulty classification, which we meme'd on about since that was all he would talk about until it started to make sense after the 5 min break once it turned out that "The Agency" says what's classified or not and only they are allowed to see the contents of such material.

Which Hillary didn't give two fucks about.
The FBI guy was getting roasted at congress for this, one congressman asks what agency the SAP files were for, FBI says he can't disclose the agency.

Meaning that we don't know which agency the SAP files were from. Anon speculates that this is an agency no one even knows about, even congress, revealing a shadow govermnent. Counter speculation is that it is a known agency, just one they don't want to draw attention to.
Doing that without a reason would be stupid, it generates WAY more attention to something that they really don't want to talk about.

Agency, and besides NRA which other agency has so few projects? Not FBI or CIA, it's not the NSA because the NSA was already not only cited but got her infos leaked so it'd be like trying to dry ice almost completely melt.

>flipped a coin
>thinking that ANYTHING on those hearings is left up to chance
>thinking that they would be this careless
Besides we're talking about an agency whose information is so secure that even the FBI, the ones that ensure the law is being followed by the government, has to ask special clearance for the own fucking agency they are trying to investigate.

Simply put, again, the only logical explanation is that the agency's name is a secret information itself, and bear in mind, the government already even talked about are 51 (yes I know it doesn't has direct connection to ayys).

Men In Black confirmed
Loooong time ago there was conscription. Not anymore. Wouldn't put it past them to reinstate. If so, I'll figure it out

I'm more worried about Americans. You lot really have something special to fight for. I believe Americans have the foundations to be the best country on earth. I'm genuinely bothered by the shit you folks are going through.

If shit really hits the fan, non-retarded Americans have my home as a safe house

'Shadow Agency' could be a few innocent things.

Say the SAP belongs to the Department of Agriculture (lol), by mentioning the department in that context you also reveal the context of the SAP.

Could also be sooper spoopy shadow gubmint.
How do you not draw attention? By using a neon sign which says NOTHING TO SEE HERE, or by making it a casual, normal and mediocre looking thing?
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post yfw it turns out the two black guys that got shot by the police where to testify against clinton.

I'm not saying it's aliens... but...

>it's probably the Jews
Well he has to give them an answer, so he told them he couldn't disclose the agency. The fact the meeting was even being held was a giant neon sign.
Is Clinton's case being reopen or not?
The real question is how would that cunt get such information, even the FBI director didn't had enough clearance.
Pretty much. If he is full of shit then he at the very least did an absolute shit load of research. He was replying extremely fast in the threads, was pretty consistent, quite knowledgeable, and said a lot of things that were very believable and/or likely.

>Doing that without a reason would be stupid, it generates WAY more attention to something that they really don't want to talk about.


And If we find out that it's the Department of Veterens Affairs that has a SAP? Does that not create more questions? Anonymity means the SAP's context is as vague as possible.

SAP's are also things that you typically need to be read in on. They are need to know only. You don't just get access to them because you're a high level beaurocrat. You get read in because you NEED to know. And the guy in question didn't work for the FBI (that was only Comey), pretty sure he worked for the Office of the Inspector General. And he and his associates were only read in because they fell balls deep into a case where the information has been put at jeopardy.
any links bro?
Actually no, if he said NSA or CIA no one would bat an eye, clinton had information that only the POTUS knew about since she was the first lady for a good time. Those types of information remain classified for a long time so she could've acquired then back then.
>And If we find out that it's the Department of Veterens Affairs that has a SAP? Does that not create more questions?
Not really, they could hold information about retired agents or perhaps soldiers that did specifically sensitive missions, nothing out of the ordinary. You would need to go REALLY far to get an agency that would cause a bigger noise by being named than specifically having the power to order others to not name it.
That's bullshit.

Under what circumstance would they need to protect the agency? I think it's safe to assume that hillary would have emails with classified info from the CIA, NSA, etc. Why would simply mentioning the name of these agencies be not okay? It sounded to me like its an agency that the public can't know about.

Did you see the look on his face when congress asked him what the name of the owning agency was?? He looked like he thought he would be killed for just saying the name

Four and a half hours. Skip the Dems, they have nothing worth saying.
It is.
She got intel from military personnel and advisors she knew.

