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Pew pew pew Seriously America, it's 2016.

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 313
Thread images: 76

Pew pew pew

Seriously America, it's 2016.

Is that even a country?
>Niue Niue Niue
Americans are fucking dumb. The only Americans of value are those who have Irish ancestry. The rest are worthless.
Your flag has made me start collecting flags. Fuck you.
Tell me about Niue OP.

Too bad that scenario is impossible, because you cannot erase all guns from existence, regardless of what kind of draconian laws or bans put into place.

>criminal steals a gun/has one in storage already/builds a fucking gun if he has to
>no one else has guns
>7 deaths, every time
wowow rare.
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Delicious rare flag
What flag is this im on the phone???
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typical irish.jpg
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Last slide should be identical to the first, since you will NEVER be able to keep guns out of the hands of crazies and criminals.
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Whatever you need to tell yourself. Irish Americans are the happiest, wealthiest and most educated in america.
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We all end up doing it at some point, i got my own collection of flags 'ight here
Seriously, what the hell is a Niue?

Already got ya m8y
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>mfw that flag
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"Gun bans" are for cucks.
Just checked, there's been 349 posts ever by Niue on /pol/ and /int/.

Pretty interesting.

>The only Americans of value are those who have Irish ancestry

Scots-Irish are the laughing stock of the country, they are your cousin fucking rednecks.
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Even better version.
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gun free zone.jpg
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Gee thank you for the enlightenment.
>what are harquebuses
>loaves of dry bread
>marxism manifestos
One of the things I thank God for everyday is the fact that I have no Irish ancestry.
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Fuck off back to whatever loser country you're in where you get cucked by arabs and niggers.

Guns are awesome and all the faggots and women crying about them need to shut up and know their place.
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Laughing stock alright.
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What even is that flag
This comic is irrelevant. The criminal will get guns through any means necessary, just like the drug wars you liberals boast about failing.

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Its not that black and white. There needs to be gun regulation (to prevent them from going in wrong hands) but owning a gun should be a right.

Absolutely rare.
Niue. Its some sort of island, I don't think its an actual country because it has the British jack on it still. Now we just need nauru
You have the choice, 7 deaths, or 2 deaths.
Reality doesn't allow for 0 deaths.

[Citation needed]

Have a look at your list of presidents. They're mostly Irish.
Ur havin a laff, eh
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What's stopping criminals from getting guns from illegal methods? Last I checked, criminals don't care about laws or bans. Gun Control is useless and just puts the public in danger.

What the fuck are you?

aay lmao?
22. Not a majority.

Also, whats your point?
Mass shooters would make IEDs or bombs, if they couldn't get guns... duh.

The Muslims have the modern "anarchist cookbook" and there are probably people who have spent time in Iraq who know how to make middle eastern style IEDs and explosives. There are probably millions of copies of Jihadi cookbooks out in the world and these may be in the west already.

Banning guns won't stop mass killings, geniuses.
And most murders are carried out without guns. Most murders are committed with blades, blunt objects, and poison.
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Yea, that works great with Drugs, Cars, prescription painkillers. Literally EVERYTHING we restrict is abused by people who shouldn't have them.

> People without a license drive.
> People without prescriptions OD.
> People under 21 drunk drive.
> People take illegal drugs.

Holy shit, it's almost like making more regulation's won't help and will ONLY serve to keep gun's out of the hands of good people who otherwise may be able to protect themselves.

>Its not that black and white.
Yes it is literally is a black problem. 13% of the population commits over 50% of gun homicides.
they're all american
> Niue (pronounced 'New-ay' – which means 'behold the coconut') may be the world’s smallest independent nation.

How the fuck getting internet over there even possible.
>unrestricted gun ownership reduces shooting deaths by 71%, and does it without shitting on anyone's constitutionally enshrined right to bear arms

Sounds good to me

>Scots-Irish are the laughing stock of the country, they are your cousin fucking rednecks.

