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Why do people dislike turkish people

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Not a turk (inb4 muhammad) just curious here /pol/, enlighten me
t. Ahmed
They're Muslims with IQs averaging 90.
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Cause you niggers slaughtered my people.
t. Aziz
Never change /pol/

Those fuckers stink up the bus with thier nasty pit smell.

Gtfo of here.. you are not refugees, stop claiming kurdish refugee status you smelly fucks.
They are Muslim and brown. Also 1453.
I guess Im translating here for a turk or something who refuses to post on 4chan cus he uses 8ch but he says thats kurdish people who arent really turkish

I don't give a fuck, just get the fuck out. Kebabs are played out. Nobody gives a fuck that you can wrap meat and veggies on a tortilla.
The fall of the roman empire seems a silly reason to hate a country 600 years on, also pretty hypocritical as its a bit like the jews making you apologise for the shoah
There are still a ton of Assyrians here. No problems with them.

Just take your sand niggers back. We dont care for your kebabs. GTFO
1. Turkish people are stupid/low Iq never contributed to society else than facism.
2. Turkish people glorify Islam and Goat fucking ideology
3. Turkish people are genocidal.
4. Turkish people are mostly Criminals when they come into soft law countries like Germany, because in Turkey they are punished badly.
5. Turkish people are horny creeps that want to fuck anything and they have 5 children without any possiblity to support them.
6. Turkish people have no concept of morals, they would sell their own mother, child for few shekels.
7. Turkroaches are filthy and have no sense of hygene.
8 Turkroaches love getting fucked in ass by dictators like Erdogan.
Most IMPORTANT Turkroaches Hate FREEDOM
t. angry indian
Its a horrible thing to wish someone a civil war in his country.
But nobody on earth deserves it more than turkey and usa. Turkey more.
1.Look up how socialist and free nomadic turks were and look up how tolerant ottomans/seljuks were towards the westerners they conquered compared to the europeans. we were fair towards our women when we were still nomads and we were among the first countries to let women vote
2.not all of us but yes islamism is a parasite to this country
3.no we are not keep believing that western propaganda used for a war almost a century ago. besides a single event doesnt make us genocidal
4.cant comment about that but we hate turks like that as much as you do
5.again, not as much dont treat kurds like turks.
6.our traditions are based on morality and justice especially when we used to be nomads and its usually arab loving cunts who have no morals.
7.when you westerners were living in shit we had hamams(roman baths) and it was mandatory in islam to take regular showers. hell even the army had portable baths brought with them to war.
8.only dumbfucks love erdoğan plenty of us hate that cunt. its like saying all brits love david cameron the pig fucker because he speaks the loudest

and last but not least, we fought for our independence against the imperialists and won which inspired many nations under vassalization like india to rise up against their rulers so how does that make us hate freedom? old turkish tradition is based on freedom

try harder you croatian git, only times you were relevant in history was when you were being conquered or were killing each other in a civil war
as much as I wish to see the government toppled and a proper turkish leader who isnt an arab loving dickhead in power, a civil war would send this country to hell at this point. we need a more diplomatic revolution
Erdowaaaahn is a douche.
A more diplomatic revolution is actually a civil war. I hope you are aware of that. And in your case, a civil war means ISIS and other groups will jump in.

>when you westerners were living in shit we had hamams(roman baths)

>you westerners
>we had hamams(roman baths)
exactly, this country is extremely divided that if it were to turn into a bloody civil war it would be like the syriian civil war with all sorts of people wanting to join in on the struggle for their own gains and it would push us back 50 years
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dunno man,just going with the flow...
We love turkish people.

We just hate turkroaches.

Like this guy.
keep in mind roman baths were used by romans when roman empire was still a thing I'm talking about medieval era and beyond here when the only romans that existed were a weakened byzantine empire
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Is pic related haram?
You fucked it up. You could have been what Kemal Ataturk wanted, but you ruined it with bullshit coups every decades since menderes in the 60s and things have just kept getting worse. I'm not even a ataturk fan like everyone seems to be on /pol/, the guy was in the young turks revolution and later fought a war against the allies from muh independence and muh irredentism...but at least, he could fucking think and reassess the problem if that meant getting proper results. Turkey has the AKP now and doesn't even seem to care, pretty fucking sad. I know some of your kurds like the PKK are a shit, but it's just shamefur dispray all across the board atm tbqh senpai

get rid of that erdogan cunt bag already
Because they shot down a Russian jet and have fallen victim to memes.
Constantinople belongs to the greeks
For thousands of years they raped and enslaved Europeans and now they fund ISIS and let migrants pour in. They deserve nothing less than a nuclear holocaust, only it actually happens.
I like you
nope, we hate those cunts too. they're the biggest shitstain on turkish history though a more accurate picture would be all of them sucking erdoğans dick
depends on how you look at it, rape happens in every war except we havent exactly "enslaved" unless you mean devshirme system to which I say

what is better, to be an oppressed peasant under some lord or the navy seals of the age or a scholar/artist/scientist if you werent fit for combat?
Why do turkish people hate erdogan exactly?
I have an opinion on this matter. In the fields I employ turks and indians. Indian men are fast workers and so are turkish women. The turkish men only complain so we dont enlist them. Also no morocans because they are much lazier than your average turk. Turks do like to come back on the original agreement and say they worked more hours for example so its very important to know every detail and every worked hour.
except it does not since it used to be byzantium and before it was conquered by romans. ROMANS. the way you say it constantinople belongs to romans who are italians today and by that logic london most of england belongs to the kelts. stop being so butthurt it doesnt involve you. everyone conquers each other yet you never see anyone saying shit like this for any other nation but turks
he's like an islamist merkel. he likes sandniggers and ruined this country culturally making everyone think we're just as religiously bigoted as that dumb ass is. he's also an orwellian-tier dictator as well
>They're Muslims
That's a funny way of saying "about half of them are Dönmeh".
Because their leader, E-Dragon, has sex with goats.
I agree, islamists like erdoğan ruin this country and what it stood for when it was first created. The problem is however, just because of erdoğan and the armenian genocide everyone treats centuries worth of turkish history like all we did was kill people. nobody says such things for vikings however while ignoring the existence of nomadic turks...