Whole problem with email server was that it was not secured enough and she kept trading information with people over current happenings.
Which isn't even allowed, knowing full well how other people got fucked for doing this on their private email accounts.

Any spy with her credentials would get invaluable information in real time, in fact be able to read the enemy's next move as well since they were live exchanges back and forth.

The whole classified thing and the FBI has to do with national security. There's basically a ranking system when handling such information and you can bet your ass that the FBI, a FEDERAL bureau of Investigation has no business looking into military operations.
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Considering the urgency of the information to be kept hush, I have a feeling it is more contemporary. My hypothesis is that she acquired it from her connections as head of state, either directly or through the clinton foundation. Considering that it is speculated to be info that would cause civil unrest I imagine it relates to the psyops program against the people. I'm going to go out on a real shaky limb here and say that it might have to do with false flag shootings being organized and deployed around the country and the agencies involved (sandy hook, dark knight shootings, etc.)

Your guess is as good as mine though.
also check this for a tldr near the end
It'd obviously the SCP foundation anons.
You guys must live under rocks.
This guy knows what's up.

Notice something with area 51? The rumours about it died down ever since it was announced that they develop new stealth tech for the aircrafts. It's super deep secret, BUT mediocre looking compared to the rumours, so it died down.

The ONLY reason I see for them to not name it is what I previously mentioned were true.
Mate. You're arguing that it being a previously unknown and unacknowledged governemtn agency is the only logical reason. Firstly the department in quetsio doesn't NEED a reason to request anonymity, secondly there are multiple reasons for them to request this as I gave examples for.

>having the power to order others to not name it
The creator/originator of a specific SAP has the right/power to ask not to be identified in the context we have where an unspecified SAP is being discussed. The guy explained this. It's not a magical power only reserved for the most secret of the secret.

Look. It IS possible that you're right. But you are wrong in arguing so strongly that it's the only logical explanation, let alone that it's the most likely.
If FBI anon is to be believed it has to be with something that would cause WW3, because everyone and their mothers know that the US has agents operating through out the globe, even on allied countries.
The foundation is where they funnel all of their dirty money.

Well over half the money it recieves goes straight into the clintons pockets.
Her email server hasn't been running for maybe 2 or 3 years now. I don't think any current ongoing operations would have all been formulated entirely at that time. Because plans change based upon rising circumstances. Only thing that would likely be long term are NOCs (never more than 2 people per interest maybe),
But the people that didn't have clearance weren't FBI, they were a different organization. OIG is basically an organization that investigates criminal activities within intellegence agencies. Which means they have oversight above the FBI CIA etc


They cover quite a bit of ground. And these people who have oversight above intellegence agencies, didn't even have the needed security clearance to VIEW the emails. Which leads me to believe that these emails had SAP on them, because "secret" and "Top Secret" security clearances aren't even that rare. Not to mention, SAP is supposed to be on closed networks only, so shit like this doesn't happen, but the fact that something of this sort was in an unsecured email server should be huge red flags. Hillary is absolutely FUCKED if she let people with ZERO security clearance to read the contents of these SAP emails, not to mention, you know that foreign governments have all these emails, no doubt.

She let some of our HIGHEST level secrets out and right into the hands of other governments. What's scary is that whatever is in the clinton foundation is worse than the leaking of these SAPs.
>Firstly the department in quetsio doesn't NEED a reason to request anonymity
I will repeat, need is a logical thing, not a regulation. By not naming the agency they are attracting more attention, by saying he isn't ALLOWED to name it they will attract even MORE attention.

Those examples are garbage because even for them they would be better off by allowing their names to appear.

NSA being names? Who cares everyone knows they collect data from everyone, possibly even more than that.
CIA? We know they do shady stuff all the time, it's not any secret
DARPA? Again they SHOULD be full of SAP info.

I will concede that there might be another logical information IF someone comes up with something.

thanks friend
In another thread, some anons were theorizing that the CF donor list was actually a membership programme. Meaning you pay, you get insight.

So for instance, anyone that paid enough would be able to look at these emails no problem.
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>I will repeat, need is a logical thing, not a regulation. By not naming the agency they are attracting more attention, by saying he isn't ALLOWED to name it they will attract even MORE attention.