The first human on the Moon (Neil Armstrong) was partially Irish. The Irish are okay in my books. It's the Muslims we need to deal with.
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What the fuck is a Niue?
>all the newfags falling for PK

What the fuck, people?
You shouldn't be a cunt to the people that helped build your nation.
I guess fiber optics underwater. Either that or satellites.
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Hey, that;s a Nieu flag
Well fuck.
Didn't even notice until you pointed him out.
what the fuck is this meme country
>Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Sounds like a shitty 80s band
Just like when you make pot illegal, noone will have pot. Right?

This. Our country has ZERO place for hyphenated Americans. African-American. Irish-American. Mexican-American. No, fuck off. Your American or you can go back.
>newfags don't even know PK uses exquisite proxies
damn, that's disappointing
thank milo for making LE EPIC ALTRIGHT
Our president even sold guns to criminals.

Operation fast and furious is what turned me away from voting for him again in 2012 afger I fell for 'change' in 2008.
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The autism is strong in this one. JK. I spotted it too :(
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If you want to get into the last square of 0 deaths you have to ban, collect and destroy guns on a world wide scale.

France for example gave weapons to Libyan rebels and then after they had no longer need for those weapons Libyan rebels sold them to French organized crime syndicates/gangs.

You want to stop guns you have to convince not just the public but also the governments not to sell them or give them to anyone. I'd be happy to see a world were that's going to happen.

Meanwhile I'll just keep enjoying my hobby of putting lead down the range and making holes into a human sized piece of cardboard.
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pew pew, home made uzi's made by criminals in Sydney.
>will be killed

Spain gets it.
Those aren't Uzis those are Mac 10's.
>reminder to sage

this is the same proxy poster, over and over and over
How many people die if my daughter has a gun and a man tries to rape her? How many get raped?

If she has no gun how many die? How many get raped?
PK is a proxyfaggot
know your Uzi, Jewzi
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Why thank something that doesn't exist
>counting the gunman as a death
hooollly fuck these liberals really love their "life is precious" platform don't they
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Thank you for correcting me, have a FAMAS made by a guy in his back yard.

I laughed at this more than I should have.

Nobody here identifies as Irish, other than first generation Irish immigrants, whom I imagine are very few in number. Anyone who was born here, and isn't brown, or doesn't have some kind of weird feeling of foreign loyalty considers themselves American.
>Pop. 1164

Holy rare
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Compare what he sent to pic. This is an Uzi, those are MACs.
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Fuck me, Niue looks Nice

Loving the Flag too.
anon. we're european-americans.
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Thanks for helping me increase my rare flag collection
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>1 post by this ID
>/pol/ will sperg our for am hour talking to someone that's obviously using a proxy, and not there.
Kills only one if lucky
No untrained chump can effectively kill with it. Bows need muscle to draw and aim them to be effective. Smaller bows are less or non lethal.
Kills only the first victim and a fat kid
Require information and skill to make. Might blow your hands off or get you a visit from police
Less lethal than knifes and require some training to kill without getting lucky.
unload a mag and kill bunch

See why these are not similar?
>1 post by this ID
Fuck off we left you fuckers behind for a reason.
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Seriously, there's a population of less than 1,200.

I don't care if it's proxy, remote desktop hacking, whatever, it's almost as impressive as going there and posting from your phone just to get the fucking flag up.
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You're just trying trigger /k/ommandos right?
There are too many guns in the US for this scenario to be plausible. It would be retarded to try and confiscate them. If anything i would be for making the laws more lax. The fact that some states only allow 10 round mags is retarded.
can someone edit the last panel with knives ?
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homemade ak102.jpg
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What do you mean?
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• 2014 estimate 1,190[

This is rarest flag I have ever seen. After Antarctica, of course. I still have no idea how could someone shitpost from Antarctica
Thanks for believing in me mother land. I shall proudly keep my guns to the day i die.
>I still have no idea how could someone shitpost from Antarctica