either way yes, years of conservatives getting into power and ruining of economy and love for the east is the bane of turkish history. I wish we had stayed with tengri.
Think they are the policemen of the middle east.
Literally hated by every nation in the middle east especially ex-ottomans.
Love extremist groups.
Desperate to enter eurozone for some bullshit reason
because they're browns that don't recognize their place is to either be ground under america's bootheel or dead in a ditch is what pol would say
except turkic is white. we're not those stinking sandniggers
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>because they want to fight you with their 50 brothers and cousins everytime
>we have security at the swimming pool thanks to the hundreds of turkish fucktards harassment
because Islam
Hey man, lets not forget the mass starvation in the levant under ottoman rule. And ur attempts to turkify the entire empire. Bothing good came out of ur empire.
as much as islamism does ruin this country its still pretty tame compared to countries in the middle east as its secular by law(though erdoğan and his cunt followers tend to ignore that law)
ppl on /pol/ shouldn't hate him, he is a Donald Trump on the loose, he has no limits, Drumpf will never be such a based leader
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>I'ma let you finish, but it's worth pointing out Turks are such shitty Muslims they have their own national liquor. Ain't no Saudi whiskey.
>Invade other countries and wave around their flags while committing crime and going on welfare
>Tried to kill all their Neighbors
>Killed the Roman Empire
>Turned one of the most important sites in Christianity into a Mosque
>Only reason the new world was discovered is to get away from Turks
>Worship a barbaric religion and want to turn into Saudi Arabia
>Have a history of abducting and raping boys
>Directly insult world leaders for no reason
>Actively try to destroy the legacy of the only semi-decent Turk
>Sexual deviants who try to molest women and force them to wear burka (like all sandniggers)
>Directly fund terrorists
>Useless fucking ally in WW1

I'm sure there are many more.
We should give the Kurds more weapons so they can use them on Turks desu.
you're talking about the time when ottoman empire had turned into a dystopian shithole after all the losses in wars and shitty sultans. the time after the golden age in which life was bad for everyone does not represent roughly 700 years of existence. thats like saying england was always a barbarian homeland with hovels and dirt and feudalism in its entire existance

another thing, ottomans had viewed all of its citizens as "ottomans" so you cant call it "turkifying" that only happened near the end of the empire
Kek some of you have the same view on turkey as liberals have on america


>implying insulting merkels a bad thing
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Remember that faggot who noobtubed in mw2?
>was a turk roach

Remember that asshole using the Merc in Rocket League?
>was a turk roach

Remember that asshole who team killed you?
>was a turk roach

Remember that faggot who rammed you in War Thunder?
>was a turk roach

I could go on but you get the point.
Islam. They should give back anatolia to Greece. That or secede, keep only the coastline, become orthodox and then I'm ok to discuss integration or even friendliness.

Note that this will never happen.
says the american. we hate saudis too and nothing wrong with conquering an empire. you should see it as a great feat rather than something bad considering the culture wasnt lost.

you never see italians being hated on for sacking constantinople cowardly by entering in peace and stealing all that culture back to venice
turkish gamers are the worst I agree with you there
"give anatolia back to greece" how about you give france back to celts then? everyone took lands from each other in history. besides unlike your greek loving circlejerk bias greeks werent the only owners of anatolia.
>we hate saudis too
Then why do you try to imitate them and fund terrorists together?
The French are Latinized Celts actually.
Most people don't wipe out a civilized culture and build their homeland on it.
erdoğan doesnt represent turks as a whole. most people hate saudis here. I've never met a person who likes saudis here so far and I've met alot of people. then again I live in the leftist part of town who follows the ideals of Atatürk and not islamist pricks like erdoğan but even so, we're not a minority
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they didn't finish the job
except many peoples have conquered places in the past. we managed to stay here the longest. this place is ours now by right of conquest and we havent wiped out any culture considering tourism over here is high because of the amount of cultural artifacts you can find over here.
If everyone hated him, then there would be a coup or something.
I find it more likely that Turks on the internet are a vocal minority and most Turks are hardcore muslims and like their Jihadi leader.
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The french celts willingly integrated Rome and respected it, for the most part.

We didn't kill all the ancestors, repress them for centuries under your rule (though based greeks infiltrated your gummint because you turks are too stupid to manage money etc), then eventually send what was left when they get a tiny part of land back.
neither have we. dont look up biased history from our enemies. for the most part we've been pretty tolerant towards foreigners with the only oppression being jizya and foreigners not taking part in the army unless they're devshirme which is actually a really esteemed station.

Do you not know who Vercingetorix is? he fought the romans to keep his people free and when he lost, romans shamed him

romans did plenty of good and bad just like the ottomans yet people like you always look on the good things romans did and the bad things ottomans did. nice bias there


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The Romans are the basis of western civilization.
The Turks are the basis of killing western civilization.
No, I genuinely made this thread because I was curious on where /pol/ dislike for turks came from other than that turk posting the eternal anglo shit. Go kill yourself americlap, infact dont because its only a matter of time before someone shoots up your neighbourhood anyway.
Why are the t. Roaches playing with Duduk which is an Armenian instrument?