Yes but who does that attention go to? It DOESN'T go onto the department who runs the SAP. Why would they give a shit if people are asking questions about something completely and utterly contextless that can't be traced to them? The ONLY thing we know is that it is an SAP and that it was mishandled by Clinton. Instead of guessing about which of the potential SAPs of X department it is, we're talking about potential SAPs of every department including ones that don't exist.

Anyway, it's 3 in the morning. I'm done. FYI the next time you see strange lights in the night sky you had best start lubing up, because we've got an extra large probe ready for you.
Oh yeah, I wouldn't doubt it at all.

It's not inconcievable to imagine that the server was purposefully unsecure to allow access to the SAP, essentially selling state secrets via files on the server.

But the question still stands, what is the agency that owns the content of the emails? The agency is SO secret that the American people can't know about it.
This is old. He's requesting the caps from when FBIanon first appeared beginning of July 2016.

>possibly a white person

It will because those emails WILL be leaked at some point, other governments have them, wikileaks have them, people from the FBI are mad at the situation and WILL leak them.

Now this situation backfires to the agency, if they had treated like having SAPs being normal business, once the leaks happened there wouldn't be much speculation, now people will not only speculate but will actively probe about it.

Unless of course the existence of the agency itself is a secret information.
He isn't.
Go sign this shit. Use your rights before Hillary takes them away
>>The Foundation becomes whistleblown
You people are so stupid. If Hillary is only a piece of the slush fund that is the Foundation, and they wouldn't pin her down why do you think they would go after the Foundation?

It's the carrot on the stick and you're all chasing it forgetting the most important detail in the last two weeks. Lynch isn't releasing the Foundation related emails for 2 years. You're getting played hard.
lol OP I did the same thing to the Hillary page.
Dindu 2 actually dindu nuffin, but he did act like an idiot and the cop panicked. Just poor circumstances.
>“My boyfriend carries all his information in a thick wallet in his right side back pocket,” Reynolds said. “As he’s reaching for his back pocket wallet he lets the officer know, ‘Officer, I have a firearm on me.’ I begin to yell, ‘But he’s licensed to carry.’ ” According to Reynolds, the officer started firing shortly after.
The idiot decided to reach down to his side while telling the cop he's carrying a gun. I'd be spooked too.

The shadow government thing is bullshit. The guy couldn't say in public which agency was in possession of certain classified materials. That was it.
i was going to say >>>/x/ but that shit is spooky
I just realized something, what if the reason why hillary wasn't indicted was because this said black agency does exist and because of the information they deal with is so sensitive that they can't reveal it even to prosecute someone. What if THEY are the ones who stopped Comey from recommending the indictment?
Not to mention the whole thing about hillary allowing her lawyers access to the emails' content.
I mean I know this is kinda an spam I'm doing but Comey during the whole thing basically said "ok she broke the law, I hate her but I'm not authorized to go against her", and last I checked no *known* agency would have power to do that.
Holy fuck retarded emus can't take the time to understand the whole situation, then jumps in to play devil's advocate as if he knows any better. Should've nuked them instead of Japan
If you read FBI anons posts, bascially what he said is something similar. He said that if they prosecuted, the information would come out, making a huge shitstorm of unimaginable size, nearly taking down the entire country.

I truly believe this. But what worries me is, will hillary get in any sort of trouble? And if we are dealing with forces this powerful, is there any hope for trump?
Yea it would make sense if the secret agency stopped this to remain secret lol
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>mfw Asian LARPer starts the race war
It would also explain why someone who in his whole history was never accused of being soft, corrupted, a liar OR a coward would not prosecute her.

They probably just told, "you can't go on with this, because it'll reveal information about us, you can't reveal our names and you'll be our meat shield."
>Shadow government accidentally exposed during hearing
Source please?
McCullough wasn't saying he couldn't tell congress anything. He was saying he couldn't discuss it, even to the extent of naming the agency involved, in an open hearing. He also stated that they and their staffs would need to be "read on" to a particular Special Access Program (SAP) to get access to information pertaining to that program.

