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Thread replies: 130
Thread images: 64

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Police prepping.jpg
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I posted some photos on /p/ but it's such a slow-moving board, I'm just getting bored waiting for people to reply. >>>/p/2852581

I went to the Trump rally in San Diego last week for the sole purpose of taking photos and documenting the event. Would you guys be interested in seeing some of the photos? I'll post a few here and if people want more I'll post more
This will kind of be a duplicate thread of the one I have on /p/ so, sorry if you're expecting something different

This guy with the "Don't Tread on Me" flag had just arrived at the protest and was trying to move into the "Trump Protesters Free Speech Area" (It's fucking stupid that they have a free speech area). The police stopped him and informed him that he was allowed to have the flag, but the flag pole could not be brought into the area, probably because it could be used as a weapon. Here in the photo, the police man is trying to cut the flag from the pole, but he was unable to, so the flag guy just stayed out in the nearby street
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Not listening.jpg
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I took quite a few photos of this guy. The white guy with the bald head and beard was a pro-trump protester. He was making some pretty inflammatory statements to get people fired up. It worked pretty well, within minutes of being there, he had 30 people surrounding him, and a lot of them were media.
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As this guy continued to talk, more and more people moved into the area and started filming and screaming at him. He was mostly making some pretty inflammatory statements about Mexicans and Muslims
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These were the people the bald guy was upsetting. They were standing across the street, in the free speech area yelling back at him. I took a few photos of these people here too, simply because they looked interesting and were the most animated.
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Guy Holding Trump Hate Sign.jpg
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The irony of some of the protesters is pretty hilarious. They preach acceptance and yell how hateful Trump is. In this photo, that guy was holding a sign that read "Trump=Hate" while they were blaring a song titled "Fuck Donald Trump" while they flipped off the trump supporters. I'll also talk about the multiple Trump supporters that were assaulted during the "peaceful" protests
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Black Power.jpg
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Here's another photo of the protesters in the free speech area reacting to the bald man. I'm not sure why he was giving the black power hand, the man was talking about religion and the border wall while this guy was talking about black pride
Foto Nigger Tripfag
good job.
It's required on /p/ because they don't have id's there, just trying to keep it consistent to prove that I'm the same OP in both threads.

More clashing between the two sides, but this was outside of the free speech area. Obviously ,there's nothing the police can do because free speech really isn't limited to a small area
And I'm not black. That was another photographer that was at the event. Here's proof, you can see that guy in the reflection is wearing a blue beanie
These people came in what seemed to be a large parade float down the street. It was bizarre because they weren't really protesting Trump, they were a bunch of Maids, like hotel maids and stuff, talking about raising the wage? I wasn't quite sure because their signs read "Stop the rape". These women were dressed up like butterflies which I can only assume is a reference to migrating Monarch butterflies. These protesters were well organized and peaceful, but lacked any sort of visible message.
In fact, here's a reflection of me in someone elses glasses from that day
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>And I'm not black
So you're a racist tripfag
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Again with the bald guy, and this Trump protester, I don't recall what they were yelling about, but obviously, it got heated. They had to be pulled away from each other to stop a fight from breaking out
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even worse, a fat dyke
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OK. If you don't enjoy the pictures I can just stop posting them, I'll give you this photo so you can at least enjoy the fact that we're on the right side here at /pol/
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This is a protester.jpg
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And this is what bernie supporters look like. Just note the differences
First kek of the day, thanks anon
Here's higher res if you want it
I like them
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No. Ain't nothing worse than a nigger.
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I'll post more, it just seemed like nobody was interested in them

Before the actually rally started, there was a sizeable police presence. They were basically there to assist people in getting where they needed to go, and making sure people stayed off the trolly tracks.
Yeah stop posting them you faggot.

>having the canmra angle below the nigger
>not cuckography
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Getting ready for riots.jpg
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All the police before the rally were prepped with some riot gear, nothing serious, it was basically just these riot masks. But it would get a lot more serious as the Trump supporters were leaving the building.
No don't. Fuck off back to /p/...
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is this shit funny or am I too high again
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Inside Trump Rally.jpg
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>>having the canmra angle below the nigger
>>not cuckography

What are you talking about? Camera angle below who??