Do Turkroaches even have a culture?
What about the jews then? Or are they the victim here goy
Parasites obviously, they can't survive without the goyim.
what damage have we done to western civilization?

Mehmed the conqueror was really interested in byzantine culture. when he conquered constantinople he was the one to stop the sacking.

Was it not venetians that had done an irreversible damage to constantinople at the 4th crusade by sacking the city?

tell me what western culture has been lost to this, big, bad turk?
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Because they tend to be assholes. And their current president isn't helping matters any.
we have plenty of our culture as well all you need to do is to look it up

although I admit that music video shows all that is wrong with turks. I never understood why people here adore ottomans like that honestly
we have plenty of our culture as well all you need to do is to look it up

although I admit that music video shows all that is wrong with turks. I never understood why people here adore ottomans like that honestly when we have much better factions in our history when we used to be nomads
There is absolutely nothing wrong with Turks who stay in Turkey. I only hate the ones who come to Europe.
They're Muslim. That's literally all you need to justify gassing someone. Subhuman rats.
Pro-Erdogan Turkish diaspora.

They are fucking unbearable.
>Nobody gives a fuck that you can wrap meat and veggies on a tortilla.

My sides
Entire Asia Minor used to be filled with Civilized Europeans
Destroyed Roman Empire
Fucked up Balkans (still aren't fixed today)
Bosnians and Albanians wouldn't be stupid Muslims and might be decent people if it weren't for Turks.
Almost wiped out Armenians (honorary westerners)

No making tourism money off someone else's ruins and turning churches into mosques is not saving culture.
Just go back to Mongolia or where ever, literally none of your neighbors like you.

my sides x 2
>not a roach
>Ahahaha mad my roach infestation because you're Indian!

t. Gökhan
Well the fact that their President is open about Turkish women being biological weapon is one reason.
replace my with at
>Angela Merkel will defend this man to the death

waaaay tamer than most muslims are. hell in fact many muslims here barely follow the muslim ideology or read the quran or become heathens like me. ones who do are islamists that are hated here as well(except by the government supporting sheep)
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>Suck Israeli dick
>Support ISIS and other Sunni nigger moderate jihadist rebel factions
>Closet gays
>Muddied southern Europe with Turk semen
>Crypto Jews
>Armenian genocide
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thats not even what a kebab actually is you dumb chink thats döner you're talking about
I guess because they're disgusting

turks are a mixed bag 2bh. i work with 2 and they're both bro tier. they speak the language well and don't give a fuck about islam one of them even eats pork ffs. However there was a third one who has quit by now, he was a total religious nutjob also he was constantly riding Erdonigger's dick. I don't hate them but i will still call them roaches and sandniggers but i don't mean it also I really love muh anzu desu

>inb4 emre mehmet
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Hey Turkroach, this isn't the fucking 12th century, why the fuck are you talking about baths and and oil wresting with young men?

No wonder your country is a shithole
Ataturk was a roach too bud, he banned all other languages except turkish, killed armenians, etc.
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>trying to defend turkey against some western stormfront kiddies
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Because they are stupid low iq genocidal muslim filth
>The problem is however, just because of erdoğan and the armenian genocide everyone treats centuries worth of turkish history like all we did was kill people. nobody says such things for vikings however while ignoring the existence of nomadic turks...
It's just bants lad, welcome to pol. Your current government is pretty unpopular abroad, even among its "allies" so obviously that's gonna taint the reception you get a little. Also that and the Anglo BLOOD shitposter.
turks are my niggas haters gtfo
Everything you have to know about the Turks:

>The problem is however, just because of erdoğan and the armenian genocide everyone treats centuries worth of turkish history like all we did was kill people.
Because that is what your entire history entails.. Your country is built on the graves of Greeks Armenians Assyrians and Kurds. Armenians and Cypriots are simply the most recent addition to that corpse pile.
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>except turkic is white

Bullshit, monghol.
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politically maybe, but I've met plenty of balkans and greeks who actually like us. we havent fucked up the balkans they've been free for quite a while they had a century to fix themselves but they could not. also anatolia also used to be filled with Hittites Assyrians and Lydians and they dont seem very european to me. I'd say romans stole anatolia first dont act like europeans always owned the damn place if we hadnt conquered anatolia this land would be roman land yet nobody would tell them to gtfo cause you guys like following the turkish hate circlejerk

also europeans destroyed the western roman empire during the migration period. how about you hate on countless slavs and germans as well?

you're the american before insulting our glorious history for our accomplishments and calling us killers how about you look at the races you actually did succeed in eradicating or doing irreversible damage to?
I know, that's the point I made .Mustafa ataturk was a revolutionary in the young turks under the 3 pashas and probably was involved in shady shit as he climbed the ranks, then there was their independence war where they fucked with both us and france post ww1. But even with all that, he was still more reasonable when it came to separation of state and church among some other shit. There was a chance for turkey to actually be a semi-okay place and somehow it went tits up.
>we have plenty of our culture

>Definitely looks like Greek, Armenian culture.
except that comic tends to be the other way around irl
>They are fucking unbearable.

Also traitors to the countries they move to.

At any point in time they will help their cause if it suits them. Rats really. Also they don't assimilate in western cultures.
Because they threaten to use the bioweapon of immigrants on Europe if they don't get gibsmedat from rich people, just like Greeks.
because he was saying that dont care about hygiene you dumb yankee fuck learn how to read before you learn how to plough your fathers redneck farm and reciting the american national anthem

we still have such baths that are actually pretty hygenic while fucking your own redneck sister in a barn is a pretty filthy thing to do
>you're the american before insulting our glorious history for our accomplishments and calling us killers how about you look at the races you actually did succeed in eradicating or doing irreversible damage to?