They have wireless there now, though it doesn't function when the weather is bad. I considered taking a job in one of the research stations a while back. 8 months on 4 months off.
>finally gets internet in his country
>decides to shitpost

Well done, nigger... well done.
If only we did this with alcohol, then there would be no alcoholism.
What if the crazy person has a knife?
Plastic Paddies are basically white niggers.

its that stupid proxy fag, not real
He managed. I took the bait.
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>mfw second from the left
>Population 1,190

Holy shit nice proxy
Theres no way you're from Niue. Stop these falsehoods.
super fucking rare
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>not having Antarctica
BTW what is Europe? Someone said it's only happens when you shitpost from European Parliament or something?
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Pack it up guys he stated the year and posted a political cartoon. No arguments can top that.
got it when they one guy was shitposting while at the actual eu parliament, guy even timestamped the desk and wrote I hate niggers on it
>gun control

Drank the commie kool-aid m8
Australia here.

Even with strict gun control, even on an island with no gun industry, the crazies still have guns.
>knives kill only first victim and fat kid
>Knife-wielding attackers kill 29, injure 130 at China train station
>88 + rare
Race ware confirmed by Kek
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why aren't you banned yet you underage faggot?
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inevitable reality
>future tense/predictive
>not using data that is already on hand
whose side are you on?
that porno was pretty good
what is it? sauce
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I can make a single shot shotgun in less than 30 minutes in my garage. I could make make a backpack full of them in a day. Pipe shotguns are extremely simple and easy to make.
They made clowns resemble irishmen for a reason.
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Wat cat whale.jpg
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Just.... why?

I know there's a bunch of spergs here and I'm bit spergy myself but why would you put yourself in that position? In the middle of fucking nowhere? In an environment where no life can survive. Literally nothing to do. Zero chances of getting laid. I'm sure the novelty wears off after 5 mins then you realize how fucked you are for the next 8 months. Plus you probably have very little privacy and next to no chance of meeting anyone interesting. The highlight of your day would be movie night.

Maybe I'm missing something? Really fucking good pay? Super secret orgy meet? What?
Yup, unfortunately liberals somehow think that banning guns means that smart people cannot actually engineer a rifle in to existance.

This is why I hate gun debates and OPs thread.

There is no discussion anymore after the 3d printer. You can make a gun in your house. Then they will try to ban bullets.

But really stupid idiot policy makers who do not understand common sense are responsible for almost all ailments of society.
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Like half the people working on those stations are fresh out of school Environmental sciences majors right? ie mostly female. Plus, there's good money. $85k a year doesn't sound that impressive, but literally everything is provided for 8 months of that. No rent, no expenses period. Plus it's like one of the only ways you can get work as a Helicopter pilot in the private sector without a background in the military.
Edit the third panel so the crazy person is carrying a knife.
$85k every 8 months? Tax free? Either way that's not bad at all. It's a start. I feel like if you had good company, it could be manageable...

What do you do for work? Identify snow? "Yep it's snow." Drill shit and try to find some kind of undiscovered bacteria?
Yeah, you can pound sand. The Irish have integrated into American society just as well as any race (you) may consider to be white.
Not tax free unfortunately, but it had other perks.

>What do you do for work?
Depends. The core of it is researchers, I have no idea what they do. But to go with that they need all sorts of other shit. Drivers, Pilots, electricians and maintenance, mechanics etc.
>3/5 deaths

Like how the libtard that made this is totally fine with the poor bastard suffering from mental illness.
Anyone got a pic?
And a gun can't stop someone from detonating a bomb strapped to their chest
literally have never heard of this flag in my entire life
safe to say

I thought the same thing, the bottom panel might as well have a unicorn in it too.
Choose one

Lets remember the great Irish Empire when Ireland dominated the British isles and continental Europe with their military might. Let us also remember when Ireland made it to the moon and developed the atomic bomb. Let us also remember Ireland's many astonishing feats of engineering.
lol, it's easy, just implant a chip in everyone and kill them when they go out of line!
>Current year
>Rare proxy
Nice post M8
Guys, this is the result of Europe's censorhip.

