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Have you ever betrayed yourself?

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Thread replies: 302
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>be me
>be racist, fascist, nationalist - true right winger
>at college party
>mostly moderates/left wingers
>political debates starts
>one guy is obviously redpilled
>dislikes Muslims, critical of allowing too many refugees in, etc.
>he's vastly outnumbered by the left wingers in the debate
>he looks for support among the crowd
>we get eye contact
>he sees the flame in my eyes and shows relief because he thinks he has found support
>i say "dude what you're saying is inappropriate, we need to help these people, you shouldn't act racist like this"
>the guy is obviously devastated as the leftist lunge at him leaving him REKt in pieces
>I managed to avoid showing my true self to all my college classmates

Should I be ashamed /pol/?
Yes, yes you should. You are a true beta cuck.
As a Leaf, I can safely and objectively say, even WE aren't as big of cucked faggot as you.
Get fucked beta coward.
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Cowardice like this disgusts me. Commit great bodily harm against yourself, OP
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You betrayed a comrade, yes.
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All you could've said was

>he's completely right

And left it at that. Or not said anything at all. What the fuck were you doing?

Then again debating in public is stupid. Debating at parties is doubly stupid. And going to parties at all is stupid as shit by itself.
dont feel ashamed liberals cant be reasoned wtih saying this stuff out loud doesnt help anything at all.
Truthfully, your views SHOULD be shunned and considered socially unacceptable. Nationalism, fascism, racism.. All completely terrible in my view. You are the problem with humanity.
You're a retarded beta phaggot.

I tell you what. There's nothing women like more than men who stick up for their views and ideas. The leftist men you saw at that party are all beta orbiters trying to look for sex.
Gr8 b8 m8
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You don't have to publicly be a nazi, but you aren't part of the (final) solution then you're part of the problem.

a fucking decent leaf
Du er fucking spild af plads og det er folk som dig der dræber vores land. Tag og begå selvmord. Vi har ikke brug for socialister, men vi har endnu mindre brug for folk som dig.
It's okay OP

Just use regret as a lesson and next time you're in a similar situation do not hesitate or you may as well join the left.
Shameful display
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>selling out your own to not appear "racist"
>Scandinavian flag

Not surprised, yet still disgusted.
You disgust me.
It would've been alright if you just shut up and stayed neutral in all of this OP. But you went and attacked the guy directly when you weren't even called out or anything.

You're a fucking bitch and a cuck.
Skide være med dig mand, du skal hjælpe en nationalistisk kammerat, når du ser en!
You are a disgrace, Dane. But at least you have enough brains to realize what you did was wrong.Take this scorn we give you, and grown a fucking spine next time.
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>be at typical ultra lefty university taking shitty elective
>professor goes on the typical leftists verbal diarrhea about how Cuba is the envy of the world and how the evil Yankees are why it's in a poor condition and how the bourgeois are evil oppressors
>tfw my parents came from Cuba to the states as children escaping political persecution from the communists
>tfw I know all the commies tricks from listening to my grandparents
>tfw being to much of a pussy to say anything at the time
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>at party
>get into political discussion
>mfw people think this is appropriate
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You shouldn't have done that man
That was absolute betrayal
I'm not asking you to have gone fuckin 1488 on them but you could at least have tried to defend him by a bit by appearing to be a rationalist who wants to look at the situation from both sides

The eternal swede was right all along. Fucking danskjävel.
How can you hide such a thing? I couldn't be dishonest like you with my own opinions.
Literally anyone that knows me knows about my racism or at least doubt about it
good b8 m8, almost fallen for it.
Kill yourself you piece of shit
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What the fuck's wrong with you, you weak cuck?
yea commie tricks are amazing. but at least we who knows have good bullshit meter
>collectivist socialist
>true right winger
haha no
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obviously Bate
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when do you guys actually sleep?
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Kill yourself coward.
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you should kill yourself
a true always stands with his beliefs, just don't discuss in a manner that typical atheist/vegan would do.
thanks for the lulz guys

glad to see my baits are still top notch

also made some threads about my mom dating a muslim man the other day

you took that as well

you guys just want to get pissed, huh?
lol. XD
this makes you even more of a faggot.