This is the same excuse Erdoshit just used recently on the Germans.

What's so honorary about a shitty history that has done nothing but hurt this planet and hasn't advanced society?

Face it, it's a nation of shitheels, you're basically the niggers of muslims.
misspelled kurd there
>Insufferable arrogance
>Insistent that their country is not a shit hole

Do I really need any other reasons?
how about you learn how to read a history book before your country is flooded out of existence so you may know what I'm talking about?
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>thats not even what a kebab actually is you dumb chink thats döner you're talking about

Dumbest food ever for low IQ people.

Have you even checked what the Japanese or Korean kitchen has? It's so organized and wonderful.
and *mongol isnt even turkish. at least I know my ethnicity you half english half nigger faggot
>also europeans destroyed the western roman empire during the migration period. how about you hate on countless slavs and germans as well?
They didn't spread any Islam or boy fucking.
They also continued on the Tradition of Rome, the Germans even thought Rome was so cool and stronk that they named their empire after it and Latin became the quintessential European language.
But the most important point is that the Germans didn't displace the native population and bring an alien religion.

Constantinople before Turks: Amazing European city
Constantinople after Turks: Disgusting Kebab Genocide Planning HQ

Rome before Germans: Greatest city in the world
Rome after Germans: Greatest city in the world

> glorious history
LOL, Turkey has NEVER done ANYTHING positive EVER
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this looks greek to you you idiot?
We mostly detest them because they fucked up the Balkans. We were on par with the Western Europe until you pricks came and fucked everything up.

You also made a lasting impression in Albania and Bosnia with Islam, and that cancer is seeping into neighbouring countries. You also support islamic extremism, although you claim that it's supported by the government not by the people, I'll believe you on that. We have our share of traitorous governments.

Right you are Kenan. Just because some of you have two people with blue eyes and blond hair (probably Balkanian rapebabies or Turkish diaspora which bred with the Germans) doesn't mean you're white.

that image. my sides x 3
I'm not gonna talk about centuries worth of greatness with you while america has literally fucked middle east into irreversibleness after years of war go pick up a history book and not just read the parts we've done bad stuff.

try not to finger your redneck sister or put your gun up your ass while you're at it
this country IS a shithole, the culture and history is not
>Why do people dislike turkish people

they don't.
it is a meme a few racist trolls use on /pol/ because they can't get laid so they spend their time on the internet trying to get a reaction from people.

see also: poo-in-loo, maplenigger, strayaposters, britbongs, etc.

they literally hate-on every country for kicks.
much better than american fast food shit
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because they look totaly disgusting
boyfucking....someone seems to forget greeks used to fuck boys all the time

also germans might not have, but romans certainly did. We never really displaced anyone either.

Constantinople before turks:Amazing city
Constantinople after turks: still amazing city until recently with all the immigrants and kurds flooding in

arguing with a redneck idiot who belongs to the most warmongering country of recent history is impossible it seems
t. Mehmet
considering we come from south of russia/central asia the closest we are to being nonwhite is asian which isnt brown last I checked

t. Angry Mehmet Pasha
do you enjoy raping women in your favela as the government police kicks your ass?
>Do I really need any other reasons?

They also smell really terrible.
I love them. my girlfriend is turkish

That's like comparing beautiful breasts with anal leakage. Turkey is anal leakage.

You hummus eating smelly fart-knuckle.
so do rednecks
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>/pol/ dissappears when a turkish person shows up and they can actually argue with one

Hmm.... really makes you think
>Oh shit, I'm getting blown the fuck out
>Better start insulting the US

>We never really displaced anyone either.
Except for the whole of Asian Minor and Constantinople

Why does Turkgay look like they're degenerates and really want to be Americans deep down but can't?

Oh yeah degenerate DNA.
>Posting on a canadian beastiality forum
>Calling anything degenerate

Fucking hell that pic comparing the alt-right to SJWs might have a point
except theres plenty of minorities living in constantinople and asia minor still. how about you come to this country and see for yourself?

we havent displaced anyone but still, its much better than completely eradicating all of its natives like you guys did
also, alien religion?

romans brought christianity and franks basically FORCED christianity to the pagans of saxony.

Ah the good old Turkroach way. Attack everyone because 70 million people live like filth and don't do shit to advance society.

On top of that, Erdoshit is now saying there needs to be more turkroaches. KEK

Nigga go read a fucking book and build something stop leeching off other countries like USA. The greatest nation in the world.

God (CHRISTIAN) Bless America And No Place Else
Those are Sufis? Have not your shared peaceful religion eradicated them yet. I know those old mystic traditions make many a muslim sharpen their knives.
>so do rednecks

Oh is that something you saw on TV or the internet? BOTH OF WHICH WERE CREATED BY THE UNITED STATES OF FUCKING AMERICA.

Fuck off Turkroach.
>its much better than completely eradicating all of its natives like you guys did

We also apologized and gave them free land, tax free and free paychecks.

What has Turkgay done to the native Armenians, Greeks and Armenians? Oh yeah you shot them in the head and buried them in the desert after raping the women and children. And yet you still deny it.

Face it, Turkgay, your country is a shitheel.
those are muslims too you git. but yes islamism is the bane of turkish history. we should've just sticked to tengri instead of getting used to sandnigger ways
police actually helps us rape,hard part about the favelas are low hygiene that brings lots of turks to the houses
we deny it because it was a mass exile of traitors who used to do the same things to us, terrorising the people. armenian "genocide" is only used as a propaganda device by the imperialists to justify their conquest of anatolia which they failed.

theres still americans treating natives like shit telling them to fuck off of their land and stuff do I claim all americans the same?
Which goes great with the WWW and the computer, both english inventions
>exactly, this country is extremely divided that if it were to turn into a bloody civil war it would be like the syriian civil war with all sorts of people wanting to join in on the struggle for their own gains and it would push us back 50 years

> Our culture is based in honour and freedom traditions.

