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Hilldogs response to the brexit vote

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Hilldogs response to the brexit vote
First ;)
I really hope she gets BTFO by Trump
that seems pretty reasonable senpai

>Doesn't bash brexit
>Doesn't bash Trump

>talks about rebounding among the economy crash instead of scaremongering

Best thing her campaign has done so far.
KYS underage newfag
What an incredibly safe and boring response.
Compared to Trumps
I'm disappointed. I was hoping she would go full meltdown like her fans on twitter.
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Come on Amerifirends, all we have to do is blow her the fuck out and the timeline will be restored.

This ones better
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Sounds reasonable.
Fuck off Hillary, we're not joining the EU
Carson's response
>substanceless pointless rhetoric babbling
>/pol/ compliments her

you are fucking idiots
Difference between someone who has someone else write for them vs someone who writes what he really thinks.
Only underage newfags do this "kys newfig lul XD" shit.

How about you go kill yourself like you did to your country's economy today, Nigel?
So both her and trump have implied a trade agreement with england. This makes the election much less stressful knowing that Brexit will be rewarded either way as soon as King Nigger is out

I like Trump's better.


vs Hillary's

>OK, Brits, you fucked up, but we'll try to mitigate the damage somehow
>we have nothing to say on the matter

Then don't bother
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Steins response

The other cunt running for president, green and is at 4% in polls
you literally cannot name one thing wrong with this statement
why does this cunts opinion even matter?
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>Completely reasonable response
>Some anons trying to shit on it anyway purely because it's tied to Hillary

Doesn't being retarded every hour of every day tiring?

Talking about the "crashing economy" is scaremongering though.

There is no crash, it's all nonsense and speculation.
This is okay honestly.

I like Trump's a lot better.
kek thats not what she was saying before yesterday
because she's a candidate for president of the united states
summed it up in one line -

Shills TPP
Paul Ryan's response
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It doesn't matter who becomes president, the US loves the UK, and are gonna support them regardless.
>Paul Ryan
why is he such a despicable scummy cunt
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El Rato response

This is what Obama SHOULD have said.
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All the evil cunt had to do was stop after the first sentence.
Everything after that is just campaign bullshit.
>our friends and allies
I'm not sure most Americans consider the Saudis friends.
Me too, brother. Me too. You gave us hope though.
>Americans will have a chance to vote for trade, immigration and foreign policies that put our citizens first
So Trump wants to start and/or exacerbate a trade war?
I'm not complimenting her, I'm just suprised she didn't do something like Trump and make a real statement. This has no flavor and could have pretty much been said if remain won.
reasonable el rato
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>Is Hillary up yet?
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Russians want to leak the emails.
Wikileaks want to leak the emails.
Half of the FBI and Secret Service want to leak the emails if no indictment.

Hillary is fucked from all angles.
>exercised the sacred right of all free peoples

You're goddamn right
yeah thats why I said it is substanceless

prepared weeks ago as popularist response to please everyone
don't forget benghazi. see the documentary on it
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That's so presidential compared to Trump's statement. Clearly we have to work with both the EU and the UK.
Look at this cunt trying to glom onto Trump's "putting Americans first" policy. We can't let her get away with this!

Did this puppet ever have a response to lyingcrookedhillary website yet?
>Congrats britbongs! Independence and freedom kick ass! You did it and we can too!
>Welp, shit happens, but we are still friends :)
>So Trump wants to start and/or exacerbate a trade war?

Other nations (Japan/China, for example) have been repeatedly slapping America in the head for decades, Japan especially.
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The cunt just tweeted this just now
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That is a pretty level headed statement, must be one of her ghost writers
Could someone wake me up when Hillary is done mumbling incoherently?
>(((Council on Foreign Relations)))
That's amusing
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"Hillary a shit and shouldn't win"
Is she quoting herself? Haha.
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>trade, immigration and foreign policies that put our citizens first
You're new here, right?
To be fair, he was always pro-Brexit
I'd follow this man to the Black Gate of Mordor.
> -Hillary
Someone in her twitter team made it too obvious
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wasn't she literally threatening them with a trade war only weeks ago?
How does Brexit in any way justify her? Does she plan to force the UK to stay in the EU?
>"calm,steady, experienced leadership..."
Who is she talking about?
so what you valueless nigger
Well you know behind the scenes she is tearing her hair out. Hillary and Obama look like fools while Farge and Trump backed a winner.
I was looking to see if Rand had a response but he didn't, however he was in a baseball game between Republicans and Democrats?
No shit. It was designed that way since it says absolutely nothing of substance.
>let's beat those dems!
>has a baseball bat