"I'm gonna go to the webz and tell shit so people rage. My ancestors would be proud if they saw me."
>be racist
>Implying this is socially acceptable, except among those private members who share those views

Many of us would not post on here if conservations on here weren't anonymous.
Currently happening right now, I don't know what to do

>typical /pol/ack
>at my work being a wageslave
>new chick started last week
>African but pretty cute I admit
>now I really REALLY don't fucking like Niggers and Africans of any stripe because I have to live near some Sudanese """refugees""" + half my family had to come here during the 90s from [spoiler] South Africa/Rhodesia[/spoiler]
>when she was being inducted and shown in my Area she kept looking and smiling at me, which I just tried to ignore
>see her again a few times briefly, same thing
>one day comes into my Area looking for some Items
>Asks my name, talking really friendly bordering on flirty, touching me on the sholder and asking about stuff here
>try to act as straight faced and blunt as possible
>happens a few more times
>finally says that because she's new around here I might like to show her around some night
>agree while that voice in the back of my head is telling me I'm a massive fucking retard and thristy
guys... what the fuck do I do... I really don't like nigs and I would never betray my values and linage but... tfw no gf... I thought I didn't need it... I thought 2D was good enough for me...but.... its too strong I fear...
Just remember that she has 5 brothers who will hate you
Backstabbing people are worse than being a leftist, you should be ashamed danebro
>that filename
Top kek
Spineless. You lack resolve and conviction. Your brothers and sisters suffer because of your betrayal. You will be executed by the imperial guard at dawn.








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Yeah. This is happening right now.
>typical /pol/ack
>not bad looking
>have had a few girlfriends here and there, but they all dump me for the same reasons, basically just saying that I'm not involved enough or emotionally invested
>actually agree with them, just never felt invested in their shit
>despite wanting romance, I just can't fucking do it, all the women I meet are so fucking boring
>end up only really interested in sex, but when it comes down to it, I just feel like it's not even worth it
>have trouble getting it up
>at uni, some guy is getting picked on
>annoyed that my girlfriend just dumped me, I decide to take it out on the guys picking on the nerdy kid
>I go over there and tell them to get lost etc. they back down immediately
>fuck, that was boring
>nerdy guy is super nice and thankful
>eh whatever
>we start talking
>he's actually pretty cool
>i start looking out for him at school
>we become close friends
>neither of us really like drinking, but I get invited out by a few class "friends" though I really don't want to go
>decide to ask nerdy friend to come with me
>neither of us like drinking
>we get drunk and leave early
>he lives in his own private dorm which is close by, so we go back there to sleep it off
>ends up with us making out
>only time I've ever actually liked someone and felt emotionally invested
>hate myself in the morning
>avoid him like the plague
>he finally catches up to me and gets me in private
>he's crying
>fuck, i fucked up bad
>we get back together
>feels good for the first time ever
>he told me he loves me
>only makes me feel even better
>can't help feel like I've betrayed /pol/
I'm sorry.
You already know the answer, you pussied out and you feel bad about yourself now, that's why you're even posting about it here
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This can't be real
It's 100% real. I'm sorry, anon. I failed all of you.
Homosexuality =/= Faggotry, anon
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You made out with a dude
just ignore her and dont go out with her. If you do something youll regret it for the rest of your life and youll probably become suicidal.
>Should I be ashamed /pol/?
Not only should you feel ashamed, you should end yourself.

People like you are worse then the leftist themselves.
Just find a bitch to settle down with and make white children and fuck him on the side. Christ, people like you are why fags have a bad name.
I'd like to believe that, but they do kinda mean the same thing.

That was a week ago, we've done more than that. If it makes you feel better, I'm the top.
Put your dick in her
I betray myself on a weekly basis but thats some extra ordinary ballshit
did you masturbe while you wrote this
I've done worse OP
I'm currently dating a tranny, who is moderately redpilled and we share a burning hatred of niggers and kikes. I love her too much to ever break up with her, unless she pulls some serious shit.

But I'll never reproduce. Maybe I can adopt a white kid some day.
>I'm a true right winger
>Yet define myself by leftist words
Find what makes you happy and hold on to it.
You gotta pray the gay away straya.

Kek thats funny

Wow you are literal Judas
Lol so who is going to be bottom?
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>be op
>betray based alpha male
>/pol/ did i betray him???
>pol calls him a cuck
>i-its j-just a bait g-guys
>ha i s-sure got y-you xD
You turbo faggot you.
so 'never trust a dane, or feel the pain' is a real thing, good to know

You should be.

Your behaviour is the reason everyone who shares your thoughts thinks they're alone, and nobody speaks out.
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Fucking lynch your self you filthy kike
>germanic people everyone
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>forcing myself to fuck some random bitch
Sorry, anon. Not going to happen.

I haven't masturbated in months, Jamal.

Thanks, anon.

I tried. No, really. I did.

He is. He's much smaller than me, pretty effeminate. He likes me being top.

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>Walking to class
>School girl with clipboard in my path
>"Hi sir, would you like to complete this survey for us, it will only take a minute"
>All the questions are about the gender wage gap, and leading questions at that, like "are you aware the gender wage gap exists" and "would you be willing to give up some of your pay to fix the wage gap"
>Answer "not sure" to most of the questions and don't say anything because I don't want to reveal my power level to a 16 year old girl
She works hard and takes care of herself, that's far more than I can expect of most any female
>right wing

When will this meme die?
>He likes me being top.