No more questions.
as if we never invented anything or were never beneficial to mankind.

I suggest you look up turkish scientists on google
>theres still americans treating natives like shit telling them to fuck off of their land and stuff do I claim all americans the same?

lmao, the U.S. doesn't deny its crimes against natives and we paid billions to them in reparations before. quit with the "whataboutism" you fucking snake.
Seljuk invaders.
Imagine a foreign country invaded part of your country's territory, kill everyone and take over. The invaders then appear in the village market smiling and pretending they're one of you, acting like nothing happened.
This is the Turk.
our culture is based on such traditions doesnt mean everyone will follow them especially those who would prefer the easterners(ie erdoğan supporters) and besides, I didnt just mean turks I also meant america isis russia china etc
Romans are romanians today dip shit, Rome lost italy.
>always the victim

t. Roach
Because Erdogan is the devil.
sounds like all those normans and vikings and romans who did the same with england yet you embrace them instead of hating them for killing everyone and taking over

did they bring in culture and wealth?

so did we...
>Which goes great with the WWW and the computer, both english inventions

Google, m8.

DARPA created the internet.

Most of the best and most importantest inventions that have real world use were created in the USA.
Islam and their devotion to it. Despite claiming to be a model for a secular Muslim society, Turkey grows more Islamic by the day. Even the Kurds, who are essentially stateless mountain people, have largely realized that Islam is the wrong way to go and are fighting the theocrats and islamists, while the Turks support them.
>I suggest you look up turkish scientists on google

Oh any site that ends with .tr is definitely trustworthy.

KEK fuck off your whole country is a fraud.
the government and their idiot followers do, sure. but by your definition we should treat all swedes as sjw cucks who like getting raped by migrants

Well you could at least have listened to Ataturk when he called Islam a backwards arab religion.

If Ataturk said those things today, dear "Mutti" would have him executed for defaming the new German faith.
seen only 3 websites with links ending with .tr you blind fuck did inbreeding damage your eyes?
hurry turkroach
call in your bros to post more propaganda in this thread before it's archived.
Like I said, the computer is british and Tim Berners-lee invented the world wide web.

Atatürk would have facepalmed with the power of a nuke if he had seen us now...
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He's an American, you dimwit.

Also we have the best kike scientists and business people.

UK is basically our bitch, but also our brother in arms.
we dont deny our crimes either we simply deny calling it a genocide
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Ladies and gentlemen, american education
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You're not turkic you moron
Ottomans had mixed with anatolians and persians long before you even formed your shitty empire.
Just because you're called turks and speak turkish that doesn't mean you are central asians

But >pic related is very comfy in portraits, very nice
They're moslem, what other reason do you need?
Stealth Rare (The thread for the rare is good too desu)
3 Reasons
1-Butthurt of the former subjects
2-The retarded behavior of immigrant-diaspora turks
3-The policies of AKP and Erdoğan
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>we dont deny our crimes either we simply deny calling it a genocide

you guys only claim that 300k (at best) out of the alleged 1-1.5 million died, and that your poor allocation of resources due to the war effort means it's okay that so many people died of starvation, which somehow nullifies the definition of genocide.

also i don't remember the turkish government ever doing anything about the crimes that they *do* recognize, genocide or not.
>the government and their idiot followers do
Those "idiot followers" are the majority of the Turkish people. And feel free to treat the Swedes as cucks - they've voted for the destruction of their own society.
I come from crimea and have the physical traits of a central asian turk for the most part you dumb fuck.

also a drunk? so you accept you got your asses kicked by a "drunk" then. nice one
>implying that all of them aren't sjw cucks who like getting raped by migrants

He lived in the United States, m8, when he worked at CERN.

The first machine he used was a NEXT box designed by Steve Jobs and his team in Silicon Valley.

Also, ARPANET was the real internet before that American-Brit worked at CERN.


Read up. Those fish and chips fumes are getting to your head, m8.
redneck inbreeding shows its effects on communication deficiency it seems
>our culture is based on such traditions doesnt mean everyone will follow them especially those who would prefer the easterners(ie erdoğan supporters) and besides, I didnt just mean turks I also meant america isis russia china etc

So you're trying to convince us about the benefits of letting you join in the EU despite the fact NOBODY follows such culture of peace and traditions.

Oh, and iirc, the 90% of your country population is arabic, so please, gtfo elsewhere.
more like 45% as the polls show and considering people either vote for erdoğan because of economical benefits they'd get by kissing ass or being the products of akp's religious education so I wouldnt exactly call it "majority"
Same reason we hate any Islamic country - it's Islamic.

Your ancestors got raped and conquered by Mohammedanian sandniggers, cuck. You're not white.
As someone who has Turkish ancestry this thread is highly offensive.
when did I try to convince anyone of the benefits of letting us into the EU? stop pulling nonsense out of your catalonian sperm filled ass.

also fuck the EU
except not really we were the ones who conquered them
Erdogan and company were going to village from village and giving them chickens and refrigerators to vote for him, was comical.
>more like 45% as the polls show and considering people either vote for erdoğan because of economical benefits they'd get by kissing ass or being the products of akp's religious education so I wouldnt exactly call it "majority"

How come your dictator keeps electing himself over and over again? lol

If you turkgoats were really that forward thinking, you would revolt and stop being such pussies....but no, you like him because he is a mudslime and smelly just the way you like it. Treat women like shit.
turkey seemed quite based under ataturk, now it's just another islamist shithole
>As someone who has Turkish ancestry this thread is highly offensive.