This is normal procedure where SAPs are concerned; in fact it's right there in the name. "Program" doesn't refer to a "computer program", it refers to any organized activity run by the government. Think "a training program" or "the space program". "Special Access" refers to the fact that by default access is only granted to a special class of people; those who have been "read on" to that program.

Being "read on" refers to that fact that before you are given access to a SAP to will be given a statement to read and sign in front of a government agent who serves as a formal witness. In many cases portions of this statement, or the entirety of it, will literally be read allowed by the agent to ensure your complete awareness and understanding of it's content. This statement that is read to you is, in effect, a non disclosure agreement. It provides you with notice that the information you are about to receive is highly classified and that revealing any portion of it to someone who has not been granted "special access" would be a criminal violation of the espionage act and places you under a legal obligation to keep that information a secret.

This sort of thing is made necessary by the fact that the U.S. does not have an Official Secrets Act. It is not a crime for private citizens to discuss, or the media to report, information pertaining to SAPs. It is only a crime for those who have been "read on" to discuss such information publicly, because only those people have entered into a non-disclosure agreement with the government.
see >>80252701

OP, being a fag, is equating the existence of secret government programs with the existence of a shadow government.
So basically, you all believe a troll, a supposedly FBI agent claiming people at FBI are fans of /pol/ ? KEK

>We study very intensely the ideas which emanate and gain prominence on the board. We like to see how close to the truth everyone is https://i.sli.mg/WuG4nP.png

You armchair geopolitical strategists are so gullible I swear...
It's "read in". Sorry, had to soothe my autism.
>1 post by this ID
Honestly, I've heard it used both ways. It's not a formal term of law, rather it's an informal phrasing used because the actual legalese is complex and varies from agency to agency and even program to program.
>Dindu 2 gets shot, and actually dindu nuffin for real for once

Facebook profile had him as a Crip gang member. Doubt he actually had a legal CC permit

>Shadow government accidentally exposed during hearing

What? Link? tl;dr?

>11 officers sniped by BLM protesters and possibly a white person

12 cops, 2 civilians, 4 shooters, 1 dead (black) 1 other black 2 unknown
>1 spam by this ID

>Italy banks totally insolvent and crashing
Is there some screenshot from fbi anon? He is quoted so much.
Yes, I've seen the video, but unlike most here I understand the actual context.

The Congress has "need to know" regarding these programs, because they can't do their jobs of providing oversight without such access. But the programs still can't be discussed in a public hearing, and, because of the programs' sensitivity, the Congressmen will need to be "read in" before being granted access.

This isn't proof of a "shadow government", it is simply standard practice for highly classified government programs. Congress can still get access and provide oversight, so the program is still accountable to the people's representatives. What's really being revealed here is laxness in the Congress' efforts to perform it's oversight functions, otherwise the Congressmen would already have arranged to be read in on these programs.
>1 post by this ID
We're NOT talking about the agencies, you're trying to divert attention from the fact that the agency's name can't be said by those who know it.

Nobody is asking about "do those emails contain information about NSA spying on Puting fapping to thick girls?" nope, the senator asked about which agency. It's a completely different situation.
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>We're NOT talking about the *programs
Is it true that Castille's shooter was Asian?

He could name the agency in a closed door Congressional hearing. Why is the idea that not disclosing the agency owner of the SAP relatively logical to minimize potential leak damage already done?
Fat asian. Racist who posted about how he hates whites who date asian woman.

And the other black guy reached for a gun, had a long record of crime including child rape, domestic battery, trying to reach for a cops gun in the past, drugs, weapons, etc


Also the guy who died claiming he was a conceal carry permit holder, claimed to be a crip on his facebook.
Because the damage couldn't be bigger and like I said 300 times not naming the agency only attracts attention to it.
Here's the thing about intelligence work, it's often a game of connect the dots. Your opposition is constantly collecting and collating information. Just naming the agency may not seem significant to you, but a foreign government could connect that dot with other data they've gathered to deduce something significant.

That's why they can't name the agency in an open hearing. The name of the agency isn't itself secret, but it could be connected to other data in a way that compromises national security if the agency is discussed in the context of this hearing.

Frankly, the Senator was way the hell out of line asking if it was humint or sigint at issue. That's an even more significant data point which could be used by foreign governments.
Lmao you literally believe everything you read on the internet don't you?
I wasn't here for a few days and missed a lot.