Does he have a nice butt?
Well OP was baiting but I'll share some non-cuck stories.

>Catholic Red-pill Trump supporter
>Studying in lefty-liberal Bernie town
>Every weekend some how with random people at parties, or neighbors anywhere end up in political speak
>Always talk my mind, kick ass in 90% of conversations
>Those that I lack knowledge of or can't debate, I gracefully concede
>Been turning neighbor leaning on fence to the red-pill side
>One day talking to people, homosexuals come up
>Some gal hears this and asks my views on homosexuals
>I ask if she means the people or the act
>Then go on to say that I strongly disapprove of it
>She calls me an idiot and gets all pissy, then goes off to her room
>Everyone in room agrees with me on gays for varying reasoning and get mad about how I was treated unfairly for answering honestly.
>On the fence neighbor asks if that happens to me often and if it bothers me
>I say it does but I'm used to it at this point and I won't be cucked about my stances

I feel I have won him over at this point. I've also brought a lot of other people over to Trump. Made several chicks hate kebabs. And gave my mum an anxiety attack when showing her whats happening in Europe with the refugee crisis. She has since taken back her stance on refugees.
Daily reminder that /lgbt/ is shilling this gay shit throughout all the boards.
He would still have been outnumbered even if you were to join in.
I try to stay out of political discussions because pretty much everybody here is bluepilled as fuck.
Should have just told her to do some independent research and to ask her teachers if they get paid the same as their male co-workers
Shut the fuck up all, he handled it really good. Politics is not to be discussed in public, he shan't tell his correct political standpoint in front of gullible sheep.
The fact you didn't go all the way and gave him false hope makes you even worse. Apologize to that nigga now
Really? How hard is it to say it doesn't exist and walk away?
Nice, well done man!
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Yeah, I have. And yeah, it's pretty nice as far as butts go.

I tried to go to /lgbt/ once during a /pol/ raid a few months ago. Couldn't do it. It's pretty fucking terrible.
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>aussie flag

Should I even be surprised by now?
it's just not worth it anymore to discuss anything political outside of 4chan.
It's like trying to talk with brainwashed fucks sometimes.
I mean, 4chan is full of brainwashed fucks too

you just got to learn how to sift the shit out
Give her the snag m8
OMG you're a fucking cuck. I have ever show my rightwing political ideology since I'm 15. Even in college with my jewish history and english teacher.
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What's right wing?
Don't be hard on yourself, you need to pick your fights.

But insinuating that he's racist for being suspicious of muslim immigration was going a bit far to be honest. Learn from this and try to do better next time.
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In high school once, I was a little edge lord who gave no shits about school, always made the effort for group projects because I didnt want to bring others down.
>debating Hitler's policies
>I was placed on the debating team that needed to defend his policies
>placed with blue pilled boring ass nerds
>tell them ill do it all, they dont care about history had a math test to study for
>put about 10 minutes of effort into it
>my whole argument was ''how was hitler's policies (toward minorities so jews, gays, diasbaled etc from 1933-39 different to other countries around the world.''
>nerds seem to agree and kinda like it
>debate comes around
>I start off
>say my sentence and wait for a rebuttal
>teacher is impressed I came up with that
>other team is fucking in shock and didnt expect that
>they just spout their shit about hurr hitler made jews do this, this and this
>was international school, so people from all over the placee were there
>my turn to rebuttle
>point at each person in the class and say
>your country was treating minorities the same as hitler was, before hitler's rule, during hitler's rule and after hitler's rule
>they are all fucking gobsmacked
>they give a piss poor rebuttle
>nerds rebuttle
>other team and rest of class start ripping into the nerds everytime they speak
>stand up and tell them all to shut up
>some bitch stands up and tries to hit me
>grab her hand
>say ''what the fuck bitch, calm down none of our team even want to do this, just because youre wrong, fuck''
>white knight time
>one goes to punch me
>hit his legs out with a chair
>teacher stops it
>class cancelled, punishment follows
>next class, my team is declared winners
>''haha fuck yea, hitler did nothing wrong''
>bitch that tried to hit me leaves the room crying
>white knight tries to console her
>I end up fucking her (she was hot as fuck)
>get all cuddly and shit in history with her
>cucked white knight, fucked a hottie, got an A, it was a good year
All the time, far-right people get beaten up and ostracized to the point of losing their job, their friends and their extended families.

Its dangerous to be open about these opinions while the left can literally be anarco communists, wear shirts with their psychopathic heroes, have clubhouses and be free from government interference.
The most monitored groups on the internet are the far-right and IS, let that sink in.
I only talk about my beliefs under pseudonyms and social websites that properly hide my identity.