> Leaf

You just offended yourself by coming out as a turkroach.
yes it was the topic of many insults and jokes here
>also fuck the EU

NOW you say that....when EU and UK and France are shitting on you seljuk kababistani's.

Funny, when something doesn't fit Turkgays narrative, they revolt and call the other side evil. Says a lot about your people.

I don't even know why Turkgay exists. It's basically polluting this planet.
ikr, he would've been ashamed of our current status now...all his work is trying to be ruined by akp and erdoğan and all the arab scumbags

Hahahaha omg this idiot. Not even other mudslimes like him.
NOW I say that? I had always hated the EU you imbred gong farmer

I'm not even gonna comment on your hypocrisy as an american anymore. 'murica fuck yeah right? whoever fights america in wars is a terrorist even if its militia that has nothing to do with al quada and only want the american invaders gone
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First of all, nice anecdotal

Yeah, a drunk with soviet and italian funding.
A drunk with italian arsenal
A drunk that was favored by the British Empire and all the rest of the great powers.
A drunk that was helped by the fact that our logistics sucked
A drunk that was helped by the fact that we were in ethnic schism between royalists and venizelists.
A drunk that was helped by the fact that the british empire prohibited us to enter ankara and constantinople.

Yeah, learn your own fucking history abdull

cry me a fucking river leaf
also you keep forgetting cyprus. they're still butthurt about it and deep down you know your government is gonna have to give it up. It's been 40 years now, this weird pseudo-occupation with shipping turks over is to 'strengthen' your claim is getting silly..
> Madroach

You mad bro? We can nuke you overnight, you know.
>more like 45% as the polls show and considering people either vote for erdoğan because of economical benefits they'd get by kissing ass or being the products of akp's religious education so I wouldnt exactly call it "majority"

No they're not. Just take a look to this and stop writing random numbers:


《In the most recent poll conducted by Sabancı University, 98.3% of Turks revealed they were Muslim.》
Your argument would be stronger if Turkey had a two-party system. 45 % of popular support is actually incredibly strong - none of the Swedish parties reaches those levels. Let's dispel, once and for all, with this fiction that Turkey is a modern, secular society.
Fuck off non-Turk roach.
awww keep crying.
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Turks are Turkic, just like all the other Turkics, for example these Gagauz Turks.

Or these Mishär Tatar Turks:

The phenetopical difference result of the vast expansion of Turkish empires over the Eurasian continent.
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t. Mustafa
I'm Christian.
There there Sweden..... We know how your parliament functions ;)
"i'm offended by you please stop );"
"lol keep crying xD"

Are you completely, utterly fucking retarded
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>Remember that faggot who noobtubed in mw2?

I never played casual dogshit like CoD.

But yeah Turks are shit.
They cant behave and dont fuck off my country while pretending theirs is so great

They are like polish just a bit worse
dont tell me you took your sweet time arranging that. for each defeat against greeks you show I can find you 10 more victories

also you guys were backed by all the imperialists against a people in civil war after a devastating loss in a world war and trying to gain independence despite being exhausted in a war on all fronts and no support from its central government.

you lost against a rabble with barely any technology and formed mostly of green boys and old men and women while you were pretty fresh
cant make a comment on that as I've not really researched it but it sure looks like a way to earn some more land I suppose
its edrogan desu

you are muslims but aint you supposed to be more laid back than say pakistanis and act more european?

get rid of that little despot and be a bit more secualr and the turkroach memes will die down

also get rid of the ottoman fantasists its not cool having people thinking that shit on our doorstep
except you wont cause you need us as your ally

we kiss your asses as much as you kiss ours.

you can nuke us? how about you nuke saudi arabia instead? a country notorious for being a totally medieval country with beheadings and sharia law but they still get your support and alliance
muslim doesnt equal voting for erdoğan or supporting him you dumbfuck

majority of the people I know are muslims and they hate the government.

also most "muslims" here havent even read the quran they're only muslims to have a god to believe in and because its so engrained in the culture sadly so its like a norm
Anyone can simply check the facts regarding the Armenians...
easy as fuck.
You still 'choose' to go with the non factual version.
There goes your integrity.
>you took your sweet time arranging that
are you retarded
its coming m8

saudi and syria are where greater israels boarders lie

you will notice conflicts get fabricated to allow this

war with the saudis is coming if the jew gets his way.

i hope saudi and mecca get stripped from the royals and passed to the more secular muslims
Norway's parliamentary system is not that much different from the Swedish one. It's just that the Norwegian people are more sane than the Swedes, which is reflected in how they vote.
we're more modern than your swedistan migrant haven with your high rape rates for the time being. opposite of 45% is 55% which is obviously higher

t. Achmed
except cyprus is a fucking EU member state and you're literally occupying one of our allies...and for some even fucking weirder reason because turkey is in NATO therefore the west moans but wont commit to a response either.

Either way, turkey is just so fucking awkward diplomatically. Even in a fantasy world where you were brotier, we still wouldn't entertain inviting in the EU or any other alliance because you literally border with the middle-east and what's to gain there for us? It's a fucking redflag.
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Yeah, it's awesome, ain't it?

The fires of war is part of what forged this nation into a great one.
ottoman fantasies and the ideologies and goals of erdoğan and whoever supports him is the bane of turkish existence...
"I HOPE you didnt take your sweet time arranging that learn how to read
but when we have wars and become the most powerful nation in the west back in the day we're murderers? get the fuck outta here

You know what to do, roachbro.