Has Rand finally lostit?
Wow, a vague, meaningless statement that's quoted and attributed to Hillary that's immediately liked and retweeted by hundreds....
They're not even trying to hide the like/rt bots anymore, they just don't give a fuck
beacuse it's just empty words senpai. Politcian talk. It's designed to get the most people to agree with it. Lots of words, not a lot of meaning. freaky right?
I chuckle at this feeling from what I learned here in /pol/. It feels like that application part of an exam when I was back in high school.
>don't forget benghazi. see the documentary on it
Its like she wrote a response that would apply to whether they stayed or left just so she could sleep in
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>We stand together as friends, as allies, & as a people w/a shared history.
Well that was a whole paragraph of literally nothing.

She's such a formless blob of a politician, it's absurd.
Good one from el rato I suppose! give him cheese
And here we go with the fearmongering, like clockwork
Holy shit whacking dems

what the fuck is she talking about. she's just repeating the bullshit that's been rammed down her throat her entire life. she has no idea what "damage" has been done wrt anti-immigration and nationalism.
She gets more clueless everyday.
Oh hey (((Goldberg))) is mad
Reasonable, maybe. Hollow, definitely.

I'll give her credit though. She is really talented at using as many words as possible to say something with so little substance.
It isn't a reasonable response.

It's like a kid who is trying to insult another kid with their parents around. Compared to trump where he instead ups himself saying he will provide similar for the US, Shillary instead calls trump unreasonable and claims he will fuck up ties to our allies. She of course does this indirectly because she is a woman and doesn't have the balls to take trump on. Not to mention her only selling point is that she's not trump.

She wouldn't have gotten this far if people like you actually thought about and analyzed the kind of language these lying manipulative bastards use
I also could've have written that statement.
Any dumb nigger can tell she's trying to safe face as she kept telling them to stay in.
Trump's statement had feeling, emotion running through it.
Her response is a stale reaction.
The shills are working so hard to spin this.
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Neutral shill spotted.
You must be new here, faggotshit.
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>> Does it not being retarded every hour of every day tiring?

I don't know anon, does it not?
>after the people of Great Britain voted
>Great Britain

Why is this so difficult for you? The United Kingdom voted.
>Our first task has to be to
>make sure that the economic uncertainty created by these events does not
>hurt working families here in America.

Veiled or implied threat much?
>Waiting for globalists to blame shit on brexit.
Hillary is boring safe, I can't wait for Obama he is having a full blown meltdown calling exit racist and all his other shit
(((((((((COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS))))))))))))))))
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She's obviously taking about A True Conservativeâ„¢ like me Dahnald, now hand over the delegates.
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We've all been wondering what you've been doing since you've suspended your campaign Raphael, how's your harem of hotties?
Hollow statement

I hope she chokes on republican dick this november.
I read somewhere that Hillary was a huge Anglophile, so I guess even in the worst case scenario the next American president will still be friendlier than Obama.
Comparing these two, Trump's statement is much more engaging. reads easier, holds attention better. I try to real Hillary's statement and my eyes just fly off the paper halfway through. Technically it's a solid statement I suppose, but my fucking brain fizzles out trying to slog through it when it's just a single paragraph. What the fuck did Hillary do so wrong?
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>obama tells us he's going to fuck our shit up if we leave
>hillary is reasonable neutral on the issue, wants to maintain our special relationship

Obama just got cucked to the max.
Started off life as a KKK-level Republican.
Then became a regular Republican.
Then married Bill and became a Dem centrist.
Then slowly drifted to be a regular Dem.
Then married Obama and became SJW.
She may be a bitch but I'm sure she would be a better president than Obama. Although that's hardly a high watermark.

No, he forced her to come out and agree with him on the threats.

it was all just theater
>She is really talented at using as many words as possible to say something with so little substance.
Well you're either a politician or you're not.
>13 houres

Such classic America
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For once I'd like to see a GOLDBERG defy our expectations and herald the coming of the Old Ones.


How can she do it /pol/?

How can she write an entire paragraph without actually saying anything?
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Epic bantz from Diet Germany
for the vast majority, the names are interchangeable
N. Ireland was cunty about it

UK includes GB

Surely a presidential candidate should get the name of the country right. General ignorance isn't an excuse really.
That logo looks like 9-11
I'll give you a hint:
one reads dry and devoid of any feeling towards the subject, a lot like reading laws and statutes and shit.
The other reads very much the opposite.
Hey guys, that one dudes name was Goldberg. Did ya catch that?
If you didn't clap while reading this, you're not part of the freedom sphere.
>build a political movement in the UK that opposes austerity, rule of bankers, & defends the rights of workers.
There already is a political movement for that and it just told the EU to go fuck itself.