What makes FBIanon real ?

When I read his messages in the archives, it just looks "too good to be true", particularly those thing not related to the Clinton stuff.
This is not about the opposition, they ALREADY have the emails, they already know not only the agency's name but also the fucking information they deal with, this is about the public.

She was dealing in an unprotected server to people whose emails weren't even on a fucking private server, they fucking DEACTIVATED the server security for a time, they have been hacked so deep in their ass that they can taste the semen on their throat. The "opponents" have the emails that not even the FBI had access to, yes the deleted emails. This is not about espionage and counter-espionage, this is about not revealing an agency's name to the public and the public alone.
Yes it could. Foreign agents having the SAP is one thing. The best thing to minimize damage is to not provide any more info or context that could assist said elements in interpreting what the information fully entails.
Bernie will never win, faggot

Bernie will win against Trump easily, we don't want Hilary to get kicked out of the race
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Stop responding to him. He's spent 20 posts not getting anything into his HUE HUE head, deflecting all the patient explanations given to him in favor of filling up the thread talking to himself and dragging the discussion repeatedly back to 'the agency'. It's very clearly not any shadowy /x/ bullshit and his understanding of US intelligence is absurdly misguided.

I don't think he's a shill, just a fuckwit, but stop entertaining him.
Oh please, if it's about digital data connection we know it's from NSA, if it's about tech development we know it's DARPA, if it's about physical intelligence we know it's from CIA. The foreign agents surely know even more than the agency's name already.

It just proves that they are more scared about the general public knowing about it than the foreign governments.
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Wew lad, you sure showed me, how will I ever recover?

Not one, not one single plausible explanation.

>Hillary leaked and sold this info to ordinary people

What people?
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Here is the real CNN homepage.
>This is not about the opposition, they ALREADY have the emails, they already know not only the agency's name but also the fucking information they deal with,

Except we don't know that with absolute certainty, so it's not worth taking the risk. Even if they do have all the emails, those emails are just one set of dots. Adding more dots in a public hearing will just make things clearer for our opponents.

>this is about the public.

The public doesn't really need to know which agency's programs were compromised by Hillary. Whether the information came from DIA, CIA, NSA, NASA, or the Department of Agriculture isn't relevant. What matters is that Hillary compromised massively sensitive information, and now she wants to be Commander in Chief. This is threat to national security so grave that in other countries it would have lead to an assassination or a coup.
>>Dindu 2 gets shot, and actually dindu nuffin for real for once

I still don't understand why the cop shot him.
Could you re evaluate what happened with the FBI? I'm actually kinda getting sketched using this site. Say someone reveals something we're not supposed to know and all the IPs in the thread are tracked down and killed?
Why does the FBI love watching us? Are they like us? Do they like Kek and #Chimpouts? Or are they mocking us like the little simple Goyim they think we are?
We know her server wasn't secure
We know some of her correspondents did get hacked
Somehow we don't know if she was hacked
Yeah sure.

>The public doesn't really need to know which agency's programs were compromised by Hillary.
Actually yes because from what we saw prosecution only happens with enough social pressure and there's a difference from her selling SAP from the NSA about which phone sex workers obongo called on a friday night to her selling SAP from DARPA or CIA.

The amount of social backlash that the director would get from not prosecuting her on the second case would be far far higher.

Is this a good idea?
Welcome to /pol. You should consider quitting now before it's too late. The ride never ends.
If the FBI was on your side they wouldn't have tried so hard to maintain the status quo for all these years. There's been countless fraudulent and treasonous occurrences within the government and against the people for over a few decades yet the FBI just sits there collecting their slice of the stimulus. They aren't on your side even if they imply they are, I mean they do spend years being buddies with the criminal they're trying to take down.
Can't wait to see Bernie win. Itll be great to rub it in your redneck faces
Thx a lot man.

What about "the red team planner"?
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Are they Cucks or something? What the fuck?
Why can't we be like Japan?
>Somehow we don't know if she was hacked
It's more that we don't know exactly what info other governments might have as a result of the hack. So we have to be extremely cautious about revealing any more data.

>there's a difference from her selling SAP from the NSA about which phone sex workers obongo called on a friday night to her selling SAP from DARPA or CIA.