No, it's not a vpn, it's literally a guy who got sick of it and fucked off to the rarest island he could find.
>Thinking u can press a magic button and make all guns disappear.

Cmon, its 2016
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Fuck off you dutch idiot. Kill yourself.
No, he uses tons of proxies. He is dutch I think
So what's the argument when people tell you that America has a DISPROPORTIONATE number of gun-related murders?

Is it really worth it?
Yeh, I assume, I was just joking around.
>ba dum tsh
the ol "trigger k" is the best fucking pun on the planet
Guys don't belevin this false rare flag, PK is a proxy fag.
>North Korea
Where do you check?
The same b8 since December of 2015 and probably even before:


If only proxy fags were a bit original.
I'm quite good at geography but I've never heard of you. Niue?

It's some irrelevant island of faggots
Castro is a good guy desu
All these faggots thinking PK is actually on Niue

every time

This is nearly as bad as when someone asked him for photo proof that he was actually in Antarctica
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Watch where you swing that edge dude, I almost cut myself on it!
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I don't see how it was changed
wait gibraltar was not created by overwatch?
1. guns are a distraction so that the inconvenient root cause of an increase in violence doesn't have to be confronted (the decline of marriage due to feminist sabotage)

2. cynical politicians figured out that it's more politically and financially profitable to make a career of impotently railing against the 2nd amendment than doing anything of worth
You can't deny the facts
You'll try to pass it off as edge, but the truth will hit you one day, and remember me
Now that it's built, we can. Fuck off mick
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There are over 300 million guns in this country and most of the people that own them have no interest in giving them up. Please explain how you plan on getting rid of all them.
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Was wondering when the poor sexual prospects will be mentioned.
And there it is. Fucking 15 year olds.
>potato niggers are of value
Nice try, Seamus.
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>Stale bait getting 188 replies because of a rare proxy
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Waste of a rare fucking flag
>being a bad thing
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0 deaths.jpg
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This is better. If you disagree, you're a cuck.
how does europe flag works?
Nice cherry you've picked there, anglo.
>That SAA (or whatever clone)
I have one of those collections but only for teamspeak

you need to post from north africa and enter 'refugee' in the options
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I like how the third image implies guns are the only way that people are murdered.
not an argument
>renaming the flags

Absolutely disgusting
Great idea! Lets just stop people who walk around with "crazy person" on their shirt from having guns, you liberals are fucking geniuses
>gunz are just point and click bro! Just like in my vidya!
>Knives, bows and explosives are like super difficult to use or something man.
>a bow requires some amazing skill it's not like middle schools have archery classes and a mere 45 lbs. draw is enough to kill large deer.
>Bombs?!? Like where are you going to get ammonium nitrate fertilizer and diesel fuel bro?
>Knives, pssshhh don't even get me started man like I would just disarm them or run away it's not like a cheap steak knife is capable of permanently disfiguring someone at the very least but at least their odds of getting good killed are slightly less right? I know I'd much rather get stuck in my gut and possibly bleed out over a long period of time or end up shitting in a bag then get shot at and have the ability to defend myself.
>like what's up with personal responsibility why would you want to have to worry about yourself when you can rely on someone else to do it?
>Besides I'm sure telling little suzy's mom that at least her daughter was only stabbed to death rather then shot will make it all better.
i save rare flags from here and create channels with them on my ts
There's a very large difference between the bows they use in schools and a bow that could kill someone quickly
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close enough
North Korean flag posts are not as rare as the random pacific islands actually
You can go tour North Korea and they even have casinos build only for tourists
does your country even have fucking internet?
I know this is bait but: crazy person is going to get the gun reguardless of whether it's illegal or not.
If you're willing to send 7 random people into the afterlife I doubt your going to care about whether you should have the gun or not
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whats to stop a crazy person enacting a genocidal rampage with one of these?
inb4 your door gets kicked down and you get v& for posting assault weapons in your country