Inside the rally, it was pretty peaceful, everyonce in a while there would be a protester, but Secret Service would scoop them up immediately. These are the Trump supporters I was standing near during the rally
Pretty garbage 2bh.

>being a sonycuck
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Kid Waiting for Trump.jpg
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This is relevant to /pol/ though, it's a Trump rally

Just a picture of a kid enjoying the rally
please keep it up OP, this shit is interesting
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Trump Speaking BW.jpg
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Repeating /p/ memes, nice. You're so right, sony fucking sucks, which camera do you use again?

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At least there's one person!

These people were standing in front of me, I thought they didn't fit in, seeing as the women had short dyke haircuts. But I figured who cares, they probably just don't fit the mold. But of course half way into the rally, she rips her Trump shirt off, then PUNCHES a veteran in the head, but Secret Service picked her up in less than 5 seconds. I'm not even exagerating, they already could tell she was a protester and secret service was scattered through the crowd near people that were possible protesters. She got taken away, I don't think they got charged with anything, because some other protesters actually took their shirts off (they were women) and I saw them outside of the even smiling. I'll post a picture of them later

Thank you OP, I love all the pics of the guys in riot gear. FUCKING BAD ASS.
D810 and X-T1 :-) Also, try not to reach for greyscale if you suck at the zone system.
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Compton Protester.jpg
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The protesters outside had grown to be more violent, more agitated, and certainly louder. The sun also came out, which was good for some more colorful photos
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The "black power" pic.

Why is the picture taken beneath him? Are you some fucking kike?

Hardly. It's just some attention whore tripfag who needs to fuck off.
Are they supposed to be Crips or something?
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Proud American.jpg
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>Sensor made by sony
>Sony makes sensors for Fuji

Keep at it fucking gear faggot

>muh zone system!!!
Fuck off
One of the biggest things I noticed was that not a single protester carried a US flag, it was all Mexican flags, or anti-fascism flags. This is quite upsetting considering these people are the same ones burning US flags and yelling racist at all the Patriots. These protesters were some of the worst individuals I've seen in my life
>I cant into color so I have to make everything black and white despite knowing nothing about controlling tones

Kill yourself and smash your camera.
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Trump Supporter Assaulted.jpg
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He was standing on a rail on top of a curb. We're the same heigh, but he was standing on objects that made him two feet taller than I was. Who cares? I'm not out there pushing an agenda, I was documenting what was going on

I assume so? Kinda stupid too because he was wearing a compton beanie, and his friend was wearing a chargers jacket. Not the same city

I witnessed a protester smash their skateboard over a Trump supporters head twice as the police were escourting him away from the angry crowds. I didn't get a good picture, it was out of focus because I couldn't see them over the massive crowd. But I did get a shot of some blood that came from another Trump supporter getting assaulted
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Respectful protesters.jpg
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Pretty hateful coming from a guy that uses re-badged sony products, keep at it, maybe some day you'll actually post a photo on here

This is the level or respect we are dealing with here. Not a great photo, but notice the planter these people absolutely destroyed. They did thousands of dollars of damage to just the plants in the area, obviously they don't give a shit. I tried to stay as neutral as possible, I think showing this is important though
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Riot Police Less Lethal.jpg
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Near where the police were guarding the convention center, the protesters started assaulting the police, full on punching them, because a protester was getting arrested. I'm not sure what initiated the arrest, but this was the aftermath of the police getting hit by the peaceful protesters.
At least I have lenses to use on my Sony ;-) Maybe I will, but they won't be embarrassing garbage like this.
good work op keep em coming, don't listen to these faggots.

We will need these photographs as a historical record as to why the purges were necessary.
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This is who we're up against.
Thanks, OP. It's especially neat that you have blurbs for each one.
They have no shot to survive the day of the rope
I have lenses too. If you noticed on the exif on /p/ I was using a 24-70 f 2.8 for all of the stuff this day. Ive got a 400, 85, 50, and macro for my camera, the only lens I want that I don't have is a 70-200. I'll get that eventually.