The claim that she was selling SAP information was an unsubstantiated claim from "FBI anon". Given the amount of foreign money flowing into the Clinton foundation, and Hillary's clear laxness with handling classified information, it's not an unreasonable suspicion. However, it is only a suspicion. If hard evidence of it existed I have to believe someone within the FBI would have leaked it long since.

>The amount of social backlash that the director would get from not prosecuting her on the second case would be far far higher.

I don't completely disagree, but more importantly I believe the backlash is already starting, and it's consequences are going to be worse than anyone realizes. The agencies whose programs Hillary compromised already know they were compromised and now will begin shutting out State and DOJ. It's even possible they will going into complete lockdown and refuse to share any data with other government agencies. Information sharing within the government is already like pulling teeth, now things will get exponentially worse.

Like I said before, intelligence work is like a game of connect the dots. When one agency has one set of dots, and another agency has different dots, pooling their data can be the only way to solve the puzzle. The consequences of what's happened here is that agencies are going to be even more resistant to sharing data with each other. This poses risks for the war on terror, the war on drugs, and national security policy on other fronts.
bump over all these cuck and shill threads
The FBI is an elite institution, and so it operates with the biases and values of the US elite. The US elite no longer respect the rule of law, or believe in public accountability. Instead the see the law as something used to keep the masses in line. This attitude is reflected in the FBI today.
According to FBIanon they've got all emails including those deleted and so far he has been completely right.
She got over 100 millions on the US from that, we don't even know how much she has overseas. I have no doubts about this.

In general what you say is a possibility, but it simply doesn't looks like the most simple or plausible one.
>The agency is SO secret that the American people can't know about it.
Not American people in general ... but IG and Congress can't know without getting some pretty hard to get permission. That made me just lean back and my chair and go wtf man.

It was like watching one hell of an epic real time soap opera that has repercussions in real life yesterday.
What is your background? You are enlightening
NSA please go
FBI is currently dividing over the foundation.
Whether FBI anon was real or not everything he said is basically going to take place. They can let it all out and bring about the happening-
Or they could let it leak a little at a time and slowly start cleaning house.
I guarantee you they're going to speed up a little collapse to keep people off the trail. If they ever tried a round up of /pol/ and the like they would have to start small and keep it silent, so stay aware. Doubt it with how much coverage we're getting lately.
>According to FBIanon they've got all emails including those deleted and so far he has been completely right.

FBIanon was right that the FBI would not recommend prosecution, but that wasn't a hard prediction to make. Being right on one issue, doesn't make his other claims credible. It is simply not possible to know what foreign governments actually have, absent sources in those governments coming forward.

The FBIanon threads were entertaining, and he's right that more attention should be focused on the Clinton Foundation. Beyond that I don't give his claims much weight.
>So we have to be extremely cautious about revealing any more data.
no we don't. fuck off shill
Holy fuck I'm getting so many laughs today.
I feel like its dangerous to my safety to even be browsing these threads.

St Louis GA & FL happenings... https://www.rt.com/usa/350228-police-officer-killed-ballwin/

It seems highly unlikely to me that Hillary should have had any SAP info at all. Ever.
I can't go into detail, but suffice it to say: it's not hard to get a security clearance if you have no criminal record, live or work in the Washington DC area, and have valuable technical skills. A competent computer programmer can make 10 to 20 thousand dollars more a year working on classified projects than he would in the private market place.

It's a trade-off, because you can't discuss your work in detail with others and because you have to give up things like torrenting and weed. You also have to report any plans to travel outside of the country several months ahead of time, which is a pain in the ass if you want to take a spontaneous trip to some exotic locale. The other pain in the ass is knowing the Chinese have all of your personal data after the OPM hack.
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Spend it wisely.
daily reminder that Philandro Castille actually didn't do anything and was one of us
>registered conceal carrier, meaning no felonies or crime history
>volunteered in the community, didn't leech off dem programs
>hated gay agenda
>disliked Obama
the DOJ isn't indicting Hillary but the State Department might revoke all her security clearances
Good luck catching me mr FBI.
you keep assuming it is referencing an existing agency or project that you would know about, when all evidence points to the opposite case. please choke in a bag of dicks
Anyone have a link to dindu 2 getting shot? Is that the one with the very calm lady speaking about it?
felon gangbanging piece of shit