I always downplay everything about politics, even to my girlfriend who knows how I feel but doesnt ask much about it.
My dad used to do the Roman salute with his friends and openly discussed these things a decade ago, but now hes ostracized into silence and just avoifs political discussions.
top kek. post your butthole or this whole story was bullshit

lol i bet youre not even gay you straight faggot
I don't understand why people call NSDAP far right when they're socialists and many of the policies that the government that weren't hitler enacted were quite liberal and far left, but just focused on the german people and separating races. I don't get it.
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Und Niemals erlahmen; und Niemals ermüden; und Niemals verzagen; und Niemals verzweifeln.
where in Aus?
here are your options
>fuck her on the beach
>go nude swimming
>JAWS scene plays out

>fuck her near a river/ lake
>go nude swimming
>croc takes her out

>fuck in some random bushes
>run around nude
>let the coons take her

> political discussions at parties

Pretty sad senpai

Only times I ever bothered with those, if there was some loud amerishit pretending he's a boss nigga. After swiftly raping him with redpills about US foreign policy, I usually just go on like nothing happened.
tell me about your silver products
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>be little kid
>literally have a harem
>girls in my neighborhood follow me around wherever I go
>they fight over who gets to be my wife
>play outside with them all day
>every day is a fun day
>eventually we get older and start school
>things start out ok
>we make time to hang out with each other after school every day
>life is great
>as we get older, we start to meet new people at school
>all of us slowly become absorbed into new social groups
>no more hanging out with each other
>years pass, this gets worse
>now at the point where we ignore each other completely
>high school
>girl 1 has become the town slut
>fucks every member of the school football team and brags about it
>she gets free scholarship to top state university because her brother went there before her
>girl 2 was busted for drugs on school property, went behind the school to smoke weed and cigs
>expelled from school, then she moved away
>girl 3 has become short haired dyke that wears a lot of makeup (she's not fat at least)
>now is in new york at some hipster scam school
>girl 4 was busted for hardcore drugs
>went to rehab, and then mental ward because she tried to suicide
>now I see her occasionally and she looks dead inside, we still don't talk
>girl 5 busted for drugs by parents
>her parents discovered that she was selling drugs, planning to sell sex acts from her fucking twitter account
>parents basically keep her from leaving home for a year (pretty sure she got beaten too)
>saw her recently, and she is back to her old ways again, parents don't give a shit anymore
>in a lesser college than girl 1, but with good GPA (she transferred because it was too hard)
>never been in trouble or done drugs, alcohol, or smoked
I could have saved them /pol/, but I didn't
>didnt even fuck them
>hiding your power level
Literally cuck
What a fucking cuck. You deserve to be nignoged to death
You just stole a minute of my life with this fantasized bullshit
Why didn't you show yourself? You were afraid to lose something? In that case, losing your country is always worse
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i know this feel
>little qt has a crush on me starting in grade school
>really good friend of mine, never do anything with her
>high school comes around
>we go to different schools
>still talk to her, still really into me
>she has kinda fucked up family
>tell her ill take her to prom since shes never been
>hook up with her for the first time
>my prom group says no one wants her there since shes an outsider
>get bullied into taking someone else
>tell her im not taking her
>break her heart, she says i used her to get some
>falls off the deep end after that
>gets addicted to heroin, gets knocked up by her drug dealer
>now a hooker

i hate myself. i was that one shining ray in her life and i snuffed it out
>I don't want to reveal my power level to a 16 year old girl
Jesus, you're a cuck. That's the first thing you want to do. They're 16, their minds are still vulnerable.
>sex before marriage
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You are fucking mentally sick. Disgusting cock sucker.

Is this the plot to Forrest Gump 2?
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Truly the most disgusting thing I've read in a while.
You deserve to be gassed.
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I've been here long enough that I can't tell if this is a joke or serious anymore
Du er fucking pinlig. Flyt til Sverige, spasser
You are fucking spineless faggot just like your nazi idols.
>hurr i wunt show muh powah level durr
You are weak, pathetic. You didn't help someone in need, you even joined opressors. The funniest thing is people like you constantly talk about race war and but if it would happen will be first to run away like a bitch.
Kill yourself.
good... pure concentrated evil....
What the fuck you bitch. I never had any problems expressing my own beliefs and concern amongst others, even if they disagreed. You let yourself be silenced by a bunch of woman and nerds
You are no man.
Rekt. OP just end your life now.
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>That was a week ago, we've done more than that. If it makes you feel better, I'm the top.
So are you going to greentext or not?
Don't do it you aussie faggot.

Since I betrayed myself and was betrayed I never trust anyone, even myself.