Let's see one of your photos then. I won't be harsh on it, let's just see your limitless photography skills with your awesome cameras and all your lenses

This was taken as I was getting out of the event. As I mentioned before, the police presence had grown significantly since I had entered
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Police Blocking Protesters.jpg
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No problem! Yeah, it's nice to have a little bit of info accompanying each photo to give it some context

This photo was taken as another protester was getting arrested. The crowd was getting heated and started throwing things at the officers, mostly just bottles and stuff. The guy that got arrested was hauled away very quickly.
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Don't forget this one. She got kicked out of the rally for ripping her shirt off. Didn't mean to do this when I took the photo but it said "troll" behind her head
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I couldn't stop laughing. Bunch of limp wristed sissies.

It's always the flat checked ugly stoners.
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More police.jpg
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This is just another police officer that I saw outside of the event. They were pretty helpful in general, and were assisting everyone, letting them know where to go and which areas to stay within
Lol this was so close to me. Im surprised im not in this shot
They really don't get enough credit for having to put up with this shit.
Your pictures are actually really fucking great. Wouldn't be out of place in TIME back in the day- solid journalistic photos that really capture a moment and can present it to the public.
Did you see those 4 people get kicked out? There were two lesbian looking people, a fat mexican guy dressed in a maroon shirt and some old white guy.

I did end up seeing some people from /pol/ there, they were wearing shirts with that "Awoooovement thing on it. I took a picture of them and talked to them for a bit

Here's another shot of the protesters in the "free speech zone", a designated area for them to protest in. Like I mentioned before, the protesters only had Mexican flags or Anti-Fascism flags, there was not a US flag to be seen, except for the few Trump supporters that would wander into that area
Is the one on the left a man or a woman, I literally can't fucking tell.
These are incredible, please don't be discouraged
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I'm going to assume boy.

Now try and figure this one out.
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Janitor Protest.jpg
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They were really handeling it well. And from what I saw on TV they put those protesters down fast when it was time for them to go. They did a good job without letting it turn into a full on riot

Thank you! I really appreciate the kind words. This was the first rally I've been too, I want to go to more if they're ever in the area

This group of protesters were more organized than any of the other groups there, however, their protest was a bit confusing for me. Rather than protesting a political figure, they were protesting something about janitors. I assume they were talking about wages with maids and janitor services, but their message was lost to me when I read the sign saying "Stop the Rape"
Great idea for a thread, cheers for the pics OP
Jesus you're fucking cancer. The guy is bringin legit content to the board and you're just the scum mucking it up.

Just gtfo already
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More Agitation.jpg
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Thanks! I've only got a few more. But I'll make sure I post them all, and answer any questions people have about the rallies

Here's one more of the pro-Trump protester that was there purely for the purpose of agitating protesters. He seemed like he knew what he was doing, because he had the words "holy" and "Bible" Written out in big block letters on his bible to play it up for the camera, and some had mentioned that he was also protesting up in the LA area, so he might be doing this professionally some how. In this photo, another photojournalist couldn't handle it and got into the protest herself.
I guess they're just used to it.
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Young Protesters.jpg
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There were three young black kids, who I can only assume were brothers, standing by themselves in the crowd of protesters. Each one of them had signs criticizing Trump in some way.
kek, hijabs, a Mexican flag, a handful of spics, an Asian, and a degenerate feminist with a Mexican flag draped over her shoulder. This is gold.
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Angry Protester.jpg
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This guy was upset because a Trump supporter bumped into him. This was during an interview he was giving to KTLA or something. He was certainly more upset than I would've imagined about a guy bumping into him
Ever been assaulted yourself while attending these rallies?
I assume you're pro trump yourself. Do you wear clothing or a badge to show your, for lack of a better word, allegiance or do you try look as neutral as possible to move through undisturbed.
Do skeletons technically have a sex?

I'd go with female on this one, but I wouldn't want to.
What an ugly kid. Looks like a fucking monkey.
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Trump Supporter Getting Coverage.jpg
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Yeah, the protesters there certainly wouldn't be found on /pol/. You couldn't even imagine the stupidity of the statements I heard while walking around there. I just kept to myself though and kept snapping photos

Another photo of the bald guy making inflammatory statements. There were a lot of angry protesters surrounding him, and I suspect he was a professional protester of some sort, he seemed to know exactly what he was doing and was trying to agitate people. Notice the other photographer, not staying neutral to the event. You can't be a journalist while you're screaming your head off at the protesters
Do you support Trump or are you just a unbiased and non political photographer?
>making excuses

Ty for sharing op
Solid gold op, thanks for posting.
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More of this guy.jpg
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This was my first protest, and yes, hardcore Trump supporter. And honestly it was a little bit eye opening because the protesters, while being the only violent people there, weren't just going around attacking people. They were attacking people that were kind of attracting attention to themselves. The one guy that I saw get cracked over the head with a skateboard was wearing a confederate flag as a cape. While I'm all for the confederate flag, he knew what he was doing. Ironically a black police officer had to save him from the angry crowd, while the crowd started yelling at the officer for being an uncle tom. They were incredibly hateful.