please don't tell europe!
Really, though? I mean, yes, if someone is dedicated and wealthy and connected they can get around arms bans, but in Australia guns are $10,000s and require criminal knowledge to be obtained. Most 'lone shooter' types are too schizoid and poor to get guns from anywhere except fucking Wal-mart. You ban guns, you significantly restrict criminals' access to them (with something of a 'teething' period while they're eliminated from the system).
>population 1,190

Sure thing, Britain. How are those stabbings holding up?
Any mini machinegun is generally considered an UZI. We call the SMG from Halo an UZI because it's easier to say. No one cares.
NIUE.... where in the mother of fuck? With a population of 1,119, I wouldn't expect you to understand anything about the freeworld or the need for self defense.
how come suicide still happens when it's illegal?
fucking handcannon loaded with nails and bearing balls will mince people like meat grinder
And it's not like that gunpowder is quantum chemistry

bows are virtually untraceable, and some modern ones are easier to conceal than AR-15

cutler can kill silently, and will go unnoticed until someone spots the victims

explosives aren't that hard to produce, not to mention napalm, that's even worse

slingshot and rest were a joke
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started a week ago
The Irish are a race of disgusting worker proles.
Sure. You have super reflexs. If they come to you shooting at your back, you are pretty fuck from the beggining.
Lurk moar niuefag


also sage because this thread has no value
da fuck is Niue?
Truer words never spoken, potatofriend.
And this is a MICRO uzi

Actually I'm pretty sure it's a mini uzi, the site probably mislabelled it
Fucking kill yourself you fucking cuck you are whats wrong with this country
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flag collection 145.png
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>Got Cape Verde and Niue today
Flag collection's coming along nicely.
a small island nation in the South Pacific Ocean.
But that's millions and millions of us.

You're still a faggot by the way.
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Nigger land.jpg
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And that's 146. Thank you Chocolate Bar.
If people in here could have guns, the cartel would't be near as powerful as it is.
Don't let the government take your guns usa.
Lol you're this dumb? Irish people here are working class you potato nigger. Proves you don't know shit about America yet you want to be a edgy liberal faggot and follow the trend.

Only good potatoe is a baked one, hope Britian enslaves you again.
Nieu/pol/ when
There is simply no way, let me reiterate that


That we can write the perfectly worded, perfectly enforced law that could lessen fatalities from guns. I'm convinced of that. The people who have guns often have made up their minds that they never want to use one, and that's their decision. But whether they want one or not, someone who wants to make trouble will.

I don't see why this is so hard to understand - it's the same logic with people who are terrified of transgenders using the restroom. If someone wants to make trouble, they will. It sure as fuck didn't stop them before. Not to mention that heterosexuals that are family friends or affiliated with their victims are by far the most common offenders.

If someone wants to do something, they WILL do it. All we can do is make sure that we can equalize that threat.
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Not gonna lie, that last image looks pretty sweet.
>US homicide rate: 3.8
>UK homicide rate: 1.0

>Claiming guns prevent crime
dammit Ameribro, I told you not to wash our flag with bleach
Now remove niggers from US homicide rates, and you'll find the actual problem in the US.
I'd say look it up but it's probably censored on your prison island
I suggest looking into who does all that gun violence and who it is directed against.

I'll give you a hint: over 80% of armed crimes are committed by niggers or mexicans
I know this is a bait thread, but I'll take it anyway.

The bottom '0 deaths' is the idealized and ultimately impossible goal of trying to disarm literally everyone. Especially so when you consider just how many guns are already in the US.