My response in this situation is telling that I am in the center of the political spectrum, and remind everyone that they hold polarizing opinions.
Abandoning your ideals for the sake of your social life and wrongfully shaming someone with ideals similar to yours are the most degenerate things to do.
Wow, why didn't you just not say anything? Pussy.
I fucked like two Argie lefties. (Camporistas)
You are a cuck.
Based leaf is based.
Even i as a Swedecuck can say that you are more of a cuck than the average Swede how does it feel?
Sorry, I went out for dinner. So late reply.
I can if you really want to, but I doubt the majority of /pol/ would like that.
>Should I be ashamed /pol/?

I've shown glimpses of my powerlevel at university before.
You just have to learn to manage your power output.

You are literally peter denying you know Jesus
This is why things don't change. If you loved your ideals you would say what you think, not what the world wants you to think

You are the worst faggot
When white men fuck diffeermt race it is not beong traitor. You are being conqueror. Do what feels right conan
careful with that edge son
>I can if you really want to, but I doubt the majority of /pol/ would like that.
Do it.

I want to see all the dank reaction images.
I've always been able to say what I want politically. Usually people take it as a funny joke and laugh, after a while they joke about it too, then we talk seriously.
Fuck off nigger.
Whitening a black bitch is ok. It's not like you can't father lots of kids.
It's the women who have limits
Today in things that never happened
makes me want to vomit more than an aborigine
>and then I wrote a meme on 4chan
>and then I went to school the next day were my autism dreamed up more bullshit
Uhh.. lets see, I guess I'll go with first time. It's really not that interesting
>few days after we got together seriously
>I live in my own place, so I invited him over
>his place is private, but still has campus rules and shit, so i had him over instead
>i live with roommates but they were out all week
>I made him dinner. he's nerdy as fuck, and likes anime, so I decided to make him some japanese
>after that we watched some shitty movie, though we were mostly just talking about random crap while cuddling
>we started kissing and I started feeling him up
>I've never been with another dude so I'm pretty inexperienced
>surprisingly he was also a virgin
>we went back into my room
>I played with his butt
>it was pretty awkward, but not bad
>he told me to stick it in, but it was his first time so it hurt
>ended up just jacking each other off
Felt awkward.
You acted like a true National socialist, anon. Hitler would be proud
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> And then I woke up, keyboard wet with the tears of fruitless dreams.
>be me
>be practical and reasonable man
>at some debate thing in university
>mostly liberal left leaning youths
>political debates starts
>one guy is obviously redpilled
>dislikes gypsies, muslims, critical of allowing minorities to not pay taxes, etc
>he's vastly outnumbered by the left wingers in the debate
>he looks for support among the crowd
>we get eye contact
>he sees the flame in my eyes and shows relief because he thinks he has found support
>i say support him, outline why, further explain with an anecdote, finish with a joke
>the guy is nodding all along, agrees, further tries to explain
>the crowd's attention shifts to me
>i get verbally smacked into the ground with ad hominem and strawmen
>arbiter shifts the conversation in another direction
>every time me or that original speaker say something we are shut down with insults and strawmen
>we introduce each other when the thing ends, go to the cafe-bar near uni to talk
>someone speaks up that we are racist fucks and we shouldn't be given a table
>want no trouble, walk out
>guy says he has to go, gives me his email
>i forget it or he said it wrong, or i heard it wrong, dunno, but i cant get in touch
>he doesn't show up for debates again, never meet him again
>next debate i get smacked down again for bringing up universal standards as opposition with everyone's subjective opinion mattering always

ahahaha :D
Gas yourself.
Fucking faggot. Why would you care about what anyone but your closest friends and relatives think about you?

Typical beta behaviour.
I have a asian gf. So I'm a race traitor at all.
But you should consider one too: They are neat. White women look like shit, because asians are the real housewifes.
You fucking piece of shit.


Have pride in your ideas. Even when outnumbered
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>doesn't understand the meaning and principle of "kin" anymore
>cucked sweden
I hope you die in a fire

God damn it, Denmark, what the fuck is wrong with you...

I don't give a fuck if you're my kin or not, if you are a lefty fucking faggot then you need to be thrown out of a fucking helicopter. Why would I care about what you have to say just because we share the same ethnicity? Fuck off, that's beta cuckery at its worst.
Higher educated people anywhere in the world are mostly liberal, especially those in the humanities.
It makes sense for a philosopher or sociologist to turn left.
Best post Leaf post
You're disgusting
Yes. You are a coward. The worst consequences for you could have been that some leftist morons dislike you.
I had this a million times and nothing happened.
You could at least have said nothing. Or express your viewpoit more moderate like i do in such an environment.
But this shit is unaccepable.
Why do Muslims get to be nationalist, facist, and racist?