Go step on that Neo-Ottoman motherfucker.

Make Turkey a great republic again.
learn to not be stupid

pay debts retard
Turkey is the best country in the world thanks to Erdogan. You all hate him and Turkey because you are jealous of how strong he has made Turkey.

PS: Armenian genocide never happened

Did I say you were murderers?


In any case, we currently wage wars to spread the holy gift of FREEDOM THROUGH FIREPOWER to ignorant kebabs nowadays. That isn't murder. That is truly doing God's work in killing feral kebabs.
>making Erdogan the poster boy correct historical views regarding the Armenians
The fact that 45 % is higher than 55 % means nothing when those 55 % are scattered across different parties. Many, I may even suggest, that might be even more religious than AKP.

I love how you use the term "Swedistan migrant haven" (which I would agree with), when your own country, by and large, is populated by those exact people.

Like I mentioned earlier, there are actually Kurdish women in Sweden who are speaking up against Islam and its destructive effects on society while the Turks over here are busy attending meetings with Islamists. Your country is less modern, and overall sane, than an imaginary state (Kurdistan) populated by goatherds and tribesmen.
I cant when they bring their whole gang and their 40 brothers/cousins D:
>you need us as your ally

No, we're just using you idiots just like every other country is. You lucked out with the area you're in.

Once Iran steps up, we'll use it as our base and finally get rid of the Turkroach once and for all.
I can only think of one equally religious party and that party cant even win a single province in elections. Besides just because turks over there act like cunts doesnt mean all of us here act like that too. we hate those turks over here as well
>there are actually Kurdish women in Sweden who are speaking up against Islam and its destructive effects on society

Who? In Sweden?
bc you're genocidal fucks
>You all hate him and Turkey because you are jealous of how strong he has made Turkey.

He's using our F16's from 1995. We sold it to him because Turkgay can't make any weapons.

>>76762746 read: >>76761188
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Oh noes, he's offended!

Quick, burn all constitutions!

No not the forest, the constitutions!

Fuck off roach
>There goes your integrity.

Funded by Turkgay government.

Just accept it. So stubborn.
turkey is now producing its own tanks, weapons etc. soon turkey will not need you. erdogan has made turkey a powerful country, just look at the economic development etc.

he's also a good muslim leader unlike the impious ones turkey had in the past (like that jewish gay ataturk)
belgium of the current year, everyone
>we hate those turks over here as well
Except, you know, for almost half of your country's population (and most likely more).

Yes, in Sweden. I can give you some names if you want.

Do you finally have proper toilets and cleavers too?
the best you can come up with are these bad memes because you can't actually present an argument. keep being brainwashed by western media.
>UCLA is funded by the Turkish government
There's nothing to accept other than the truth which you choose not to.
There goes your integrity. Deal with it.
t. Cenk.
One turkroach stole a girl from me, convert her to islam and take back to turkey, so is just personal thing
Because they're violent Islamists?
so you dodged a bullet m8 you should be happy as fuck.
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>not mounting the largest cavalry charge in history to kebab the kebab
What are you doing Poland?
YES and they are fucking niggers
>sell their own mother, child for few shekels.
kek, you mean your balkan women?
When I was a kid I was napping and a roach was crawling right by my face on my pillow. I had a panic attack and couldn't sleep the rest of the night.

Ever since I've despised Turks.
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Legit started laughing
She was a good person bracie. Maybe little lost in life but really smart and cute.
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>Ffw Trump is secret liberal and not like Hitler at all
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>took Constantinople
>Act like they built it

>Genocide Arminians
>Say that didn't

>Invite in Syrian refugees
>Treat them so bad that they rather go to Europe for gibs me dat

>Lets Syrians through to Europe

>Part of NATO
>Hate the US anyway

>98% of country is in Asia
>They rule a sliver of Greek land and demand to be treated as European

>Conquer most of the Balkans and try to destroy their culture
>"Oh no, that was the Ottomans"

>Country is so much of a shithole that they migrate to Europe to make European countries a shit hole

>Generally offer nothing to humanity
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>took Constantinople
>Act like they built it

Not true, turks have great proud in their cities and heritage, doesn't mean they act like they built it. It has been under turkish control for almost 600 years.

>Genocide Arminians
>Say that didn't

what genocide?

>Invite in Syrian refugees
>Treat them so bad that they rather go to Europe for gibs me dat

they had to take in refugees from a war ravaged country. when they don't the EU and human rights organizations cry about how bad turkey is.

>Part of NATO
>Hate the US anyway

the us government for its corrupt wars in neighbouring countries

>98% of country is in Asia
>They rule a sliver of Greek land and demand to be treated as European

literally no turks want to this, they take proud in being turkish in itself.

>Conquer most of the Balkans and try to destroy their culture
>"Oh no, that was the Ottomans"

objectively false, the people there still have their own culture and speak their own language. compare that with what the french and british did in their colonies. french and english is widely spoken there now.

>Country is so much of a shithole that they migrate to Europe to make European countries a shit hole

Ironically, that isn't even the man who invented the internet. This WE WUZ shit
no it's not and I am a bosniak how does that make you feel that there are bosniaks who hate turks more than serbs.