Those who want to do harm, will find a way. After all they are not interested or intimidated by laws. So they can and will find a weapon to do harm with. Then what? Your cuck laws have 'disarmed' everyone with no one to immediately respond.
Why do cartoonists always draw people that look like fat Jews? Seriously, look at any cartoon that isn't weebshit. There aren't any fit people unless it's for comedic effect.
Muslim having a good time with a dog. Fake as fuck.
But I thought guns alone could prevent crime?

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Island country
Niue is a small island nation in the South Pacific Ocean. It’s known for its limestone cliffs and coral-reef dive sites. Migrating whales swim in Niue's waters between July and October. In the southeast is the Huvalu Forest Conservation Area, where trails through fossilized coral forests lead to the Togo and Vaikona chasms. The northwest is home to the rock pools of Avaiki Cave and the naturally formed Talava Arches.
Capital: Alofi, Niue
Currency: New Zealand dollar
Population: 1,190 (2014)
Premier: Toke Talagi
National anthem: Ko e Iki he Lagi
University: St. Clements University Higher Education School, Niue
Official languages: English, Niue
>Check A for Australia
>Not there
>Immediately skip to S
Less that 2000 population

I find it cute you eurocucks bash on our american tradition yet you leech off our culture and consume our media.

Your favorite show, breaking bad.
Not possible without guns.

5 poo in loos dead
I tend to agree, but 71% seems a bit high. You got a source for that stat?
His island literally has about 1k people on it
Fuck, I'm saving that flag nigga
you're an idiot
remove niggers and you have a lower homicide rate than the UK has
Well, the big bankers decided to make American a non white country over several centuries.

So the white population won't want to give up it's guns.

Just try convincing the white liberal idiots to give up their land and houses to new immigrants. You know, just to be fair.

If you did you would turn many of them into sympathizers with us untamed whitey's.
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thank you, Dexter!
So I guess the presence or absence of guns is totally irrelevant in the level of crime in a country, huh?
never collected flags until this thread. i feel like i have to now
You forgot the by knife or club butchered people in the last row
no. if everybody is allowed to own guns, it's kinda like nobody has one. no one has an advantage over other people.
if you ban guns, criminals are still gonna get the guns they need to commit crimes, while law abiding citizens won't have the weapons they may need to protect themselves.

nigger presence is another factor. nigs gonna nog, man. some efforts have to be conducted to shift their culture from the "WE WUZ", welfare-dependant and gang-worshiping they now have to one that more closely resembles civilized people. and liberals (who are the people who want to ban guns, would you look at that!) sure as hell aren't gonna do that. BLM emerged during the "MUH FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT"s mandate, mind you.
>people not knowing PK the proxyfag
The gun is
the great equalizer. The weak can stand with the strong.
Perfect is the enemy of good enough.

You can't actually prevent the bad guy from having a gun. He's a bad guy. He's willing to throw his life away to kill someone.
one of our bitch country's
>no. if everybody is allowed to own guns, it's kinda like nobody has one
You're right. That's why warzones are such safe, peaceful places. Because everyone is armed.
How do you stop people from making their own guns? If fucking sandniggers can do it, whites can do it too, no prob.
So who is lecturing us this time, Europe or Mexico?
almost all "rare" flags are just proxies you naive faggots
Or he could get an axe and slaughter 20 children in a daycare?
Or the fact that people can get illegal weapons from police and military if they are badass enough
I'd like to reconsider one of my previous statements. You're not an idiot, you're a shill.
Warzones are an awful analogy. In a warzone you have two sets of people that will try everything to murder each other to achieve victory. In a country where everybody is allowed to own a gun:
a) crazed maniacs are less likely to attempt mass murders, since the chance of return fire is high
b) if someone DOES gets batshit crazy, he gets put down asap
c) people can overthrow the government if it goes full fascist. don't even try to give me the "MUH PLANES AND ADVANCED WARFARE WEAPONS" argument, because urban guerrilla=/=war.

if you like the war analogy so much (and it is terrible, I can't stress it enough), free gun ownership would be more akin to the cold war: the us and urss had fucking massive arsenals, but didn't nuke each other, didn't they?
But realistically, how much is trying to prevent schizos from acquiring firearms helping?
In the US, the homicide count after active shooter incidents is ca. 100 per year, much lower than the amount other criminals kill themselves (about 8000).
Conclusion: not a significant impact if we take the schizos out of the picture, cause criminals will be criminals (the culture plays a big part though).