Pitcher or catcher?
>letting pol get in the way of your happiness
seriously, a true man keeps to his own morals and principals, and he keeps them to himself

only a degenerate male needs group approval for his actions
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Misread your post. Am at wörk.
Leftist faggots are traitors and don't belong to our kin anymore.
kill yourself you fucking kike
I became physically angry while reading that.

Kill yourself. People like you are more harm to your homeland than help.
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>at bar with work pals
>roughly 20 people altogether
>all college kids
>new girl who had already fucked 3 guys in the group prances up with four of her friends
>not knowing this at the time, I politely sip at my drink while they chatterbox around me
>I think this conversation began by introducing me to her friends but they're yapping so quickly I don't think I caught any of their names
>somewhere in the mix I hear an increasing wave of nuspeak
>detect that it's coming from arguably one of the cuter girls in the group
>though to be fair her hair looks like a box of crayons committed seppuku while inescapably entangled in the dead, overbleached lump that passes for a bun on her head
>suddenly she has the floor, and goes full patriarchy smash for about 2 minutes while we all stare blankly at her.
>at one point she stops talking and looks expectantly at me
>I stare at her, dull-eyed and bored, taking a long, long sip from a now empty cup that had been entirely full only a few minutes ago.
>she takes this as permission to launch into another tirade while her friends start to lose faith in their stronk womyn friend
>she pauses again
>"uh huh"
>workplace slut grabs my elbow
>pulls me into bar and buys me a drink
>apologizes profusely for her friend the whole time
>"Yeah, thanks for the drink"
>walk away
>don't see her for the rest of the night
>as I leave see her group berating the SJW menace for scaring off potential dick all night
>catch her eye as I leave
>reveal the shit-eating grin of the century
>mouth "My privilege" while triumphantly fingering my chest on the sidewalk
>she can't say anything under the barrage of hair-related insults and demands for dick reparations
Felt good to be me for once.
>Should I be ashamed /pol/?

Yes. You're pathetic.
Holy fucking shit Denmark

My dubs show that Denmark is cucked>>75541222 get
>fuck her in your shower
>centipede comes from under the toilet and bites her with poison
>run out and shut the door
>find her bones getting eaten by abos the next day
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>imagine white woman with right mindset in your near future.
>finds out you fucked a nig.
>is disgusted and leaves you forever
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>he told me to stick it in, but it was his first time so it hurt
>ended up just jacking each other off
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Yes, overlord.
Are trannies like Blaire White considered degenerate?

I'm revoking your right to call yourself a man. Go chop off your penis you fucking cuck.
Based Estonian.
This is why I want Estonia to be part of Scandinavia.
And the Karlmar Union vol.2.
I get that a lot.

I already mentioned it. Pitcher.

I'm not. Feels good, man.

Been said.
You coward.
jesus fucking christ, is this board just full of homosexuals?

You know what, /pol/. Fuck you. Fuck all of you, you're nothing but spineless fucking cocksuckers.
Racewar now? You would drop to your knees and suck black dick, is what you would. To hell with this place, I'm out.
... fuckers talking about preserving the white race, and now this. Fuck you, cancerous piece a shit.
You're a faggot.

I've been in college discussions and it is totally possible to put forward your views about migration in a way that doesn't make you a social pariah, a way that will only make extreme leftists butthurt but will leave most normal people feeling ok about things.

You're a total faggot.
You could have easily pointed out for example how in only 3 months of 2015 17700 Albanians mixed among the migrants and attempted to sneak into Germany and Western Europe posing as refugees, despite there being a idolatry no civil war in their country whatsoever.
Only the most diehard leftists would get butthurt over a criticism of this.

The only time I would totally deny beliefs would be for something extremely racist like how I dislike black people
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Well at least you're no different from your heroes
You have to BLEACH her.

African girls love white cock. They want the best seed available for their children, and they realize that only Caucasian Conqueror Cocks (CCC) can give it to them. You don't have to marry her, in fact you should raise a white family with a white wife. But BLEACHING African wombs is your duty as a white man.
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No! Don't leave me alone with the faggots!?
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>white woman has the power to leave a white man
And then? Will she go to a nigger? Good riddance. She can't do shit. White men own this world and we can do whatever we want. If white women don't like it, then they can go to Africa and die of AIDS.

Women don't have power. Only white men have power, and we decided to give it to others like the good-natured people we are. But we are now seeing that others are inferior, useless trash who destroy our hard earned society. It's time to take back control, and NOBODY will be able to stop us.

The white tiger is the rarest, but the strongest of all.
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Well, faggots belong in the gas chamber, but we can use them beforehand. Give them a gun and tell them a handsome Aryan male awaits him when he kills 100 niggers.