I feel like one of the things that helped keep this from turning into a riot was the police keeping the people separated. The line to get into the event was far away from where the rioters were, and when we exited the event, we walked out a different way to avoid confrontation. SDPD did a really great job keeping the peace
I took more photos of this guy. He was doing a lot of good posing and posturing which I thought looked good on camera, and in the morning, there really wasn't a lot of action going on
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Good shit, OP

For once, you're not a fag.
do we have video of this guy /pol/?
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Who gave the homeless nigger an expensive camera?


Good stuff OP, you've got a good eye. Keep it up
Thanks for answering and again thanks for the pics. I particularly like the black and white ones of the police, if you have anymore I'd love to save some
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>They were incredibly hateful.

It's in the leftist's nature.
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Trump Supporter.jpg
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I'm a Trump supporter, but I wanted to stay neutral for this event. I've worked as photographer for a while, so I can put my beliefs aside for a little bit.

This is probably my last photo, I might post a few random photos. This was a Trump supporter entering the rally. He was getting interviewed by an unlabeled crew. I thought his outfit was interesting so snapped a photo

Invading the free speech zone to suppress a black kids right to free speech. Trump supporter alright.
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>I'm a Trump supporter, but I wanted to stay neutral for this event. I've worked as photographer for a while, so I can put my beliefs aside for a little bit.

Good professional.
I found one on youtube, not my video, but this is him, you might be able to hear some of the things he's saying

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Thanks for posting Foto Grapher.

All saved for my wallpapers, and political folder bro.
I was there. Very few protesters, photos cropped to make it appear if it was a large crowd. Mostly a few hooligans acting out and scores of photogs rushing in to get that iconic image that will make them famous.

Really quite pathetic desu.
Didn't you say you took a pic of a guy with Awoovment gear or something? Could you post that one
What's up with blondes and Trump? Is this entire race about hair?
>entering the free speech zone to express himself freely via speech
That bald Christian guy that always pisses people off...he is amusing in other contexts, but he's not doing Trump supporters any favors by being there and acting out..
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Yeah, i'll post it, but I'm not going to post their faces, I promised them I wouldn't. I asked to take their picture and they were totally cool with it. So after I took the picture I asked where that character was from (just curious if they had seen it anywhere else)

They laughed and said "well it's going to sound kinda weird, but it's on 4chan"

And I asked if they got it from the trump generals on /pol/ and they laughed and said yeah. So we talked at the back of the rally for like 5 minutes. They were nice
whats ftfy
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>They laughed and said "well it's going to sound kinda weird, but it's on 4chan"
Fuck off reddit
I agree, I felt the same way. But at the end of the day, you don't see videos of him saying those things. All his speaking does is upset the crowd there and ends up getting them so upset they get violent, and that's what you end up seeing, violent protesters. That's why I was mentioning earlier, it was interesting to see it in person, because while starting violence isn't okay, it's kind of egged on by certain people. if there is ever a trump rally in the future where you live, I'd highly recommend going, it's a lot of fun
Damn fine looking Trump supporters
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Memes coming alive. Still waiting for someone with this qt on a shirt.
Actually, the black kid left the safe space set aside just for the protesters, went down the street to where this guy was, and started getting in his face.

The "free speech zones" are actually kind of the opposite of free speech. It's more of an echo chamber zone. You're only allowed to say the same thing as the protesters there.

The zone set up for the trump supporters was 100% empty, they didn't need a safe space to talk, they were in the streets
Why don't you have photos of trump supporters being assaulted?
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Back to ribbit

nice thread Op. Much appreciated. Ignore the faggots... the board is infested with shills and retards at the moment.
Very much so. There were a lot of good looking trump supporters, the men were alphas, the women were great looking. My friend told me about his friend who was actually a protester there. The protester did take note of how many hot trump supporters there were, and was even so impressed that he texted my friend to tell him.