Dan quail what are you doing on /pol/
Big problem with this argument. In the UK it's not considered a homicide, unless there is a conviction. In the US any death not of natural causes, or accident is a homicide regardless of anyone being found guilty of it. After considering this, consider what small part of our population is doing 90% of the killing (i.e. Niggers). Don't forget that the majority of said killings are also occuring in cities with the strictest gun control laws.

Fuck off with your BS claims that the UK is safer!
The railroads
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>Irish life
Too bad that last strip is unrealistic fantasy since you cannot take gun away by law from someone who doesn't give a fuck about the law resulting in the first strip (which you then deny responsibility for even though you caused it).
This is the only solution
>You disagree with me!
Fuck you.

>Warzones are an awful analogy
Warzones are a perfect analogy because they're exactly what backwater hicks like you claim guns are for: defense against ravaging hordes.

>crazed maniacs are less likely to attempt mass murders
Funny then that the country with the highest gun ownership is also the only place with regular mass murders then, huh?

>if someone DOES gets batshit crazy, he gets put down asap
And there are never any casualties, of course from the "heroes".

>people can overthrow the government if it goes full fascist.
Nope. It already did long ago and all conservashits did was bitch, drink beer and watch Nascar. If you hilljacks were going to overthrow the gubmint with your gunz you should have done it decades ago. What's stopping you? You claim that's why you have them, after all.

All the claims of gunfags are proven totally false simply by looking at reality.

America also has the largest prison population of any country on Earth, both by total and per capita. America is an intensely criminal shithole. My own small town had a series of murders recently.

>Don't forget that the majority of said killings are also occuring in cities with the strictest gun control laws.
Yet we don't have that here.

>Fuck off with your BS claims that the UK is safer!
The UK IS objectively safer. I'm sorry you were born gay.
>laws stop criminals
>terrorists abide by the law
This please.
>Laws don't work
>Let's make murder legal now
Why is the muh prohibition argument still being used? We still have murder, rape, theft and slavery. Does that mean we should legalize them all?
quality post right here
it was more meant to be like: "only in niueland"
also, to further add something to the "war argument", Sun Tzu said something along the lines of "the best army is one you'll never need to use". not "lel, it's 3000 B.C. we don't need a fucking army, ban swords and dismantle our military power!!!".
you own a gun and pray that everyone who owns a gun doesn't go full idiot and actually use the weapons that should guarantee a stalemate situation. if someone does fire a shot, too bad for him; nothing of value would be lost when people respond accordingly.
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>potato nigger detected
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More like
California, plagued by college shootings (no gun zones), is one of the states with the strictes gun laws.
also, I'm not American. I'm Italian. Do you know how fucking hard it is to get guns in Italy? yet the mafia owns ARSENALS of them, literally enabling to run a parallel, shadow state.

California is also one of the most populous regions in the country. What would be strange is if all these shootings were happening in Colorado or Tennessee.

>I'm not American. I'm Italian
Yes, I know. I can see your flag, dumbass.

>yet the mafia owns ARSENALS of them
Well that's what happens when your country has no respect for the rule of law. Your shithole of a country doesn't even have a functional postal service.
Those look well built, how'd they do it?
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>dat flag
well, comparing me to the NASCAR crowd and "hilljacks" didn't help.
touché about the postal service, lol.
mafia hasn't anything to do with the law. fiscal evasion does. mafia started like an organization to provide protection to small business owners (who couldn't protect themselves cause they had no guns) and then devolved into the cancer it is today.
>being this delusional
8 months is not a long time at all matey
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