Be pragmatic you autist.
>wahhhh /pol/ is full of faggots because one fag shares his fag story
>wahhhh you're all gay you will suck black dicks
>wahhhh my world view is destroyed
relax, we will make the white race great again

You had a chance to make the world a little better of a place, and instead you made it a worse place. Fuck you man. Your bro needed you.
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"Once you go black we don't want you back."

This principle applies to both sexes.
If this isn't bait you are a fucking cuckold.

You complete retard, you are a chicken-hearted faggot that deserves nothing but scorn and punches.

It would have been million times better if you kept your trap shut or even feigned sharp pains to the chest, just to buy the poor guy some time to end the conversation swiftly.

I fucking hate cowards
And here I thought it was going to turn into gay sex. You disappoint me.
That... is pretty fucking hilarious. Got more?
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>yes goy, racemix!
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Daaamn leaf bringin the heat
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>1 post by this ID
Oy vey
Jeg fucking brækker mig over at vi er i samme land, du er værre end shitskins.
I started whiteknighting for a fucking fat girl who was complaining something about beauty standards and then this flaming faggot told her straight that she's not getting a boyfriend because she's fat and she needs to lose weight. The reason I did was because she was friend of girl I liked back then. Didn't gain anything except guilt and a fucking faggot laughing at me for being a beta cuck.
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You've learned your lesson, Dimitri?
Shameful display.
>political debates at pary
NO jude just no
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>being afraid to say something in Denmark of all places
Do it you faggot. If a girl is cute she's cute. I was like you before, but now i'm full on jungle fever. You said she's a cute black girl as well which are extremely rare and what keeps my fever burning.
That's pretty fucking disgusting. I may be a fag, but I'll never be as much of a faggot as you.
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>tfw my childhood crush is fullblown tumblrina
>got cucked by an arab
>tfw still want her despite it all
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I hate being at parties with normies and having to agree with stupid shit the girls say just to get in their pants I really am selling myself out.
I once fucked a black girl and let me say it wasn't as fun as ghetto gaggerd would have you believe
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what the hell man?

no dignity.
Mah leaf
>Should I be ashamed /pol/?

No, anon, of course not!
You should put a bullet in your fucking head, you worthless coward. You're just as bad as a liberal.
I know it has something to do with camera birdslut but there are too many doujins of her, and I'm getting no results on reverse image search.
Shit, first time I'm agreeing with a Leaf
Fuck you. You're a traitor to the cause.

Plus, it's not like you really have anything to fear. Most of my friends and acquaintances know about my ideology (admittedly less extreme than yours though, I'm not racist or fascist, just extremely nationalistic). No one ever treats me differently, except for the inevitable banter. The real reason you're getting ostracized is not because you're a right-winger, it's probably because you're an autist.
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Also, I may be a faggot centrist (and I might have even defended the guy if I agreed with him) but Come on, OP...
Now, Don't be depressed and such but do learn from this.
What you think is right and what you should do next is completely up to you but remember this may not have been a high-point of your life.
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This. Well said Brazilbro.

Kill yourself immediately OP. It's the only way to make up for what you've done.
Kill yourself.
>be me
>be racist
>be sexist
>be "literally worse than Hitler" according to people around
>dating a middle eastern girl
>she's pretty based and redpilled and supports me desu
kill your self
jeez you really need to get a life
you didnt reveal your power level, but you could atleast have done a "he has a point" or something
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G.e hentai girlfriend 3
>birdslut she's pure
Fucking trash.
>mfw this was me a year ago, except hidden power level
>exgf was a middle eastern christian
>she had to celebrate christmas in secret
>lived in a muslim majority country
White supremacist like you are trashier than niggers, even monkeys have spines.

are you sure you're not from sweden mate?
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>>be "literally worse than Hitler" according to people around
Do you want to be my new best friend?
At least be moderately right-wing (eg no stupid race war when tier shit) and help your bro out. Pretending completely to impress some bitch is faggotry.
Why you piece of afraid shit
Goddamn it, Denmark. This is why we're getting our asses kicked by the commies.
solidarity is important as is learning to phrase your ideas in a way which won't get immediately shut down by leftist ideologues
As long as you don't get a shitskin child its fine
the vaginal jew is a vile temptress

kek doesn't forget, Henrik
did you at least get any pussy or did you go full whiteknight?
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Yes. Kill yourself.

Help you spiritual bros, if no one speak against the scum, the things will only get worse

This. A true beta
I just have to watch my power level especially when i get drunk. The closest I came was someone was talking about women and sex and i said "that's all they are really good for" one girl said oh my god and it got kind of quiet.
Fucking this, fucking anarcho commies can hold their gathering while right wing parties automatically get branded as Nazi's.
40 years ago groups like the anarcho commies would have been thrown in prison.
Socially you did the right thing. These PC nutjobs have a thought policing blanket on society right now, and they'll use it to smother any people that do not protect violent retarded/religious brown people.
It is hard to accept but these girls are the way to continue. White women are already spoilt.
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You aren't a true right-winger you fucking faggot. You're just a pussy liberal who's trying to be edgy. A real right wing man would stand up for his beliefs and understandings of reality, regardless of social backlash.
You don't have to marry her just pump her a few times then dump

The eternal snapphane strikes again.