It's her only communication skill. Filibustering. Try watching an interview or speech with her. same thing. just filling the air with nothingness
>Doesn't being retarded every hour of every day tiring?

Correction: Is it tiring being a retarded every hour of every day?
Also you should answer that one for us.
>free people's
what did he mean by this?
All she talked about was economic uncertainty. Unlike Trump she didn't give a shit about free people excersizing their rights through democracy, instead only cares about the banks that she's in bed with losing money.
>How can she write an entire paragraph without actually saying anything?
That's literally your job as a politician.

Why the fuck is this bint telling us what to do in our country?

I think we just made clear that's not what the silent majority wanted all this time.
This is probably my favorite

See this shit is why Trump is going to win.

People want a President who actually writes their own statements with advice from their advisors, not someone like Shilldog who just gets her (((people))) to write a response to everything for her.
If Shillary was a UK politician she would probably have supported brexit desu
>what did _____ mean by this?
This meme needs to die. Are you chucklefucks really this retarded that basic reading comprehension escapes you? Have you become so accustomed to others telling you how to think that you lost the ability to do so for yourself? Or are you just fishing for (you)'s in one of the most unimaginative ways possible?
If Hillary was a German politician her name would be Merkel.
Hillary would do whatever it took to secure her political future, meaning she'd pander to whatever keeps her in power...
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Not bad... will he accept a Supreme Court nomination as a parting gift?
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gtfo flag queer why are there so many of you all of a sudden?
"What I favor is people talking... I like to ummm ahhh... I'm passionate, and the exchange of ideas, and people respected the sides of ahh, evidence and arguments..."
"The question was about the Armenian Genocide ma'am"
what does half of that even mean

>tear eachother down

the only shit getting torn down is the NWO
how do markets acting rationally to a shock characterise Britain as unstable, and how the fuck does an (((imaginary))) instability and uncertainty in the UK justify her being President of the United States?

If anyone takes a second to think about that, they'd see how fucking stupid that tweet is.
I was pointing out a fairly obvious spelling error you brainless memehating burger
We need to push for stein just to fuck over Shillary.
Like every "statement" she makes, it's a bland non-offensive soup of nothing that was obviously written by a team
I honestly think I might enlist if he gets elected, holy fuck his patriotism gives me the chills
Not often a facebook post gets me pumped up.
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Damn, we need more MAGA + Brexit images. So here's L85A1 wearing a MAGA hat.

Typical strategy of adapting Trump's rhetoric

If el rato was british, he'd be campaigning pro-leave in public, while doing everything he could to make sure the vote never even happened in private
Typical vague, meaningless Washington bullcrap.

Original image please.
It's a punctuation error not a spelling one. I know they switched out English for Arabic in your schools but that's no excuse.
Hillary's reads like a damage control memo released by a political think-tank. It has all the emotion of a block of wood, and feels dull and pointless.

Trump's reads like a fucking victory celebration, a congratulations to the people of Britain, and a call to arms for all those who love freedom. It reads like it was written by one person, and is full of passion and energy.
>Started off life as a KKK-level Republican.

hey... retard, the KKK were NEVER REPUBLICAN.

they were an arm of the democratic party.

Shillary started her interning as a fucking RADICAL LEFTIST in the 60's.

She was mentored by Saul Alinsky for fucks sake!!
That was a good movie.

Lee Stranahan (Breitbart) has been working on a Benghazi doc for some time now, seems interesting.

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Gas the..... EVERYONE!
Of course it seems reasonable. It didn't say very much. She took a whole paragraph to say this:

>Brexit happened, I'm going to pretend to be concerned about my voters, and the game is going to continue, so you should vote for me.
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top kek, and this woman wants to be president, so very diplomatic of her.
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This single exchange of tweets made Brexit entirely worth the trouble.
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Are the Jews that stupid, or that bold to constantly shill for the liberal globalist movement?

at least she didn't verbally spit in your face like Obama
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>not L85A1_and_XM8.jpg
/k/ would be disappointed in me
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i'm surprised desu, honestly expected her to pull an Obama and trash Trump and Brexit in the same breath.
>suddenly he's anti-establishment

so easy when he's out of the race to pretend to be against the establishment. Rato never changes!
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