Even the protesters recognized the trump supporters are good looking
fuggin saved
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Confederate flag Supporter.jpg
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I was in the rally when a lot of it happened. I only got the blood spot on the ground, and I have one or two shitty pictures of trump supporters getting hit. I'll post them, but just keep in mind, I don't consider them good photos. I'm just showing you.

This one is actually pretty good. Just overlooked it. I'll show you one more picture of this guy in a second. he's the one that got hit in the head with a skateboard

Why is it ALWAYS "peaceful" Berniefags doing this shit? You don't see even Hillary supporters attacking and intimidating Trump voters.

>/pol/ dates hambeasts kek
They were good people, and they were out there supporting our candidate.

Like I said this photo is really shitty. I missed the focus because I couldn't see where they were. But you can see the skate board there. This is after the second time the protester hit the Trump supporter in the head with it
That guy is at comic con every year preaching about abortions and Jesus
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Because winners are attracted to prosperous ideologies while losers are attracted to ones that bring everyone down.

>Why is it ALWAYS "peaceful" Berniefags doing this shit?

Because they're literal communists.
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one more got hit.jpg
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Yeah, makes sense. Just like how the attractive women are modern feminists

Then here's one more photo. I ran over to the fight as soon as I could, but missed the action. I mentioned in one of the earlier posts there was a guy that got upset about a Trump supporter bumping into his sign or something. This is what happened. He got beat up for it.
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>Just like how the attractive women are modern feminists

There's two kinds of "feminism". One is 3rd wave feminism (SJW/man hating/PC) and then there's "I don't think women should wear bee keeper suits and be raped every day in Islam" feminism.
I agree, that's why I said modern feminism. Modern feminism is a pointless exercise in social justice. They don't even fight for equality any more
At least you tried to get a photo of it unlike any other photographer. I swear if I didn't visit /pol/ I'd never know a majority of the violence at these events is initiated and caused by anti trumps. The state of integrity in journalism is awful
Good shots OP! Saved quite a few. Thanks for posting
Agreed. A lot of people don't know what goes on at these rallies. This was a tame one compared to some of the other ones.

It seriously takes a full on riot like chicago for these people to see.
Fuck off dude. He has some good pics.
He was just trying to be an ass. Honestly probably a shill of some sort. I can't understand why he'd try to derail this thread
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Great shots fampai

How'd you get inside the rally with your camera?

I wanted to bring my dslr but they said no cameras with detachable lenses (they also don't even check tickets either but w/e)

What kinda rig do you have anyway?
I have a sony a7r and a sony a6300, the 6300 just had a stock lens on it, the a7r had a 24-70 2.8, which is pretty big.

I saw that you couldn't bring cameras with detachable lenses into the event, and I was even warned a few times by security that I probably wouldn't be able to get in with my camera, but I figured I'd try any ways. Worst case, I'd just go back outside and take more pictures of the protesters. But when I got to the metal detector, they just turned the camera on to make sure it was a real functioning lens. The guy told me they make hollowed out lenses to carry guns, and they just need to make sure the lenses are real. So they let me in. A lot of people were confused about how I got the camera in there. I didn't see a single camera in there besides mine. Just give it a go if you ever make it to a rally again!
I went to the rally in Poughkeepsie and waited like 4 hours on line so I could be at the front, I was afraid if I had brought my camera I would've gotten fucked over and they would've either told me to leave it at the door or gtfo

I wanted to take pics of the riot police when I went to the Long Island rally too, but I didn't bring my camera there either
Yeah I totally understand. I got inside the event 30 minutes before trump spoke, so I was like 200 feet away. People were lining up at like 4am for the event that was going to start at 2pm, I wasn't about to wait in line for 10 hours. I still got an okay view. I'd definitely recommend bringing your camera to the next event for sure
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Hopefully he hits up Long Island again in the general, all of his rallies in NY were upstate (understandable, the security costs and shutting down city blocks is expensive as fuck)

Got a pretty cool shot with my phone atleast
Very nice. I wish I had been that close!

I'm hoping he will be on a busy general schedule too. I'd like to go to another rally. But mainly to just take photos of the protesters. The absurdity of how they act makes for great photos
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