If she had legitimate access, then she would have been "read in", and signed papers verifying her understanding of her legal obligations to protect classified information. If such papers were on hand then a prosecution would have been easier. Frankly, "was she read in" is a question I would like to have explicitly answered on the public record, because if not then someone under her was leaking to her and committing a federal crime in the process. Identifying and sanctioning such people is a necessary step if we're going to get the Intel community to ever trust and work with State again.
If Hillary leaked these documents how did she even get access to these files in the first place if even top levels of Government can't access them ?
someone who had their hands on the documents leaked them to Hillary for some reason; either it was someone in her circle or she paid for access.
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>gtfo of here with your sound, even-headed reasoning

fuck off with your reddit memes you stupid ass faggot
I wonder if Hillary herself is connected to this Shadow Government.
Keep in mind that Comey cleared Bill's pardons (which included pardons for people close to him and who donated to the CF) and was appointed as director by Obama
You are ignoring that the case with the clinton foundation is unfolding exactly as he said.

>It is simply not possible to know what foreign governments actually have, absent sources in those governments coming forward.
On such cases they must assume they have all information that was with her.

The russians and even wikileaks are said to have all her emails and so far that info has been on point. The FBI was surely aware of this as was this said agency.

Besides FBIanon hasn't been wrong about anything yet.
I wonder if Hillary herself and the Clinton Foundation are connected to this Shadow Government.
What I kept saying is that it's not an agency that's known to the public, that's what I'm arguing about from the beginning.
>You are ignoring that the case with the clinton foundation is unfolding exactly as he said.

The activities of the Clinton Foundation were already under investigation when FBIanon made his claims. And I already said he was right to focus attention on that.
As Secretary of State, she has ORICON for the State dept, and as such has access to Top Secret Material, now whether the info she leaked was from the State Department is a different story.
>never heard of ENMOD

how dumb can you be?
it's not a shadow government, you idiots
the thing about SAPs is it's need-to-know information; the director of ODNI didn't need to know the information in question and thus did not know it until briefed. this is in order to keep information and secrets contained. the more people there are who have information, the more likely it is to leak or spread.
the reason why they're not naming "the Agency" is because they don't want to tip off any foreign intelligence agencies where to look. if they specified the CIA, they could check leaked CIA documents and thus prevent any need to parse through FBI, State Department, NIA, DoD, US Treasury Department, etc. documents.
a classic leak involves THOUSANDS of e-mails with maybe 50 being golden eggs because it provides NOISE
if you leak just those 50 documents, then the agency you stole it from can narrow down damage control, figure out who the leaker was, etc
if you leak 500,000 documents, the agency you stole from doesn't know what the fuck to do
this is basic intel stuff people
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The next direct thing FBIanon mentioned was the conventions, right?

What exactly is supposed to be going down?
It's not a fake, I can tell you that much.
I can't wait till July 18-21 to see if the RNC has anything interesting like FBI anon stated to watch out for.
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The plot thickens

The annual 4th of July chimp out in Chicago kicked off the week.
So I'm confused and any help would be appreciated it seems like not many details are being released.
At first they said multiple shooters in the buildings.
Then they had 3 in custody and the last one was in a stand off.
Was micah the one in the stand off?
Now it seems like they are saying one sniper did all of it.
Is that micah?
My issue is, guy is military trained able to shoot and hit 11 officers, but is in a stand off for hours where he is shooting(according to reports) and he doesn't even hit another one?
Just think if he was so damn accurate to hit 11 by himself he could at least hit one more in a two hour standoff.
Thanks in advance.
We're talking about the fact that the more it's asked about the foundation the more those investigating seem to tense up.

The point in all of this is that the guy couldn't even tell WHY he couldn't reveal the agency's name.

If what you said were was the case he would surely have explained to the senators.
>Shadow government accidentally exposed during hearing

Might have been posted, but bumping with link.