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Damn it man, stick up for what you believe in!
No. No shame in that. I'm proud of you.

You keep doing that you will end up like us. You can be a multicultural paradise like sweden is.
You should have acted as a swede, start blowing every commie in the room and they forget about your nazi friend. Sweden saves the day once again!
>dropping your principles to get some pussy
Lowlife scum.

I don't initiate discussion like this but when it happens i'm not afraid to reveal my power level. Who gives a fuck?
fuck..you'll never be as brave as this guy. He stood his ground in front of many people, while you didn't even have the balls to follow him
I lost my mind once and was acted on temptation with my friend's wife.
It was my birthday and she came onto me. I was newly single after several years of a sexless relationship and I didn't say no when I should have.

It was the most degenerate thing I've ever done. I regret and atone for it every single day.

It's been 7 years. I betrayed my morality and ultimately paid a huge price. I lost my friend after I manned up and told him. I lost all friends we were connected to and had to start from scratch.

I've since dedicated my life to honing my conscience and treating people with the utmost respect and "doing the right thing"
No one is going to call this shit out?
>wants to fuck a woman literally from africa
>expects not to get aids
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What a dirty fucking whore. I would have slapped her around a bit for cheating on my mate.
Good job, friend. Act like a true Swede to create a true paradise of rape and rock trowings like Sweden.

Fucking coward.
Went to my gf's birthday party dinner at her place with a few friends. Some lefty cucks were there but there was one other bro to back me up.

I can be heavily outnumbered but as long as there is ONE other person it's very easy.
Thank you based anon.
you destroyed the whole story. here is your (You) you cheeky cunt
She was a succubus
She knew exactly what she was doing and said everything I wanted to hear

It really broke my friend when I told him. I felt awful but he had to know.

They're still together as far as I know. She's a dangerous woman that will do whatever she can to get whatever her degenerate mind craves. She ruined friendships and hurt people.

If she was mine she'd be put in her place.
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It's hard for men to turn down sex, it's only natural that we'd go along with it. She's the real slut for being married and then coming onto her husbands friend.
Never done it myself, but I've had friends cuck me out of my own political opinions. As an aside:
>childhood friend
>always hanging out
>I always ended up with 1-2 girlfriends
>he didnt
>get to 10
>suddenly every female isn't interested
>manage to pick up a female sometime towards 15
>everything going great and then she goes cold
>still hanging out with childhood friend.
>he's doing great sexually
>highschool ends
>enter dating scene
>no luck in university
>no luck for the following 26 years
>friend has a wife and 3 kids
>found out 2 years ago that my friend has been sabotaging every single relationship I've tried to have since we were 10
>no longer capable of getting females anymore
Life is suffering.
>want only white children
>fall in love with a black qt
>we're gonna get married soon

kek who gives a fuck. Still free to hate Islam (she does too) and refugees and she doesn't even mind that I like Trump
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A pussy is a pussy, nomather the race
This is why the west will fall
Yes, you massive fucking pussy. There are ways to talk about these things without sounding like an autistic. Hiding your power level is the ultimate shirk of responsibility. SJWs aren't the reason our countries are going to shit--they're only a small percentage of the population. People like you are the major reason.
>be moralist traditionalist guy
>bask in degenerate parties and drugs every single week
>thoughts of cheating gf

For the most part I follow my principles, but I can't deny that I'm a hypocrite.
yeah I knew it

most bait describes a plausible scenario that at least one or two of the the tiny-dick-in-hand lurkers here have probably experienced firsthand

genuises like OP is basically just their voice since they can't get their hand off their limp little dick to post
I never understood this, do you actually feel impressed with yourself? Are you a child?

Ideological cuck
Jeez Britain is really not the same, can't even celebrate christmas anymore! Scary!
straight from Fort McMurray :^)
nice digits bro
You're a vile little man. You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself.
Just fuck her, dude.
Do it. I'm so mad I didn't fuck more nonwhites in my youth.

You won't have the option later without settling down and promising kids...
There clearly was no fire in your eyes since you did not have the urge to speak the truth. You should be ashamed for saying what you said, it would not have been as bad had you just walked away.
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The only acceptable parties are fancy dinner parties where the women outnumber men at least 3:1.

Those parties are nice, just make sure there is plenty of white wine on hand and everybody wins.
Kill yourself, no Canadian shit posting pride
Kill yourself you self deprecating faggot
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