Ataturk did so much for them, he gave them a proud genocidal history, he gave them a strong technocratic leadership ... and they threw it away for some Sunni good goy supreme working for the Jews.
Ahh, so we have to ignore an internationsl consensus because it hurts your feefees?
>Act like they built it
We built it burger what are you talking about?
>Genocide Arminians
Armenian what?
>Invite in Syrian refugees
It is part of our great plan.
>Part of NATO
>Hate the US anyway
We don't like any country tbqh
>98% of country is in Asia
>They rule a sliver of Greek land and demand to be treated as European
We are western not european it is different thing
>Conquer most of the Balkans and try to destroy their culture
>"Oh no, that was the Ottomans"
Destroyed their culture? Are you kidding?
>Country is so much of a shithole that they migrate to Europe to make European countries a shit hole
Europe is already our clay we just don't publish it
I hope you realize you are wrong and stupid
t. baba parasıyla özel tıp okuyan gerizekalı kayserili.
>No arguments
>haha you're just stupid

I was just roleplaying and I've BTFO multiple /pol/tards in this thread. You guys are just as retarded as the rumors claim.
Turkey's political geography is too complicated for me.

>young voters



Is it correct?

> the us government for its corrupt wars in neighbouring countries

Yet Turkey is fighting on the same side in Syria. Sure the US provide some assistance to the Kurds for the moment, but no need to get butthurt over that. It's just a ruse to attack Assad. The Sunni good goys they really want to support are so bad at PR it's getting hard to support them openly.
After Gaza filottila raid, Turkey has cut ties with Israel and started supporting Hamas. A huge smear campaign has been run against Turkey and Erdogan in the western media afterwards.

Your jewish overlords wants you to hate Turkey and Turks.
>young voters
its the opposite
Give back Constantinople you goat-shagging fuck.
Return back to the continent where you came from, dirty fucking alien.
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More like
>stupid erdogan
>faggot keMal
>beforetime they are right but now left-wing
>young voters
>military but less than akp
this is /pol/, i thought everyone hated everyone?
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Anti-Turk butthurt on this board spiked when Erdogan shot down manlet Putin's junk jet after they violated his airspace for the 6 trillionth time.

The funny part is that for years before that all the way up to a month before the incident, Russian state run media and pro-Putin posters were convinced there would be a Russia-Turkish alliance and Putin would peel Turkey away from NATO.

Erdogan's support for Hamas was just as planned actually by the Jews, just part of their alliance with Sunni Islam. It was part of removing Hamas from Iranian influence.

I'll admit there was a smear campaign against Erdogan recently, but it's mostly just an excuse for pushing more immigrants. Making it seem that it's impossible to make a deal with Erdogan.

When Erdogan was sending weapons to ISIS and Al Nusrah in humanitarian aid trucks the media was silent.
ataturk was a jew
opposite of usa
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I seriously believe that the shooting down of the Russian jet was a message of Turkey/USA to show that Turkey was still on the anti-Russian NATO side. Before the incident Erdogan and Putin were pretty good buddies despite the Syrian war.

you take that back right now
>I was just roleplaying and I've BTFO multiple /pol/tards in this thread. You guys are just as retarded as the rumors claim.

Only Turksgays are braindead enough to think they've won.

Maybe 8th place in the special olympics, that's all.

Seriously, what's in your DNA? Kebab juice? This whole thread and the whole internet is pretty much shitting on Turkgoys.
I know Jews by their actions. Ataturk was clearly not, you clearly are.

Major kek.

That guy is such a tool. He makes Ataturk (who was known to tickle young boys penises and was also jew) look normal.
>you take that back right now

He was also gay...and jew.
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They wiped out the Greeks and set the Balkans behind by 400 years. They also defeated the Crusades and caused Islamic domination of the Mediterranean for centuries, and continue to hold 2/5 of the Pentarchy.

In short, I would have no problem with them if they went back to Asia and took the Magyars with them, but they decided to stick their nose in Europe and Christendom which cannot be allowed.

And Hitler was a jew with a micropenis ... learn a new song Schlomo.
he is macedonian lol not jew
>start shit with turks
>side with enemies of the turkish state behaving as fifth column
>surprised you got ended

idk what to say dude. you lost a war
Guys the whole world is laughing at Turkgay.

The secret service slapped a Turkgay security guy for Erdoshit today hahha

He was also denied to go to the Ali ceremony and he cried like a bitch and flew back to Roachland.

see link
Funny cause you guys were sucking Turkish dick during the Korean war.
actual reason turks are so hated on here is bc they're a reminder that whites are actually not the master race

not too long ago they were going ass to mouth on whites across europe and pretty much shitting down their throats and enslaving them by the million

also they hold onto the european spiritual capital of Cumstainedanople which is a reminder of their eternal inferiority to Islam

this is like if Britain conquered mecca or something


so basically they're just mad bc their worldview is upset by turks
Why diaspora loves that word? I never see a westerner uses that insult its only in balkans-middle east or diasora

Anyways, it was nice to see the same pattern on you glendalelian. Take care
> Islamist
> Obnoxiously nationalist
> Literally killed off Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians
> Ottoman Empire, while having good things too, was also incredibly barbaric and devastating yet nobody mentions it when explaining the whole ME situation
> funding and helping ISIS and "moderate" rebels in Syria
> actively sending rapefugees in Europe
> still shits on Greece and provokes them

Said this, Turkey could have become an exemple to the whole Muslim world with Atatürk, you could have become a symbol for a huge part of the world, instead you chose to go backwards to that retarded cult.
My respect goes to the Turkish journalists who risk their life to show the truth about Erdoshit.
>Fuck off roach

Look at the way he sits. Probably tucks his dick in and is tranny fag jew kike pedophile.

It's ok he would be able to use our American bathrooms.
>he is macedonian lol not jew

Sure roach keep telling yourself that

ataturk was jew
erdogan's grandmother is armenian that's why he's still mad.
>not too long ago they were going ass to mouth on whites

Ah yes, that's how turks have babies too
It's in the Turkish Quran.
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