You are dumber than a fuck rock

Each agency does something very different. So knowing that X Agency had an email exchange with the Sec of State on X date tells anyone who's surveilling that the event that just so happened to occur 12 hours later was done by X Agency.
Anyone have a link to FBI anon's post? I missed it and it sounds like it's predicted lots of stuff involving Crooked Hillary.
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>yfw Bernie endorses Hillary only for her to get thrown in prison shortly after
>yfw all Bernie supporters drop him for endorsing a literal criminal
>yfw Trump wins with 85% of the vote (15% Johnson)
There's an image ITT with the whole first post embedded

Here: >>80255671
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Biden will be the nominee before Barnie Sandals gets it

>Muh nonagenarian socialist jew with the charisma and wit of an oily rag would crush Trump xDDD

Worst meme of 2016
liberals don't work with logic
>/pol/ is full of delusional conspirotards
>Hillary gets ahead in popularity and seems route to white house is clear
see >>80265487 you retard
they contain secrets to prevent their spread
they don't specify the agency because the leak involved tons of different agencies
if they name the agency, foreign intel agencies know where to look in the leak composed of tens of thousands of files
Except that the guy being interviewed could easily explain to the senate if that were the case.
You forgot one thing
>Liberal SJW's on suicide watch after Trump wins.
then it would directly imply that something really, really, really, really important was in the documents. the name of the game right now is damage control.
>Falling for that old False Flag.

Good work, patriot.
I don't think so, he was doing damage control for his ass as well, he would have made that clear if that were the case.
I honestly say NSA, theyre more secretive than CIA or FBI

Joke is that it stands for No Such Agency
>Short, hairy Spaniard says /pol/ is a conspiracy theory, Hillary victory imminent
Someone give me a quick recap on this dindu killing?
I just got back from vacation and started to read this Alton Sterling and some other dindu getting killed, then a bunch of police officers got shot, and later on some dude exploded from a robot

What the fuck
>>Dindu 2 gets shot, and actually dindu nuffin for real for once

the video starts post shooting

shut the fuck up
where is the question mark flag man?
black lives matter posted a protest at martin luther king park in buffalo for tomorrow. we have a huge event going on downtown - the taste of buffalo.
the buffalo news sent out an alert that there were credible threats made to officers, and they have implemented a 2 officer patrol policy for the time being.
i would avoid going to any of these events in buffalo, i would stay away from anywhere blm is planning events, there will be plants there to try and rally anger to do something crazy.
i already heard they are planning to march through the taste of buffalo, which will be nuts because 100,000 people attend, its one of buffalos biggest events.
He literally didn't do nothing.
Just a broken tail light
Licensed to carry
Right wing
One of us

Put your racism aside and use logic
>he literally didn't do nothing

source? the only reason you're saying that is some nigger bitch said it. what does that have to do with anything that actually happened. we don't know if it's the truth or not

the video started post incident. you have no fucking clue if the dude reached for his gun or not. fucking moron how easily led are you?
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>Shadow government accidentally exposed during hearing

God you people are so fucking dumb.

He said OPEN HEARING you fukking hue. They can tell Congress all the information in private just not on fucking public tv.
It happened before the blm shooting idiot
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I just remembered something, FBI anon mentioned that the average age of empires is 250 years.

America celebrated the 240th birthday this past week.

Are we really witnessing the death of America anons? Is there anything we can truly do to stop the madness?
Palpatine explains it pretty well
He's quoting the fate of empires, and he's right.
>shadow gubment exposed

what? i missed about about an hour and a half or so of the hearing, what did I miss?
the agency is a popular term for the CIA
Clinton foundation. A majority of the government is involved, and couldn't be discussed at the FBI hearing because certain members of Congress and CF didn't approve it.
so it was 1 guy after all that shot all the cops? what the fug
He has no criminal record
The police report said just a tail light as well
Put your memes aside. Be an adult about this.
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>inb4 the "agency" is the US Department of Agriculture, or something equally anticlimactic
Also, does anyone have a source on the FBI watching /pol/?
/pol/ is quoted by the media as the vangaurds of trumps right wing extremist propaganda. We are literally the boogey man to leftists. They think we are some organized cointel anti government secret society full of terrorists and ideologues, but all we do is make memes.

>tfw our memes are too strong
>mfw sitting here with greasy fingers eating a sub sandwich browing /pol/ and playing runescape
>mfw you're right
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